Rate of plastering per area per day. Machine plastering: prices, productivity, standards

According to the Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR, from January 1, 1956, for all construction projects, ministries and departments, unified production standards and prices (ENiR) were introduced with a unified tariff and qualification reference book, with a seven-digit tariff schedule for construction workers, as well as a unified For all construction projects, a scale of piecework-progressive additional payments for exceeding production standards.

Payments to workers for work performed are made according to Unified Labor Regulations.

The amount of norms and prices is determined depending on the nature of the work, the conditions in which it is performed, labor intensity, complexity and accuracy of the materials, machines, tools, etc. used.

Production standards are established taking into account the socialist attitude towards labor, the use of rational tools, labor methods and correct use working hours.

Standards and prices are usually given for complex processes. This simplifies the standardization of construction and installation work, drawing up work orders for workers, measuring work performed, and also contributes to the widespread introduction of a lump-sum wage system on construction sites. In some cases, elemental norms are also given.

Deficiencies in the organization of labor and production cannot serve as a basis for any changes in norms and prices.

The standards take into account the time spent on preparing jobs; receiving tools, fixtures and materials from the warehouse; filling, additive, tool point, as well as maintaining devices and machines in good condition. Due to the above, these works are not paid separately, except for cases specifically specified in the relevant introductory parts and paragraphs EN and R. The standards also include the time required for workers to rest during a shift.

When workers are provided with new machines, devices and tools that increase labor productivity, but are not provided for in the relevant paragraphs of EH and R, the use of EH and R is prohibited. In these cases, local reduced time standards and prices must be established, which are put into effect by order of the construction manager.

If innovative workers make various improvements in the organization of their work, time standards and prices for them should remain unchanged for six months.

The standards provide normal conditions production of construction and installation works. When performing work in special conditions, methods of technical regulation not provided for in paragraphs EN and R, local standards and prices are developed, which are approved and put into effect by order of the construction manager.

The unified standards and prices establish two indicators: time standards (N. time) and prices (Rats.). They are given either in the form of a fraction (in the numerator - N. time, in the denominator - Ratio) or in two adjacent columns. For mechanized processes, the machine productivity rate is usually indicated instead of the time standard, or both are given.

Time standards are given in man-hours for the meter specified in the paragraph. Prices are given in rubles and kopecks for the same meter and are calculated by multiplying time standards by the corresponding estimated hourly rates of piece workers.

In addition, paragraphs EH and P provide the estimated composition of units or categories of workers for those types of work that are performed individually or by a group of workers of the same category.

The performance of a task by workers of different categories than those specified in paragraphs EN and R, as well as changes in the composition of units or the performance of unit work on an individual basis cannot serve as a basis for any recalculation of norms and prices.

The norms and prices in the text of the paragraphs or in the corresponding introductory parts also provide for the transportation of materials within the work site along horizontal paths (carrying, carrying, lifting onto scaffolding, etc.). When using these standards, it should be borne in mind that 1 m of lifting materials vertically corresponds to 10 m of carrying them along a horizontal path. The delivery of materials from warehouses to the construction site should be carried out by transport workers, and not qualified craftsmen who do the main work.

The work performed must satisfy technical specifications for the production and acceptance of the corresponding type of work. Defects caused by workers must be corrected and redone without additional payment.

Let us note some features of EH and R for plaster and facing works. The EN and R stipulate, for example, that scaffolding installed by plasterers must be paid for separately. The cost of work in EH and R is indicated for lime, lime-gypsum, plaster and clay mortars; when working with cement and complex mortars (in cases not specifically specified by EN and R), this cost must be multiplied by 1.2. The normal thickness of high-quality plaster (according to beacons) is up to 3 cm, improved (as a rule) - up to 2 cm and simple - up to 1.5 cm. If the thickness of the plaster on surfaces exceeds that indicated above, then for every centimeter increase in thickness N. time. and Rasc. increase by 15%.

