The name Gleb meaning origin. Male name Gleb - origin and secrets

The name Gleb sounds very rude, cold and courageous. The bearer of this name is often an interesting and original person.

Translated from ancient Slavic it means “favorite of the gods.”

Origin of the name Gleb:

The origin of this name is not yet clear. We only know that it is very ancient and rare. The name may have been borrowed from the Old Norse language and comes from the word "gudleifr", meaning "favorite of the gods".

But, along with this opinion, there is another. It is assumed that the origin of the name Gleb is associated with the Old Slavic word “gleba”, which is translated as “earth”, “arable land”.

Character and interpretation of the name Gleb:

Since childhood, Gleb has been distinguished by a serious and calm character, and accordingly, he looks older than his age. He is unhurried and reasonable in his actions and actions. Throughout his life, he can give the impression of a somewhat gloomy person, however, the people around him have a rather reverent attitude and respect towards him, since he has a generous nature and good nature.

He himself does not like to make empty promises or throw words to the wind. This is a man of his word, if he said it, then he did it accordingly. At serious conversation behaves courageously and with dignity, despite the fact that his opponent is his blood enemy.

If Gleb occupies a leadership position, then his subordinates consider that they are very lucky with their boss, since he is a fair, strict, but moderately diplomatic, objective and friendly person. He is specific and consistent in his actions. Gleb has “golden hands”, everything in his house was made by himself - shelves for books, or mezzanines, beautiful renovation and other.

Gleb is a passionate nature with a strong sexual temperament. Very romantic, can be very passionate about his partner, to the point of madness. However, the partner will be the last to know about his affection, since he will look closely at her for quite a long time and look for the right moment to pour out his ocean of love, because he is afraid of the disappointments that he experiences very deeply. Sometimes he can be quite straightforward and hasty, without any prelude to sexual contact. In most cases, this is typical for the “winter” Gleb - he has a more unstable psyche and straightforwardness that does not tolerate objections, compared to, for example, the “summer” type. “Winter” is more capable of spontaneous sexual relationships, which, in his opinion, relieve sexual tension.

Often falling in love in his youth or in his youth, he carries this love through the years, throughout his life, and this sometimes complicates relationships with other women, so it is quite difficult for him to find true happiness. Entering intimate relationship, Gleb does not think about how long it will last, and accordingly does not think about marriage. He expects strong passions, exquisite caresses, great feelings, and sexual looseness from his partner.

He is quite loving, and, on the second day of acquaintance, he is able to lead his chosen one down the aisle. In marriage, he completely trusts his wife and gives her the reins of power, however, if he doubts her fidelity, then long questions and investigations cannot be avoided. And, having conceived, having chosen one chosen one for the rest of her life, she does not notice any shortcomings in her.

Gleb loves to be independent and independent, but he strives for the woman who will take care of him all his life, who will share his interests and hobbies, listening to his every word. The marriages of the “winter” Glebs are sometimes short-lived due to the despotism of this man in family life, unkindness during intimacy.

For children, Gleb is a wonderful nanny - he washes diapers, cooks porridge for the kids, and reads them bedtime stories. And also has no addiction to alcohol.

Several years ago, when it was fashionable to name children with unusual Old Church Slavonic names, the name Gleb became very popular. Now interest in it is waning, it is becoming rare again.

The beautiful ancient name Gleb has several different versions of its origin. One of them says that it has Old Norse roots and came from the name Gottlieb, which meant “heir of God” or “favorite of the gods.” The Scandinavians believed that the baby named so would live until the end of his age “under the protection of the gods.” Another legend of the name leads to ancient Germanic roots, where there is a name completely similar to the first version, Gottlieb - “favorite of God.” There is also a third version of the origin: from the Old Slavonic words “lump” or “globa”, as well as “gleba” (earth, soil).

