A collection of didactic games for the development of verbal and logical thinking in preschool children. A selection of games and exercises on the topic “Toys”

Completed by: Teacher of kindergarten No. 61 "Pock" Kemerovo region, city of Belovo, Daria Vladimirovna Krivonogova

The collection presents the system didactic games and exercises aimed at developing children’s verbal and logical thinking preschool age. Addressed to teachers of preschool educational institutions, parents, as well as students of preschool faculties of pedagogical schools and institutes.

A didactic game is a teaching tool, so it can be used to master any program material and is conducted in individual and group lessons. The didactic game allows you to provide required quantity reps for different materials while maintaining an emotional positive attitude towards the task.

Thanks to didactic games, it is possible to organize a child’s activity in such a way that it will contribute to the development of his ability to solve not only accessible practical problems, but also simple problem problems. And the experience gained will provide the opportunity to understand and solve familiar problems verbally.

Thus, the special role of didactic games in the learning process is determined by the fact that the game should make the learning process itself emotional, effective, and allow the child to gain his own experience.

When selecting didactic games for the development of verbal and logical thinking, we first of all pursued the goals we had set and took into account the individual characteristics of each child. It is these games that will help develop a child’s ability to transfer one property of an object to another. (first types of generalization), causal thinking, ability to analyze, synthesize, etc.

The didactic games and exercises for developing logical forms of thinking offered in the collection are presented in a gradually more complex system that takes into account the child’s experience.

Undoubtedly successful implementation didactic games are facilitated by skillful pedagogical leadership them. The teacher, through his behavior and emotional mood, should evoke a positive attitude towards the game.

An important condition for the effective use of didactic games in teaching is consistency in the selection of games. First of all, we took into account the following didactic principles: accessibility, repeatability, gradual completion of the task. We have provided all these principles in the game arrangement system in this collection.

In the collection, we roughly distributed didactic games according to the stages of assimilation. All games have been tested in working with children raised in preschool educational institutions. Each teacher can select other games, which should also be arranged in order of gradual complexity.

Didactic games can be included in any section of the program and serve both for the development of cognitive activity and for the formation of one’s own game.

1. "Push through" everyone is like that

Goal: to learn how to select several objects for one sample, highlighting them among others; form a primary generalization – "all the balls" , "all the cubes" , "everyone is big" , "everyone is small" .

Equipment: boxes with slots (one on each box) in the shape of a circle, square, triangle, volumetric geometric shapes (spheres, cubes, triangular prisms), objects of the same shapes.

Progress of the game:

Two children are sitting next to each other at the table. There are two boxes on the table (one with a square slot, the other with a round slot) and mixed volumetric shapes (balls, cubes, turrets with a triangular cross-section), all one color, three of each type. The teacher gives one of the children a box with a round slot, and the other with a square one, and sets the condition: immediately take away everything that can be pushed into this box. The child selects the figures from those lying on the table. If he chooses correctly, for example, balls, but does not take all, but only one or two balls, the teacher reminds him that he needs to take "everyone is like that" . If the child takes not only balls, but also turrets, the teacher invites him to try "only such" and helps to select, through trials, which forms can be thrown into this box.

After the children select and throw the boxes into the slots necessary forms, the teacher summarizes: “That’s right, Tanya collected all the balls and threw them into the box, and Kostya took all the cubes and threw them into his box.” . Invites the children to open the boxes and look again at what is in them.

2. "Pick mushrooms"

Goal: to teach how to match a sample with not one, but several objects of the same color; consolidate the result with a generalizing word.

Equipment: mushrooms made of counting material (hats different color– red, yellow, white, brown), mushroom picking cards.

Progress of the game:

Children sit on chairs in a row. The teacher places mushrooms of two colors on the floor, for example, red and yellow. He takes two baskets and puts a mushroom with a red cap in one of them, and a mushroom with a yellow one in the other. Gives baskets to two children and asks them to collect "such" mushrooms that are in baskets. Children collect mushrooms, and the rest watch their actions. Then the children show who collected what in the basket, and the result is summarized in the word - "all red" , "all yellow" .

3. "Who lives where"

Goal: to learn to independently determine the basis for grouping objects; select not one, but several objects to match the sample.

Equipment: toys, building materials, furniture.

Progress of the game:

The teacher builds two large pens from a tabletop builder: in one of them he places a toy representing an animal, in the other - a car. Places toys in front of the child (animals and cars, first 6, then 8-10) and asks to think, to find a home for the toys - to put everyone in their place. If the child makes a mistake, the teacher rearranges the first toys correctly, and then does not interfere with the child’s actions. Then the toys are placed again

interspersed. Another child completes the task. At the end of the game the conclusion is: “Animals live in this house, and cars live in this house.” .

4. "What to give to whom"

Goal: to continue to teach how to independently determine the basis of grouping, to highlight an essential feature of an object for a given task; learn to highlight color and shape as a basis for grouping objects.

Equipment: flags, leaves different shapes, colors and sizes.

Progress of the game:

Two groups of children sit on chairs opposite each other: girls in one group, boys in the other. The teacher lays out rectangular and triangular flags on the table and says that now everyone will march with flags; girls should be given square flags, and boys should be given triangular ones. Then he invites one of the children to carefully look at which flags should be given to girls and which to boys, and distribute them. If the child finds it difficult, help him choose the first two flags. The child chooses the method of distribution. He can distribute the flags first to the girls, then to the boys, or one by one. In conclusion, the teacher summarizes: “Girls’ flags are all square, and boys’ flags are triangular.” . Children stand in a line and march with flags to the sound of a tambourine or drum.

5. "Color and Shape"

Goal: to learn to change the basis for grouping objects in accordance

with changing samples.

Equipment: flat cards with geometric shapes glued on (circles, squares, triangles, ovals, rectangles, trapezoids, hexagons) six colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue)– 42 elements.

Progress of the game (carried out individually):

The child sits at the table opposite the teacher. He places samples in front of the child at a fairly large distance, for example red, blue, yellow circles, i.e. objects that are the same in shape and different in color, and asks the child to put them here "everyone is like that" (points to red circles), here "everyone is like that" (points to blue circles), here "everyone is like that" (points to yellow circles). There are cards of these colors on the table to the side. (squares, triangles, ovals, trapezoids, hexagons, rectangles - 18 cards in total). The teacher takes one of the cards and asks the child to put it down "where needed" , hands it to the child. If he places the card incorrectly or does not dare to complete the task, the teacher does it himself, but does not say anything to the child, but hands him a second card, and so on, one by one, for the rest. When all the cards are arranged by color, the teacher asks the child: “What shapes did you put here?” - or confirms his answer: “That’s right, this is where you put the red card.” .

After this, the teacher moves on to the second part of the game, when the principle of grouping changes (based on the form). The teacher asks the child to be attentive and says that now it is necessary to knock out

take cards differently. Lays out in front of him three samples of cards depicting a square, circle and triangle of the same color. One card at a time gives the child circles, squares and triangles of all available patterns in random order. The child lays them out, and the teacher clarifies the result: “Well done, you laid it out correctly - all the round shapes here, all the square shapes here, all the triangular shapes here.” .

In the future, the colors and shapes for grouping are changed, and the number of samples is increased (4-6 at a time).

6. “Bring the same ones”

Goal: to highlight a property in objects, distracting from their functional purpose; select a group of objects to match one sample, find these objects in the group room; define the principle of selection in a word.

Equipment: cards with pictures of different shapes in different colors, toys and small objects of different shapes and colors.

Progress of the game:

The teacher arranges objects in advance different places group room objects, different in shape and color. Children are divided into three groups and seated on chairs in different places in the room. The teacher invites one child at a time (to the presenter) from each group and asks to take a card from the box without showing it to the children. The child takes the card and returns to his group, showing it to them so that the other group does not see. All children must bring toys

Rushes of the appropriate shape or color. If the choice is made by shape, then only the outline of the shape is given on the card, and if by color, then one side of the card is painted in the corresponding color. Children bring objects and sit on chairs with them. The teacher asks each group which card they had. Children answer (red, yellow; square, round), and the presenter shows everyone his card.

7. “Place the pictures in your envelopes.”

Goal: group objects according to different properties; independently identify the principle of grouping, based on the sample; comprehend and consolidate in words the result of one’s actions.

Equipment: envelopes with glued or drawn geometric shapes, different in color and size (for example: circles of yellow, red, of blue color, large, medium and small; triangles, ovals, hexagons of three colors and three sizes), pictures depicting objects of different shapes, colors, sizes, trays.

Progress of the game:

The players sit at the tables. Three envelopes in front of each child (for example, a triangle is pasted on one, an oval on the other, a square on the third). The shape of the person sitting next to you should not be repeated, i.e. envelopes with a different combination of shapes (eg circle, rectangle, square). On a tray in front of each child there are several pictures, which he must put into envelopes (for example, pictures with

a button, a watermelon, a round watch must be placed in an envelope with a circle, etc.).

When the pictures are placed in envelopes, the teacher calls one of the children to the typesetting canvas and asks him to put his envelopes in the typesetting canvas, and under them insert pictures whose images correspond to this form. The child explains why he made this choice. If necessary, the teacher helps him.

8. "Let's make a book"

Goal: to imagine the situation described in the story, to be able to model it by laying out ready-made planar forms, to teach children to analyze the situation.

Equipment: sheets of white paper according to the number of children, flat images of objects corresponding to the content of the story.

Progress of the game:

The teacher tells the children that together they will make a book with beautiful pictures. Hands out sheets of paper, image elements on trays and asks to listen carefully to the story "About a Bird and a Cat" . He reads it calmly, without stopping or explaining: “There was a tree growing in the yard. A bird was sitting near a tree. Then the bird flew and sat on a tree above. The cat came. The cat wanted to catch the bird and climbed a tree. The bird flew down and sat under a tree. The cat stayed on the tree" . After this, the teacher asks what the story is about, what the bird and the cat were doing. Then there is a step-by-step analysis of the story with modeling of all situations.

The teacher asks: “What happened first? - and reads the first phrase: “There was a tree in the yard” . Asks the children to find wood on the trays and place them on their sheets of paper. Then he says: "A bird was sitting near a tree" . Children find a bird and place it near a tree, etc.

9. "Guess what I told you about"

Goal: recognize objects by verbal description, relying on visual perception of objects.

Equipment: toys of various shapes, colors and purposes.

Progress of the game:

Children sit in a semicircle around the teacher’s table. He places four toys familiar to the children on the table and says that he will ask a riddle, and they must guess which toy it refers to. After that he gives short description one of the objects on the table. If the children cannot guess, the teacher slowly pronounces the text again, stopping at each property of this toy. When the riddle is guessed, he asks the children how they guessed, what words helped them in this. Then he rearranges the toys on the table and gives a description of another object: “Grows in the forest green, prickly, on New Year, will come to us for the holiday" .

The objects spoken about in riddles should change so that children do not memorize the answer, but listen and understand the semantic side of the speech, relying on existing ideas and perceptions, which help create a single image with the word.

10. "Puzzles"

Goal: same.

Equipment: toys or pictures depicting objects familiar to children.

Progress of the game:

Children sit in a semicircle. The teacher has pictures on his desk (image down). He calls the child and asks him to guess the riddle in the picture. Then gives a brief description of a subject that is well known to children. (For example: “It stands on the floor in the room, there are four legs, a seat and a back. You can sit on it" ) . The child turns over the pictures on the table, finds the one he wants and shows it to the children. Another child guesses a riddle that is similar in content to the previous one, but does not have a description at the end hallmark (For example: “It’s standing on the floor in the room. It has four legs. Covered with a tablecloth, there is a plate on it" ) .

Later you can give more difficult riddle, such as: “Gray in summer, white in winter, long ears, short tail. He doesn’t offend anyone, he’s afraid of everyone.” .

11. “Get the doll a ball”

Goal: learn to analyze the conditions of a practical problem; use auxiliary means in cases where they do not have a fixed purpose.

Equipment: doll, two balls, chair.

