DIY plaster crafts: cute cat and caterpillar for the cottage and garden. DIY plaster crafts for home, office and garden

Today, making crafts with your own hands is quite simple. A variety of available materials helps to realize the most unusual ideas into reality. There are hundreds of master classes on the Internet, which include detailed instructions workflow.

Recently, beautiful crafts made from plaster have become very popular among novice handicrafts. The material helps create beautiful textured lines and takes on any shape. Finished products are durable. The surface of the craft can be decorated using acrylic and oil paints.

Our material presents creative ideas and instructions on how to make a craft at home. Advice from experienced specialists will help you avoid common mistakes when working with the material.

What crafts can be made from gypsum mortar?

What can be made from plaster? We bring to your attention simple ideas crafts for beginners. These include:

  • garden decor;
  • figurines;
  • photo frames;
  • vases and beautiful dishes;
  • small souvenir products.

Before you begin the manufacturing process, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic characteristics of this material.

These include:

  • Dries quickly. The liquid solution hardens quickly upon contact with oxygen.
  • Absorbs moisture. Ready-made compositions are not recommended to be installed close to bodies of water. Gypsum figures are highly hygroscopic. Prolonged exposure to a humid environment can cause mechanical damage to the surface of the craft.
  • Good deformability. Plaster figures can be processed using special sandpaper. Thanks to this manipulation, minor errors can be corrected.

How to dilute gypsum solution?

Before you begin the work process, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the advice of experienced specialists who will help you correctly prepare the gypsum composition for handicrafts.

Several types of solution are known. These include:

Simple option. To do this, dry gypsum powder is mixed with water in a ratio of 7/10. The solution turns out to be liquid. It dries quickly and can be further processed. Most often it is used to create photo frames and souvenirs.

More complex composition. To do this, you will need the following proportions: gypsum 6 parts, water 11 parts, slaked lime 2 parts. The finished product is quite strong. In the process of creating a craft, it is recommended to think about the future project, its shape and size. Incorrect pouring of the finished composition can cause cracks to appear.

Colored solution. Here, instead of slaked lime, a dye in the form of gouache is used. To completely dissolve the thick paint, it is recommended to stir the composition until the color is uniform.

Master class on creating garden compositions

We offer an interesting master class on crafts made from plaster. Specialized departments offer a wide selection of finished products. They differ in their shapes and sizes. Main disadvantage of these compositions lies in their cost.

Today, making garden decor is quite simple. There are many instructions on the Internet with step-by-step instructions for making crafts with your own hands. The design in the shape of a swan is especially popular among beginning craftsmen.

For this you will need:

  • gypsum composition made according to method No. 3;
  • large plastic bottle 5 liters;
  • a plate in the form of a circle;
  • roll of cling film;
  • acrylic paints: red, black;
  • metal wire for the frame;
  • bandage.

The process of creating a product consists of several stages:

  • Cut off the top of a plastic bottle. We make a small hole on the side to fix the frame.
  • Cover the surface of the plastic thin layer gypsum composition.
  • We assemble the frame of the bird's wings and tail.
  • On the sides we strengthen the wings and tail section with wire. Later we strengthen them with gypsum mixture. Let it dry.
  • When applying the next layers, use a bandage. It will add volume and strength to the product.
  • When the surface is completely dry, it can be treated with sandpaper.
  • Now we draw the beak and eyes of our bird. For brightness, acrylic dye can be applied up to 5 times.
  • The final stage will be the application of protective varnish. The photo of a plaster craft shows the finished product.

Photos of plaster crafts

Pay attention!

Pay attention!

Pay attention!

The desire to preserve a piece of summer comes every time at the sight of a rich collection of trees, flowers and herbs, and when their flowering fades, this desire becomes. Usually we dry our favorite plants and use them in ours.

But you can preserve the beauty of individual ones with a more original method - pouring them into plaster. This plaster craft will definitely find practical application and will remind you of hot summer days.

To create it you will need gypsum powder, water, a beautiful leaf with well-defined veins, a container for stirring and a form for creating an imprint.

We place it on the bottom of the mold so that there is no free space between it and the bottom into which liquid plaster can flow. For reliability, you can fix the leaf double-sided tape.

Now let's start diluting the gypsum.

Mix it until it reaches the consistency of non-liquid yogurt or kefir. We add water to the powder quite quickly, because this mass hardens almost before our eyes.

Carefully fill the sheet fixed in the mold with plaster. We try to prevent the formation of air bubbles, and carefully mix the plaster after pouring so that possible bubbles float to the surface. The thickness of the fill can be different - depending on how you want to use the craft in the future.

When the plaster has set well, but has not yet completely hardened (that is, after about half an hour), turn the mold over and remove the sheet. We leave the craft to dry.

