How to choose a DSLR camera? What is a digital SLR camera and how to make a choice.


A DSLR camera is the dream of most people who sincerely dream of doing photography. Unlike simpler competitors, referred to by disdainful professionals as “point-and-shoot cameras,” the DSLR is quite bulky because it has a complex mirror transmission from the lens to the viewfinder. If the reader doesn’t know what this means, then the easiest way to explain it is this: for a beginner or a person limiting himself to amateur photography, this is not necessary, but for truly high-quality photographs there is no way without it.

A DSLR camera is the dream of most people who sincerely dream of doing photography. Unlike simpler competitors, referred to by disdainful professionals as “point-and-shoot cameras,” the DSLR is quite bulky because it has a complex mirror transmission from the lens to the viewfinder. If the reader doesn’t know what this means, then the easiest way to explain it is this: for a beginner or a person limiting himself to amateur photography, this is not necessary, but for really high-quality photographs there is no way without it.

The easiest way to navigate the assortment is to decide for yourself what class of equipment interests us. This will not help you choose a specific model (more on this below), but it will narrow down your search. IN general outline all are divided into the following classes:

    Amateur equipment is designed for beginners or those who do not plan to take professional photographs at all. Accordingly, there is no special functionality here, although point-and-shoot cameras don’t even have those manual settings that are presented here. But main feature such technology is comparatively low price. In fact, for most people this will be quite enough.

  • Semi-professional equipment differs from amateur equipment by the addition of certain advantages - for example, wider functionality, a reliable body, or improved shutter life. The cost of such equipment is already a couple of times higher than that of amateur equipment, but at the same time it is noticeably more complicated. A consumer with a complete lack of professional photography skills simply will not be able to get the most out of a camera of this type.
  • Professional cameras can be distinguished by several obvious characteristics, which in themselves should scare away beginners. Firstly, the cost is huge compared to amateur equipment. Secondly, the mechanism is quite large, it seems inconvenient for travel. Thirdly, at first glance it becomes obvious that the device lacks a number of accessories, starting with the lens, which in such cases is sold separately, because even such details depend on the quality of the result obtained. Finally, fourthly, if a potential buyer decides to tinker with the settings, he will be horrified to discover that there are no preset modes, there is not even a built-in flash, and everything must be set manually. This will not scare away a professional - he understands perfectly how to use all this, and knows for sure that each frame requires special settings, and not presets. Moreover, such equipment is often produced in a particularly durable case, often protected from dust and moisture.

Start from your goals, but remember that if you have absolutely no experience, then even semi-professional equipment will not help, but will only confuse you. It is better to start learning with amateur options.

Every newcomer, going to any website dedicated to photography, will probably come across the eternal debate about which manufacturer is better - Canon (Canon) or Nikon (Nikon). To be objective, neither of the presented companies is better, both are good in their own way, and some photographers will even sincerely prefer a model from a third manufacturer. Pay attention not to the brand, but to the technical specifications which will become available after purchase. The really important things are the following criteria:

    Price. If you don’t have large sums of money, it’s definitely not worth saving for the most expensive model - a cheaper one will suffice. The main thing is to remember that if a camera has the ability to remove and replace the lens, then it is, to some extent, even more important than the camera itself, so ideally both the camera and its accessory, if sold separately, should cost approximately the same. In this case, you usually have to buy quite a lot of additional accessories, so calculate your budget with a good margin.

    The sensor size describes the camera's light sensitivity. The pinnacle is a full-frame sensor, but for most non-professional cases a half-frame option will do.

    The resolution of the matrix in point-and-shoot cameras has taught us that the more megapixels, the better - this is how the image is transmitted by a large number of dots. This is true, but only up to a certain point - for example, for a standard printed landscape-size photo, literally 3-4 megapixels are enough. If you are not shooting for full-fledged calendars for an entire spread, then 10 Megapixels should be enough.

    The sensitivity of the matrix indicates its ability to capture a frame without proper lighting. The higher the sensitivity, the crazier the price, so if you're not hunting for night photos, you'd better save your money.

    Even if you don’t know how to handle it yet, focus on the possibility of maximum manual control– it allows you to customize all the parameters much better than the preset settings, and over time you can learn this art.

