Infrared heated floors for laminate: reviews. How to choose and how to install infrared heated floors under laminate? Film heated floor under laminate Infrared floor heating under laminate

Laminate is a very popular type of flooring due to its characteristics, such as durability, aesthetics, convenience, and low cost. However, such a coating does not have the proper level of thermal insulation, that is, when laid on cold concrete without a layer of insulation, the laminated floor will acquire the same low temperature.

To make the coating warm to the touch, you can lay an IR floor under the laminate. We will tell you further in the material what it is and what is the method of its installation.

First of all, we note that installing a heated floor under a laminate is quite within the capabilities of an ordinary man, although it is necessary to take into account some nuances and recommendations.

What are the advantages of infrared floors

Laminated panels with their thermal conductivity are simply created for laying an additional heating system under them. The optimal solution V in this case there will be a warm floor - a film under the laminate. No other type of heating - water pipes, electric heating mats or cables - will be such a good option.

Infrared film for laminate has the following differences from other types of heating:

  1. Opportunity smooth adjustment temperature regime . Laminate is very sensitive to strong temperature fluctuations, so over time it can become deformed, begin to creak, and gaps may appear between the slats. In the case of water heating, its heating can only be controlled if it is autonomous and equipped with a thermostat. However, such a system also requires pouring an additional screed that raises the floor level, which is not always appropriate or feasible in the room.
  2. No need for additional screed. Infrared heated floors under laminate do not require additional screed. Here are other heated floors electric type, like heating mats or heating cables, are based on resistance principles and therefore require screeding. In addition, these types of heating heat the surface unevenly.

Warming up of the room occurs due to infrared heat waves with a length of 5-20 microns, which increase the temperature of the air and all objects in the room.

Advantages of film heated floors:

  • uniform heat distribution throughout the room;
  • heating efficiency and energy saving infrared systems heating - 30% higher compared to resistive warm floors;
  • the heating temperature of the film does not exceed 30-40 o C, which does not harm laminated panels;
  • the density of the elements emitting heat waves ensures uniform heating of the room;
  • quick start of heating the room;
  • ease of installation, dismantling and moving, as well as the durability of the heating system - reaches several decades;
  • does not dry out the air in the room, eliminates unpleasant odors, ionizes the air, promoting an antiallergic effect.

The only drawback of infrared heated floors under laminate is its high initial cost, which, however, pays off within a couple of years of use.

Operating principle of film infrared floor

The operation of infrared heated floors is based on film heaters. They are strips of carbon paste located at minimal intervals, soldered between two layers of polyester film. When voltage is applied to these rods, they begin to emit IR waves.

The carbon elements are connected to power via copper busbars with silver-plated contacts. In this case, all strips and individual sections of the film floor are connected in parallel, which eliminates the failure of the entire system in the event of a breakdown of one of the elements.

Infrared film heated floors for laminate are available in widths of 50 cm or 1 m, and the length of the rolls also varies. The choice of heating film sizes depends on the room parameters. If necessary, the film can be cut to length along special lines located every 25.7 cm. The film cannot be cut in any other places.

Infrared heating film is available with specific power of 150, 220 and 440 W/m2. These indicators are taken into account when calculating the load on the electrical network in the apartment before installing a heated floor system. As a rule, a film with a power of 150 W/m2 is used under the laminate, which can heat up to 40-45 o C, since higher heating is undesirable for this coating.

Thermal sensor and cable for temperature control, a set of terminals for connecting the film to the network, insulation and switching wires are supplied complete with heated floors. Thermostats are purchased separately and installed in each room, in places where they have easy access. The thermostat is connected to the electrical network, and the power cables for the film floor diverge from it.

Laying film heated floors under laminate

Before you begin installing an infrared heated floor under a laminate, you should draw up a diagram of the location of the heating elements and wiring in the room.

First, determine the mounting location of the temperature controller, to which all wiring cables will be connected. Outer part The cable connected directly to the thermostat can be routed through a corrugated tube and hidden in a groove in the thickness of the wall, or left outside, covered with a protective box.

The layout of the film elements must be marked on the diagram, taking into account all precautions and restrictions. It is important to take into account that the surface of the heating film has markings along which it can be cut.

You should not lay thermal film in places where furniture is located, because heating elements will overheat, waste excess energy, and may even fail. Not to mention the furniture itself, which may also suffer.

Adjacent pieces of film should be placed at a distance of 5 cm, avoiding their overlap or intersection.

As a rule, it is considered optimal to lay infrared heated floors under laminate in an area of ​​40-60% of the total area of ​​the room.

In another option, the “neutral” and “phase” cables are attached on opposite sides of the film to avoid their intersection. This method of connection requires care so as not to provoke short circuit.

The temperature sensor is placed approximately in the center of the laid film elements so that its cable is long enough to connect to the thermostat.

When all the nuances are taken into account in the diagram, you can proceed directly to laying the floor.

Preliminary preparation of the base

If you plan to install an infrared floor under a laminate on a concrete base, then it must be properly prepared - leveled, strengthened, primed and dust-free. Next they move on to preparing it for laying the film elements.

The screed is removed from dust, dirt and any microparticles using a vacuum cleaner.

In order to save electricity, a thermally insulating foil substrate is placed under the heating elements. The thickness of this layer is 2-3 mm.

