Perennial flowers for shady places are winter-hardy. Perennial flowers growing in partial shade

In a shady area of ​​the dacha or country house The most suitable for planting are shade-loving garden flowers. In extreme heat, being in a shady corner, you can enjoy bright blooming flower beds. To create a beautiful flower arrangement choose various plants.

It is necessary to select a plant depending on the degree of illumination garden plot. It is also important to ensure that they meet all the principles of decoration and landscaping.

Shade-loving flowers

Illumination is determined taking into account the duration and intensity of sunlight. The shade of the area may vary depending on the season.

Factors influencing the level of illumination of the area:

  • Sun height
  • Length of daylight
  • Leaves on the trees
  • The flowering of some plants depends on the length of daylight hours.

If the area is in partial shade, then it is illuminated by direct sunlight for no more than 3 hours in the morning or evening. At the same time, in daytime there is a shadow. Partial shade will also be indicated by uniform illumination throughout the day.

If an area receives 3 hours of daylight in the middle of the day, and the rest of the time there is limited light, then it is a shade.

Determining sparse shade is also simple: the sun's rays penetrate the area through the foliage throughout the day.

There are such concepts as dry and wet shade. Dry shade is observed under deciduous trees.

They suck all available moisture from the soil. This is due to their developed root system. The leaves of such trees block access to precipitation. Not all flowers can exist in such an environment.

In dry shade conditions the following can grow well: Anemone, Geranium, Dicentra, Foxglove, Periwinkle, etc.

For wet shady areas where there are no obstacles for water to enter. A flower garden located in such a zone retains moisture even during a dry period. However, in such an area, fungal infections actively multiply and slugs and snails, which are pests, appear. This is the only drawback of damp shady areas. Here it is recommended to plant Astilbe, Liverwort, Honeysuckle, Fern, Primrose, etc.

So that the flowers grow well and delight with their beautiful and lush flowering, it is necessary to determine the degree of illumination summer cottage and based on this, select suitable instances.

Shade-loving perennials: types and description

Perennial garden plants are flowers that grow long time in one place without transfer.

Gardeners give preference to perennials, as they have a number of advantages compared to annuals:

  • Flowering does not stop even after the first frost
  • No maintenance required in winter
  • Do not lose their attractiveness throughout the season

Among a large number shade-loving perennials the most popular types are:

Creeping ayuga. Another name for the flower is Zhivuchka. The stem length reaches about 25 cm. It is a ground cover plant that produces many bright inflorescences. Flowers can be blue, blue, purple and pink. Prefers to grow on loamy soils.

Astrantia is large. The plant reaches a height of one meter. The diameter of the flower is about 5 cm, the petals are pink or white-pink. The leaves are long-petiolate and small. By appearance the plant resembles a starfish. Flowering begins at the end of June. The plant is resistant to many diseases.

Anemone. Belongs to the genus of perennial plants of the Ranunculaceae family. It can reach a height of 45 cm. Single flowers are about 8 cm in diameter. Depending on the variety, they can be white, pink, purple or blue.

Corydalis. Frost-resistant ornamental plant. It has an erect stem, at the top of which there is an inflorescence. Height is about 40 cm. The flowers have a yellow or pale yellow tint. Begins to bloom in early spring.

Hosts. Refers to ornamental rhizomatous plants. The flower attracts with its large beautiful leaves. This is a cold-resistant and drought-resistant plant that does not require special care. This flower is an excellent background for other plants.

Dicentra. Herbaceous perennial. The plant can reach up to 1 meter in height. The stem is thick, fleshy, erect. It has two sepals that fall off after blooming. The shape of the flower is slightly flattened, with a diameter of about 2 cm. They come in red or pink.

Saxifrage. undersized perennial. The flowers are collected in paniculate or racemose inflorescences. Depending on the variety, the petals can be white, red, light yellow, etc. It begins to bloom in early summer.

Liverwort. A herbaceous perennial plant with three-lobed leaves that are pubescent at the bottom. They are red-violet at first and then turn green. The liverwort can reach a height of up to 20 cm. The diameter of the flowers is 2-3 cm. Flowering begins in early spring and lasts for 20 days. Grows well in fertile and loose soils.

Large-leaved plants will look great next to shrubs and trees: spring navel, oak anemone, noble liverwort. They are early bloomers and already from April they attract attention with their .

Shade-loving annuals: plant characteristics

Annual flowers delight with their beautiful buds for only one season. They are good because you can create different compositions each time.

How to care for shade-loving plants

In shaded areas, the soil is slightly different from sunny areas. Usually in the shade the soil does not dry well, so it can be damp. There is also dry soil in a shaded area. This is due to the fact that the thick crown does not allow moisture to pass through.

Perennial plants grow larger after a while. In this case, thinning is performed. This procedure is recommended to be carried out in the fall.