Progress of the game:

The teacher plays with a doll and a ball, and the child watches. Then the teacher asks the child to take another ball from the cabinet and play with the doll. The ball is placed on the cabinet so that, standing on the floor, the child cannot reach it. He must think to use a chair that is within the child's field of vision. If the child does not know how to do this, then the teacher helps him analyze the conditions: “Can you reach the ball with your hand? Think about what will help you with this. What should I take? - gestures to the chair. At the end, the teacher clarifies: “The ball is high. You took a chair, he helped you get the ball." .

12. “Get the ball for the bear”

Goal: continue to analyze the conditions of a practical problem, use tools in cases where they do not have a fixed purpose.

Equipment: bear, ball, stick.

Progress of the game: the teacher, playing ball with a bear, rolls the ball under the cabinet so that the child cannot reach it with his hand. The task is for the child to guess to use a stick that is in his field of vision. If he does not do this, then the teacher helps analyze the conditions: “The ball is far away. Find out how to get it. Think about it. At the end of the lesson, the teacher generalizes: “If you can’t reach it with your hand, you have to look for something that will help.” .

13. "Get the key"

Goal: continue to analyze the conditions for solving practical problems

tasks using an aid.

Equipment: wind-up toy, key, bench.

Progress of the game:

The teacher shows the child a wind-up toy. The key hangs so that, standing on the floor, the child cannot reach it. He must figure out to use the bench in sight as an aid. At the end of the game, the teacher summarizes the children’s actions.

14. "Get the machine"

Goal: continue to analyze the conditions of the practical problem; teaches you to look for tools in the environment, using them to achieve a goal.

Equipment: winding machine, stick.

Progress of the game:

The teacher starts the machine, and it seems "accidentally" slides under the cabinet so that the child cannot reach it with his hand. The teacher asks him to take out the car and play with it. The child must solve a practical problem. If a child tries to reach a toy with his hand, do not stop him; let him make sure that he cannot reach it with his hand. Then the teacher says: "Let's look for what you need" . At the end of the lesson, the teacher reminds the child: “You should always look for some object that will help you get the toy” .

15. "Ring the bell"

Goal: continue to analyze the conditions of the practical problem, solve them using tests.

Equipment: bell mounted on a stand, rope.

Progress of the game:

The bell, mounted on a stand, is installed in a visible place so that children cannot reach it with their hands. A string is tied to the tongue of the bell. Standing on the floor, the child can freely reach it. On both sides of the bell there are two "false" ropes. They are somewhat longer. The child is asked to ring the bell. The task is for him to guess to use the rope that is attached to the tongue of the bell. The child is given the opportunity to do it independently right choice. If he continues to pull "false" rope, the teacher says: “Do you hear the bell doesn’t ring, try with another string” . In conclusion, the teacher clarifies which string was used to make the call.

16. "Push the ball into the basket"

Goal: same.

Equipment: ball, stick, basket.

Progress of the game:

The child sits at the table; on the opposite edge of the table there is a ball at such a distance that the child cannot reach it with his hand. There is a short stick on the table to the left of the child, and a long stick on the floor next to the table. There is a basket on the floor opposite the ball. The teacher asks the child to push the ball into the basket, but he cannot get up from the chair. The child must

guess to use the right stick to push the ball. After completing the task, it is necessary to once again draw the child’s attention to the properties of the objects-tools: “Which stick helped push the ball? Why?" .

17. "Get the cart"

Goal: continue to analyze the conditions of the practical task; continue to use the trial method when solving a practical problem.

Equipment: cart with loop, small toys, screen.

Progress of the game:

On the table, at a distance inaccessible to the child's outstretched arm, there is a cart with a loop. A braid is threaded loosely through it, both ends are spread apart by 50 cm. The child can easily reach them. To pull the cart, you must use both ends at the same time. There are colorful little toys on the cart. The task is for the child to guess to grab both ends of the tape at the same time and pull the cart towards him. If the child pulls on one end of the strap, it will slip out of the loop and the cart will stop in place. The teacher asks the child to get the cart and play with the toys. If he pulls the ribbon out at one end, the teacher threads it through the loop behind the screen. It is important that the child makes sure that the tape must be pulled at both ends. Therefore, it is necessary to give him the opportunity to try several times to achieve the goal. At the end of the game, the teacher sums it up by asking the child questions.

18. "Get the balls"

Goal: same.

Equipment: a jar of water, a ladle, a fork, a spoon, a stick with a ring.

Progress of the game:

The teacher shows the children a tall jar of water, filled to half the jar; at the bottom of the jar there are balls. The teacher says: “Balls fell into the water, we need to get them out” . Not far from the jar are a spoon, a spoon, a fork, and a stick with a ring. Children are given the opportunity to try these tools; it is important that they independently convince themselves of the choice of a more suitable tool and justify their choice.

19. "Get the toy"

Goal: teaches you how to solve two-phase problems practical problems, keeping in mind the end goal; analyze the environment.

Equipment: a wind-up toy in a plastic bag, a chair, a box with building material.

Progress of the game:

The teacher suggests getting a bag with a toy hanging on a hook so that the child cannot reach it while standing on the floor. To do this, he should use a chair, having first removed the box with building material from it. The teacher fixes the child’s attention on the final goal: “Can you reach the toy with your hand? What do you need to do to get it? . The teacher helps the child understand the intermediate goal - to free the chair - to remove the box with building material. The teacher makes sure that the child does not get carried away with playing with building materials.

After completing the task, he summarizes the child’s actions, saying that first he vacated the chair, and then used it to get the toy.

20. "Open the box"

Goal: same.

Equipment: a box from a cooking cabinet, two pictures.

Progress of the game (carried out individually):

The teacher puts the back side up and tells the child that he has beautiful pictures. He takes out a box from the preparation table, puts a picture in it and closes the box without locking it with a pin. Invites the child to open the box and look at the picture. He easily opens the box, takes it out and tells what is depicted on it. While the child is looking at the picture, the teacher puts another picture in the box and closes the box with a pin. He asks to open the box again and take out the second picture. If a child tries to open a box by force, the teacher invites him to look for the reason why the box does not open, try to open it different ways, find what's stopping you.

Ministry of General and vocational education Sverdlovsk region

State budgetary professional educational institution

Sverdlovsk region

"Kamyshlovsky Pedagogical College"

Collection of didactic games,

aimed at developing cognitive actions

in preschool children.

Kamyshlov, 2017

A collection of didactic games aimed at developing cognitive actions in preschool children. / compiled by Topychkanova Natalya Fedorovna. – Kamyshlov: GBPOU SO “Kamyshlov Pedagogical College”

The collection contains didactic games aimed at developing cognitive actions in preschool children. This collection has great pedagogical significance in the development of cognitive actions in preschool children. It can be used by preschool teachers educational organization and students of pedagogical colleges in their professional practice and parents. The collection includes the following sections: “Didactic games for sensory education”, “Didactic games for speech development”, “Didactic games for acquaintance with nature”, “Didactic games for the formation of mathematical concepts”, conclusion, list of references. Head: Kochneva G.N., teacher of psychological and pedagogical disciplines.

Explanatory note…………………………………………………………4

1. Section “Didactic games on sensory education aimed at developing cognitive actions in preschool children”…………8

2. Section “Didactic games for speech development aimed at developing cognitive actions in preschool children”…………………..12

3. Section “Didactic games for familiarization with nature, aimed at developing cognitive actions in preschool children”…….17

4. Section “Didactic games for the formation of mathematical concepts, aimed at developing cognitive actions in preschool children”……………………………………………………………………………….24



Explanatory note

“Without play there is and cannot be a full-fledged mental development. A game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts flows into the child’s spiritual world. A game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity.”

V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

Teachers and psychologists know the enormous importance of play in a child’s development. Unfortunately, today the sphere of leisure is dominated by sometimes destructive objects created by the Western entertainment industry, spoiling the psyche of children, making them cruel and inhuman. Many children do not know how to communicate normally with each other, so in children's environment problems often arise. conflict situations. Children’s games are, first of all, a platform for their human communication and the development of cognitive actions. It is known that the development of a child, his socialization and moral formation can only be carried out in the process of communication with other people, and play for a child is best field development of cognitive actions, its process is always pleasure.

Small child essentially a tireless researcher. He wants to know everything, everything is interesting to him and he definitely needs to stick his nose in everywhere. And the knowledge he will have depends on how many different and interesting things the baby has seen.

Cognitive development according to the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool preschool involves the involvement of the child in independent activities, the development of his imagination and curiosity. To effectively develop the baby’s cognitive sphere, the best option is considered to be the organization and conduct of activities aimed at cognitive actions.

Didactic games contribute to the development of such mental operations as analysis, mental decomposition of the whole into parts or isolation of its aspects from the whole; comparison, establishing similarities and differences between objects or any characteristics; synthesis, mental unification of parts, properties into a single whole; generalization, mental unification of objects and phenomena according to some essential properties. To summarize the above, we can highlight whole line developmental and educational functions of the game. A didactic game can be considered as: most important species independent activities of children, allowing the child to self-realize and assert himself; factor shaping inner world child.

Didactic games help assimilate, consolidate knowledge, and master methods of cognitive action. Children master the characteristics of objects, learn to classify, generalize, and compare. The use of didactic games increases children's interest in classes, develops concentration, and ensures better assimilation of program material.

A. I. Sorokina wrote: “Game actions form the basis of didactic games - without them the game itself is impossible. They are like a picture of the game’s plot.”

The collection contains 27 games that are the most interesting, original, original and modern.

The collection consists of 4 sections:

Section 1 “Didactic games on sensory education aimed at developing cognitive actions in preschool children.”

These games are carried out with the aim of enriching the child’s sensory experience necessary for a full perception of the world around him, and, first of all, replenishing ideas about the properties of objects: their color, shape, size of surrounding objects, position in space, etc.

Section 2 “Didactic games for speech development aimed at developing cognitive actions in preschool children.”

These games are conducted with the goal of preschool children mastering the skills of sound-syllable analysis, which is of paramount importance for the correction and formation of the phonetic side of speech and its grammatical structure, as well as for the development of vocabulary. A didactic game develops children’s speech: it replenishes and activates the vocabulary, forms correct sound pronunciation, develops coherent speech, the ability to correctly express one’s thoughts, expanding and enriching children’s vocabulary with different forms of speech, synonyms, antonyms, and generalizing words. By playing didactic games for speech development, children learn to express their thoughts coherently and consistently, speak expressively, and also develop cognitive actions such as the ability to argue their statements.

Section 3 “Didactic games to familiarize yourself with nature, aimed at developing cognitive actions in preschool children”

The purpose of the presented didactic games is that in the process of games, knowledge about the world around us is formed, cognitive actions, love for nature, a careful and caring attitude towards it, as well as environmentally appropriate behavior in nature are developed. Didactic game effective remedy to familiarize, clarify and systematize knowledge about the world around us. Actions in a didactic game to familiarize yourself with nature are different both in practical and mental terms - starting with actions that allow you to develop such cognitive actions as the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships between natural phenomena, and ending with complex logical conclusions.

Section 4 “Didactic games for the formation of mathematical concepts aimed at developing cognitive actions in preschool children.”

This section includes games for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts aimed at developing cognitive actions when children learn the properties and relationships of objects, numbers, arithmetic operations, quantities and their characteristics, spatiotemporal relations, diversity geometric shapes through actions such as skill establish dimensional relationships between objects of different lengths (height, width, thickness), systematize objects, arranging them in ascending (descending) order by size, analyze the size of objects, compare, generalize, classify. By playing didactic games to form elementary mathematical concepts, children develop a keen natural interest, which contributes to the development of independent thinking, and most importantly, to the development of methods of cognitive action.

The didactic games presented in the collection can be used by teachers in both educational activities for the development of cognitive actions in children and in independent activities.

Section 1 “Didactic games on sensory education aimed at developing cognitive actions in preschool children.”

Didactic game "Dress up the sun"

(For children 3 - 4 years old)

Didactic task: strengthen children's ideas about colors and their shades, the ability to classify objects by color, teach them to compare objects by color by placing them next to each other.

Game task:dress up the sun by attaching a bow of the appropriate color to each ray.

Game actions: An adult or children place an image of the sun with “open eyes” in the center of the table. Children are invited to “dress up the sun”, i.e. By applying it to the main sun, the child arranges the rays in a circle. Next, the child needs to find a bow that matches the color and decorate the ray by applying it.