In about a day you can start. We use oil or acrylic paints to get a rich shade of color.

Cover the entire surface of the craft green.

Use cotton wool to lighten the surface of the leaf.

And we apply it to it golden tones.

We have almost made our own plaster craft. All that remains is to add a few additional golden touches with a brush and wait for the paint to dry.

In the meantime, we trace the outline of the craft onto a soft fabric (felt) and cut out the resulting circle.

Glue it to the plaster with Moment glue.

Hand-made gypsum stucco is a three-dimensional relief decor used for outdoor or interior design premises. With it you can:

  • structure the space;
  • hide certain architectural flaws;
  • place the necessary accents in the interior, etc.

Usage decorative items made of plaster will give each room the most solid and noble look.

Functions of molding products:

  • utilitarian (capable of hiding various structural elements);
  • aesthetic (help to realize any design fantasies).

Elements of decorative gypsum products:

  • baseboards;
  • moldings;
  • cornices;
  • ceiling roses;
  • brackets;
  • pedestals;
  • pilasters;
  • semi-columns;
  • columns.

Luxurious decorative elements, which are created from high-strength gypsum, can guarantee exceptional quality, perfect connection accuracy, compliance with all dimensions and ease of installation with a professional approach.

Advantages of gypsum stucco molding:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • perfection;
  • fire safety;
  • durability;
  • easy to restore;
  • is a classic;
  • resistant to temperature changes;
  • lends itself to gilding, painting and various processing;
  • allows you to hide many architectural errors and bring any idea to life.

Today, the extraordinary beauty of gypsum stucco is available to everyone. Various decorative elements can make new life in interior details, thereby giving them a special charm, as well as creating a feeling of stability, brightness, reliability and lightness.

The only competitor to gypsum stucco is considered to be polyurethane stucco, which is the most practical option in some respects.

Gypsum is a unique material that is organically combined with other products of natural origin: glass, metal, wood, ceramics and stone. At the same time plaster stucco capable of absorbing excess moisture and evaporate it when the air humidity decreases. Its main advantage is the ability to create decorative elements by individual order.

Today, gypsum stucco on walls and ceilings is produced in a wide variety of styles - from baroque to classical or even ultra-modern style.

How to make stucco from plaster

Gypsum is a fragile and capricious material, but it is what experts chose for making stucco. This building material is distinguished by such a property as expansion, which allows it to penetrate into the smallest relief forms and cracks, providing high accuracy completed product. When filling plaster molds, it is necessary to perform light shaking, which ensures the elimination of air bubbles and thorough filling of the fine structure.

To reduce warping, gypsum is diluted in lime water, using slaked and quicklime for its preparation. For the solution that will be used for casting, water and gypsum are taken in a ratio of 1:0.7, and for stretching, a thicker solution is created, the ratio of components in which is 1:2.

DIY plaster molding

Modern stucco decorations are made on the basis of special forms. They can be various metal forms, which, due to their smooth internal surface, make it possible to create a product that does not require additional modification. Such forms are more often used for the production of stucco molding on an industrial scale, since the metal can withstand up to 2500 cycles without changes.

More inexpensive forms are silicone and latex. They have slightly less strength, and the product obtained by pouring into them does not have such a perfect appearance and requires improvement.

Plaster stucco technology

The production of stucco takes place in several stages. Be sure to ensure that all materials and tools are available. You will need:

  • building gypsum;
  • clear varnish;
  • brush;
  • spatula;
  • silicone grease;
  • artistic plasticine that does not stick to your hands.

Work progress:

1. Initially, you should prepare plasticine and fashion a model of the future product from it. You can make it yourself, using a sketch, or purchase a ready-made one.

2. Then inner surface forms are coated silicone grease.
3. The model is placed on flat surface.

4. Next, prepare the gypsum solution, which should have a sour cream consistency.
5. The first layer should be applied with a brush and only then fill the entire mold. If a large column is being made, then after the first layer a copper mesh is laid out in the mold, which will be used as a reinforcing component.
6. The back side of the future product is leveled, and the mold is left to dry (1-4 hours).
7. When everything is ready, the stucco molding is removed from the mold. Its outer side is sanded and coated with colorless varnish.

Painting decorative gypsum stucco molding

Gypsum relief has a white, clean surface, so sometimes it needs to be transformed. To paint stucco, it is better to use the same paint that you used to paint the walls. If, upon completion of the work, you did not varnish the product, then before painting it should be primed in two layers.

Before you start applying the paint, it must be stirred and diluted with water. You need to cover the stucco molding with a small brush with long bristles. Various abrasions, patina, aging and gilding are created to give the product a “pattern of time”. If you want to create a natural texture, you can use a sponge synthetic materials, pieces of fabric, etc.