Perennials should be planted in the warm season. Water moderately. Water for irrigation should not be very cold. First leave a bucket of water in the sun for several hours.

When the plants begin to awaken in the spring, you can fertilize with nitrogen. For example, saltpeter, which looks like small white peas. Before flowering, we recommend adding phosphorus and potassium. You can buy ready-made products in the store, or use ash. We recommend diluting it in warm water, let it stand for about three days, and then water the plants with the resulting mixture. Of course, you can add it in dry form, but then it will be absorbed by plants more slowly.

Dried leaves should be removed promptly. If seeds appear, they need to be cut off. Plants spend a lot of energy on their formation.

Tall plants due to strong wind or they may bend due to the weight of the flowers. For this purpose, it is necessary to install supports. It is better to choose inconspicuous bayonets so that they do not spoil beautiful view flowering plants.

If you follow these rules, the flower garden will always be well-groomed.

Creating a flower bed of shade-loving flowers

Compositions of shade-loving plants are decorative throughout the season. Some attract attention with their leaves, while others attract attention with their blooms.

Perennials are usually chosen for a shady garden. When creating a flower garden, different flowers are used according to their color scheme and size. For a flower bed measuring 2x3 meters, first plant tall plants: Astilbe, Hosta, Hydrangea, etc.

The next row is Anemone, Dicentra, Geranium, Goryanka, etc. For edging the flower bed, Periwinkle, Lipstick, Saxifraga, etc. are planted. These plants can be used to fill gaps.

Tall flowers are planted individually. Medium-sized ones are recommended to be planted in groups. To prevent weeds from growing, flowers should be placed closer.

To create beautiful flower bed you should prepare the soil for the flower garden. First you need to remove the old sod and remove all weeds.

Using a fork, loosen the soil well, mixing compost, clay and sand.

If the flowerbed size is about 1 sq. m., then it is recommended to plant according to the following scheme: 10 ground cover plants, 5 medium-sized, about 7 low-growing flowers and 2-3 tall ones.

Most often on suburban area arrange asymmetrical and island flower beds.

Multi-level plantings are also popular.

Which shade-loving plants are right for you depends on the shape and size of the flowerbed. If it is located near the walls of a house or near a fence, then the tallest flowers are planted farther from the edge, and those that creep along the ground are planted at the very end.

If the shape is round or any other that allows you to create a symmetrical pattern, then the tallest plants can be placed in the center of the composition.

Of course, empty spaces will look unsightly and provoke the appearance of weeds, but flowers should not be allowed to suppress each other and compete for light and nutrients. Therefore, provide each pet with enough space, and empty areas can be filled with decorative elements.

Originally shaped stones, garden figurines, spikelets, ferns, or even just gravel paths are suitable for this. In addition, too dense plantings provoke fungal diseases, especially in the shade, and the appearance of pests such as slugs.

Love of shadow is not the only quality that should unite the elements of your composition. Therefore, when choosing flowers, pay attention to what care they require in advance. Of course you can't

28 May 2016

Surely many people have areas in their garden that are unsuitable for growing most types of flowers - these are shaded areas on the north side near the walls of buildings or fences, as well as under the crowns of tall trees. If there is a lack of sunlight, not all garden plants will bloom and develop properly, so we present names and photos of shade-loving plants garden plants for decorating places in the shade or partial shade.

In a shaded place, the soil can be different - dry or constantly wet and even damp if water accumulates after snow and rain melt. The condition of the soil and its composition must be taken into account when choosing plants for planting in the shade.

Most shade-loving perennial garden plants do not bloom as spectacularly as sun-loving plants, but beautiful and expressive leaves add decorative value to them. By picking up a few shade-loving flowers, you will decorate the shaded areas, which are often the most unsightly on the site, and you can put a bench nearby to relax in the coolness and enjoy the beautiful flower garden.

Names and photos of shade-loving perennial garden flowers:

Astilbe combines luxurious bloom with shiny feathery foliage. Fluffy paniculate inflorescences of astilbe will contribute bright accent to the flower garden. This shade-loving flower blooms well in a shaded place under the crowns of tall trees or the wall of a building. With a wide variety of varieties and species, you can choose an astilbe flower with inflorescences colored white, pink and red, crimson. Choose a plant for your flower garden, taking into account their size: hybrid varieties of Japanese astilbe reach a height of 50-60 cm, Arends astilbe can be 60-120 cm high, Chinese astilbe grows up to a meter in height. Astilbe is a beautifully flowering perennial plant for partial shade and shade; it loves moist and even damp soil.

Delicate anemone flowers Depending on the species, they can bloom in spring and summer. For shaded areas, choose spring flowering anemone species native to the forest - this is the oak anemone, the tender anemone. Flowers look great under the crowns of trees; they have enough sun to bloom until foliage appears on the crowns, and in the summer plants need cool and moderately moist soil to develop; exactly such conditions are created in the shade of trees.

