Herbaceous peonies - how to divide and replant (master class with photos). Favorite flowers

Sooner or later, the time comes when there is a need to transplant the bush to a new place or replant it; summer residents are faced with the question of choosing the right time for this procedure.

In fact, quite often the question arises about when is the best time to replant peonies: in spring or autumn, so that the flowers are not damaged and continue to bloom next year, since they do not particularly like to be replanted.

Features of planting or replanting peonies in autumn

Autumn, especially from early September to mid-October, when plants begin their dormant period, is the best time for a planned replantation of peony bushes, the rhizomes of which grow quickly and need to be divided. Planting a 4-5 year old bush will be more gentle; in older plants, the roots are more tightly intertwined, and their separation becomes difficult.

Autumn replanting allows the divisions to calmly take root in a new place: hot weather gives way to pleasant coolness, infrequent rains provide the peonies with sufficient moisture, young roots actively grow and develop.

Choose a sunny area and begin to prepare it 2-3 weeks before planting:

The resulting composition is mixed and left until planting. Because peonies grow in one place long time, a well-filled hole will allow the root system to receive nutrients. Moreover, the roots grow slowly; after transplanting, they obtain food from the upper soil layers.

Replanting peonies in the fall begins with carefully digging up the plants; it is better to do this with a pitchfork, as if loosening the bush, so that it is easier to remove, then the tubers are less injured. The removed bush is cleaned of excess soil and washed running water, being careful not to damage the kidneys.

Clean roots are laid out to dry to make them easier to work with, leave them in the sun, let them wilt a little and become more pliable.

When starting to divide, first cut the old roots to 10-15 cm, inspect the bush, divide it in half, then into smaller divisions so that a part of the root system remains on each of them. It is necessary to try to divide the bush into equal parts so that they have 2-3 eyes, otherwise it will be difficult for weak, small parts to take root.

If rotten spots or voids are found on the roots, they are cleaned and disinfected. Before planting, the cuttings are kept in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, then they can be treated with a stimulant and planted in prepared holes, after watering them.

When planting, you need to be careful not to deepen the bushes too much; the thickness of the soil should not exceed 5 cm; shallow planting is also unacceptable, otherwise the roots will freeze. The first time after planting, you should not water it heavily so that the roots do not absorb excess moisture through the cuts.

Is it possible to plant or transplant peonies in spring?

If an urgent need arises, it is also possible to replant peonies in the spring, but this should be done as early as possible, before vegetative growth of the above-ground part of the bush begins.

U spring planting peonies have one secret: vegetative roots begin to grow at +3 0 C, at the time of transplantation they will be in the process of development. Therefore, rhizomes taken out of the ground cannot be kept in the light for a long time, otherwise the young roots will die. To prevent this from happening, planting holes must be dug in advance, fertilized, and filled with the necessary minerals.

When the planting holes are ready, dig up the roots, shake off the soil, inspect the planting material to remove old and rotten parts and move it to a new location. Planting peonies quickly is not difficult if everything is prepared in advance. If the exposure of the roots to air lasted no more than 5 minutes, the survival rate should be high.

The soil is carefully compacted, watered, and further care for flowers.

Some mistakes gardeners make when transplanting peonies

When growing peonies, gardeners need to follow certain requirements, regardless of whether they have to replant peonies in spring or autumn:

Amateur gardeners should also take into account that the timing of replanting peonies: in spring or autumn, does not affect the flowering time of the bush. Transplanted peonies bloom after 2-3 years; if after this time there is no full flowering, you need to look for errors in care.

All about replanting peonies

From this video you will learn about all the nuances of transplanting peonies:

In the territories of Eurasia and North America. Their homeland is China, where peonies began to be bred more than 2 thousand years ago.

In appearance, the plant can be a tree or herbaceous subshrub, or. Peony stems grow up to 1 meter in height. The branches are large, strong, thick. They have trifoliate leaves, the color of which, depending on the variety, can be from green to purple. The flowers are large, located at the ends of the branches, their diameter can reach up to 20 cm. The root system is powerful. At home, mainly herbaceous types of peonies are grown.

