How to open your own photo studio. Deciding on the format of the photo studio

  • Financial component
      • Equipment:
      • General expenses:
  • Useful tips
  • How much can you earn
  • Conclusion
        • Similar business ideas:
  • Opening a photo salon is a fairly simple and inexpensive business that even a beginner can handle. Hundreds of people need the services of photo salons every day. Every person takes a photo for documents from time to time. Such photographs are needed when applying for a job, when entering any educational institution, when issuing internal and international passports, passes, badges, medical certificates, identity cards, student cards and other things.

    This means that there will always be enough work in the photo salon. But, of course, like every business, there are some nuances here. For example, seasonality. The main influx of customers is usually in the summer and autumn months. The main contingent at this time is applicants and vacationers. But a decline in demand usually occurs around the New Year. It is then that additional services that must be offered to clients provide income.

    How does the opening of a photo salon begin?

    In principle, to get started you will need little: a room, a camera, a table, a chair, a printer.


    Search suitable premises deserves special attention. Of course, ideally it should be located where hundreds of potential customers pass through every day, e.g. shopping mall, transport interchange in the city or district center, business center next to the passport office, travel agency, educational institutions.

    Naturally, the rent in such places is not the lowest, but a photo studio will require a maximum of 12 square meters, so don’t be afraid of high rental rates - it will be covered by good demand for photographic services in such places.

    After concluding a lease agreement, the premises need to be put in order, repairs made and prepared for work. This means that you should install a clothes hanger for visitors, a couple soft chairs, an administrator's desk where the computer, printer and other office equipment will be located. A mandatory attribute of such an establishment should be a mirror. In addition, you can keep a “duty” jacket and tie for clients. This will help out in cases where the client urgently needs to take a photo for documents, but he is not ready for this.

    It should also be taken into account that without certain knowledge in this business it will not be easy. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with programs for editing photos and documents, master Adobe Photoshop (Photoshop). The Russian Internet is teeming with information on these issues; there are forums and other information portals. You can take training courses or attend trainings. Training will take no more than 3-5 days, since advanced skills are not required. All you have to do is take a few photographs and do a number of manipulations with them that are necessary for the work.

    Financial component

    Let's calculate how much money will be required to open your own photo studio, taking into account the fact that the area of ​​the premises is 12 square meters, and the rental cost is 3000 meters per square meter per month.


    Required equipmentQuantityPrice(approximate)
    Digital camera1 20,000 rubles
    Powerful computer1 30,000 rubles
    Photo printer (inkjet, color with CISS)1 10,000 rubles
    Tripod1 1,500 rubles
    Lighting equipment (REKAM LIGHT KIT) of 3 devices1 8,000 rubles
    Xerox1 7,000 rubles
    Laminator1 7,000 rubles
    Total:7 83,500 rubles

    General expenses:

    Registration of a photo salon as a business.

    So, have you finally decided to open a photo salon? Then you need to draw up a business plan for a photo salon and start registering your own business.

    • Buy or rent a room suitable for a photo studio.
    • Complete state registration with the tax authority as individual entrepreneur(you can also register an LLC, but at first it will be easier and more profitable for an individual entrepreneur).
    • Choose a taxation system (it’s easier to use UTII or patent).
    • Decide on OKVED codes: 74.81 - activities in the field of photography, 74.8 - provision various types services. And if you plan as additional services sale of accessories or photocopying, then it would be correct to also choose 52.4 - other retail in specialized stores and 22.22 - printing activities not included in other groups.
    • Then you should register with the Pension Fund and other organizations.
    • Make repairs and bring the premises into compliance with fire regulations.
    • Purchase strict reporting forms or a cash register.

    When opening a photo salon, you need to take care of the advertising component. This business does not require bulky banners with a massive listing of services. A compact “Photo” sign is needed here; as a rule, a potential client, having seen this name, already realizes that here you can not only take a photo, but also print documents and purchase many useful little things.

    The second thing to note is that your business can be located in an existing, for example, grocery store, where a regular clientele visiting the outlet will quickly fill up.

    We should not forget about these pleasant little things like promotions and loyalty programs. Provide discounts and thereby increase

    those profits by reaching a larger audience.

    Additional services and sale of related products. We increase profits

    To increase profits, you can fill your studio with related products such as:

    • photocopying;
    • recording photos to external sources of information;
    • scanning;
    • printing photos from electronic media on photo paper;
    • printing of publications, articles, dissertations, coursework and other things;
    • sale of various accessories and photographic equipment (rechargeable batteries, batteries, albums, frames, key chains, stationery, magnets, dishes, etc.).