Bergenia - perennial, which is decorative at any time of the year. Large basal leaves attract the attention of a beautiful rounded shape and shiny green in color, but in bright sun they turn red. Bergenia can grow in the sun and in the shade, but when grown in a shaded place, the leaves develop more and the plant blooms better. Peduncles with bright pink bells will appear in the spring, and when favorable conditions, the plant blooms again in late summer. Bergenia grows well on loose, fertile and moderately moist soil. Damp areas They are detrimental to the plant, since the thick rhizome of the bergenia can rot, and dry places are also unfavorable, since the roots of the plant are located near the surface of the soil.

Periwinkle You can plant it in the most disastrous place where other flowers do not take root. This plant has amazing vitality; creeping stems with bright green leaves cover the soil with a green carpet, on which blue flowers bloom in summer. Periwinkle looks great under tree canopies; this unpretentious ground cover plant grows quickly in shady places ah with loose, well-drained soil.

Brunera or forget-me-not It blooms beautifully in late spring - early summer, small sky blue flowers lift your spirits. After flowering, brunera grows expressive heart-shaped leaves with a pointed tip. Brunera is an unpretentious perennial that requires virtually no care in the garden. This flower can be propagated by dividing the rhizome; planting is done at the end of summer. Partial shade with constantly moist clay soil is favorable for plant development. If the plant does not have enough moisture, then by mid-summer the beautiful leaves will wither.

Dicentra- the “broken heart” flower, so named for original form flowers. On a long thin peduncle, earrings hang brightly in a row pink flowers in the shape of hearts with an arrow-shaped tip. Beautiful bloom the dicenters are complemented by delicate feathery greenery. Dicentra will bloom for a long time, and its greenery will remain decorative until autumn, if for planting you choose a place illuminated by the sun only in the morning or constant partial shade. Under the bright sun, the flowers quickly fall off, and burns appear on the greenery in the form of whitish spots, and after flowering the ground part disappears. Dicentra is moisture-loving, but in a constantly damp area the roots of the plant can rot. After abundant watering, the surface of the soil must be loosened to give air to the roots.

Kupena- a perennial garden plant with a graceful shape, on thin curved stems, opposite leaves rise up like wings, and small white bells hang from below. Kupena bushes will decorate the most shady area in the garden; this shade-tolerant plant naturally grows in dense forests. Kupena is unpretentious in cultivation, prefers moist, fertile soil, but in a place where water stagnates after rain, the rhizome of the plant rots.

Lakonost- a large ornamental plant native to America. Grows from seeds over the summer lush bush up to 1 meter high with large leaves, and by autumn shiny black berries ripen on long candle-shaped peduncles. The berries and juice of the plant are poisonous. A large plant will become the head of the flower bed under the trees or create a green background near the fence. Laconost does not like open sunny areas, since the heat causes the large leaves of the plant to wither, but in partial shade this plant feels good.

Lungwort- forest beauty, blooms in spring. At the beginning of flowering, the flowers are bright blue, and as they wilt they change their color to crimson and purple. Cut off faded flower stalks to prevent self-seeding. After flowering, the lungwort grows large decorative leaves In order for them to remain beautiful until autumn, the plant should be placed in partial shade or shade, where it is cool and the soil is always slightly moist. Lungwort is easily propagated by fresh seeds, as well as by dividing the rhizome with growth buds.

Lilies of the valley- flowers that can grow under any conditions, including in strong shade. Lilies of the valley grow quickly thanks to their creeping rhizomes, displacing neighboring plants. Lilies of the valley bloom in late spring or early summer. Small white bells have a strong pleasant aroma. Lilies of the valley can grow in a dry, dark place, but love moisture. Pieces of rhizome are planted near fences, walls, under trees, lush green leaves will green the selected area, but when adjacent to other plants, lilies of the valley will oppress them.

Almost every garden has areas where you can plant only shade-loving or shade-tolerant plants: both annual and perennial flowers and shrubs. The article contains titles and detailed descriptions various unpretentious crops with colorful photos.

Perennial shade-loving and shade-tolerant plants for the garden

It is traditionally believed that flowers love the sun, so they either bloom poorly in the shade or do not grow at all in such areas. That being said, there is a difference between cultures that only really feel comfortable away from sun rays, and between those that simply can exist in such conditions:

  • if in the shade the plant has lush greenery and a healthy, blooming appearance, it is shade-loving. In nature, such crops are located in the lower tiers of the forest, under the crowns of trees, so they can be planted in the garden there;
  • if the plant blooms in the shade, but slightly worse than in the sun, this is a description of a shade-tolerant flower that adapts to the conditions.

Attention! The shadow may be on the site throughout the day, or it may depend on the position of the sun in the sky. Also an important factor is continuous or diffuse shadow in the area you have chosen (for example, the sun can peek through the crowns of trees). Take this into account when selecting shade-loving crops.

