Do-it-yourself electric oven. Electric kitchen oven

Autumn has arrived, friends, and the cold weather will soon begin. Winter, in my opinion, is the most beautiful time of the year, but financial expenses increase. Those who live in an apartment use central heating, and those who have their own own house or are they thinking about how to heat the house? Well these days there are many heating methods - gas, electric and old-fashioned method, which has been known since time immemorial - firewood. Of course, you can get firewood for free, but there are a lot of problems with it, cleaning pipes, smoke, and the like. Gas best option, but it also has a number of disadvantages, in particular cost, large dimensions gas stove and the danger of inhalation. The most rational option remains - heating electrical energy. This type of heating has only one drawback - it takes away all the moisture contained in the air, so the air becomes hard. But there is a solution to this, which we will talk about in our section.<ГОТОВИМСЯ К ЗИМЕ>. I decided to create a section specifically for craftsmen who will understand how much household cash expenses can be reduced if you use alternative energy, here it will be detailed description how to get free electric current using a variety of natural resources, in particular solar energy, wind energy, compressed air energy and so on. We will look at the design homemade wind generator, we will also build an air engine and convert the energy of compressed air into electrical energy, and also replace ordinary incandescent lamps with LED lamps that more efficient than lamps incandescence up to 10 times. The kit also includes a voltage converter, a control unit for all amenities, as well as an electric oven with a fan and much more. Probably many of you have at least once thought about the question of creating a completely autonomous and cozy home and so I decided to bring this idea to life.

In the previous article, we dealt with a homemade one, now let's talk about a blowing stove that consumes only 500 watts of power from the network, but as promised, we will not use network energy, but will power the electric stove from a converter, a detailed description of which we will consider in the next article.

For the electric stove, a spiral with a power of 500 watts was used - from an electric coffee maker. The motor uses a 3-watt motor from a record player made in the Soviet Union.

Fan from microwave oven. The frame is made of plastic and glued with silicone and epoxy resin. In an electric stove, everything is very simple - the motor and the coil are connected in parallel, the coil heats up, and the fan blows on the coil, as a result we get a powerful heat flow.

The spiral is installed or wound on any refractory material; I used clay holders. The stove has legs 5 centimeters long. In general, you can use a more powerful motor with a fan, as well as a powerful coil to obtain a more powerful heat flow. You will learn about the design of the converter and how and with what you can charge powerful batteries that can power an electric oven in our next articles, but for now, see you friends, especially for you - AKA.


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For those who have a dacha or country house, the prerogative to create a steam room for yourself and for guests is very tempting. Provided that there are no problems with voltage in the network and at the site, this can be done and thereby save money.

Pay attention! If you decide to buy a ready-made electric fireplace, choose it based on temperature regime, electricity consumption and heating power.

Why choose electrician?

Nowadays, it’s really easier to build an electric heater than to heat a stove with wood. Because this:

  • Clean - no ash on the floor near the firebox and ash pan; there is also no need to get your hands dirty to light the fireplace;
  • Quickly – start and heat up the oven, this process does not take much time;
  • Safe - the likelihood of getting burned is minimized. There is also no risk of gas leakage or explosion, and the likelihood of a fire is significantly reduced;
  • Conveniently - using modern panel control, setting any given parameters is not difficult;

What’s true is that you’ll only have to put up with high energy costs, so if you’re ready for them, let’s move on.

What is needed to manually assemble a stove?

We're going to create do-it-yourself electric sauna stove– it is necessary to select a thermal heating element (TEN). It is also worth deciding what type of oven will be, open or closed. Usually the second option is chosen more often, since the heating element in it can be installed in any position. In addition to the heater, you will need a screen and a busbar for the voltage wire.

Electric heater assembly

When starting to work with electricity, you need to familiarize yourself in detail with the construction and technical instructions, check the equipment and wear a protective suit. During assembly do-it-yourself electric sauna stoves be sure to maintain grounding, and also check the resistance when starting for the first time so that it falls within the range of 3-5 ohms.

What the body is made of and what size it should be is up to you to decide, based on the volume of the room that needs to be heated. Sheet steel is usually chosen; the heater can be made with an open lattice or closed. Installation of equipment from pre-purchased or welded elements occurs as follows:

  • First, the number of heating elements is determined based on the cubic capacity of the bathhouse;
  • The heating elements are connected to each other using a system of jumpers;
  • From sheet steel a heat shield is being installed;
  • The heater is welded and laid out.