    Shooting video for those who have previously only used point-and-shoot cameras seems mandatory, but in in this case There's no point in chasing her. For good result You will have to study additionally, and the quality of the photo may also suffer from the “extra” function.

    It is believed that for a DSLR, large dimensions and weight are rather positive, because they are due to the fact that they are crammed with functions. At the same time, remember that the unit will have to be carried in your hands, and, despite all its functionality, it should not become a burden.

    Do not forget that the device should be convenient for the owner personally. Hold it in your hands, twirl it, and take it if you like!

If you invest your money wisely, buy a camera that is truly designed for your goals, and work towards them persistently and continuously, then excellent result will appear very soon. Don't forget that good photo– this is not only technique, but also talent and diligence in study.

Hi all! I’m in touch with you, Timur Mustaev. There have been so many articles devoted to the intricacies of working with a camera, so much has already been discussed, including types of devices. But in my opinion, one of critical issues could remain aloof from understanding, namely: what does it mean reflex camera? I'll try in simple language explain what is special about DSLRs and what advantages they have over mirrorless models.

DSLRs and mirrorless cameras

All cameras are very similar, since they are created for the same purpose - to capture a visible picture, be it a landscape or the image of a person, and transfer it to the viewer. To be able to create an image, the camera has a complex device.

Light waves must be perceived by the objective lenses. If we are talking about a digital device, then the light is converted into an electrical signal, and finished photo appears as information written in the language of bits and binary code. The matrix and the processor, which is engaged in processing, are directly involved in this.

In analog cameras, film is the material that records and stores the photograph.

Both film and digital cameras can be SLR cameras.

The specificity of SLR cameras is the presence in their structure of a small mirror and associated units. This mirror is located at a certain angle (45 degrees) to the optical line of the lens.

Along the axis, the light moves towards the mirror, is reflected from it, refracted further in the pentaprism, and enters the viewfinder. Interesting, isn't it? It is thanks to this scheme in the eyepiece that we see a real picture, not distorted in any way. As you understand, this is a more complex device than mirrorless ones. The price of DSLRs is higher, and we will soon see that this is completely justified due to their undeniable quality in terms of photos and videos.

Thanks to the impressive matrix and having mirrors, photo And video turn out to be an order of magnitude higher than in mirrorless cameras. Many operators no longer use video cameras, e.g. Canon DSLR 5D Mark III, shoots very high quality video, not to mention the gorgeous photographs.

Another group of cameras is mirrorless. The term, accordingly, means that the device does not have a mirror visor. In cheap models, the viewfinder can replace the LCD display, while in expensive models there is an electronic viewfinder, so to speak, an additional screen.

Mirrorless photographic equipment can be the same as the usual SLR photographic equipment, with interchangeable optics, but it happens that they do not have the opportunity to change the lens. In the latter case, the lens and viewfinder are a single unit; such eyepieces are also called telescopic.

The mentioned models still exist, but are already outdated and rather inconvenient to use. That is, each camera has its own lens.

Without the lens that comes standard with such a device, further work impossible with him. Only this set is at your disposal. And if you want to shoot with different optics, well, a new camera will help you! Such photographic equipment is also called “point-and-shoot cameras,” and can be purchased at a modest price.

Unfortunately, cheap cameras are prone to such an unpleasant phenomenon as parallax. When you look through the eyepiece, you see one picture, but the lens sees a slightly different one, shifted to the right or left.

This can significantly complicate shooting: some foreign object or part of the environment suddenly enters the frame. As already mentioned, a camera with a telescopic viewfinder (without a mirror) often has only one lens. Although progress does not stand still, and now even for such a camera you can find optics.

Advantages of DSLR cameras

Having considered the concept of a DSLR camera, let’s dwell on its advantages over a mirrorless one:

  1. External reliability. Despite their large dimensions, which are not always convenient for a photographer, DSLR cameras are more durable and are usually protected from dust and moisture.
  2. Functionality. DSLR cameras have a lot of possibilities! Almost any type of shooting is available to you with a choice of settings, as well as a variety of optics options.
  3. Duration of work. A DSLR can run significantly longer on its battery than a mirrorless camera.
  4. Average price. DSLR cameras professional level, of course, very expensive, but budget ones are available to most buyers. In addition, even at the same cost, DSLRs will never be inferior in quality to mirrorless models.
  5. Fast Focus. It is believed that mirrored models have much better focus than mirrorless ones, and it allows you to concentrate on the object in a matter of seconds. Only DSLRs can boast of phase detection autofocus.
  6. Optical viewfinder, with mirror. Unlike other types of eyepieces, this one transmits a normal image without the delays typical of electronic visors.
  7. Possibility of changing lenses. Replacing lenses is a big advantage over other cameras.
  8. Full control over your shooting. Thanks to extensive settings, you can fully control the entire shooting process, which allows you to take perfect photos.