The foil layer is laid with the metallized side facing out. This underlay is attached to the floor with double-sided tape, and the seams between the sheets are taped with adhesive tape.

The thickness of the substrate allows you to disguise all communication cables, terminals, and a temperature sensor in it so that they do not extend beyond the general level of the heated floor when laying laminated panels.

Laying heating film

According to the diagram prepared in advance, the heating film is cut and laid out over the area of ​​the room. When cutting the film and moving over it after installation, you should be careful not to damage the conductive and radiating segments. If this happens, the defective area should be removed.

Along the cut line, you should insulate all exposed contacts that are not needed to connect the film to the network. For these purposes, bitumen tape is supplied with the material.

The film pieces should be placed with the copper elements facing down. In this case, you can fix the position of the heating elements relative to each other and on the substrate using tape.

Clip-terminals are inserted into special gaps in the film, and the protruding parts are recessed into the thickness of the substrate. After this, the clips are crimped for subsequent connection of the heating element to the power cable.

Having laid out the cable according to the diagram, the ends are stripped and connected to the terminals, after which they are crimped.

When laying heating elements, it is important not to forget about the temperature sensor. It is placed under the thermal film, approximately in the center of the canvas so that its working element falls on the emitting dark stripe. The sensor can be secured with bitumen tape supplied with the film floor.

After connecting the wiring to the film floor, all cables with connection points are hidden in an insulating substrate, making cuts in it, and then secured with tape.

Electrical connection

When all installation work is completed, you can connect the system to the power supply and test run it to monitor its performance.

All power cables for floor heating elements are pulled to a thermostat pre-installed in the wall. In cases where individual sections of the heated floor are powered by separate cables, they should be connected using connectors; in particular, Wago terminals are well suited for these purposes.

Under no circumstances should you twist the wires of individual lines, as this will reduce the quality of switching and can lead to overheating and sparking of the wiring.

If you do not have sufficient theoretical knowledge to work with electrical equipment, it is better to consult a specialist. He will tell you what power the machine should be installed for a heated floor, and also advise on the liner power cable to the thermostat. However, it is prohibited to connect the infrared heated floor system to a regular outlet.

To protect the electrical network from overvoltage and ensure the safety of users, the heated floor is connected to the network through an RCD.

After completing all work on connecting the heated floor to the electrical network, it is carefully re-checked for correctness according to the diagram. After this, a test run of the heating system is performed. If everything works and no problems are found anywhere, you can proceed to laying the laminate.

A layer of waterproofing must be laid on top of the infrared film heated floor. This can be either dense polyethylene or a special backing for the laminate, supplied with it. The film is laid with an overlap of 15-20 cm between adjacent canvases, after which the seams are sealed with tape. This step will protect the heating elements in case of unexpected water contact with the laminate.

Further laying of the laminate is carried out according to the manufacturer’s instructions, taking into account the nuances characteristic of the installation of this coating.

When all the work is completed, you can set a temperature that is comfortable for you and enjoy your time in warmth and comfort.

One of modern methods floor insulation is infrared heating. This unique technology has its own distinctive characteristics and advantages over other types of heated floors.

Infrared floors are perfect for installation under laminate. Before purchasing them, you should understand all the features of floor insulation using this method and choose the best option for your room.

Pros and cons

Laminate is a multi-layer floor covering consisting of a wood base and paper impregnated with resins. Therefore, such a coating should not be heated too much. Another nuance is that laminate does not conduct heat well enough. It is recommended to choose warm floors taking these details into account.

Infrared floors are classified as electric heated floors. There are two technologies for floor heating with infrared radiation - using film and using cable.

Both types have their own characteristics. Overall, infrared radiation evenly warms the floor surface. During its operation, the air in the room does not become dry. The heating process is activated immediately after the system is turned on. Thanks to a special thermostat, you can maintain a comfortable temperature in your home.

Cable heated floors are more suitable for laying under tiles. The advantage of this flooring is that it does not heat up the furniture and is suitable for wet rooms. However, to install it, you need to make a screed on the floors. In case of breakdowns, in order to repair the floor, you will need to dismantle the floor. The cable system has high price and high energy consumption.

Infrared film has its advantages. It can be laid under light floor coverings such as laminate, carpet, linoleum. Its installation is convenient and does not take much time. It works without noise or vibration.

Infrared film is a canvas coated plastic film on both sides. Heaters are placed inside it; their composition can be carbon or metal. This film emits long-wave infrared rays. You can use both basic and additional system heating.

The positive and negative aspects in the use of film technology.


  • Installation does not require laying a cement screed on the floor;
  • Thin material the film does not increase the thickness of the floor;
  • With proper installation and rational use, it saves energy, the efficiency is more than 75%;
  • Has a reasonable price;
  • It is possible to heat certain places or rooms;
  • Infrared rays heat the flooring, then the heat spreads to the furniture. There will be no drafts or dust from them;

  • Not afraid low temperatures. Can be installed at the dacha and turned off for a while;
  • Begins to emit heat immediately after connecting to the network;
  • Can be installed in various rooms and rooms - it can be private house, cottage, apartment, office, garage and others;
  • Quick installation from one to several days. You can install and connect the entire system yourself;
  • Provides uniform heating of the room. Heat does not escape to the ceiling, which helps save energy. The floors are always warm;
  • Reliability. High-quality samples have a ten-year guarantee and rarely break. But the thermostat and temperature sensor will have to be replaced during this time;
  • When moving, you can quickly disassemble and reinstall in a new location.