Rule of the game: match each ray of the sun with a bow of the appropriate color.

Result:All the rays of the sun have bows of the appropriate color.

Didactic game “Decorate the butterfly”

(For children 3 - 4 years old)

Didactic task: teach children to classify objects by color.

Game actions: The teacher shows the children butterflies and says that they have come to visit them. He says that the butterflies brought mugs with them different colors and want kids to decorate their wings. The teacher offers to help the butterflies. First, he asks each child to choose mugs of one color from the four offered. At the same time, he invites one or the other child to choose mugs of the color they like. After all the children have chosen, the teacher gives them silhouettes of butterflies and invites them to decorate them.

Rule of the game: Butterflies of different colors, cut out of cardboard, circles different sizes and flowers. Choose circles of the same color from circles of different colors and decorate the butterfly wings with circles of the same color.

Result: at the end of the game, the teacher praises all the children for decorating the butterflies and making them even more beautiful. Each butterfly has mugs of the same color.

Didactic game “Mend the clothes for the bunnies”

(For children 3 - 4 years old)

Didactic task: develop the ability to identify color and shape as special properties of objects. Strengthen the ability to classify homogeneous objects by color and shape.

Game task: The rabbits will match the patches to the holes in their clothes.

Game actions: The teacher tells the children about the misfortune that happened to the hare: she bought gifts for her bunnies - dresses, shorts, shirts, skirts. While I was walking through the forest, I touched a bush and they tore. (Shows clothes made of cardboard). The teacher invites the children to help the hare: pick up patches and patch up the holes. Specifies which geometric figures Similar holes on skirts and shorts.

Rule of the game: you need to choose patches of the same color and shape as the holes in the rabbit’s clothes.

Result: All the patches have been matched to the holes in the rabbits’ clothes.

Didactic game “Hide the mouse”

(For children 3 - 4 years old)

Didactic task : develop ability to compare the shape, color and size of slots and liners.

Game task: pick up the lid to the window of the mouse's house.

Game actions: The teacher shows the children in which houses the mice have settled.

The mice are now looking out the windows. Everyone's windows are different: round, oval, square, triangular. The mice close these windows only at night, when they go to bed or when they see a cat nearby. Imagine that night has come and the mice need to close the windows. Close so that the shape of the window matches the shape of the lid so that they are tightly closed.

Morning has come, open the windows. But here comes the cat. Hide the mice quickly so that the cat doesn't eat them. The cat left because it did not find a single mouse.

Rule of the game: match the lids to the windows of the mouse houses by shape and color.

Result: All the windows in the mouse houses are covered with covers of matching colors.

Didactic game “Fish and Stars”

(For children 3 - 4 years old)

Didactic task : develop ability to differentiate colors.

Game task: choose starfish girlfriends for the fish by color.

Game actions: The teacher attaches two fish and says that each fish has a friend - a starfish. The teacher attaches one starfish of the same color under each fish and says that he put as many of them as there are fish. After this, the teacher asks children , what color are these fish and stars? Then all the fish and stars are removed. After this, the teacher asks one of them to leave. children and attach red and blue fish. Then another child is called and asked to attach the same number of stars. Other children name the colors of the attached stars. After this, the pictures are removed again. The game continues until all children complete the task of finding star friends for the fish.

Rule of the game: Match each fish with a starfish of the same color as the fish.

Result: all the fish found their starfish friends by color.

Section 2 “Didactic games for speech development aimed at developing cognitive actions in preschool children.”

Didactic game “Who can name the most actions”

(game for children 5 –

Didactic game: Strengthen children's ability to correlate people's actions with their professions. Activate children's vocabulary through action words (verbs).

Game task: Name the actions of people corresponding to their professions.

Game actions:

Children, I work in kindergarten teacher This is my profession. Nikita’s mother treats patients; she is a doctor. This is her profession. Every person, having a profession, works and performs some actions. What does the seller do? Children - sells, cuts, arranges, etc. What does the doctor do? Children - examines people, listens, gives medicine, gives injections.

Rule of the game: Name the professions and activities that the profession involves.

Result: For each correct answer, children receive a chip. The one who collects the most chips wins. Words meaning actions have been selected for all of the listed professions.

Didactic game "Avalanche"

(game for children 5-7 years old)

Didactic task: develop memory, the ability to classify objects into groups.

Game task: name objects in groups in a certain sequence.

Game actions: The presenter informs the participants of the theme of the game, on the basis of which they will have to name objects, while remembering and reproducing all the words named by the previous participant in the game. For example: apple; apple, pear; apple, pear, plum, etc.

Rule of the game: Name objects, and the one who cannot say his word or misses what was said earlier is eliminated from the game (or misses a turn). For example: apple; apple, pear; apple, pear, plum, etc.

Result: correctly name objects by classifying into groups

Didactic game “If…”

(for children 5 – 7 years old)

Didactic task: develop forms of thinking: analysis, synthesis, forecasting, creative coherent speech.

Game task: continue the sentence.

Game actions: invite children to fantasize on a wide variety of topics: “If I were a president...” (what kind of president, why? What would I do?), “If the sun suddenly disappeared...” (What’s good and bad about that?), etc.

Rule of the game: The teacher says a phrase, and the children continue.

Result: Children's continued sentences have logically coherent speech.

Didactic game “Moving to new apartment»

(for children 3 – 4 years old)

Didactic task: developing the ability to compare objects that are similar in purpose and similar in appearance.

Game task: Select and show the correct picture corresponding to the given subject.

Rules of the game: 6-9 children play. Show the picture that the teacher names.

Game actions: The teacher hands each child 2-3 pairs of pictures, for example: cup - glass, scarf - scarf, backpack - briefcase. He says: “Children, we got a new apartment. We need to collect all our things and pack them for moving. First I will pack the dishes. You will help me. Give me only the thing I name. Be careful - many things look similar. Do not confuse, for example, a mug with a cup, or a teapot with a coffee pot. I will put the collected dishes in a blue box.” The teacher names one item from each pair, for example a coffee pot. If the child makes a mistake (shows the teapot), the picture remains with him. By the end of the game, the children should not have a single picture left. The loser is the one who has the pictures left. Then, to activate the corresponding vocabulary in the children’s speech, the teacher invites one child to take the collected pictures out of the box and say what he got, and the rest to name the object paired with the one presented. For example, the presenter says: “Gloves.” “Mittens,” answers the playing partner and gives him his picture.

Result: Choose the right pictures. The loser is the one who has the pictures left.

Didactic game “Guess by description”

(for children 4 – 5 years old)

Didactic task: developing the ability to compare according to the characteristics of an object.

Game task: name the differences between objects.

Game actions: The teacher shows pictures, for example, snowmen, and explains: “There are six snowmen in front of you. At first glance they seem to be the same. But if you look at them carefully, you can see the differences.” Then the teacher invites the children to learn to find similarities and differences.

Look at the faces of the snowmen. They? Each has two eyes and an orange nose.

On their heads? Headdresses of different colors.

Brooms, spatulas, twig. Some snowmen are holding an object in right hand, others - on the left.

Rules of the game: Find similarities and differences between objects.

Result: are able to find the properties and differences of objects .

Didactic game “Think of a word”

(for children 5 – 7 years old)

Didactic game: Systematize children's presentation, teach them to express their thoughts in a brief form, designate quality, objects, and actions with them.

Game task: Guess which item matches the description.

Game actions: the teacher offers to play interesting game, children must think of a word that everyone knows, but not name it, but only tell what it means: what it is and what can be done with it or what it does, and everyone will guess. For example: He is fluffy, laps and purrs. (Kitty). He crows. (Rooster). It is metal, you can use it to eat soup, borscht. (Spoon). It is orange, tasty, long. (Carrot). It is white and floats across the sky. (Cloud).

Rules of the game: talk about an object and action with it.

Result: guess from the description what item is being talked about.

Didactic game “Who will choose the most words?”

(for children 5 – 7 years old)

Didactic task: Develop analysis and synthesis, activate vocabulary.

Game task:name as many words as possible to the questions.

Game actions:

The adult invites the children to name as many words as possible when answering questions. You can use objects or pictures.

What can you sew? (Dress, coat, sundress, shirt, fur coat, boots, Panama hat, skirt, blouse, etc.)

What can you connect? (Hat, mittens, scarf, jacket, vest, dress, tablecloth, napkin, etc.)

What can you darn? (Socks, stockings, mittens, scarf, etc.)

What can you tie? (Hat, scarf, boots, scarf, headscarf, etc.)

What can you wear? (Coat, dress, jacket, fur coat, raincoat, skirt, tights, etc.)

What can you wear? (Sneakers, shoes, shoes, boots, etc.)

What can you “pull” over your head? (Hat, cap, Panama hat, cap, etc.)

Rules of the game: choose as many words as possible from one group.

Result: The one who selects more words wins.

Section 3 “Didactic games to familiarize yourself with nature, aimed at developing cognitive actions in preschool children”

Didactic game “Tops and Roots”

(game for children 6-7 years old)

Didactic task: develop the ability to synthesize objects.

Game task: find your match.

Game actions:

First option.

During a walk after harvesting in the garden, the teacher divides the children into two groups. He gives roots to one of them (onions, turnips, carrots, potatoes, etc.), to the other - tops - tops. All the “tops” and “roots” are mixed up. One, two, three – find your match!” Based on this signal, all children choose a mate for themselves.

Second option.

The “tops” or “roots” stand still. Only one subgroup of guys is running around the site. The teacher gives the command: “Roots,” find your “tops”!” Children should stand so that the tops and roots form one whole.

Rule of the game: You can find your “top” or “spine” only by a signal.

Result: The correctness of the task can be checked by the “magic gate” (the teacher and one of the children), through which all pairs pass. So that interest in the game does not fade away and children gain knowledge about different plants, you need to invite them to exchange tops and roots several times.

Didactic game “What first, what later!”

(game for children 5-6 years old)

Didactic task: the ability to develop abstraction through determining the degree of ripeness of vegetables and fruits by external signs.

Game task: search for your group according to the degree of ripening of vegetables and fruits.

Game actions: The teacher distributes vegetables and fruits to the children and invites them to “mix them up.” At the signal: “Find your vegetable!” - children, holding vegetables and fruits of the same name, gather in groups. Moreover, within each group they must position themselves in such a way that it is clear what comes first, what comes next, that is, follow the sequence of ripening - from unripe to ripe. During the game, children change objects several times.

Rule of the game: Correctly build a chain as vegetables ripen

Result: All vegetables and fruits are arranged in a certain sequence as they ripen. The team that wins is the one that gathers quickly and stands in correct sequence as it matures.

Didactic game “Magic Screens”

(game for children 6-7 years old)

Didactic task: development in children of the ability to systematize objects by property, analyze, compare objects.

Game task: match pictures to any object by color, shape, size.

Rule of the game: at the beginning of mastering the game, the content is designed specifically: a property is selected, pictures with a clear manifestation of this property are selected. In the future, you can use images with multiple properties. For example, in the first “window” there is a red apple, in the second and third “windows” there are apples of different shapes, colors, and sizes. Children discuss how to build a series, which property to choose.

“screen” with three “slot windows” into which tapes with symbols properties. Ribbons are strips depicting objects with varying degrees of properties (for example, a large, medium and small apple).

Rule of the game: The teacher or one of the children inserts an image of an object in the first “window”. He suggests choosing a “family” - building an ordered row.

For example: large circle, then medium, small; dark spot– light, very light, etc.

Result: A correctly constructed ordered series of objects by property.

Didactic game “Whose trace?”

(game for children 6-7 years old)

Didactic task: to develop the ability to compare an animal with the traces it left in the winter forest.

Game task: determine the owner of the tracks.

Game actions:

The teacher says:

Quiet in the winter forest, snow sparkles in the sun multi-colored paints. Everyone is asleep. It seems there is no one. But the winter forest is fraught with many mysteries. Only the most attentive will he tell what is happening here, who is hiding from us today and watching us.

Look at our winter forest. Don't you notice anything? Were any of the animals here before we arrived? (Children notice many traces.)

Whose are they? Why are they not visible in the summer? It turns out that all living beings always leave their traces. It’s just that we can only see them in the snow - in winter or on wet sand - at other times of the year. Traces cannot be seen on grass or asphalt. Let's try to look at the footprints and guess who they belong to.