Despite the huge number of companies involved in the production of equipment, you should only trust specialized and reliable brands in this matter.

Today, only two companies are popular among photographers for the production of SLR cameras, lenses, flashes and other photographic equipment. These are, of course, Canon and Nikon.

They have a huge selection of models that are suitable for both beginners and advanced photographers. Their quality is excellent. And in principle, there is no serious difference between brands; even the set of functions and the result of their use will be similar.

The only thing that everyone, without exception, needs to know is the features of color rendition in Nikon and Canon. You will not find a mention anywhere in the instructions, only in practice you will notice that on Nikon the photo in most cases becomes yellow, while Canon increases the red tints.

In a previous article I already wrote about choosing a camera, namely, if you are interested, you can read it!

Although sometimes they talk about the dominance of blue. Apparently, depending on what you are shooting, the effect will be the same. For example, if there are clouds and a bright blue sky in the frame, then most likely the cold tint of the sky will spread throughout the entire image.

This fact is not critical, but still important, since the white balance will have to be edited directly through the camera settings or after shooting in a graphics editor.

This is where I will conclude my article. I hope I have fully answered your question and convinced you that SLR photographic equipment is a worthwhile thing! If this is the case, then it will be very useful for you to familiarize yourself with the course “ Digital SLR for a beginner 2.0" It will open your eyes to the main advantages and secrets of SLR photographic equipment.

Goodbye, readers! I will be glad to see you and your friends and acquaintances who are interested in the world of photography on my blog again. Subscribe to the blog and always be in the center of interesting news!

All the best to you, Timur Mustaev.

Every year everything more people dreams of buying a SLR camera and every second person fancies himself a photographer. And this, of course, is wonderful, but most of them have no idea what criteria are used to select a camera and how it works. For those who are just about to purchase a DSLR camera, the following information will be useful.

So, what is a DSLR camera? Let's not reinvent the wheel and look for the answer on the World Wide Web. According to Wikipedia, reflex camera- a camera whose design is based on one of the types of mirror viewfinder, the optical design of which includes a mirror that allows sighting directly through the shooting or auxiliary lens.

SLR camera or point-and-shoot camera?

It's no secret that even amateur SLR camera t costs several times more than a good “soap dish”, which can cope with simple tasks. That is why you must be firmly convinced that you really need such a camera and you are willing to spend a lot of time and effort studying it.

There is an opinion that mastering a DSLR camera is an incomprehensible task, and only a professional photographer can work with it. In fact, this is not the case at all, since taking pictures on a DSLR camera is no more difficult than taking pictures on a regular point-and-shoot camera. There is even a special auto mode for this, which will almost completely do the work for you. Another thing is that to create a high-quality photo you will have to work hard, choosing the right settings in automatic mode. But even here everything is much simpler, since the menu navigation on the DSLR is much more thoughtful.


What does the quality of the images depend on? First of all, from the lens. And given the fact that most DSLRs come with simple and cheap “kit” lenses, the image quality may initially be mediocre. Usually, beginners do not risk taking cameras without a lens, because a good lens costs as much as the camera itself, and sometimes even more. But they still have advantages. For example, working with a “whale” lens, you can decide what exactly you expect from the photo. Considering that different lenses are designed for different purposes, it will help to choose a more expensive lens.

The main disadvantages of a simple “kit” lens:

  • inability to take high-quality pictures at night;
  • high amount of noise (ISO);
  • short-lived design.


After the lens comes the matrix size. Any photographer, regardless of the level of professionalism, will tell you that a lot depends on the size of the matrix, in particular the quality of the image. If the matrix size is 36 x 24 mm, then the image quality will be maximum.

SLR cameras are available with full-format matrices and with crop factor (reduced size matrices).