Installation of plaster stucco molding

Installation of stucco molding is quite simple and quick:

1. Initially, the required area should be cleaned of various dirt and whitewash. 2. Next, you need to mark the exact boundary and draw a circle in which the product will be installed.
3. Then, notches are created on the surface and in the stucco using a chisel. This should be done for the best grip.
4. Glue the product onto a plaster solution with the addition of wood glue (ratio - 3% glue from total weight solution).
5. Next, the surface and molded parts are moistened with water using a brush.
6. Having installed the decor, you need to move it slightly and remove the excess mixture with a spatula.

  • gypsum wall and ceiling moldings are mounted on the plastered surface after it has completely dried and hardened;
  • It is not recommended to install gypsum products in damp rooms (60% or more);
  • gypsum stucco molding for the facade is mounted together with the construction of the walls and is fixed to the fittings in the masonry, which must be coated with an anti-corrosion agent;
  • small molded parts (up to 100 mm) can be fixed with gypsum or cement mortar;
  • It is better to treat products intended for facades with drying oil or paraffin;
  • It is better to install stucco molding damp - this way it will better adhere to the surface;
  • if the plaster is already dry, then it must first be moistened with water;
  • If you still intend to paint the walls, it is recommended to do this after completing the installation of the stucco.

How to make stucco from plaster video:

gypsum stucco molding

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At some point it becomes clear that you need a truly stylish and beautiful facade, interior. You are on the right track.
Gypsum stucco molding is the oldest, but not losing its youth and relevance, way of decorating the interior of the facade. Known to the ancient Greeks, façade stucco has not lost its charm, artistic and natural, over many centuries.

Gypsum stucco molding provides truly unique opportunities for creating unique interiors.

Classic stucco moldings made of gypsum with a smooth white surface to resemble stone (limestone, marble, granite). Stucco molding: cornices, rosettes, columns, friezes, patterns made of plaster.

Gypsum is a wonderful material. Lightweight, plastic, practically unaffected by time, does not change its shape, texture, color. In terms of environmental friendliness, gypsum will give a head start to many materials.

It is absolutely harmless, non-flammable and odorless. This is a breathable, air-permeable material.

DIY plaster molding.

It does not shrink. Plaster does not turn yellow or crack. Gypsum products are more prominent, they have a clear, not blurry pattern. When repairing, restoring and painting plaster stucco, as a rule, no difficulties arise.
An imitation of artificial stone is also produced.


Finnish resin: unlike gypsum, stucco is much more durable, stronger and, most interestingly, much more economical in construction.

Compared with gypsum and stucco, resin is the best and most economical material for facade finishing. The resin withstands many years of external influence very well. environment and not a little worse in density than stucco. On appearance resin exactly like all kinds of stucco moldings.
Imitation colors are also possible - gold, silver, bronze.

Glass fiber reinforced concrete

Glass fiber reinforced concrete (GFRC) is: beautiful, textured, but at the same time thin-walled, lightweight, durable products, as well as excellent waterproofing and mechanical protection.

One of the main areas of use of SFRC is architectural decoration. has exceptional technological properties. It can be used to produce a product of almost any shape; it has high bending strength, high impact strength, elasticity, crack resistance, and water resistance.

Our company produces exclusive stucco decoration, i.e.

gypsum products. Stucco molding can decorate and transform any interior, giving it individuality.

The experience of our company will help you bring to life any of the most daring and unique stucco decorations.

We will fulfill any order for gypsum products according to original projects complex architectural details.

Gypsum stucco molding is distinguished not only by its hygiene, sufficient strength and good soundproofing qualities, but also by its architectural expressiveness.

Stucco molding is the grace and lightness of lines, relief, depth and accuracy of the design.

Stucco molding will harmoniously complement both the facade of your building and interior space your living space.

Most often, gypsum products are used in the form of various cornices, baseboards, rods, friezes, platbands, moldings, corners, rosettes and many other elements.


We also bring to your attention a more practical and cheap option Stucco moldings:

Sandwich - Gypsum (SG) - new material for the production of lightweight architectural decor.

SG combines the lightness of foam plastic and the refined plasticity of gypsum. Sandwich - Plaster is designed to solve the problem of installing massive architectural decor on unprepared, suspended, plasterboard ceilings without strengthening the supporting system.

The result is a material that has a set of valuable qualities that expand the capabilities of architects and designers.

SG combines strength and lightness, refined plasticity of gypsum, speed and ease of installation, is easy to process and paint, and can be stored for a long time.

We assume that the combination of such qualities will find wide application both in the interior and in decorating facades. To make the covering layer, G-16 gypsum and waterproof gypsum binders (WGV) are used.

Plaster decor. Making stucco with your own hands.