Rule of the game: carefully consider the didactic picture of the winter forest. One after another, express their thoughts and wishes about which of the animals should be placed where. Determine the owner of the tracks (select the desired one from the animals and place it next to its tracks). The number of players should not exceed 6 people.

Result: The child who correctly places the animals in the winter forest wins, matching the animal with the tracks it left.

Didactic game “Winter supplies”

(game for children 5-7 years old)

Didactic task: to develop children’s ability to correctly classify animal food. Teach the actions of analysis and synthesis.

Game task: select appropriate supplies for the animal for the winter.

Rule of the game: think about where you can arrange a food warehouse for the winter (some animals have a warehouse in a hole, others in a hollow, others bury it under dry leaves, tree roots, etc.). From the food offered, choose only what the animal likes. Place food supplies for the winter with your animal. The game is played by 4 to 6 people.

Each child chooses an animal that he would like to help prepare supplies for the winter.

Game actions:

The teacher says:

Nature in autumn is very kind: it gives gifts not only to people but also to all living creatures - in forests, fields, in all corners. But the animals know that after a generous autumn will come harsh winter, will bring frost and snow that will cover the earth. The animals are preparing for the coming of winter. They not only insulate their houses, but also store food to survive the long, cold winter. Let's help them get ready for winter, guys. Which forest dwellers do you know? Which one of them is stocking up for the winter? Which one would you like to help? (Children speak out)

Result: The child who quickly and correctly helped his animal and was able to collect the most cards with supplies for the winter wins. For every good deed completed, the child receives a card.

Didactic game “Find the same leaf in the bouquet”

(game for children 3-4 years old)

Didactic task: development of the ability to compare objects.

Game task: Find a similar item in your bouquet.

Game actions:

Option 1. The teacher distributes bouquets to the children and keeps the same one for himself. Then he shows them some leaf, for example a maple one, and suggests: “One, two, three - show me this leaf!” Children raise their hand maple leaf.

Option 2.

The child (leader) describes a leaf from a bouquet based on external features, the children find the same leaf in their bouquet.

Rule of the game: find a leaf that matches this flower.

Game actions: The teacher hands out bouquets to the children and keeps the same one for himself. Then he shows them some leaf, for example a maple one, and suggests: “One, two, three - show me this leaf!” Children raise their hand with a maple leaf.

The game is repeated several times with the remaining leaves of the bouquet.

Option 2.

The child (leader) describes a leaf from a bouquet based on external features, the children find the same leaf in their bouquet

Result: choose identical bouquets from 3 - 4 different leaves.

Didactic game " Flower shop»

(game for children 5-7 years old)

Didactic task: strengthen children's ability to classify plants by color and make beautiful bouquets.

Game task: Find a plant by flower color.

Game actions: children come to the store where big choice colors.

Option 1.

On the table is a tray with colorful petals of different shapes. Children choose the petals they like, name their color and find a flower that matches the selected petals in both color and shape.

Option 2.

Children are divided into sellers and buyers. The buyer must describe the flower he has chosen in such a way that the seller can immediately guess what kind of flower he is talking about.

Option 3.

Children independently make three bouquets of flowers: spring, summer, autumn. You can use poems about flowers.
Fairy tale game “Fruits and vegetables”

Rule of the game: make a bouquet based on the description of the flowers of the plant.

Result: a correctly composed bouquet according to the description.

Didactic game "House for leaves"

(game for children 5-7 years old)

Didactic task: develop the ability to analyze and synthesize tree names based on essential features.

Game task: choose the right leaves for trees and shrubs.

Game actions:

The teacher sets up the children for the game.

Before you is a forest that has awakened in the spring. The sun woke him up with its warm rays, melted the snow, cheerful streams ran and watered the earth. The forest begins to come to life. How do you think you can know that trees and shrubs have woken up?

Who hid in these kidneys, in these houses?

Let's choose appropriate clothing for each tree and shrub. Who would you like to dress up?

Children speak out and begin to dress up the trees and shrubs they have chosen according to the description.

Rule of the game: determine which tree or shrub you want to dress up in spring. Select spring leaves that match the description of the given tree or shrub. Number of players: 5-6 people; if the game is played by teams, then 3 teams of 2-3 people. The winners are those children who quickly, correctly
and completed the task carefully.

Result: dress up the trees and shrubs in our forest in spring attire.

Section 4 “Didactic games for the formation of mathematical concepts aimed at developing cognitive actions in preschool children.”

Didactic game"Put it in boxes"

(game for children 4-5 years old)

Didactic task: learn to group geometric shapes, abstracting from color and size.

Game task: arrange the figures into boxes with an outline image.

Rule of the game: In this game, boxes are used (tables on each of which contain a geometric figure), on which contour images of the figures are given, and circles, squares, and triangles of various colors and sizes.

Game actions: put things in order, arrange all the figures into boxes (tables). Children first look at the boxes and determine which of them needs to be put in. Then they arrange the figures on the boxes (tables), correlating their shape with the outline image.

Result: The shapes in the box must match the drawn outline on the box.

Didactic game "Who needs what uniform?

(game for children 3-4 years old)

Didactic task: teach children to group geometric shapes (ovals, circles) by shape, distracting from color and size.

Game task: arrange the geometric shapes circle and oval on different trays.

Game actions: The teacher demonstrates a circle and an oval, asks the children to remember the names of these figures, show how they differ from each other, and trace the contours with their fingers. “Now put all the circles on one tray - a matryoshka, all the ovals on another - a bear.” The teacher observes how the children complete the task, and in case of difficulty, asks the child to circle the figure with his finger and say what it is called.

Rule of the game: arrange the geometric shapes into groups, put a circle on the tray for the matryoshka, and an oval for the bear.

Result: geometric shapes circle and oval are laid out in accordance with the assignment. “Today we learned to distinguish circles from ovals. The bear will take all the ovals to the forest, and the matryoshka will take the circles home.”

Didactic game “Let’s collect beads”

(game for children 3-4 years old)

Didactic task: to develop the ability to group geometric shapes according to two properties (color and shape, size and color, shape and size), to see the simplest patterns in the alternation of shapes.

Game task: arrange the beads according to the pattern.
Rules of the game: There is a long ribbon on the floor, on it, from left to right, in a certain alternation, figures are laid out: a red triangle, a green circle, a red triangle, etc. Arrange the beads according to the pattern.

Rule of the game: Children stand in a circle, in front of them are boxes with multi-colored geometric shapes. The teacher suggests making beads for the New Year tree. He points to a tape with laid out geometric shapes and says: “Look, the Snow Maiden has already started making them. What shapes did she decide to make the beads from? Guess which bead is next.” Children take two of the same figures, name them and begin to make beads. They explain why they lay out this particular figure. Under the guidance of the teacher, mistakes are corrected. Then the teacher says that the beads have scattered and need to be collected again. He lays out the beginning of the beads on the tape, and invites the children to continue. He asks which figure should be next and why. Children choose geometric shapes and arrange them in accordance with a given pattern.

Result: the beads are assembled according to the pattern.

Didactic game “Bridges for bunnies”

(game for children 3-4 years old)

Didactic task: develop children’s ability to compare two objects by size, activate the words “big, small, long, short” in children’s speech.

Game task: choose the size of the board.

Game actions: The teacher says: “Once upon a time there were two bunnies in the forest and they decided to make bridges for themselves into a clearing. They found the tablets, but they just couldn’t figure out who should take which tablet.

Look, are the bunnies the same size or different? How are the planks different? Place them side by side and see which one is longer and which one is shorter. Run your fingers along the boards. Which tablet will you give to the big bunny? Which one for the little one? Let's plant Christmas trees near the bridges. How tall is this Christmas tree? Where do we put her? What kind of Christmas tree will we plant near the short bridge?

Rule of the game: Help the bunnies choose the right size planks to build a bridge.

Result: The boards were selected according to size. The bunnies are very glad that you helped them."

Didactic game “Bugs on leaves”.

(game for children 4-5 years old)

Didactic task: to develop children’s ability to compare two groups of objects based on comparison, to establish equality and inequality of two sets.

Game task: Find the bug's home by the number of leaves.

Game actions: the teacher says: “Children, look how beautiful the bugs are. They want to play with you, you will become bugs.

Our bugs live on leaves. Each bug has its own house - a leaf. Now you will fly around the clearing, and at my signal you will find yourself a house - a leaf. Bugs, fly! Bugs, into the house! Did all the bugs have enough houses? How many bugs? How many leaves? Are there equal numbers? How else can you say it? The bugs really enjoyed playing with you.”

Rule of the game: Find the bug's home by counting the number of leaves.

Result: the bugs found their homes.

Didactic game "Let's decorate the rug."

(game for children 3-4 years old)

Didactic task: develop children’s ability to compare two objects by size, activate the words “big, small” in children’s speech.

Game task: decorate rugs using geometric shapes.

Game actions: the teacher says: “Children, a bear came to visit us. He wants to give his friends beautiful rugs, but he hasn't had time to decorate them. Let us help him decorate the rugs. How will we decorate them? (in circles) What color are the circles? Are they the same size or different? Where will you put the big circles? (in the corners) Where will you put the small circles? (middle) What color are they?

Rule of the game: We decorate the rugs with geometric shapes according to the pattern.

Result: We decorated rugs based on the model for Mishka using geometric shapes. Bear really liked your rugs, he will now give these rugs to his friends.”

Didactic game “Houses for bear cubs”

(game for children 3-4 years old)

Didactic task: develop children’s ability to compare two objects by size, activate the words “big, small” in children’s speech.

Game task: build houses for the cubs

Game actions: the teacher says: “Guys, I’ll tell you now interesting story.

Once upon a time there were two bear cubs, and then one day they decided to build houses for themselves. They took the walls and roofs for the houses, but they just don’t understand what to do next. Let us help them make houses. Look how big our cubs are? What is the size of this bear cub, big or small? What kind of house are we going to make for him? Which wall will you take, big or small? What kind of roof should I get? How big is this little bear? What kind of house should he make? What kind of roof will you take? What color is it? Let's plant Christmas trees near the houses. Are the Christmas trees the same size or different? Where will we plant a tall Christmas tree? Where should we plant a low Christmas tree?

Rule of the game: help the cubs build houses, comparing all the parts by size.

Result: built houses for the cubs from geometric shapes. The cubs are very happy that you helped them. They want to play with you."

Didactic game “What figures are missing?”

(game for children 5-7 years old)

Didactic task: Exercise children in sequential analysis of each group of figures, identifying and generalizing the features characteristic of the figures of each group, comparing them, justifying the solution found.

Game task: find the missing figure in a row of different geometric shapes.

Game actions: Having distributed the tablets among themselves, each player must analyze the figure of the first row. Attention is drawn to the fact that in the rows there are large white figures, inside of which there are small figures of three colors. Comparing the second row with the first, it is easy to see that it is missing a large square with a red circle. The empty cell of the third row is filled in similarly. This row is missing a large triangle with a red square. The second player, reasoning in a similar way, should place a large circle with a small yellow square in the second row, and a large circle with a small red circle in the third row.

Rules of the game: Large geometric shapes (circle, triangle, square) and small ones (circle, triangle, square) in three colors. Analyze rows with geometric shapes, select the missing shape and insert it into this row. Two people are playing.

Result: Correctly select the missing figure in each row. The one who quickly and correctly completes the task wins.


    Alabina, L. V. Collection of exercises and didactic games: teaching aid/ L. V. Alabina. – M.: TsGL, 2013.

    Gileva A. Didactic games and gaming activities. – Tbilisi: Mountain, 2007. 6. Didactic games for preschoolers. Collection of games for teachers and parents. / Ed. L.A. Golovchits. – M.: GRAF PRESS, 2013.

    Pavlova L.Yu. Collection of didactic games for familiarization with the outside world / L.Yu. Pavlova. – M.: Mosaic – Synthesis, 2006

    Sorokina A.I., Baturina E.G. Games with rules in kindergarten: a collection of didactic and outdoor games. – M.: Nauka, 2008.

    Sorokina A.I. Didactic games in kindergarten. A manual for kindergarten teachers. – M.: Education, 2006.