Each paragraph of the uniform standards and prices indicates the composition of the work, the composition of the unit, the category of each worker, the number of works in square meters or other measures, the cost and time required to complete them. For example, to complete 10 m of improved plaster on walls (typically) it takes 6.2 hours per worker; To perform 10 m2 of high-quality plaster on walls (according to beacons) it takes 10 hours per worker. Knowing the amount of time needed to plaster 10 m2, it is not difficult to determine the rate of output per hour for one worker. For this, the number of works in meters (in in this case 10 m2) is divided by the time required to complete 1 m2 of one or another type of plaster. The production rate for one hour of improved plastering by one worker is 10:6.2 = 1.62 m 2.

To better familiarize yourself with the standards and prices, each plasterer must carefully read the collection of EH and R, issued in separate brochures, understand it, think through them and organize his work and the work of his team so as not only to fulfill, but also to exceed the production task.

All documents presented in the catalog are not their official publication and are intended for informational purposes only. Electronic copies of these documents may be distributed without restriction. You can post information from this site on any other site.



series 1-447s-34

Sverdlovsk 1969

Maps of labor processes were developed based on generalization of the experience of advanced teams of plasterers of the Sverdlovskgrazhdanstroy trust and holding schools of advanced methods plastering works, organized by the Orgtekhstroy Glavsreduralstroy trust in other construction organizations of the Glavka.



Card number

Card name


Enrichment of the solution at the construction site and supplying it to the work site


Preparation brick walls for plastering


Sealing joints


Mechanized application of spray and primer


Mechanized application of the coating layer and its manual grouting


Plastering windows and door slopes


Installation of prefabricated slopes


Single-layer ceiling plaster with rustication


Continuous leveling of the ceiling (without pulling out rustications)


Mechanized grouting of surfaces

I. Scope of application

The technological map for plastering work has been developed in relation to standard project 5-storey brick residential building series 1-447с.

The flow-link method of plastering work adopted by this map helps to improve the quality of work and increase labor productivity. The work is carried out in a rhythm: 14 days - entrance. The size of the brigade is 21 people, the brigade works in one shift.

II. Technical and economic indicators

1. Number of apartments - 58, including: 3-room apartments - 20; 2-room apartments - 14; 1-room apartments - 24; staircases - 3.

2. Volume of plastering work for the entire house, m 2 ..... 11510

3. Labor intensity of plastering work for the whole house, man-days..... 829.5

4. Labor intensity per 1 m2 of plaster, man-days ..... 0.07

5. Output per 1 plasterer per shift, m2...... 13.90

6. Duration of plastering work for the entire house, days (working days) ..... 39.5

7. Cost of labor for the whole house, rub..... 3985

8. Average daily wage per 1 worker, rub..... 4.80

III. Organization and technology of the construction process

1. Before plastering the premises, the following work must be completed:

a) all general construction works (except finishing);

b) systems are installed, pressurized and tested central heating, water supply and sewerage;

c) hidden electrical wiring and wiring of low-current lines were installed and tested;

d) ventilation ducts were cleaned, temporary openings were sealed and the premises were cleared of debris;

e) a plastering station was installed, mortar pumps, vibrating sieve and other mechanisms were checked and tested;

f) water supply to the plastering station and each floor is ensured by connecting rubber hoses to the risers of the internal water supply.

Premises and buildings must be accepted by the foreman of the plastering team for plastering work from the team that performed the previous work.

2. Plaster work is carried out sequentially, starting from the 5th floor. Having completed work in one entrance, the plasterers move to the next, etc.

3. In accordance with the accepted flow-link method, the team of plasterers is divided into 7 units. Having worked for some time performing any one operation and having mastered this type of work well, the unit begins to perform other operations. Gradually, each worker on the team must master all types of work.

4. Considering that plaster mortars arrive at the site no earlier than 11 a.m., it is necessary to ensure a supply of lime mortar for work in the morning hours in the amount3-4 m 3, ensuring its acceptance at the end of the working day. If the solution arrives only on the second shift, it is necessary to ensure a supply of it for the work of the team for the entire first shift.

5. The brought solution is enriched by adding appropriate binders: cement, lime paste, gypsum, depending on the type of surface to be plastered and its purpose.