  • Required for installation smooth surfaces;
  • Heats furniture close to the floor;
  • It should not be chosen as the main source of heat, as there will be high energy consumption;
  • Will not function if the power supply is turned off.

A detailed study of the characteristics of the film floor, accurate calculation of the area and competent planning of the heating zone, correct installation and use is a guarantee of the durability of infrared floors.


The structure of the infrared floor includes the following components:

  • The film contains elements that conduct electric current - these are strips of copper and silver. They act as conductors of current to the heating elements;
  • The insulating material acts as a waterproofing and insulation material, reflecting heat to the top. There are insulation materials made from cork, isolon, penofol, liquid composites, and expanded polystyrene;
  • The thermostat controls all activities of the infrared floor, optimizes depending on the mode;
  • The temperature sensor serves as a fuse against overheating and transmits temperature data to the thermostat;
  • Fastenings: bitumen insulators, tape, PVC film and others.

Technical capabilities:

  • film thickness – within 0.2-0.4 mm, width from 50 to 100 cm;
  • infrared heater power – 220 W/m2;
  • wavelength from 5 to 20 micrometers;
  • energy consumption, on average, 35 W per square meter;
  • power supply – 220-230V with a frequency of 50Hz;
  • warming up from 5 minutes;
  • ions with a negative charge are released;
  • minimal electromagnetic radiation.

Operating principle

As noted above, a heated floor system includes a thermostat, a temperature sensor for the floor, and heaters. The thermostat is mounted on the wall, usually next to the outlets. Electricity is supplied to it. After connecting to the network, the heating process begins. Electric current is fed into the device and passes through the heating elements. In heating elements it turns into thermal energy. From the emitter it transfers to double-sided film. The film begins to spread thermal waves. The floor surface is heated, then all objects in the room are heated. The thermostat helps set the required temperature using data from the temperature sensor.

You determine the operating mode yourself. You can turn on the floor heating only when necessary or leave it on all day long.


You should understand and compare films for heated floors. So, according to the level of heating they are divided:

  • Low temperature samples are heated to 25-30C, ideal for laying under laminate and similar coatings. Suitable as an element of additional or local heating;
  • High temperature models - heat up to 50-55C, they can be used as the main source of heating and laid under expanded clay and tiles. Suitable for saunas.

According to the heating element, they are distinguished:

  • Carbon The heater is a carbon paste with additives. The film is based on lavsan; it has good elasticity and strength. Such films can be installed on both vertical and horizontal surfaces. There are two types of carbon films: striped and continuous coated. In the first option, the paste is applied in the form of strips, their widths are different, the strips form blocks, and they have a parallel connection. With continuous spraying, the paste is applied to the entire surface of the film. It also has a block structure.
  • Metal heater made of aluminum and copper. At the base there is a double film of polyurethane. This type of film is not recommended to be laid under tiles and heated above 26-27C. There is no way to connect the ground wire.

In terms of energy consumption, when choosing a film, you need to take into account the area of ​​application and the material.

Which laminate is suitable?

Laminate flooring has good thermal insulation and its thickness can also vary. Therefore, not all types of laminate are compatible with an infrared heating system.

When choosing a laminate, it is worth considering the following factors:

  • Marking. Manufacturers mark with a special icon the material suitable for infrared heating. The maximum heating temperature and the recommended underfloor heating system are prescribed.
  • Laminate class determines its wear resistance and strength. Laminate class 32-33 is perfect for warm film floors.

  • Insulation characteristics determine the thermal resistance coefficient of the laminate. High ratio means high resistance. For infrared floors, samples with low indicators for this parameter, with small thickness and density are suitable. If the laminate is dense, then the underfloor heating system will spend more energy to warm it up, and the heat will flow more slowly;
  • Type of lamella connection. The connection method can be glued or locking. You should prefer a locking one, which, in turn, can have driven and snap locks;
  • Heating temperature material and the amount of formaldehyde. The maximum threshold is 27 C.

The underlay compensates for floor roughness. It also should not have a high thermal insulation coefficient. Optimal thickness- from one to three millimeters.

There are different opinions about whether vinyl laminate is suitable for infrared flooring. Roughly speaking, this coating is a mixture of laminate and linoleum, made from polyvinyl chloride. It itself is very warm and without a heating system. It can be used for different rooms. Vinyl laminate is resistant to moisture, you can lay it in a sauna, bathhouse, or bathtub.

In general, vinyl flooring does not require additional heating. But if you decide to insulate such floors, then an infrared film system will come in handy.

Choose models with a locking connection, and not with an adhesive base. The maximum heating temperature of the vinyl covering should not be higher than 40 C. It should not be placed in the room carpets and place furniture close to the floor.

How to choose?

If the choice fell on infrared floors as the source of the main heating, it is necessary to cover 70-75% of the area of ​​the room or space with them. If you prefer it as an additional source of heat, then by 40%. It all depends on the climate in your area of ​​residence. In regions with a predominance of cold temperatures, infrared floors will not be able to provide full heating as the main source. Therefore, determine the area to be covered in advance, before purchasing films.

