The chimney in the bathhouse is clogged, what should I do? Cleaning the chimney in a sauna stove

July 25, 2016
Specialization: Capital construction work(laying a foundation, erecting walls, constructing a roof, etc.). Internal construction work (laying internal communications, rough and fine finishing). Hobbies: mobile communications, high technology, computer equipment, programming.

As it turned out, there was a bathhouse in the relatives’ yard, which they had not used for a long time, since the chimney in the stove was clogged. Luckily, I knew how to deal with this problem myself, so I quickly got to work and got the furnace working again. As a reward, I took a steam bath in the steam room and collected very valuable information.

The result of all this was the instructions for cleaning chimney pipes, which I bring to your attention.

Why do you need clean smoke exhaust ducts?

Many in childhood saw how their grandfathers and great-grandfathers cleaned the pipe from soot, but not everyone knows why this not very pleasant operation is necessary. Therefore, I will work a little as a lecturer so that you have something to tell your children on long winter evenings, rocking in a rocking chair by the fireplace.

So, upon combustion solid fuel, in addition to thermal energy and hot gases, soot is formed in the furnace. Upstream flows thermal air it rises up the chimney and gradually settles on the walls of the chimney.

As you work heating device the soot layer becomes thicker. And in the end, all this can lead to very unpleasant consequences:

  • the channel for removing gases formed during combustion is greatly narrowed, which reduces the draft in the pipe;
  • soot adhered to the walls of the chimney damages the surface of the pipe and reduces the service life of the device;
  • the efficiency of the stove (thermal energy production) decreases, that is, to maintain the desired temperature in the room you will have to use more firewood, coal, fuel briquettes or whatever you have;
  • the likelihood of ignition of soot deposits inside the stove chimney increases.

Only cleaning the smoke exhaust duct will help you get rid of all the troubles. It is only important to determine when exactly you need to start this not the most pleasant procedure. This is what I will talk about next.

When you can no longer put off this unpleasant task

Basically, based on my own experience, I can tell you that if the fireplace or wood stove is folded experienced craftsman and they have met all the requirements, they will need to worry about how to clean the pipe from soot no more than once every few years.

Especially if you use high-quality fuel. For example, if, in addition to firewood, you throw various garbage into the firebox, plastic bottles, plastic bags and other plastic items, you do not need to rely on a clean chimney.

I can also advise you not to use damp wood for heating, especially pine or spruce wood.
Birch logs that have been in your woodpile for at least 2 years from the date of harvesting are most suitable for the firebox.

So, I’ll tell you what signs indicate the need for urgent chimney cleaning:

  1. Smoke color change. A clean chimney produces clean, light and transparent smoke. If soot has accumulated there, it will change its color to a darker one. And the smoke itself will become denser.

  1. Changing the shade of the open flame in the firebox. If the draft in the pipe is normal and the chimney is clean, the firewood burns with a light orange flame. An orange-colored fire will indicate the need to clean the chimney.

Be that as it may, I advise you to carry out preventive cleaning of the pipe once every 6 months: before the start of the cold season and after it ends. This allows you not only to remove soot in a timely manner, but also to get rid of clogging of the smoke exhaust channel with cobwebs, bird nests, fallen leaves, and so on.

Based on the signs outlined above, you will definitely determine that you need to get to work. But we’ll figure out how to do this below.

Pipe cleaning methods

There are many ways to clean soot from a pipe. Can be used as folk remedies both advice and achievements of the modern chemical industry. Yes, no one canceled and mechanical method, that is, you can easily work as a chimney sweep.

In my practice, I had to use all available methods, so I can safely talk about each of them in more detail.

Method 1 – Using Grandma’s Remedies

There is no need to philosophize here. Our grandparents have long known that they need to burn in a stove to get rid of soot. I won’t say that these methods are very effective, but they have a right to exist.

Here are a few tools you can use:

  1. Rock salt. Regular table salt should be poured onto burning wood or coal.

This method is quite common, but not particularly effective. My grandmother often poured salt into the stove, but she did this not so much to get rid of soot deposits in the smoke exhaust duct, but to prevent its accumulation. Therefore, I won’t dwell for long, I’ll tell you about another method.

  1. Potato skins or potato tubers themselves. The quantity is determined by the size of the firebox in the stove, but, as a rule, about a bucket of such waste was enough for me. They need to be poured into an already burning fire.

The essence of the method is that when organic matter burns, starch is released from potatoes, which tends to soften soot deposits on the chimney. After this, the waste layers fall into the lower part of the pipe, from where they are removed through a specially made hole (it was provided when laying the furnace).

  1. Firewood from aspen. There's not much to say about the technology itself. You need to chop wood from aspen logs and then light a fire in the stove.

Here's the thing. Aspen firewood burns at a very high temperature, so chimney hot gases enter, which burn soot deposits. This method is quite dangerous, so I advise you to take some precautions:

  • make sure that the chimney material can withstand high temperatures;
  • check that soot deposits in the channel are not so large as to ignite.

But in principle, no one is stopping you from buying special chemicals for cleaning soot from stoves. Their price is low, and their effectiveness is proven by practical experience. At least mine. Therefore, the story about them will go further.

Method 2 – Call on science to help

Modern industry produces a lot of products specifically designed for removing soot from the chimney. They can be supplied as:

  • powders;
  • liquids;
  • fuel briquettes.