To process the solution, a temporary unit is installed at the site site. The room for this unit is assembled from inventory panels; it houses a mortar mixer and an inventory box for receiving mortar with a capacity of 4.5 m 3 .

The solution is pumped screw pump directly into the loading ladle of the mortar mixer, cement is added there, depending on the type of surface to be plastered and the quality of the delivered mortar. From the mortar mixer the solution flows onto a vibrating sieve with 5 cells´ 5 mm, and from there into the hopper of the mortar pump. As the hopper is filled, the mechanic turns on the mortar pump and the mortar is supplied to workplace. The same solution pump supplies the solution for filtering through an inclined sieve with 1.0 mesh´ 1.0 mm. The strained solution is used for covering, and the screenings are fed by a solution pump into the receiving box. Mechanisms (mortar pumps supplying solution to covering and screening), containers, and an inclined sieve are installed in one of the rooms on the lower floor for ease of work in the winter. The mortar pumps supplying the solution to the mortar lines have been modernized. They are equipped with compensators and autoregulators, which were proposed by the chief specialist of the Orgtekhstroy trust N.P. Shepelenko.

6. The compensator (see drawing K-00-00) is installed on the mortar pump instead of the existing air cap. When the pump piston moves forward, the air in the compensator pipe is compressed, and when the piston moves back, it expands and sends an additional portion of the solution into the solution line. Thanks to this, the pulsation is smoothed out, the rubber mortar line does not wear out at the bends, and most importantly, with mechanized application of the mortar, the torch turns out to be even.

7. The autoregulator (see drawing A-00-00) serves to increase the reliability of protecting mortar pumps from overloads, regulating the nozzle jet and its performance. Rubber hoses with a diameter of 51 and 38 mm are used as solution lines. In order to facilitate the work of the worker performing the nozzle, the last 10 m of the solution pipe are made from hoses with a diameter of 32 mm (for spraying and soil) and a diameter of 25 mm (for covering) and are connected to the main solution pipe using an adapter. A fishing rod is attached to the end of the hose.

8. The fishing rod is a composite (threaded) pipe with a diameter of 3/4" with a plug valve; a corresponding auger nozzle is screwed onto the end of the fishing rod, depending on the consistency of the solution.

The nozzles differ only in the volume of the screw chamber and the diameter of the outlet. Each nozzle has a set of nozzles with different outlets.

For work in bathrooms, the middle part of the pipe is discarded.

9. Grouting of surfaces is done manually, but grouting can be done mechanically; for this purpose, a separate card has been developed for grouting plastered surfaces with a pneumatic trowel S-943. To operate this machine in staircase two inventory risers for water and compressed air are installed. Compressed air is supplied using a 0-38 compressor.

10. For units performing work not related to mechanical application of the solution, the solution is supplied at the beginning of the shift into special containers. Cement and gypsum are supplied to the floors in bags using a lift designed to serve teams performing finishing, roofing and other work.

IV. Work quality assessment

1. The adhesion strength of individual layers of plaster to each other (spray, primer and top layer), as well as to the surface to be plastered, should be checked by light tapping.

2. Cracks, bumps, shells (dutik), rough surfaces, gaps at window sills, trim, baseboards, heating devices and others are not allowed.

Quality indicators




Irregularities detected when applying the rule (no more than 2 irregularities per 1 m2),

± 1.5

± 2

± 3

Surface deviations from the vertical, mm:

a) at 1 m height

± 1

± 1.5

± 2

b) to the entire height of the room


Deviations of the surface from the horizontal mm:

a) per 1 m length

± 1

± 1.5

± 2

b) for the entire length of the room or a limited part of it


Deviations of husks, usenki and door slopes from the vertical or horizontal, mm:

a) per 1 m of element length

± 1

± 1.5

± 2

b) for the entire length of the element

± 3

± 4

± 5

Deviations of the width of the plastered slope from the design, mm

± 2

± 3

Average thickness of plaster marking, mm

Thickness of the covering layer after leveling and grouting, mm

V. Organization and methods of work

1. The basis for organizing the process of plastering work is its division into operations - the division of labor between ranks, i.e. the flow-link method of work production.