For the home, a canvas with a width of 50-60 cm is often chosen. For other rooms, be it an office or a sauna, wider samples are used.

It is better to equip an oblong room with two strips with a separate connection. The permissible length for each strip must be indicated on the material packaging.

Very important a heated floor is being installed. For the kitchen area, toilet, and bathroom, you should choose a laminate flooring treated with moisture-resistant substances.

Pay attention to quality certificates, warranty period, how safe the material is, what it is made of, and where it is recommended to be used.

If you want to save time and effort, then there is an alternative option - buying a ready-made combined product - laminate with films. This product has three layers. Heating elements are placed between the substrate and the laminate. The entire structure is laid at the same time. The system is completely ready for installation; you just need to connect the wires between the heaters and snap the locks.

Where to put it?

As mentioned above, film heated floors can be installed in all rooms: kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, toilet, bathhouse, sauna, office, garage and others. If you plan to move, then dismantling the floors will not be difficult; they can be reused. But it is worth remembering that it is not placed under massive furniture without legs, under cabinets, walls and others.

In addition, films can be installed both on the floor and on the wall, on inclined surfaces. IN agriculture it is used to insulate sheds, greenhouses, and incubators.

Infrared film can be placed not only indoors, but also on loggias and balconies. Building regulations do not allow the conclusion central heating to these areas. Warm floors for the balcony do not need to be installed. You can create comfort and warmth on the balcony just by laying out thermal insulation and covering it with a rug.

When the warm season comes, you simply turn off the system.

Installation rules

The technology for laying the films we are considering has its own characteristics. If you decide to install the underfloor heating system yourself, first read the installation instructions.

Some important rules, which should not be forgotten:

  • The total length of the strips is determined using a pre-made diagram. Estimate the area and make a plan for the placement of heating elements, contacts and sensors. Then measure the length of the film strips. It is worth remembering about the furniture under which you will not place infrared material. The gap between the walls and the film should be from 0.2 m;
  • You cannot install a heated floor system near stoves and fireplaces. It is better to lay the film in a dry and heated room. Try not to bend the material;

Flooring made from laminated panels is rapidly gaining popularity among homeowners. It is beautifully practical, its prices are affordable even for families with not too high income levels. A reliable, almost indistinguishable imitation of natural wood brings additional notes of comfort and coziness to the interior of the room. However, before the natural warmth of wood composite materials still very far away. No problem - there is effective solution A similar problem is a film heated floor under a laminate.

Of all the types of heated floors, it is infrared film that will be optimal in these conditions - it is as if it was specially created for installation under a laminated coating. If you add the comparative simplicity of its installation, then there is no doubt - feel free to choose this option.

Infrared heated floor - operating principle and main advantages

So, what is an infrared film floor, and why is it optimal for laminate flooring?

Majority existing systems heating systems are based on the principle of direct heat exchange. For example, the familiar batteries transfer thermal energy to the air, which, through the process of natural or forced convention, distributes it throughout the room. In this case, infrared thermal radiation is minimized.

Something similar happens in aquatic or electrical systems"warm floor" The only difference is that it is not the radiator that heats up, but the thickness of the screed in which the pipes or heating cable are located. From it, heat is transferred to the floor covering, and only then does the air in the room heat up from its surface.

Such a system is highly inert - a lot of energy resources are spent on pre-heating the floor, however, cooling also does not occur instantly, but over a certain period of time, which makes this heating principle quite economical.

Film infrared heaters operate on a completely different principle. Between two dense transparent polyester layers there are parallel strips of special carbon paste. Each of these strips is connected on both sides to a conductive copper busbar, which is supplied with mains voltage. When an alternating current passes through such an element, it, without heating up much on its own, creates a flow of infrared radiation, quite “hard”, with a wavelength of the order of 5 ÷ 20 microns. This stream of beam energy is capable of heating any surfaces or objects in its path. Thus, the energy consumed is not spent on the process of transferring heat over a certain distance. To make it clearer, we can give a classic example - infrared radiation works in exactly the same way. sun rays, heating up whatever they come into contact with.

A similar heating technique has been used for quite a long time for wall-mounted, ceiling-mounted devices, and has fully proven its effectiveness. highest efficiency. We learned how to place it under the floor covering, having mastered the production of economical and effective film heated floors.

  • The total thickness of the film is only about 0.5 mm, which means it can be easily removed under any coating. Unlike water or electric floors, such a system absolutely does not require labor-intensive work on pouring screeds and arranging a powerful thermal insulating layer. In addition, such a heating system will not significantly raise the floor level, which can be a decisive factor in urban apartments.
  • Another clear advantage is the uniform heating of the floor surface. It is known that laminate often shows a certain “capriciousness” in matters of temperature changes - sometimes it can react to this by diverging the seams or even swelling of the surface. With an infrared floor, this probability is practically zero - the maximum heating of the film elements (even with a failed thermostat) is never higher than 40 ºС, and this is for a floor made of laminated panels absolutely uncritical.
  • In conditions multi-storey building It may be impossible to fill the screed due to the weight of the floor. In principle, there are no such problems with film infrared floors.
  • Infrared rays heat not only the surface of the laminate, but, passing through it, transfer heat to other objects and surfaces in the room, which creates the most comfortable microclimate.
  • It is important that the energy transfer begins almost instantly - in the evening, upon arriving home, you can quickly and without much energy consumption bring the air temperature in the room to the required level. Moreover, the electronic control system infrared floors easily integrated into systems that are currently gaining popularity " smart home“- you can program it in advance, warming up your home according to the desired schedule, or even turn it on remotely via the Internet or via mobile communications.
  • Infrared floors do not dry the air in the room, and, according to some researchers, they even create a certain ionization background, especially useful for people suffering from chronic respiratory diseases.