They are added to the firebox during fuel combustion. Chemical elements contained in the preparations do not cause harm to human health, but have a destructive effect on soot deposits, causing it to collapse into the lower part of the chimney.

Supplements should be used as deposits accumulate or from time to time, as a preventive measure.

I have described the most popular means for cleaning chimneys from soot in the table, which I suggest you familiarize yourself with.

Name Description
Anti-carbon chemical composition A special loose powder that must be poured directly onto the firewood while it is burning. This is very effective remedy, which allows you to quickly get rid of carbon deposits in the smoke exhaust channel. It can also be used for prevention. In this case, the powder consumption is 200 g for every ton of fuel.
Kominichek Soot remover made in Czech Republic. It is also supplied in powder form, which contains a catalyst that allows the soot to burn out at a safely low temperature. However, the powder is only suitable for removing a not too thick layer of carbon deposits.
Log chimney sweep The most popular method in our country for cleaning chimneys from soot. It can be used to clean pipes of furnaces and boilers operating not only on solid fuel, but also on fuel. Effectively removes soot accumulation and can be used for prevention. In my case, to keep the chimney of the fireplace in the country clean, one log is enough, which I burn every month.

Considering that most likely you will also use the Chimney Sweep Log, I’ll tell you how to clean soot in a chimney using it:

  1. First of all, you need to make sure that the smoke exhaust channel is not completely clogged with soot, debris or foreign objects.
  2. You can burn the fuel briquette either with the main fuel or completely independently.
  3. To achieve maximum efficiency, I burn wood in the fireplace, after which I place the briquette on hot charcoal (like a shish kebab, but not on skewers).
  4. Before use, you need to remove the packaging of the log, but not the wrapper itself in which the substance is wrapped.
  5. Usually the log ignites on its own, but if for some reason this does not happen, light the wrapper on both sides yourself.

The soot-eating chemical itself continues to act for about 14 days. During this entire time, lumps of soot may collapse from the chimney into the firebox or to the bottom of the smoke exhaust channel. It needs to be constantly removed from there.

In conclusion of this particular section, I would like to mention one feature that not everyone knows about. When burned, the “chimney sweeper log” produces gases with a temperature of over 1000 degrees Celsius, which can melt a steel chimney pipe. Therefore, the substance can be used in furnaces with stone and ceramic pipes.

Method 3 – we climb the pipe ourselves

I think you are all familiar folk wisdom that you can only do a good job with your own hands. This is exactly what I was guided by when I started cleaning the pipes at a bathhouse in the village. In this case, you get rid of not only soot accumulation, but also debris in the channel.

At the end of the work, you will see for yourself how efficiently and smoke-free the stove will operate. I won’t tell you how I took a steam bath in the bathhouse, otherwise you’ll become jealous.

I will only tell you about the scheme of work when cleaning a chimney from internal soot accumulations. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. First, we close the holes in the chimneys, which are specially designed for cleaning the stoves from soot accumulation, with doors or bricks. If you don’t do this, you will then be tortured to wash interior spaces baths (or whatever you have) from black unpleasant plaque.

If you are cleaning a fireplace with an open firebox, I advise you to curtain it with a damp cloth to, again, avoid a day of cleaning the living room.

  1. Then we pretend to be Carlson and go up to the roof. Since you don’t have a motor, I advise you to come up with something as insurance so as not to fall down in the midst of the process. Believe me, no one wants to take you to the traumatology department.

By the way, if it is raining, it is also better to avoid climbing onto the roof. You will either be struck by lightning or slip on the roof. You and your loved ones are unlikely to like both.

  1. First of all, you need to inspect the pipe from above. If soot accumulation does not exceed 2 mm, there is no need to complicate your life. Go to the store, buy some pipe cleaner and fire it up in the oven. This will be more than enough.

You also need to see if a foreign object is blocking the pipe. This can often be a bird's nest or fallen leaves. In this case, the plug must either be pulled up or pushed down to be removed through the door.

  1. If, as in my case, there is a lot of soot, we clean it with a special scraper. Then it can be replaced with a special brush, which is sold in a specialized store.

To achieve maximum efficiency, I recommend measuring the diameter of the pipe in advance and purchasing a tool whose diameter is slightly larger than the dimensions of the smoke exhaust duct. You will get a kind of brush, similar to the one your mother used to wash milk bottles when she was a child.

  1. One more thing. During my work, it turned out that some kind of plug formed inside the pipe, which interfered with cleaning. In this case, you need to use a special weight on a chain, which will break through the blockage and bring it down.

In this case, I do not recommend using a sports weight with a handle. Its center of gravity is shifted, so it may get stuck inside the pipe channel and you will not be able to pull it out. You will have to partially disassemble the smoke duct.

  1. If you are cleaning not a stove, but a stove, you can partially free the smoke channel from soot by working from bottom to top. For this purpose, special brushes with a long and durable handle are sold. It grows in length, so you can reach very deep inside the pipe.

  1. At the end of the cleaning, you need to remove the fallen soot from the firebox and from the pipe through doors specially provided for this purpose. Don’t forget to clean the vent, there is also a lot of soot that falls there and needs to be removed.

At this point, cleaning the chimney could be considered complete. if not for one important stage - quality control of work. You can safely entrust it to your significant other, unless, of course, she is afraid to climb onto the roof.

Work quality control

At the end of the work, it is necessary to check the quality of the work performed and, most importantly, the condition of the chimney itself. This can be done visually, but it is better to rent a special endoscope camera, with which you can see the pipe along its entire length.

