How to spell the name Yana in Russian. Yana - name meaning, origin, characteristics, horoscope


The name Yana is of Hebrew origin. It is believed that it could come from the Hebrew name John, which in turn is interpreted as “the mercy of God.” Although there is another equally popular version, based on which, the name Yana could come from the name of the ancient Roman God Janus.

The female name Yana is quite rare today, but nevertheless, it is popular in most CIS countries, like many other old Russian names. It is light, simple, beautiful, and even compatible with most Russian male names, which is also not bad...

Conversational options: Yanka, Yanochka, Yanya

Modern English analogues: Yanina, Yanika, Yanella, Yanessa

Meaning and interpretation of the name

A girl who is protected by the meaning of the name Yana will absolutely have a complex character that combines incompatible properties. This includes calmness with excessive emotionality, prudence with unpredictability, and integrity with the so-called “criticism.”

Yana will try to be the center of everyone's attention, stand out from the crowd and not be part of the “herd”. This is a leader and authority, an important, respected person, but hiding his true feelings. In moments of resentment and bitterness, such people turn into tender and vulnerable ladies, overly feminine and sensitive, which, it would seem, is not characteristic of the strong, but that’s the way it is. Although on the other hand, Yana is still always a fast-paced and independent woman, no matter how sensual and feminine she wants to seem.

Advantages and positive traits: The most important advantage of all bearers of the name Yana is that these girls easily see the falseness in people. And these girls always have their own opinion on everything, and at the same time such opinions often turn out to be the only correct ones.

Yana has a bad attitude towards people who are trying to impose their opinion, and even the wrong one, on other people. And the bearer of this name will never tolerate a person next to her who is trying to manipulate her.

Personality of the name Yana

The nature of the name Yana is such that it can endow the bearer of the discussed name form with a bunch of advantages, for example, among them are such traits as determination, planning, responsibility, commitment, eloquence, talkativeness, sensitivity and friendliness. But along with them there may also be disadvantages, in particular, those that appear at the stage of maturity - a character is bestowed with such traits as receptivity, an aggressive reaction to criticism, disobedience, the inability to join the team, and the inability to rest. In general, the character of a girl named Yana is very complex. Predict how she will behave certain situation, is very difficult, and in general, her character is such that it is quite difficult to get along with her if you are not a person she is interested in as a candidate for the role of a loved one...

On the other hand, despite all the above-mentioned disadvantages and advantages with which the character of the bearer of the name Yana is endowed, in reality everything can be different - the character largely depends on additional parameters, including even the time of year of birth, which also affects the nature of a person as a whole.

Early childhood

The early childhood of the girl, for whom her parents decided to choose the name Yana at birth, is full of emotions and celebrations, and all thanks to her character, awarded with such a parameter as meaning and ideal characteristics, including flexibility, obedience, determination, optimism, and cheerful character, and kindness, and justice, and activity, and energy. As a child, Yana is a very cheerful and kind child, extremely positive-minded, and this is what makes her almost an ideal companion for all occasions, and at the same time popular with a child of the same age.

This girl has many advantages, but the main thing is her sociability and positive attitude - she is rarely capricious, almost never sad or depressed, it is almost impossible to touch her, as they say, to the quick, she will find everything positive aspects and a place for positivity. The only drawback that comes with the meaning of Yana’s name is her inability to understand people - she is indiscriminate and will remain so until adulthood. On the other hand, she should mostly be surrounded by kind and reliable people, children with whom she will most likely be friends until the very end.

As for talents and abilities, everything is very, very simple - Yana is talented and capable, and can achieve success where many cannot achieve anything...


Yana, who has reached adolescence, this is already a girl with an excellent character and a changed internal world order. Responsibility, diligence, humor, sociability, eloquence, determination, commitment - all these are the main advantages. But the essence of a girl named Yana is not limited to them. Receptivity and sensitivity are good qualities, but sometimes they bring many problems. She takes everything too close to her heart, anyone without exception can cause resentment and disappointment in such a girl, well, she is too sensitive.

Criticism may even be perceived by her as a real insult - to comrades, girlfriends, relatives, it is better not to criticize such, and especially not to lecture. The nature of the girl, over whom the meaning of the name Yana protects, is such that it does not allow her to endure criticism and teaching, and does not allow her to resort to anyone’s help; she is independent and likes to deal with all problems on her own, without outside help. Well, as for studying, everything is very, very simple - she is a capable student, she can cope with the study of any subject, but she does this only when the subject interests her. Yes, in general, it’s the same in everything - the matter should interest her, arouse interest, and then she will do it to the highest standard.

Adult woman

Yana, who has matured, is already an adult, responsible, dutiful, obligatory and very effective lady. She never gives up, never gives up, and can overcome any obstacles that arise on her way to her goal - these are the main advantages of an adult woman named after Yan. But there are others, for example, impressionability, inability to rest and be idle, hard work, nobility, sociability, courtesy, attentiveness and caring. It combines everyone at once important characteristics, both feminine, which every lady needs, and masculine, such as leadership and organizational skills.

As for inaction, Yana cannot sit still, and this is due to such a factor as meaning, she is always in action and even during rest she cannot sit still, for her real rest is a journey, new impressions, new emotions, achievement new heights. Speaking of heights, Yana, who is patronized by the meaning of this nominal variation, is essentially a careerist who wants to gain leadership and achieve heights that are difficult for men to achieve. Her goal is to prove to everyone that she is no worse than others. Is it true. At the same time, she remains in my soul a real woman– kind, receptive, impressionable, sensitive and touchy, fragile and in need of care.

The interaction of Jan's character with the seasons

Winter - here the bearer of the name Yana will be a stubborn, strong-willed, purposeful and quick-tempered girl at the same time. This is a person who tries to be in everyone's sight, stands out from the crowd, and has a high character. In their personal life, such people need a man with feminine traits, calm, caring, reasonable and gentle, demanding attention.