For areas of varying degrees of shade, for example, the following perennial crops are suitable:

  • . Another name for this flower is columbine, because after dew its cups are always full of water. The plant is best planted on fertile, moist soil, then it abundantly produces inflorescences of various shades, reminiscent of stars. The watershed also grows in the sun, but its flowering in such conditions is worse than in partial shade. Every 3-4 years, aquilegia needs to be replanted, because it loses its decorative effect.
  • . Differs in variety color range and height range: dwarf varieties they grow up to 30 cm, tall ones - up to 1.5 m. It is believed that in one place astilbe can bloom profusely for a maximum of 5 years, and then it requires replanting. The inflorescences are collected in original panicles; in the sun they have a less bright shade than in partial shade. They're imprisoning shade-loving plant in slightly acidic, nutritious soil. It tolerates frost well, but in the first year it needs shelter for the winter.

Advice. If you choose the right varieties of astilbe, you can ensure flowering in the area from June to September.

  • . There are up to 120 flowers in one inflorescence of this perennial plant. It overwinters well, in some cases retaining foliage during the cold season. In nature, there are 10 varieties of the crop, and the name of one of them - thick-leaved bergenia - is very familiar to lovers of healing Chigir tea, which is brewed from the leaves of this plant species. Unpretentious perennial will sit comfortably on moist, loosened and slightly alkaline soil.
  • Periwinkle. A creeping plant that tolerates both shade and drought. In spring, blue or purple flowers appear on it, less often white or pink. Possesses medicinal properties, but when self-medicated, periwinkle is dangerous.
  • Brunner. A shade-loving plant in which everything is beautiful: and blue flowers, and leaves with an interesting pattern. Thanks to this, it retains its decorative properties from the moment of flowering (late spring) until frost. Looks great when decorating borders, near bodies of water. Prefers nutritious soils, but grows well in infertile soils.
  • Tenacious. The name of the plant is, in fact, its description, since the low-growing crop takes root well in any soil and requires watering only in times of severe drought. It blooms from the end of spring until about mid-June, but it is irreplaceable in areas where you need to quickly create a beautiful decorative carpet: it grows well, and even those who have no gardening experience can grow it.
  • . Medicinal plant, looks impressive in the shade. Its other names are “Solomon’s seal” or “ wolfberry", it looks beautiful in bouquets, in compositions in photos, and has a delicate aroma. It loves moist, fertile soil, on which it produces white flowers in May-June, and by the middle and end of summer the berries of the kupena ripen. Requires caution when handling as it contains toxic substances.
  • Lily of the valley. A classic flower for growing in the light shade of trees and near fences. Needs abundant watering and protection from drafts, which can cause a lack of flowers. Lily of the valley does not like frequent transplants, quickly multiplies and grows, and does not tolerate the proximity of other plants. Such a fragile-looking flower has a powerful root system. It blooms in May-June, and sometimes, depending on the climate, at the end of April.

Advice. If you do not want to create lily of the valley plantations on the site, make the borders of the flower bed by digging pieces of slate into the ground (depth - about 0.5 m).

  • . Thanks to the variety of color palettes, this unpretentious plant loved by many gardeners. After all, you can use it to create a colorful flowerbed, playing with white, cherry, pink, brown and other shades. Needs moist and loose soil.
  • . A real queen shady garden. Does not bloom, but with its beautiful decorative leaves different colors will decorate any area. This unpretentious crop grows on any soil, grows in one place for up to 20 years, and tolerates winter well.

Annuals that can be planted in the shade

Among annuals that grow comfortably in the shade, the choice is not as extensive as in the case of perennials, but there is still:

  • . They grow quickly and delight with a variety of colors, from yellow to burgundy and brownish. They decorate the garden all summer and autumn, right up to frost. Among the varieties there are “babies” that grow up to 20 cm, and real giants that reach 1-1.2 m in height. A flowerbed with marigolds needs to be thinned and watered regularly. They protect garden beds from aphids, nematodes, fusarium, mice and mole crickets.
  • Begonia ever-blooming. Looks good both in flowerpots or flower beds, and under trees. The plant is not tall - only about 15-20 cm, so a carpet of begonias looks impressive. The flowers are colored in shades of white, pink, orange, red and crimson. Requires fertile and moist soil. If you bring it indoors for the winter, you can grow it as a perennial crop.
  • . This flower adorns many rural landscapes and colorful photos. It grows up to 1.2 m. Annual varieties are distinguished by bright, large flowers with veins that are darker than the main shade. Mallow is a shade-tolerant rather than a shade-loving plant: in the absence of sun it has a paler color, but grows well. The soil for this crop should be loose and watering should be moderate.
  • . Tolerates light shade. Only young plants need abundant watering; adults need moisture only during severe drought. Annual terry nasturtium will decorate the border or balcony. The leaves and flowers of this crop are used for making salads and seasonings, as well as in folk medicine.
  • The tobacco is fragrant. Its main advantage is the wonderful aroma that this unpretentious flower emits mainly in the evenings. Tobacco can be white, pink, or red, and varieties of soft, simple shades smell stronger. Partial shade and moist, loamy soil are suitable for its cultivation. We must not forget about regular watering and timely removal of dried inflorescences.