If cracks or defects in the surface of the chimney are found within direct reach, they must be eliminated. You can do this as follows:

  • dilute clean clay with water and coat cracks and crevices with it;
  • after this layer has dried, you need to make a clay-sand solution and carefully wipe over all other defects with it;
  • The last stage is whitewashing the treated areas with lime or painting with water-based emulsion.

If in some places you were unable to clean the chimney, you will have to resort to partial disassembly of the stove, since soot residues in the smoke exhaust channel can cause serious trouble.


As you can see, there is nothing difficult in cleaning a pipe from soot. The main thing is to decide to do this dirty and unpleasant work. But in my case, a reward awaited me in the form of a pleasant time in the bathhouse. I suggest you watch the video in this article, where there is a lot of information about the design and operation of furnaces.

And one more thing. I would be very grateful if you would share in the comments to this material your own secrets and tips on how best to clean soot from pipes. Maybe next time I won't have to spend so much time getting the furnace back up and running.

The question of how to clean a pipe in a bathhouse from soot with your own hands sooner or later arises before the owners of this building. If the draft in the chimney decreases, the rate of removal of combustion products decreases. This situation can lead to carbon monoxide stopping coming out and entering the room. In addition, the risk of a fire from the ignition of substances and objects that interfere with the normal exit of smoke from the stove increases. Let's consider what causes a clogged chimney and preventive measures.

There are several ways to determine when it’s time to clean the chimney.

  1. Visually determine the traction force. If there is no air flow when the ashpit is open, and the wood burns weakly, then the time has come.
  2. Observe the smoke coming out when burning dry fuel. If it's clear or has a tint of gray, it's fine. Black soot indicates the formation of a thick layer of carbon deposits.
  3. With the help of cargo. You need to take a heavy object (a weight, a log, a basketball filled with water) with a diameter close to the chimney, tie it to a cable and lower it into the channel. If the load does not pass through or is covered with soot, then the line is clogged.

In all cases, you should not postpone the task of restoring the functionality of the bathhouse.

First you need to identify the preconditions that caused the problem.

Causes of a clogged chimney in a bathhouse

They may have a different nature of origin.

They can be caused by the following factors:

  1. Incorrect design and assembly errors. This is a narrow channel, the use of rough material and the presence of many angles and turns that reduce the speed of air flow.
  2. Use of fuels with high tar and creosote content. These substances linger on the walls of the pipe, gradually clogging it.
  3. Lack of ventilation fungus. Because of this, water and dust, small debris and insects enter the chimney.
  4. Pipe destruction and damage. This happens due to excessively high temperatures or after a long period of operation.

Types of blockages in the chimney

Any type of blockage is unpleasant in its own way, but equally dangerous for people.

Conventionally, the problem can be classified into the following categories:

  1. Settlement of combustion products. Soot is formed when rubber and plastic, fuels with a high tar content, burn.
  2. Formation of condensation. When smoke comes into contact with water, a viscous substance is formed that adheres tightly to any material.
  3. Presence of foreign objects. Often, fallen fragments, birds, rodents, branches and nests from nearby trees get into chimneys.

Having determined the cause of the problem and its type, it is not difficult to choose a method to eliminate it.

Cleaning methods

The profession of a chimney sweep is so rare today that in this matter you have to rely solely on your own strength. But, it is not as difficult and hopeless as it might seem at first glance. There are many ways to quickly and efficiently clean even the dirtiest chimney.

The choice of cleaning method depends on the nature of the violation that occurred with the smoke removal system from the furnace.


Used to remove foreign objects using muscular force.

The following devices are used:

  1. Ruff. You can buy it or make it yourself from a metal broom. A heavy weight is attached to the product, after which it is lowered into the chimney. Depending on the configuration of the chimney, a round or square shaped device is used.
  2. A brush with stiff bristles. It is tightly attached to a pole or telescopic handle. Suitable for dry and soft deposits.
  3. Compressed air. To blow through the channel you will need a powerful compressor capable of creating strong pressure.
  4. Hook. Used to push down or pull up stuck foreign objects. The handle can be extended with an additional pole or a telescopic extension can be installed.
  5. Watering hose. It is passed through the channel and moved along its walls.


Using high temperature you can get rid of almost all types of blockages. You should remember the degree of fire resistance of the chimney and the possibility of plaque ignition.

The following methods are used:

  1. Heating the stove with special briquettes that create intense heat. Under its influence, crystallization of the fatty substance occurs. Subsequently, it cracks and crumbles into the oven.
  2. Burning aspen wood. When they burn, substances are released that destroy the structure of the soot. It turns to dust and crumbles.
  3. Blowtorch. This device effectively removes deposits along the entire length of the canal. The lamp is attached to metal pipe, ignite and lower into the pipe. It is convenient to work as the flame creates sufficient lighting.


The retail chain has many products for chemically removing deposits from soot and condensate products. The principle of their action is based on the dissolution, crystallization and disruption of the molecular structure of deposits. These products are sold in liquid or powder form. Modern household chemicals are completely safe for people and the environment.

  • Hanza - a concentrate in the form of granules that destroy soot;
  • Kominichek - powder for removing carbon deposits;
  • Smoke - tablets that destroy the structure of soot.

To achieve the desired result, you need to light a fire in the stove and place a certain amount of the drug in the firebox. As it evaporates, new portions must be added. Penetrating the carbon deposits in the chimney, the vapors cause a chemical reaction that transforms it into a different physical state. After a day, the walls of the exhaust pipe are completely cleaned, and the material that falls out of it is removed from the firebox and disposed of.

