Internship at a travel agency. Report on practice at the travel agency “Pegas touristic”

Introduction 3

1. General characteristics enterprises 5

1.1 History of the creation and development of the enterprise 5

1.2 Form of ownership. 6

2. Features of the organization’s management activities 8

2.1 Organizational structure control 8

2.2 Management decision making 9

3. Organizational personnel management 11

3.1 Personnel policy of a travel agency 11

3.2 Remuneration and motivation of employees “Wheel of Fortune” 12

4. Activities of the organization to provide services 14

Conclusion 16

References 17

Appendix 1 18

Appendix 2


Tourism is one of the most important industries for the development of the Russian economy. In the tourism sector today, new programs are being implemented, infrastructure is being improved, and investments are being actively attracted.

Tourism and travel are an integral part of the hospitality industry. Travel is the main topic of tourism. Differences in time, distance, location, purpose and length of stay are all just distinctive elements of tourism. In general, tourism is a multi-purpose phenomenon that simultaneously combines elements of adventure, the romance of distant travels, a certain mystery, visiting exotic places and, at the same time, the earthly concerns of entrepreneurship, health issues, personal safety and the safety of property.

Tourism plays a major role in the global economy, providing a tenth of the world's gross national product. This branch of the economy is developing rapidly and will become its most important sector in the coming years. The annual growth of investment in the tourism industry will be about 30%.

Industrial practice is the most important component of the educational process. It helps to consolidate and expand the knowledge acquired during the training process, allows you to acquire professional skills for independent work in departments of the enterprise, provides familiarization with the organization of production and the work of the enterprise, and acquaintance with the workforce.

The internship was completed at the Wheel of Fortune travel agency.

Purpose of industrial practice - this work presents an analytical report on the internship at this enterprise.

Purpose of this report– carrying out diagnostics of the work performed during the internship.

Tasks, subject to research during practical training:

    Features of the management activities of the organization.

    Analysis of marketing tools used in the organization.

    Organizational personnel management.

    Activities of the organization to provide services.

    Activities of the organization in public relations.

Object of study is a characteristic of the organization’s activities in the tourism services market.

Subject of research The activities of the travel agency "Wheel of Fortune" in Perm are represented.

Work structure: the work consists of an introduction, five chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and applications.

Theoretical basis This work was based on the works of such authors as: Saak A.E., Pshenichnykh A.Yu., Usov V.V. and others.

1. General characteristics of the enterprise

1.1 History of the creation and development of the enterprise

Travel agency "Wheel of Fortune" (IP Makarova N.A.) is located at Perm, st. Komsomolsky Prospekt, 34, office 315.

The travel agency was founded in 2002.

Over the past years of successful work, the agency’s employees have become the highest professionals in their field. As a travel agency, we have earned ourselves a good name and a reliable, positive reputation. The travel agency has diplomas and certificates that officially confirm the recognition of the company as a conscientious and successful company. The company has developed a permanent customer base. The company's clients know the highest quality of the travel services provided by the agency and come to them again and again, not wanting to change travel agency.

In 2007, the Wheel of Fortune company merged with the tour operator Pegas Touristik, specializing in destinations Egypt, Turkey, Thailand, and India. This made it possible to significantly strengthen the agency’s position in the Russian tourism market and increase the volume of sales of tour packages to these countries.

The head is Galina Aleksandrovna Mineeva.

The agency offers a wide range of tours from sightseeing to exotic around the world.

The mission of the travel agency "Wheel of Fortune" is to develop the tourism and hotel business in Russia, bring the Russian tourism industry to a level that meets international standards, increase the investment attractiveness of this sector of the Russian economy, and satisfy consumers of tourism and hotel services to the fullest extent possible.

Our reputation as a market leader and a leading expert in the tourism industry gives us a special responsibility to our clients, employees, partners and investors.

The company's strategy is to create a multifunctional tourism operator providing a full range of tourism and hotel services.

Effective implementation of the company's strategy allows us to mitigate risks and increase profits, constantly improving the quality of services provided.

1.2 Form of ownership.

The organizational and legal form of the organization is individual entrepreneur.

Individual entrepreneur status has the following advantages compared to registering your own enterprise:

    simplification of the processes of creating and liquidating a business;

    free use of own earnings;

    no tax is paid on property used in business activities;

    simplified procedure for keeping records of business results and providing external reporting;

    simplified decision-making procedure (no meetings, minutes, etc. required).

Main disadvantages:

    is liable for obligations with its property;

    cannot obtain some licenses (for example for retail trade alcohol);

    according to established practice, some large (and not so large) companies refuse to work with individual entrepreneurs;

    not suitable for joint business;

    ongoing personal involvement is required as a “director” cannot be appointed.

The constituent document of the organization is the Charter of the travel agency.

The main activities of travel agency workers are:

    providing information to clients;

    work with clients; booking and issuing tickets;

    work with tour operators;

    performing administrative functions.

2. Features of the management activities of the organization

2.1 Organizational management structure

The organizational structure of the enterprise is presented in Figure 1.

The management structure of the travel agency "Wheel of Fortune" is a linear-functional management structure.

Rice. 1 - Agency organizational structure

Responsibilities among the company's employees are distributed as follows. The director concludes contracts, gets acquainted with market innovations, participates in conferences, negotiates agency affairs; is the main manager of financial resources; controls and coordinates the work of the agency, controls all management decisions at all levels of the agency, makes decisions on hiring or dismissing employees, develops programs for improving intra-industrial relations.