Spring – the meaning of Spring brings to the owners of this name refined taste, ambition, selfishness, arrogance, and bright ambitions. It is difficult to communicate with such people, and that is why they have few friends, but in their professional activities it will be easier - success will come on its own. To create a strong family, you need a caring and gentle man who wants to melt her spiritual ice.

Autumn - in the three months of this season, practical, reasonable, emotional, but able to control themselves ladies are born by nature, who do not know how to live unpredictably. Sincerity, openness, honesty, good nature - good features, but there is one bad trait like secrecy. It’s rare that someone like this will be ready to open up.

Summer is where girls are born who are vulnerable and touchy, but emotional and hot-tempered. Such people rarely have truly devoted friends - not everyone can withstand communication with such a person, their character is not easy. Excess pride and self-esteem also takes its toll. Such a lady needs someone who can pacify her.

The fate of the name Yana

The fate of the name - this parameter is one of the most mysterious, and this is no longer a secret for any person who has ever been involved in the interpretation and decoding of names. As for the question of what the fate of the name Yana is, the situation here is the same - it is very difficult to predict what it will have in store for the bearer of the name...

However, researchers have found several interesting moments. One of them indicates that Yana should enjoy incredible popularity among men, and she can attract them not only with her appearance or innate charm, but also with success, determination, and perseverance, which are not inherent in everyone modern woman- such is her fate. And fate may also suggest the presence of a large number of chosen ones, romances with whom may turn out to be extremely fragile and short-lived.

Another point indicates that fate may ultimately leave a girl named Yana alone, and the reason lies in only one thing - for such a person, the most important thing can be self-realization, moreover, not as a woman, as a specialist. Yana is a careerist, and only a man who is ready to make sacrifices for her can change this.

Love and marriage

Yana is used to loving sincerely and strongly, and she takes parting with her loved one or disappointment in him extremely painfully. Love must certainly be mutual, only then does it inspire and give strength for new achievements. She clearly defines for herself the ideal of her husband - a patient, caring, strong, tactful man. It is important for her to have a loving, devoted person next to her who can provide her with peace, happiness and stability. It is interesting that Yana enters into marriage quite early, but it has every chance of being strong, happy and long-term. Her husband becomes either a young promising guy or a wealthy mature man. At the same time, Yana will equally love, appreciate and care for her spouse. She expects that he will be able to appreciate her merits and talents.

Yana carefully protects family values, considering herself the main keeper of the family hearth. She understands that you can feel like a real woman only when you wholeheartedly give affection and warmth to your family members, husband and children. She is a wonderful housewife, skillfully coping with household chores and a faithful, reliable wife who always puts the interests of the family above her own.

Yana does not want to hide her beauty behind an apron, she likes to look beautiful and impressive, to continue to please other people, but this makes her husband jealous. He often tries to rein in his wife, but he is not very successful. In family relationships, it is Yana who takes the place of leader, so her husband is not very good at commanding her. However, when making any important decisions, she always consults with her husband. Of course, her husband must be an extremely patient man, since Yana is a very capricious, jealous, grumpy and impulsive wife who does not know how to wisely resolve conflicts.

Yana as Mother

It cannot be guaranteed that a person with one name will be an ideal mother, and with another, on the contrary, a bad one. The individuality and uniqueness of each person’s thinking is amazing. Everyone has their own views and criteria regarding the issue of paternity and maternity. In addition, not only a person’s name influences his character, but also, above all, the upbringing he received. Character qualities such as sincerity, honesty, devotion, tenderness and the ability to care give us the right to assume that Yana will most likely become a good mother.

Yana is a very self-sufficient woman who is not used to anyone’s help. Incredibly, she easily copes with both her maternal concerns and housework. She loves children very much and never tires of pampering them, especially when there is only one baby in the family. She is a caring and gentle mother, but sometimes the whims of her children drive her crazy, then she can be both strict and grumpy.

Yana tries from childhood to teach children independence, perseverance, mutual respect, self-confidence, determination and responsiveness. She always gives them proper upbringing and good education. Her connection with her daughter is a little stronger. In her she cultivates the qualities necessary for a good housewife. By the way, Yana often learns feminine wisdom with her in order to tame her stormy character at least a little.

Compatibility with male names

The issue of compatibility of the name Yana with male names is complex, but has been at least half solved. Now it is known that best combination in terms of feelings and passion, it can be formed in an alliance with Rostislav, Stanislav, Taras, Vilen, Gordey, Artem, Valery, Vissarion, Gabriel and Ostap.

With the likes of August, Leo, Eldar, Prokhor, Alexey Emelyan and Ippolit, there is a great chance to build a strong and happy marriage.

Well, you shouldn’t count on relationships with Ustin, Khariton, Ernest, Peter, Remus, Laurus and Modest.

Names: origin and forms

Yana, Yanina- (from Hebrew) the mercy of God.

Derivatives: Yanka, Yanika, Janusha, Yanya, Janusya.

The mystery of the name

Yana, Yanina- the mercy of God (Hebrew).
Western Slavic version of the name John. In Russia the name is quite rare, although recently girls have been called it.
Zodiac name: Scorpion.
Planet: Pluto.
Name color: raspberry.
Talisman stone: ruby.
Auspicious plant: chestnut, peony.
Patron name: phalanx.
Happy day: Tuesday.
Happy time of year: autumn.
Diminutive forms: Yanka, Yanichka, Yasya.
Main features: self-confidence, activity.


Name days are celebrated on the week of the Holy Myrrh-Bearing Women.


Yanechka is a sweet, obedient girl, but she is touchy; hurting her pride is not worth much effort. However, she calms down just as quickly. Yana loves to play with dolls and sews the most incredible outfits for them. She is an average student at school, she has no favorite subjects, but she is helped by her excellent memory and keen interest in some boy. Yana wants to look better in his eyes. The teachers do not have authority with this girl.

Adult Yanina, if she believes and loves, can move mountains; if she is disappointed, she becomes apathetic and indifferent. Yana is very self-confident, even selfish, and believes in her own destiny. She is careful, knows how to manage her time, gain trust in order to achieve her goal. Her intuition is low, but her powers of observation always help her sense the situation.