Advice. Some crops that tolerate shade well can be grown as either annuals or perennials. For example, this is balsam and forget-me-not. How is a biennial cultivated? pansies. They can also be planted under trees or in shady flower beds, although the flowering here will not be as abundant as in the sun.

Flower garden in the shade: video

Shade-loving plants: photo

First you need to decide on the “quality of the shadow”, because it can be very different.

  1. Stable, for example, along the northern wall of the house, where the direct sun never looks.
  2. Partial shade, for example, near a wall facing east, where there is sun in the morning, and stable shadow in the late afternoon.
  3. Scattered, for example, under the canopy of trees or bushes.

It is immediately worth noting that abundantly flowering shade crops that provide bright flowers all summer, not so many, or at least they cannot be found in the lists of usual summer visitors. Most really shade-tolerant plants have graceful, delicate and quickly fading flowers. And most of them are perennials that rarely produce flowers all summer - it makes sense to think about several crops that will replace each other.

Therefore, we will consider all shade crops that will provide bright decorative effect, not necessarily thanks to the colors, but, for example, beautiful leaves, throughout the warm season, and also consider the flowering times of all possible crops for different types of shade.

The most spectacular and long-flowering crops that can tolerate partial shade

Below are flowers that really bloom brightly, for partial shade, partial shade or diffuse shade:

  1. – many spectacular hybrid varieties require good lighting for abundant flowering, but in nature this plant grows on the edges of forests, that is, in partial shade, so it is quite possible to create a beautiful flowering bed of daylilies in the shade if you choose the right varieties – it is especially beautiful in partial shade (in the morning - sun, in the afternoon - light shade) the varieties look dark shades(red-black, violet-black, violet), they fade in the sun and quickly wither. By flowering time there are different groups, flowering duration is about a month, but can be combined different varieties and get a long-flowering flower bed.
  2. – for abundant flowering it needs good lighting in the first half of the day and shade starting at noon. Blooms from the beginning of June to the end of July, after correct pruning by the end of August it blooms again.
  3. blooms all summer, feels great in partial shade, flowers are like foxgloves, only brighter and larger, a rather rare plant, although undeservedly so.
  4. Pansies- this charming annual grows in both sun and partial shade. In the sun, the flowers are larger and brighter, but in partial shade the flowering will last longer. The timing of flowering can be varied at your discretion (by sowing seeds at different times).
  5. Balsam- the plant does not tolerate direct sunlight and only needs diffused light. Blooms from July until frost.
  6. Ever-blooming begonia- requires bright but diffused light, can fade in direct sun, blooms all the time, in open ground grown seedling method like an annual.
  7. Fragrant tobacco-blooms from June until frost. Loves well-lit places, but light partial shade is acceptable.
  8. Astilbe- blooms in June-July, for about a month, loves sparse soft shade. Panicle flowers are very spectacular, there are many varieties. The appearance of the plant is elegant, feminine, bright.
  9. Astrantia— the flowering period depends on the variety, but this is one of the longest-lasting plants, some varieties bloom from June to the end of September, feels good in the sun, in partial shade, and even in full shade (only in heavily shaded places the flowering will not be so bright), grows well under trees.
  10. Mimulus- Can get sunburned in direct sun, the best place is well lit, but with partial shading. It blooms with original flowers, reminiscent of orchids, in two waves - in spring and autumn.

Astilbe and Hosta ‘Sun Power’

Medicinal, spicy, aromatic herbs feel good in partial shade:

  1. peppermint,
  2. radiola pink,
  3. tarragon,
  4. borage,
  5. perennial onions,
  6. lemon balm.

Partial shade or diffuse shade is well tolerated species peonies: Maryin root, Caucasian, Wittmann - bloom from the beginning of May to the end of June Since August, the bushes have been decorated with quite spectacular fruits. Many herbs and grains also grow well in partial shade (, cortaderia, gray fescue).

Bulbous plants tolerate lack of light well:

  1. Daffodils.
  2. Kandyk.
  3. Merendera.
  4. Grouse.
  5. Whiteflower.
  6. Scylla (scilla).
  7. Korolkovia.
  8. Iridodictums.
  9. Pushkinia.
  10. Muscari.
  11. Crocuses.
  12. Hyacinthoides.

Tulips, primroses, pansies.