    Udaltsova E.I. Didactic games in the education and training of preschoolers. – Minsk, Belarus, 2016.

Thematic selection of games and exercises for young children, topic: “Toys”

(Material on the same topic is on our website in the form of lesson notes for children 1-2 and 2-3 years old. The games and exercises there are selected based on the age and skills of the children, and in this collection we have prepared and collected a large number of tasks and exercises in addition to those already contained in the notes).


Enrich children's active vocabulary with words-names of toys.
Form stable ideas about size, shape, color, quantity.
Continue to introduce children to geometric shapes.
Teach children to make a whole from parts.
Introduce children to an unconventional drawing technique - drawing with cotton swabs.
Improve the ability to draw straight lines with a pencil, paste image details in the right place.
Develop thinking, fine and gross motor skills.
Practice onomatopoeia, the ability to navigate in space, and coordinate movements with words.
Improve concentration and attention span.
Bring up careful attitude to toys.


Toys: Cheburashka, small doll dolls, cubes, balls, cat, bear, flags, steering wheels.
A picture of Cheburashka without ears and a bib, these parts cut out of paper, glue sticks.
Boats made from soap dishes with the numbers “1” and “2” stuck on them.
A sheet of green cardboard with a river, narrow and wide bridges, bushes with three and many berries glued on.
Cotton swabs, red gouache, baskets cut out of paper.
Pictures with a silhouette image of a tumbler (made of circles), multi-colored circles corresponding to the size of the picture, multi-colored pebbles, a circle with the image of a tumbler’s face.
Picture blank for finger painting “Tumbler” (without eyes), ready-made plastic eyes, plasticine, finger paints, wet wipes.
Clothespins, colorful circles.
Drawing with empty spaces in the form of geometric shapes, geometric shapes of appropriate sizes and colors.
Cut-out pictures depicting toys.
Various toys in duplicate each, toy chest.
Buttons of two sizes in different colors, a picture depicting multi-colored flags corresponding to the color and size of the buttons.
Toys: elephant, bull, bear, bed, box.
Cookie squares cut out of cardboard, pictures depicting a cat, dog, cow, mouse, crow, pig, goat, duck, chicken.
Colored pictures of toys cut out of paper and their black shadows drawn on cardboard.
Colored pencils, sheets of paper with painted flags without sticks, counting sticks.
A container with cereal in which small toys are buried.
Background picture with images of toys, cardboard squares-cubes of different colors.
Blank picture “Night sky”, yellow plasticine.
Audio recordings: “Cheburashka”, “Flag”, “Animal Toys”.

Surprise moment "Cheburashka"

Look who came to visit us today? Cheburashka. He is a toy himself and loves other toys. Today we will play with a variety of toys.

Application "Cheburashka"

To complete the portrait of Cheburashka, you need to glue on the missing parts: ears and bib.

Didactic game “Find the shadow of the toy”

The toys have lost their shadows. Find the shadow of each toy and place the colored toy on top of its black shadow.

Didactic exercise “Cut pictures”

But these toys were unlucky - the children played with them poorly and broke them. Let's fix these toys - connect the parts into a whole.

Didactic game “How many nesting dolls?”

Here are boats for nesting dolls, but you can put as many nesting dolls in a boat as the number you see on the boat. If the number “1” on the boat means that only one nesting doll can be placed in this boat. And if the number “2” is on the boat, then you can put two nesting dolls in such a boat.
Take the boats and place the nesting dolls.

Didactic game “Matryoshkas went to the forest”

Matryoshka dolls love to go for walks in the forest. Now take the matryoshka doll and take it for a walk. (Children manipulate a matryoshka toy on a sheet with glued bridges across a river, tree stumps, and berry bushes).

Here comes the nesting doll. And in front of her is a river. Are there bridges? How many bridges? Two bridges. Identical bridges? No. Various bridges. One bridge is narrow and the other is wide.
The nesting doll walked along the narrow bridge.
She got tired and sat down to rest on a narrow stump. Uncomfortable on a narrow stump, the nesting doll moved to a wide stump.
And here are the bushes with berries. There are many berries on one bush. And on the other there is little. The matryoshka approached a bush with few berries. She collected all the berries and counted them: one, two, three. Then the nesting doll went to a bush with a lot of berries.
It's time for the nesting doll to go home. She walked home along the wide bridge. Goodbye!

Drawing with cotton swabs “Berries for matryoshka”

The nesting dolls wanted to collect the berries in baskets and bring them home. Let's draw some berries. And we will draw berries with cotton swabs.

Musical educational game “Give cookies to the animals”

We have cookies for the animals. Now we will treat them to these cookies. Listen to the words of the song carefully - the song will tell you who to treat. (According to the words of the song “Animal Toys,” children find a picture depicting this character and place “cookies” next to it).

Construction "Tumbler"

Here is a drawing of Tumbler. Let's make it beautiful and bright with colorful circles. Match the circles suitable size and apply it to the drawing.

When the children have laid out an image of a tumbler out of circles, you can offer to decorate the body - the children decorate a large circle with multi-colored pebbles and put a circle-face on a circle-head.

Visual activity “Tumbler”

Let's make beautiful eyes for Tumbler: make two balls of plasticine, attach them to the picture, put the finished eyes on top of the plasticine and press them with your finger.
And now, using finger paints, we will make a beautiful red dress for Tumbler.

Outdoor game "Carousel"

Barely, barely, the carousel began to spin,
And then, then, then,
Everybody run, run, run.
Hush, hush, don't rush,
Stop the carousel!
One and two, and one and two,
The game is over!

Game with clothespins “Rattles”

The stick holders of the rattle toys were broken. Make them from clothespins. (As the children complete the task, the teacher asks what color rattle sticks the children choose).

Finger gymnastics “Toys”

There are toys on my table
They hid in silence.
Five gifts on your birthday
The guys brought it to me.
(We stroke the open palm of the other with circular movements of the fingers of one hand)

Once - a furry, soft bear,
Two - green crocodile.
Three is a naughty bunny,
And four - one horse,
Five is a huge machine
With a large yellow body.
(With the index finger, we stroke each finger with the other hand in the direction from the base to the tip)

I put my gifts in it
I put it down early in the morning.
(Join your palms and rub them in a circular motion with little effort)

Didactic game “Find pairs for toys”

Children are given toys and asked to go to the “store” and buy another exactly the same toy.

Dynamic pause "Flag"

Guys, choose your flags. What color flag did you choose? And you? What color is your flag? Listen to the song and repeat the movements.

Game with buttons "Flags"

Place the buttons in the right places.

(In the archive with the lesson there are several versions of this game for children of different ages).

Drawing with pencils “Sticks for flags”

These are some beautiful multi-colored flags.

Use counting sticks to make holders for the flags. (Children put sticks to the flags vertically). Put away the chopsticks and take out the pencils. Now let’s draw sticks for the flags.

Didactic exercise “Find geometric shapes in the picture”

Look, some figures have run away from this beautiful picture.

Here is a triangle, a circle, a square, a rectangle, and you return these shapes to their places in the picture.

Reading the poem “Elephant” by A. Barto

Time to sleep! The bull fell asleep
Lay down in the box on its side.
The sleepy bear lay down in bed,
Only the elephant doesn't want to sleep.
The elephant nods its head
He bows to the elephant.

Modeling “Night outside the window”

Night has come. The moon appeared in the sky.

And you and I will make the stars ourselves. Tear off pieces of plasticine, apply them to the night sky and press them with your finger.

Exercise “Find toys in cereals”

Children dig out small toys from a container filled with cereal.

Didactic game “Build a tower of cubes”

Build a tower from square cubes. Name the color of each cube.

Relay race “Put the toys in their place”

Children run one after another from one end of the room to the other, take a toy, return and put it in the chest.