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Scorpio
  • Patron Planet: Jupiter
  • Talisman stone: jasper
  • Color: warm brown
  • Plant: parsley
  • Animal: lark
  • Favorable day: Wednesday

Character traits

Gleb’s indestructible and strong character will allow him to courageously overcome all difficulties. Life is not always kind to him, but he always comes out of any situations with pride, no matter how difficult they may be. A person with this name has a hard time getting along with people and takes a long time to get used to new acquaintances before trusting them. His indecisiveness aggravates the situation. Therefore, he often remains in a rather narrow, but certainly proven circle of his closest people.

Gleb is purposeful, but he always moves towards his dream very slowly, not forgetting to weigh everything many times before making even an insignificant decision. But if he sets a task for himself, it is definitely correct and benefits both him and all his relatives.

Gleb, born in winter, is usually cheerful and cheerful, loves to demonstrate the full depth of his unusual imagination. Autumn, as a rule, is more successful in relationships with women. Born in summer, he is very unsure of himself, but has quite extensive creative abilities, mainly related to cinema or theater, drama. Letny is distinguished both in life and on stage by his excellent acting. However, you should be careful here: you never know at what moment he is sincere and when he is playing a role.

In his youth, Gleb may well face serious problems due to his insecurity and low self-esteem. However, having matured, he will join the calm and measured course of his life. Usually the owner of this name suits his destiny without sharp ups, downs, changes and surprises that are not to his taste.

Interests and hobbies

The secret of the name Gleb hides a professional master. He can do everything: cook porridge and fix the TV. Playing with the kids and reading gives me great pleasure.

Profession and business

This is a loner who loves stability and regularity. He rarely changes jobs, only in a critical situation. He is usually quite cold and indifferent towards others, with the exception of those closest to him, and therefore has difficulty joining groups.

Gleba is easy for anyone to learn foreign language. The painstaking and demanding work of a professional translator is just for him. In addition to languages, he can find himself in the field of various scientific research and detailed studies of any phenomena or data. Most often he is analytically inclined, so he chooses the exact sciences.

He can write beautifully, touching the most vivid notes in the souls of readers. This talent allows him to become a good playwright if he wants. He can also try himself as a theater or film actor.


Gleb should take care of his weak back, in particular the lower part of the spine. This is the most vulnerable part of his body. In addition, the owner of such a name is susceptible to frequent diseases of a completely different nature. This is due to his unstable mental state.

Sex and love

The deceptive coldness of his nature is due to his dislike of open expression of feelings. However, Gleb is easily excited and can be quite a skilled lover. Due to his deep respect for representatives of the opposite sex, he always strives to please his partner first and foremost.

Family and marriage

At first, wild and somewhat unsociable, Gleb has difficulty getting used to the company of the woman next to him and has a hard time letting her into his single world. Over time, he still decides to start a family, most likely having had a fairly long relationship before that.

However, after marriage, Gleb becomes a responsible and caring husband and father. He treats those who love him with special warmth, answering people exclusively with reciprocity. The female sex, regardless of the woman’s position and her role in his destiny, is treated with respect and due tact.

Short form of the name Gleb. Glebka, Glebushka, Glebchik, Glebus.
Origin of the name Gleb. The name Gleb is Russian, Slavic, German, Orthodox.

The name Gleb has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name Gleb, which came to Russia from Scandinavia, comes from the name Gottlieb, which means “favorite of the gods,” “heir of God,” “under the protection of the gods.”

According to the second version, the name Gleb is Slavic name, some researchers associate it with the Russian words “globa”, “block”, meaning “pole”. It is also possible that the name Gleb is associated with the Old Slavonic word "gleba", which has survived into modern times in Polish language with the meanings “earth”, “soil”, “arable land”. There is also a related Slavic name Globa.

Since childhood, Gleb has been surrounded by attention, but the boy strives to get away from it. He is disgusted by this behavior of others, he wants to achieve everything with his own work. He is not one of those people who rush around looking for solutions. Gleb is able to instantly make decisions, which, more often than not, turn out to be the most faithful and correct.