    How much can you earn

    For beginners, the amount will be slightly different; on average, a photo salon takes about 400 pictures per month for 150 rubles, and that comes out to 60 thousand rubles. Additional equipment brings 40 thousand rubles to the cash register, if there are related goods, then they are sold for another 20 thousand rubles, and that’s 120 thousand rubles, subtract expenses (rent of premises, taxes, utilities, wages) and get a monthly profit of 50-60 thousand rubles. The data is calculated assuming a city population of 500 - 700 thousand people.


    During a crisis, people save on entertainment and refuse to visit cafes and restaurants. However, even in these difficult times, the photography business remains afloat. Every day, residents and guests of the Russian Federation need photographs for documents. Services such as printing, scanning and copying of papers also remain in demand. A standard list of services will allow the owner of a photo studio to earn good money. Why not take advantage of such an interesting opportunity and join the circle of magicians who stop the moment.

    Which simply cannot be unprofitable. Photo studios, as a type of business, are especially in demand among young start-up businessmen seeking low costs open a profitable and promising enterprise. How to open a photo studio, where to start and what costs will be required - the answers to these and other questions are contained in our new article.

    In order for a photo studio to be profitable, you need to think through each step in detail:

    1. Analyze the market situation and competitiveness of the future photo studio. Choose a studio format, determine the circle of potential clientele.
    2. Complete the necessary documents to carry out the activity.
    3. Rent or buy a suitable studio space.
    4. Purchase equipment for top-quality shooting.
    5. Hire staff.
    6. Develop and implement marketing plan PR for a photo studio.
    7. Calculate the ratio of initial and ongoing costs and expected profit.

    Analysis of the market situation in the service sector and competitiveness

    When analyzing the services market, the first thing you need to determine is the circle of potential consumers interested in your services.

    The photo studio is in greatest demand among:

    • companies that need printed promotional materials- banners, signs, flyers and others;
    • ordinary people who want to add fresh photographs to their home photo album;
    • photo models - they need professional high-quality photographs to fill their portfolio.

    When choosing a studio format, we must not forget about unique circumstances, the main of which are:

    • population security;
    • amount of starting capital;
    • urban population size;
    • presence and number of competitors.

    A photo studio from scratch is not a business, so there cannot but be competition in this environment. Be sure to analyze the activities of your competitors at the studio planning stage and decide how exactly your project will attract clients.

    This feature could be:

    1. Providing unique services that competitors do not provide.
    2. Reduced price for providing a certain service.
    3. Expanded range of services.

    Your photo studio: what is it like?

    If you decide to start a photography business, you must clearly and definitely imagine what it will be like. The studios may seem identical only to amateurs; professionals distinguish the following types of photography business:

    1. Home photo studio. This type of business involves conducting on-site filming events and processing the footage at home. The advantage of a home studio is that you don’t have to pay for renting a room to work in or for its renovation.
    2. Photo salon. This studio format requires the smallest initial capital, since little equipment is needed for work - printers, a computer with Adobe Photoshop or another editor installed, equipment for photographing documents. The owner himself can work in such a studio, which allows him to avoid spending money on staff salaries.
    3. Mini photo studio. This option is popular among beginning businessmen with small start-up capital, since the costs of organizing the work of the studio will be minimal. In addition to studio photography, mini-studios are engaged in printing multi-format photographs, their artistic processing, and printing on related products - ceramics, fabric, and so on. Full studio. This business is suitable for entrepreneurs with experience in large businesses.
    4. Full-fledged photo studio requires significant costs, and it does not pay off quickly - you should count on making a profit from such an enterprise no earlier than in 1.5–2 years. Filming in a professional studio is carried out in specially equipped rooms, and to attract clients, themed photography is organized - for example, New Year's or dedicated to Valentine's Day.
    5. Children's. The activities of such photo studios are focused on the main clients - children; accordingly, the premises are decorated in fairy-tale cartoon forms, and costumes of popular characters are purchased. The services of such a themed studio are quite popular among clients with children, since every parent wants to capture their child in high-quality photographs.

    Documentation of the activities of the photo studio

    To conduct photography and open a photo studio from scratch, obtaining permits and licenses is not required, but you will have to visit state registration authorities.

