How to open a printing house: a ready-made business plan and step-by-step opening instructions. Effective business plan for a printing enterprise

Recently, the need for printing services has been increasing.

This is due to the fact that every day more and more private companies are opened that produce and provide various services and goods. To run a successful business, they need advertising not only on the Internet, but also in the form of various brochures, business cards, booklets, magazines or leaflets. Also, each company needs various forms and forms for maintaining financial and accounting records. Ordering this from large printing houses will cost the company a considerable amount. The office copier is also unable to print forms in the right amount. The demand for printing services is growing. Therefore, the idea that will provide these services is very profitable.

Before starting a business, you need to draw up a business plan for a printing house. It needs to reflect all the nuances, calculations, profitability, expenses, income, etc. It would be a good idea to spend time studying the printing services market. Find out which of the already operating companies will be the strongest competitor in this area. What is their price level for products, volumes, quality and speed of orders. It is not necessary to conduct a deep marketing analysis of the market, but it is necessary to study its main players.

Stages of the production plan for opening a printing house

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1) Choose a legal form of doing business

If the bulk of orders will be from legal entities, then the printing house cannot operate as an individual entrepreneur. It will be possible to register a company as a company with limited liability(OOO). Registration is handled by the tax office.

Documents to be submitted to tax service to open an LLC:

  • application on form 11001 for state registration;
  • charter;
  • if there is only one founder, then the decision on establishment. If there are several founders, then a protocol on the creation of a legal entity is provided;
  • paid receipt of state duty (4 thousand rubles);
  • notarized photocopies of passports of all founders.

The period for consideration of the application by the tax authority is five working days.

If the response to the application is positive, the tax office issues the following documents:

  • certificate of state registration of LLC;
  • registered articles of association;
  • certificate in form 1-3-Accounting for registration with the tax authority;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (Unified State Register of Legal Entities);
  • notification of registration with the Russian Pension Fund (PF);
  • certificate of registration with the TFOMS (Territorial Compulsory Health Insurance Fund);
  • notification from Rosstat about the assignment of statistics codes.

It will take a few more days to register with the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund and Rosstat. It will take two days to produce the organization's seal. Opening a bank account takes on average three days. Authorized capital The LLC must have at least 10 thousand rubles.

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2) Renting premises

It is desirable that the area of ​​the rented premises be at least 50 square meters. m. It would be good if it was located on the ground floor and it would be possible to install additional ventilation and install electrical wiring under 380 V. It is also necessary to take into account that it is possible to drive up to the entrance of the printing house by car. Where exactly the printing company will be located, in the city center or on its outskirts, does not really matter. If you manage to rent a room closer to business center city, then this will only be a plus.

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3) Printing shop equipment

The main list of services of a small printing house:

  • color digital printing;
  • cutting printed sheets;
  • weaving processes;
  • embossing, lamination and die cutting (finishing after printing);
  • production of inexpensive black and white printed products;
  • soft binding of brochures.

To provide these services you will need the following equipment:

  • digital printing press;
  • cutter;
  • laminator;
  • binder for spring fastening of products;
  • risograph;
  • industrial stapler.

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4) Recruitment

Personnel operating a digital printer must be able to use graphics programs, be able to prepare material for printing, and have print setup skills. A bookbinder must be able to operate a laminator and cutter to process products after printing. Must be familiar with basic printing processes such as collating, folding, binding and packaging. The manager who will accept printing orders needs to know and understand the basic printing processes. This is necessary for correct calculation the cost of services ordered by the client.

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Primary costs for the purchase of production equipment for a printing house

  • digital printing machine with A3 format - 150 thousand rubles;
  • cutter - 18 thousand rubles;
  • office binder for winding a spring - 15 thousand rubles;
  • laminator - 30 thousand rubles;
  • risograph with A3 format - 75 thousand rubles;
  • industrial stapler - 6 thousand rubles.

Total 294 thousand rubles.

The remaining primary costs include the purchase of the necessary office equipment (a computer with the installed package graphics programs, color printer and scanner, telephone-fax) - 60 thousand rubles.

The total initial costs for opening a printing house will be 354 thousand rubles.

Monthly expenses will include the following expense items:

  • rental of premises - 30 thousand rubles;
  • staff salaries (manager, operator and bookbinder) - 42 thousand rubles;
  • remote legal and accounting services - 9 thousand rubles;
  • advertising expenses for the printing house - 10 thousand rubles.

Total 91 thousand rubles per month.

Six months after the opening of the printing house, the planned income from the sale of printing services should be 300 thousand rubles. Further, provided that the company is properly and competently managed, monthly income can amount to 250 thousand rubles. A year after opening - 400-450 thousand rubles.