Gypsum stucco molding has not lost its relevance over many centuries and is unlikely to lose its relevance in our time.

Having skill in sculpting, necessary tools and materials, you can make interesting stucco decorations for your apartment yourself.

In order to make plaster decor with your own hands, you need to master several basic procedures, following which you can do many interesting things to decorate your interior.

Using the example of a ceiling rosette, we will show a master class on making stucco with your own hands.

1. We select a rosette pattern that will match the overall style of the interior.

If you stick to the classics, then the ceiling decor should not be made in modern style. This will cause dissonance in the overall perception of the room. To search for a drawing, you can use images from the Internet, from literature on architecture, or make a drawing yourself. When choosing an ornament for our outlet, we focused on the classic style.

Determining the size ceiling decor. It is important to take into account the proportions of the outlet to the chandelier and the overall dimensions of the room: the light should not go beyond the boundaries of the stucco molding. A socket with a diameter of 70 cm is suitable for our room.

Then, in the figure, select a repeating element, in in this case six cyclical parts. We outline the ornament on the computer and arrange the size of the link. We get a circle segment with a side length of 35 cm.

We slightly modify the socket we chose as a basis.

We replace the central part with a ring with a diameter of 28 cm made of smooth molding. At the same stage, it is necessary to draw its section (cross section of the profile, 4 cm wide).

The final stage of preparation is the production of a molding template and a backing for the segment model. In the printing house we print the ornamental element on self-adhesive film in full size, we print the sketch of the molding on plain paper.

We transfer the section of the sketch onto millimeter stainless steel measuring 8*5 cm.

Carefully cut out the relief part using a jigsaw. We place it under the steel template so that it does not bend. wooden template(the steel should protrude by 1-1.5 cm.)

We place the film with the pattern on the surface and begin to collect a mass of plasticine on it. For modeling we use special sculptural plasticine, preferably of medium softness. It holds its shape better, allows you to work on fairly small details of the rosette, does not leave stains and does not stick to your hands.

The shelf life of plasticine is not limited; it retains its properties for a long time, so it can be used for many years.

During the work, we use various tools, including sculptural stacking knives, medical scalpels, chisels, spatulas, art brushes, sanding papers, straight and shaped cycles, and a screwdriver.

Without a special set, you can use manicure tools and small spatulas.

Let's start making the rough form. After the circle segment is sculpted, fill it with silicone. We use Alcorsil 325 - it is an inexpensive and easy-to-use material with a tin-based catalyst. Alcorsil is characterized by low viscosity, high physical and mechanical characteristics, and fast curing time.

Alcorsil silicones are used to create candles and plaster figurines, toys, soaps, sculptures of various shapes, etc. We dilute the material with the hardener in the following proportion: per 100 g. silicone 5 gr. affirmative. Apply the silicone in layers using a brush to prevent bubbles from forming.

The hardening of each layer takes approximately 2-3 hours, in the end the thickness of the silicone should be about 3 mm.

We make molds for stucco with our own hands.

We put a gypsum casing on top of the silicone; to do this, we spread the plaster and apply it to the silicone, leveling the surface with a spatula. The casing is necessary so that when pouring gypsum, the silicone does not deform. After drying, remove the casing along with the silicone and prepare a gypsum solution. To do this, pour 7 parts of water into the plaster and add 10 parts of gypsum in small doses, stirring with a whorl.

It must be remembered that a freshly prepared solution remains fluid for about 2-3 minutes, loses plasticity after 7-8 minutes and completely hardens after 15-20 minutes.

We use GVVS-16 gypsum from Samara Gypsum Plant, which is characterized by increased strength and fineness of grinding.

Pour the gypsum solution into the rough form and leave to harden.

We carefully remove the resulting casting, refine it, and clean off any unevenness with abrasive sandpaper (grit size 150, 240). We make a model for making the finishing mold.

Let's start working with the final mold, for this we use Mold Star 15 silicone - a simple and easy-to-use two-component platinum-based material with a hardness of 15 and a component ratio of 1A:1B by weight or volume. We dilute silicone in a 1:1 ratio.

Mold Star 15 has low viscosity, does not shrink and can be used several times.

Thanks to this, the first and last castings from such a mold will be absolutely identical. We also apply silicone to the model with a brush in several layers, the drying period of each layer is 5-6 hours. Then, similar to stage No. 6, we make a gypsum casing.

We remove the final mold and cast the required number of elements. In our case, we need to cast six cyclic parts.

10. Let's start drawing the ring - the middle of our socket.

We use the template that we prepared in advance.

We pull out the circular rods with an ordinary sparrow. It is a strip of the required length, where the template itself is attached at one end, and at the other there is a hole through which the ruler is placed in the center onto a driven pin or nail.