    For the beginning entrepreneur the best option is that it is inexpensive and does not have any special difficulties. The downside of entrepreneurship is the risk of losing your property in case of bankruptcy and inability to pay debts.

    There can be several partners at once. But this is somewhat more complicated - you will need to hire an accountant and contribute authorized capital.

    If debts arise and bankruptcy occurs, the LLC founders risk only authorized capital. Large clients, as a rule, are more willing than with individual entrepreneurs, but if the main clients are private individuals, then it won’t matter.

    To ensure the operation of the photo studio, you must purchase official licensed software for each computer you use.

    Room for a photo studio

    The choice of studio space should be approached especially responsibly - it should be high (at least 3 meters, this makes it possible to correctly place lighting fixtures) and spacious.

    “Sharks” of the photography business recommend renting premises with an area of at least 70 square meters, which will make it possible to organize full-fledged shooting on 50 meters, and install equipment on the remaining ones. The prosperity of a photo studio directly depends on how conveniently it is located.

    When choosing a location for a studio, you need to consider the following factors:

    • proximity of competitors;
    • possibility of advertising outside;
    • Is it convenient for clients to get to the studio?

    It is better to locate a photo studio closer to the center of the district (if the city is large) or closer to the city center, this way the traffic of clients will increase.

    Equipment for a photo studio

    Activities in the field of photography cannot be carried out without equipment. A high-quality camera is necessary for studio and location filming.

    When choosing technology, prefer reflex camera and be sure to purchase several lenses for various types of shooting. To conduct photo sessions, you need powerful light sources of at least 4 pieces.

    For the camera you need:

    • height-adjustable tripod holders;
    • stands for attaching light;
    • herons.

    Studio equipment also needed:

    • umbrellas;
    • honeycomb nozzles;
    • exposure meter;
    • multi-colored backgrounds made of paper or fabric, holders for them;
    • softboxes;
    • props.

    In the fitting room you need to place:

    • mirror;
    • shower;
    • screen for changing clothes;
    • chairs and tables.

    The administrative department will have:

    • printers for printing photos in different formats;
    • computers with Internet access and installed license software;
    • comfortable furniture.

    Do you need employees for a photo studio?

    It is possible to run a small photography business, provided that you yourself know how to take beautiful photographs, process images and find clients, without involving third-party labor. In all other cases, hiring workers is indispensable.

    You will need:

    • Photographer. You can find a suitable photographer through message boards, social networks, or through friends. Be sure to study examples of a potential employee’s work before you sign with him. employment contract. If your views on how photographs should look are radically opposite, then you are unlikely to work together.
    • Administrator. This person will coordinate the work of the studio, solve organizational problems, and also deal with advertising, searching and recording clients.
    • If the budget allows, then hire a makeup stylist, who will do clients’ hair and makeup before the shoot. The services of a beauty specialist are popular even in everyday life, and before photography they are simply necessary - every client wants to look great in the photo.

    PR campaigns and marketing of a photo studio

    Until you have built up a client base, you can resort to the following methods of self-promotion:

    • - on forums, message boards, city portals;
    • in print media - newspapers, magazines;
    • on television and radio;
    • on notice boards and by distributing brochures around mailboxes(if the potential clientele of the photo studio is concentrated in one area or the city where the activity is carried out is small.

    Photo studio business plan

    A rough estimate of studio costs is as follows:

    • rent - from 35,000 rubles per month;
    • photographic equipment - from 80,000 rubles at a time;
    • other equipment - from 50,000 rubles at a time;
    • advertising - from 50,000 rubles;
    • licensed software - from 50,000 rubles;
    • administration room - from 40,000 rubles at a time;
    • payment of utilities - individually;
    • current materials - from 30,000 rubles;
    • monthly - individually.

    When working, as a rule, an additional purchase of something is required, so when calculating costs, include another quarter of the planned budget in the budget.

    With proper management of the photography business, within a year the photo studio will be able to work daily about 12 o'clock(initially, you should not expect to be busy for more than 4 hours a day).

    Simple calculations (7 days of the week * 2,000 rubles per studio shooting per hour) show that after a year the photo studio will not only fully pay for itself, but will also begin to generate a stable profit. The average annual income from the photography business is about 180,000 rubles.

    Photography business - which the right approach will not only recoup the initial and ongoing costs, but will also bring good profits.