The most popular varieties of peonies for growing:

  • Peony Adolphe Rousseau. Large variety with a compact bush, the branches of which extend 100 cm in height. The leaves are trifoliate, large, painted in a dark green tone with a red tint. The flowers are large, the petals are dark red and alternate with yellow stamens. The buds open in early summer.
  • Peony Alexander Fleming. A large bush with strong stems that branch slightly. The flower is full, large, diameter 12 cm, petals are colored pink tone. They have a delicate aroma. The flowering period begins in late spring or early summer, depending on the weather.
  • Peony Alice Harding. The bush is short, the height of the stems reaches only 50 cm. The branches are spreading. The flowers are large, full, the petals are colored white tone with pink edges. The flowering period begins in early summer and lasts 2 weeks.
  • Peony Barzella. The bush is medium in size, its height reaches 70-80 cm. It has large flowers with a diameter of up to 25 cm. The petals are painted in a soft yellow color; when the bud is fully open, pink inclusions are visible in the center. The flower in the middle is empty and has a pleasant lemon aroma. The stems are thick, erect, strong. The variety is characterized by abundant flowering; one bush can have up to 50 buds.

unpretentious plants, but you need to carefully select a place for them. The bush must be protected from wind and draft. It is not recommended to plant peonies close to your home. Since the heat that comes from the building will overheat the bush and roots. The soil should be fertile and well-drained, and the location should be on a hill. Lighting should be constant, with shading for 2–4 hours a day.

Peonies do not tolerate swampy soil well; being in water for a long time, the roots rot, which leads to the death of the bush.

Therefore, watering should be moderate throughout the spring and autumn period. When buds begin to form on the bushes, it is necessary to ensure that the soil around the bush does not dry out completely, as this can lead to the death of the flowers. The rest of the time, the plant is watered once every 7–10 days, depending on weather conditions.

Plant nutrition:

  • Adult bushes need feeding.
  • Young, recently transplanted peonies are not recommended to be fertilized abundantly.
  • You can apply organic and mineral fertilizers containing calcium and phosphorus.

Peonies can be transplanted in spring or autumn. After the peonies bloom, the best period for planting and replanting them will be September. At this time, the heat subsides, and new buds form on the bushes. The bush is dug up, divided into several parts and planted in prepared holes. Autumn replanting of peony guarantees abundant flowering in the spring.

Transplantation in spring is more difficult:

  • There is no specific month, as the whole process is adjusted to the weather.
  • When the first sunny days begin and the snow has almost all melted, the bush can be removed from the ground along with the lump.
  • In the spring, the bush cannot be divided, and the roots cannot be washed or the soil shaken off. After winter, the roots are weak and brittle, and any wrong movement can damage the bush.
  • A bush with a lump of earth is placed in a pre-prepared hole with loose soil mixed with nutrients.
  • Rotted compost is suitable for this.
  • Stronger fertilizers and fertilizing are not recommended during this period.
  • The transplanted bush must be watered regularly so that the soil around it does not dry out too much, but also avoid excessive moisture.

Bushes need to be prepared for winter. 5-7 days after the end of flowering of the entire bush, it is fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. When cold weather sets in, cut off the entire above-ground part of the plant. In regions where the temperature drops below -15 degrees in the winter months, it is recommended to insulate the bush autumn leaves or sawdust.

Peonies reproduce by seeds, roots and. Only breeders propagate these plants using seeds. This is a rather labor-intensive and lengthy process in which the resulting plants do not retain the characteristics and external data of the mother bush.

When propagating by root cuttings, it is necessary in mid-summer to separate the part of the root on which the dormant bud is located.

This piece is planted in a previously prepared hole for rooting. By autumn the roots should take root. The disadvantage of this method is that such bushes bloom only 5 years after planting.

Dividing a bush is the simplest and most common way to propagate peonies:

  • Bushes are selected that are mature and have bloomed profusely for 2–3 years in a row.
  • At the end of summer or beginning of autumn, when the heat subsides, you can begin the process of propagating peonies.
  • The bush is dug in at a distance of 20–25 cm and carefully removed from the ground.
  • In this case, it is necessary to cut off all stems and branches at the root. The earth is carefully cleared away.
  • The roots are washed, the bad ones are removed and the old ones are trimmed.
  • It is necessary to divide the bush carefully so that 3-4 eyes remain on the separated root.
  • For disinfection, the roots can be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Peonies can be infected with gray rot. Such diseases can appear on plants when improper care, excess moisture and nitrogenous substances in the soil. The bush and all plants growing nearby are treated with special treatments. In some cases, bushes are transferred to more suitable place or seated.