Depending on the volume of orders fulfilled and the type of services provided, the profitability of a printing house can be 40%. The predicted payback period is 20 months.

Attention! The free business plan offered for download below is a sample. Business plan, the best way appropriate to the conditions of your business, you need to create it with the help of specialists.

Operational printing or where it all began?

For our wedding, my husband and I were given a large sum. At that time we had an apartment, no renovations were required, and there was no particular need for a car.

We thought about it and decided to open our own business. My husband is busy with his main job, he is the owner of a car service center, so he entrusted me with a new business, promising to help.

At first I wanted to open something “feminine” like a beauty salon or flower shop, but then I went to the printing shop for a souvenir (a cup with a friend’s photo) and realized: this is exactly what I need!

My husband and I discussed everything and decided that we couldn’t do without a business plan. The husband recalled his experience: when he was just starting out, he bought a ready-made plan from a large consulting agency, paying a very large sum for it at that time.

We looked at how much this service costs now and realized that it doesn’t make much sense to pay 50 thousand for a plan that will still have to be edited.

Then I decided to look for free analogues. The freely available plan was found quickly and just as quickly went into the trash. Apparently, it was written by a schoolboy, and many years ago at that - in a word, it was of no use.

Business plan for a printing enterprise

The third option we settled on was a business plan template. It cost, you won’t believe it, 350 rubles.

For that price, I purchased several of these templates on the site at once and, after comparing some of the data from them, I received a completely digestible, optimized template.

Which took into account the following:

  • the price of renting premises along with high customer traffic;
  • purchase price minimum set equipment;
  • number of staff;
  • a list of products that printing can produce, and much more.

A start had been made, and all that remained was to fill in all these columns from the plan with data that would correspond to the time when I opened the printing industry and take into account the peculiarities of the local market.

This is where things got more difficult. My husband couldn’t help me in any way, since his business is far from the printing business, and he has absolutely no knowledge of the intricacies of the latter.

I again went to the site that helped me out so much, in the hope that I would find a way to solve my problem there. And such a way was found. As it turned out, you could order an individual modification of the template right there.

I contacted the manager, we discussed all the working issues and after a couple of weeks I had an excellent ready business plan, which cost me a very modest amount.

In general, now if anyone I know decides to start their own business, I will definitely share my experience. After all, sometimes in order to get a quality product, you don’t need to overpay at all!

Book printing. Digital printing house Superwave

Some useful information and a brief presentation of the business plan of a printing enterprise:

Business plan for a printing salon or factory?

Placing an order for printed products at a printing house is justified only if a large circulation is required. Small firms or manufacturing enterprises are in great need of advertising printed materials introducing the list of their goods or services.

Such orders are not large in scale and are mainly carried out by private mini-printing houses. The list of their printing services can easily be expanded by:

  • replication of reporting forms for government agencies;
  • educational teaching materials educational institutions;
  • price lists for goods or services of trading companies, labels, price tags, menus;
  • questionnaires and leaflets for advertising agencies, etc.

The initial stage of organizing a mini-printing house

For this type of activity, it is enough to rent a room of 20 sq.m. or more. Its location should be focused on proximity to business centers and educational institutions.

If the room is large enough, it is better to organize a separate area for receiving orders, fenced off from the production area and finished product warehouse.

After registering in government agencies private enterprise and obtaining permits, you can begin purchasing equipment.

Equipment selection

The equipment of mini-printing houses usually includes color copiers, risographs, offset printing machines - it all depends on the intended scope.

Risographs allow you to reproduce only printing in black and white colors, which is quite acceptable for business documentation, manuals, and instructions.

To “test the waters” for business, for starters, you can limit yourself to buying a risograph, and, if things work out, buy additional equipment. The required minimum investment in production using a used offset press with additional equipment– 10,000 dollars.

Required Personnel

The most important thing is to find an experienced and qualified printer. He must know a lot of nuances about the operation of the equipment, compatibility and quality of the materials used. He can be assisted by a prepress specialist, a designer, or a carver. A manager is also needed to accept and issue orders.

Payback period

The length of this period depends on a lot of parameters: the speed of formation and expansion of the customer base, a good location, equipment parameters.

It should also be taken into account running costs for employee salaries, supplies, rent of premises. The investment will pay off no earlier than in a year. The industry average is two to three years.

Table No. 1. Consumer potential of the printing house market in Russia

Carrying out a set of promotional activities to build a customer base

It is required to inform potential customers about your existence and form a consumer opinion. At the initial stage:

  • direct marketing methods (calling potential clients);
  • outdoor advertising (banners, signs, signs);
  • distribution of advertising leaflets in high-traffic areas;
  • placing advertisements in the local newspaper and on Internet resources (local forums, social networks).