    How to open a photo studio? Tips from a professional photographer in a new video:

    A good photograph is comparable only to a brilliant printed work, which has not changed its content over the centuries, but at the same time every family wants to have it. It is for this reason that many novice entrepreneurs decide to open a photography studio, a business plan for which is created similarly to all other types.

    Who is it aimed at?

    This type of income is more suitable for entrepreneurs who have sufficient patience, do not want to take unnecessary risks, and know how to wait for a full return on their investments. This can be explained by the fact that the demand for photography is growing steadily, but it is doing so quite moderately in comparison with other industries.

    Business profitability is ensured only if there is sufficient start-up capital. The project can be launched only if a business plan for a photo studio is ready, and it describes in detail all the points and nuances of this type of activity, organizational factors and financial matters. for this type of activity is quite high, about 2-4 years.

    Despite the fact that what is planned is characterized by a very specific degree of clarity, there are a huge number of difficulties that can make this business segment quite difficult to start. You should not only consider the business plan for a photo studio, an example of which will be presented below, but also important points relating to the direct activities of such an organization.

    Consumer market

    Clients can be roughly divided into two large groups, while taking into account target needs. Legal organizations actively use a tool in the form of a photograph to position their brand and its further development. For ordinary citizens, the need for photography arises as an aesthetically useful attribute intended for recording important life moments: anniversaries, weddings, baptisms, etc.

    A business plan for opening a photo studio should also take into account such a new trend as updating your own portfolio for girls and boys who are active on a variety of Internet resources and social networks. In this case, there is an urgent need to obtain a high-quality image.

    Photo studio options

    The choice of the format of the project being developed affects a lot of additional factors that the entrepreneur will have to take into account to one degree or another. When drawing up a business plan for a photo studio, it is necessary to determine the priority direction, because it determines when the launched project will begin to generate profits. Any of the described options, with the proper approach, can provide high level income.

    Full-size photo studio

    If you decide to open a photography studio, a business plan can be drawn up so that it will be an organization providing a full range of services in this area. For these purposes, you will need an interior room with decorations, costumes, and all types of photographic equipment. Business plan for a photo studio in in this case must assume and additional ways earnings in the form of renting out premises for short periods of time or for photo shoots; production of gift items and various souvenirs, conducting master classes with practical exercises.

    Photo salon

    This option involves creating only the official type of photos. In this case, a business plan for a photo studio can be called the simplest, since this option is a budget option, designed for starting a business. Success is predetermined by the location, that is, the premises should be chosen correctly.

    Photo studio for children

    This version of the project is aimed at parents who want to capture their babies in all their glory. To meet the corresponding demand, a stylized interior space will be required, and thematic scenarios with a full set of necessary attributes will not hurt. Even ready business plan a photo studio of this format is not suitable for beginners, since it is aimed at organizations with powerful

    Mini studio

    This is an analogue of a full-length studio, which allows you to work in all sorts of industry areas. This option is convenient for starting, as it has a broad prospect for growth and further change of specialization.

    Regardless of what format of the photo studio is chosen, success will be regular as a result of providing high-quality services in this area.


    An aspiring entrepreneur will find himself in a situation where he will need to fight for clients against two types of opponents: large-format studios and private photographers. The former prefer to cooperate with large customers in the form of magazines, modeling agencies and others, so they will not be a real obstacle for a small photo studio with disabilities. But private photographers are focused on medium and small consumers, just like the aspiring entrepreneur himself.

    We can propose an optimal strategy for an entrepreneur who intends to open a successful business and has already drawn up a business plan for a photography studio. Taking into account the small concentration of existing photo studios and the insufficient saturation of this niche, you should select a location that will be remote from the concentration of photographers and small firms.

    Necessary costs. Business plan

    It should be understood that there is no maximum limit for this area, so the calculation uses the average photo workshop, which is capable of conducting high-quality and diversified activities in this area. A ready-made business plan for a photo studio with calculations will contain the entire list of expenses expected to open it. The list of variables, that is, one-time expenses, must include the following:

    Legal preparation of all documentation that may be required - 40-60 thousand rubles depending on the region;

    Costs associated with repairs and subsequent decoration of the premises - 250-300 thousand rubles, depending on the initial indicators;

    The purchase of a set of working equipment may require an amount of 200-600 thousand rubles, depending on the chosen direction and format of activity;

    Purchase of office furniture - 150-300 thousand rubles;

    Other expenses and accessories - from 100 thousand rubles.