Folk remedies

Over the centuries of struggle with clogged chimneys, our ancestors found many approaches to solving this issue.

Here are some of them:

  1. Washing with water. This method allows you to easily get rid of soot and soot. Water is poured along the walls of the pipe in such a way that it is wetted along its entire length. After this, melt the stove, maintain a low fire in it for several hours, periodically adding water to the chimney. When exposed to heat and moisture, the soot becomes soft. After the coals burn out, it is simply washed off with a bucket of water.
  2. Pipe filling with snow. Used for cleaning thin ceramic and steel pipes. A lump of snow is immersed in a heated channel. Gradually melting, it will slide down, tearing off the softened plaque from the walls. As one lump melts, the next one is added. After cleaning, the pipe must be dried to remove any fungus and condensation.
  3. Burning potato peelings. They have a high starch content. When interacting with it, the soot becomes loose and crumbly. Potato peels are placed on coals in a well-heated oven. After the chimney has cooled down, it is recommended to carry out additional cleaning by mechanical means or by flushing it with water.

Tips for the care and operation of sauna stoves and chimneys

In order not to bring the chimney to a critical state and not to put your life in danger, it is recommended to carry out its prevention.

It is as follows:

  1. Once a quarter, burn a package of aluminum foil in the firebox. This metal turns plaque into dust.
  2. Insulate the pipe to prevent condensation. Protect it from above with an umbrella from foreign objects.
  3. Use fuel with minimal tar content.
  4. Carry out scheduled preventive cleaning of the pipe twice a year.


Not only the temperature in the steam room, but also the safety of people relaxing in it depends on the quality operation of sauna chimneys.

Regular scheduled cleaning is required not only for older systems, but also for the most modern ones. In conclusion, you are invited to watch a video of servicing stove sauna pipes. If you have your own ideas, share them with users of our site.

Everyone loves a Russian bathhouse. However, a Russian bath is not only a pleasant pastime. Like any room, the bathhouse needs constant maintenance. And caring for it must be careful, thorough and constant. When servicing a Russian bath, we must not forget about the stove, which from time to time needs to be cleaned from accumulated contaminants.

Indicators affecting chimney contamination

In addition to regularly removing soot from the furnace, do not forget about the pipe, which also becomes clogged. Some of the soot falls down the stove, and the other part accumulates in the chimney.
It is definitely not possible to avoid the accumulation of soot and other debris in the stove of a Russian bathhouse. Sooner or later you will still have to face this. This depends on several indicators:

  • Firewood quality
  • Condensate
  • Penetrated elements into the pipe
  • Precipitated soot

In general, pollution is influenced by many factors. But in any case, you need to regularly clean the oven so as not to bring this matter to a critical state. After all, the slightest mistake or inattention can lead to a fire.

When should the chimney in a sauna stove be cleaned?

Scheduled cleaning should be carried out at least once a year. It can be done at the beginning of the season or at the end. But these are only recommended periods. You can clean the stove more often if you wish.

There are several signs that require cleaning. If you notice at least one of them, be sure to clean the chimney in your sauna stove.
Signs indicating that it is time to cleanse:

  1. Increase consumables in order to heat the bathhouse;
  2. Thick black smoke begins to billow from the chimney;
  3. When lighting the bathhouse, a playing flame was noticed in shades from orange color with a transition to blue.

Do not forget that timely cleaning will not only save your time, but also money.

Methods for cleaning pipes in a Russian bath

There are several cleaning methods. If you clean the stove in a bathhouse using these methods, it will clog much less often. Each method involves performing such work so that it is safe for human life. If the owner of the bathhouse thinks that he may not be able to cope on his own, then you can always seek the help of competent specialists.

Cleaning methods:

1. Mechanical method

This method is the most effective if available heavy pollution. To clean the pipe you will need a special brush with hard nylon bristles.
The size of the brush must match the size of the pipe. It is better to choose a brush that is convenient for cleaning hard-to-reach areas of the pipe. After all, it is in the bends of the pipe that the largest amount of soot accumulates.

2. Chemical method

Involves the use of various chemical cleaners that release active substances. Now in stores customers are offered huge assortment such chemical cleaners, so finding them will not be difficult.

The cleaning procedure goes like this: when the bathhouse is heated, you need to put a chemical cleaner into the firebox. As a result, it will burn, but during combustion it will release active substances. These substances affect the soot layer and make it more pliable. As a result, one part of the soot will fly out into the chimney, and the other will fall down.
Chemical cleaners do not contain toxins, so this type of cleaning is safe.

3. Cleaning the chimney with aspen firewood

You need to light the sauna stove with aspen wood and add enough wood to create a strong fire in the stove. In this case, all valves in the oven must be open. When cleaning a pipe using this method, you need to ensure maximum air supply. High temperature will affect the soot and eventually it will simply burn.

4. Calcination method

This method is considered the most dangerous, so it is better not to resort to it. In order not to invite trouble, it is better to use the services of professionals. After all, any damage to the stove can turn against you.

Cleaning a chimney using traditional methods

Previously, there were no chemical cleaners and special tools with nylon felt. And people have coped and are still coping with contamination of the sauna stove using folk methods.