Mini printing house: how to start a printing business.

Private traders - owners of small printing outlets - turn to the services of small printing houses; government organizations - for internal document flow (tax authorities, postal workers, etc.); educational organizations - for reproduction of teaching materials; banks, trading companies (price lists); catering establishments and manufacturers (price tags, labels, menus, copies of certificates); large factories, advertising and PR agencies (questionnaires, leaflets, flyers), etc. Typically, a small printing house requires equipment capable of short time carry out not very large printing orders. However, you won’t be able to get by with just one machine. The second component is the so-called “auxiliary” machines, which allow you to perform a number of actions with already printed products. It is the combination of these two types of equipment that can be considered a mini-printing house. In the Moscow market of printing services, both printing houses and clients are clearly divided: small orders are carried out in mini-printing houses, medium ones in medium-sized ones, and large orders, respectively, in large ones. The main thing here is to identify the niche in which you are going to work when starting a printing business. If you already have potential customers, you need to purchase equipment that will be used as much as possible. If you purchase too powerful equipment, you will have to look for additional clients in order to load the machines “to the fullest.”

Risograph and offset

The equipment of small printing houses is divided according to several criteria. Some entrepreneurs buy risographs, others buy color copiers, and still others buy offset printing machines. Risograph is, first of all, black and white printing. There are also color risographs, which allow, for example, to print a black and white leaflet with a red flag. Business documentation and instructions for household appliances etc. You cannot print business cards on a risograph - for this you need an offset machine that allows you to print complex colors and combine them. If we talk about offset printing, then the additional ones will be: a cutting machine, equipment for production printed forms(copy frame and processor for developing plates), binding apparatus, folding machine, etc.

A good risograph costs about 10 thousand dollars, although the price varies greatly depending on the configuration. The price of a color copier is from 10 to 50 thousand dollars. For 10-15 thousand dollars you can also buy a used one- or two-color offset press. You can use it to make business cards and other simple work. A mini-printing house consisting of one offset printing machine, if you know the market for used equipment, can be “built” for 10-15 thousand dollars. But you can invest 150-200 thousand - it all depends on the amount of starting capital.

Sergei Nemtsov, director of the Moscow printing house Elena, says: “We were originally an advertising agency, placing orders with printing houses. Then we bought small cutters and other office devices. That is, they began to handle the final finishing of printing themselves. Having gained experience, we decided to purchase an offset machine. Initially, our focus was specifically on offset printing. Considering the investment, this is, of course, expensive equipment. But there are numerous leasing and lending systems that make it easier possible start business. Although now I would be looking for used equipment, but in good condition. This is the same as in the case of a one-year-old car - it is already completely ready for use, it does not need to be brought to mind. Prices for used equipment start from 15 thousand dollars, new equipment starts from 200 thousand dollars. The range of prices on the Moscow printing equipment market is very large - it all depends on the technical characteristics.”

The hot breath of competitors

A risograph is cheaper and, as a result, more accessible, but you need to be aware that such equipment is possible not only for you, but also for your competitors. The lower its cost, the closer their breath will be felt. To build a business, you need to realistically imagine who the service will be provided to, what your advantages will be, etc. “You can, for example, play at speed,” says the director of the RA “Soloist” Alexander Er, who opened a printing house at his advertising agency about four years ago. — For example, make all orders as soon as possible. Employees must be prepared to stay overnight. Thus, the audience of “hot” clients is covered. You can offer options for printing technologies, advise what is suitable for the customer and what is not, focus specifically on high quality services, taking into account, of course, other factors.”

All mini-printing houses share a similar operating principle based on screen printing. First on Russian market Apparatuses from the company Riso, a pioneer in this area of ​​printing, appeared, called “risographs,” and the company Duplo, which later entered this market, prefers to call its devices duplicators. Currently there are three main manufacturers on the market - Riso, Duplo and Ricoh (all Japanese). Ricoh devices are also produced in Europe and Russia under the brands Rex-Rotary, Nashuatec, MB, Gestetner. In the Moscow market now, entry-level A4 format devices and A3 format systems are mainly in demand. It is difficult to say exactly which manufacturer is better. All devices are designed approximately the same. Of course, we are not talking about prestige here: it is more appropriate to compare a mini-printing house with a truck, and it doesn’t matter which truck to transport boards on.

The most popular is printing from scanned paper originals. However, everything larger number consumers pay attention to such details as the presence of a computer interface (RIP) for connecting the mini-printing house to a PC and printing electronic documents (the unit is supplied or purchased separately) or a network card - for using the mini-printing house as a network printing device.