    It turns out that the amount variable expenses is 740-1360 thousand rubles.

    There is also a list of costs that are constant. Among them the following can be noted:

    Stands, holders, tripods;

    Camera and set of lenses;

    Decorative background with fastenings;

    Flash meter;

    Synchronizers designed to ensure normal operation of flashes;

    Dressing room equipment;

    A computer with good performance;

    Auxiliary attributes not initially included in the photo studio business plan (sample). Example: background, etc.


    The initial staff usually includes the following specialists:

    - Photographers They can be either young specialists with a high-quality portfolio or experienced, reputable professionals. The first option will provide certain savings on labor costs, and the second will guarantee a flow of regular customers. The ideal ratio is one to one between experienced and novice professionals; in this case, you will have a successful photo studio. The business plan, calculations and indication of all costs must be contained in a single document.

    - Administrator a photo studio must have one, and for smooth operation you will need at least two of them. A good administrator not only professional level resolves any issues, but also prevents potential problems in a timely manner.

    - Technical staff must be in any photo studio, the number depends on its size. Employees must have a shift schedule with the possibility of substitution if necessary.

    - Content Marketer undertakes obligations related to creating the studio’s image on the Internet and its promotion. This sector currently contains the vast majority of potential customers, so it is definitely something to keep in mind. If you intend to open a photography studio, your business plan must contain this point.

    Opening dates

    This point completely depends on the chosen business format and the availability of investment funds. Depending on the situation, the period can range from 1-3 months to 6-8. If we are talking about entrepreneurial maximalism in conditions of a significant shortage of funds, then the period will be from 9 months. The main wasters of time include the search for financial institutions, investors or partners who could provide the required amount of funds.

    Marketing plan

    A business plan for opening a photo studio initially assumes that this is a very expensive idea, the implementation of which requires a lot of funds, and it is impossible to count on a quick payback without a good influx of clients from the first months of work. Therefore, advertising is organized in three directions: among regular customers, through traditional means of presenting information, and through Internet promotion.

    In order for visitors to start talking about the photo studio, it is necessary to choose an individual approach to everyone, non-standard options implementation of wishes, as well as providing services at a high professional level. Only in this case will it be advisable to create a photo studio, for which a business plan is being developed. For use traditional form submission of information requires involvement advertising agency with a proven reputation, capable of notifying everyone about a new photo workshop in the shortest possible time. Promotion on the Internet requires constant support, taking into account consumer trends and trends.

    Even if a business plan is being created, you should not ignore such important tools for positioning services as discounts, bonuses, promotions, prizes, etc. This approach has already been tested and works.

    Planned revenue and payback

    It is influenced by many factors, among which the following stand out: location, professional services, the right advertising campaign. With proper and systematic organization of activities, you can count on an average annual income of 600-800 thousand rubles. Such indicators provide a full payback period of no more than 4 years. An aspiring entrepreneur should understand that in the photography business, numbers are relative indicators that have limitless opportunities for growth. From the first days, you don’t have to try to create an expensive project, since there are nuances and circumstances that will correct it in any case. It is better to organize a moderate start with an emphasis on high quality services provided.


    For a new studio, income depends on the level of workload and the quality of services provided. And it doesn’t matter whether there is a ready-made business plan for a photo studio with calculations or not; it is necessary to approach this issue with all responsibility and understanding of the current market situation. Loading for an organization that has just started its work can only be ensured under conditions of proper advertising. If it is not fully organized or has the wrong approach, the new photo workshop will have every reason to close in the first half of the year.

    Setting up a simple home photography studio can be very rewarding for any photographer. Whether you are a professional portrait photographer or a designer who needs subject photography, a home studio will give you the opportunity to work, and most importantly, learn and experiment. Let's look at a few basic points needed to create a home photography studio.


    First of all, you will need free space - the more the better. If it is possible to free one of the rooms, or at least part of it, as much as possible from furniture and other things, do it.

    Ideally, it would be great to completely empty the room before filling it with photography equipment. IN real life This is unlikely, there are a lot of things in the house besides the photo studio, so you will have to put up with cramped conditions.

    In the room, you will need tight control of the light conditions at all times of the day and night. Natural lighting can certainly be useful, but consider closing the windows tightly, completely blocking any natural light that could spoil the light picture.