Infrared heated floor kit

Film heated floor systems go on sale in almost the complete required set:

  • The film heating elements themselves. They are usually produced in standard covering widths of 500 or 1000 mm. The length may vary (it is not recommended to exceed 8 meters). The canvas can be cut into right size, but only strictly along the stripes marked on the surface with a pictographic image of scissors (usually they are located in increments of 25 cm). The fact is that it is in these areas that the silver-plated contact pads are located for connecting terminals with power cables.
  • The terminals themselves are also included in the delivery set. The set may contain required quantity cable. You should definitely pay attention to the presence of special insulating materials - bitumen tape.
  • The kit should include a temperature sensor with a cable - it is this that is responsible for monitoring the heating level.
  • Finally, the buyer can choose one of the types of control unit - thermostat. They come with electromechanical or fully electronic regulation; they may differ in design and display system, but, as a rule, they all have the same connection system to the power supply, heating elements and temperature sensor.

When choosing a heated film floor model specifically for a laminated surface, you should pay special attention to its specific power. Common standards are 150 or 220 W/m², less common are 440 W/m². In our case, more than 150 W is not required - such power leads to heating of the film surface to 40 ºС, and higher temperatures are contraindicated for laminated boards.

To lay the floor, you must also purchase the required amount of underlay with a thickness of at least 3 mm. It is better if one side of it is foil-lined - it will reflect infrared radiation from concrete base, focusing it in the desired direction - up. However, it is necessary to take into account that the surface of the substrate should not be conductive. To connect the backing sheets you will need special tape.

A correctly drawn up scheme is the key to successful work

Before, how get down to work, and by and large - even before, how When purchasing a set of infrared film “warm floors”, you need to think through to the smallest detail the plan for installing heating elements, connecting them to the control device and switching with an alternating current source. Which basic principles taken into account when drawing up such a graphical diagram:

  • The floor surface is never completely covered with film elements. They are not placed in places where permanent installation of furniture is planned. A closed space leads to disruption of normal heat transfer from the surface of the laminated coating. Not only can such overheating cause deformation of furniture parts or the laminate itself, but the service life of the film elements themselves is reduced and increased absolutely unnecessary electricity consumption.
  • For the same reasons, such a coating must be at a certain safe distance from the walls of the room, and necessarily from stationary heating devices - radiators or pipes with coolant. By existing rules an indentation of at least 250-300 mm is required.
  • When rolling out, rolls of film heaters should be oriented along the long side of the room - this will minimize the number of contact connections.
  • It has already been mentioned that cutting of infrared film should be carried out only in places permitted for this - they are marked graphically.
  • The interval between adjacent sheets of infrared film should be about 50 mm. Overlapping of one heating element with another is strictly prohibited.
  • To fully warm up a room, it is usually considered sufficient to cover up to 60–70% of the floor area with heating film elements. It is possible to provide “zones increased comfort» - in traditional places where children play or where adults relax.

Particular attention is paid to the cable switching of the infrared floor system.

  • First of all, must be provided optimal place for installing a control unit - thermostat. It must be placed at a height of at least 500 mm from the floor. A specific location is chosen taking into account the most convenient supply of the 220 V power cable and all wires from the film elements.
  • The total power of a “warm floor” can be quite high, so it cannot be connected directly to a regular household outlet. It is better to provide in advance for the laying of a dedicated power line of the appropriate cross-section with the installation of a separate machine. Even better if, in order to increase safety, the circuit includes protective device RCD.
  • Most models of thermostats are designed for installation in a wall in a standard socket. To connect the cable part, it can be done to the floor surface groove about 20 × 20 mm, so that a corrugated pipe Ø 16 mm is placed in it, into which the wires will be hidden. Another option could be a decorative plastic box (cable channel) mounted on the wall surface.

Both phase and “zero” are connected to one side of the film element

  • When planning the laying of wires on the floor surface, take into account that they should not intersect. The connection diagram may be different. Most often they resort to connecting cables on one side of the film elements (as in the diagram above )
  • However, there are situations (for example, a complex room configuration) when it is more profitable to connect the phase and neutral wires to strips on opposite sides of the room. This approach requires special care so as not to connect both contacts to one copper bus - a short circuit will be ensured!
  • Provided on the diagram location temperature sensor. It must be placed in the center of the width of the film element, at a distance of at least 500 mm from the wall. The optimal solution would be to install it in the coldest place in the room, but this possibility may be limited by the length of the standard temperature sensor cable - you cannot extend the wire.

After drawing up the diagram, the required amount of material will be clearly visible - you can purchase a kit and begin further work.

Preparing the surface for installing infrared floors

Since the topic of the publication is the installation of infrared film elements under the laminate, it is assumed that the base subfloor is completely ready for laying laminated panels - it is level, repaired, primed.