Rotating the template, we mark the boundaries of the future draft, then sketch out the solution and draw out the circle.

In this case, the design of the center pin fastening should not interfere with the circular movement of the sparrow template.

We do the broaching with several circular movements, if necessary, add gypsum mortar a little at a time until we achieve the accuracy of the relief. Let the finished product dry and then carefully remove it from the table using a spatula.

11. Mark the places where the decor is attached.

Find the center of the ceiling by intersecting the diagonals. Draw a circle with a diameter of 70 cm, then divide it into six segments of 60 degrees.

We wet the prepared surfaces of the wall, ceiling and stucco parts with water and apply the adhesive solution to them with a bristle brush. water based(for example, PVA construction adhesive or Aqua Silver).

Having installed the parts in place, we slightly move them from side to side, as if grinding them in. Remove excess plaster with a spatula. We additionally attach the stucco decoration with self-tapping screws, the distance between which is 15-20 cm.

After the rosette is completely dry, you can proceed to the next important stage - additional gypsum. We mask the attachment points and joints with plaster. To do this, we use the same plaster from which the rosette was made. We moisten the places of fastenings and joints with water and fill them with plaster. Using a small spatula and abrasive sandpaper, we level the surface and joints.

13. Finally, the plaster rosette should be painted.

Most often, water-soluble emulsion matte paints are used for ceilings. To avoid color differences, it is necessary to paint the stucco decoration along with the ceiling.

The plaster product must be completely dry and must be cleaned of dust.

Painting can be done either in a combination of primer-paint or paint-paint. If the stucco decor is installed in a room with high humidity, gypsum stucco molding is impregnated with moisture-repellent solutions (aquastops, waterproof primers).

This completes our master class, and using the example of making a rosette, you can continue making interesting plaster moldings for the interior.

The DAK company will be happy to help you implement your ideas.

How to make plaster with your own hands?

Many people are interested in how plaster is done by hand, as in a classic, antique or baroque interior - one of the most common decorative details is relief decorations on the walls.

Of course, you can buy a ready-made product, but it costs a lot, and not everyone can afford it, so designing your own plaster will be a valuable reward for the work of professional sculptors.

Such decorative elements are used both inside and outside the house.

They are installed on the wall, on the ceiling and even on furniture.

Decorative plaster on the facade or interior of the house will change without recognition and turn the structure into a true work of art.

If you're planning to decorate a building's stucco exterior, you can create it while you're at it.

It will be very reliable, but not elegant enough.

If you want to use more complex decorative elements on the ceiling or walls, in this case you need to use facade casting from other materials - gypsum, polyurethane, fiberglass, foam.

Own production of plaster plaster

The stucco product can be purchased ready-made and you can do it yourself.

We offer you detailed master class, which shows the production of gypsum strips.

By taking our basic class, you will learn how to make your own stucco and use it in your home.

First you need to prepare all the necessary tools and materials.

The following materials are required for independent revision of the core class:

  • An ideal flat table without slopes or surface deformations;
  • Set of blades and tools, brush, knife;
  • Glue to protect the table from dirt and dust;
  • Plates etc.

    Ideal - construction;

  • Measuring glass, measuring tape, ruler;
  • Construction plaster, PVA, for large elements - cement;
  • Silicone oil and silicone and release fat.

If you're thinking about a home for the first time, we recommend working with small details first, such as flowers or a rosette.

At the beginning of your work, you must create a sketch of your future product, which you can do yourself or find it already prepared in the literature or on the Internet.

Please pay special attention on the size of the work so that it can easily fit into the interior or exterior of the building.

The sketch is printed and a plasticine model of the desired shape, but slightly larger, is placed directly on the paper.

You can also buy one final product from the store and use it as a mold.

Now you can start creating the mold for your decor. At home, silicone molds can be made and placed on the ceiling.

It will cost more than plaster, but they are easier and more convenient to work with.

Before molding into a mold model, it should be treated with fat.

To do this, mix silicone with silicone oil and use the mixture thoroughly on your model, without leaving any emissions or air bubbles.

The first layer is with gauze, which should be carefully pressed into the silicone layer. After the previous layer has dried, place a second one every two to three hours.

Therefore, you must get a layer of at least 3 mm.

If you want to make great items, then you can pour mold from plaster.

For this mold we create a panel for silicone adhesives and then pour in the plaster.

You can also simplify the task and use a purchased silicone mold.

Then 10 parts of plaster are taken out of 7 parts of water, which can be added to the plasticity of a small sticky PVA and mixed with the consistency of sour cream.

Immediately pour the mixture into the mold and mix with the release liquid.

Gypsum stem.

Mounting functions

In the design of the facade and interior of a house, gypsum design is the most common material, which has not lost its popularity in recent years.