Traditional methods for cleaning a chimney:

  • Potato peeling method

Our distant ancestors used this method. The procedure looks like this: you need to place about half a bucket of potato peelings into a melted sauna stove. Thanks to starch, which is an active substance, soot will fall down from the pipe. The result will be in 2-3 days. But after performing this procedure, you will still need to clean it with a brush, which was previously made from twigs.

  • Aluminum can method

Cleaning pipes using aluminum cans, as practice shows, gives good result. This is done like this: light the stove so that there is a hot fire. Then you will need to add more coal to the stove. When the coal becomes hot, you need to add aluminum cans. The can burns out in about 5 minutes.

Cleaning the chimney of a sauna stove with a watering hose

Perform Cleanup sauna chimney You can even use a regular irrigation hose. This method is very practical and easy to perform. To do this you will need a hose, a brush or a cut bottle.

As experts on human souls said, in the old days the profession of a chimney sweep was the most emotional and controversial. On the one hand, he constantly looked down on the city and its inhabitants and was surrounded by the romance of roofs, space and light, on the other hand, he was constantly busy in dirty, dusty, unprestigious work. This is why so many chimney sweeps fell to their deaths. Who knows, maybe this is not a banal failure to comply with safety regulations at high-altitude work, but an elementary torment of the soul and taking one’s own life. But let's not talk about sad things. We are faced with the task of how to clean a chimney quickly, safely, effectively and without any lyricism or tragedy. Let's read.

A smoke exhaust system is an indispensable element of any sauna stove, with the possible exception of an electric one. The combustion of any fuel is accompanied by the generation of thermal energy and the formation of combustion and flue gases, having an elevated temperature, a certain rate of expiration and containing combustion products, solid and gaseous.

The design of the chimney varies. It can be direct-flow, and a slide valve can serve to regulate the draft, or it can be absent as a structural element. A direct-flow chimney, especially if its channel has a minimum of turns, is characterized by high draft and, as a consequence, the speed of smoke passing through it. As a result, combustion products do not have time to sufficiently attach to its walls and do not reduce its original cross-section. Seems like an ideal option? Not really. This option, from the point of view of heating engineering, is very irrational and uneconomical.

Outgoing flue gases have a significant thermal energy potential and it would be reasonable to “press” them as much as possible in this regard. Therefore, in practice there are more complex designs furnaces equipped with labyrinth chimneys, which had many turns and counter passages, however, the length of such channels was several times higher relative to the direct-flow one, so thermal energy they took away almost completely from the smoke. Difficult, but economical. How to clean a chimney in such a stove is a separate story. The Dutch were more successful than others in constructing complex stoves; in old-time usage even the term appeared - Dutch stove. And, naturally, the Dutch stove makers and chimney sweeps were the most advanced.

Why is soot harmful?

Let's define the concepts. Soot is a collection of various deposits on the inner wall of the smoke duct and chimney, which exist in solid form, of varying structure and consistency and which consist of combustion products that, for various reasons, could not be removed into the atmosphere by the smoke removal system of the furnace. Why is she insidious?

  1. Most soot is flammable and its ignition in the channel can lead to a number of negative consequences, from destruction of the integrity of the chimney, up to fire.
  2. Soot deposits reduce the nominal cross-section of the chimney, thereby changing the structural characteristics of the stove, both in terms of heating efficiency and fuel efficiency results.
  3. If the stove has a labyrinth smoke removal system, then soot deposits reduce the thermal conductivity of the contact surfaces, making heat transfer less effective.
  4. Uncontrolled soot emission from the chimney creates disa comfortable conditions in the surrounding area, from drying washed clothes to evening promenades in light clothes.
  5. Finally, the presence of a large amount of soot in the chimney, in principle, can change the nature of fuel combustion in the stove, initiating the phenomenon of backdraft and overturning air jet, up to education carbon monoxide- a terrible and insidious enemy.

Therefore, the question of how to clean a chimney in a sauna stove should arise periodically, at least once a year.

It is obvious that the source fuel directly affects the amount of volatile substances produced in the flue gases. It is especially worth paying attention to raw materials from the so-called “risk group”. Its use provokes the formation of soot deposits by several orders of magnitude relative to normal standard fuel, namely:

  • Wet firewood, that is, wood with a moisture content above 21%;
  • Wooden parts, used structures, with applied layers protective compounds, resins, varnishes, paints, waxes;
  • Firewood from coniferous, highly resinous tree species, in particular European pine and spruce;
  • Burning waste in a firebox, especially those containing polymer plastic inclusions, in the form of disposable tableware, plastic bottles, etc. In an actively functioning bathhouse, with an extensive relaxation room, this is very important. Especially in winter, isn't it?

A word from Experienced! In fairness, it is worth saying that even when burning conditionally qualified fuel, the chimney may have a tendency to retain volatile substances. It depends on the material of the chimney. Brick, especially low-quality brick, has a very significant surface roughness. In this regard good properties have metal chimneys, especially those made of heat-resistant stainless steel with a polished surface of the internal section. The only factor that can provoke smoke capture by the contact wall is the formation of condensation. The antidote is to insulate the pipe channel of this type with heat-resistant insulators, in order to prevent the formation of a conditional “dew point” even for a short time.

Worth pointing out external signs, by which the stove system lets you know that the question of how to clean the chimney from soot is already on the way:

  1. When burning, the fuel in the furnace has flame rims colored reddish-violet. This fact suggests that due to insufficient thrust, there is not enough oxygen to oxidize the fuel, so carbon is oxidized to monoxide rather than dioxide.
  2. Rich, dark-colored smoke comes out of the chimney, and involuntary “soot emissions” are sometimes detected.
  3. There is a drop in the calorific value and efficiency of the stove, which affects the speed and quality of heating of the bath room.