Advice: it is better to choose river stones; flat ones are finished form sold in construction stores.

  • The frame is assembled from metal sheets. The electric oven can also be lined with bricks.
  • An electrical circuit is assembled in series and a control relay is installed. Rotary switches are usually chosen.

That's it, you can connect the oven to the network and after checking all the indicators, enjoy your new quick heating steam room.

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Electric sauna stoves are an opportunity to create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere for taking water procedures. This type heaters is not only reliable in operation, but also safe, as it eliminates the use of explosive gas or solid fuel, which releases harmful substances when burned.

Main characteristics of electric furnaces

Previously, people could not imagine a bath without a heater, crackling and the smell of burning wood in the stove. But now many people prefer a more convenient and functional electric heater. It is good not only because it takes up little space in the room, but also because it does not require constant intervention to maintain the air temperature in the room.

An electric sauna stove is a device that converts electricity into heat. Located inside the case heating element, lined with bath stones. During operation, the heating element heats up to the desired temperature and warms up the stones, which then release heat into the room. This type of heater is called “electric heater”.

Its main elements are:

  • heater body;
  • heating elements;
  • bath stones.

Previously, electric furnaces were produced for Finnish sauna. They heated the air in the steam room well, making it very dry. Therefore, lovers of a real Russian bath did not like electric sauna stoves at all.

Now on sale you can find models of electric heaters that are equipped with a steam generator. They allow you to make the air in the steam room moist, like in a Russian bath.

Electric furnace design

An important indicator is the number of bath stones in the stove. The power of the unit and permissible voltage online. For example, electric kilns with a large volume of stones that can be watered consume a lot of electricity, so they will need a voltage of 380 volts. But simple small-sized stoves can operate at a network voltage of 220 volts.

In addition, the type of heating element is considered an important indicator:

  1. Tape.
  2. Tubular.
  3. Combined.

Tape heating elements are environmentally friendly, quickly heat the room, and also perfectly withstand repeated thermal loads. But tubular heaters do not last long and consume more electricity during operation. The most expensive are combined heating elements, combining the two previous types.

When deciding to install an electric heater in a bathhouse, you need to weigh all the pros and cons. After all, like any other device, electric sauna or bathhouse stoves have their advantages and disadvantages. The positive points include:

  • rapid heating of the room;
  • space saving;
  • maintaining room temperature for a long time;
  • ease of maintenance of the device;
  • eliminates discharge carbon dioxide, as this happens when a wood stove is operating;
  • safety during operation, compared to gas boilers;
  • simplification of heater installation;
  • does not require fuel reserves for the unit to operate;
  • eliminates overheating of the device due to automation.

But the main disadvantage of such heaters is their high cost. This applies not only to the purchase of a stove, but also to maintenance, since electricity consumption is considered the most expensive method of heating.

Criteria for choosing electric furnaces

There is a huge selection of various models of electric heaters on the electrical goods market. But how to choose an electric oven among such a variety? What indicators should be taken into account when purchasing equipment? The main selection criteria are:

  • type of heating element;
  • type of electric furnace body;
  • size of the electric heater (depending on the mass of the stones);
  • unit control method;
  • product design.

Among the heating elements, experts distinguish combined type. It warms up the room as quickly as possible, but it costs a lot of money. Therefore, if you choose a good, but not too expensive heating element, choose the tape type.

Electric furnaces come in open and closed type.

Depending on the volume of the steam room, electric furnaces are selected. For this, a special calculation of the heater power is made: per 1 cubic meter. A meter of steam room volume requires 1 kW of electricity. Having calculated this, find out the maximum possible voltage (220 V or 380 V) to prevent a short circuit.

Electric furnaces are divided into three groups based on the volume of stones:

  • from 20 to 40 kg (for small rooms, designed for 4–5 people);
  • from 60 to 120 kg (serves large rooms for 8–10 people);
  • more than 200 kg (large heaters for commercial purposes).

The adjustment method depends on the presence or absence of a remote control remote control. Models with a remote control and built-in heater housing are available for sale. Choice in in this case is individual for everyone.

Electric ovens come in two types: wall-mounted and floor-mounted.