The accounting department carries out all monetary work at the enterprise, draws up and monitors the execution of contracts, carries out all cash and cash transactions, maintains all accounting documentation and financial statements.

Managers by sales work according to directions.

The travel agency "Wheel of Fortune" actively uses computer technology - it uses the "Tourist Office" computer information system, which significantly speeds up all calculations and the generation of documents. The computers of all employees are connected to a local network and have an Internet connection. There is a system that provides input, editing and storage of information about tours, hotels, clients, and the status of applications. The program allows you to provide information output in the form of various documents: lists of tourists, descriptions of tours, hotels, can calculate the cost of tours taking into account exchange rates, discounts, also automatically pays for tours, allows you to obtain financial statements, and has other capabilities.


“Socio-cultural service and tourism”


Place of internship

Head of practice from the enterprise:
(position, full name)

Head of practice from the institute:
(position, full name)
________________________ _____________________________

The report was accepted for defense (date)
"___" ________________ 2010

Report protected (date, rating)
"___" ________________ 2010 ___________________



Feedback from the place of internship…… …………………3
Diary of educational practice…………………………………… ..4
1. Characteristics of the enterprise……………………………………………. .6
2. Marketing activities of the company……………………………………11
3. Analysis of advertising and information activities of the enterprise...........13
4. Analysis of management and personnel policy of the enterprise………………...18
5. Development of a tourist route………………………………….…..24
List of used literature……………………………………………………..30

Feedback from the internship site.

The student completed an internship at Travel Firm Plus LLC from June 28, 2010. to July 18, 2010
demonstrated a high level of theoretical knowledge and was responsible for completing the tasks given to her. She performed all the work assigned to her conscientiously and on time.
Veronika Raisovna strived to acquire new knowledge and showed interest in completing the tasks assigned to her.
I rate her work as “excellent.”

Diary of educational practice.

Head of Travel Firm-Plus LLC __________________


In accordance with the curriculum, I completed my internship from June 28, 2010. to July 18, 2010 in the limited liability company "Tour Firm-Plus".
Internship is an important element in preparing a specialist. Practice gives the student the opportunity to apply the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during the learning process.
Together with the head of the practice directly in the society, a plan for completing the internship was drawn up, which I successfully completed.
During my internship I:
- learned to apply theoretical knowledge acquired during the training process in practice;
- got acquainted with the enterprise, its internal structure, work and methods of managing the activities of employees;
- got acquainted with the work of employees;
- got acquainted with the pricing and marketing strategy of the enterprise.

    Characteristics of the enterprise
The organizational and legal form of the enterprise LLC "Tour Firm-Plus" is a limited liability company.
The main sources of legal regulation of the activities of Travel Firm-Plus LLC are: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law “On Limited Liability Companies”.
Legal address of the organization
Opening hours are year-round: on weekdays from 10:00 to 19:00, on Saturdays from 10:00 to 18:00.
The main activity of the company is tourism.
LLC "Tour Firm-Plus" was opened in 1999.
The company rents office space in a multi-story building next to various organizations. Before front door There is a stand of the company's proposed routes: the Black Sea coast, Türkiye, bus tours in Europe, etc. Inside the premises there are places for visitors to relax, various brochures, prospectuses and photographs of the proposed tours are provided. At the client's request, a video demonstration of the route or hotel is possible.
When contacting the travel agency "Tour Firm-Plus", the client is first explained what services he is purchasing and how to use them, as well as the guarantees and obligations of the agency and his rights.
When a client contacts the agency, he is asked to view the “Tour Information Sheet,” which contains the following information: a description of the route by day, characteristics of the tour conditions, information about the host countries, and safety rules.
The characteristics of the tour conditions contain the following information:
- accommodation conditions at each point (type of building, equipment, characteristics of the number of rooms, sanitary and hygienic equipment);
- information about the placement of parents with children;
- characteristics of vehicles;

- a list of services received for an additional fee.
As part of information about host countries, provide the following information:
- features of entry and exit into the country;

- visa regime;
- sanitary rules (insurance, vaccinations);
- customs regulations;
- specific behavior in each country, special restrictions due to the predominant religion;
- local traditions and customs (rules of decency, clothing, tips, etc.);
- shopping, leisure, entertainment, nightlife;

- money, exchange;
- mail, telegraph, telephone;
- attractions, incl. along the route;
- other necessary information.
Safety rules include the following information:
- a list of travel companies - co-executors of the tour and data on the certification of their services according to local requirements;

- characteristics of the state of public order in the country and recommendations in this regard;
- rules of behavior on the water;
- rules of sanitation and hygiene;
- how to use insurance in emergency cases;
- predicted weather conditions and equipment recommendations;
- dangerous animals, reptiles and plants;

- how and where to store things, money and valuables;
- a reminder about liability for damage caused.
There is no uniform typical for all company personnel, but each employee has a badge indicating the company, name and position.
The agency has several city and international telephone lines, a fax, a photocopier, several computers, printers, air conditioning, and a connection to the Internet local network. Ditto for comfortable work employees have basic office supplies available, which facilitate many issues related to working with papers, drawing up contracts, and drawing up various documents.
The total number of employees of the enterprise is 6 people. The company's employees have more than ten years of successful experience in the tourism business market.
The organizational structure of the enterprise is presented in Figure 1.

Figure 1 – Organizational structure of the enterprise.