This is not surprising since gardens have many benefits - natural, environmentally friendly, spongy, flammable.

It can be used not only on the facade of the building, but also in the interior - in children's rooms and bedrooms, even on the ceiling.

It also has defects - gypsum products are heavy and increase fragility.

Therefore, its installation is possible only in those houses that have increased power and built on a good foundation.

Cabin installation must be done very carefully as the interference design may be disrupted in the process.

First, mark the mounting location, clean the surface, attach the mounting points with water and dry.

On the underside of the work, make and prepare slices to ensure good adhesion to the surface.

When the part is dry, make a mixture gypsum mixture and glue with joinery.

Install fastener on the facade and the part with water, fill these adhesive mixtures in these places and lightly snap the element onto the facade.

Excess glue should be removed with a spatula.

Then the other parts are assembled.

Polyurethane plaster

Polyurethane plaster is one of the simplest. It can be used in the interior of the house, to decorate furniture and on the facade of the building.

This is not the most cheap material, but as a result, completing such material will be cheaper than any other. You can glue the decorations on the walls or facade yourself.

For gluing, you only need to stick glue so that the surface is dry and smooth.

In fact, it doesn't matter how strong and stable your walls are because polyurethane plates are loaded without them.

Installing plaster can be done by two people and the process will take quite some time.

Modern polyurethane strips have huge volumes, so you can easily find correct option for yourself.

The polyurethane structure can be coated with interior or façade colors, depending on the location.

Begin installation by preparing the surface.

How to make gypsum plaster with your own hands

Prepare lines on the wall or ceiling where you will attach decorative elements. Secure with nails and insert dowels.

On the reverse side of the mold there are polyurethane profiles with abrasive. Make holes in each part corresponding to the location of the dowels.

The wrong side of the work should be coated and dried on an open day.

Apply glue to the plaster, attach it to the surface and drive the prepared holes into the nails.

Inequality must be hidden with whales or silicone sealant.

The plaster room is finished, now you can paint it in your chosen color.

Plastering foam

This product is definitely the most affordable way decorate your home. In recent years, this material has been widely used in interiors.

The foam weighing elements are very small so they can be attached to almost any wall design.

This material, despite artificial source, is environmentally friendly, does not emit harmful substances, fire-resistant, moisture-resistant.

It can be installed on almost any surface.

It should be noted that to extend the life of the foam, a protective layer must be formed on top.

In addition, foam plaster usually has simple form without complex patterns.

To install plaster you will need: dowels, special polystyrene foam adhesive, base coat, construction pins, sewing foam, correct colors.

Let's start with the fact that the surface must be cleaned of dust and dirt and prepared.

Now mark the surface, dilute the dry glue, apply the elements, attach the part in place and apply a little pressure.

The gaps should be treated with foam, remove any remaining glue and foam with a spatula.

Cover the backing and paint it once the assembly is complete.

Plaster molding glass fibers from reinforced concrete and polymer concrete

Concrete spindles have a very high weight, but technology does not stand still, and now products are made of lightweight and at the same time very powerful materials.

These materials consist of a mixture of dry cements and other ingredients that give the product strength and lightness.

The material simply supports temperature changes, vibrations and other aggressive effects.

During the production of plaster, dye is added to the composition so that it has the desired color.

Gypsum is a sulfate mineral. There are two types recognized - with a granular and fibrous structure. The second is also called selenite, the first has long been familiar in construction. Gypsum is a sedimentary material and is found everywhere.

Using plaster

In medicine, gypsum is used as binder, jewelers make small jewelry. Everyone knows alabaster in construction, for tucks of large interior figures. To this day, I know very experienced builders have come up with a very cool idea - 3D drawings on the wall. It looks very original and impressive. And “raw” it will be used industrially as a fertilizer.

For clarity, we will provide you with photos of plaster crafts in different directions of use. Only true art connoisseurs will be able to truly understand these works.

People have been making various products with their own hands since ancient times, but in our country this type of mineral was seriously appreciated only recently. We started doing a variety of things for our country house, estates.

They go to work decorative stones, bottles, shells and much more. The use of this material for sculptures is very beneficial for craftsmen, since it is absolutely environmentally friendly, which means it is completely safe for you and others.

This material is also quite practical. I know that the resulting beautiful plaster crafts (there is no other way) will definitely please everyone around you, because the products turn out to be very realistic and will definitely become the main attraction of your home.

In this article we will look at how to make a small sculpture in your home. After all, in stores such figures cost a lot of money, and we can create a masterpiece for pennies!