2. Team units are staffed depending on the complexity, labor intensity and duration of the work performed and are included in the flow in a strict technological sequence.

3. Within the units, labor is distributed among individual plasterers in accordance with qualifications.

Team composition and distribution of work among units

Link number

Squad composition

Number of workers per link

List of works

Motor operator III category

Supply of solution into containers at the beginning of the shift, direct transportation when applying spray, primer, coating layer, filtering the solution, washing, blowing hoses with removing plugs

Plasterer II category


Plasterer operator IV category

Applying layers of spray and primer using a fishing rod and nozzle. Leveling the soil, removing fallen mortar from the floor, removing husks and cuttings

Plasterer IV category

Plasterer III category


Plasterer operator IV category

Applying a coating layer using a rod and a nozzle, grouting the surface manually or with a machine, finishing husks and appendages

Plasterer IV category

Plasterer III category


Plasterer IV category

Plastering window and door slopes

Plasterer III category


Plasterer IV category

Application of single-layer ceiling plaster with rustication

Plasterer III category


Notes . 1. Preparatory work(preparing the surface for plastering, sealing joints) are carried out by workers not engaged in the main work (in the absence of a work front). After the preparatory work, plasterers perform the main operations in separate units - applying spray, primer, covering, plastering slopes, ceilings.

2. The work of plastering the ceiling is carried out by 2 teams of 2 people each (see insert).

List of mechanisms, devices and tools for a team of plasterers of 21 people.

Item no.

Name of mechanisms, devices, tools

Unit of measurement


GOST or drawing

Installation for processing and supplying solution:


a) mortar mixer



b) mortar pump S-885 with compensator and autoregulator


Orgtekhstroy of Glavsreduralstroy, damn it. R-00-00, AR-00-00

c) vibrating sieve S-442

d) mortar pump S-263

e) inclined sieve with cells 1´ 1 mm

Orgtekhstroy Glavsreduralstroy

e) control panel

g) material hose:

diameter 51 mm

linear m


diameter 38 mm


diameter 25 mm


diameter 32 mm


Modernized trowelling machine


crap. MM-00-00



Paint injection tank


Fishing rod with non-compressor nozzle

Orgtekhstroy of Glavsreduralstroy, damn it. УУ-01-00

Pivanov's square

Same thing, damn it. P20-00

Reika Pivanov


Falcon duralumin

Same thing, damn it. Ш-59683

Large duralumin grater

Damn too. P-00-00

Small duralumin grater

Same thing, damn it. P-00-00

Bound rule 1.75 m long

Same thing, damn it. Ш-55032

Wooden malka

Same thing, damn it. MSh-00-00

Duralumin grater with foam base

Same thing, damn it. T-00-00

Duralumin grater with felt

Same thing, damn it. T-00-00


Same thing, damn it. R-00-00

Plaster trowel

GOST 9533 -60





GOST 7948 -63


GOST 9416 -60

Metal husk rule

Orgtekhstroy of Glavsreduralstroy, damn it. PL-00-00

Plastic smoother

The same, GL-00-00

Truncation rule

Damn too. PU-00-00

Roofing scissors

Plastering ladle

GOST 7945-63

Wooden stirrer


Wash brush

VNIIOMTP, damn it. 0-61116



Orgtekhstroy of Glavsreduralstroy, damn it. SSH-00-00

Container for water and solution

Same thing, damn it. E-00-00


Same thing, damn it. OYA-00-00

Inventory table-scaffold

Same thing, damn it. SA-00-00

Inventory boards

Manufactured at a construction site

Water tank with a capacity of 3 m 3

site of Orgtekhstroy Glavsreduralstroy, devil. E-00-00

Inventory box for solution with a capacity of 4.5 m3


Cement storage bunker with a capacity of 2.5 m3

Same thing, damn it. 5085

Gypsum storage bin with a capacity of 2.5 m3

Same thing, damn it. 5085

Inventory box for lime with a capacity of 0.5 m3

Container for plasticizers

Orgtekhstroy of Glavsreduralstroy, damn it. E-00-00

Trays from roofing iron

linear m

Manufactured at construction site

Cone of Stroiniel


GOST 8593-57


Orgtekhstroy of Glavsreduralstroy, damn it. Sh-163


GOST 3620-63

Rubber gloves


GOST 10108-62

Safety glasses

GOST 9802-61

The price is 600 rubles/m2, but they can start laying only in October, because... They are busy with work and will only be free at the beginning of October. If he agrees to wait, then they are ready to lay his eggs before winter. In the end, he agreed and received the clutch. Everyone is happy.

