There must be evacuations in case of fire. Evacuation from a building in case of fire

Evacuation of people from a building in case of fire is a process of orderly and organized independent movement of people from premises in which exposure is possible hazardous factors fire.
Exits are evacuation if they lead to:
a) from the ground floor premises to the outside:
through the corridor;
through the lobby (foyer);
through the stairwell;
through the corridor and vestibule (foyer);
through the corridor and stairwell.
b) from the premises of any floor, except the first:
directly into the staircase or onto a type 3 staircase;
to the corridor leading directly to the staircase or to the 3rd type staircase;
to the hall (foyer), which has access directly to the staircase or to the 3rd type staircase;
to an adjacent room on the same floor, provided with the exits indicated in a) and b).
Exits from basement and ground floors, which are evacuation exits, as a rule, should be provided directly outside, separate from the general stairwells of the building.
However, the standards allow the possibility of arranging emergency exits from basements through common staircases with a separate exit to the outside, separated from the rest of the building. staircase blind fire partition of the 1st type. It is also possible to provide exits from the foyer, dressing rooms, smoking rooms and sanitary units located in the basements or ground floors of buildings of classes F2, F3 and F4 (banks) to the first floor via separate staircases of the 2nd type.
Exits are not considered evacuation exits if their openings are equipped with sliding and up-and-down doors and gates, revolving doors and turnstiles.
To ensure safe evacuation the number of people in a fire is established by standards emergency exits and their width depending on the number of people and functional fire danger premises.
Floors of buildings of class F4 (banks), basement and ground floors with an area of ​​more than 300 m2 or intended for the simultaneous occupancy of more than 15 people, premises intended for the simultaneous occupancy of more than 50 people must have at least 2 emergency exits.
It is allowed to provide one emergency exit from 2 floors storey buildings class F4.3 (banks), provided that the height of the floor does not exceed 6 meters, and the number of people on the floor should not exceed 20 people.
The number of emergency exits from a floor must be at least two, if there is a room on it that must have at least 2 emergency exits.
The number of emergency exits from the building must be no less than the number of emergency exits from any floor of the building.
If there are 2 or more emergency exits, they should be located dispersedly.
The clear height of emergency exits must be at least 1.9 m, the width must be at least: 1.2 m - from premises and buildings when the number of evacuees is 50 or more people; 0.8 m - in all other cases.
In all cases, the width of the emergency exit must ensure the unimpeded passage of a stretcher with a person lying on it.
Doors of emergency exits and other doors on escape routes must open in the direction of exit from the building.
The direction of opening doors is not standardized for rooms with a simultaneous occupancy of no more than 15 people, storerooms with an area of ​​no more than 200 m2 without permanent workplaces, sanitary facilities, exits to type 3 staircases, external doors of buildings in the northern construction climatic zone.
Doors of staircases leading to common corridors, doors of elevator halls and doors of airlocks with constant air pressure must have devices for self-closing and sealing in the vestibules, and doors of airlocks with air pressure in case of fire and doors of rooms with forced smoke protection must have automatic devices for closing them in case of fire and sealing in the vestibules.
Evacuation routes should not include elevators and escalators, as well as areas leading to:
through corridors with exits from elevator shafts, through elevator halls and vestibules in front of elevators, if the enclosing structures of elevator shafts, including elevator shaft doors, do not meet the requirements for fire barriers;
through “passage” staircases, when the landing of the staircase is part of the corridor;
on the roof of buildings;
along type 2 stairs connecting more than 2 floors, as well as leading from basements and ground floors.
In buildings of all degrees of fire resistance and classes of structural fire hazard, materials with a higher fire hazard than:
G1, V1, D2, T2 - for finishing walls, ceilings and filling suspended ceilings in lobbies, staircases, elevator halls;
G2, V2, D3, T3, or G2, V3, D2, T2 - for finishing walls, ceilings and filling suspended ceilings in common corridors, halls and foyers;
G2, RP2, D2, T2 - for floor coverings in lobbies, staircases, elevator halls;
B2, RP2, D3, T2 - for floor coverings in common corridors.
Frames of suspended ceilings in rooms and on escape routes are made only from non-combustible materials.
All substances and materials (finishing and facing sheets, slabs, floor coverings, roofing materials), building structures and electrical products, devices and instruments (cable products, devices protective shutdown- RCD), heat-generating devices in accordance with the List of products subject to mandatory certification in the field fire safety, must have fire safety certificates.
The clear height of horizontal sections of evacuation routes must be at least 2 meters, the width of horizontal sections of evacuation routes and ramps must be at least:
1.2 m - for common corridors along which more than 50 people can be evacuated from the premises of banking institutions;
0.7 m - for passages to single workstations;
1.0 m - in all other cases.
In the floor on escape routes, height differences of less than 45 cm and protrusions are not allowed, with the exception of thresholds in doorways. In places where there is a difference in heights, stairs with a number of steps of at least 3 or ramps with a slope of no more than 1:6 are provided.
If the height of stairs is more than 45 cm, fencing with railings must be provided.
Devices are not allowed on escape routes spiral staircases And winder steps, as well as stairs with different tread widths and step heights within the flight and staircase.
When constructing curved staircases leading from service premises with the number of people permanently occupying them no more than 5 people, as well as curved main staircases, the width of the steps in the narrow part of these stairs must be at least 22 cm, and the width of service stairs - at least 12 cm.
Stairs and stairwells intended for evacuation are divided into the following types:
staircase types:
1 - internal, located in staircases;
2 - internal open; 3 - external open.
conventional staircase types:
L1 - with glazed or open openings in the external walls on each floor;
L2 - with natural lighting through glazed or open openings in the covering.
smoke-free staircase types:
H1 - with access to the staircase from the floor through the outside air zone along open passages, and the passage through the air zone must be smoke-free;
H2 - with air pressure into the staircase in case of fire;
H3 - with entrance to the staircase from the floor through a vestibule with air pressure (permanent or in case of fire).
The width of the flight of stairs intended for the evacuation of people must be at least:
1.2 m - for buildings with the number of people on any floor, except the first, more than 200 people;
0.7 m - for stairs leading to single workstations;
0.9 m - for all other cases.
The slope of stairs on escape routes should, as a rule, be no more than 1:1.
Tread width - no less than 25 cm, step height - no more than 22 cm. It is allowed to reduce the tread width of curved main staircases in the narrow part to 22 cm. The tread width of stairs leading only to premises with a total number of workplaces of no more than 15 people - up to 12 cm.
In staircases intended for the evacuation of people both from above-ground floors and from the basement or basement floors, separate exits to the outside from the basement or basement floors should be provided, separated for the entire height of one floor by a blind fire partition of the 1st type.
Separate staircases for communication between the basement or ground floor, leading to the corridor, hall or lobby of the first floor, in anticipation of the evacuation of people from the basement or ground floor are not taken into account.