Sequence of work

For quality work, we need to first knead the solution. The instructions on how to dilute plaster for crafts say that you need to follow the following:

  • Prepare a container in which you will make the batch.
  • Pour water into a vessel
  • Pour gypsum powder into water
  • Mix the mixture with vigorous movements (you can use an electric mixer)


All work must be done very quickly, because the solution hardens very quickly. It is better to dilute more of the required solution, because if there is excess left, it is not at all difficult to remove, but if there is not enough, then it will become a little more difficult...

Advice! Pour the powder very carefully, when it reaches the water, the gypsum dust will rise into the air, try not to breathe in this cloud. Especially if you regularly encounter this activity, it is better to tie a scarf over your face so that the nasal passages are carefully closed.

Boletus made of plaster

  • For the mushroom stem, you need to cut off the neck of a small plastic bottle (0.5 liters).
  • We also cut off the neck of another bottle (volume 5 liters).
  • Pour the mineral into the large one.
  • Insert a small bottle into the middle with the bottom facing up.
  • Let it harden.
  • A small deep plate or wide cup is suitable for the hat.
  • We put cling film inside, folded in several layers.
  • Let's fill.

Working with this material is not at all difficult; the instructions on how to make a craft from plaster tell us about this. You will understand this yourself when you make your first masterpiece.

As my husband says, “the eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing the work.” I think the principle of operation is clear, I’ll just add a little about the filling forms. They can be purchased at hardware store, there are a huge number of them, or you can be smart and do something suitable yourself.

It won’t be difficult for housewives to make a bunch of flower pots, saving a fair amount of the family budget, and ultimately get a unique, beautiful thing tailored to the design of their home.

Step-by-step making of plaster crafts with your own hands

The simplest option for your blooming garden:

  • Cast the sole of your foot
  • Multiply to required quantity
  • Place along the garden path

Note to the master! The finished product should be left in a warm place until completely hardened for several days. After removing all excess, the product should be treated with transparent varnish, then decorated with paints to your liking.

This simple option will create a mysterious effect. You can also the required form It’s trivial to mold from plasticine and pour out the product.

This option is the most practical, because after one job you can sculpt another desired figure and pour it with plaster again. In general, templates for working with this mixture are the personal fantasy of each master.

And yet I will not tire of repeating that such master classes on plaster crafts work on the “magic wand” principle! For example, you wanted to transform your yard with something extraordinarily beautiful, but you are too lazy to tinker with crafts for a long time - remember our article, and everything will definitely work out.

If you are a builder, or just doing home renovations, then grab this idea!

3 d drawing on the wall

  • Take a stencil with the desired element
  • Hold with one hand, apply the solution to the cut out parts with the other
  • Carefully remove the stencil
  • It remains to correct the mistakes a little
  • Next you can paint or apply varnish.

This design approach to business will definitely highlight your creative personality and lift your spirits even if there is a snowstorm and cold outside! May children's laughter never cease in your home, and let your friends never give you peace! Thank you for your attention.

Photos of plaster crafts

Having your own garden is a real pleasure for its owners, a cozy corner in which you can relax not only with your body, but also with your soul. Cleanest air, the aroma of flowering, gentle rays of sunshine, a complete feeling of harmony and peace create a truly heavenly pleasure.

Creating a unique atmosphere in your own garden is a completely justified desire of every gardener. Jewelry created with your own hands will be the most original and will be able to create a truly individual exterior that would fully reveal inner world owner.

Mentally, the gardener certainly and more than once went through the methods and elements that would transform his garden: flower beds, fountains, ceramic or plaster figures for the garden, miniature artificial ponds and much more.

Garden sculptures

Gypsum figurines for the garden are simply a magnificent element of the landscape. The tradition of placing fairy-tale inhabitants and unusual sculptures in the garden came to us from Western culture. And every day this tradition is becoming more and more popular among domestic gardeners.

As a rule, these figures are gnomes, boletus mushrooms, forest dwellers and others. fairy-tale heroes. The purchased figures are all bright and noticeable.

It’s a completely different matter when the garden contains sculptures created by one’s own hand, which are individual and unique.


Before, armed with imagination, appropriate materials and tools, you begin the creative process, it is necessary to assess and analyze the general style and design of the territory. This assessment will allow you to determine which do-it-yourself gypsum garden figurines will be appropriate and suitable, as well as how many of them will be sufficient.

Pay attention!
It is important to determine not only the number of sculptures, but also their style and overall dimensions.
An excessively large number of even beautiful and highly artistic elements can turn your territory into a standard of bad taste.

If you refuse to plan, you can easily get stuck in the design, and your garden will always be unfinished due to the fact that you will follow more and more new impulses of imagination, and will not have a clear idea of ​​​​the final result. It is for this reason that you should first develop a sketch plan, purchase necessary materials and tools and only then start working.