Yanina often works in the service sector; she is an excellent dressmaker, fashion designer, photographer, prop maker, and make-up artist. Yanina loves her work very much, approaches it creatively, and is always full of different plans and proposals. She is ambitious, often believes that she is not understood and not appreciated.

If Yanina is lucky and on her way she meets a person whom she loves with all her heart, she will become gentle, tolerant of others, and her life will immediately become calmer. Yanina wants to have good family. Most often this is what happens. She has enough energy and time for family and work. But if Yanina realizes that she was mistaken and that next to her is not the one she dreamed of, she immediately breaks up, not thinking how difficult it will be to start all over again.

Yanina is well versed in the psychology of men. Her characteristic theatricality, mannerisms, and emotionality allow her to almost always achieve her goal, both in relationships with men and in everything else. She spares no expense on clothes and cosmetics, she is attractive.

I often don’t get along with my mother-in-law, and she doesn’t feel great fun from the fact that the son is under the thumb of his daughter-in-law and endures her whims. Yana usually has one child, loves him very much and spoils him. Jealous. The husband, despite the difficulties of Yanina’s character, family life satisfied. Yanina is happiest with Vasily, Egor, Eduard, Fedor, Stepan, Dmitry.


Yanina Boleslavovna Zheimo (1909-1987) - famous film actress.

She came from a large church family. Her grandfather was an acrobat and musical eccentric who played absolutely everything. musical instruments, my father was a ball gymnast. WITH three years old She performed in the circus - as a rider, gymnast, ballerina and musical eccentric, then performed on the stage.

At the age of 16, Yanina Zheimo came to St. Petersburg and began studying to become a film actress at the Factory of Eccentric Actors (FEKS), which was led by L. Brauber and G. Kozinev. She starred in the silent films "The Overcoat", "S.V.D.", "New Babylon". Later there were “Song of Happiness”, “Wake up Lenochka”, “Girlfriends”, “Doctor Kalyuzhny”, “The Adventures of Korzinkina”. She was a very popular actress.

Yanina Zheimo met her first husband, the once famous actor Andrei Kostrichkin, while still at FEKS; they had a daughter, also Yanina (she worked all her life as a lithographer at Mosfilm).

Zheimo's second husband was the famous director Kheifits. From this marriage Julius Zheimo was born (he lives in Poland, a famous cameraman).

The third marriage was sent to Yanina Boleslavovna as salvation when she did not want to live and did not have the strength...

She remained in besieged Leningrad when Kheifits and his children were evacuated to Tashkent. Ioannina remained in the city. Finally, exhausted and emaciated, she left Leningrad. While the train was dragging to Central Asia, the terrible news reached Kheifitz that Yanechka had died on the road during the bombing... When Yanina Zheimo finally arrived in Tashkent, it was already too late, they were not expecting her...

Yanina was a proud person and did not return to Kheifitz. She became seriously ill and survived only by a miracle. This miracle was the Polish director Leonid Zhano. He met Yanina in Tashkent and nursed her, who was dying of illness and resentment, so that he would not be separated from her for the rest of his life.

Yanina Zheimo's most famous film is “Cinderella” based on the script by I. Schwartz. It was a very difficult, hungry time. To film the ball in the palace, the participants brought everything they needed from home, everything more or less ancient that they managed to preserve during the siege. The air was collected piece by piece white dress Cinderellas. The glass slippers were created by Lenfilm masters. They required jewelry work. Shoe size - thirty-one. This is exactly the size of the actress’s legs. She was 37 years old and easily beat out another contender for the role, a 16-year-old ballerina. Youth alone was not enough to play fairy-tale happiness.

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.

Forms of the name Yana

Short form of the name Yana. Yanka, Yanochka, Yanya. Synonyms for the name Yana. , Janika, Janella, Janessa. Short and diminutive options: Yanochka, Yanka, Yanulya, Yanyusha, Janusya, Yanusha, Yanushka.

The name Yana in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 賈納 (Jiǎ nà). Japanese: ヤナ (Yana). Kannada: ಜನ (Jana). Hindi: जना (Janā). Ukrainian: Yana. Marathi: जन (Jana). English: Jana (Jana).

Analogues of the name in other languages: English Yana (Iana, Jana), Polish Jana

Latin transliteration in the Russian passport is Yana.

Origin of the name Yana

The name Jana is the feminine form, which is derived from the Hebrew name John, meaning "mercy of God". IN modern version used as a name Ivan. However, there is another version of the origin of this name. It is believed that it came to us on behalf of the god of beginnings and passages Janus, revered in Ancient Rome. This deity was depicted with two faces and personified the beginning and end, entrance and exit. Latin word"janua" translates to "door" and "beginning".

The name Yana is Slavic name, a related name to the name Ioannina. In other countries there are analogues of this name - Yanika, Yanella, Yanessa. This name is very common in Scandinavian countries - Sweden, Norway, Denmark. Also related names are Zhanna, Joanna, which in European countries can sound like Joanna, Jane, Joan, Johanna, Johanna and others.

In addition, the name Yana is a male name among the Turkic peoples. It represents the figurative component “soul”, “new life”.

Yana's character

Yana has a well-developed mind and excellent intuition, which help her to be a lively interlocutor and understand the inner feelings and thoughts of another person. She is not so easily angered, since Yana always tries to show balance and perseverance. This helps her take it correctly. complex solutions and get out of even seemingly extreme situations.

A woman with this name can sometimes be quite capricious and stubborn, but at the same time she can be very objective in various matters. Yan surprisingly combines indecisiveness and self-confidence and self-confidence. If necessary, she can become a soft fluffy kitten and attract others with her charm and goodwill. Yana gets used to the new environment quite easily. There are always many different plans and ideas in her bright head. Thanks to her assertiveness, no door will remain closed to her. Achieving some goals in Yana’s life is directly related to her belief in her strengths and capabilities. However, if she loses this faith, she will inevitably fail in all her endeavors.

The mystery of the name Yana

Such a girl has been stubborn since childhood and can throw a tantrum at any moment. She does not hear arguments or explanations, she always stands her ground. Somewhat arrogant, Yana loves to brag and wants to be appreciated.