Often evacuation of people becomes the only way of salvation. Well understood evacuation rules, staying calm and taking organized action saves thousands of lives.

Evacuation of people in case of fire is organized process movement of people from the danger zone to a safe area. More often, fire evacuation – This is the independent movement of people. Or the non-independent movement of those who belong to low-mobility groups of the population.

Fire evacuation is movement taking place along specially designed routes called escape routes. They lead to emergency exits. The length of evacuation routes, the width of evacuation passages and exits, as well as other parameters are regulated and fixed in regulatory documents. Evacuation routes have enough high degree protection from fire hazard.

Fire evacuation calculation

According to fire safety rules, in all buildings and structures where more than ten people are on the floor at the same time, fire protection must be carried out evacuation calculation, and must also have evacuation plan.

Evacuation calculation, including calculation of evacuation time, can be either an independent document or part of fire risk calculations. Calculation of evacuation time is calculated based on the time spent by one person moving from the point of the room furthest from the emergency exit.

Necessary evacuation time – this is the product of the safety factor (which is 0.8) and the critical duration of the fire. Then compares evacuation time calculation and necessary evacuation time. Thus, the conditions for safe evacuation are determined.

Fire evacuation calculation usually takes place in several stages. First, the calculation problems are determined. This can be a guarantee of ensuring a given time for people to leave the building, determining the evacuation capabilities of the building, guaranteeing the safety of people's movement, assessing the risk during evacuation and establishing the need to use any additional funds fire protection.