A selection of didactic games on speech development for junior group
What kind of item?
Goal: learn to name an object and describe it.
The child takes out an object, a toy, from a wonderful bag and names it (it’s a ball). First, the teacher describes the toy: “It’s round, blue, with a yellow stripe, etc.”
Guess the toy
Goal: to develop in children the ability to find an object, focusing on its main features and description.
3-4 familiar toys are put on display. The teacher says: he will outline the toy, and the task of the players is to listen and name this object.
Note: 1-2 signs are indicated first. If children find it difficult 3-4.
Who will see and name more
Goal: to learn to designate parts and signs with words and actions appearance toys.
Educator: Our guest is the doll Olya. Olya loves to be praised and people pay attention to her clothes. Let's give the doll pleasure, describe her dress, shoes, socks.
Goal: to correlate the verb with the action it denotes and with the subject who performed this action.
Materials: needles, glasses, soap, bell, brush, iron. Brush, broom, toy - Magpie bird.
Educator: While you were at home, a magpie flew into the kindergarten and collected various things in its bag. Let's see what she took
(The teacher lays out the items)
What follows is a dialogue between the children and the magpie:
Magpie, forty
Give us the soap
I won't give, I won't give
I'll take your soap
I'll give my shirt to wash.
Magpie, forty
Give us the needle!
I won't give it up, I won't give it up.
I'll take a needle
I’ll sew a shirt for my little shirt.
Forty, forty,
Give us the glasses
I won't give it up, I won't give it up.
I'm without glasses myself
I can’t read forty poems.
Forty, forty.
Give us the bell.
I won't give it up, I won't give it up.
I'll take the bell.
I'll give you the shirt - call me, son.
You, magpie, don't rush
Ask the kids.
They will all understand you.
Everything you need will be served.
Educator: What do you want to do, magpie? (Clean, iron, dye...)
Educator: Children, what does a magpie need for this?
(Children name and bring all the items)
The magpie thanks and flies away.
Name as many objects as possible
Goal: to train children in clear pronunciation of words.
The teacher invites the children to look around them and name as many objects that surround them as possible (name only those that are in their field of vision)
The teacher makes sure that children pronounce words correctly and clearly and do not repeat themselves. When the kids can no longer name anything themselves, the teacher can ask them leading questions: “What’s hanging on the wall?” etc.
Olya's assistants
Purpose: to form plural forms. Numbers of verbs.
Material: Olya doll.
- The doll Olya came to us with her assistants. I’ll show them to you, and you can guess who these assistants are and what they help Ole do.
The doll is walking along the table. The teacher points to her legs.
- What is this? (These are the legs)
- They are Olya’s assistants. What are they doing? (Walk, jump, dance, etc.)
Then he points to other parts of the body and asks similar questions, the children answer (hands take, draw...; teeth chew, bite, gnaw...; eyes look, blink...)
Multi-colored chest
Goal: to teach children to focus on the ending of the word when agreeing neuter (feminine) nouns with pronouns.
Material: box, subject pictures according to the number of children.
I put the pictures
In a multi-colored chest.
Come on, Ira, take a look,
Take out the picture and name it.
Children take out a picture and name what is shown on it.
Tell me which one?
Goal: To teach children to identify the characteristics of an object.
The teacher (or child) takes objects out of the box, names them, and the children point out some feature of this object.
If the children find it difficult, the teacher helps: “This is a cube. What is he like?
"Magic Cube"
Game material: cubes with pictures on each side.
Rules of the game. A child throws a dice. Then he must depict what is drawn on the top edge and pronounce the corresponding sound.
The child, together with the teacher, says: “Turn, spin, lie on your side,” and throws the dice. On the top edge there is, for example, an airplane. The teacher asks: “What is this?” and asks to imitate the rumble of an airplane.
The other sides of the die are played in the same way.
"Unusual Song"
Rules of the game. The child sings vowel sounds to the tune of any melody he knows.
Educator: One day, beetles, butterflies and grasshoppers argued who could sing a song best. The big, fat beetles came out first. They sang importantly: O-O-O. (Children sing a melody with the sound O). Then the butterflies fluttered out. They sang a song loudly and cheerfully. (Children perform the same melody, but with sound A). The last to come out were the grasshopper musicians, they began to play their violins - E-I-I. (Children hum the same melody with the sound I). Then everyone came out into the clearing and began chanting with words. And immediately all the beetles, butterflies, and grasshoppers realized that our girls and boys sang best.
Rules of the game. The teacher loudly pronounces any vowel sound, and the child repeats it, but quietly.
The teacher says loudly: A-A-A. the echo child quietly answers: a-a-a. And so on. You can also use a combination of vowel sounds: ay, ua, ea, etc.
"Gardener and Flowers"
Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about flowers (wild berries, fruits, etc.)
Five or six players sit on chairs arranged in a circle. This is flowers. They all have a name (the players can choose a flower picture; they cannot be shown to the presenter). The leading gardener says: “It’s been so long since I’ve seen a wonderful white flower with a yellow eye that looks like a little sun, I haven’t seen a chamomile.” Chamomile gets up and takes a step forward. Chamomile, bowing to the gardener, says: “Thank you, dear gardener. I’m happy that you wanted to look at me.” Chamomile sits on another chair. The game continues until the gardener lists all the flowers.
The content of this game can be easily changed: "Gardener and Fruit Trees", "Forester and berries", "The trainer and his animals", etc.
“Who can name more actions”
Goal: actively use verbs in speech, forming various verb forms.
Material. Pictures: items of clothing, airplane, doll, dog, sun, rain, snow.
The Incompetent comes and brings pictures. The children's task is to choose words that denote actions related to objects or phenomena depicted in the pictures.
For example:
- What can you say about the plane? (flies, buzzes, rises)
- What can you do with clothes? (wash, iron, sew up)
- What can you say about the rain? (walks, drips, pours, drizzles, knocks on the roof)
"Kids and the Wolf"
Target. Finish the fairy tale at its beginning.
Material. Flannelograph and attributes for the fairy tale “The Goat with Kids”, bunny
The teacher tells the beginning of the fairy tale, showing the figures of the characters.
- Listen to what happened next: The goat went back into the forest. The kids were left at home alone. Suddenly there was a knock on the door again. The kids got scared and hid. And this was a small show... (Children finish: bunny)
Educator: the bunny says...
Children: don't be afraid of me, it's me - a little bunny.
Educator: The kids treated him...
Children: carrots, cabbage...
Educator: then they became...
"Wake up the cat"
Target. Activate the names of baby animals in children’s speech.
Material. Animal costume elements (hat)
One of the children gets the role of a cat. He sits, closing his eyes, (as if sleeping), on a chair in the center of the circle, and the rest, optionally choosing the role of any baby animal, form a circle. The one to whom the teacher points with a gesture gives a voice (produces an onomatopoeia corresponding to the character).
The cat's task is to name who woke him up (cockerel, frog, etc.). If the character is named correctly, the performers change places and the game continues.
Target. Development of phonemic hearing.
Children stand in a circle. The teacher pronounces different sounds. If you hear a sound like oo, raise your arms and spin around slowly.
The sounds u, i, a, o, u, i, u, a are pronounced. Children, hearing the sound u, make the appropriate movements.
"Pinocchio the Traveler"
Target. Find your bearings in the meaning of verbs.
Material. Pinocchio doll.
Pinocchio is a traveler. He travels to many kindergartens. He will tell you about his travels, and you will guess which rooms of the kindergarten or on the street he visited.
- I went into the room where the children rolled up their sleeves, soaped their hands, and dried themselves.
- They yawn, rest, sleep...
- They dance, sing, spin...
There was Pinocchio in kindergarten when the children:
- they come and say hello... (When does this happen?)
- having lunch, thanking...
- get dressed, say goodbye...
- making a snow woman, sledding
"Hide and Seek"
Target. Formation of the morphological side of speech. Lead children to understand prepositions and adverbs that have spatial meaning (in, on, behind, under, about, between, next to, left, right)
Material. Small toys.
The teacher hides the toys made in advance in different places in the group room, and then gathers the children around him. He tells them: “I was notified that uninvited guests have settled in our group. The tracker who was monitoring them writes that someone was hiding in the upper right drawer desk. Who will go on the search? Fine. Found it? Well done! And someone hid in the corner of the toys, behind the closet (Search). Someone is under the doll's bed; someone is on the table; what is standing to my right"
THAT. the children look for all the uninvited guests, hide them in a box and agree that they will again play hide and seek with their help.
"The postman brought a postcard"
Target. Teach children to form verb forms in the present tense (draws, dances, runs, jumps, laps, waters, meows, barks, strokes, drums, etc.)
Material. Postcards depicting people and animals performing various actions.
The game is played with a small subgroup.
Someone knocks on the door.
Educator: Guys, the postman brought us postcards. Now we will look at them together. Who is on this card? That's right, Mishka. What is he doing? Yes, he drums. This card is addressed to Olya. Olya, remember your postcard. This postcard is addressed to Pasha. Who is pictured here? What is he doing? And you, Petya, remember your postcard.
THAT. 4-5 pieces are considered. And those to whom they are addressed must correctly name the character’s actions and remember the image.
Educator: Now I’ll check if you remember your postcards? Snowmen are dancing. Whose postcard is this? Etc.
All kinds of games with words are useful and interesting for children of this age. The use of such games contributes to the development of the child’s speech and thinking; vocabulary formation. In such games, the baby relies on his ideas. Word games are often based on folklore material. In the second younger group, children are offered the games “Ladushki”, “Magpie-Crow”, “Geese-Geese”, “Rain”, etc. In the game “Rain” the child learns to correlate his actions with the words of the chant: Rain, rain, more, Let’s give give you the grounds, we'll give you a spoon, take a little bite! Children wave their hands palms up, expecting heavy rain, show their palm on one side and the other, scoop up imaginary thickets with a spoon. In the game “The Cat Went to Torzhok”, children first meet a cat (toy), who gives them gifts (pies, buns). Verbal games can use poetic works by modern children's authors. Using such material, the teacher must clearly define the didactic task and goals that he sets in this game. The teacher’s ability to amuse children and give them emotional release seems very important. In the game “The Mice Jumped” (words by N. Kolpakova), the teacher’s attention is aimed at developing motor-speech activity. He artistically shows the movements, and the kids, standing in a circle, perform movements corresponding to the text: The mice jumped around the gingerbread. They jumped, danced, bit the crusts. They jumped, sang... and ate all the gingerbread! Children perform energetic movements: jump, dance, narrow the circle, shouting in unison: “A-am!” and sitting down on the floor. This mobile-didactic verbal game activates the articulatory apparatus, gives speech (due to emphasis on the strong beats of the beat) rhythmic elasticity, which is reinforced by expressive movements.

Collection of didactic games

on speech development.

Shekhtel I.N.

Collection of didactic games

on speech development.

Urumqay high school

Shchuchinsky district

Shekhtel Irina Nikolaevna

teacher primary classes


Explanatory note.

In world pedagogy, the game form of education has recently become widespread. In pedagogical literature it is often called “ active learning"due to the fact that the use of games activates the learning process. The need for their use in primary school is obvious, since children’s education begins at the age of six.

The main activity of preschoolers is play, so it is very difficult for a first-grader to immediately switch to learning. Games and play exercises used in lessons make this process more interesting, entertaining, create a cheerful, working mood in children, make it easier to overcome difficulties in mastering educational material, and evoke positive emotions.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “Let us take a closer look at what place play occupies in a child’s life... For him, play is the most serious matter. The game reveals the world to children and reveals the creative abilities of the individual. Without them there is and cannot be full-fledged mental development.”

A transitional form from play to learning is a didactic game, which organically connects learning with game form his organization. Using the game educational process helps to more quickly and painlessly overcome the mental barrier that arises when a child enters school.

Didactic games are a type of games with rules specially created by a pedagogical school for the purpose of teaching and raising children. They are aimed at solving specific problems in teaching children, but at the same time, they demonstrate the educational and developmental influence of gaming activities.

The didactic game is part of a holistic pedagogical process, combined and interconnected with other forms of teaching and upbringing.

This collection contains games and exercises to develop students’ speech, which are divided into 3 sections:

1) games aimed at setting and consolidating sounds, forming a vocabulary;

2) oral games with words;

3) games with pencil and paper.

The games of the first section, aimed at developing phonemic hearing, are built with a gradual complication of game and educational tasks. First, children learn to hear, distinguish between sounds and syllables, identify the first and last sounds in a number of words (game “Chain of Words”), and practice selecting words with a certain sound. In the game exercise “Find a Pair,” the child, by moving the arrow on the disk, learns to select words that sound similar: bowl - bear, mustache - wasp, lump - catfish etc., in differentiating the most complex sounds: s – w, r – l(game “Who will collect things faster”).

This section ends with a game that serves as a control game - “Train”. It allows you to find out whether children can determine the position of a sound in a word and the number of sounds in a word.

In order for the process of assimilation of linguistic features to occur most intensively and at the same time entertainingly, already in folk pedagogy since ancient times there have been many techniques for better assimilation by children of the meaning of a particular word, the development of options for its use in speech practice and the consolidation of success in memorizing them.

The second section contains targeted exercises based on the use of various properties of individual words and expressions of the rich Russian language. Word games are built on the words and actions of the players. In such games, children learn, based on existing ideas about objects, to deepen their knowledge about them.

As students master skills writing The teacher can refer to the third section, which contains crosswords and puzzles on topics familiar to children. Completing entertaining written tasks helps to quickly distinguish words and letters that are similar in spelling, consolidate clear oculomotor and speech motor operations, stability of attention, visual and auditory memory for words, as well as train the secondary zone of the occipital cortex of the left hemisphere, responsible for the implementation of reading functions.

The games of all three sections are aimed not only at developing students’ speech, but also develop logical thinking, mental acuity, quick wit, imagination, will be excellent exercises as training, stimulating the ability to reason and prove.

Based on the use of these games and similar ones, a diagnosis was made of the level of development of students’ speech, as well as other important skills:

1. Games aimed at setting and consolidating sounds, forming a vocabulary.

"Which sound".

Didactic task: develop the ability to distinguish between vowels and consonants, record speech sounds with icons.

Equipment: cards with schematic images of vowels and consonants.

“How many sounds did you hear?”

Didactic task: develop children's phonemic hearing, develop the ability to distinguish between sounds and direct syllables.

"Choose a toy"

Didactic task: consolidate skills correct setting word stress.

Equipment: a set of various toys or pictures.

"Three piglets"

Didactic task: acquire word formation skills by replacing sounds.

Equipment: subject pictures depicting three little pigs, an illustration from the book for the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs.”


Didactic task: develop the ability to divide words into syllables.

Equipment: hammer.

Option. The teacher names the first syllable of the word and taps the total number of syllables of the intended word with a hammer. Children must guess what word is intended. The person who guessed thinks about his word, etc.

“We are moving to a new apartment”

(board game)

Target: teach children to distinguish objects that are similar in purpose and similar in appearance, help them remember their names; activate the appropriate vocabulary in children's speech.

Equipment: 1. Paired subject pictures: cup - glass, mug - cup, kettle - coffee pot, saucepan - frying pan, scarf - scarf, hat - hat, dress - sundress, sweater - sleeveless vest, coat - jacket, trousers - shorts, socks - knee socks, gloves - mittens, backpack - briefcase, chandelier - desk lamp etc.

2. Boxes for folding pictures.

6-9 children play. The teacher gives each child 2-3 pairs of pictures, for example: cup - glass, scarf - scarf, backpack - briefcase. He says: “Children, we got a new apartment. We need to collect all our things and pack them for moving. First I will pack the dishes. You will help me. Give me only the thing I name. Be careful - many things look similar. Do not confuse, for example, a mug with a cup, or a teapot with a coffee pot. I will put the collected dishes in a blue box.”

The teacher names one object from each pair, for example, a coffee pot. If the child is mistaken (presents a teapot). The picture stays with him.

By the end of the game, the children should not have a single picture left. The loser is the one who has the pictures left.

Then, to activate the corresponding vocabulary in the children’s speech, the teacher invites one child to take the collected pictures out of the box and say what he got, and the rest to name the object paired with the one being presented. For example, the presenter says: “Gloves.” “Mittens,” answers the playing partner and gives him his picture.

"Chain of Words"

(board game)

Target: Exercise children in identifying the first and last sounds in words.

Game material:

Cards with subject pictures: pencil - cabinet - flag - bush - ax - rocket - bus - bough - key - kettle - cat - pineapple - catfish - poppy - crocodile - onion. (Fig. 1)

The children have cards on their tables (one for two). The teacher has a card with a picture of a pencil.