Gleb is a man of few words and does not throw words to the wind. His beliefs are very important to him, he will defend them with stubbornness and thoroughness. Gleb does not strive to be a leader, but in a team he is able to create a good working atmosphere where there is no room for disagreement.

In family life, Gleb does not strive to be a leader; he allows his wife to lead him. But he is very jealous of his beloved. He loves family comfort and wants to have a strong family. Gleb is an attentive father, a zealous owner. He likes to receive guests.

Gleb's name day

Famous people named Gleb

  • Gleb (David) Prince of Murom (son of St. Vladimir)
  • Gleb Kotelnikov (Soviet inventor, creator of the first aviation backpack parachute (1872–1944))
  • Gleb Krzhizhanovsky (politician, academician (1872–1959))
  • Gleb Panfilov (Soviet and Russian film director, screenwriter, People's Artist of Russia (films: “The Beginning”, “I Ask for the Word”, “The Romanovs”, etc.))
  • Gleb Uspensky (Russian writer)
  • Gleb Strizhenov (theater and film actor, Honored Artist of the RSFSR)
  • Gleb Lozino-Lozinsky (one of the leading developers of Soviet aerospace technology)
  • Gleb Samoilov (vocalist, guitarist, bassist, leader of the group Gleb Samoiloff & The Matrixx, former leader of the Russian rock group Agatha Christie)
  • Gleb Zheglov (one of the main characters in the novel by the Weiner brothers “The Era of Mercy” (1976) and the film “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed” (1979) based on it; the role was played by Vladimir Vysotsky)

According to Mendelev

A courageous, cold and rude name. Its bearer is an original and unusual person, but not very large and clearly inconvenient for his immediate environment. He takes everything that happens around him for granted, and even the troubles that come from acquaintances and strangers, seem to him like something of a natural disaster. He, of course, resists and, as best he can, counteracts them, but precisely as natural phenomena, and not as human actions - he does not take any reciprocal steps and does not undertake anything to at least spoil the mood of his ill-wishers.

He leads a life that is open and visible to everyone, but still incomprehensible to others. The motives for his actions are known only to himself. In times of war or other dangers, Gleb is transformed, becomes a good soldier, a rescuer, and in peacetime he chooses a not very common and popular profession, achieving great, sometimes even outstanding skill in it, and turns out to be irreplaceable.

Mostly phlegmatic, but capable of quick action if the situation requires it. In extreme situations, he shows high self-control and courage: he is the first to come to his senses and organize the necessary actions.

Although he does not hide his personal life, he rarely invites others to his place and just as rarely goes to visit anyone. Often has hobbies that are unusual for others, which he pursues seriously and thoroughly. He no longer changes his beliefs and habits, once formed, and therefore, over time, he begins to seem somewhat old-fashioned and archaic. He can be unsociable, even gloomy and withdrawn, he almost never has friends, and he is not inclined to reveal his soul to anyone.

As a child, he is no different from his peers, except that he never strives to be the ringleader, but is also capable of risky, unexpected antics. He doesn’t allow anyone to offend him, and in noisy groups of children he keeps himself somewhat aloof.

The name is rare and very ancient. Its origin is unclear; I will venture to express the idea of ​​​​a connection with the Old Slavic word “gleba”, preserved in the Polish language with the meaning: earth, soil, arable land, the name is dark green.

According to Higir

The origin is unclear, perhaps from the Russian word “block” or “globa” (pole).

Since childhood, he has attracted the attention of others with his not childishly serious and calm character. It is often said about him that he looks older than his age, and this is because of his slowness and prudence. With age, he gives the impression of being somewhat gloomy, although those around him know him as a good-natured person and have respect for him.

If Gleb is the leader of the team, his subordinates will consider themselves lucky, since Gleb is not only strict and objective, but also friendly. Gleb's authority is not questioned, and everything that he achieved in life is the result of his labors. He will always prefer concrete deeds to verbose promises.