    Another point that should not be forgotten is temperature. Especially if you plan to work constantly and store equipment in the studio. For example, in summer a room can heat up on its own from the sun and operating lighting equipment to very high temperatures. high temperatures, which is not very good for photographic equipment. In addition, models sweating from the heat or shivering from the cold are not the best subjects for shooting. Therefore, think about maintaining an optimal climate and temperature in the room.

    And the last thing you should think about is sound insulation. If you are only going to take photos, then this will not worry you much, but if you are planning to also video, then you should think about how much extraneous sounds, for example noise from a busy road outside the window, may disturb you. In this case, it is well worth considering investing in some sound insulation.

    Backdrop (background).

    Every good studio has several backdrops against which photographs are taken. You'd be wise to ditch the expensive "professional" backdrops you may have seen in hardware stores in favor of something simpler. You need something with a dense, uniform color and unnoticeable texture.

    Backdrops are usually made from a variety of materials, including cotton, canvas, vinyl, and plain paper. The simplest and cheap choice for the backdrop - plain paper, especially if you find it in large rolls.

    But if you want to get a more professional studio and achieve better results, it’s still worth spending money and choosing inexpensive material for the backdrop in a photo store or having it sewn to order.

    However, for starters, for the first experiments, a simple white sheet or a roll of wrapping paper will do just fine, with which you can build something similar to the photo below.


    Lighting is the most difficult and expensive part of the studio. Choosing studio light is not an easy task and is the subject of a separate discussion.

    In short, there are two types of light. Constant and impulsive. Constant is cheaper, but generates a lot of heat in the studio and is not as versatile as pulsed. With pulsed light you get much more power, very good quality light and much more possibilities. But it also costs noticeably more.

    To get started, you can purchase a simple, inexpensive studio light kit. But for good result, be prepared to fork out a fair amount of money in the future. And no matter how much you would like to save money, it is better to immediately buy an inexpensive set of pulsed light with two or three flashes rather than a permanent one. For a small home studio this will be enough to get excellent result V different situations, and over time you can expand the kit.

    Umbrellas and softboxes.

    Looking at various kits lighting, you may find yourself going back and forth between whether an umbrella or a softbox is best for your studio. Unfortunately, there is no exact answer, since both have their pros and cons. At the same time, both perform their task - softening the light.

    Umbrellas are usually cheaper and more versatile. They often come with a reflective surface that allows you to control the light output - you can make the most of the light by reflecting it, or reduce it by removing the reflector and directing the light directly through the umbrella material. Umbrellas spread light over a fairly large space and they work well in large rooms or when photographing a group of people. In addition, umbrellas are more mobile than soft boxes; they are faster to assemble and install.

    Most professional photographers work simultaneously with umbrellas and softboxes to achieve best result. But if you're on a budget, an umbrella is a great place to start.

    Entourage and costumes.

    What is often not thought about is the multitude of crazy and at first glance completely unnecessary accessories and other junk. Taking a portrait is an incredibly boring process for most people, so using dress-up costumes and anything that can make the shoot fun and enjoyable and get the models excited can be very helpful.

    So it will be useful to keep in the studio all sorts of nonsense such as stupid sunglasses, wigs, toy jewelry and other nonsense that will “stir up” the most complex clients - from clerks to children, causing a smile, good mood and a relaxed state.

    The main thing is to make the person relax. A photo of a person with a tense face “like a passport” will always lose to a photo taken in a relaxed atmosphere.

    Photo supplies.

    Don’t forget about the specific and often necessary equipment for the studio. This could be a refrigerator and a plasma TV or laptop, but first of all, think about the essentials. For example, you will definitely need a tripod or even two. You may need remote controls or cables to remote control camera.

    If you use flashes, consider wireless controllers for them. Don't forget that a small stepladder can be very useful for choosing a specific angle or hanging a backdrop. And also a mirror, for those who at the last moment before shooting decide to check what he looks like.

    And one more thing. Be smart about your spending and try to understand your goals. Otherwise, creating a home studio can milk a lot of money out of you, some of which you will spend on expensive, but unnecessary or rarely used things. Therefore, always think carefully about what will be useful for you and what will not. Perhaps inexpensive constant light will suit your specific purposes, so you don’t necessarily need to invest in pulsed light, etc.

    Well, that's the main thing. Don't be afraid to learn and experiment - shoot more, try new approaches and you yourself will understand what you need most. Remember, a home studio is only the first step to “get your teeth into” and understand the basic principles of working in a studio. And then you will either begin to improve your own studio or find a suitable professional one.