At the same time, they are performed in different styles, exactly the same as wood stoves. The body can be metal or trimmed with stone. As they say, “any whim for your money.” Can be ordered corner models, a stove for installation in the middle of the room or other options. The facing stone will give the product not only elegance, but also durability: an inlay of soapstone or soapstone protects the body from thermal shocks, as well as hard IR rays.

Highlight the indicators that are important to you good heater. Calculate electricity consumption, and also decide on the installation location of the unit. After all, an electric oven is not a cheap pleasure.

How to make a bath unit yourself

To build an electric furnace with your own hands, you need to decide what type of heater is needed - closed or open. Main elements homemade unit there will be a housing, tubular heaters and a grid in which the bath stones will be placed. For a closed type oven, in addition to the heating element, you also need a heat tap and a conductive busbar. And for products open type use nichrome wire, which is laid in the form of a spiral in a ceramic stand.

If the oven is quite large, you will need three-phase network(380 V), and for small heaters a single-phase (220 V) is sufficient. If the case is made of metal, then take care of grounding in advance. And when connecting for the first time, measure the resistance, the norm of which is no more than 5 ohms.

To make an electric oven with your own hands, follow the instructions.

  1. Having decided on the main nuances, proceed to calculating the dimensions of the future furnace according to the required power and heating area.
  2. Calculate required quantity heating elements, based on the power of the unit.
  3. Do graphic image future design.
  4. Attach the heating elements to the frame and connect them with jumpers.
  5. Take a 3mm thick steel sheet and weld or bolt it together.
  6. Place bath stones tightly in the spaces between the heating elements.
  7. Install a protective casing using a steel sheet or build brick wall, which will perform a protective function.
  8. By parallel and serial connection connect the heater to the network using a thermostat or remote control. It is thanks to the regulator that it will be possible to control the heating of the stones in the oven.
  9. Check if the oven performs all the specified functions.

Check the safety of operation of your homemade product.

The stoves are too large, so they take up a lot of space in the steam room. In addition, the owners need to take care of fuel reserves and maintaining the air temperature in the room, which is not entirely convenient during vacation. And the cost of the finished heater is quite high. Therefore, to save money, you can do heating equipment with my own hands.

Installation of an electric furnace in a bathhouse

The unit must be installed in accordance with all SNIP requirements. This document regulates the rules for installing electric furnaces, taking into account fire safety. The main criteria according to the requirements of SNIP are the following:

  • the units can be installed either in the center of the room or near the exit from the room;
  • mandatory organization supply ventilation by making a hole in the area of ​​the heater;
  • the electric furnace is installed on a metal sheet or other coating that is classified as non-combustible material;
  • When installing an electric furnace, it is important to take into account the distance between the heater and the wall, which should be at least half a meter.

After studying all fire safety requirements, proceed directly to installing the stove. To do this, prepare a supply of copper power cables in advance. At the next stage, wash the stones and place them in the required quantity in the oven.

Connecting an electric furnace without bath stones will cause the heating elements to burn out.

Ventilation needs to be addressed separately. To do this, make a hole near the electric oven at a distance of 5–10 cm from the floor. It will serve as an air inlet. An exhaust hood is made on the opposite side of the wall, and ventilation is installed on the same wall in the highest possible place in the opposite corner from the inflow.

An important point is to install the control panel, which will be located in a room where there are no high temperatures. The power of the shield must correspond to the power of the electric furnace. To avoid heating the walls or contact with wires, all wiring is installed in a special busbar made of fire-resistant material.

Electric furnaces do not require special attention during operation. They are quite easy to use. But the owners need to take care to comply with all fire safety and ventilation rules. Only in this case the organization electric heating will bring joy and comfort while relaxing in the steam room.

If you have a need to anneal metals, create ceramics, melt non-ferrous and including precious metals, you can build yourself such a simple furnace. Most of these stoves cost a lot of money; according to the author, in his region prices are in the region of $600-12,000 per stove. In our case, the oven cost only $120, not counting the temperature controller. This small oven can produce temperatures around 1100 o C.

The homemade product is easy to assemble, all the parts are not expensive, and they can also be quickly replaced if the stove malfunctions.

Some craftsmen manage to make in such ovens wedding rings, various talismans, brass knuckles and much more.