It is a mistake to assume that the more megapixels - the better quality picture. The number of horsepower, the number of processor cores, and megapixels are all a marketing ploy by manufacturers aimed at non-professional consumers. The fact that the number of megapixels is far from the most important indicator that you should pay attention to when buying a camera has been written a lot and most novice photographers know this. They know and still, during the purchase, this “hypnotic” indicator plays almost the most important role in choosing a SLR camera model.

Let us briefly remind you that the number of megapixels only affects the size of the resulting image, but usually no one takes photographs at maximum resolution, because such images take up much more space on the memory card. For example, 3.9 megapixels is the same as 2272 x 1704 pixels. This size is quite suitable for large format printing, but why do people buy 20 megapixel cameras if their capabilities will not be fully used?

SLR camera manufacturers

SLR cameras are produced by many large and not so large manufacturers: Olympus, Fujifilm, Kodak, Panasonic, Samsung and others. Many of them like to “pamper” customers with pop-up tips, a huge number of various auto modes, gaming functions, etc. And Samsung has gone even further by releasing Android-based cameras with a touch screen and all OS functions.

You should pay attention to SLR cameras from Sony and Pentax. In the photographic equipment market, cameras from these manufacturers occupy the second step of the pedestal behind the leaders...

But if you want a real camera, and not a “toy,” then it’s better to choose Canon and Nikon. In many specialized stores you won’t even see cameras from other manufacturers. There is nothing superfluous in SLR cameras from Canon and Nikon, so the price remains at the proper level, and in terms of build quality, design, and pictures, they have no equal.


Price of amateur SLR cameras with a “kit” lens it starts at $350. A middle class camera will cost $700-1500. Semi-professional cameras, which often have all the functions of professional ones, cost between $1500-5000, and professional ones - $5000-15000.

Don’t be upset if your budget is limited, since a good amateur camera is not much inferior to a professional camera in terms of picture quality. Professional allow you to create photos not only faster, better and can be used in extreme conditions. Professional SLR cameras are more expensive and require photographers to have certain knowledge, skills and abilities when taking photographs.

In the future, you may need additional gadgets for your camera: flashes, devices for micro photography, creative lenses, hoods, tripods, lens filters, etc. All this will inevitably lead to additional costs.


Which model and brand should I buy a SLR camera?

Each photographer must make his own choice. Every photographer must find his manufacturer.

In any case, any SLR camera with any lens is suitable for beginners. Even if you spare no expense right now and buy a professional camera, this does not mean that every photo you take will become a masterpiece. It is much more important to learn how to photograph correctly, and this will not come immediately.

Several years ago, a SLR camera was purchased for professional photography. Today the time has come social networks, where everyone wants to stand out beautiful photos, share photo reports from trips and walks. They often buy a SLR camera for these purposes. The variety of brands and models makes it much more difficult for beginners and amateurs to choose. In this article we will describe in detail what you should pay attention to and how to choose a camera in accordance with your intended purposes.

Is a DSLR really necessary?

Often, buying a DSLR (DSLR) seems good idea exclusively until the moment of purchase. According to many newbie photographers, buying a camera is 100% guarantee high-quality photographs. Let’s say you invited a photographer to an event, paid for an hour of work, and after a couple of weeks you received wonderful pictures without distortion, with an even complexion, “borders” in the background. And then a business plan emerges in my head, just an hour of time, such an amount, and I’m good at filming myself. The idea of ​​investing money in photographic equipment is ripening, the work is not dusty, and also how profitable!

Not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. When buying a SLR camera, you are not only purchasing a device, but you are signing a sentence for yourself to purchase an entire system, which requires large investments. Undoubtedly, high-quality photographs are obtained with a semi-professional SLR camera, and even with a kit lens. However, there is also a “but” here: in order for the pictures to match in quality and performance, you need to know the theory. Studying all the nuances will not take a single day; understanding will come with experience in a month.

That is, when buying a SLR camera you should stock up on:
1. Finance(be prepared for additional costs).
2. Time(gaining photography experience, time to process photos).
3. Knowledge(it is important to understand at least the basics: composition, color combinations, volume, poses and angles, creating effects using different modes shooting, graphic editors).