    How to open a photo studio on your own, how much it will cost and what the monthly expenses are, what services can be provided and who will be their consumer. What form of management to choose, and what package of documents should the owner of a photo studio have.

    Your own photo studio is a profitable but highly competitive business. Every student with a camera considers himself a photographer and often offers his services. However, the quality of the work of such a “specialist” leaves much to be desired. That's why people still prefer studios.

    Despite the large size, there is only one way to stand out in the market - high quality and a wide range of services. And to get a quick start in this area, you need a detailed and competent marketing strategy.

    How much do you need to start?

    To understand what initial capital is needed to start a photo studio, you need to calculate the possible costs of renting and arranging the premises, equipment, documentation, etc.

    • Rent of premises - about 65 thousand rubles.
    • Repair of premises and arrangement of furniture - up to 140 thousand rubles.
    • Light sources - 150 thousand rubles.
    • Accessories for lighting - 30 thousand rubles.
    • Backgrounds - from 35 thousand rubles.
    • Camera - from 50 thousand rubles.
    • Camera lens - from 40 thousand rubles.
    • Dressing room equipment - 50 thousand rubles.
    • Administrator's workplace - from 35 thousand rubles.
    • Computer for photo processing - up to 70 thousand rubles.
    • Programs for photo processing - up to 50 thousand rubles.
    • Additional accessories, materials and stationery - from 20 thousand rubles.
    • Development of a website for a photo studio - from 20 thousand rubles.

    In total, to open your own photo studio you need to have about 800 thousand rubles.

    Monthly expenses

    In addition to starting capital, you need to be immediately ready for monthly expenses to:

    • rental of premises;
    • staff salaries;
    • public utilities;
    • website promotion;
    • advertising and marketing;
    • taxes;
    • additional costs.

    It is difficult to give exact figures here, since there is no specific area of ​​the rented premises, staff salaries, etc. Therefore, these calculations must be carried out individually.

    Range of services and target audience of the studio

    About what services the photo studio will offer and who will become target audience you need to think long before purchasing equipment.

    The studio can be positioned as a photo workshop or as a creative laboratory. That is, it is necessary to determine the genres of photography from which further services will be formed. For example, a photographer for corporate events, weddings and other events, as well as individual photo sessions.

    The target audience may be:

    1. Individuals who mainly come to the studio for family photos, photographs for documents or for photos of holidays and celebrations.
    2. Legal entities who are interested in commercial photography: photos of their products, events, creation of branded calendars, etc.

    The main service of the photo studio is professional photography and photo processing. However, in order to provide the studio with additional income, the following points must be immediately provided for:

    • Printed publications often need the services of a photo studio. So they can ask for help. True, to break into this segment, you need to win the trust of clients and become a famous photo studio in the city.
    • The studio's services are often used by beginning models who need high-quality photos for their portfolio.
    • When ordering photographs for documents or other instant photos, clients will require them to be printed. Therefore, this service is mandatory.
    • Often clients require artistic processing and photo retouching.
    • Sometimes photographers or freelancers will contact a studio to rent it for a certain period of time. Naturally, such a service should be provided during free time from the main clients.
    • There is a possibility that the studio will work closely with , which will provide a good flow of clients.

    The range of services can be expanded at your discretion. The main thing is that they are closely related to the main activities of the studio.

    How to register - individual entrepreneur or LLC?

    There is no fundamental difference between individual entrepreneurs and LLCs. Both forms of management have their pros and cons.

    Opening an individual entrepreneur will require 4 times less money than in the case of an LLC. Also, for an LLC it is mandatory to have authorized capital minimum 10 thousand rubles. In this case, all the money remains with the studio.

    When conducting partnerships legal form important, since few people will want to work with an individual entrepreneur. But having an LLC as a partner is much more solid. At the same time, it is easier for an LLC to recruit staff, which in any case will be needed to provide high-quality services.

    As for the choice of activity for opening a photo studio, it falls under 74.81 and under subsections 018000 4, 018102 9, 018104 5, 018107 6 and 018114 4.

    Before registering a business, you need to rent premises and buy necessary equipment(more on this below). After this, to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, you need to provide the following documents:

    • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (or other identification document).
    • Business permit.
    • Permissions from fire service and SES.
    • Certificate of registration with the Federal Tax Service.