Also in fire evacuation calculation necessarily includes determining the number of people in the building and the most probable paths exit. Next, geometric measurements of exit paths are made. And the parameters of movement of persons caught in the danger zone are calculated.

In the end fire evacuation calculation analyzed: the obtained parameters are compared with the standards that govern evacuation of people in case of fire.

Fire evacuation plan

Plan fire evacuation is a special diagram that indicates evacuation routes, all emergency and evacuation exits. Besides, fire evacuation plan contains evacuation rules, data on the order and sequence of actions that must be taken in the event of an emergency.

Evacuation plan must be posted in a visible place and freely accessible. At those facilities where more than fifty people are present at the same time, not only fire evacuation plan, but also evacuation instructions. In this case, it determines the actions of personnel necessary for the quick and safe evacuation of people. evacuation instructions.

Fire evacuation plan contains a graphic part, where the building is presented in the form of a diagram, as well as a text part containing a list of actions and performers.

And, of course, no evacuation plan will work if exercises are not carried out periodically. Drill evacuation in all buildings and structures, except residential buildings, should be carried out at least once every six months. Where more than 50 people are present at the same time, training evacuation is held once a quarter. And in children's institutions fire evacuation processed every month.

Evacuation from high-rise buildings

Deserves special attention evacuation from high-rise buildings. Very often, those who are above the third floor during a fire can be saved by special means of evacuation. Since the evacuation of people from tall buildings using stairs, as a rule, leads to congestion, since the number of people on each floor only increases, then such evacuation must be approached even more responsibly and, if possible, use special means of evacuation from high-rise buildings.

There are individual means of evacuation, which allow you to leave the room through the window and provide a fairly smooth descent of a person down external wall buildings. Now offices, banks, hospitals and other premises with large crowds of people are equipped with similar systems. In addition, the problem of evacuation from high-rise buildings is largely solved by evacuation elevators.

Fire extinguishing agents

And, of course, speaking about self-evacuation, one cannot fail to mention such an important topic as fire extinguishing means. The most accessible substance that can extinguish a fire is water. In addition, to fire extinguishing agents include foams, powders and inert diluents (such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen, halogenated hydrocarbons).

Primary fire extinguishing equipment includes fire extinguishers, water containers, sand boxes, buckets, shovels, axes and crowbars. The most effective remedy primary fire extinguishing – fire extinguisher. There are five types of fire extinguishers: water, powder, foam, carbon dioxide and freon. Every person must be able to use a fire extinguisher.

There are also modern fire extinguishing means, as automatic stationary installations. The most common of them are sprinkler and deluge. The first ones are triggered over the source of fire, the second ones flood the entire room.