What goals should you follow? when buying a camera and how this will affect your choice:

- Amateur photography for the family archive, photos of friends, children and relatives.
In this case, it is not necessary to consider top models. It is enough to limit yourself to a semi-professional camera (the manufacturers themselves position them as entry-level models; it is not difficult to distinguish them by their low cost and more numbers in the name). Starter models are equipped with a universal lens marked KIT (kit lens). It is difficult for an amateur who does not have experience and a lot of knowledge to get decent pictures with this optics. If your plans are to develop yourself as a photographer, then initial stage a kit lens is enough to get the hang of shooting in manual mode. When a camera is needed only for taking photos for the family archive, and you have the finances, it is more advisable to replace it with a higher quality and light-sensitive optics model.

- Professional and commercial photography.
This type of photography implies that the buyer is already a photographer with a certain amount of experience and has a wealth of knowledge, equipment and components.
Professional SLR cameras are far from a budget option (if you also take into account that the optics must correspond to the level of the camera, or even be an order of magnitude higher). Therefore, beginners and amateurs who are ready to buy a camera today and post an advertisement for commercial photography tomorrow are not recommended to purchase expensive models. Shooting with a DSLR requires a lot of thinking, and if the whole process happens in auto mode, then it's a waste of money.

DSLR Camera Options

A SLR camera has about fifty characteristics, but not all of them are important, as manufacturers assure. What should you pay attention to first?

Matrix size and megapixels

It is the matrix that is the main unit of the camera, a digital analogue of photographic film. Using the matrix, the light flow is converted into electrical signals - thus producing the picture that we see on the monitor. To put it simply, a matrix is ​​a microcircuit consisting of millions of light-sensitive sensors.

In addition to the name of the matrix, the characteristics always indicate the number of elements (sensors), which is more familiar to us in the wording megapixels. One megapixel (Mp) is equal to a million light sensors.

The number of megapixels is directly related to the resolution of the matrix; the quality of the photo, detail and noise level depend on it. A larger number of megapixels allows you to get a picture with high detail.

But such an indicator as megapixels should not come first. Initially, decide on the choice of the physical size of the matrix (matrix diagonal in centimeters or inches). The point is that larger size pixel provides high degree photosensitivity, capturing more photons of light. When comparing several matrices with the same number of light-sensitive sensors, in case of insufficient illumination, a matrix with a larger diagonal will provide a lower level of noise.

You can often see digital compact cameras with 24 megapixels, but has any professional switched to a point-and-shoot camera just because it has more megapixels than an expensive DSLR? Of course not. Manufacturers are spurring demand for multi-pixel models, but the image quality is not getting any better. And all because the size of the matrix remains the same.

If we consider, for example, several matrices, from a compact camera and a SLR camera, then the difference in physical size immediately catches the eye, while the number of pixels in both cameras is the same. But the size of DSLR camera sensors is larger, therefore the light sensitivity is better.

What does a manufacturer do when they announce an increase in the number of pixels? Increases the physical size of the matrix? No, it's expensive. The manufacturer places on the same small matrix not 12 megapixels, but 24 megapixels, for example. In the photograph this is reflected by an increase in sharpness and detail, but that’s where the advantages end. The area of ​​photosensitive sensors becomes several times smaller, photosensitivity decreases, and more digital noise appears.

In SLR cameras, the matrix size is indicated only in millimeters; in addition to physical dimensions, there is such a thing as crop factor.
The crop factor shows the difference between 35 mm film (the full-frame sensor has the same dimensions) and the size of the sensor installed in the camera. All entry-level and mid-level DSLR cameras are not full frame.

A full frame makes it easier to achieve the effect of blurring the background, using the full potential of the lens (the angle is wider, the light sensitivity is higher, focusing is easier).
From this we conclude that Full Frame matrices allow shooting in low-light conditions, produce an image with less digital noise and better color rendition.

Noise in photos – an undesirable defect, which is chaotically located multi-colored dots that appear in low light. Noise is clearly visible in photographs in objects that are darker or uniform in saturation and color (background out of focus, dark clothes etc.). Yes, you can get rid of digital noise in professional graphic editors, in which case the problem would seem to be solved. By no means, getting rid of unwanted noise entails a loss of sharpness, a decrease in the detail of small objects and contrasting lines. In more expensive camera models, manufacturers introduce new noise reduction algorithms, but they only partially help.