The responsibilities of the director include developing the company's image, marketing, representation functions, interaction with partners, obtaining the necessary licenses, recruiting and training personnel.
Accounting keeps records of the company, prepares reports, submits balance sheets, calculates and issues wages, and maintains reports to government agencies accounting.
Marketing and Advertising Department The department carries out the following functions: studying the consumer market, developing and implementing advertising (printed materials, external design of the company, advertising on radio and in print media), and conducting sociological surveys.
The functions of the customer service department include:
- work with clients;
- receiving applications from clients;
- development of an individual tour plan;
- communication with operators and accommodation facilities;
- booking tours;
- registration of visas, insurance.
For its clients, the travel agency "Tour Firm-Plus" provides the following services:
- organization of tourist, excursion, sanatorium and resort, business trips, individual tours, family or corporate vacations, as well as shopping tours;
- hunting and fishing;
- registration of visas and international passports;
- tours at a special price;
- youth recreation;
- weekend tours;
-vacation in Russia and abroad;
-bus tours around Europe.
Table 1 presents the main performance indicators of Travel Firm-Plus LLC for May 2010.

Indicators Unit change Period
05/01/2010 - 05/10/2010 05/11/2010 - 05/20/2010 05/21/2010- 05/31/2010
Number of tours sold people 25 20 32
Average tour cost rub. 22000 19300 23800
Volume of sales of basic services rub. 385000 278000 508600
Sales volume additional services rub. 165000 108000 253000
Number of employees people 6 6 6

Table 1 - main performance indicators of Travel Firm-Plus LLC for May 2010.

2. Marketing activities of the company

Marketing activities of a company play an important role in
management survey of the enterprise. After choosing the main strategic directions of the enterprise's actions, it is necessary to specify them through planning a marketing program.
Any travel company must constantly monitor everyone
respond to every change in the market: falling behind those who are more successful and insightful threatens consumer distrust of the company, which can lead not only to the loss of one of the clients, but also to a decline in the overall image of the company, i.e. to the loss of a significant part of potential and regular customers.
The travel agency "Tour Firm-Plus" carefully monitors all changes in the tourism market, studies the activities of competing companies, develops new tourist routes for youth, family, business, educational, and medical tourism; conducts numerous surveys on its website on the Internet and among the population.
Most often, surveys are carried out by agents from the marketing and advertising department. Conducting surveys helps employees develop new tourist routes that will be in demand.
The goal of a travel agency is to meet the needs of the population, attract customers, increase profits and the image of the enterprise.
The products and services offered by a firm determine its ability to sell and make a profit. Without goods and services, a company has nothing to offer in the market. However, it is necessary not only to release products: they must be intended for a specific market and correspond to the overall goals of the company.
Travel agency "Tour Firm-Plus" provides services that allow you to satisfy the natural interest of people, to get acquainted with the lifestyle, mentality and culture of other countries. The services provided by the agency are aimed mainly at individual tourists or very small groups of three to four people who are interested in gaining a deeper understanding of real life not only in Russia, but also abroad.
Depending on the client’s choice, the program can be composed of individual excursions ordered by the client, taking into account his interest in history, culture, politics or a specific professional area (both thematic and sightseeing excursions). The travel agency "Tour Firm-Plus" pays attention to all the details and "little things", which is especially important in Russia, where for many years the tourism industry has not been customer-oriented.
The market niche (individual, customer-oriented tourism) is large enough to be profitable, and at the same time small enough to be attractive to large travel companies serving large flows of tourists. Currently, the agency attracts clients through direct contacts or recommendations. The travel agency "Tour Firm-Plus" is looking for foreign partners, cooperation with which would ultimately lead to increased profits. The company also offers its services to local companies to obtain additional funds, going towards the development of the company.

Advertising activity is a way of action of a company aimed at achieving certain goals; strategy - a general guiding line and guidelines for achieving ultimate goals; tactics - a set of means and techniques aimed at achieving a goal, a course of action, a line of behavior. In fact, the essence of advertising activity lies in the choice of advertising strategy and tactics.
In order for a travel company to become famous, it is necessary to declare itself. This can be achieved through advertising. But in order to get the maximum amount of money with minimal expenses high result, you need to think about how to advertise yourself and your products.
Each company or enterprise has a certain advertising policy. The only difference is in the scale and means of advertising.
The main means of advertising are:
1. Travel catalogs - they contain descriptions of tourist goods and services, illustrations, and prices. Catalogs are used by tour operators and travel agents to present tour programs. The catalog includes illustrated descriptions of various routes, hotels, excursion programs, transport services, departure dates.
2. Brochures and prospectuses are smaller publications that contain a list of tourist destinations, more detailed information about accommodations, prices, transport schedules, etc. They are used by tourism enterprises to inform potential clients about available travel services and as an aid in sales. Brochures are usually printed on one illustrated page and are easier and cheaper to produce. They are the most common means of advertising
3. Sales letters are sent to potential clients, specific target groups whose likely interests are known. With their help, you can sell “last minute tour packages” or quickly convey information. Sales letters are used alone or in combination with prospectuses and brochures.
4. Advertising in the media is advertising in print, on television, radio, and street advertising. Its main feature is the ability to convey advertising information to a large number of people.
5. Street advertising has specific locations, a small amount of information, and mostly contains symbols and pictures. These qualities of street advertising are due to the fact that attention is paid to it for a short period of time. It usually serves as a complement to advertising in the media.
6. Advertising at the point of sale consists of placing posters, banners, billboards in shop windows and on the walls of the premises where tours are sold. These advertisements are designed to remind consumers in their decision-making process of advertising information that they have already encountered in other media.
The choice of advertising medium depends on many factors, including:

    the nature of the advertised product, the content of the advertisement;
    availability of funds for advertising;
    market size (its capacity);
    advertising purposes (to create a market for a new product or to expand an existing market);
    the scale of the advertising campaign;
    circle of possible consumers;
    specific market requirements;
    technical capabilities of manufacturing advertising media in the right quantity within the required time frame.
Advertising can be assigned many specific tasks in the field of communication and sales, depending on what it is intended for: to inform, exhort or remind.
The purpose of informative advertising is to tell the market about a new product or new possible uses for an existing product. In addition, information about price changes, new services provided, dispelling doubts and fears of the consumer, forming the image of the company. This type of advertising mainly prevails when introducing a product to the market, when it is necessary to create its primary image. The peculiarity of informative advertising is that the image of the company/product as such does not yet exist. This is the most difficult stage, where creativity plays a decisive role. The subsequent effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the image directly depends on exactly how the informative advertising will look: whether the colors, fonts, visual and sound images are chosen correctly. If, due to any errors in informative advertising, the image of the organization is perceived incorrectly, then it will be very difficult to change this impression. It is best to provide informative advertising in media such as print media and television.
Persuasive advertising creates preference for a brand and seeks to switch from a competitor’s brand to its own. Changes the consumer’s perception of the properties of the product, strives to encourage him to make a purchase without delay. Persuasive advertising takes on special significance at the growth stage, when the task is to create selective demand. It seeks to establish the advantages of one brand by specifically comparing it with other brands in a given product class. At this stage, the company's image is still subject to adjustment. Such advertising is used very often in our time, since the quality of similar products from different companies is practically the same and is quite high, competition in the market turns into a real war of images.
Reminder advertising reminds consumers that a product may be useful to them in the near future, informs them where it can be purchased, and keeps the product in mind during off-season periods. Such advertising is sometimes called image advertising. This type of advertising is extremely important at the maturity stage so that the consumer does not forget about the product. The company's image has already been formed and is not being adjusted. Image advertising contains a minimum of information. Most often, it is implemented through outdoor advertising. At this stage, it is very important to choose the right visual or auditory images that consumers would clearly associate with this brand and support the existing image.
Advertising may or may not change over time. It depends on the situation on the market as a whole and on the situation within the travel company itself.
To begin with, the company must clearly understand the purpose of advertising, that is, why the advertising campaign will be carried out. The goal may be to build a name and prestige for the company in order to subsequently occupy a strong position in the market. The goal may simply be the sale of tourism services.
The nature of advertising for a travel company depends on many things: the size of the company itself; from the budget; from goals in the market in general; depending on the specific advertising situation; from the behavior of competitors; from its position in the market.
The travel agency "Tour Firm-Plus" uses several types of advertising: outdoor advertising, souvenir advertising, computer advertising, print advertising, advertising on television and radio.
TO outdoor advertising include signs located at the entrance to the travel agency; for souvenirs - calendars, pens with the name of the travel agency; for computers – advertising on websites; for print – advertisements in newspapers; commercials on television and radio.
There is also a large number of different advertising booklets and prospectuses, which are regularly updated and distributed among city residents.
To more successfully promote its services, the travel agency "Tour Firm-Plus" entered into an agreement with an advertising agency, which helps it in designing the appearance, advertising stands, booklets, advertising articles in newspapers, which attracts more attention.
Advertising has become a part of our lives today. Statements about her are very contradictory. It irritates many people, appearing in the middle of their favorite television or radio program, striking everyone's eye everywhere - on the street, in transport, in various establishments. It is very rare to hear anything flattering about advertising, even from those who work in it. Basically, negative responses do not even relate to the very fact of the existence of advertising, but to the “dominance” of this advertising in our lives. But no matter how we feel about this phenomenon, our society can no longer exist without it.

4. Analysis of management and personnel policy of the enterprise

In the context of the formation of new management mechanisms,
oriented towards a market economy, enterprises face the need to work in a new way, taking into account the laws and requirements of the market, mastering a new type of economic behavior, adapting all aspects of production activity to the changing situation.

In this regard, the contribution of each employee to the final results of the enterprise’s activities increases. One of the main tasks for enterprises of various forms of ownership is the search for effective methods of labor management that ensure the activation of the human factor.

I studied the catalog of services offered by the company and calculated the tour for tourists, mastered the procedure for processing documents for tourist services. I have studied the strict reporting form “Tourist package”

The strict reporting form “Tourist package” (hereinafter referred to as the tour package) contains two sheets (the first sheet is self-copying). The first sheet of the form is issued to the customer of the tourism product (tourist), the second sheet remains with legal entity or an individual entrepreneur who is processing a tour package.

The tour package is printed on a sheet of any format. Measures to ensure protection against counterfeiting are applied to the tour package.

At the top of the tour package, the following information is indicated: information about the approval of the form “Approved by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation” with skipping lines for filling in the day, month and year of approval, “OKUD code” with skipping a line for filling out the codes of the form according to the All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation.

The form contains a six-digit number and a series in alphabetic expression, which are affixed by the manufacturer of the forms.

Concepts used in the strict reporting form:

"Tourist package"- a document containing the conditions of travel, confirming the fact of payment for the tourist product and being a strict reporting form; "Tour operator"- a legal entity engaged in activities related to the formation, promotion and sale of a tourism product; "Travel agent"- a legal entity or individual entrepreneur carrying out activities to promote and sell a tourism product; "Tourist"- a person visiting the country (place) of temporary stay for medical, recreational, educational, physical education, sports, professional, business, religious and other purposes without engaging in activities related to receiving income from sources in the country (place) of temporary stay, for a period from 24 hours to 6 months in a row or carrying out at least one overnight stay; "Tourist product"- a set of transportation and accommodation services provided for a total price (regardless of the inclusion in the total price of the cost of excursion services and (or) other services) under an agreement on the sale of a tourist product; "Customer of a tourism product"- a tourist or other person ordering a tourist product on behalf of the tourist, including the legal representative of a minor tourist.