The teacher explains: “Today we will lay out a chain of objects. Our chain will begin with the word pencil. The next link in the chain will be a word that begins with the sound that the word ends with pencil. Which of you will find an object with this name in your picture, attach your picture to mine and name your object so that the last sound in the word is clearly heard. If you find two items at once, the person who found it first will attach a picture. And the remaining picture will be added later, when a word with the same sound is again needed for the chain.”

When the entire chain has been laid out (it can be placed in a circle), the teacher invites the children to name the objects in chorus, starting with any one indicated, slightly emphasizing with their voice the first and last sounds in each word.

“Who will pack their things faster?”

(board game)

Target: Exercise children in differentiating sounds s – w.

Game material: A map in the middle of which two suitcases are depicted. (Fig. 2) Pieces of clothing are drawn in a circle, the names of which contain a sound With or w(fur coat, cap, hat, earflaps, scarf, shawl; sundress, boots, sandals, suit, shirt). Between the objects there are circles from one to four; 2 chips of different colors, a cube with circles on the sides (from one to six circles); squares of different colors (8-10 each), they can have letters With or w.

Progress of the game

Two children are playing. One child must pack a suitcase with things that have a sound in their names. With, the other is things with sound w. Children take turns throwing the dice and moving their chip by as many circles as are indicated on the top edge of the cube. If the chip lands on an object that has the sound the child needs in its name, he places a cardboard square on his suitcase. The one who has more things wins

will pack it into his suitcase (collect more squares).

"Find a match."

Target: Exercise children in selecting words that differ from each other in one sound, to develop phonemic awareness.

Game material: 1. A disk divided into 2 halves, along the edge of which an equal number of circles of velvet paper (5-7 pieces each) are glued in the upper and lower parts. A double arrow is attached to the disk, which is convenient to move (Fig. 3).

2. Object pictures on circles of the same size as the circles on the disk), glued on the back side with velvet paper or flannel (Fig. 4)

Goat - braid bear - mouse whale - cat

Grass - firewood roof - rat mustache - wasps

Reel - reel caska - mask com - som

Duck – fishing rod poppy – cancer house – smoke

Progress of the game:

Option 1. The teacher places a disk with pictures on the flannelgraph (in the upper half). The rest of the pictures are located on the flannel table or on the teacher’s desk. Invites children to play the game “Find a Pair.” Explains: “This disk is divided into two parts. The top half contains different pictures. One arrow points to the picture, and the second to the empty circle below. On this circle you need to place a picture with an object whose name sounds similar to the name of the object pointed to by the top arrow.”

The teacher calls the children to the board. Having selected a picture, the child pronounces both names, emphasizing their similarities and differences (“Ko With a – co h A"). The teacher then moves the arrow to the next picture.

Option 2. Each player receives one or two pictures. The teacher places one arrow on a picture and names the object depicted on it. Children look at their pictures and choose the one they want. The one who has the picture left loses.

"What are their names?"

Target: To strengthen in children the ability to identify the first, last, second and third sounds in words, as well as to form names from them.

Game material:

1. Table with images of children: girls and boys (four to five). At the top there are 4-5 long pockets for subject pictures, at the bottom there are pockets for letters. (Fig.5)

2. Subject pictures and cards with letters

a, y, o, s, l, m, w, r.

Progress of the game:

Option 1. The teacher suggests finding out the names of the girls and boys shown on the table. He explains that to do this, you need to identify the first sounds in words - the names of objects drawn in pictures in the upper pockets. Children name: horse, watermelon, crayfish, aster - and come to the conclusion that the girl’s name is Lara.

Subject pictures for reading (composing) the name Shura: ball, duck, fish, orange; name Masha: mouse, bus, cone, antenna; name Roma: hand, wasp, poppy, car.

Option 2. Children make up names based on the last sounds in words: Shura(reeds, kangaroo, ball, vase); Lara(table, cat, axe, duck); Masha(house, bag, lily of the valley, fork); Roma(mosquito, wheel, catfish, saw).

Option 3. Names are formed according to the second sound in words: Lara(elephant, crayfish, watermelon, poppy); Shura(ears, chickens, rooks, sleighs), etc.

Option 4. Names are formed according to the third sound in words: Lara(wolf, rook, mark, crane); Roma(brand, elephant, lamp, dress); Shura(bear, trumpet, stamp, crab)

"Make a Word"

Target: Make a word from the given letters. Children are asked to guess several riddles. Two teams are participating. First one guesses, then the other. From the four letters received, each team must form a word - the name of the animal - and line up in one line so that this name can be read by letters on the signs.

For the first team:

The steel horse is pure and clear, like a diamond,

There are no roads, The tail is flaxen. (Needle)

He was born from his mother,

He gives birth to it himself. (Ice)

White as snow

In honor of everyone. (Sugar)

In the middle is scarlet, sugar,

And the caftan is green, velvet (Watermelon)

Those who are the first to answer the riddle are given tablets with the capital letters of these answers: A, C, I, L.

For the second command:

Always in the mouth, not swallowed. (Tongue)

What bell doesn't ring? (Wildflower)

There is a house down the street.

He takes us to work.

Not on chicken thin legs,

And in rubber boots. (Bus)

The stable is full of white sheep. (Teeth)

Children who guessed first are also given tablets with capital letters of the answers to the riddles: C, A, Z, Z.



    Teach children to determine the presence of the indicated sound in words.

    Practice determining the number of sounds in words.

    Practice determining the number of syllables in words.

Game material:

    A long panel depicting a steam locomotive and three carriages (Fig. 6)

Each carriage has 3 windows (squares with pockets at the bottom), there are slots on the roofs of the carriages into which signs with circles are inserted to indicate the number of sounds in words (from 3 to 5) or to indicate the number of syllables in words (from 1 to 3), and also signs with letters to determine the presence of sounds in words.

2. Subject pictures of the same size as windows with images of animals (animals and birds).

Pictures for one given sound: With: elephant, elk, lynx, dog, owl; h: hare, zebra, goat, monkey; w: cat, mouse, horse; and: giraffe, crane, hedgehog, toad; l: fox, lion, wolf, camel; R: crow, sparrow, chicken, crocodile.

Pictures for 3 given sounds: beetle, crayfish, catfish, bull; for 4 sounds: elephant, fox, wolf, toad; on 5: cat, mouse, ram, zebra.

Pictures on monosyllabic words: elk, lynx, bull, elephant, lion, wolf; for two-syllable words: giraffe, cat, toad, goat, hare, ram; into three-syllables: crow, chicken, dog, sparrow, crocodile.

Progress of the game:

Option 1.

The teacher shows the children a steam locomotive and 9 pictures of animals, explains: “The train for animals and birds has arrived. It has 3 carriages. Each animal can only travel in the carriage assigned to it. Animals with sounds in their names will travel in the first carriage With…" etc. The teacher calls three children and invites one child to select passengers for the first carriage (sound With), another - for the second car (sound and) and for the third car (sound R). Then he invites three more children-controllers, who must check whether the passengers are in their seats.

Option 2.

The teacher inserts signs with circles into the slots on the roofs of the cars and offers to select passengers based on the number of sounds in the words.

Calls the child, gives him a picture of an animal. The child clearly names it so that every sound in the word can be heard, then says how many sounds there are in this word, and inserts a picture into the pocket of the corresponding carriage: “The bull must ride in the first carriage, because in the word bull three sounds”, etc.

Option 3.

The teacher inserts new signs with circles into the slots on the roofs of the cars. Explains that the first carriage should carry animals whose names are not divided into parts (monosyllabic words); those animals whose names can be divided into 2 parts will travel in the second carriage, etc.

You can assign a child to the role of cashier and give him number cards with one, two and three circles. Children will come up to him one by one and tell him: “I am a wolf. Give me a train ticket." The cashier determines the number of syllables in a word and gives a number card: “Wolf, you will go in the first carriage”; “Fox, you will go in the second carriage,” etc.

2. Oral games with words.

Target: teach by ear to distinguish a given word from those that are similar to it.

Progress of the game:

The teacher chooses a word, which he slowly pronounces several times in a row. But at the same time, he “makes mistakes”; between repetitions he pronounces other words similar to the main word. The student must hear the wrong word and give some kind of sign to the teacher that he was “mistaken”, for example, by clapping his hands. This seemingly simple task actually requires concentration and attention.

For example, the word “mountain” is chosen by the presenter, but in repetition the chain of words will look like this: mountain, mountain, time, mountain, hole, mountain, mountain.

Here are some more options for similar tasks:

    Braid, braid, braid, dew, braid, braid, goat.

"Names of girls and boys."

In this task, the children need to find out the names of girls and boys hidden in the text. The answer can be suggested by the echo, because the answer is hidden at the very end of the question. But you need to be careful: the echo can fail.

Example: Who brought the doll from the store?

Answer: Zina (store).

Who tells his brother the cartoon about Samodelkin and Pencil?

Answer: Dasha (KarandASHA).

    Who will show the house where the confused girl lives?

    Who is looking forward to gifts from Santa Claus?

    What is the name of the girl who went south on January 7th?

    What about the eighth of July?

    Who doesn't drink kefir?

    What is the name of the boy who is not afraid of hail or thunder?

    Who sings a song about a midshipman every morning?

    Who reads the book “The Travels of Lemuel Gulliver” for the third day in a row?

    Who watched the feature film “The Invisible Man” ten times in a row?

    What is the name of the girl who is green with green?

    Who teases the camel at the zoo?

    What is the name of the boy who has thick hair?

    Who eats a bagel by both cheeks?

    Who, having noticed a spider, hid under the sofa?

    What is the name of the girl with whom Malinin’s daughter is friends?

    Who makes a herbarium from maple, birch and ash leaves?

    Who can tell your friends a place where delicious blackberries grow?

    What is the name of the boy who can't wait to get a bite?


1. Yasha. 2. Rose. 3. Varya. 4. Julia. 5. Ira. 6. Roma. 7. Marina. 8. Faith. 9. Dimka. 10. Lena. 11. Luda. 12. Yura. 13. Alik. 14. Ivan. 15. Nina. 16. Senya. 17. Vika. 18. Leva.

Target: develop logical thinking and reasoning skills.

The child is given the task to continue the phrase that the teacher began. The beginning of the phrase must be chosen in such a way that the child clearly senses what needs to be said in the future.

For example:

- If it snows outside, then

Children's answers can be very varied: Winter has come, you can go sledding, you need to dress warmly.

Here are a few more options for similar task phrases:

- If the sun is shining in the sky, then...

- If birds fly south, then...

- If you went to the store with your mother, then...

Game "Yes" and "No" don't say

“Don’t take “black” with “white.”

Target: develop attention when answering questions, learn to look for new answers.

This is an old Russian game in which the player must answer the driver’s questions, really avoiding saying the words “yes”, “no”, “black” and “white”.

The presenter’s task is to compose questions so skillfully that the child is forced to look for new answers every time. You can answer questions only with words, you cannot use gestures and facial expressions, for example, negative shaking of the head.

The questions can be the most simple: “Do you love your mother?”, “What color is the milk?”, “Can your cat wash itself with its paw?”

Target: learn to compose meaningful sentences and develop speech.

Any word of 4-8 letters is written in a column. Thus, we received a basis for composing future new words. Then these words must be written horizontally, starting with each letter. the main task- choose words so that they make a detailed sentence. For example, the word “cherry” is chosen. First, let's write it in a column. Now all that remains is to add a word to each letter so that the result is a meaningful sentence. Game result:

IN came out

AND van

Sh sculpt

N new

I lizard

Of course, the proposals in such cases turn out to be somewhat fantastic and even full of absurdities, but the more amusing is the result of the game. You can play it by competing not only between individual students, but also between teams.

You can use this game to better memorize vocabulary words.

"Field of miracles with prepositions."

Target: remember and consolidate prepositions, learn to compose sentences with prepositions.

Cut out a disk for playing “Field of Miracles” from thick paper. Using a ruler, divide the circle into several sectors. In each sector, write prepositions - “with”, “on”, “in”, “under”, “above”, “because”, “from under”, etc.

Attach an arrow mounted on a pointed match to the center of the circle, launch your top, spinning the arrow. The task of such a “Field of Miracles” is indicated by prepositions in its sectors: whichever preposition the arrow points to, the player needs to make a sentence with that preposition.