  • The first stage in this case can be considered a thorough cleaning of the base from even the smallest solid fragments of debris and dust - in order to prevent damage to the substrate and film elements below.
  • The next step is to cover the entire floor surface (not just the one where the heating elements are planned to be installed, but the entire room) with a substrate. The foil part should be on the outside. The sheets are laid end to end and secured to the base of the floor with double-sided tape. The strips of the substrate are fastened together with special tape, which also has a top foil reflective surface.
  • The thickness of the substrate is very important. The fact is that grooves will be cut into it for laying cables, terminal connections, places for contact insulation, and a temperature sensor. All these elements of the electrical circuit should neither cause the film coating itself to rise, nor, moreover, interfere with the installation of laminated panels.

Laying and switching of film infrared emitters

When laying infrared film elements, the drawn up diagram should always be “in front of your eyes.”

All work is carried out very carefully. When cutting the film, laying it or laying the finishing coating, the integrity of the elements must not be allowed to be violated. If for some reason there is a rupture or cut on the current-carrying part or on the radiating carbon strip, such a fragment pl The eggs are subject to rejection and mandatory replacement.

  • The film elements are laid in such a way that the shiny side of the copper bars is at the bottom. The film can be secured to the substrate with ordinary tape.
  • After laying the film elements, you should immediately insulate the cut points of the current-carrying busbars, which will not be used in the future when switching cables. For this purpose, use the bitumen tape included in the delivery package.

It is glued in such a way that reliably protect the contact both above and below, crimp tightly for complete sealing.

  • Before laying the canvas under which the temperature sensor is planned to be installed, a groove for it and a channel for laying the cable are cut out in the substrate. The sensor body itself should be located on a black carbon emitting strip, approximately in the center of the canvas. It should be securely fixed in this place with the same insulating bitumen tape.

After laying the sensor and connecting its cable to the thermostat, film the element is laid and fixed on the floor surface.

  • The next step is to install terminals at the points where the film elements are connected to electrical circuit. Most infrared floor models are equipped with clip-type terminals.

The upper plate of the clip is inserted into a special contact cut, so that the second petal is at the bottom films

Then carefully, but as tightly as possible clips crimped with pliers, which ensures their reliable contact with the silver-plated pad of the copper bus.

  • Some types of film floors have a different terminal connection system, for example, a rivet type - this is specified in the installation instructions describing the methods for attaching the contact.

The terminal is fully installed - it needs to be insulated

Strips of bitumen tape are glued both above and below film element, so that reliably cover all metal parts. After crimping, a completely sealed “capsule” should be obtained, eliminating any possibility of moisture entering the terminal assembly.

  • After switching, the cables and insulated terminals are placed in the grooves made for them in the substrate and fixed in them with adhesive tape.

Connection to the thermostat and features of starting the heating system

  • Upon completion of the installation stage, all wires should converge in one place - at the thermostat. An important point should be taken into account - if several sections of the “warm floor” are connected to one control device, then no twisting of the wires is allowed. In this case, you need to resort to installing certified terminal connections.
  • The wires are connected to the connectors of the control unit (thermostat) in strict accordance with the instructions specified in technical documentation scheme. It must mark the connection points of the supply voltage (L and N - phase and zero), grounding, load - i.e. the heating elements themselves (usually in this place, together with the resistor icon, the maximum load value in watts or amperes is indicated), and the temperature sensor (“sensor”). After switching the wires, they are removed into the channel provided for this, and the thermostat itself is attached to its regular place.
  • After another thorough check of all connections, you can perform a test run of the system. If everything works fine, it is disconnected from the power again, and now the installation of the laminated covering is about to take place.
  • To increase the safety of film heaters, additionally protect them from damage when laying laminated panels, and eliminate the possibility of moisture getting on them in the event of a spill. By If there is a large amount of water, it is recommended to lay another layer. For these purposes they use plastic film about 200 microns thick - it will not become an obstacle to the passage of infrared radiation. Canvases films spread with an overlap of 150-200 mm, and the resulting overlaps sealed with tape.
  • Installation of laminate flooring over an installed infrared film heated floor is, in principle, no different from conventional installation technology - in accordance with the recommendations for a specific panel model. The basic techniques for laying laminated flooring are described in detail in other publications on the portal.

Once the laminate flooring work is completed, the infrared heating system can be turned on. However, here too some caution should be exercised - in order for the laminate to better adapt to these conditions, it would be wiser not to start heating immediately full power. It is better to initially set a value of about 15 - 20 ºС, and then, adding 5º every day, bring the system to the designed operating level. This will also make it possible to experimentally identify most optimal"warm floor" operating mode.

Video: master class on laying infrared film under laminate

Laminate flooring is becoming more and more popular every year. Today, manufacturers offer many of the most different models With different characteristics, which are suitable for installation in all possible operating conditions. It is known that wood is a relatively poor conductor of heat, therefore wood coverings often not installed indoors if a heated floor system is to be installed.

At the same time, not so long ago, manufacturing companies began to offer consumers special models that can be used together with heating elements built into the floor. When purchasing such models, you will see a special mark on the packaging or sticker, which will indicate the possibility of using them together with heated floors. Such a mark is mandatory, so in the process of selecting a model, you need to pay attention to this circumstance.