The form contains:

details of the tour operator/travel agent, indicating the full and abbreviated name, postal address, telephone number, registration number of the tour operator in the Unified Federal Register of Tour Operators, INN, OKPO code;

travel agent details, for a legal entity: full and abbreviated name, postal address, TIN, OKPO code of the legal entity;

details of the customer of the tourism product are indicated for individual: last name, first name, patronymic of the individual ordering the tourist product, passport details, and in its absence - another identification document in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, place of residence; for a legal entity: full and abbreviated name, postal address, TIN, OKPO code of the legal entity;

details of the tourist, indicating the last name, first name, patronymic of the individual, passport data, and in its absence - another identification document in accordance with the law Russian Federation, place of residence.

The form contains an indication that the tour package is an integral part of the contract for the sale of tourism products, with blank lines for subsequent filling in the date and number of the contract.

The form contains information about the manufacturer (abbreviated name, tax identification number, location), order number and year of execution, circulation of strict reporting forms.

The strict reporting form "Tourist package" (hereinafter referred to as the tour package) was developed in accordance with the requirements Federal Law dated November 24, 1996 No. 132-FZ “On the fundamentals of tourism activities in the Russian Federation” and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2005 No. 171 “On approval of the Regulations on the implementation of cash payments and (or) settlements using payment cards without the use of cash register equipment."

Tour packages are used by tour operators and travel agents who provide services for the sale of tourism products.

Tour package is a document containing the conditions of travel, confirming the fact of payment for the tourist product and being a strict reporting form. A travel package is an integral part of the contract for the sale of a tourism product and is drawn up after its signing between the tour operator or travel agent and the customer of the tourism product.

The tour package is equivalent to cash receipt and is intended for making cash payments and (or) payments using payment cards.

Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs keep records of travel package forms. Registration of travel package forms by series and numbers is kept in the form book.

The sheets of such a book must be numbered, stitched and signed by the head and chief accountant (accountant) of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, and also sealed (stamped).

The procedure for recording, storage, inventory, monitoring the proper use of strict reporting forms "Tourist voucher" is carried out in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2005 No. 171 "On approval of the Regulations on the implementation of cash payments and (or) settlements using payment cards without the use of cash register equipment."

The procedure for filling out the strict reporting form "Tourist package"

This instruction has been developed in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2005 No. 171 “On approval of the Regulations on the implementation of cash payments and (or) settlements using payment cards without the use of cash register equipment.”

All fields of the tour package must be completed. The "Tour Operator/Travel Agent" field is filled in by the tour operator or travel agent. The field is filled in by a travel agent if an agreement on the sale of a tourism product is concluded between the travel agent and the customer of the tourism product. The travel package can be filled out by hand in block letters, as well as in printed form, including using computer technology (with the exception of the fields where the tour operator/travel agent and the tourist/customer of the tourism product put their signatures).

The travel package is filled out after signing the agreement on the sale of the tourism product.

The tour package indicates the form code according to the All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation (OKUD).

In the field "Tour Operator/Travel Agent" the full and abbreviated name, address (location), Taxpayer Identification Number, OKPO code, and registration number of the tour operator in the Unified Federal Register of Tour Operators are indicated.

In the field "Customer of a tourist product" the following are indicated for an individual: last name, first name, patronymic of the individual ordering the tourist product, passport data, and in its absence - another identification document in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, place of residence; for a legal entity: full and abbreviated name, address (location), INN, OKPO code.

In the "Tourist" field, the surname, first name, patronymic of the individual, passport data, and in its absence - another identification document in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, place of residence are indicated.

In the field "Type of tourist product (travel)" the name of the tourist product (travel) is indicated in accordance with OKUN.

In the field "Unit of measurement of the tourism product (travel)" the number of days per person is indicated.

In the field "Total price of a tourist product" the amount is indicated in rubles, including in words.

The form is filled out by the person responsible for the transaction and its correct execution.

Damaged or incorrectly completed forms are not destroyed, but are crossed out and attached to the cash report (statement, register) for the day on which they were issued.

The production of travel package forms is carried out in printing houses that have a special permit (license) for the production of strict reporting forms.

Accounting, storage and destruction of strict reporting forms is carried out in accordance with current legislation.

Booking a tour by a travel agency is made only after concluding a contract for tourist services with the client. Depositing money into the travel agency's cash desk is formalized by cash receipt orders established after full payment of labor, the client is issued a voucher. The voucher is signed by the director and the company seal is placed on it. In case of cancellation of the trip, the cost of services paid by him will be returned to him. At the same time, the actual costs of the travel agency for organizing the trip are withheld from him. The actual costs of the travel agency are determined based on the travel agency's costs for business trips of employees, payment of visas and other fees.

This travel agency records income and expenses and business transactions in a special accounting book, because a company whose income is subject to taxation on the basis of income declarations is obliged to: keep records of the income they received during the calendar year and the expenses incurred related to the receipt of this income.