Safe evacuation of people is also ensured proper organization their movements from their location in the room to the exit outside or into the stairwell. In all cases, flows of people are planned in advance in directions that exclude the possibility of their crossing or oncoming traffic of people. Evacuation routes and exits are arranged so that they provide safe and organized evacuation people.
Uninterrupted and safe evacuation of people and material assets from production and other buildings and premises is provided even at the design stage of oil refining and petrochemical enterprises. A sufficient number of free and shortest evacuation routes are provided for people.
Required evacuation time depending on the volume of the room, min. To ensure the safe evacuation of people from premises and buildings, the estimated time for evacuation of people should not exceed the time necessary for this. The estimated time for evacuation of people is established based on the time of movement of one or more flows through emergency exits from the most remote places where people are located. The entire path of the human flow is divided into sections - a passage, a corridor, a doorway, a flight of stairs, a vestibule.
To ensure the safe evacuation of people in the event of a fire, standards establish the number of emergency exits and their width depending on the number of people and the functional fire hazard of the premises.
To ensure the safe evacuation of people, a flame run of any duration is unacceptable, since even due to its short duration it may not be dangerous in terms of thermal effects, but will be dangerous as a source of panic.
Evacuation lighting is used for the safe evacuation of people from premises and open spaces in the event of an emergency extinguishing of working lighting. Instructions in which cases emergency and evacuation lighting are necessary are contained in SNiP and in industry standards for artificial lighting. According to SNiP, emergency lighting must create an illumination of at least 5% of the standard illumination, but less than 2 lux indoors and 1 lux outside. Illumination of more than 30 lux in rooms and more than 5 lux outside is permitted if there are appropriate justifications.
Organizational measures to ensure the safe evacuation of people given in the RJ are divided into the following areas: development of appropriate instructions and evacuation plans, development centralized systems controlling the movement of people, training the population on what to do in case of fire, mass propaganda on radio and television about the danger of emerging fires for people and their consequences.
To ensure safe evacuation of people in production, auxiliary and other buildings in case of fire, emergency exits are provided. They must provide safe exit people out via the shortest route in the shortest possible time.
From the point of view of ensuring the safe evacuation of people, structures on evacuation routes should not spread flame over their surface (including no flame running for any duration) at temperatures equal to or lower than the temperature at which safe evacuation of people in case of fire is ensured.
Evacuation lighting is used for the safe evacuation of people when working lighting fails. Evacuation lighting should provide an illumination level of 0-5 lux on the floor. Evacuation lighting must be provided in places that are dangerous for the passage of people, along the evacuation line and in industrial premises where cases of injury are possible if the working lighting fails. Such premises include production premises dry cleaners, laundries, studios, repair shops, etc. At exits from premises where there may be a gathering of more than 100 people, illuminated Exit signs are installed, connected to the evacuation lighting network.
When designing buildings, provisions are made for the safe evacuation of people in the event of a fire. Evacuation routes are passages, corridors, platforms, stairs leading to an emergency exit, ensuring the safe movement of people during the required evacuation time.
Emergency signaling is intended to ensure the safe evacuation of people from buildings and is a mandatory element of the system of organizational measures to ensure the safety of people during fires. One of the areas of emergency signaling is voice alarm signaling for high-rise buildings. In 1978, the experience of developing and implementing a speech system was reported alarm system(SRTS) for emergency warning of people in high-rise buildings. The need for SRTS is justified by the fact that the likelihood of injury and death largely depends on the behavior of people in emergency situations. The following requirements are imposed on the SRTS: transmission of precise instructions in various emergency situations (fire, accident, military operations, etc.
For ease of maintenance and to ensure safe evacuation of people, a main passage with a width of at least 1-25 m is provided between the equipment. refrigeration units with an ammonia content from 20 to 300 kg and at least 1 5 m for refrigeration units with an ammonia content over 300 kg. The passage between protruding parts of machines must be at least 1 m; the passage between the smooth wall and the machine or unit is at least 0 8 m, if it is not the main passage for maintenance, and at least 0 5 m (for small machines) if there is no passage.
When designing buildings, provision must be made for the safe evacuation of people in the event of a fire. In the event of a fire, people must leave any building within a standardized minimum time, which is determined by the shortest distance from the location to the exit outside.

When designing buildings with a height of more than 10 floors, safe evacuation of people becomes especially important. important. In these buildings, 50% of the staircases should be smoke-free. Smoke-free staircases are ensured by floor-by-floor entrances through the air zone along balconies or loggias. It is allowed to design smoke-free staircases with entrances directly from floor corridors or halls.
Special literature also regulates other conditions for ensuring the safe evacuation of people in case of fire.
In a high-rise building, one of the the most important conditions Safe evacuation of people is ensured by the operation of smoke protection systems. Provision is made for checking the operation of pressurization and smoke removal systems (indicating the signs by which one can judge efficient work systems), and in case of inactivity of these systems - remote activation with instructions on how to implement it.
The experience of developing organizational measures to ensure the safe evacuation of people during fires using special equipment is noteworthy.
In the event of a fire, it must be possible to safely evacuate people in the building through emergency exits. The number of emergency exits should, as a rule, be at least two.
In the event of a fire, it must be possible to safely evacuate people, as well as animals and birds from agricultural buildings.
In the event of a fire, it must be possible to safely evacuate people in the industrial building.
In the event of a fire, it must be possible to safely evacuate people in the building.
Determination of the width of emergency exits. Emergency exits in the event of a fire must provide the possibility of safe evacuation of people to the shortest possible time.
Emergency lighting serves to ensure the possibility of continuing work or for the safe evacuation of people when the working lighting is suddenly (emergency) switched off. Emergency lighting is provided for all explosion- and fire-hazardous installations in which a sudden shutdown of working lighting could cause an explosion, fire, accidents or disruption technological process.
Emergency lighting serves to ensure the possibility of continuing work or for the safe evacuation of people when the working lighting is suddenly (emergency) switched off. Emergency lighting is provided for all explosion- and fire-hazardous installations in which a sudden shutdown of working lighting can cause an explosion, fire, accidents or disruption of the technological process. The emergency lighting network is powered from an independent power supply.
Compliance fire safety requirements, reducing the likelihood of fires and ensuring safe evacuation of people, is one of the most important design requirements public buildings. For buildings and structures fire prevention measures are installed depending on their fire resistance, which is divided into five degrees.
The placement of primary fire extinguishing equipment in corridors and passages should not interfere with the safe evacuation of people.