Experts note the possibility of using heated floors and laminate together if the floor covering is not too thick. In other words, if you plan to install heated floors and laminated floors, then preference should be given to the thinnest models that will transmit heat better (the best option is a thickness of 7-8 mm).

There are several types of heated floors, but when installing laminated flooring in a room, it is recommended to give preference to infrared film. Infrared heated floors under laminate have high level heat transfer, and the laminated panels will not heat up too much, so there will be no negative impact on the structure of the floor.

In addition, infrared film allows for maximum uniform heating of the room, which is very important for creating a favorable microclimate in the room.

Infrared heated floors are a type of electric heated floors, but their operation is designed for economical power consumption. If any section of the infrared film is damaged, the heating will continue to operate as usual, and only the damaged section will turn off.

Also among the advantages of choosing infrared heated floors for laminate flooring are:

  • Installing heating elements will take no more than an hour and everything can be done with your own hands;
  • No device required cement screed, use of adhesives and other compounds;
  • The operation of the heated floor can begin immediately after the laminated floor has been laid;
  • During operation, the infrared film will not emit any harmful substances;
  • Average service life in normal conditions operation – several decades;
  • The film does not require any maintenance;
  • There is no need to buy or configure additional devices and units for the film to work;
  • It is possible to select a specific heating mode for a specific situation.

Despite the significant initial costs, an infrared heated floor system pays for itself within several years of use. Naturally, initially it will be cheaper to lay a cable or water heated floor. But the use of such heating elements is not recommended by many laminate manufacturers (especially if it is not possible to control the heating temperature of the system).

Of course, such a solution also has its drawbacks, which include the following factors:

  • Relatively high cost of heating elements. For the simplest film you will have to pay about 900-1500 rubles per sq.m. Oddly enough, even quite decent laminate models cost less;
  • Infrared heated floors are prohibited from being used in rooms with high humidity(this is more due to the complexity of installation and protection of electrical elements);
  • The need to construct a high-quality, ideal, even rough base for installation, which also entails additional costs. If there are any defects on the surface of the flooring, the heating elements may become unusable due to the incoming load.

How is installation carried out?

Installing an infrared heated floor does not require special skills or serious labor costs. In this case, you first need to carry out some preparatory work. First, the rough surface is cleaned of dirt, then the base is leveled. After this, a layer of waterproofing is laid (you can use polyethylene film with a polypropylene coating). This film will act as a substrate.

Installation of infrared film is carried out directly on the waterproofing layer, which will save the emitted thermal energy. You need to think in advance so that heating elements are not located under cabinets, appliances and other large items. After laying the film, the laminated panels are laid according to any scheme and technology.

It is very important that the selected heated floor is equipped with a thermostat and thermostat so that you can independently regulate and set the required temperature. It must be taken into account that laminated coverings, even those that are suitable for use with heated floors are unlikely to be able to withstand constant heating up to 29-30 degrees. Optimal mode floor heating - no more than 27 degrees.

If there are any doubts about the correctness of the work, then it is better to invite specialists (taking into account the cost of the heated floor and flooring, it will be rational decision). Installation of infrared heated floors for laminated floors can be performed in any room of any size and shape, because... Dimensions do not in any way affect the operation of sectional heating elements.

Laminate, despite its external similarity with natural wood, heat capacity differs for the worse. But if you put an infrared floor under the laminate, you won’t need additional heating. Is it possible to install laminate flooring on an infrared floor? Is it safe, how to prevent overheating, because overheating can result in a fire.

Is it possible to install infrared flooring under laminate?

In terms of heat capacity, laminate is significantly superior to tile coverings; in addition, it has low thermal conductivity. But too high temperatures have an impact on laminated coatings. negative impact, so the floor should not be overheated.

If a water or electric heating system is installed under the lamellas, this will lead to an increase in the temperature of the heating elements and may lead to deformation of the coating. Temperature fluctuations are not desirable for laminate. In these systems this cannot be avoided and therefore it is better to abandon this idea. Plus, there will be a significant increase in payments for water and electricity.

When installing an infrared floor under a laminate, a uniform distribution of heat radiation throughout the volume of the coating is ensured and the room warms up very quickly. At correct installation thermal radiation is not transmitted to the rough base on which the film is placed, therefore, heat will be used rationally.

Film flooring for laminate – best solution for organizing warm coverings.

Laying technology under laminate

Before proceeding with installation, you should select the type of coating in advance, calculate its required volume, plan the location of the heating elements and develop general scheme systems.

Possible installation schemes

It is necessary to determine the placement points of the control unit and thermostat - this is where all the wires are connected. To lay and hide the cables, a groove is made in which a corrugated pipe is laid, or a surface arrangement is provided in a closed PVC box.

The sketch is drawn up taking into account the following requirements:

  1. The infrared film under the laminate should be cut into elements of a smaller area only according to the cutting contours specified by the manufacturer.
  2. To minimize the number of connections, the film should be laid along the room.
  3. It is necessary to make a distance of 25-30 cm from stationary heaters and walls.
  4. Heating parts should not be placed under massive furniture - this will cause the film to overheat, leading to excessive energy consumption or burnout.
  5. A distance of at least 5 cm should be maintained between adjacent coating elements. Laying film elements on top of each other or intersecting is not allowed.
  6. Covering the floor area up to 40-60% is considered sufficient to heat the room.