More information can be found in the video.

The need to replant peonies arises in the event of excessive growth of the bush, depletion of the fertile soil layer, or changes in the landscape of the site. Best time plant replanting - early autumn. Before the onset of cold weather, the flower takes root in a new place, successfully survives the winter and manages to gain strength for flowering in the following seasons. It is possible to transplant peonies in summer or spring, but this requires more effort and skill.

Time to transplant peonies

The flower reacts sensitively to moving to a new place. The root system is restored over a long period, which leads to later and less abundant flowering. In some cases, the peony may stop blooming after the procedure. The condition of the perennial and the timing of the movement directly affect the renewal decorative look. It is better to plan to transplant peonies at a time when they are preparing for the dormant period.

Benefits of spring planting

In early spring, you can change the place where the flower grows only by transshipment. It is not recommended to plant bushes by dividing the rhizomes. When transplanted in spring, compact plants, as a rule, bloom later than usual or do not produce buds at all. This depends on compliance with planting technology and general condition root system. For a weakened plant, it is advisable to remove the emerging buds so that it spends energy on rooting and prepares for lush flowering the next season. The timing of planting peonies depends on the region. The main requirement is soil heated to 7-10 °C, saturated with moisture.

Summer landing

For early varieties peonies are transplanted in August. By this month, the perennial stops its growing season and accumulates in the roots. required quantity nutrients for future flowering. Planting takes place before the onset of the rainy season, which facilitates the adaptation process. Peonies aged 4-5 years are distinguished by a powerful rhizome, which must be divided when transplanting. The procedure helps rejuvenate the old bush and allows you to obtain new seedlings.

Flowering peonies are not replanted; this leads to the death of the perennial. If there is an urgent need, you should wait for the end of flowering, after which you can begin replanting.

Plus of autumn transplantation

Peonies are transplanted to another location in the fall in September or early October, when the suction roots begin to grow. At this time there is little traffic on the site preparatory work, so you can quickly prepare the plant and future location for successful rooting.

In the fall, the flower is replanted together with a lump of earth and by dividing the roots. The rainy period promotes the development of fungal diseases, so the places where the rhizomes are separated are carefully treated with an antiseptic.

Timing for planting peony bushes

Travel time flowering perennial determined based on climatic features regions that are not always reflected by the calendar method. Peonies are transplanted to another place in the spring as soon as the snow cover melts and the soil temperature reaches above zero. Appearance the bush will tell you optimal time: Young red sprouts should not exceed 5 cm in height.

In autumn, the perennial is moved as early as possible. Low temperature air in combination with high humidity makes it difficult for the capricious flower to take root. Plays an important role during transplantation proper preparation area for planting.

There are varieties that must be replanted to another site every 10 years. Otherwise, they stop blooming and often get sick.

Preparatory stage

The reason gardeners value peony is its lush, fragrant blooms in early summer. If you plant the plant in an unprepared place, the decorative properties of the perennial are reduced, and a small number of buds are formed on the bush. Peony transplantation requires compliance with several rules for choosing a location and preparation. planting material.

Preparing the place

A hole for the plant is prepared no later than 2 weeks in advance. The distance to the nearest neighbor in the flowerbed is a meter. This planting scheme promotes sufficient illumination of the peony, ensures the circulation of air masses, and allows for the proper development of roots. It is necessary to transplant peonies to a lighted area, away from large trees and buildings. The planting pit is prepared using the following technology:

  • at least 2 weeks before transplantation, a hole is dug to a depth of half a meter;
  • the bottom layer of soil is sprinkled drainage layer;
  • mix ½ soil with compost and superphosphate;
  • spill the hole with water and leave it to settle and dissolve the fertilizer.

Chernozem or soil enriched in spring is not fertilized mineral supplements. If you are going to transplant a flower into soil with a high pH, ​​first add 1 cup of ash or chalk to the soil.

Preparation of planting material

Young bushes are transferred to a new hole with soil. If during the replanting process the soil crumbles and exposes the root system, you should inspect the shoots and remove dry, damaged parts with sharp pruning shears. Sprinkle the cut activated carbon or ash.