Materials and tools for homemade work:

- bolts and nuts (8x10, 1/4 inch);
- seven fire bricks(they need to be soft as you will need to cut grooves into them, dimensions are 4 1/2" x 9" x 2 1/2");
- corner for creating a frame;
- a square sheet of metal for the door (the author used aluminum);
- heating element (you can buy ready-made spirals for the oven, or wind your own from nichrome)
- heat-resistant contact screws for fastening the spiral;
- a piece of good cable (must withstand at least 10A).

From the tools:
- hand drill with a suitable attachment for cutting grooves in brick;
- wrench;
- pliers;
- hacksaw;
- drill;
- wire cutters and more.

The process of making a homemade stove:

Step one. Making grooves
First you need to decide how wide the spiral is; depending on this, the depth and width of future grooves in the bricks is determined. Next, you need to draw them on the brick with a pencil. The author’s grooves are shaped like the letter “U”; there are two grooves of this shape in total, that is, they are cut out on two bricks. On the brick that will be located at the back of the stove, you need to make two parallel grooves as in the photo. As a result, after assembling the furnace, the spiral will receive approximately a “U”-shape.

Step two. Installing the heating element
Before installing the heating element, you need to assemble the bricks, deciding on the size of the oven. Most likely, the bricks that go on the floor of the oven will have to be cut, since two such bricks will form too large a bottom. You can cut them with a grinder with a concrete disc, or even with a regular cutting disc.

Well, then you can install the spiral. Most likely, it first needs to be stretched to the desired length. If you wind the spiral yourself, then you need to calculate how long and thick the wire should be; there is a lot of information on the Internet for this.

Well, then you can lay the stove in the groove. To fix the spiral, the author uses metal brackets, for which holes will need to be made in the brick. Special attention You need to pay attention to connecting the spiral to the wire. Here special screws with ceramic washers must be used, and the screws must be longer. Otherwise, the wire insulation will either constantly burn and stink, or it will constantly burn due to high temperature.

Our people have learned to make such contacts from old car spark plugs when the ancient ones were used electric hotplates with an open spiral.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of material from which the spiral is made. The maximum temperature that the oven can produce will depend on this. The spiral must withstand high temperature loads. For such purposes, the author chose a NiCr type wire. Most of these wires are designed for temperatures of about 1340 o C. If you require higher temperatures, then you can choose other types of wire that are suitable for this.

Step three. Making the stove frame
To create a frame you will need a corner; you can use steel or aluminum. Four pieces of aluminum form the legs, and two more go to the bottom to support the weight of all the bricks. You can use not two corners, but four, to create the lower support. However, this is not necessary; in the end, the structure is still tightened with bolts and nuts, these bolts hold the bricks down.

At the top of the stove you will need to lay two or one and a half bricks, as well as at the bottom. Well, you can see in detail how everything is assembled in the photo.

Step four. Making a door
To create a door you will need a sheet of metal; the author used aluminum. First, you need to draw a square or quadrilateral on the sheet, depending on the size and shape of the door. Next, this square needs to be circled, retreating the necessary distance for attaching the refractory material. Well, then cut out pieces in the corners, as seen in the photo.

The car used Kaowool plate as a fireproof material. It needs to be cut to the size of the previously drawn square. Well, then the slab is laid on the sheet, and the remaining edges of the sheet are folded, thereby holding the slab.

That's all, now the door needs to be hingedly attached to the stove with screws and nuts by drilling a couple of holes. As insulating material You can also use other components. You can make a latch for the door, or you can not.

Step five. We supply electricity
To connect the spiral you need to use good wire with a thick core that can withstand at least 10A. Among other things, the oven is connected through a regulator, which will allow you to maintain the temperature in the desired state. You will also need a stove thermometer, which will help you more accurately monitor the temperature in the stove.

When giving preference to a heater stove, you need to choose the right place for it, and also think about its appearance. At this stage, it is recommended to identify the main advantages of such sauna stoves .

DIY electric heater

Modern electric ovens for saunas can be made in compact sizes, which allows them to fit into small saunas. Implement installation work Such heating equipment is possible without additional expensive materials. When building a heater, you shouldn’t think long time about how to arrange additional ventilation. In addition, modern electric heaters do not require a strategic supply of fuel to heat the room and heat the sauna. These ovens also do not require regular cleaning. That is why we can more clearly highlight the advantages of an electric heater:

  • compactness;
  • installation speed;
  • does not require ventilation;
  • do not require fuel;
  • do not need cleaning.