Table of contents


Tourism – temporary trips (travels) of citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons with permanent place residence for health, educational, professional, business, sports, religious and other purposes without engaging in paid activities in the country of temporary residence.
Tourism is one of the leading and most developing sectors of the economy. International tourism is particularly popular, ranking among the top three export industries, behind oil and automobile manufacturing. The massive development of tourism allows millions of people to expand their horizons, get acquainted with the sights, culture, and traditions of a particular country.
During the period from June 10 to July 1, 2010, I completed an internship at the Four Seasons travel company. The purpose of the practice is to become familiar with the basic principles of conducting tourism activities, management and other connections, and the rules of interaction with consumers of services.
During my internship, I became familiar with the areas covered by the tour. company, I learned to book tours, fill out vouchers and contracts, work with clients, etc... I believe that this experience will greatly help me both in further studies and in my future job.

General characteristics of the enterprise

Name of the enterprise: “Four Seasons”, operating on the basis of license TD No. 0001811 on the right to conduct tourism activities.
The travel company "Four Seasons" has been operating in the Krasnoyarsk market since 1998 and is a member of "ASTOK" (Association of Tourist Organizations of Krasnoyarsk Working to Receive Tourists). Over twelve years of presence in the tourism market, this travel company has gained extensive experience, allowing it to flawlessly organize a variety of excursion programs.
The agency is located at: 660049, Krasnoyarsk, st. Dzerzhinsky, 26, of. 211 phone/fax: (3912)23-93-33, 23-93-53, 8-913-1907405. Email:[email protected]
The agency is located in the central part of the city. The company rents office space in a building adjacent to various organizations. In front of the entrance door to the building hangs a stand of the company’s proposed routes: the Black Sea coast, Turkey, bus tours around Europe, etc. Inside the premises there are places for visitors to relax, various brochures, prospectuses and photographs of the proposed tours are provided. At the client's request, a video demonstration of the route or hotel is possible.
The total number of employees of the enterprise is 2 people. The general director and part-time manager and accountant is Tatyana Pavlovna Shemelena. Manager for international and domestic tourism - Shemelin Alexey Valerievich.
Shemelena Tatyana Pavlovna has two higher educations. She graduated from med. Institute after which she worked as a flight attendant for several years. Tatyana Pavlovna received her second education at VSIT with a degree in tourism manager. After which she worked for about a year at the Sibintour travel company, and then in 1998 she opened her own travel agency, Four Seasons.
Shemelin Alexey Valerievich graduated from college with a degree in Transportation of Passengers and Cargo and has been helping his mother in the agency since childhood. Alexey Valerievich has been on many promotional tours, which makes him an excellent specialist.
It should be especially noted that Tatyana Pavlovna and Alexey Valerievich are involved in the annual organization of rafting trips on the Mana River with unforgettable evenings around the fire, songs with a guitar and generous fishing. Two-day rafting trips take place throughout the summer.
When contacting the managers of the Four Seasons travel agency, they are attentive to the client, and first of all explain what services he is purchasing and how to use them, as well as the guarantees and obligations of the agency. The client is invited to view catalogs and brochures.

Job responsibilities of travel agency employees

Job responsibilities of the director

The director is obliged:
1.Responsible for the development of new tourist routes and the implementation of tour packages.
2. Conclude agreements with foreign and domestic travel agencies, sanatoriums, etc.
3.Responsible for the advertising campaign.
4.Responsible for documentation.
5.Responsible for the sale of tours.
6. Conclude contracts with tourists and issue the necessary package

7.Keep trade secrets, which include; names and addresses
partners, first and last names of clients, cost of air tickets,
salary levels.

8.Take part in tourism exhibitions and fairs.
9.Responsible for developing and updating texts and excursion routes.
10.Expand the topics of ongoing city and country excursions.
11. Monitor the quality of excursions
conducted by the company.

12. Summarize the work done every week.
13. Submit a monthly financial report on the work done
chief accountant.

14. Accept requests for routes.
15. Responsible for payment of the tour package and sends a copy of the payment
instructions to the tour operator.

16. Accept all claims that a tourist has along the route,
solves them through negotiations with clients and tour operators.

17. Inform accounting department in a timely manner about the need
issuing invoices for payments by bank transfer.

Ensure the transfer of customer passports to the seller.
Ensure receipt of completed travel documents.
Cancel the order.
Prepare a package of documents confirming the reservation and
payment for tour services.

Instruct tourists about the conditions for organizing tours, conditions
traveling abroad with minor children.

Conduct training on the prevention of quarantine and
other particularly dangerous infections.

Inform the tourist about the procedure for meeting, seeing off and
accompanying tourists, the cost of baggage transportation, customs rules, national characteristics of the country.

Immediately inform the tourist about the occurrence of conditions
interfering with the trip.

Inform tourists about rules of conduct, risk factors and
safety on the route.

The director is responsible:
For the work of the travel company as a whole and the proper execution of its

For treating clients correctly.
For the safety of the documentation entrusted to him.
For the safety of the property entrusted to him.
For disclosure of trade secrets.
For disclosure of customer information to third parties, if this is not
associated with the performance of their official duties.

Job Descriptions of a Tourism Manager

The manager must:
    Have complete information on routes.
    Responsible for telephone calls and works directly with the client.
    Conclude an agreement with a client for tourism services
    route, issues a package of necessary documents.

    Responsible for the tour program.
    Responsible for organizing children's recreation.
    Every week he reports on the work done.
    Go on promotional tours and business trips.
    Maintain the necessary documentation for work.
    Responsible for travel insurance.
    Make monthly financial reports and submit them to Ch. accountant.
    Advertises routes.
    Accept route requests.
    Send faxes and telegrams for reservations.
    Responsible for paying the tourist for the tour package.
    Send a copy of the payment order to business partners.
    Constantly improve your professional and general education

    Accept all complaints that the tourist has.
    Take part in the development of new programs.
    Inform the client about safety precautions.
    Inform the receiving party information about tourists: the exact number of people, age of children, date of arrival and departure, flight number, category of accommodation, type of food, full name. tourists, passport details, address.
    Inform tourists about rules of behavior, risk factors and

    Carry out cancellation.
    Report immediately when conditions occur
    preventing the trip.