In August, you can replant overgrown peonies, having previously separated part of the rhizome. Watering is stopped a week before the procedure. Tender roots are easily separated from dry soil. When dividing, adhere to the following rules:

  • the dug root is carefully freed from the remaining soil. Do not shake or beat against the wall, this will damage the thin suction roots;
  • dry in the shade for several hours;
  • shorten shoots to 15-20 cm;
  • Use a sharp, clean knife to separate the rhizome, on which more than 6 buds are formed;
  • 3-4 buds are left on each division;
  • The incision site is treated with an antiseptic; a solution of potassium permanganate or garden varnish is suitable.

In rainy weather, wet soil may stick to the rhizome. To easily assess the condition of the root system and examine the buds, it is recommended to carefully water the plant with a garden watering can. It is necessary to clean the soil by placing the plant on film or in a wide container. When hanging, there is a high risk of injuring thin roots.

How to replant peonies

It is better to transplant peony bushes to another place in the evening. Prepared seedlings are immersed in a hole with soil. To properly transplant peonies, you need to deepen the bush 5-7 cm below the root collar. Young buds should be covered with a layer of soil. If you leave them on the surface, they will dry out quickly; immersion deep in the soil will lead to rotting. The ground around the planted peony is lightly compacted - there should be no voids left around the roots.

New bushes formed as a result of dividing the rhizome are transplanted into a hole spilled with a weak solution of manganese. This will prevent the development of fungal diseases and protect against rot in rainy weather. The planting depth depends on the size of the seedling, while the root collar is covered with soil by 5-7 cm.

Experienced gardeners prepare a thick mixture of clay and ash, coat the roots of the dug-out bush with the paste and cover it with burlap. In this form, seedlings can be stored for several weeks in a cool, dark room.

If you are planning a flower bed from different varieties peonies, the flower should be replanted in accordance with the size of the plant. Tall varieties, regardless of flowering time, are placed in the background. Low perennials are planted closer to the edge. Leave 50-70 cm before the passage so that drooping stems do not obscure the path.

Peonies should be cared for more carefully after transplantation. A transplanted perennial needs favorable conditions for speedy rooting. Care in the spring-summer period consists of several points:

  • weekly watering at the rate of 1.5 buckets of water per 1 seedling. In hot, dry weather, the frequency of watering increases or the soil around each bush is mulched;
  • weeding and loosening the soil to a depth of no more than 10 cm;
  • tying the stems with a wide rope as the shoots grow;
  • removing buds during the next season.

When a flower is transplanted to another place in the fall, especially by dividing the roots, they need shelter for winter period. For this purpose, use spruce branches or cardboard boxes. If the soil is highly acidic, mulching and covering the perennial with peat should be avoided.

In spring, the shelter is removed as soon as active snow melting begins. From this point on, it is necessary to provide the seedlings with access to sunlight and air. If all rules are followed, peony flowering resumes for the 2nd year.

Transplanting a flower to another area is a painstaking task that requires care. Each transplant stops flowering for one or more seasons. However, following the basic rules will not only allow you to successfully move the perennial to a new location, but also rejuvenate the plant through proper division of the rhizome. If you replant a peony at the end of August, then after a season you can get a stronger bush, ready for full flowering.

Peonies can delight you with their flowers for many years lush flowering while staying in one place. But what if for some reason you need to transfer to new site? Or perhaps you want to remove part of a mature bush so that there is more beauty around you? This page of our website is dedicated to the issue how to replant peonies to bloom next year.

Place for replanting peonies

Before learning all the intricacies of the transplantation process itself, it is important to find out how to choose the right amount of soil for planting peonies. To flowering plant showed itself in all its glory, it needs a lot of sun. A slightly shaded area is also suitable.

Peonies should not be planted where moisture stagnates. However, they need sufficient water and nutrients. In view of this, it is better to place them not too close to bushes and trees that have powerful roots. At a minimum, the distance should be one meter.

In this case, the peony should not be in the shade of the tree all day. It is very important to consider what part of the day the bush will be illuminated by the sun. Beautiful and appropriate flowers will delight you only if they bathe in the rays of daylight in the first half of the day. If it receives radiation only in the afternoon, the flowers will be deformed.

For good flowering the peony should be in the sun in the morning

Preparing a hole for a peony

Now let's talk about the next stage - preparing the hole. It should be carried out in advance - several weeks before planting the peony, so that the soil has time to settle and the roots are not subsequently injured. The hole should be made not according to the volume of the roots, but taking into account their rapid growth in depth and breadth. A hole in the ground with a diameter of 70 cm and the same depth is suitable.