Plants that love light but do well in partial shade

That is, these plants can produce abundant flowering in a flowerbed, for example, on the western or eastern side of the house, where light only reaches part of the day. If they are planted in such an area, then you should treat them as capricious and provide very good other conditions ( correct soil, watering, fertilizing). All these plants bloom brightly and for a long time:

  1. Snapdragon.
  2. Ageratum.
  3. Levka.
  4. Balsam.
  5. Lobelia.
  6. Poppy self-seeding.
  7. Petunia.
  8. Pansies.
  9. Sweet pea.
  10. Kobeya.
  11. Clove grenadine.
  12. Daisies.
  13. Heliotrope.
  14. The bell is medium and large-flowered.

The bell is medium.

Flowering plants for deep shade

These are shade plants that never get direct sun. They will feel good in the shade of buildings, even on the north side, under a dense crown of trees, near a fence:

  1. Aquilegia (catchment)blooms in June-July. Flowering time can be extended by picking off wilted flowers without allowing them to set seed pods.
  2. . Almost all species grow well in partial shade; climbing aconite thrives in the shade. Flowering times vary - from 20 to 60 days depending on the type. Extremely poisonous!
  3. Brunner- blooms in the spring, at good care Possible re-blooming in autumn.
  4. Cyanosis.
  5. Fragrant violet.
  6. Swimsuit.
  7. Common primrose.
  8. Chistous.
  9. Forget-me-nots.
  10. Digitalis.
  11. Anemone.
  12. Black cohosh.
  13. May lily of the valley.
  14. Fragrant violet.
  15. Tiara cordifolia.
  16. Bought.
  17. Elecampane is magnificent.
  18. Spring umbilicalus.
  19. Lungwort.
  20. Woodruff fragrant.
  21. Turkish cloves.
  22. Cuff.
  23. Mountain cornflower.
  24. Dicentra.
  25. Doronicum eastern.
  26. Gentian.
  27. Garden geranium.
  28. Avens.
  29. Hellebore.
  30. Siberian irises.

Ferns (shield and ostrich) look great in the shade, although they do not bloom.

Variegated lily of the valley and astilbe.

Shadow under the trees

Some tree species create a light openwork shade, but at the same time they dry out the soil greatly and this factor must be taken into account, because most shade-tolerant crops prefer moisture. Grow well in shade and dryness:

  1. broadleaf purchase,
  2. periwinkle,
  3. horny weed,
  4. wood anemone.
  5. spring primrose,
  6. bergenia,
  7. comfrey,
  8. garden geranium red-brown or Balkan.
  9. cereals.

Under a pine tree, where the soil is sandy or sandy loam:

  • lilies of the valley,
  • periwinkles,
  • survivors
  • violets.

Trees and shrubs for shady areas

Songs may require shade-tolerant trees and shrubs:

  • Korean fir,
  • black elderberry,

Creepers for shade

Most popular for shady areas:

  • round-leaved tree plier is universal, grows both in good light and in shade and partial shade. However, it does not bear fruit in dense shade;
  • actinidia kolomikta - beautiful decorative leaves of variegated, variable colors;
  • ivy - grows well even in heavy shade.

It is worth noting that most vines, being plants that depend on support, which in nature is usually a tall tree that creates shade, are accustomed to a lack of lighting.

This applies even to such a spectacular culture as. Many large-flowered hybrids like coolness, no higher than 25 degrees, and light or shade is secondary for them and shade may even be preferable - if it gives coolness.

Wintergreen (with red berries), skimmia, hellebores and ivy.

Decorative foliage

Spectacular large plants for shade with expressive foliage:

  1. – blooms for a month from mid-July to mid-August. It has exotic leaves, decorative all season and especially beautiful in the fall.
  2. – blooms for about a month, in August. Powerful, succulent, sculptural plant.
  3. – flowering depends on the variety, some varieties are incredibly persistent flowering – up to 2 months. Textured appearance, fleshy round leaves. Ideal conditions for the culture are partial shade.
  4. – blooms for about a month in mid-summer with spectacular panicles. Openwork foliage. The plant is graceful, refined, elegant, lush.
  5. – Recommendations for planting vary greatly. In any case, varieties with dark leaf colors do well in strong shade, while lighter ones need light partial shade. The appearance of the plant is exotic, bright, vibrating.
  6. - classic shaded areas. Decorative throughout the growing season. It goes well with any other plants, has a lot of shapes and colors that are good both in single plantings and in compositions.
  7. Chistets Byzantine- loves good light, but also grows well in partial shade. Attracts attention with its pubescent, woolly leaves of a bluish-gray hue.