Of course, any camera will produce noise, but it will only appear when different meanings ISO.

ISO – sensitivity of the matrix, indicated by a numerical value. ISO is one of the three parameters for setting the correct exposure. The higher the sensitivity is set in the camera settings, the wider the possibilities for shooting in the dark. However, it is still recommended not to work with high ISO values, as this will lead to a loss in the quality of the final images. The optimal ISO values ​​are 50, 100, 400; when setting the parameters higher, noise and digital debris will appear in the photographs. So, focusing on buying a camera with a higher ISO is also not correct. If you plan to shoot in low light conditions, it is better to stock up on additional lighting equipment.

Everything described above should concern the buyer first. But, as practice shows, entry-level models from different manufacturers are similar in their values ​​and design features, so it will be important to study additional parameters of DSLRs. The following characteristics do not affect the quality of the image, however, they bring convenience to the shooting process.

Image stabilization

Almost all compact cameras are equipped with a stabilizer, but not always DSLRs. This is primarily due to the weight and size of the camera; small compacts are more susceptible to shaking in the hand, unlike large and heavy ones. SLR cameras. A slight vibration of the hand leads to defocus and blurring of the image. DSLR cameras are easier to hold in position without shaking because... You need to hold them with both hands very close to your face. I would like to note that the presence of stabilization does not greatly affect the cost of the camera; there are both amateur models with stabilization and professional ones without it.

Stabilization is useful for:
- Shooting with a long-focus lens (the longer the focal length of the lens, the more difficult it is to focus; the oscillation distance increases exponentially as you approach).
- Shooting in low light conditions and at long shutter speeds (indoors, evening and night photography).

Stabilization systems:
- Optical. It involves automatic additions to the lens unit; technically, this is a rather complex type of stabilization compared to digital.
- Digital. With digital stabilization, it is not the optics that move, but the matrix. Digital stabilization is less effective, so it is not advisable to focus on buying a camera with digital stabilization.

If you like a camera without built-in stabilization, don’t worry. In any case, the best stabilizer is a tripod; it’s rare that long-focus or long-shutter photography can be done without a tripod.


The undoubted advantage of SLR cameras over digital compacts is the ability to change optics. Depending on the goals set, the photographer needs to change and select lenses. Portrait and full-length photography is best done with medium focus, nature and the sky with wide-angle lenses. Unfortunately, universal optics “for both the feast and the world” have not yet been invented. In this regard, SLR cameras provide the ability to change lenses. The bayonet mount acts as a connecting element between the camera and the lens. The mount is made of metal with a rotating connection (until it clicks). There are contacts on the bayonet through which the lens is powered and information commands are exchanged.

Having chosen a camera, study in advance the compatibility of optics for this model. Each global manufacturer of photographic equipment has its own mounting standard.
In addition to the differences in mounts between manufacturers, you should take into account the difference in mounts for full-frame and cropped equipment. For full-frame cameras, each brand has its own separate line of lenses, in most cases with “astronomical” cost. Of course, it is always easy to find an adapter for “non-native” optics on sale, but this is a separate expense.

If you have photographer friends, find out what mount they have, in case you have the opportunity to exchange or borrow a lens. For a popular type of mount it is easier to find an analogue of an expensive original lens. If you are on a budget, then best choice for the most common bayonet mount.

Shutter life: forever together?

There is probably no amateur photographer who has not worried about the life of the camera shutter. Everyone knows that DSLR cameras have a mileage limit, but should you be afraid of this? When purchasing used equipment, the shutter life is almost the first parameter that is emphasized.

The numbers provided by manufacturers do not always correspond to reality; identical models of DSLRs fail at different mileage. For example, the manufacturer indicates a mileage of 50,000 frames; there is no guarantee that the shutter will work for exactly this period.

It all depends on the operating conditions. If the camera is located indoors or in a studio and is used in “greenhouse” conditions, then it is possible to extend the life of the shutter. Sometimes the mileage is two or three times higher. Taking photographs outdoors in highly dusty and windy weather will not benefit the camera.

Frequently changing lenses also has a detrimental effect on shutter life. To extend the shutter's production limit, it is enough to avoid situations where dust and debris get into the mechanism.