    Inform the tourist about the conditions of accommodation, food, transfer.
    Prepare a package of documents confirming payment for tour services,
    components of the tour ordered by the client. trip.

    Keep trade secrets.
    If conflict situations arise, immediately
    inform the director.

The manager is responsible:
    For the compliance of passport data and the accuracy of the information entered in
    information log.

    Failure to send faxes for visa support and reservations on time.
    For inaction or improper performance of one's duties.
    For information provided to clients.
    For correct treatment of the company's clients.
    For the execution of orders and instructions from management.
    For the safety of the documentation entrusted to him.
    For disclosure of trade secrets and information about clients.
    When serving a client, the manager must:
    Accurately and competently describe the routes offered
    travel agency;

    At the client's request, stop on a certain route
    in more detail and describe all the features of the selected country;

    At the request of the client and according to his capabilities, offer hotels;
    Offer assistance in purchasing a ticket if the ticket

    After the client has been identified, write down all the data about him
    to the travel agency magazine;

    Conclude an agreement with the client, if necessary, take

    Complete and send on time a reservation sheet that contains: Full name. travelers, OP data, country name, category of accommodation, type of food, transfer, other necessary data;
    Receive confirmation of the reservation, invite the client to pay for the tour;
    Issue a package of documents: contract, voucher, route memo, insurance policy, tickets, if any, telephone numbers of the host company;
    Be sure to instruct the client again about the time, place, meeting with the host company, repeat the exact time of departure and return, pay attention to insurance, explain that there are force majeure circumstances and wish a pleasant stay;
    The manager is also obliged to be in constant contact with the client and inform him in advance about possible changes, and also make every effort to ensure that the client is satisfied and returns only with the best impressions.
In fact, the entire travel company constitutes one agency department. The job is to ensure that the client, having come to this company once, comes again and offers services to his friends and acquaintances.

Equipping the enterprise with office equipment

The travel agency “Four Seasons” is equipped with all the equipment necessary for work. Each employee of the company has a personal computer, microphone and web camera. And also in the office there are two telephones, a fax, a copier, a printer, a scanner, without which no company can currently work.
A connection to the Internet has been established, this helps a lot in my work. The company prefers to send reservation requests by e-mail rather than by fax, because... it's much more convenient and faster.
Also, for convenient work of employees, basic office supplies are available, which facilitate many issues related to working with papers, drawing up contracts, and drawing up various documents.
For the comfortable well-being of both clients and agency employees, the office is equipped with air conditioning.
The travel company is fully equipped with everything necessary, which allows you to work quickly and more efficiently.


Advertising is a notification to consumers in various ways to create widespread awareness of someone (what) - for the purpose of attracting them.
In order for a travel company to be recognized, it is necessary to declare itself. This can be achieved through advertising. But in order to minimum costs To get the best results possible, you need to think about how to advertise yourself and your products.
The travel agency "Four Seasons" conducts active advertising work.
Outdoor advertising - a stand with the name of the travel agency and a list of the main tourism destinations that they offer to their clients. As well as advertising in various print publications (magazine “Choose”, small advertisements in newspapers). There are advertisements on radio, ticker tape on television, and advertising banners. All information about the company and the tours offered can be found on the Internet on the company’s own website.
Various business cards are printed in large quantities, they lie on the desk of each manager and, as a rule, all clients, when leaving, take such a business card and more than one copy, then pass them on to their friends, which also has a good effect on the work.

Promotion Policy

A travel company, like any other enterprise, cannot do without advertising, both the company itself and its products and services. To begin with, the company must clearly understand the purpose of advertising, that is, why the advertising campaign will be carried out. The goal may be to build a name and prestige for the company in order to subsequently occupy a strong position in the market. The goal may simply be the sale of tourism services.
The nature of advertising for a travel company depends on many things: the size of the company itself; from the budget; from goals in the market in general; depending on the specific advertising situation; from the behavior of competitors; from its position in the market.
Let's look at how the travel company Four Seasons uses advertising for its own purposes. This company, like everyone else, uses the placement of advertising messages on television, in newspapers, and also on the Internet. But we will dwell in detail on advertising via the Internet.
In today's world of global computerization, it is simply necessary to use modern technological resources. One of such resources is the World Wide Web “Internet”. Nowadays, the Internet is the easiest way to obtain information from anywhere in the world. Nowadays, not a single travel company can do without the Internet. Weather, prices, hotel descriptions, communication with business partners, instant transfer of documents, on-line booking are necessary for fast and high-quality work.
On its website, the company posted exactly the information that a tourist might need, that is, information about the company itself, about the tours it offers, about the services the company provides, and so on. This advertising message is for informational purposes only. This is where the company’s image is formed and ideas about the company’s activities are adjusted.
So, from the above it is clear that the travel company “Four Seasons” actively promotes its services through various types of advertising.