She is her father's favorite and wants to be appreciated. The behavior of such a woman is the behavior of a capricious girl who is trying to prove to everyone that she is the best. Such a woman loves the company of men and can easily figure them out. She is theatrical, mannered and emotional.

Yana spares no expense on her outfits and cosmetics. She attracts many, and if necessary, she can become soft and friendly. It is not easy for such a woman to find a common language with other people. Her husband loves and honors her, tries to tolerate all her whims.

Astrological characteristics of the name

Color name: red
Radiation: 96%
Planets: Saturn
Stone-mascot: opal
Plant: lily
Totemic animal: elephant
Basic features character: will, excitability, activity

Additional characteristics of the name

Vibration: 120,000 vibrations/s.
Self-realization(character): 87%
Psyche: likes to always destroy all norms of behavior
Health: susceptible to physical inactivity, vegetative-vascular dystonia, mood swings, exaltation and depression

Numerology of the name Yana

Name number 3 corresponds to creative people. They are talented in art, sports, cheerful and reckless. However, they need constant adjustment. Without it, the “triples”, as individuals who are addicted, get very carried away. If there is a patient mentor and advisor, this can be one of the relatives or simply close person, “troika” can move mountains and achieve incredible success in life. But in the absence of such, the fate of the “troikas” is often unenviable. Despite all their external invulnerability, in their souls “troikas” are quite vulnerable and sensitive to criticism. Difficult in personal life.


Planet: Saturn.
Element: Earth-water, cold-dry.
Zodiac: , .
Color: Black, olive drab, lead, dark.
Day: Saturday.
Metal: Lead.
Mineral: Onyx, chalcedony, magnetite, obsidian.
Plants: Cumin, rue, hellebore, cypress, mandrake, pine, ivy, wrestler, belladonna, blackthorn, comfrey.
Animals: Hoopoe, mole, camel, donkey, turtle, ants.

The name Yana as a phrase

I (YA = A) Az
N Our (Ours, Yours)
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Yana

I am self-esteem, the desire to achieve the respect and love of others and the ability to receive them.
N - a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.”
A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

Sexuality of the name Yana

Yana is extremely erotic and uncontrollably strives for sensual pleasure. However, it seems to her that her lust is a weakness that a man sees, and she does not want to admit to him any weaknesses. She spends a lot of effort to look strong and independent.

She likes to manipulate men, sometimes she tries to play the role of a mother in relation to them - Yana is generally characterized by theatricality, a certain mannerism. But she is easily excitable, passion can literally overwhelm her, and, trying to hide it, she begins to portray a little innocent girl who is possessed by an intemperate man. She experiences special erotic pleasure from such pretense.

After intimacy, she will try not to meet with her partner again, and if this is impossible, she becomes capricious and irritable with him. But if she comes across a tactful and patient man who is able to take care of the complete satisfaction of her desires, both receive great pleasure from intimacy.

“Winter” Yana loves male company, adores the atmosphere of enthusiasm and worship; if she sets her eyes on a man, she will achieve her goal. She is difficult to please, she requires long courtship, compliments, declarations of love before agreeing to intimacy. Inventive in sex.

Yana is jealous, suspicious, having received evidence of her husband’s infidelity, she will not get a divorce, but she will show him her character. My husband loves to hold it in his hands.

The meaning of the name Yana for life

Yana is ambitious, self-confident, mannered and very emotional. Bright personality, attractive woman. She is well versed in the psychology of men, loves their company, and skillfully uses them for her own purposes. She is capricious with fans, demands increased attention, and makes exorbitant demands. Yana is quite erotic, uncontrollably striving for sensual pleasure. However, she is worried that men consider her attraction to be a weakness and can take advantage of it, so she hides her passion under a veil of feigned coldness and inaccessibility. Few men manage to know the power of her love. She puts a lot of effort into appearing independent and self-reliant. In fact, he urgently needs a strong and devoted friend, stability and peace. She marries a man who can appreciate her, whom she considers devoted and faithful. She herself knows how to love, her husband is usually happy with life, despite the difficult character of his wife. Yana is very jealous, unrestrained, grouchy, but prudent, she can give in if she believes that her husband is right, you can come to an agreement with her. She is a caring wife, unobtrusive, respects her husband’s independence, allows him to make decisions in extreme situations, and take the initiative. He listens to his advice and will never enter into conflict. Quarrels in the family do not last long. Yana values ​​her home, is very attached to it, and adores children. Most often she has one child.

Meaning of the name Yana for sex

Yana takes her for sex special place in life. She. easily excited, but rarely loses his mind. Has some experience and knows how to benefit from sexual relations. When choosing a partner, pays attention to whether he likes long-term sexual play; if not, she quickly breaks the connection. Yana has a well-developed sexual fantasy, she is inventive and free, and demands the same from her partner.

Compatibility of the name Yana and patronymic

Yana Alekseevna, Andreevna, Artemovna, Valentinovna, Vasilievna, Viktorovna, Vitalievna, Vladimirovna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Ilyinichna, Mikhailovna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Fedorovna, Yuryevna - a lively, energetic woman. Very sociable, always among friends, gets along easily with men. He quickly gets along with people and breaks up with them painlessly. But breaking up with loved ones is difficult to bear. A strong-willed, powerful woman, it is not easy to be friends with her, but there is no doubt about her devotion. Yana is independent, practical, but not stingy. He likes to spend money on his needs - he loves expensive cosmetics and beautiful things. Pays the greatest attention to hairstyle and shoes. Her shoes are always first class. Yana is also partial to jewelry. At the same time this business woman, often with a prestigious profession and position, financially secure. It takes a long time to choose a husband. She is difficult to please, she demands courtship, compliments, declarations of love before agreeing to marriage. She is inventive in sex, her husband is always satisfied with his wife. She is a good housewife, very neat, does everything quickly, and easily switches from one job to another. She won’t be able to get along with her mother-in-law; it’s better for her to live separately from her. Yana gives birth to children of different sexes. She can get married more than once.