I can imagine what they gave him... due to the weather. Sometimes it rains, sometimes it gets cold.
Are you all happy? well, well

...here and there, some people, sometimes - usually large organizations involved in the installation of complex equipment AND EVERYTHING. The fact that at least someone works somehow and produces good results is already an achievement. In many regions there is no one really working anymore. Moscow is overloaded with construction workers, and an acquaintance was in Abkhazia - they cannot find electricians there. there are no plumbers, no sane finishers. Demographics and failures in vocational training will show the real estate developers...

What I mean is that masters with adequate requests that correspond to their professionalism have no need to look for orders. They are simply passed from hand to hand and that’s it. And those who stand at the markets and proudly call themselves “builders”, while constantly repeating that they have been working in Moscow for 10 years and have built a lot of things, they are clamoring for all they are worth and are waiting for their orders until someone still will not agree to their prices.

I know very good craftsmen who are not passed on from hand to hand. And at the end of the work, even if it’s a small amount, they try to cheat you. There are no claims to quality. Moreover, they are trying to cheat quite intelligent, educated people who paint their reputation almost with a halo over their heads in conversation::

About not very professional builders. Excuse me, but where will the huge number of seasoned professionals come from? Are they being mass-prepared somewhere? invest money and organize advanced training courses?
...here and there, some people, sometimes - usually large organizations involved in the installation of complex equipment AND EVERYTHING. The fact that at least someone works somehow and produces good results is already an achievement. In many regions there is no one really working anymore. Moscow is overloaded with construction workers, and an acquaintance was in Abkhazia - they cannot find electricians there. there are no plumbers, no sane finishers. Demographics and failures in vocational training will show the real estate developers...

In the section on the question How much square meters Can a plasterer plaster in a day? given by the author Neuropathologist the best answer is 20 meters along the floor, or about 40 along the walls. The norm for a plasterer is 8-10 meters per working day. It will actually take from 3 to 5 days depending on the walls. gypsum plaster faster

Reply from Venya-Benya[guru]
If my Ma weren’t sleeping right now, I would definitely tell you :))

Reply from Enlightened[guru]
Can you imagine the work of a plasterer?
If everything is done properly, then 20 square meters can be done in 3-5 days, depending on what the ceiling was like before work.
And if you do it like the housing office or guest workers, then you can do it for 1 slave. day to cope.
Moreover, if you follow the technology and do everything in order, so that the rodbunt does not come off, you first need to go over the ceiling with a primer (it will take a day to dry completely), then after priming with betocontact (another day).
If the ceiling is crooked, you need to freeze the beacons level, it will also take a day for them to dry, then you can take on the actual
ceiling plaster. The work of visiting “masters” is expensive, but it is not a fact that everything was done conscientiously.
But the work of a skilled worker costs twice as much, but the work will last as long as you live.

Reply from Separated[guru]
In 2.5 days - I could easily do such a job - with the installation of beacons

Reply from ""Poetess""[master]
According to the norm at a state enterprise, a plasterer must plaster 8 square meters in 8 hours of work, if in Kolyma then you can quite realistically try to plaster 15-20 square meters per day, again it all depends on what layer of plaster and what to plaster on (according to mesh, over shingles, over brick, over cinder block....)

Reply from Dunno[guru]
on average 15 sq. m. per day, depending on the walls, you can drive up to 30 square meters.