Image of the organization

The image of an organization is the image of the organization that exists in the minds of people. You could even say that any organization has an image, regardless of who works on it, or whether they work on it at all. If the issue of image is left to chance, it will develop spontaneously among consumers, and there is no guarantee that it will be adequate and favorable for the company.
Corporate identity

Corporate style is a set of color, graphic, verbal, design permanent elements that ensure the visual and semantic unity of goods (services), all information emanating from the company, its internal and external design. The concept of “corporate style” contains two components: the external image and the nature of behavior in the market.
External image - created by a unified stylistic design of a trademark, logo, corporate color scheme, corporate sign, branded clothing, advertisements, booklets, etc.
The travel agency "Four Seasons" has developed its own corporate identity, which increases the effectiveness of advertising. Elements of corporate identity are: trademark, company logo and corporate colors; Corporate identity The company does not have clothes, but employees try to adhere to a business style.
Below is the logo of the travel agency "Four Seasons", which has advertising functions:

(logo taken from the site http://www.

Product policy

Tourist services in international trade act as an “invisible” product. The product in the Four Seasons is a travel package consisting of an accommodation voucher, a transfer voucher, an air ticket and health insurance.
Travel agency "Four Seasons" offers:
      Ski slopes (Krasnoyarsk, Sayany, Baikalsk);
      Treatment in sanatoriums (Lake Shira, Sochi, Anapa);
      Active recreation on lakes (Teletskoye, Baikal, Katun river);
      Rafting on Mana;
      Holidays in Italy, Spain, France and other countries;
      China (Beijing, Hainan Island) Thailand, Phuket, Egypt;
      Charter flights: from Novosibirsk - Spain;
      Charter flights: from Moscow any tours and countries;
      Bus tours in Europe;
      Mediterranean cruises and other routes;
      Vetnam, Goa, UAE, Bali, Indonesia, Special offer on the island. Hainan.
      Visa application;
      Assistance in obtaining international passports.

Practice diary

First day of practice:
On the first day of practice at the travel agency Four Seasons LLC, we met the director of the travel agency, Tatyana Pavlovna Shemelina, and the agency manager, Alexey Valerievich Shemelin. The travel agency "Four Seasons" carries out travel agency activities. After meeting, Tatyana Pavlovna spoke about the structure of the agency, work schedule, and also introduced us to the areas that the travel agency is directly involved in. She also explained how to book tours online.

Second day of practice:
In the first half of the day, they answered calls and advised tourists. Later we talked with tourists who came to the agency. One of them recently returned from vacation and talked about his impressions. The tourist was very pleased and grateful for the good conditions that our agency provided him. At the end of the day they made copies of the contracts.

Third day of practice:
On the third day of practice, we analyzed emails. We responded to letters from tourists who were interested in destinations. For example: a girl was interested in weather conditions in Thailand and asked what time was best to go there on vacation.
Tatyana Pavlovna also spoke about China, namely about the sights there. It was very interesting to listen, since she herself had been there several times and saw everything with her own eyes.

Fourth day of practice:
On this day, papers were sorted out, namely contracts and copies of passports. We advised tourists who came to the agency. We were collecting a package of documents for the tourist. Afterwards we talked about Italy. Tatyana Pavlovna asked us about what we knew, and then she told us in more detail herself.

Fifth day of practice:
On this day, we again sorted out emails and answered letters. At the end of the working day, we went to the bank to solve the problem, which was that the transfer of money to China was not carried out due to an error by the manager of our agency. When sending money, he did not notice an error in the account number; one digit was missing. And because of this, the money was not transferred.

Sixth day of practice:
Answered calls. We worked with tourists. Helped plan an individual tour to Italy for a VIP client.

Seventh day of practice:
We compiled a list of products for rafting along the Mana route for 20 and 25 people, and also sent lists of those rafting by email. Answered calls.

Eighth day of practice:
We worked with the Internet. We looked for tours for tourists and booked a suitable tour. Filled out applications. At the end of the day we talked about Turkey, namely, its attractions and resorts.

Ninth day of practice:
We filled out vouchers for tourists. The work was simple, but responsible, since this is a strict reporting form. Sent a fax to Novosibirsk. Answered calls, made copies of contracts.

Tenth day of practice:
We filled out the “application” form for a visa to Italy and answered calls. At the end of the day we talked about Thailand and its attractions. Provided to a tourist full information about bus tours in Europe.

Eleventh day of practice:
We worked with tourists, scanned documents, filed them in archives, and answered calls. We took the documents to Pegas Touristik.

Twelfth day of practice:
Answered calls, filled out vouchers and contracts, sent faxes, worked with email. We were looking into a tourist’s claim for a refund for a trip to Turkey. Since the tour was booked through the Anex Tour company, we contacted their representatives to resolve this incident.

Thirteenth day of practice:
We called companies to offer “corporate rafting along Manet” and provided everyone interested with complete information about the rafting. Answered calls.

Fourteenth day of practice:
Worked with by email, scanned documents. We talked with the director of the company and summed up the results of the internship.


Tourism is a phenomenon known to everyone. At all times, our planet has been crossed by numerous travelers and pioneers. But only recently tourism has emerged as a specific form of human activity that must be managed. And this is a complex and multifaceted process.
During the internship, I learned how to competently answer questions over the phone, studied the documentation and execution of the necessary documents: contracts with clientsand tourist vouchers, memos along the route, filled out applications for booking certain tours; improved skills in working with modern communication tools (fax, copier, Internet).
The team at the Four Seasons travel agency is very friendly and welcoming, so working with them is very pleasant and easy. They were happy to help and answer questions that arose during the work.


    Durovich A.P. Advertising in tourism: Tutorial. – Minsk: BSEU, 2000.
    Sukhov R.I. Organization of the work of a travel agency: Textbook. – M.: ICC “Mart”, 2005. chetyre-sezona.html