Yana Aleksandrovna, Arkadyevna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Grigorievna, Kirillovna, Maksimovna, Matveevna, Nikitichna, Pavlovna, Romanovna, Tarasovna, Timofeevna, Eduardovna, Yakovlevna vain, impulsive, proud. She is charming, well-built, and dresses beautifully. But this is an unbridled nature, full of passions, often contradictory. Yana gets carried away easily, but quickly cools down. Loves to travel, makes and breaks acquaintances easily. In case of urgent need, he can easily renew friendship. She has few close friends, and she chooses them very carefully. Yana's sociability attracts people to her, but only Yana herself decides who can become close to her, whose attitude she will value. Her thoughts are not very deep, but she is cunning and resourceful, and can deceive anyone. He skillfully uses his charm. She is highly sexual in order to test a man’s feelings, look at his reaction, and is able to play the role of a passionate lover. If he does not live up to her hopes, she instantly breaks off the connection with him. But, having truly fallen in love, he can neglect all his principles and rush into the arms of his beloved. Most often, the marriage turns out to be happy for Yana and her husband.

Taras Viktorovich, Germanovich, Matveevich, Petrovich: Eduard Alexandrovich, Alekseevich, Vladimirovich. Yana Bogdanovna, Vilenovna, Vladislavovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Georgievna, Danilovna, Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Makarovna, Robertovna, Svyatoslavovna, Yanovna, Yaroslavovna is cunning, inventive and resourceful, especially if she needs to achieve something. More than her other namesakes, she is balanced and strict in her judgment. He reacts very emotionally to what is happening around him, but knows how to control himself. She is well developed logical thinking, she does not take any action until she has calculated everything possible consequences. She loves to travel and is very inquisitive. A spender, money doesn’t stay in her hands. She is amorous, becomes strongly attached to her beloved man, imposes her thoughts and ideas on him. She enjoys success with men, she likes to manipulate them. She easily fits into the role she invents for herself. She is in no hurry to get married; Yana saves her real feelings for the one thing she has dreamed of since her youth. Sexy, easily excited, sometimes passionate, temperamental, but never loses her mind. In marriage, Yana takes the reins of government into her own hands, skillfully runs the household, helps her husband build a career, and frees him from all the troubles around the house. But Yana herself manages to take a prestigious place in life. She is a professional in her field and knows how to make money. She gives birth to children of different sexes.

Yana Antonovna, Arturovna, Valerievna, Germanovna, Denisovna, Igorevna, Leonidovna, Lvovna, Mironovna, Olegovna, Ruslanovna, Semyonovna, Filippovna, Emmanuilovna strong, decisive, persistent. Analyzes his every action. Energetic, agile, diplomatic. However, she is merciless with offenders and ill-wishers. Powerful, smart, practical. She will marry a man who is flexible, calm and balanced, but lacks character. He just has to subtly capture his wife’s mood and not irritate her. Yana is a very grateful woman, she will not remain in debt and will do everything so that her beloved does not regret that he connected his life with her. She gives birth to children of different sexes.

Yana Alanovna, Albertovna, Anatolyevna, Veniaminovna, Vladlenovna, Dmitrievna, Markovna, Nikolaevna, Rostislavovna, Stanislavovna, Stepanovna, Feliksovna has a strong will and increased emotionality. She is quick-tempered, irritable, domineering, and sometimes aggressive. She is musical, has a sense of rhythm, and is flexible. She is independent and arrogant, but sometimes too straightforward. She has difficulty finding a husband who meets her requirements. Capricious, ambitious and unusually sexy. Trying to find the same partner. Never despairs. An optimist by nature. She is very attached to her parents and often continues to live with them after marriage. She is affectionate and attentive with her husband. She appreciates his advantages, tries not to notice his shortcomings, believing that she has no less of them. A very good mother, and a grandmother even better. Yana knows how to arrange a comfortable life not only for her children, but also for her grandchildren. Sons are born more often.

Positive traits of the name

Yana has excellent linguistic abilities. She is also gifted with an analytical mind. She is distinguished by responsibility, painstakingness, concentration, and love of precision.

Negative traits of the name

Yana is characterized by hidden strong emotions, secret hobbies, and impulses of passion that literally pull the ground from under her feet. Devoting herself to creativity, Yana experiences incredible doubts and mental anguish because she does not see a concrete application for her work and a sufficient material incentive.

Choosing a profession by name

Analytical abilities lead Yana to the field of scientific work. She can become a good administrator, an excellent secretary, a PR manager, or a successful lawyer. Representatives of this name often become scrupulous researchers in a variety of fields. The moment Yana got down to work, she was already determined to see it through to the end. Creative work, if it does not bring tangible income and is not a source of livelihood, is postponed to the evening, after all the usual but necessary things in practical life have been completed.

The impact of a name on business

In business, Yana is the luckiest. She invests her capital in win-win cases. Such a favorite sure thing is real estate.

The influence of a name on health

Sports activities - tennis, skiing, swimming, tourism - are the best medicine for Yana, who is susceptible to physical inactivity, vegetative-vascular dystonia, mood swings, exaltation and depression.

Psychology of a name

When communicating with Yana, it is best to adhere to the principles of mutual respect, combining it with a sense of humor and balanced logic. In order to communicate normally with Yana, you must at least learn the rules of good manners. Although she sometimes wants to destroy all norms of behavior.