Draft horses

Risographs can be called the workhorses of the office equipment market. They are designed for fast (up to 120-130 ppm) and economical printing on A6-A3 paper. With circulations in the range of 50-5,000 copies, they successfully compete in cost per print with copiers and small-format offset presses. The cost of a copy in this case decreases sharply as the circulation increases. Important advantages mini-printing houses have a long service life (up to 9 million copies), low energy consumption (up to 400 W) and environmental friendliness (consumables are often non-toxic). Unlike offset printing, when working with a mini-printing house, no costs are required for preparing the printing process. Even if you purchase used equipment that was operated by the previous owner without any maintenance, the “insides” of the device may be completely intact and intact.

But the big advantage of the latest generation of copying machines is their ability to work on almost any paper - from inexpensive thin paper (46 g/m?) to cardboard (240 g/m?). Experts strongly advise purchasing A3 format devices, even if you plan to print only A4 format copies. The fact is that on an A3 format machine you can print two A4 format copies at once in one pass. This extends the life of the device, reduces costs and significantly speeds up the printing process. And to “cut” finished copies, you can purchase a special cutter capable of cutting stacks of paper up to 500 sheets thick.

It is at the very beginning of organizing a business that it is necessary to solve an important problem - what equipment to buy. There are two ways to go here. The first is to purchase used cars, the mileage of which allows, at some cost, to produce high-quality printing that can satisfy the needs of not too demanding customers. The second way is to purchase completely new equipment. Some experts argue that starting with a new car is better. This is especially important if you do not have a highly qualified equipment specialist on staff who can quickly find the cause possible problems and eliminate them. In the experience of many print shop owners, used equipment often malfunctions and requires close monitoring.

According to Alexander Er, one of simple ways— buy a risograph, and then increase finishing capacity for it. “This option will not require large start-up capital and will make the business clear as such. In addition, I would not put printing equipment in the first place. Many clients can be “caught” by having equipment capable of performing non-standard finishing operations with extensive use of manual labor.”

Except cars

If we talk about others necessary requirements business, then, first of all, this is the premises. No matter how small the printing house is, it requires a warehouse (both for source codes and finished products). In general, a mini-printing house takes up little space - you can start with 40 square meters. m. However, there are cases when a mini-printing house was located on 20 square meters. m. - literally in a fenced off corner office space. Under such circumstances, it is quite possible to combine both production and office in one place. When they are separated, of course, mobility will be lost and the logistics of the process will need to be established.

It is difficult to name the period during which the equipment can pay for itself. The profitability threshold in this case depends on many reasons. “I can say one thing,” says Alexander Er, “if you start a business with the production of printed products using offset equipment, you will need about a year just to bring the work of the printing house to a more or less coordinated relationship between customer orders and your capacities. The payback period for equipment also depends on the availability of a customer base, the location of production, and much more. If we talk about the return of “our own people,” then we can say a period of three years. In the first year, of course, you no longer need to make investments, but the balance will actually be equal to zero. Until you get into proper shape technical specifications your equipment, until orders are placed, you can forget about constant serious income.” Many printing house owners share the same opinion. The famous proverb is quite applicable to this business: “The first year you feed the business, the second year the business feeds itself, the third year the business feeds you.”

But with well-structured promotion of services, a lot can be achieved. There are examples of people who, even though they are not specialists in printing issues, but have an entrepreneurial spirit, have achieved great success in this direction.

“If you buy new offset equipment, the printing house will pay for itself no sooner than in three years. Of course, when buying equipment that has already worked for some time, there is a risk that it will break. There are no guarantees. And how long it will take for used equipment to pay for itself is unknown. But usually, if you take an “old” machine, in a year or a year and a half you can “recapture” it, and then the profit will come,” says Sergei Nemtsov, director of the Elena printing house.

Labor results

It is very difficult to guide the reader on profit - it depends on many things, but on average, a mini-printing house (offset press + auxiliary equipment) can actually generate an income of about 2-5 thousand dollars a month. Let's look at a simple example. The price of one print on a copying machine is $0.5, and the cost is about 12 cents/print. With an almost full load of the machine, you can get a “dirty” profit of 10 thousand dollars per month. With the deduction of maintenance costs, rent of premises, employee salaries - it turns out to be about 2-3 thousand dollars net profit per month. However, we must remember that in the summer there is actually a low season for printing houses, but costs remain.