Reply from Galina Berezina[expert]
You can plaster the entire length of the room, but to a height of no more than 1.5 m2. In order for the lower part to be strengthened, the remaining area is plastered the next day

Reply from Borya Bonev[guru]
norm 9-12 sq. m per shift from ready-made solution

Reply from Katya Yurikova[newbie]
20 square meters

Reply from Maxim Khoteev[newbie]
I listen to all this nonsense and am surprised - many people seem to confuse plaster with putty. Do you have any idea what it’s like to plaster 20 squares with beacons in one day? you can drive 30 on the zaplukha.

Unified production and time standards





1. The production and time standards of this collection provide for the main types finishing works: plastering, painting, wallpaper, glass and facing.

2. The structures of buildings and structures to be finished must comply in terms of quality and tolerances with the requirements provided for by the chapters of the relevant SNiPs and GOSTs.

3. Materials and products used for finishing work must meet the requirements of the relevant standards.

4. Finishing work is carried out in accordance with the work execution plan (WPP) for the construction of buildings and structures. The basic requirements for the quality of finishing work are: maximum deviations given in technical parts to the corresponding chapters of the collection.

5. The standards take into account the following auxiliary operations, which are not additionally paid:

cleaning the treated surfaces from contamination with a spatula, sweeping or wiping with a rag up to 10% of the entire area, except for the norms of § E8-1-15 table 2, line 7, table 5, 6, 7, 9; E8-1-18 table 2; E8-1-19; E8-1-28 Tables 3, 4, in which direct standards are given for this operation;

surface wetting;

shoveling the finished solution;

rearrangement and movement within one section of scaffolding tables with the rearrangement of shields, stepladders and ladders during processing internal surfaces up to 3.5 m high, except § E8-1-33;

protection of sanitary fixtures, window glass and carpentry using simple improvised means;

moving materials over a distance of up to 30 m, normalized to the horizontal.

6. The standards provide for work to be performed at a height of up to 3.5 m.

When processing surfaces located above 3.5 m (from the floor or ceiling level), with the movement of ready-made mobile scaffolding, multiply by 0.8, -1.25 (VT-1).

7. The standards do not take into account and are paid additionally:

installation and rearrangement of scaffolding, continuous belt and other non-movable scaffolding - according to the collection E6 "Carpentry and joinery work in buildings and structures";

movement of materials to a distance beyond that specified in paragraph 5 of this introductory part - according to the collection E1 "In-building transport work";

preparation of solutions (except for specially stated cases) - according to the collection E3 "Stone works";

maintenance of compressors and installation of air ducts and solution pipelines.

8. The standards provide for work to be carried out in rooms with a floor area of ​​sq. 5 m. When working in rooms with a floor area of ​​up to 5 m and multiply:

according to Chapter 1, except § E8-1-13, 0.67, 1.5 (VCh-2);

according to chapters 2, 3, 5 0.83, 1.2 (VCh-3).

9. The norms of § E8-1-1 table 2, column "d" and § E8-1-5 table 1 are applied only in individual cases with the obligatory execution of an act for work related to the modification building structures and parts on the construction site.

10. All types of finishing work covered by this collection must be carried out in compliance with the rules provided for by SNiP III-4-80 "Technique".

Workers must know and follow the specified safety rules when performing work.

11. Tariffing of work was carried out in accordance with the ETKS of work and professions of workers, issue 3, section. "Construction, installation and", approved in 1985 with subsequent additions and changes as of 1987.

12. The paragraphs show production norms () and time norms () in the form of a fraction (above the four, below the line -) or separately in two adjacent columns.

13. Time standards are given in person-hours for the meter adopted in the paragraph.

14. Production standards are calculated on the basis of time standards () per unit of the accepted work meter per work shift of 8 hours for 1 worker. When performing link processes, it is determined by multiplying for 1 worker by the number of workers engaged in performing the corresponding work.

15. Prices are calculated directly in , based on the time standards established in these organizations.


Technical part

1. The standards of this chapter take into account the performance of internal and external plastering works in accordance with the requirements of Section 3 of SNiP 3.04.01-87 “Insulating and finishing coatings”.