Famous people named Yana

Yanina Zheimo ((1909 - 1989) Soviet film actress (roles in the films “Cinderella”, “Girlfriends”, “Two Fighters”)
Madeleine Albright (real name Maria Yana Korbelova; American statesman, US Secretary of State in the Bill Clinton administration (born 1937))
Yana Poplavskaya ((born 1967) Soviet and Russian actress, laureate of the USSR State Prize (1978), roles in the films “About Little Red Riding Hood”, “Prisoner of the Chateau d’If”)
Yana Rudkovskaya (Russian music producer and TV presenter)
Yana Druz (Soviet and Russian actress, film director, screenwriter)
Yana Amelina ((born 1976) Russian journalist, employee of the Rosbalt news agency)
Yana Galikova (maiden name - Hlavachova; Czech orienteer, multiple medalist of the World Orienteering Championships)
Eva Bushmina (real name - Yana Shvets; Ukrainian singer, soloist of the Russian-Ukrainian female pop group "VIA Gra")
Jana Cislarova (Czech orienteer, world champion in orienteering)
Yana Nekrasova (Russian curler)
Yana Churikova (Russian TV presenter, journalist)
Yana Klochkova (Ukrainian swimmer who won five Olympic medals, including four times gold)
Jana Bode (German luger who competed for the German national team in the early 1980s - late 1990s)
Jana Sexte (Latvian and Russian theater and film actress)
Jana Frey (German writer of books for children and teenagers)
Yana Khokhlova (Russian ice dancing figure skater, Honored Master of Sports of Russia)
Yana Uskova (Russian handball player, Honored Master of Sports)
Yanina Batyrshina (Russian athlete, represented rhythmic gymnastics in individual exercises, Honored Master of Sports of Russia)
Yana (Yanka) Diaghileva (rock singer, poet, songwriter, member of punk rock groups " Civil defense", "Great Octobers", etc.)
Yanina Volskaya (modern Russian animator)
Janina Ipohorska ((1914 – 1981) Polish artist and journalist, author of many humorous aphorisms)
Jana Kandarr (German tennis player)
Yana Kva ( real name– Oueska, Czech fashion model, actress, one of the most famous erotic models)
Jana Novotna (former professional tennis player)
Yana (Tatiana) Dubinyanskaya (Russian and Ukrainian writer from Ukraine)
Yana Esipovich (Russian actress)
Yana Arshavskaya (Russian theater and film actress)
Yana Yuzvak (Russian poet, screenwriter, prose writer, essayist)
Yana Romanova (Russian athlete, biathlete, international master of sports)
Jana Kapustova (Slovak hockey player, forward of the Slovak women's national team, participant in the 2010 Winter Olympics)
Yanina Lisovskaya (Russian and German theater and film actress, theater director, acting teacher)
Joan Conway (also Conway, married Joan Dunn, British singles figure skater, six-time winner of the national championship, her first victory at the age of 14. Conway placed in the top ten three times at the world championship and four times at the European championship In 1992, Conway left amateur sports and became a regular participant in the ice show “Hot Ice.” In 2005, she became a figure skating coach.
Joan Osborne (North American singer and songwriter, best known for the song "One of Us" and also known for her work with The Grateful Dead)
Joan Sutherland ((1926 - 2010) Australian opera singer, performed first as a mezzo-soprano, then as a dramatic soprano, and then as a coloratura; Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire)
Joan Vinge (American science fiction writer)
Joan Collins, OBE ((born 1933) English actress, winner of the Golden Globe Award for her most famous role as Alexis in the television series Dynasty)
Joan Crawford ((1905 - 1977) American actress of silent and sound films, in the 1930s she competed in popularity with Marlene Dietrich and Greta Garbo. In 1945, Crawford received the Oscar for Best Actress.)
Joan Chun Chen (Chinese American actress)
Joan Oliver, Lady Oliver, better known as Dame Joan Plowright ((born 1929) English actress, Golden Globe and Tony Award winner, and Oscar and Emmy nominee)
Joan Standing ((1903 - 1979) English actress, during her career from 1919 to 1940 she starred in 63 films, mostly in bit parts)
Joanne Drew ((1922 - 1996) American actress)
Joan Bennett ((1910 - 1990) American actress, her most famous film roles were in the films “The Woman in the Window” (1944) and “Sin Street” (1945))
Jane Seymour Fonda ((born 1937) American actress, model, writer, producer, social activist and philanthropist, daughter of actor Henry Fonda)
Jane Russell ((b.1921) American actress and sex symbol of the 1940s and early 1950s)
Jane Seymour ((c.1508/1509 - 1537) third wife of the King of England Henry VIII, mother of Edward VI)
Jane Austen ((1775 - 1817) possible spelling - Austen, an English writer, a herald of realism in British literature, a satirist, wrote so-called novels of morals. Her books are recognized masterpieces and captivate with their artless sincerity and simplicity of plot against the backdrop of deep psychological penetration into the souls of the characters and ironic, soft, truly “English” humor. Jane Austen is still rightfully considered the “First Lady” of English literature. Her works are required for study in all colleges and universities in the UK.)
Jane Lynch (American actress, singer, screenwriter and comedian, winner of the Screen Actors Guild, Emmy and Golden Globe awards for her role as Sue Sylvester in the television series Glee)
Jane Hobson ((1918 – 1984) née Baedeker, married Shepherd, American mezzo-soprano singer and music teacher)
Jane Burden ((1839 - 1914) famous model, embodiment of the Pre-Raphaelite ideal of beauty; wife of William Morris, lover of Dante Gabriel Rossetti)

Yana's birthday

Yana's name day is May 3 and July 10. The patroness of women named Yana is Saint Joan the Myrrh-Bearer.

The meaning of the name Yana

Yana means "God is merciful" (this is a translation of the name Yana from Hebrew).

Origin of the name Yana

It makes sense to start analyzing the mystery of the name Yana with its origin. The history of the name Yana has Jewish roots. It is the female form male name Jan (Ivan), which comes from the Hebrew name????????? (Yochanan) – “Yahweh (God) is merciful.”

What does the name Yana mean according to D.Zima and N.Zima

In accordance with the interpretation of the name Yana according to D. Zima and N. Zima, most often its owner is distinguished by a significant craving for independence, the energy of the name gives her self-confidence and endows her with strong emotionality. She sees no particular reason to restrain her desires, and this is also due to the energy of the name, which allows her to openly express her feelings. If anything will teach Yana restraint, it will only be the negative reaction of others. And even then, much more often this only aggravates the conflict, further deepening Yana’s self-will, giving her behavior ardor and impulsiveness. She usually grows up very touchy and capricious, so hurting her pride is not difficult. With age, this trait in most cases develops into ambition or even leads to the development of pride and arrogance towards everyone and everything.