Ground cover:

  1. Pachysandra- a frost-resistant subshrub up to 25-35 cm high. The flowering is inexpressive, but is valued for its dense decorative foliage that does not change its appearance throughout the year.
  2. Wintergreen- an evergreen groundcover shrub 10-15 cm high, blooms with elegant white flowers in June-August, then the plant is decorated with spectacular bright edible fruits that last until late spring. Feels great under trees.
  3. White-edged warbler- beautiful white-green foliage, the plant is very unpretentious.
  4. Mother of thousands— the leaves are similar to ivy leaves, beautiful “lipped” flowers appear on the plant from June until frost.
  5. European hoofweed- has juicy, fleshy, large and thick leaves in the shape of a hoof, creating a dense covering.
  6. Yasnotka- very beautiful silvery leaves, bright spongy flowers. Loves good lighting, but sparse, optimal places- those where the western or eastern sun hits.

Hosta, geranium, jasmine.

Container garden in the shade

Shade-tolerant plants that do not overwinter in open ground in the middle zone, but you can plant them in pots and create a container flower bed. If desired, you can bury them so that the pot is not visible. If you have the opportunity to bother with digging for the winter, you can plant them in open ground for the summer, although for middle zone this is rare. All the plants listed below are decorative all summer and do not tolerate direct sunlight. Best place for them - partial shade, or eastern windows:

  1. Skimmia– subshrub, leathery glossy foliage, bright inflorescences all year round.
  2. Coleus– does not like direct scorching rays of the sun. Highly decorative all summer.
  3. Begonias- both tuberous and ever-flowering ones need bright diffused light, but not scorching sun.
  4. Caladiums– in the West they are actively grown in open ground, in the conditions of the middle zone only in pots. The leaves are incredibly beautiful.
  5. Fuchsia– needs no introduction. Charming in standard form. Blooms from spring to late autumn, feels good in partial shade.
  6. Torenia- blooms all summer. Requires good lighting, but does not like direct midday sun.

Composition example

To create a flowerbed in the shade that blooms all summer, you can intelligently “mix” plants with different, albeit short, flowering periods.

For example, a composition for very humid partial shade:

  1. Marigold - low bushes, 30-40 cm, blooms in early spring, from late April to May, for 2-3 weeks. There are terry varieties.
  2. Lungwort.
  3. Forget-me-not.
  4. Astilbe.
  5. Hosts.
  6. Garden geranium. Best views for shade: Himalayan, marsh, meadow.

In the photo, Terry marigold - Caltha palustris ‘Flore Pleno’

Top 10 shade-tolerant flowers on video

Review of ornamental plants for shade from the HitSadTV channel. The presentation of the material is original - in the form of a rating with winners and losers. Of course, the locations are determined by the opinion of the channel’s editors. It is all the more interesting to create your own rating of the most beautiful shade-tolerant crops.

Unpretentious shade-loving perennials

The video below shows a selection of the most energy-efficient shade-loving flowers: these are perennials, which means you don’t need to plant them every year, they are generally unpretentious, which means they won’t require “dancing with tambourines.”

Among the greens, the first thing we need to highlight is, of course, hostas (or the second name is funkii), ferns, ivies and some cereals. Spectacular hosta bushes have a wide variety of shapes (they are oblong, ovoid, round) and leaf colors: green, bluish, blue, variegated, yellow, striped. And, in addition, in the second half of summer, bell-shaped flowers of white, lilac or purple appear. Shade-loving hostas thrive under trees where there is enough moisture. But in the sun their leaves burn.

Not every house or cottage has an ideal location relative to the cardinal directions. And very often it turns out that part of the garden, or even the whole, is located on the north side and in complete shade almost all day long. Others already have large trees and grape trellises in their garden, which give excellent harvest, but they block the sun for the plants of the lower tier, and practically nothing grows under them. But you want beauty - to admire the flowers, and to cover the bare ground with lush greenery.

In this case, shade-loving plants for the garden will help out, as they live and thrive even in the almost complete absence of sunlight. And if the shadow is openwork and not constant, then the names in the list of such flowers and herbs will expand significantly.

Flowering and green perennial plants
If we briefly list the perennial plants that are most tolerant to the lack of sunlight, they are:


Very a lucky plant for shady corners there will be astilbe, which from June to August blooms with paniculate inflorescences of various colors: white, cream, all shades of pink and purple-red. Caring for astilbe requires a sufficient amount of moisture, so during dry periods, abundant watering is needed. In winter, the stems must be cut off and the roots covered with a layer of dry leaves. The fact is that the growth buds of astilbe are located close to the surface of the earth, and so that these shade-tolerant perennials and the next year they delighted the garden owners; they must be protected from frost. In the spring you need to feed the bushes with complex fertilizers.

Oak anemone.

Anemone (Anemone) - varieties - columnar, felt, buttercup, oak. Graceful perennial plants with spectacular flowering. Most spring-flowering anemones are ephemeroids; their growing season ends by summer. A separate group consists of autumn-flowering species and hybrids. They are used primarily as flower beds and rock gardens.

Alpine catchment

Lack of sunlight is well tolerated by all varieties and hybrids of watersheds.