You can always return your camera to service center to replace the shutter and clean the matrix, the service is not cheap, but the price of a new device is several times higher.

In addition to the resource, the shutter is associated with such a parameter as excerpt .

Before purchasing, decide which photography style will be dominant when shooting.

A short shutter speed will allow you to capture moments from life, “freeze” water and moving objects. Long shutter speeds provide long-term light flow, which expands the boundaries of evening and night photography.

Built-in flash, is it really necessary?

The flash built in by the manufacturer is only suitable for amateurs who shoot in auto mode and don’t really think about the quality of the image. If your goals are to “click to make it happen,” then the built-in flash is for you. For development in photography, shooting three-dimensional images, the built-in flash is not suitable; its use often “negates” the full potential of the camera.

Cons of the built-in flash:
- shooting “head-on”, all the shadows on the face are highlighted or have hard transitions, because of this the effect of a flat image is created;
- red eyes and bright hard glare (overexposure) on reflective surfaces;
- there is no possibility to reduce the light intensity, therefore the exposure is not always set correctly;
- hard black falling shadows from objects;
- does not turn off during automatic and semi-automatic shooting, it works automatically depending on the lighting.

Despite the significant disadvantages, there are pros:
- the flash is absolutely free, when buying a camera with a built-in flash, you do not overpay. A built-in flash is rarely found on professional-level models, since only amateurs use it;
- compact dimensions. It is difficult to forget, lose or break.

If you seriously decide to take up photography and use your camera for commercial purposes, then think about buying an external flash.

Viewfinder and LCD screen

One of important elements SLR camera - viewfinder. The viewfinder is the primary transmission of information from the camera to the photographer.
The viewfinder is not responsible for the quality of the photograph, but it does affect the photographer’s perception of the final image.

Modern SLR cameras include:
- Optic. It is a set of lenses built into the camera. The image is displayed with a certain error, making focus adjustment more difficult.

- Electronic. Allows you to see the image without distortion, you can immediately see whether the photo is correctly exposed and the white balance. Helps to accurately focus in manual mode. Displays shooting options.

LCD screen installed on all modern SLR cameras. Taking pictures in LiveView mode (looking at the LCD screen) is not recommended, but it is still a useful addition. Manufacturers equip the LCD display with a touchscreen and rotating mechanisms.

Buying a camera with a rotating display will make the photographer’s life easier in many ways and will protect new jeans from dirt and dust. How, you ask? It often takes a long time to select a good angle for a successful shot; shooting from below has always been a winning option, but it’s not very pleasant to kneel down or lie down on the asphalt for the sake of a shot.

In LiveView mode, just rotate the screen and lower the camera to the desired level. Note that shooting in LiveView mode consumes power many times faster. To save energy, many models are equipped with a monochrome display. An additional display makes it easier to configure shooting parameters and displays basic indicators.

Video recording

This feature is not found on all cameras, and not every photographer needs it. Suitable for wedding photographers and videographers, for shooting semi-professional videos, and maintaining a personal blog. You can improve the recording quality with additional purchases: a microphone, a tripod. Modern camera models support video recording in Full HD format, but this is still not enough for creating advertising or clips.

Let's sum it up

Choosing a DSLR camera puts not only beginners, but also professional photographers in a difficult position.

We recommend not focusing on a specific brand of camera, but based on the required characteristics. Having previously studied the information on the Internet, choose several suitable models and test them in the store. Pay attention not only to the characteristics and indicators of the “filling”, shape and weight also play an important role. Cameras with metal body more reliable, but not every photographer can handle carrying a kilogram body in his hands, and add to this the weight of the lens and flash.

Hold several cameras in your hand, the ergonomic shape and rubber grips will be an additional step towards comfortable shooting.
If your budget does not allow for the purchase of a full-frame camera, then consider inexpensive crop camera models. The characteristics of DSLRs in the same price segment are similar, so take a closer look at the little things that make the shooting process easier.

Research the compatibility of accessories and configurations for your preferred camera in advance. Sometimes buying a little-known brand leads to problems in selecting non-branded accessories. Popular cameras are easier to find additional equipment at a lower cost, easier to resell.