Drainage should be installed at the bottom of the created hole. To do this, create a layer of crushed brick or sand. The soil removed from the hole is mixed with peat or humus, ash and specially purchased phosphorus fertilizer.

If on site groundwater lie close to the surface, this is not a reason to refuse to plant peonies. Due to the fact that the plant does not like high humidity, the hole is made shallow - only 10-20 cm, but much wider.

Dividing a peony bush

To divide an overgrown peony bush, it is important to know how to do it correctly. It is necessary to dig it up and disconnect the so-called “division” with 2-3 roots and 3-5 buds. A larger number of buds is extremely undesirable, since in this case there will be few flowers. Having planted it in a new place, you can expect it to bloom the next year. True, for real beautiful flowers on young plant will appear only in the third year.

Dividing a peony bush, especially an old one, can be difficult. Its rhizome is too tangled, and it can be quite difficult to properly disconnect a division. It is important to consider that the number of buds should be proportional to the number of additional roots. First, you should mark the approximate fault lines and loosen the rhizome by hand. Then using convenient tool, for example, chisels, you can cut the roots in predetermined places.

After separation from the mother plant, the divisions need to be washed and cleaned of damaged and growing roots. All healthy roots need to be trimmed to a length of 15 cm. It is advisable not to skip the next stage - dressing. The roots of the division should be dipped in a solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate. All cuts must be treated with charcoal.

Next, prepare a mash of clay, into which it is advisable to add wood ash. Each piece is dipped into this mash and then thoroughly dried. After 5 hours it can be planted. However, this does not have to be done right away - the cuttings processed in this way can be stored for a long time.

Peony planting rules

When is the best time to start replanting a peony to a new location? The best time for this is the end of summer or the very beginning of the golden age. At this time, the air temperature drops and it is usually rainy season. This will have a beneficial effect on the development of the peony bush. You should not replant while the peony is still blooming. If this cannot be avoided, the buds that have not opened by that time will most likely not bloom. If there is a need, you can take the event in early spring.

If the whole plant is transferred, it is advisable to leave an earthen lump on the rhizome. Such a plant will fully bloom next year. The delenka must be immersed in a hole so that the buds are 5 cm underground. There should be at least a meter of free land between neighboring peony bushes. For several weeks after planting, it is important to ensure that the soil does not dry out.

Some tips for growing peonies:

Monitor the acidity of the soil - the plant does not like acid.
Be moderate in the amount of fertilizer for shrubs.

So, now you know how to replant peonies to bloom next year. If everything is done correctly, the bush will not get sick or have a year-long break in flowering. Remember that peonies do not like acidic soil, shade and stagnant moisture. Instead, you should take care of their regular watering and feeding. Transplanting a bush to a new place, as you have seen, is not at all a troublesome task. Only dividing a bush that has tangled roots will require special skills. However, by following the simple and clear instructions given above, you will succeed. Be successful in improving your site!

Peonies will bloom well if you transplant them to another place every 5 years. The optimal time for this is autumn, as the plant has time to take root before the cold weather. In emergency cases, transplantation can be done in the spring. There are two planting methods for this: in pots and in open ground. The first method is more gentle on the divisions.

Site selection, soil preparation and other nuances

For the transplant to be successful, you need to carefully prepare for the work.


Peonies love open spaces with sunlight. This allows air to circulate between the bushes and prevent diseases. Light partial shade in daytime has a beneficial effect on plants, but prolonged exposure to the shade will negatively affect flowering. Peonies may not please you with their buds.

The place for peonies should be protected from cold winds. But they cannot be planted near buildings either, since the earth gets very hot in this zone. Optimal distance maintained at 1.5 m.

Flowers experience a lack of moisture if they are planted in the zone of the root system of trees and tall shrubs. The distance from them is chosen the same as from buildings.

Soil preparation

Flowers live in one place for decades; soil preparation affects the decorative appearance of peonies.

Compound garden soil could be anyone, but better than peonies open in loamy, cultivated and drained soil (pH - 6-6.5). If there is excess clay in the soil, it must be diluted with sand and vice versa. Add lime or dolomite flour to acidic soil.

Flowers respond positively to moist soil, but cannot tolerate wetlands and stagnant water.