At the same time, the strength of her character can find itself much more useful application. If, in the process of education or through her own efforts, Yana learns to balance own desires with the feelings of other people, and also defuse the conflict atmosphere with the help of good humor, her life will be much calmer and happier. And in this case, real success could come in your career.

The nature of the name Yana is such that it is often possible to prevent a conflict with a woman bearing such a name by directing her negative energy in a different direction. For example, condemn in conversation something that also causes condemnation in her. The principle “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” will work here. However, such a way out can only be called an emergency exit, and using it too often is quite dangerous for your own nerves.

Characteristics of the name Yan according to E. Zubova

According to the description of the name Yana according to E. Zubova, as a rule, its bearer is distinguished from childhood by a great desire for independence, she is self-confident and emotional. It is difficult for her to understand why it is necessary to restrain her desires, why she needs to hide her feelings. Some restraint in Yana can only be cultivated by the negative reaction of others. However, conflicts that arise with other children often only deepen the self-will of the owner of this name. It happens that among all the children, Yana is friends with one girl, considers her best friend and together with her discusses the imperfections of others.

Yana studies well at school and is often among the excellent students. She will never let you write off a test or homework, because she never forgets the insults caused to her. He prefers not to get involved with boys at all.

She loves to study foreign languages, she can become an excellent translator, flight attendant, work in the diplomatic field, in trade, she can turn out to be a talented actress and singer. Having matured, Yana changes little. She still prefers to live by her own mind. Her quarrelsomeness and inability to compromise can seriously complicate her life in a team, although career ladder She is progressing quite successfully - her bosses appreciate her hard work and ability to achieve the assigned task.

Yana is overly excitable, ironic, and loves to laugh at others. Has enviable willpower. If, for example, she suddenly notices that her favorite jeans have become too tight for her, she immediately abandons her favorite dishes in favor of her figure. If she sets herself a serious task in achieving any blessings in life, then she is able to pacify for some time her pride, which is excessively developed in her. Yana is very arrogant. Smart and dexterous in everyday matters. Doesn't give in to other people's influence, knows how to get out of any situation. As a rule, Yana has one child, whom she dotes on and spoils in every possible way. Yana does everything to look attractive: she dresses brightly, extravagantly, and really loves male attention. They say about people like her: “Heartbreaker.” She falls in love very rarely, because she often does not find a worthy object that coincides with her idea of ​​the ideal.

She doesn’t get married for a long time, and when she finally finds a mate, she loves to show off her beautiful hair in public. family relationships, although often, left alone with her husband, she begins to educate him, “nag.”

Derivatives of the name Yana

Variants of the name Yana: Zhanna, Ivanna, Joanna.

Diminutive names for Yana: Yanka, Yanochka, Yanya, Yanushka, Janusya.

The name Yana in different languages

  • Yana's name on English: Jana (Yana).
  • Yana's name on German: Jana (Yana).
  • Jana's name in Occitan: Jana (Yano).
  • Jana's name in Romanian is Ioana.
  • The name Yana in Ukrainian is Yana.
  • The name Yana in Belarusian language: Yana.
  • Yana's name on Greek: ?????? (Yanna).
  • Yana's name on Polish language: Jana (Yana).
  • Yana's name on Czech language: Jana (Yana).
  • Yana's name in Bulgarian: Yana.

Famous Yans:

  • Jana Novotna is a former professional tennis player.
  • Yana Vadimovna Khokhlova is a Russian figure skater who competes in ice dancing. To date, she has achieved her greatest success in tandem with Sergei Novitsky. They are European champions, two-time Russian champions, and bronze medalists at the World Championships. Honored Master of Sports of Russia.
  • Yana (Yanka) Stanislavovna Diaghileva – rock singer, poet, songwriter, member of the punk rock groups “Civil Defense”, “Great Octobers”, etc.
  • Yana Alekseevna Churikova is a Russian TV presenter and journalist.
  • Yana Sergeevna Romanova is a Russian athlete and biathlete. Master of Sports of international class.
  • Yana Aleksandrovna Rudkovskaya is Dima Bilan’s manager, TV presenter and music producer.
  • Yana Aleksandrovna Klochkova is a Ukrainian swimmer who won five Olympic medals, including four gold medals. Participant in three Summer Olympics: 2000, 2004, 2008.
  • Yana Poplavskaya is a Soviet and Russian actress, laureate of the USSR State Prize.
  • Jana Kova is a Czech fashion model, actress, one of the most famous erotic models.
  • Yana Andreevna Druz is a Soviet and Russian actress, film director, screenwriter.

The meaning of the name Yana generally depends on its origin. The history goes back to distant pre-Christian times; it is believed that it came from the male name John, which means the mercy of God. It is reflected in many languages; there are such types of names as Yanina, Joanna, Zhanna. Translated from Turkic, Yana means soul or new life.

The ancient Romans revered the god Janus, in this case Jana is translated as the struggle of opposites, entrance and exit, beginning and end. The Slavic roots of the name explain its origin from the river of the same name. Full name sounds Yana, but you can affectionately call girls Yanochka, Janulya, Janusya, Yanchik, Janushka, Janusha.

The name Yana is great for girls born under the signs of Leo, Cancer, Scorpio and Sagittarius. Lioness girls will fully reveal their talents; they move forward, no matter what. They often choose the only thing right decision, thanks to his unsurpassed intuition. Cancers are very prudent and will not take an ill-considered step. Everything in their life is subject to a clear plan.

Scorpio gives the name independence and self-criticism; they are capable of sacrifice. And Sagittarius gives unpredictability and perseverance. Such women will stop at nothing on the way to their goal, despite the fact that they have been planning to take the first step for a long time. Yana is protected by this sign, and given strength by the warlike planet Mars.