Rent of premises, salaries to employees, modernization of equipment - all these are constant expense items. Future owners of mini-printing houses should pay attention Special attention acquisition issue Supplies. There are quite a lot of so-called “compatible” materials on the market, which are about 30% cheaper than the originals. However, all sellers of risographs are strikingly unanimous when it comes to choosing consumables - they strongly recommend that their clients use only original materials and in principle they do not sell any others. The consequences of using unbranded materials are catastrophic. For example, if you use compatible consumables on Riso, you can safely save $1,000 for a new drum. It’s one thing if an inkjet printer worth $100 fails, but another thing is a risograph thirty to forty times more expensive. It also happens that one thing may be written on a tube of paint, but inside there may be something completely different. In the case of compatible materials, there is a chance that it will end up on a refilled tube, where ordinary printing ink is sometimes poured. And although experts usually distinguish “linden” by smell and consistency, it is very difficult for the average user to assess the quality of the paint. To avoid troubles, it makes sense to buy consumables from the same company that provides service.

Success Factors

As for other success factors, the first place is the presence of a client base. Of course, the efficiency of order fulfillment and the location of the production itself are also important. Enterprises in industrial zones or with a complex access system may scare off customers. “In principle, it doesn’t matter where the production is located,” says Sergei Nemtsov. “The main thing is that there is convenient access to the office - loading and unloading of goods is ongoing.”

In the case of a mini-printing house, first of all, you need to think about what it will do and for whom. Advertising in this type of business is mainly direct marketing, that is, the manager calls potential clients. Although some entrepreneurs place advertisements in newspapers and magazines such as “Goods and Services”. Another important point: Printing service is complex. There are no clear, at first glance, obvious measures to determine whether the work was done well or not. It is easy to determine an outright defect, but in printing there are many intermediate criteria. The client, having learned about you, will not immediately run to place an order - you need to win his trust.

About pricing policy we can say the following: if we calculate operating profit per order, that is, based on direct costs from total income, we can say that printing is a highly profitable business. The seller can vary the prices for the service depending on how much he wants to receive a given order. There is a wide range of all possible actions: since mini-printing houses are designed for small and urgent orders, you can “play” on raising prices for “urgent” clients. For example, invitations are needed for some event in the morning, and the customer arrives, say, the day before at six in the evening. Then you can demand an additional fee for urgency - as a rule, the client agrees to this. The price in this case can double. Ideally, by the way, it makes sense to organize a 24-hour printing house - in this case it will generate maximum income.

Today, the demand for printed products is becoming higher and higher, which means the need for printing houses is constantly growing. The success of a printing house largely depends not only on what volumes of products it can produce, but also on how quickly and efficiently the order is completed. At proper organization this type business can generate considerable income, even if the company provides a very narrow range of services. The equipment will fit well in a small office.

Choosing a printing house type

Before you open your own printing house, you need to decide on its format. Will it be a full-fledged printing shop, focused on the production of books, newspapers and other large paper products, or will it be a mini-printing house, the main activity of which is aimed at providing printing services for smaller products - business cards, booklets, posters, calendars and other things.

In most cases, opening a mini-printing house will be the most the right decision. There are several reasons for this:

  • Opening a small printing house does not require significant investments - minimum amount from 500,000 rubles.
  • At the beginning of your work, you are unlikely to be able to provide the printing house with large volumes of orders for printing books and magazines, but small ones are fine.
  • If the business is run correctly, a mini-printing house can always grow into a more serious company.
  • It can be a great addition to your main business. Quite often they open their own printing houses, magazines and newspapers.

Registration of a printing house

Like any other type of business, opening a printing house requires registration with tax office. To register a mini-printing house, it is enough to obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur. IN in this case you don't even need a business permit. If you plan to open several branches, you need to think about registering an LLC.

Before opening you will need to obtain permission from:

  • fire inspection;
  • supervision services for compliance with labor safety rules.

Naturally, sooner or later you will have to hire staff to work in your company, and it follows that you also need to register with pension fund and employment service.

Selection of premises

An important step when opening is the choice of premises. On average, for a mini-printing house, a room of 40-50 square meters, equipped with ventilation and electrical wiring with a power of more than 280 W, is sufficient. It is also important to have a toilet and a room for workers where they can rest during breaks between work.

Also, the room should be divided into several zones:

  • to accept an order;
  • working;
  • stock.

It is advisable to have a separate room for each room.

It is better to rent a room not in a residential building, but in the building of business centers or educational institutions. This way, the operation of the equipment will not disturb neighbors, especially if the order is carried out at night. The building must also have convenient access for loading finished products.

It doesn’t matter where your printing house will be located - in the city center or on the outskirts, the main thing is that enough people pass nearby. The ideal option is to open near universities and business centers. That is, in those places where there will be a high demand for printing services.