Their extraordinary, moth-like flowers bloom in May-June and delight the eye with all sorts of colors, as well as the complexity of the buds. Aquilegia propagates by sowing seeds directly into the ground, and later by self-sowing.

Dicentra is magnificent

Among the well-known garden plants, shady corners of the garden and flower beds on the north side can be decorated with such an ornamental plant as dicentra, which is often also called “broken heart”. It blooms in May-June with very original heart-shaped flowers on long arched peduncles - up to 80 cm. The main type has pink-white flowers, and varietal plants can be pure snow-white. There are also shorter, shade-loving species of Dicentra - exceptional and beautiful. They are unpretentious, but love fertile soil and sufficient moisture. It must be propagated either by dividing the bush in spring and autumn, or by root cuttings appearing in the spring. After flowering, the above-ground part of the dicentra dies off.

Dicentra is beautiful

Primrose Julia

Japanese primrose



Large sedum

Corydalis nobilis

Caucasian ash tree

Perennial flowers for shady areas of the garden...

Bergenia thickleaf

Bergenia cordifolia - prefers light, nutritious, well-drained soil. With frequent transplants he gets sick. Faded flower stalks are cut off. Dead leaves are removed in the spring. Frost-resistant, but better covered with leaves.


Lesser periwinkle - its flowers resemble those of phlox and bloom continuously from May to September. In the shade, flowering is not very abundant, but the plant grows well and is decorative throughout the season.

Volzhanka vulgare

Volzhanka is a perennial up to 2 meters high, thanks to carved leaves decorative throughout the season. Volzhanka blooms with white or cream fragrant panicle inflorescences in June-July

Saxifraga shadow

Saxifraga (SAXIFRAGA). Saxifraga family.

These are plants of shaded areas. A large genus (about 370 species) of perennials growing on rocks and screes in the mountains of the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. These are low (5-20 cm) perennials with a dense basal rosette of leaves and an erect peduncle bearing a loose cluster of star-shaped flowers. Leaves, mainly wintering ones, determine the decorative effect of this plant.

Saxifraga cuneifolia

May lily of the valley

May lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis) - grows well in nutritious, loose, moist, slightly acidic soils. Responsive to organic fertilizers. In spring it does not take root well. Systematic mulching with humus. The plant is aggressive, so excess shoots are cut off. Young plants bloom for 2-3 years.

Lunar coming to life




Noble liverwort

Noble liverwort (Hepatica nobilis) - grows in moist, loose, fertile soils. Before planting, add leaf humus or compost to the soil.


The name of this shade-loving plant is known to everyone. Snowdrop is a small-bulbed, low-growing bush 10-20 cm high, blooming with snow-white flowers in early spring. The flower is bell-shaped, of two rows of leaves - 3 outer white ones surround 3 inner ones, with a cutout along the edge and a green spot, lanceolate leaves.

Snowdrop (GALANTHUS). Amaryllis family.

Soldanella mountaina

Astilboides lamellar

Darmera thyroid

Rogersia concochestanfolia

Rogersia is the queen of the shady garden, a perennial plant about 1.5 meters tall. Thanks to the beautiful large leaves decorative throughout the season. Large panicle inflorescences bloom at the end of June and can be white, cream or pink, blooming for just over a month. Thanks to its creeping rhizomes, Rogersia grows quite quickly.

Fragrant violet

Fragrant violet (Viola odorata) - prefers moist, loamy soils; on dry soils the flowers become smaller and flowering stops. Does not tolerate fresh, organic fertilizers. The bush is divided once every 3-4 years.

Epimedium or Horny Weed

Growing conditions. Shaded areas with loose, well-drained, lime-rich soil. Drought resistant.

Reproduction. Sections of rhizomes with a renewal bud in early spring (before the leaves begin to grow), but more reliably in late summer. The divisions are planted shallowly (2-5 cm), every 20-40 cm, in anticipation of further growth. These plants have smooth, hairless leaves of a lush green or dark green color. Their habitats are located in light partial shade (no sunlight from 12 to 16 hours), or in complete shade.

Voronets spica or Voronets spica black

Podophyll thyroid

Podophyllum (PODOPHYLLUM). Barberry family.

A rather tall (up to 70 cm) shade-loving plant from deciduous forests. Attracts attention with beautiful dark green separate rounded leaves (up to 30 cm wide, 15 cm long) on ​​long petioles, large (up to 5-6 cm in diameter) snow-white flower. The plum-shaped orange-red fruits are original.

Pachysandra apex

Pachysandra terminalis - prefers moist loams. Decorative from early spring to late autumn. During the summer, the appearance of the cover does not change. It grows quickly. Does not require special pruning.

Ordinary lady's slipper or real lady's slipper

These plants have smooth, hairless leaves that are lush green or dark green in color. Their habitats are located in light partial shade (no sunlight from 12 to 16 hours), or in complete shade.