The roots stretch to a fairly large depth. Having reached solid ground, they branch out horizontally. If the root system is shallow, peonies do not receive enough moisture. Deep tillage is especially necessary on heavy soils. Aeration and drainage are improved. Organic fertilizers in this case, they are introduced to a sufficient depth.

Algorithm of actions:

  • begin soil preparation a few weeks before planting so that the soil has time to settle (2-4 weeks);
  • size landing pit- 50-70 cm in width and depth. The step between bushes is 1 meter. If the place is low, increase the depth by 20 cm to add drainage. For large plantings, the trench method is used;
  • the bottom is filled with drainage in the form broken bricks, crushed stone, sand 20 cm.
  • the next layer (50 cm) is a nutrient mixture: humus, peat, top layer earth, 200 g of superphosphate per hole and 400 g of bone meal, 100 g of potassium sulfate;
  • fill the remaining space with earth without additives. 10 cm is not added to the edges of the pit.

The seat is left for several weeks to shrink.

Preparing the plant for division and transplantation

Peonies are transplanted to another place no earlier than after 4 years. The optimal time for this is autumn. In emergency cases, when it is necessary to save flowers, for example, from rodents and diseases, transplantation is done in the spring. Flowering is not expected this year.

Flowers should be replanted early spring, before they begin to grow, that is, after the snow melts, since fragile buds can be damaged.

Work algorithm:

Now the divisions are ready to be planted in a new place.

Process technique

To transplant peonies to a new place in the spring, you will need to go through the following stages of work:

As soon as a sprout reaches 4 cm from the bud, you should loosen the soil, remove the mulch and sprinkle the root circle with manure and nitrophoska.

Experienced gardeners advise planting cuttings in spring in large pots and keeping them in basement. To moisten the soil, place pieces of ice; when they melt, they will nourish the soil. In April, take the pots out into the garden and bury them in open ground along with the pot. In September, prepare a hole and replant using the transshipment method.


After transplantation, the plant needs watering. The soil must not be allowed to dry out. After watering, loosen and mulch the soil. This promotes moisture retention and prevents weed growth. Irrigation should be carried out carefully and do not allow moisture to get on the leaves.

Within two years, the buds are pinched. During this period it develops root system. After 2 years, you can leave one bud. Only in the third year will peonies bloom in full glory.

It is necessary to disinfect the soil near the bushes. To do this, dissolve 2 g of potassium permanganate solution in 10 liters of water and distribute it evenly over the surface of the soil. The procedure has a positive effect on the growth of roots and buds.

Young shoots of the plant are very fragile, strong wind may damage them. Gardeners are setting up fences. The height of the structure is no more than 50% of the bush itself. It is not recommended to tie shoots up to the fence.

For winter, the above-ground part should be cut back to ground level after the first frost hits.

Warn fungal diseases Preventative spraying will help antifungal agents or copper oxychloride. Dosage: 20 g of the drug per 5 liters of water. For good result carry out prophylaxis twice, in the second half of summer.

Feeding transplanted flowers

In the first two years after transplantation, the plant does not need root feeding. But for better root formation experienced gardeners use foliar feeding:

  1. Prepare a working solution: carbamide - 40 g, a bucket of water. Ready mixture spray the bushes after green mass appears.
  2. After two weeks, 1 tablet with microelements is added to the working solution and sprayed.
  3. The third feeding is carried out with 2 tablets of microelements.

In the third year of life, peonies need organic matter and mineral fertilizers.

The first feeding is required in the spring, when shoots are actively growing. 15 g of saltpeter are dissolved in water (1 bucket) and applied to the soil in the evening.

During the formation of buds, it is carried out foliar feeding mineral fertilizers. Add 5 g of potassium salt and superphosphate to a bucket of water.

For root feeding in May, use a solution of mullein. A bucket of manure is filled with water (6 buckets) and left to ferment for 10 days. Stir once a day. Before use, dilute with water and water around the bush.

Repeated treatment is carried out during flowering with mineral fertilizers.

After flowering, fertilizers are needed to increase frost resistance and bud growth. Feeding is carried out after 2 weeks with mullein solution.

Contrary to all recommendations for replanting peonies, experienced gardeners prove that it is possible to replant peonies not only in the fall, but also in the spring. The main thing is to fulfill all the requirements: choosing the right place, soil - and then luxurious flowers will decorate your garden.