The main mistake that novice photographers make is investing completely in the body of the camera. While best option investment in the lens, and in addition the purchase of a mid-level body. A good lens unlocks the potential of the camera and the photographer. It is extremely difficult to achieve a professional level with a budget version of a kit lens.

Remember, 80% of success depends on the person operating the equipment, and not vice versa.

After reading different material on the Internet, most people immediately rush to buy reflex camera , naively assuming that with its help you can get the highest quality photographs. In reality, DSLRs are more of a mindset than a technology. And if you don’t know how to handle such equipment, then in 99% of cases you will get pictures no better than conventional point-and-shoot cameras. Naturally, this state of affairs is very frustrating for novice photographers. The purpose of a SLR camera is that, unlike point-and-shoot cameras, it is, first of all, great job in manual mode, which almost completely eliminates the automatic mode, although this is present in SLR cameras.

First of all, SLR cameras are used to take photographs high quality. It is for this reason that all the constituent elements of “DSLRs” are created precisely in order to achieve this goal.

First, let's start with the matrix. In entry-level and mid-level DSLRs, it is different in size and larger than those used in previous types of cameras. Regarding professional SLR cameras, then its size is even larger there and is equal to the size of a frame of standard 35 mm film. In addition, there are cameras whose matrix differs from good DSLRs and is even larger in size, but such devices will clearly not be affordable for ordinary amateur photographers and even some professionals. Thanks to their large sensor size, DSLRs offer high equivalent ISO sensitivity (up to 100,000 on the latest models) as well as greater control over DOF - depth of sharply depicted space.

Secondly, DSLR cameras have interchangeable lenses, with which you can control the range of focal lengths quite easily. This point is one of the main advantages of SLR cameras. Thus, the quality of photographs will be much better, which is what distinguishes cameras from soap cameras.

If you want to achieve high quality photos, you will have to work hard and invest a lot of money, but believe me, it is worth it. Having become the proud owner of a SLR camera, you may soon notice that your “DSLR” is not so good (of course, not without exceptions). The standard optics of ultrasonic cameras often turn out to be of higher quality than those of SLR cameras. But this kind of problem can be easily solved; for this you need to purchase good optics. But if you prefer to work exclusively in one genre, then one lens for your camera is quite enough. But if your fantasies and interests are much broader, then the amount of costs should increase. You have the opportunity to save money; to do this, you need to choose lenses from third-party manufacturers, for example, Tokina, Sigma, Tamron, or by purchasing a used lens, or by resorting to the services of Soviet-era devices, connecting them through various adapters, although this is not always the case comfortable. But, if you take the trouble, if you buy a good quality lens, if you understand it and know how to use it, then the quality of the photographs will be much higher.

There are two types of power supply for SLR cameras. The first is from a lithium-ion battery, which can be replaced with a finger-type battery if you purchase a special battery pack and attach it to the camera from below, but this will be quite expensive. The second is powered by AA batteries. In some models, this type of power supply is provided initially.

All DSLRs can be divided into 3 groups:

- amateur;

- semi-professional SLR cameras;

- professional.

But sometimes it is impossible to say exactly which of them this or that model belongs to and what distinguishes SLR cameras. In addition, often each new model has the same technical characteristics as the previous one. high level. The division into groups is carried out taking into account such parameters as matrix size, resolution, shutter life, which has its own service life and its repair is very expensive, as well as the mechanical characteristics of the body and burst shooting speed.

DSLRs different brands, belonging to the same group, practically do not differ from each other, but at the same time they have their own zest. The manufacturer plays an important role when choosing a DSLR camera, since camera accessories, such as lenses and flashes, from different manufacturers are not interchangeable. Simply put, if you ever decide to change the brand of the device, you will have to assemble the entire set again. However, you cannot divide brands into bad and good, because each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, therefore the most objective and only criterion for choosing a SLR camera is availability, cost of accessories and the availability of service centers from the manufacturer.

Recently, DSLR cameras have had the ability to shoot video, which has added to their number of advantages. However, it is not available in all models.

And some statistics:

Title " Best professional camera 2010"according to the EISA Association, the Nikon D3x DSLR was ranked

Title " Best advanced camera 2010"according to the EISA Association, Canon EOS 5D Mark II was ranked

Title " Best DSLR 2010"For beginners and experienced users" according to the EISA Association, the Canon EOS 500D DSLR was ranked