2. When performing plastering work, everything technological operations where mechanization means are provided, should only be carried out mechanized way. Manual application of the solution is allowed in rooms with a floor area of ​​5 m or less, as well as in conditions that do not allow the use of mechanized means of applying the solution.

3. Concrete and gypsum concrete surfaces before plastering are processed: by cutting, notching, priming with a 7% solution of polyvinyl acetate and subsequent plastering with a polymer cement solution, treatment with a 10% solution of technical hydrochloric acid.

Smooth surfaces of prefabricated concrete elements, as well as rolled gypsum concrete panels with a clean, smooth surface, cannot be plastered.

4. When plastering rooms with a height of more than 3.5 m and facades, inventory scaffolding is provided. The forests used must be sustainable, providing safe work plasterers

5. and taken into account, except where otherwise specified:

for mechanized feeding and mechanized application - the use of lime-gypsum, cement-lime or cement mortar;

for manual plastering - the use of cement-lime or cement mortar.

6. For mechanized supply and mechanized application of lime and clay mortars, as well as for manual plastering - the use of warm and cold lime, lime-gypsum, plaster and clay mortars - multiply by 1.2, - by 0.85 (PM-1) . When working with chlorinated lime mortars multiply by 0.9 (PM-2). When working with chlorinated cement-lime or chlorinated cement mortars- - by 0.9, - by 1.1 (PM-3).

7. When plastering facades, it is stipulated that the area of ​​openings does not exceed 20% of the area of ​​the facades. For larger openings, multiply by 0.83 - by 1.2 (PM-4).

The percentage of opening is determined for each wall (main facade, courtyard facade, end facade) and for each type of plastering (regular, decorative) separately.

8. The measurement of the completed plastering work is calculated minus the area of ​​the openings along the outer rim of the boxes. If the width of the cornices or arches exceeds 300 mm, the areas occupied by them are excluded from the measurement.

9. When performing plastering work, the following must be observed: technical requirements shown in the following table:

Technical requirements

Limit deviations

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

Deviations from the vertical of plastered surfaces (mm per 1 m), mm:

with simple plaster - 3

No more than 15 mm for the entire height of the room

Measuring, at least 5 measurements, with a control two-meter rod on a 50-70 m surface or on a separate area of ​​a smaller area in places identified by a continuous visual inspection (for molded products - at least 5 at 35-40 m and three per element) work log

The same, improved - 2

The same, no more than 10 mm

The same, high quality - 1

The same, no more than 5 mm

Irregularities of smoothly contoured surfaces (at 4 m):

with simple plaster - no more than 3, depth (height) up to 5 mm

the same, improved - no more than 2, depth (height) up to 3 mm

the same, high quality - no more than 2, depth (height) up to 2 mm

Horizontal deviations (mm per 1 m) should not exceed mm:

with simple plaster - 3

with improved plaster - 2

the same, high quality - 1

Deviations of window and door slopes, pilasters, pillars, husks, etc.

From the vertical and horizontal (mm per 1 m) should not exceed mm:

Measuring, at least 5 measurements with a control two-meter rod on 50-70 m of the surface or on a separate section of a smaller area in places identified by a continuous visual inspection (for molded products - at least 5 at 35-40 m and three per element) work log, except measurements (3 by 1 mm)

For simple plastering - 4

Up to 10 mm for the entire element

the same, improved - 2

The same, up to 5 mm

the same, high quality - 1

The same, up to 3 mm

The deviation of the radius of curved surfaces, checked by a pattern, from the design value (for the entire element) should not exceed, mm:

with simple plaster - 10

the same, improved - 7

the same, high quality - 5

Deviations of the slope width from the design should not exceed, mm:

with simple plaster - 5

the same, improved - 3

the same, high quality - 2

Measuring, at least 5 measurements with a control two-meter rod on 50-70 m of the surface or on a separate area of ​​​​a smaller area in places identified by a continuous visual inspection (for molded products - at least 5 at 35-40 m and three per element), except for measurements ( 3 by 1 mm), work log

Deviations of the rods from a straight line within the limits between the angles of intersection of the rods and the bracing should not exceed mm:
with simple plaster - 6
the same, improved - 3
the same, high quality - 2