Methods for removing soot deposits

Cleaning the pipe from soot can be done various methods and methods that, conditionally, can be divided into several key ones: mechanical, thermal, chemical. Let's take a closer look at them.

Mechanical chimney cleaning

Here we will look at the possibilities of how to clean a pipe in a bathhouse using direct mechanical impact to her channel. Perhaps this method is one of the oldest and probably the most effective. The famous image of a chimney sweep with a long rope brush on his shoulder is from here.

Chimneys with a direct-flow pipe are well suited for this type of cleaning. The cleaning operation begins from the bottom, and after finishing the cleaning is accessible. Thus, the sections move upward to the roof, where work continues, only in the opposite direction. And if from below, we used long brushes or kvachas, fixed rigidly to a holder, then from above you can use a long, flexible, durable synthetic cord, at the end of which a brush with a weighting agent is attached. The whole operation boils down to pulling the tool along the entire length of the channel, knocking off soot build-ups.

Attention! All work at height must be carried out in accordance with all height rules, with the use of safety equipment and the involvement of an assistant.

At the end of the operation, all debris is removed from the drive at the lowest point. Obviously, such work is most effective on direct-flow systems, but how to clean the chimney of soot in a furnace with labyrinth channels? You can also use a good old brush here. However, the furnace system must be equipped with special inspection windows, which are closed with a fire-resistant door with locking fittings during the non-service period. Naturally, such openings must be tightly closed to prevent smoke leaks and “draft leaks.” If the design of the stove is so complex or it was not equipped with inspection windows at the time, then the task of how to clean a chimney in a bathhouse becomes somewhat more complicated, although there are no impossible tasks.

Thermal cleaning

Its essence comes down to several things:

  1. Bringing the furnace operation to maximum power mode with maximum fuel loading and opening the gate valves and blower to the maximum flow area. The rapid outflow of highly heated flue gases will loosen and tear off the soot cakes, and carry them into the atmosphere or fall out at the mouth of the soot collector.
  2. The use of fuel that produces an even, long, hot flame. The maximum draft carries its tongues into the smoke channels, where the soot either burns out or undergoes destructuring and falls into the soot collector.

It is reasonable that in in this case A dilemma arises, so how to clean the pipe in the bathhouse, what to use as a suitable fuel?

Ancient bathhouse practice shows that in the Russian North and in Finland, where resinous European spruce was used in large quantities as firewood, it was necessary to fire aspen logs with spruce logs every 4 to 5 fires in the bathhouse. Moreover, the logs were chosen to be as long as possible, which implied a deep “overflow” of the flame into the smoke channel.

In the steppe south, where there was no aspen to be found, and chimneys still needed to be cleaned, the problem of how to clean soot from a pipe in a bathhouse was solved somewhat differently. Here, dried stalks of sunflower and corn were used as long-flame fuel. Sometimes a different approach was used. The fuel was not long-flame, but high-calorie. In our case, walnut shells or, in the absence of such, dry husks of seeds, which were collected at the nearest rural oil mill, were good. Of course, one did not expect a long flame from such fuel, but it guaranteed a high temperature and flow rate of flue gases.

Describing the thermal approach to solving the problem of how to clean a chimney from soot, it is worth mentioning another one, which is quite barbaric and unsafe. It appeared in the second half of the 1950s of the last century and quite quickly spread throughout the territory of the former Soviet Union. The stove of the bathhouse was melted and diesel fuel was poured into the chimney from above, trying to supply it so that it sufficiently wets the walls of the chimney. The use of diesel fuel in solving the problem of how to clean a chimney from soot in a bathhouse can be explained by its availability, good wettability and lower explosion hazard compared to gasoline.

Firstly, let us immediately warn you that in the question of how to clean a pipe in a bathhouse from soot using folk remedies, this is not our method and approach. It is known that in relation to gasoline, and in relation to diesel fuel, it is not the liquid fraction itself that explodes, but its vapor, and it is easy to obtain a sufficient concentration in such a funny way. Secondly, if the integrity of the smoke channel is in question, then the burning liquid can easily find a small passage in brick seam and start burning not the soot, but the under-roof space. In general, if you have a craving for extreme sports in your blood, and an ineradicable desire in your soul to become famous for centuries through U-Tube, then you can, of course, try it, but our editors personally would not recommend it.

On the other hand, if you think about how to clean a pipe in a bathhouse from soot using folk remedies, you can do it easier and, at a minimum, safer. If potatoes are truly your second bread, do not throw away the peelings, but carefully collect and dry them. Having accelerated the sauna stove to the required temperature, they begin to add dry husks as fuel. Some homegrown experts are beginning to explain the effectiveness of this remedy amazing ability starch contained in potatoes reacts with soot and removes it to the root.

A thoughtful reader may ask the question: “comrades, how much starch is needed for the reaction to take place? What if the housewife is the standard of frugality, and not only does there not be any starch left in her peelings, but you can read a newspaper through them? What if potatoes themselves generally contain small amounts of starch?” In general, the operating principle of this method can be safely classified as thermal: the more cleanings, the thinner and drier they are, the higher the flame and the effect. And no chemistry.

However, sometimes you still can’t do without chemistry.