People who save energy often refuse such stoves. However, even with relatively high energy costs, electric sauna stoves are considered profitable and attractive in appearance. If you build an electric heater correctly, it will perform various functions that will make every vacationer comfortable in the sauna.

Do-it-yourself electric furnace, materials for creation

Many owners of future baths purchase an electric heater stove ready-made. However, in this case, a situation may occur when the power of the stove does not fit the dimensions of the sauna or vice versa. Ready-made electric heaters are not always produced in compact sizes. Alternatively, it is better to make such equipment with your own hands. Before starting to build an electric heater with your own hands, it is necessary to ensure the availability the right tools. Additional tools should be purchased necessary building materials, with which you can make an electric stove-heater.
From materials and tools to create electric oven can be distinguished:

  • sheet metal;
  • electric heating elements;
  • electrical wire;
  • rheostat;
  • electric welding;
  • temperature sensor;
  • grinder;
  • paint;
  • stones;
  • asbestos sheets.

When working with such materials and tools, do not forget about safety. Proper Use necessary tools will allow you to quickly make an electric stove stove and provide the sauna with warmth and comfort.

Electric furnace power

Planning furnace construction heaters with electric heating, you need to choose the right power. To do this, you need to calculate the volume of the steam room and purchase the required number of heating elements. For small wooden bath sufficient furnace power of 1 kW per 1 square meter. To build an electric heater for a brick sauna, you may need a less powerful stove. It will be enough to purchase heating elements with a capacity of 0.8 kW. A network voltage of 220 V can be considered a convenient connection. At this voltage, all heating elements for an electric heater stove must be connected in parallel.
On initial stage you need to take a metal sheet that will serve as the furnace body. In such a housing you need to correctly, and most importantly, evenly place the heating elements. It doesn’t matter at all how the heating elements are located. The placement of such heating elements can be vertical or horizontal. In the case of vertical placement of heating elements, they must be placed along the walls of the metal housing. When placing heating elements horizontally, you need to securely fasten them at the bottom of the housing. The second option is considered more suitable and can be built much faster. If heating elements are placed in the lower part of the body, then high thermal conductivity of the stone can be achieved, which will allow heating the entire room quickly enough.
When installing heating elements, you must be extremely careful about them. Between metal body and heating elements, a gasket made of sheet asbestos should be placed. This material It has an insignificant heat transfer coefficient, due to which the case does not heat up at all. Experts recommend over heating elements make a metal grate on which to lay bath stones. This grille can be made of reinforcement or thick wire. Due to the strength of such a lattice, a large number of stones can be placed on it.
It should be noted that it is better not to mount or weld anything in the upper part of the electric heater stove. It should be as open as possible. The beauty of this stove is that the stones are visible, but the heating elements are not. Quite often you can see a version of an electric heater with a special basket for stones. It is not at all necessary to specially order a container for stones. This can be any grill made with your own hands, in order to save cash. To give the grate an aesthetic appearance, it can be finished with forging, which will give the entire oven uniqueness and originality. You can choose leaves, curls, and flowers as forged elements. In this matter, it is important to correctly combine them. It doesn’t matter at all how many leaves there are on the basket with stones, the main thing is that they look beautiful. It is best to choose stones that are flat in shape, since they can be laid quite tightly, thereby increasing heat transfer.

Creating fences for the furnace

To stove-heater electric type was attractive appearance, it must be cleaned with fine-grained sandpaper. It is advisable to first treat the entire surface with acetone, which will allow it to be degreased. Then the body should be coated with a special primer. Only after the primer has dried should the stove be painted with heat-resistant paint, which will not peel or fade even when exposed to high temperatures. The stove must be placed at the installation site carefully, and it is advisable to install a fence around it. This must be done in order to prevent burns of varying degrees. Handrails for such a stove can be made of durable treated wood.

Connections for an electric heater stove

Before you start connecting the furnace, you need to choose the right one power cable. Such a cable must be powerful, since the power of the furnace itself is large. Thanks to the reliable insulation of the power cable, you don’t have to worry about safety. Oven connection must be done through a thermostat. If there will almost always be dry steam in the steam room, then you can install the thermostat directly in the steam room. It is more preferable to install a thermostat in the waiting room. The furnace body must be grounded. This will avoid short circuits and sudden fires in the steam room.
By building an electric heater in the sauna, you can steam at any time. Steaming not only cleanses the skin, but also allows you to relax after a working day.