It is quite in his character to take his future wife down the aisle on the second day after meeting him. Gleb trusts his wife undividedly; such exceptional trust makes him patient with her possible shortcomings. If he doubts his wife’s fidelity, interrogations and investigations cannot be avoided. But Gleb’s house, and at the same time his wife, is in charge. Gleb is a jack of all trades. In his apartment, everything is in its place, he makes the shelves, mezzanines himself, and glazes the balcony without much asking. The wife's parents love Gleb. For children, he is an irreplaceable nanny; he does not consider it shameful to wash diapers and cook porridge. He almost never drinks alcoholic beverages.

His marriage to a woman named Sophia, Tamara, Valentina, Danuta, Venus, Evgenia, Maya, Nellie, Raisa, Maria is usually successful. It will be difficult for Gleb to get along with Borislava, Victoria, Juliet, Ekaterina, Inna, Lada, Lydia, Svetlana, Yana.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: Russian form of the Germanic name Gottlieb, "Favorite of the Gods"

Name energy and character: The name Gleb has been loved in Rus' for a long time and, probably, not only because it was one of the first to be included in the number of purely Russian Orthodox holy names, not overseas ones. The attractive energy of the word also played a significant role here. In him one can clearly hear thoroughness and goodwill, strength of character, firmness, thriftiness, and besides, all this is strengthened by a clear association with bread, without which, as we know, there is no life. Of course, if this association were more frank, its meaning would be lost, but this is just right to feel not with your consciousness, but with your heart.

We can safely say that Gleb was lucky with his name, and it doesn’t matter that today it is not as widespread as before. The thing is that at one time it began to sound too peasant-like, and when city life became fashionable, it gradually lost its appeal. Today, this situation is being corrected, largely, by the way, thanks to the image of Gleb Zheglov in the film “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed,” and it is quite possible to expect that the name will return in the near future. At least today, “rural motifs” are no longer visible in it.

In terms of its energy, the name Gleb has a clear focus, suggesting efficiency and thriftiness in its bearer, and most often it is these qualities that determine life path person. Since childhood, Gleb bears a certain stamp of seriousness and thoroughness. Usually he loves to tinker, often undertakes to help adults in their affairs, he is diligent, but at the same time self-willed and stubborn.

Having matured, he will most likely choose his own path on his own, and the main goal for him will hardly be a career, the main thing is to provide for his family, put his children on their feet, and equip his home and household. However, it could happen differently. It is possible that Gleb will want to overcome some of the simplicity of his name and, with the same tenacity and thoroughness, will begin to pave the way for himself to some high position. It is unlikely that he will be able to be seduced by aristocratic gloss or bohemian permissiveness, but he is still able to accept such rules of the game, while remaining himself and therefore standing out favorably from his environment, combed with the same brush. In the end, in any business the main thing is character, and with this he is usually fine.

It is especially good when Gleb has a sufficiently developed sense of humor, otherwise his seriousness may turn into gloominess. At the same time, a good joke, said with a serious face, often acquires even greater weight.

Secrets of communication: In a man, Gleb respects courage and the ability to behave with dignity, even if he has an opponent in front of him. At the same time, he usually does not sympathize with overly firm women, not without reason believing that nature has determined femininity and softness for a woman. He doesn’t like it when people make empty promises, and he himself tries not to throw words to the wind. And in general, it’s better to communicate with him not in words, but in deeds; he trusts them more.

Trace of a name in history

Gleb Panfilov

Gleb Panfilov (b. 1934) - Russian film director, People's Artist of Russia. In relation to this person, we can safely say that he owes everything he has achieved in his life exclusively to his work and his talent. And indeed, having been born in the city of Magnitogorsk, far from the promising capital, at the age of twenty-three, Gleb Panfilov graduated from the Ural Polytechnic Institute and went to work at the Sverdlovsk Medical Devices Plant, after which he began to slowly but confidently move towards his cherished goal, which has very little to do with medical technology. And while his production career progressed from a foreman at a factory and a researcher at a research institute to the head of the propaganda department of the Sverdlovsk city committee of the Komsomol, Gleb Panfilov managed to live another, parallel life, closely connected with his favorite cinema.