Chemical cleaning

About how to clean a chimney pipe through certain chemical reactions.

In fact, in our articles we have repeatedly said that a bathhouse is a stronghold of naturalness, environmental friendliness and sanitary cleanliness, however, no one has yet thought of how to clean a chimney, in especially severe cases, without the use of modern cleaning products.

Let's start with a chemical substance, but it does not pose any danger in principle. From ordinary water. If you or your predecessors have heated the stove to such a state that the smoke channel is completely blocked by soot, then you can try the “steam cake” cleaning method. The stove is heated until the smoke channel, at least in its lower part, reaches a temperature sufficient for reliable evaporation of water.

Next, 2.5 - 3 liters are simultaneously poured into the heated chimney clean water, which, having evaporated, squeezes out all the soot in a voluminous steam cloud, God forbid, not together with the bricks. The method is also quite barbaric and, let’s face it, the method is quite controversial. But some fans like it, perhaps not so much for its effectiveness as for its entertainment value; sometimes the entire street gathers to watch such an attraction. Decide for yourself whether it is suitable for you as a practical solution to the problem of how to clean a pipe in a bathhouse.

Important! This method causes a very severe alternating thermal load on the pipe body. If it is metal, then this is one thing, but if the chimney is brick, then you can provoke the destruction of the seams, or even the brick itself, from thermal shock.

Expectations similar to previous ones can be guaranteed by the method of how to clean a pipe in a bathhouse from soot using naphthalene. A one-time 25-30 grams of naphthalene is added to a well-ignited fuel tank. In this case, it is imperative to check the smoke channel for integrity, absence of spills and cracks. The second condition should be considered strict adherence to bookmarking norms. Too much leads to an outbreak, albeit a non-nuclear one, but still.

TO chemical method, it is a bit of a stretch to consider using such a common household reagent as table salt. How to clean a chimney in a bathhouse using it? To do this, it is necessary to periodically add salt while heating the bath, scattering it evenly, in an amount of 15 - 25 grams over the entire volume of loaded fuel. Let's put it this way. This method is rather not a panacea for how to clean a pipe in a bathhouse from soot, but rather a preventive measure to prevent the formation of soot deposits. And the point is not in the mythical ability of “salt molecules to react with something, with something,” but in applied and effective way will reduce the humidity of burned wood. And wet firewood, as we know, is the enemy of a clean chimney.

Application of innovative means

In this section, we’ll talk about how to clean soot from a pipe in a bathhouse, not using antediluvian means, but using the achievements of modern industry as assistants.

The Germans, Austrians and Czechs were the most successful in this. And, if the cost of developing the first two, let’s say, is a little expensive, then Czech products are quite affordable to purchase. There are several such means:

  • Cleaning pellets;
  • Cleaning logs and briquettes;
  • Cleansing powders.

Regarding powders, it is difficult to say what exactly is included in their recipe, since well-protected trade secrets are the key to the prosperity and well-being of an enterprise. But the ability of pellets, briquettes and logs is based on a special pre-processing products that guarantee: low humidity, high calorie content or in other words - calorific value, and as a result, the generation of exhaust gases with a high flow rate smoke channels and, moreover, a certain composition that is capable of reacting with the soot plug, loosening it and destroying it to the maximum extent. These qualities underlie the mechanism of such action as cleaning a chimney in a bathhouse.


A clean chimney is the key to long and trouble-free operation of not only the stove system, but the bathhouse as a whole. In this material, we have outlined the main methods and methods of dealing with soot deposits, and it’s up to you to choose how to clean the chimney in a bathhouse specifically. Based on your own capabilities and current circumstances. The main thing is to do it quickly, efficiently and cleanly.

Having a chimney in the room, regardless of its size and power, the owner is obliged to monitor its serviceability. To reduce breakdowns, there is one rule - clean the pipes and regularly check the passages. But how to clean a chimney in a bathhouse yourself? Are there any traditional methods and methods for effective cleaning or is it better to wait for specialists? The owner makes the decision himself. It is still recommended to know them, since cases are urgent, and measures have to be taken reactively.

The higher the quality of the fuel, the less often the chimney needs to be cleaned

To reduce the amount of soot on the walls of pipes and chimneys by several times, and to have to clean it less often, think through everything down to the smallest detail:

  1. The first thing to remember: the reason for the rapid contamination of the chimney is fuel. The better the quality of the combustion, the better the processing, the less soot will settle on the walls.
  2. Complete abstinence from burning polyethylene and synthetic fibers. Avoid bags, plastic bottles, and items with a high chemical content.
  3. Wood should only be used in dry form. Avoid using firewood coniferous trees. They have a high concentration of resins. When used, they rise up the pipe and settle, creating comfortable conditions for any dust and soot to settle. They are sticky and do not let the slightest speck of dust pass by. They absorb everything and increase in size.
  4. For high-quality operation of the bath, but less sedimentation of resinous substances, it is recommended to use exclusively hardwood firewood.
  5. Experts also prohibit the burning of paper, as well as cardboard containing paint, stickers and other hand-drawn elements.
  6. Poor quality coal is a reason that existed before and remains to this day.

Interesting fact! Fireplaces or chimneys, provided they are used according to all operating rules, can last up to 5-6 years without cleaning procedures. But it is still necessary to check, for your own peace of mind and to eliminate, prevent breakdowns associated with incorrectly selected fuel.