Plants that are suitable for owners of this name are chestnut and peony, and best colors– brown and cherry. Talismans that will bring good luck to Yanochka are jasper, staurolite, citrine, labradorite. Jasper feeds it with energy and bestows wisdom in life, staurolite protects from adversity, citrine gives wisdom and health, and Labradorite is a powerful energy booster, supports the immune system and reveals creative potential. It is easiest for Yanochka to solve complex problems on Tuesday, and the ideal time of year for her is autumn.

The patron saint of women with this name is Saint John the Myrrh-Bearer, so name days are celebrated on April 30 and July 10, the day of remembrance of this saint.

Name meaning

The characteristics of a name are revealed by its inherent character traits, which largely depend on the zodiac sign under which the girl was born. Aries gives the owner of this name visual attractiveness and charm, which allows her to enjoy success with men. Tactfulness and delicacy makes Yana an excellent diplomat; she does not know what loneliness is.

Taurus gives Yana sophistication; she zealously follows fashion, unlike Gemini Yana, who is more interested in travel and new experiences. Yanochka-Virgo is a creative person, prone to isolation; Libra imparts tact and politeness to her character. This woman will not gossip behind her back or sort things out.

The Capricorn woman knows how to truly love, values ​​friendship, and Aquarius has an excellent sense of tact and maintains smooth relationships with everyone. This is kind and smart man who loves his friends very much and will never betray them. Yana, born under the sign of Pisces, is calm and balanced, preferring an evening spent reading rather than in a noisy company. She is somewhat timid and shy, which does not prevent her, however, from making new acquaintances.


The mystery of this name hides what main feature character inherent in the girl and woman Yana is narcissism. This suggests that she demands worship of herself not only from loved ones, but from people around her. A narcissistic and eccentric person, she does not try to hide her attitude towards them from strangers. This is especially evident in childhood, when Yanochka still does not know how to hide her character.

This woman is a skilled manipulator; she does not like to make efforts to achieve her goals, preferring that others do it for her. At the same time, some of Yana’s acquaintances and friends simply do not notice that they are being used, so skillfully does the girl know how to manipulate people. In this case, one may get the impression that Yanka is an inveterate egoist, but this is far from the case.

Of course, Yanochka values ​​herself highly, she is independent and loves to be in front and attract attention. She has clear leadership inclinations, and she simply despises ordinary people, dull and uninteresting from her point of view. But thanks to her excellent sense of humor and style, it is pleasant to communicate with this woman. The main thing is to show self-respect in your relationship with her, without giving her the opportunity to feel weak.


Yana's life is going well; she takes life lightly. Her ability to establish contact with people is evident. She is attractive, knows how to carry on a conversation, and gets her way by any means necessary. She becomes happy in marriage when she is respected, appreciated and loved in the family.

At work he achieves success, but without straining himself. Rather, she treats work as a favorite hobby, although Yana has very good inclinations. She can even take leadership positions or become an excellent businessman if she wants to. But other people will work for her. In general, Yana often becomes successful person who is favored by fortune.

Yana is always attracted by the unknown; throughout her life she will strive to understand this world and acquire new knowledge. And each interest will be reflected in the overall picture of her world, which will make Yanochka’s life more eventful and interesting. The only thing that interests her the least is herself.

The owner of this name is touchy and vulnerable. Main disadvantage– inability to set the right goals, although she has all the makings. But at the same time, she knows better than anyone how to act, she loves to teach and give advice. Janusha loves stability and certainty; if consistency is violated, it bothers her.

The choice is made in favor of a self-confident man who has a certain position in society and is financially secure. The combination of femininity and cold calculation allows her to achieve success in such difficult conditions as the modeling business. She can be an excellent embodiment of a vamp woman, inaccessible, but incredibly sexy.


Yanochka’s relationships with men are difficult, despite her emotionality and openness, it is important for her to trust a person and truly fall in love with him. This woman will always enjoy the attention of the opposite sex, since she has an amazing gift of attraction. In formation female happiness Her desire to make a career may interfere, but it all depends on the person Yanochka meets.

In the Janusz family, he is the unspoken leader. She honors her husband, respects his opinion, but always makes sure that last word remains behind her. Makes important decisions together with her spouse. Quite often, her character and independence become a stumbling block in relations with her mother-in-law, since few mothers do not want to see a henpecked son. But friction, as a rule, quickly fades away when it becomes clear that Yanochka loves her husband very much and protects her family.

The owner of this name will be an excellent hospitable hostess, a loving and faithful wife, and a wonderful mother. She knows how to cook, creates in the house cozy corner, where everyone will feel cozy and comfortable. Has excellent taste and sense of style. Despite the complexities of character, jealousy and capriciousness of a woman, her husband always feels loved.

The best options for starting a family are with men named Egor, Stepan, Vasily, Dmitry, Eduard. Similar in character, they will complement each other. Difficulties in marriage are possible with men named Ruslan, Vadim, Bogdan, Denis, Ignat.


Yana can become an excellent employee; she knows how to work with dedication. At the same time, she is interested in exciting work, where she can express herself and her abilities. If there is an interest in activity, then Janusha will reach great heights. But he’s unlikely to take on monotonous and boring work; it won’t last long.

When choosing a type of activity, Yanochka thinks little about what kind of income the work and opportunities will bring her career growth also fade into the background. She can achieve success both in the journalistic field and in library science. She will make an excellent teacher who will be loved and respected by her students, or an excellent medical worker. The main thing for her is dedication.

Yana's sociability and sociability will allow her to open up in areas where the ability to communicate and listen is fundamental. She should try herself as a politician. Creative endeavors will help her become a sought-after fashion designer. Ambition and responsibility - best qualities, which will be useful in a creative career. Yana will be able to move forward in any conditions, despite difficulties.

Analytical mind will help her achieve success in the field of scientific work, she will be able to become a successful PR manager or lawyer, administrator or secretary. It is worth paying attention to the service sector; Yanochka will make a good dressmaker, make-up artist or decorator.

The ability to earn money and spend it wisely will help her in her career as a businessman. If this woman decides to create her own business, it will definitely bring her income and fame, luck will simply follow her. A successful business will allow her to realize herself and increase her self-esteem; this is important, since Yana always strives for self-realization. She can try her hand at real estate.