From twenty-four to twenty-seven years old, his correspondence studies continued at the camera department of VGIK, followed by work at Sverdlovsk television, higher directing courses, the position of director at Lenfilm, and finally in 1977, at the age of forty-three, Gleb Panfilov came to work at Mosfilm as a director and part-time workshop leader at the Higher Directing Courses. Needless to say, a very interesting career, the beginning of which resembles a winding mountain path, gradually turning into a straight road and finally onto the runway of a rapidly accelerating airliner.

As for his personal life, the first feature film made by Panfilov - “There is no ford in fire” - brought him not only global success (a prize at the Locarno International Film Festival), but also made him a married man: Inna Churikova, who played main character, amounted to the director’s family happiness.

Gleb Panfilov’s films “The Beginning”, “I Ask for the Word”, “Vassa”, “Mother”, “The Romanovs - the Crowned Family” and many many others have won all conceivable and inconceivable prizes at various film festivals - both domestic and international. But the main thing is that they won the love of a wide, mass audience, who enjoy watching each new picture by Panfilov and the integral, colorful characters of its heroes, be it the sacrificial and talented nurse Tanya Tetkina from the film “There is no ford in fire” or an ugly weaver who becomes a genius film actress (“Inception”).

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

Gleb is a passionate person, he is characterized by violent hobbies and romantic love. He has a strong sexual character, and in order to avoid difficulties with his partner, he can be very diplomatic. He does not like to throw out his feelings, they are hidden in him, he does not immediately reveal them even during intimate meetings with a woman. He studies it for a long time, afraid of making a mistake, because he experiences his disappointments deeply. At the same time, Gleb may be assertive, strives to get down to business immediately, without preliminary preparation sexual contact. To a large extent, this is characteristic of the “winter” Gleb - he is a person with an unstable psyche, straightforward, and does not tolerate objections. Such Gleb is capable of spontaneous sexual relationships simply out of a desire to relax and relieve sexual tension.

When entering into a relationship, Gleb never thinks about how long it will last, much less thinks about getting married. He wants to spend unforgettable hours with a woman, to feel loved and desired, without planning for a long time. He is demanding, expects strong passions, exquisite caresses and great love from his partner. He himself can truly love only once, and therefore it is difficult for him to find happiness. It happens that love visits him in his youth, and he

carries this feeling through the years, idealizing it and thereby greatly complicating his sexual relations with other women. Gleb strives for a partner who will take more care of him, think and live the way he would like and like. At the same time, he tends to live an independent life. The marriages of “winter” men are mostly short-lived - they are very difficult in communication, unkind in their intimate lives, and sometimes despotic.

The love and care of loved ones is not always enough to provide children with a bright future, and adults wonder where they made a mistake and what should have been corrected in childhood. If you look for the answer to this troubling question in ancient books or Orthodox sources, you can find out that there was a mistake at baptism - the parents made a miscalculation when choosing a name many years ago. Should the baby be given the name Gleb, character and destiny for boys - you will have to spend a little time studying the details, but this will help prevent the child from having troubles in the future.

The meaning of the name Gleb for a boy briefly

Where to start choosing a name so as not to make a mistake and prevent problems for the child in the future is a question that arises before almost every married couple. What needs to be done so that you don’t have to regret it later? First of all, adults should carefully review the sources that provide information about secret sense name. For long millennia, humanity has been trying to figure out exactly what features or mysteries are hidden here, and now there are practically no secrets left.

Gleb, the meaning of the name, character and fate - in Scandinavian mythology, replete with wonderful tales and wondrous adventures of mighty warriors, you can find a lot of interesting things about the man who first bore this name. He became famous for his many exploits and was distinguished by his loyalty to his tribe and devotion to his wife. The boy’s relatives who are planning to give him such a name can hope that their child will not disgrace the memory of his namesake and will certainly grow up to be a man for whom they will not have to blush.