When designing and constructing buildings, emergency exits are also provided to facilitate the safe evacuation of people and property in the event of a fire.
It is allowed to use a higher type of SOUE for buildings, subject to the conditions for ensuring the safe evacuation of people.
In production and auxiliary buildings In the event of a fire, it must be possible to safely evacuate people in the building through special (evacuation) exits.
In the event of a fire in industrial and administrative buildings, the possibility of safe evacuation of people must be ensured.
Emergency lighting for the evacuation of people is installed in premises and on open areas to enable the safe evacuation of people in the event of a sudden loss of working lighting. Such lighting is carried out in the passages of workshops, in corridors and on staircases along the evacuation line.
From all production, auxiliary and administrative buildings and premises must be provided with the possibility of safe evacuation of people in case of fire.
Supply and exhaust smoke ventilation systems for buildings (hereinafter referred to as smoke ventilation) should be provided to ensure the safe evacuation of people from the building in the event of a fire that occurs in one of the premises.
Supply and exhaust smoke ventilation systems for buildings (hereinafter referred to as smoke ventilation) should be provided to ensure the safe evacuation of people from the building in the event of a fire that occurs in one of the premises. Smoke ventilation systems must be autonomous for each fire compartment.
Emergency lighting is provided in those premises where it is not allowed to stop the work of personnel or where safe evacuation of people must be ensured emergency shutdown working lighting. At power plants, such premises include the boiler and engine rooms, fuel supply, control panels, relay and electrical voltage panels in the main building, main closed distribution devices, rooms for the battery and charging units, electrolysis room, compressor room, circulation pump room, fire-fighting pump room, fuel oil-ignition pump room, duty engineer's room, offices of the director and chief engineer, gas distribution point, telephone exchange and radio center, doctor's office in the first-aid post, computer room, special rooms, main passages and staircases in workshops with emergency lighting.
Work projects must include measures to ensure fire safety at the repair site and the possibility of safe evacuation of people in the event of a fire.
If in case of accidents (for example, fires and explosions) it is impossible to ensure safe evacuation of people from certain areas of the mine field, then rescue chambers must be installed within such areas. The chambers must be securely fastened, have sealed doors and a supply of liquid oxygen in the cylinder. When the depth of the chamber from the surface is less than 200 m, it is advisable to organize separate ventilation of the chambers through two wells drilled from the surface with a diameter of 250 - 400 mm. Cells must have emergency lighting, a supply of first aid medical care and telephone communication with the dispatcher.
The club car should be located in the middle of the train and equipped on both ends transition bridges with handrails to ensure the safe evacuation of people into adjacent cars.
Theater auditoriums and all premises with large numbers of people must have required quantity emergency exits ensuring safe evacuation of people. The width of passages is taken to be at least 1 m, and passages located opposite the exits - not less than the width of the doors themselves.
Premises classified as fire and explosion hazards must have two exits to staircases on each floor to ensure safe evacuation of people during emergency situation. Buildings 10 m high must have fire escapes to reach the roof. Explosion and fire hazardous installations are recommended to be located in open areas. It is allowed to place an overpass for pipelines of a given production between the outdoor equipment and the premises.

What do you think your reaction will be to the message about the fire? According to statistics, only 10% of people prepare to leave a building in response to a signal of imminent danger. The rest inspect the premises, call the fire brigade again, notify others, try to put out the fire on their own, or do nothing at all. However, immediate escape from a burning building is the most appropriate action during the rapid spread of fire and smoke. The result is sad in the opposite case, because the minutes of delay at the beginning of a fire evacuation are equal to the missing seconds at the end. Thus, the start time of evacuation does not coincide with the time the fire signal was received.