Measuring, at least 5 measurements with a control two-meter rod on a 50-70 m surface or on a separate area of ​​a smaller area in places identified by a continuous visual inspection (for molded products) - at least 5 at 35-40 m and three per element) except for measurements (3 by 1 mm), work log

10. When accepting plastering work to ready-made coatings in accordance with SNiP 3.04.01-87 “Insulating and finishing coatings” the following requirements are imposed:

the plaster must be firmly connected to the surface of the plastered structure and not peel off from it;

plastered surfaces should not have maximum deviations exceeding those given in the table.

Workers must know and comply with all requirements for the quality of work performed provided for in this chapter.

§ E8-1-1. Preparing surfaces for plastering

Guidelines for application of standards

The standards of this paragraph provide for the coating of concrete, reinforced concrete, brick and wooden architectural details(cornices, corbels, etc.), places where wooden parts of buildings meet stone, brick and concrete structures metal mesh with cells measuring 10x10 mm or wire weaving with cells not sized. 40x40 mm if plastering is necessary with a layer of St. 20 mm.

Places of interface between plastered surfaces made of different materials, are upholstered with metal mesh with an overlap of 4-5 cm on both sides of the joint, and the surfaces wooden structures- shingles with a mesh size of 45x45 mm in the clear without interlacing shingles.

Upholstery with piece shingles is carried out only for small amounts of work.

Notching surfaces and cutting off concrete sagging

Scope of work

1. Notching the surface with strokes or cutting off sagging concrete. 2. Cleaning the surface.

Table 1

Composition of the plasterer team

Processing method


Table 2

Production rates in m
Standard time per 100 m of prepared surface

Type of surfaces

Processing method

Surface notching

Cutting down beads of concrete


concrete with crushed brick

concrete with gravel


Walls and partitions, pillars, pilasters, rectangular columns and large radius curved surfaces


Ceilings, flights of stairs, cylindrical columns and semi-columns, beams, cornices and other small surfaces


Fastening plaster mesh and braiding with wire over nails

Scope of work

When punching a mesh through a frame coated with a solution

1. Marking and cutting the mesh. 2. Punching the mesh to the finished frame with tension. 3. Preparation of cement milk. 4. Spray the mesh with cement milk (when coating with lime-gypsum mortar). 5. Preparation of lime-gypsum mortar. 6. Coating the mesh with a solution.

When attaching mesh strips in corners and on furrows or in places where structures made of different materials meet

1. Marking and cutting the mesh into strips. 2. Attaching the mesh to wooden surfaces nails; to brick, concrete - mortar. 3. Preparation of gypsum mortar by hand.

When wrapping metal beams with mesh

1. Marking and cutting the mesh. 2. Wrapping the beams with mesh and fastening.

When braiding wire over nails

1. Nailing. 2. Wire braiding.

Table 3

Production rates in m
Time standards for meters indicated in the table

Name of work


Composition of the plasterer team

Type of surfaces

walls and partitions

ceilings and staircases

pillars, pilasters, rectangular columns and large radius curved surfaces

cylindrical columns and semi-columns, beams, cornices and other small surfaces

Sewing the mesh onto the frame with coating with mortar

3 size - 1
2 " - 1

Attaching the mesh strips

on wood or gypsum boards

1 m strip

on furrows, brick or concrete surfaces


in corners, on grooves or in places where structures made of different materials meet

1 m strip

Wrapping beams with mesh


Stuffing nails with braided wire

Upholstery of wooden surfaces

Plasterer 2 grades

Table 4

Production rates in m
Time standards for 100 m of prepared surface


Scope of work

Walls and partitions

Ceilings and staircases

Pillars, pilasters, rectangular columns and large radius curved surfaces

Cylindrical columns and semi-columns, beams, cornices and other small surfaces

Shagged boards

1. Sorting. 2. Nailing

Piece crap

1. Sorting. 2. Marking and cutting (if necessary). 3. Nailing

Roof felt, burlap

1. Open. 2. Cutting to size. 3. Nailing