The meaning of the name Gleb for a boy is briefly “favorite of the gods.” Adults will certainly like this, because this interpretation gives hope that their child will certainly be under powerful protection. A bright future for the child is guaranteed, but only on the condition that the parents do not make mistakes in their upbringing and follow all the instructions that can be found in ancient sources. By deciphering the secret meaning of the name, you can easily cope with the child’s negative traits, suggest which profession to choose, and even help with choosing a soul mate.

What does the name Gleb mean for a boy according to the church calendar?

Many sources provide detailed and interesting information about the secret meaning that is embedded in every name, but Orthodox books are considered the most reliable. Only in church calendar you can find everything parents need to know before baptism. For the same purpose, it is recommended to study the calendar - there you can also find information useful in education.

Gleb, the meaning of the name, character and fate - which of these features can be found in Orthodox sources? First of all, adults are interested in whether their child will be looked after by guardian angels in the person of a saint who also bears this name. It often happens that a child does not have a patron saint, and then they have to sincerely ask God to take their beloved child under his care.

What does the name Gleb mean for a boy according to the church calendar? Basic Orthodox sources testify that there are no differences in the Greek interpretation and the Christian calendar or the church calendar; it is also indicated here that there is only one meaning - “favorite of the gods.” How exactly the boy’s life will turn out depends a lot on those around him, but the highest patrons will also play an important role here.

The secret of the name Gleb, name day, signs

How important or even necessary might the secret of the name Gleb be? Important points there are several here, and one of the main ones is the guardian angel, who will certainly protect the child after the sacrament of baptism. The boy will have only one patron, but this is quite enough to ward off misfortune, illness, troubles, and promote acceptance right decisions, to advise in difficult times.

The boy will be able to celebrate his name day in August (6th). Relatives should not forget that on this day it is important not only to congratulate the child or bring him gifts, but also, together with your beloved child, to ask the saint for mercy. Prayers will definitely have an impact, and the guardian angel will help the baby in any difficulties.

It has long been customary among people to observe nature or the weather on days of veneration of saints. On the holiday when Saint Gleb is venerated, there are usually thunderstorms and heavy showers. You should not go out into the field or transport straw or hay on this very day - the great martyr may get angry and set the crop on fire with lightning.

Origin of the name Gleb and its meaning for children

How can the origin of the name Gleb and its meaning for children affect the child’s future very soon? Adults who are planning to christen a baby, and for this purpose are studying special sources that have explanations about the secret meaning of names, will certainly be interested to know that it is not recommended to pay attention to the origin. As evidenced by many years of practice and ancient sources, in no way can it change fate or influence any events.

The meaning must be studied, because often it contains secret messages that can help relatives in raising the baby. It is likely that information about the child’s qualities will be found here. If you start correcting them in a timely manner, you can still childhood Help your child get rid of negative character traits. You can find a lot of interesting things about which saints will make sure that everything is fine for the child throughout his life, so it is better not to refuse this opportunity to cope with problems that may arise in the future.

The character of a boy named Gleb

Will the character of a boy named Gleb be able to surprise or, on the contrary, disappoint? If you turn to special sources, you can find out that a child will have many advantages from childhood, and the most important ones can be considered:

  1. practicality;
  2. goodwill;
  3. strength of will;
  4. desire for success;
  5. lack of vanity;
  6. seriousness;
  7. diligence;
  8. hard work.

Another feature of Gleb is that he has had it since childhood skillful hands. He can easily fix any appliances in the house and will be happy to help his father or mother. Often, from an early age, he thinks about connecting his destiny with technology, because he turns out to handle it very well.

The boy also has shortcomings, and one of them is stubbornness. If he has decided something for himself, it’s not even worth trying to convince him - nothing will come of it. This often leads to quarrels in the house, so it is better for parents to constantly remember this negative line character of the son and not provoke conflicts. Sometimes it is better to simply remain silent or agree with him in order to avoid a quarrel.