The figure must also indicate the cable connection diagram, which can be executed in one of two ways:

  • connecting elements on one side;
  • connecting zero and phase from different sides.

In the second case, the intersection of phase and zero is excluded. The operation requires attention during the installation process; a short circuit may occur as a result of an error.

It is equally important to decide in advance on the installation location temperature sensor– it is advisable that it be located in the coldest place of the room or in the middle of the carpet film covering. In this case, you should take into account the length of the “native” cable so that it is enough to connect to the corresponding thermostat unit.

When the diagram has been drawn up and verified, you can begin installing the film floor under the laminate.

Preparing the base

Let's consider the process of installing a film floor from the condition that rough coating already prepared for work in advance. It is pre-leveled, horizontality is checked, all irregularities are eliminated, and treated with special impregnations - dust-removing and strengthening.

Preparing the foundation includes several types of work:

  1. Thorough cleaning, during which all existing debris is removed, the surface is vacuumed to remove even small dust particles.
  2. To avoid heating concrete screed, which is extremely irrational, a heat-reflecting material with a foil side with a thickness of 2 mm is laid on the rough coating. This material is laid with the foil facing up. Fastening to the floor is carried out using double sided tape, the strips are laid end to end and connected using self-adhesive tape.
  3. The thickness of the heat reflector is selected so that holes can be made in it for terminals, cables and a temperature sensor. Where the device is installed, the heated floor line should not be located above the film material so as not to interfere with the subsequent installation of the finishing coating.

Rules for laying film

Cutting and laying the film should be carried out in strict accordance with the existing scheme. When cutting the film, laying it and moving it, it is necessary to observe special measures precautions. Accidental cuts or damage to radiating and conductive parts are not allowed. If this happens, the site is discarded and cannot be used.

The connection points along the cutting line will not be involved in commutation; they should be immediately insulated with bitumen sealant tape.

Infrared film heaters should be placed so that the copper strip is at the bottom. You can glue the film to the thermal reflector with regular tape.

When installing, the contact clips are immersed into the cut so that one part of the terminal is inside and the other is below the surface of the film. Then the clip is crimped with pliers to ensure reliable contact.

Cable routing is also carried out according to the existing diagram. The ends of the wires are stripped and immersed in a pre-installed terminal, crimped with pliers.

Then a thermal sensor is installed, located under the film approximately in the center of the sheet so that its working surface is placed on the black iso-strip. The device is attached using bitumen tape, which also insulates all terminal connection points. The tape must be glued on top and bottom, this is how you can completely ensure the tightness of the assembly. Terminals with wires are placed in special recesses in the substrate and attached with tape.

Connecting the thermostat and checking operation

Each of the cables is brought to the installation site of the thermostatic unit.


  • If the developed circuit has its own connecting cable for each section of the floor, then twisting of the wires should not be allowed, as this can lead to a decrease in the reliability of contacts, overheating of the wires and sparking.
  • In this case, it is recommended to use standard connecting devices, the reliability of which is beyond doubt, for example, “Wago” terminal blocks.

To connect electric heating It is recommended to invite a professional electrician who can select a machine suitable for power and connect the power cable to the control unit.

Connecting an IR heated floor to a regular 220 V household outlet is not allowed. For safety reasons, it is permissible to connect the system only through a special device that provides reliable protection- RCD.

After completing the connections of all wires and checking the quality of switching, the system is tested. If there are no complaints about the work, you can begin work on laying the laminate flooring - the finishing coating.

Laying laminate

A waterproofing layer is laid between the laid heating film and the laminate. As such a material, you can use thick PET film or the proprietary substrate supplied with the system.

Sections of insulating material are laid overlapping with an overlap of 15-20 cm, the connection lines are taped. Waterproofing is designed to ensure the safe functioning of the floor in the event of unforeseen circumstances, for example, a bucket of water spilling on the covering.

The technology for laying lamellas has no specific features, is produced depending on the type of locking connection and the coating manufacturer’s instructions.

Upon completion of laying the lamellas, you can turn on the system by setting the temperature on the regulator from 25 to 28 degrees.

How to choose a laminate for an infrared floor?

The thickness of laminate, which is considered a good thermal insulator, varies. Therefore, not all types of lamellas are compatible with the IR heating system.

When choosing a laminate of a suitable brand, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  1. Marking. Material suitable for infrared heating is indicated by manufacturers with a special symbol. Also, the instructions for handling lamellas indicate permissible temperature heating, recommended type of heated floors.
  2. Durability and wear resistance of laminate. For film heating systems, classes 32 and 33 are suitable.
  3. Thermal resistance parameter. The higher this indicator, the greater the resistance of the material. For IR floors, you should choose a laminate with low parameters, low density and thickness. When laying lamellas that are too dense, too much energy will be spent on heating the coating, and the room will heat up slowly.
  4. Connection method. The lamellas are connected in two ways - locking and glue. In our case, we should prefer a locking one, which can have drive-in locks or latch locks.
  5. The permissible heating temperature for IR floors is 27°C.

Requirements are also imposed on the substrate, which levels out all the unevenness and roughness of the floor. It should be selected with a thickness of 1-3 mm and have high thermal insulation properties.