    How to obtain all these documents can be clarified with the local tax and fire inspectorates and the SES.

    Choosing premises to rent

    There are a number of rules that apply to the location and layout of a photography studio.

    Firstly, the studio is best located in the city center. Even though the rent will be high, a constant flow of customers is guaranteed.

    Secondly, the studio space should not be less than 60 square meters. m. At the same time, 50 sq. m. is the studio itself. The remaining 10 sq. m. - waiting room, dressing room, administrator's place.

    Thirdly, the ceilings in the room must have a height of more than 3 m, since this is the height required to accommodate the equipment.

    Fourthly, the room must have large windows. This will allow photographers to work not only with artificial lighting, but also with natural light.

    As for the dressing room, it must have large mirror and natural light. The decoration of such a room is carried out in light colors.

    When choosing a studio space, you need to remember not only the comfort of the photographer, but also the clients. And from the technical part special attention The quality of the wiring deserves it - the photo studio equipment puts a high load on the electrical network.

    Equipment for a photo studio

    Below will be listed all the necessary equipment for the studio.

    • Professional digital camera and lens.
    • 4 lighting fixtures with power from 500 to 1000 W.
    • Camera tripods, holders, light stands, herons.
    • Curtains, umbrellas, softboxes, reflectors and reflectors.
    • At least 4 different backgrounds and attachments to them.

    This applies to the main studio workplace. You will also need additional details and interior items:

    • Table and chair for a photographer's workplace.
    • A computer or laptop with the necessary programs for work.
    • Landline phone.
    • Printer and other equipment necessary for printing photos.

    For the dressing room you need to purchase:

    • screen;
    • large mirror;
    • small table;
    • shower stall.

    The list of equipment and furniture may differ from the above and directly depends on financial capabilities, features of the rented premises and the range of services provided.

    Required Personnel

    Administrator. He will answer telephone conversations, negotiate with clients, draw up shooting schedules, monitor the corporate website, communicate with clients on social networks and perform a number of tasks related to the economic support of the photo studio.

    Retoucher. This specialist will process the photographs and thereby relieve the photographer for filming.

    Hairdresser. It is needed to tidy up clients' hairstyles before shooting.

    Visagiste. Such a specialist is necessary for staged shooting, which requires the application of makeup or make-up. A photographer cannot do this kind of work on his own.

    Stylist. It will only be needed if the studio will accept future or established fashion models who need to select outfits or accessories for a photo shoot.

    Advertising and Marketing

    At the very beginning, you need to notify everyone around you about the opening of the studio. You can attract attention with promotions, bonuses and discounts. The following advertising tools should be used:

    • distribution of flyers by the promoter or to postal addresses;
    • posting advertisements;
    • advertising on billboards;
    • a bright and noticeable sign.

    Particular attention should be paid to promoting your business on the Internet. For this you will need a corporate website. However, you should not use website builders. Its development should be entrusted to an experienced web developer. Only he will be able to give individuality to the resource and add the necessary functions to it.

    It is advisable to place the finished website on large Internet sites and advertising networks. The most popular and effective advertising networks for now are Yandex.Direct and Google.AdWords. When properly configured, they can bring in dozens of clients a day. However, in this case it is better to entrust all work to advertising campaigns an experienced director.

    A good and affordable tool for attracting clients are social media. Together with a corporate website, groups and communities of social networks can constantly bring in customers.

    It would not be amiss for the photo studio to participate in professional exhibitions. This will create a positive image for her. And gift certificates will help attract private clients.

    Possible risks

    The main problem that a studio may face is power outages. As mentioned above, filming equipment places a heavy load on the network. Therefore, to avoid such problems, you need to buy a UPS.

    The photography business has some seasonality. Observations show that in winter very few clients come to the photo studio. Therefore, there may be losses during such downtime periods.

    Many developers software have a very negative attitude towards those who use their products for free. To avoid legal proceedings, it is better to use purchased and licensed programs with a full set of functions.

    As you can see, there are not many risks and they can be avoided. The main thing is to organize your business correctly and properly distribute the budget so that even during downtime you have funds to pay rent, utilities and other services.


    The initial capital required to open a photo studio is about 800 thousand rubles. The form of government can be individual entrepreneur or LLC. To promote the studio’s services, it is necessary to use all available advertising tools, with the main emphasis on the Internet. Business profitability is 98%. Payback - 12 months. Profit - about 300 thousand rubles. per month.