Fire Alert

Obviously, providing detailed information and clear instructions ensures a lower start time for evacuation of people in case of fire. That's why in the best possible way increase fire safety people is early detection of fire and advance notification of it technical means— warning and evacuation control systems (WEC). Unfortunately, information about a fire is often perceived with skepticism. Therefore, calculating the start time of evacuation involves not only technical, but also organizational inertia (passivity, lack of action).

Just as an operator, having received a signal about a fire, will not immediately turn on the warning and evacuation control system, so other people in the building, having heard the signals of the fire alarm system, will not leave the building until other workers duplicate the signal for them.

Having decided to leave the building during a fire, a person maps out a path to a safe place, which passes through corridors, foyers, staircases, lobbies, entrances and exits. But not every exit is recognized as an evacuation exit, but only those that lead directly or through a corridor (lobby, foyer, staircase) to the outside from the first floor; or from the premises of any floor directly to the stairs (possibly through the hall); or to the next room with similar exits. There should be no sliding, lifting or revolving doors or turnstiles at such exits.

Paths and exits

The media often report on frightening cases of stampedes resulting from mass evacuation of people during a fire. In fact, crowds and traffic jams on evacuation routes do not indicate panic, but insufficient bandwidth inputs and outputs. Properly designed evacuation routes should ensure the unimpeded movement of human flows when leaving the building. The established patterns of people's actions during evacuation made it possible to develop methods for calculating the movement of human flows as a single process. Based on them, instructions were developed and regulatory documents(SNiP II-2-80, GOST 12.1.004).

After a person has planned his actions, he goes out onto the common path, which other people have also chosen, and merges with the human flow. The lower the flow density, the more comfortable people feel and the faster they can move. If you calculate the movement time at maximum flow density, you will get the following values: 17 m/min - horizontally, 10 m/min - down the stairs, 8 m/min - up.

Stages of leaving the building

building codes Much attention is paid to calculating the safe dimensions of handrail steps, flights of stairs and sites. Based on the analysis of fires in high-rise buildings, it was developed next order action: first, according to the plan, the floor on which a fire is detected is evacuated, then the floors above and below it, and then all the rest, starting from the top.

The exit of people from the stairwell or through the lobby to the outside is the end of the third stage of evacuation. The fourth stage - moving people from a burning building to a safe place - is necessary to protect against secondary damaging factors fire - debris, splinters and toxic substances.

Calculations show that the most dangerous areas, where there is a high probability of accumulation of large numbers of people and, as a result, compression injuries, are the boundaries of adjacent areas.

Therefore, the instructions oblige you to check to what extent the conditions for unimpeded traffic are met on each section of the calculated evacuation route (REP). In general, the possible evacuation time should not exceed the duration of the initial stage of the fire.

Creating an Evacuation Plan

Evacuation exits and routes, rules of behavior of people and the order of their actions during a fire are reflected in the evacuation plan. It is advisable to display several options for fire evacuation in the plan, depending on the time of day, the number of people in the building, probable fire locations, etc. If there are more than 50 people on the floor of the building, a fire evacuation plan is developed based on calculating the parameters of human flows and traffic flow input and output capabilities. Graphic part the plan must be clearly designed and in good visible place. The instructions stipulate that employees whose actions are prescribed in the plan must be familiarized with them against receipt.

Particular attention should be paid to the evacuation of children and persons with disabilities. People responsible for children need to supervise them throughout the evacuation to prevent panic. First of all, children should be removed from the room where the fire started and the rooms adjacent to it. All rooms should be carefully checked, especially secluded places under beds and in closets where a child can hide. Posts should be posted at exits to prevent a child from accidentally returning to a burning building.

According to the instructions, for the evacuation of a group of people with limited mobility, you must also present special requirements. Thus, when calculating fire safety requirements on a building plan, the need to design safety zones is taken into account. They are necessary when evacuating the elderly, disabled and other people with limited mobility, who, due to low speed and high fatigue, may not have time to quickly leave the building along with the flow of people.

Any movement of a fire victim is traumatic for him, as it can cause additional suffering and worsen his condition. A quick unprepared evacuation is only permissible if his life is in immediate danger. If possible, it is better to carry out transportation with the help of several people. After removing the victim, it is necessary