Materials and tools

Small architectural sculptures will fit perfectly on suburban area anywhere:

  1. On ;
  2. At the well;
  3. Under a bush;
  4. At the entrance, etc.

On modern market Garden sculptures made from natural stone, ceramics, scrap materials, plaster or even polyurethane foam are becoming increasingly popular.

But if we talk about how to create figurines with your own hands, then gypsum is often chosen, the price of which is low, working with it is simple and straightforward, and the finished products have enviable durability.

To create a garden figure from plaster with your own hands, you will need the following set of materials and tools:

  • Sculptural gypsum, the amount of which directly depends on the size of the final product. For a small figurine, only half a kilogram of plaster is enough;

Pay attention!

If necessary, gypsum can be replaced with regular one. cement mortar, which has greater durability.

  • PVA construction glue;
  • Colored acrylic paints;
  • Waterproof adhesive composition necessary for fixing decorative elements on the surface of the sculpture;
  • Decorative elements, which can include beads, pebbles, glass, etc.;
  • Compass;
  • Wood cutters or large gypsy needle;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Soft food film;
  • Plain soap;
  • Sunflower oil;
  • Clean water;
  • Molds for plaster, which will serve as cups of various shapes and volumes, and even plastic bottles.

Once everything you need has been collected, you can begin the creative process of creation.

Creating a garden sculpture

For example, we will consider step by step instructions creating a gypsum mushroom that will become a real decoration for an area decorated in any garden style.

Creating the stem of the future mushroom

As you can understand, do-it-yourself plaster figurines for the garden such as mushrooms, like a real mushroom, will consist of two elements:

  1. Leg;
  2. Hat.

To create a leg, proceed as follows:

  • First you need to prepare the neck of a plastic bottle;
  • It is imperative to ensure that the created element easily moves away from the form. Why rub soap into a separate container and mix with water and sunflower oil in a ratio of 2 to 7 to 1;

  • Using a brush, lubricate the mold and move on to working with plaster;
  • The packaging with the purchased gypsum powder will certainly contain instructions for creating construction mixture indicating proportions. Using this guide, mix the plaster;

Pay attention!
You should not dilute all the plaster at once, because it sets quite quickly.

  • Stir the solution thoroughly and pour it into the prepared form, in which you should install a small plastic bottle in order for the leg to be hollow, this will save solution and reduce the weight of the product;
  • As soon as the created solution has set, this is about 30 minutes, use a knife to cut the bottle shape and carefully remove the mushroom stem;

Construction of the cap

The shape for the hat can be an ordinary kitchen bowl or a fairly deep plate. The chosen shape must be tightened cling film, or lubricate everything with the same mixture of water, soap and oil.

After this preparation, fill the mold with plaster. After the mixture begins to set, this is about 10-15 minutes, insert a leg in the center of the cap and leave the product until the solution has completely hardened.

Mushroom base

Once the gypsum mushroom has completely hardened, it will be necessary to take care of the base for it.

  1. The shape for the base can be a small basin or kitchen bowl;
  2. We treat the mold with film or soap solution;
  3. Pour in the prepared gypsum solution;
  4. After 10 minutes, wrap the mushroom stem in film and lower it into the base in the center;
  5. After the solution has completely hardened, remove the mushroom.

Figurine decoration

In the role additional elements Decorations for this figurine can include leaves, flowers and bugs, also made from plaster. You can make them using specialized small molds.

When the parts are ready, they need to be dried thoroughly, for which they are laid out in a sunny area.

Pay attention!
In sunny weather, 12 hours is enough for the figures to dry, and the next stage of work can begin.

  1. While the plaster mushroom and figures are hardening, think about how you will decorate it, or better yet, create a sketch on paper;
  2. When the figure has dried, draw a sketch directly onto its surface using a simple pencil;
  3. Lines created with a pencil must be made into relief using cutters or a needle;
  4. Treat the sculpture with primer, this will reduce paint consumption. The primer can be a solution consisting of PVA construction adhesive and water in a ratio of 1 to 2. This primer will harden in about 2 hours;

  1. Now the final stage is coloring. According to the sketch, the mushroom is painted, after which we wait until the paint dries;
  2. We treat the painted figure with colorless varnish, carefully leaving no untreated areas.

Pay attention!
If the sculpture is not carefully varnished, at the end of the season it will lose its attractiveness, because... the paint will be washed off by precipitation.

  1. Now all that remains is to glue the finished mushroom to the base and install the figure in the garden.

In conclusion

As you yourself could understand from all of the above, garden figures It is not so difficult to create from plaster with your own hands, and such creativity does not take very much time. Children can be involved in this process, and you can bond with them, develop their creativity and decorate the garden at the same time.

And the video in this article will reveal to you many more secrets of decorating a garden using sculptural plaster.