How to determine the presence of blockages

There is no point in delaying the “treatment” of chimneys. But how can you determine when it’s time to carry out the cleansing procedure? There are a number of symptoms for this. If there are any, then it’s definitely time to take action and not delay:

element Signs
traction Significant deterioration
heating We have to increase fuel consumption by two or even three times. However, it is difficult to achieve the required temperature
Air and space Due to poor draft, smoke cannot escape completely. It partially falls into the room, which pollutes the air space and makes breathing much harder
smoke The color changes and becomes dark shade. During normal operation, the smoke is white or light gray. The darker the smoke, the more dirt has settled. Therefore, urgent cleaning is necessary
flame Also changes its color. During normal operation the color is light orange. As soot levels rise, changes occur. Has a dark red tint
sparks If the pipes are clean, then they are gone. A large number causes them to fly out. As soon as it starts to spark, immediately begin cleaning measures.

Before cleaning the chimney in a sauna stove, you should understand that certain days are selected for such events. The season plays no less role in this process. So, late spring and early autumn are considered the best. Choose a cloudy day, but not rainy. If urgent reading is required in the summer, then they start from the weather conditions. The procedure is serious and cannot be compared at all with cleaning a kitchen stove or doing it yourself.

Inspection, prevention and cleaning work should be carried out twice a year. New or old chimney doesn't matter. The principle at work here is: “Forewarned is forearmed.”

If you have encountered such a problem for the first time or have previously called specialists who cannot come at the moment, then it is always possible to do everything yourself. This is reminiscent of one that is carried out independently. To bring your plan to life, choose one of three methods:

  1. Cleaning the chimney using chemicals is not only an alternative to traditional methods, but also at the same time preventive measures. Treatment and cleaning with such preparations makes it possible to protect devices from accumulation of contaminants. They cope with the cleansing of small layers, which ensures a quiet life for the owner of the bathhouse. At the same time, it does not require regular use of a brush or mechanical method.
  2. What is the mechanical method? As you probably already guessed, use devices that can remove a large layer of sediment. This method requires the use of force and time. Equipment for such events costs a pretty penny.
  3. The last method, but high-quality and effective, is folk cleaning. To be precise, she is more preventative measure. You should choose wisely, as some of them are quite risky. Most are easy to apply. Anyone can master it after the first try.

To avoid getting into trouble, you should carefully study each method, think through each step, evaluate your capabilities and make sure that everything is clear in terms of application. Quite often the methods are combined. For example, mechanical and chemical are each other’s assistants and companions. A kind of addition. But 70% of bathhouse owners remain faithful to folk recipes for cleaning chimneys.

It is necessary to clean the pipes regularly, otherwise the consequences can be disastrous.

Those who decide that cleaning pipes is not such an important procedure, then they do serious mistake. The consequences will be disastrous, first of all, for the owner. Each breakdown will result in a round sum, and sometimes requires overhaul stove and chimney:

  1. Fire. Special forces workers or firefighters claim: most of the fires in private properties, saunas and baths are due to a neglectful attitude towards such issues. Without cleaning the pipes, they lose property. According to statistics, 75% of fires occur precisely because of clogged chimneys and hoods. Fire occurs instantly, since baths and saunas are kept on wooden elements. Plaque that exceeds 10-20 mm can cause not only a fire. But also the appearance of cracks and destruction. Sooner or later, such breakdowns will lead to re-ignition.
  2. At bad traction and in the absence of exhaust hood, smoke and fumes remain in place. Then entry into the premises occurs. The result is poisoning with toxic vapors and gases. Under such conditions, soot settles not only on the walls of the room, but also in the human body. And this always causes harm to health.

If signs of contamination of the chimney appear, it is necessary to urgently begin to solve the problem. As already mentioned, 70% of owners use recipes that have been invented and used by people for hundreds of years. They are tested and trustworthy. But how to clean a pipe in a bathhouse from soot using folk remedies? And most importantly, how to choose the right one? There is only one rule: use what is simple to implement:

Rock salt is not only a seasoning, but also a means of preventing soot deposits in the chimney

It’s probably impossible to come up with a simpler way. Buy rock salt not difficult. In terms of price, it also does not require major capital investments. Firewood, well dried, is sprinkled with a good layer. While they are burning, salt is added several more times. Even if you add fuel, add more along with it. Cleaning is carried out using combustion products. During education chemical reaction the adhesion on the walls is destroyed. Should not be used in cases where cleaning was not carried out according to schedule (2 times a year).

  1. Mothball attack

If you have chosen mothballs, then you should conduct a thorough inspection of the pipe before starting to remove soot. There should be no cracks or breaks on it, both inside and outside. If defects are detected, carry out renovation work. You'll have to patch it, insulate it and let it dry. Such measures are necessary to prevent destruction from occurring. The high temperature will simply break it completely. After which it will be necessary to build a new exit.

Once the inspection is completed and the patches are installed, we begin to remove the problem. Heat the oven well to the aisle. Add naphthalene. One tablet is enough and no more. Refers to explosive substances. Therefore, violation of this rule threatens losses and restoration.

  1. Special fuel

This type includes the use of special tree species: aspen and alder. We also check the integrity of the pipe. If there are cracks, we begin restoration immediately. Only after this we burn the wood. Provides complete burning of plaque.

  1. Potato

We are preparing a bucket of cleaning. You can also use the potatoes themselves. Now we fire up the stove and throw the prepared bucket into the fire. We get a method similar to evaporation. But it works flawlessly in all types of contamination.