"The words fell apart"

Target: develop attention and intelligence when composing words from these letters.

The first letters in these words are correct, but the rest have their order mixed up. Help the letters fall into the right places, then you will guess what words were encrypted here.

1. Mshiana-, vrtee-, kferi-, jzeeol-, kaash-.

2. Klasoba-, daum-, cotr-, mreo-, pnale-.

3. Bsuy-, cold-, rmtp-, tmae-, quar-.

4. Koin-, nzhyon-, stikrat-, knaig-, setan-.

5. Pdiroom-, xorata-, shleek-, kdokilor-, tstevok-.

6. Lsyurta-, zhkorae-, mkasi-, blauk-, kzhao-.


    Car, wind, kefir, iron, porridge.

    Sausage, duma, mole, sea, pencil case.

    Beads, cold, rhythm, theme, blood.

    Cinema, scabbard, old man, book, wall.

    Tomato, beauty, silk, crocodile, flower.

    Chandelier, roast, bowl, bun, leather.

“Guess the object by its parts.”

Target: introduce children to the beginning of the deductive method - teach them to form a single whole based on the analysis of several details.

The teacher prepares visual elements in advance - cards with pictures on them. Children participating in the game are given cards on which there are images of various objects. These could be pieces of furniture, familiar vegetables, animals, different types transport and so on. The child examines his card, after which, turning it towards himself and without showing it to other players, he names the parts of the object shown in the picture. The task of the other players is to guess who or what they are talking about. If the game is played as a competition, then the player who is the first to give the desired answer takes the card for himself and thereby earns one point.

A little simpler is the oral version of this game, when you can simply play it on the go. Here are some sample tasks for her.

Collar, sleeves, pockets; four legs, back, seat; numbers, arrows; spout, lid, handle; letters, pictures, pages; trunk, branches, leaves; root, stem, leaves, petals; screen, buttons, electrical cord, remote controller; paws, tail, collar; paws, tail, trunk.

"What I'm talking about?"

Target: learn to guess an object by this description, develop students’ speech.

The condition of the game is to guess the object according to the given description. This game is a more complex version of the previous one. The drivers will have to give more detailed descriptions of the intended objects. But for those who act as guessers, on the contrary, it will be easier. After all, it’s easier to guess an object based on more detailed characteristics.

In addition, at the very beginning, when guessing a word, the driver must give a hint in what area of ​​​​human knowledge it may be present. Simply put, it is dishes, clothing, furniture, vegetables, fruits, insects, domestic or wild animals, etc.

Here are sample assignments:

A wild animal, lives in the forest, large, shaggy, loves berries and honey.

A wild animal, cunning, red, with a fluffy tail.

An insect with colorful wings that looks like a flower.

Transport, large, heavy, with wings and a tail.

The vegetable is red, round, and is added to salads and borscht.

Sweet, small, in beautiful paper.

“Recognize a proverb or saying by its reverse.”

There are many common proverbs and sayings in the Russian language, for example, “If you read a book, you become smarter,” “Small and remote.” In this game you need to recognize a proverb or saying by its “reversal”. That is, in the version when each of its words is replaced with the opposite meaning. First, you need to mentally say its antonym instead of each word, and then check with the given answer whether the proverb is guessed correctly.

1. “Under the policeman the headscarf is sinking.” Correct folk version- “The thief’s hat is on fire.”

2. “To die with hares is not to giggle like a hare.” - “To live with wolves is to howl like a wolf.”

3. “Two legs are bad, but one is worse.” - "One head it's good, but two better".

4. “If you start idleness, sit at home timidly.” - “When you’ve finished the job, go for a walk safely.”

5. “If you’re lazy, you’ll drown your meat in the river.” - “You can’t catch a fish from a pond without difficulty.”

6. “If you are lazy, you will offend animals.” - “If you hurry, you’ll make people laugh.”

7. “The night is fun until the morning if everyone is idle.” - “The day until the evening is boring if there is nothing to do.”

8. “Enemies are not known in happiness.” - "A friend in need is a friend indeed".

9. “A bun is nothing.” - “Bread is the head of everything.”

10. “Drinking is worse before rest.” - “Food tastes better after work.”

11. “If you run away from one wolf, you’ll catch up with all two.” - “If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either.”

12. “The ruble is squandering a penny.” - “A penny saves a ruble.”

"Hide and seek."

Target: develop attention, learn to find other words in words.

The children are invited to play hide and seek. But it is not the students who will be hiding, but the words. In this game, words denoting animals are hidden inside others (at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word). For example, in the word “steering wheel” there is hidden “ram” (BARANKA), in the word “hiccup” there is a “cat” (iKOTa), and in the word “Vasilisa” there is a “fox” (VasiLISA). The kids' task is to find all the hidden words.

1. Volnushka. 15. Leash.

2. Hygiene. 16. Blot.

4. Dirt. 18. Rocket.

5. Annoyance. 19. Earring.

6. Damper. 20. Wanderer.

7. Ticks. 21. Pickles.

8. Skates. 22. Doubt.

9. Skates. 23. Tamer.

10. Man. 24. Bird cherry.

11. Habit. 25. Joke.

12. Front garden. 26. Elevator.

13. Loop. 27. Encyclopedia.

14. Whitewashing. 28. Anchor.

And in the words “pulp” and “poacher” two animals are hidden at once! Find them too.


1. Vol. 2. Hyena. 3. Owl. 4.Ide. 5. Wasp. 6. Elephant. 7. Bream. 8. Horse. 9. Cat. 10. Already 11. Bull. 12. Fox. 13. Aphids. 14. Squirrel. 15. Gadfly. 16. Omar. 17. Donkey. 18. Cancer. 19. Hedgehog. 20. Keith. 21. Deer. 22. Som. 23. Mole. 24. Fly. 25. Duck. 26. Leo 27. Bedbug. 28. Yak. In the word “pulp” there is a yak and a cat, and in the word “poacher” there is a cancer and a horse.

"Happy Crossing Out"

The students have encrypted notes in front of them. Each of them contains a hidden word related to the Russian language. It is not difficult to decipher. To do this, you need to cross out all the letters that appear in the line two or more times and connect the remaining letters.



It's clear? Then let them decipher all the notes.

















1. Root. 2. Dash. 3. Preposition. 4. Union. 5. Letter. 6. Sound. 7. Hyphen. 8. Rod.

9. Case. 10. Number. 11. Language. 12. Symbol. 13. Sign. 14. Dictionary.

15. Phonetics.

3. Games with pencil and paper.

Crossword puzzle “What kind of animal?”

1.What are rivers, seas, and oceans filled with?

2. Hill, hill.

3. When soup is cooked, it is sprinkled to

4. Military combat vehicle.

Control word – diagonally:

evil beast, which in fairy tales

met Little Red Riding Hood, three

a pig and seven kids.

Answers: 1. Water. 2. Mountain. 3. Salt. 4. Tank.

The control word is wolf.

Crossword puzzle "Guess the word."

Answers to crossword questions must be written down in a column. Then the control word can be read in the first letters vertically.

    The cold heroine of the fairy tale of the same name.

    He left his grandmother, he left his grandfather.

    He heals birds and animals; nowhere is he kinder.

    Who boasted of their bravery?

    Who saved the cockerel from being kidnapped by the fox?

    The name of the sister whose brother turned into a little goat

Answers: Snow Maiden, bun, Aibolit, hare, cat, Alyonushka.

Vertical control word is the most favorite literary genre of children. (Fairy tale)

Crossword test “Toys”.

Solve a crossword puzzle based on A. Barto’s poem cycle “Toys”.


    Won't drown in the river: knife, tank, ball?

    Are they jumping after the small boat: lizards, frogs, kangaroos?

    A toy that you can ride on to visit: a frog, a penguin, a horse?

    Not used to riding in a truck: a bull, a cat, a lion?

    Got wet to the skin in the rain: bull, bear, bunny?

A toy that was dropped on the floor.


1.Ball. 2. Frogs. 3. Horse. 4. Cat. 5. Bunny.

In a vertical row: Bear.

Crossword test “Who will fight the giant?”

Solve a crossword puzzle based on the poem “Cockroach” by K. Chukovsky.


    Did they eat each other: hares, tigers, wolves?

    A lizard, a tigress, an elephant sat on a hedgehog?

    On balloon flying: piglets, mosquitoes, caterpillars?

    Driving backwards: an owl, a whale, a cat?

    Are they hiding in the den: bulls, beetles, lions?

    Did they race on a bicycle: cranes, bears, gorillas?

    Were there bunnies, frogs, nightingales on the tram?

In the selected cells vertically:

Who defeated the giant?


1. Wolves. 2. Elephant.3. Mosquitoes. 4. Cat. 5. Bulls. 6. Bears. 7. Bunnies.

In a vertical row: Sparrow.

Solve a crossword puzzle based on the fairy tale by V. Kataev “The Seven-Flower Flower.”


    The magical part of a seven-flowered flower: petals, leaves, stem?

    The dog ate Zhenya: bagels, sweets, pies?

    Birds that Zhenya counted: crows, magpies, chickens?

    When the seven-flowered flower fulfilled Zhenya’s third wish, light bulbs, clothespins, icicles hung on her nose?

    The boy whom Zhenya cured was called: Vitya, Oleg, Senya?

    The game that Zhenya loved to play: rounders, tag, backgammon?

In the highlighted words vertically:

Name younger brother Zhenya.


1. Petals. 2. Bagels. 3. Crows. 4. Icicles. 5. Vitya. 6. Salki.

In a vertical row: Pavlik.

In this puzzle you will have to guess words with different meanings. In addition to the fact that each of them is given a description - what kind of object it is and where it can be found - the puzzle has a kind of hint.

Each word contains a combination of letters that make up the word “owl”. True, these letters are located on at different distances from each other, but still they provide their assistance in solving the puzzle. There is a different grid for writing letters in each word.

1. This owl is a truck, not a bird,

He will rush along the highway with a heavy load.

Layout: S_ _ o _ va _

    In this - folk wisdom lurking

Perhaps it will be useful in life.

Layout: _ _ with _ ov _ _ a

    Both tigers and lions submit to this,

When they enter the arena.

Layout: _ _ _ with _ _ _ ov _ _ _ a

    In this - you will find stocks of grass -

Under the roof, where the rain won't get them wet.

Layout: C _ _ ova _

    This one feeds only on words

In a book read by students.

Layout: With _ ova _ _

    For this, the scientist made a discovery

And he described everything in his dissertation.

Layout:_ with _ _ _ _ ova _ _ _

    This owl hisses angrily on the stove,

Fries eggs, pancakes and cutlets.

Layout:S _ ov _ _ _ _ a

    You will find this owl without a clue,

If you get paper and paints.

Layout: _ _ owl _ _ _

Answers: dump truck, proverb, trainer, hayloft, dictionary, research, frying pan, drawing.

This puzzle is similar to the previous one with only one difference. Each of her words contains a combination of letters that make up the word “stork”.

    This stork has a greedy gaze,

It easily leads to controversy.

Don't let it grow

And lead kindness astray.


    This stork is very proud -

The world record has been broken.

He lifted a heavy load

Like a watermelon with a string bag.

Layout: _ _ a _ _ source.

    There's gasoline in this stork

He sleeps in the trunk of cars.

Layout: _ a _ ist _ _

    This schoolboy from long ago

Dressed in strict uniform:

And with a cockard on his cap,

And with an emblem on the buckle.

Layout: _ _ _ _ a _ ist

    This one loves trains

The sound of wheels is always above him.

Railroad route

You can put these in the cells here.

Layout: _ a _ ist _ _ _ _

    This one, bowing his head,

Silently beats a horse with an elephant.

Layout: _ a _ _ _ _ ist

    This one, hidden in the fog,

He doesn’t give away his secrets.

In an adventure novel

He usually builds nests.

Layout: _ a _ and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ st _

Answers: envy, weightlifter, canister, high school student, mainline chess player, entertainment.


One type of puzzle is called a charade. The components of a charade are individual small words that add up to a larger word. For a charade riddle, a description of each part is given, and then the meaning of the whole word. Here, for example, is how you can encrypt the word “sail” in poetry:

Three letters float like clouds,

Two are visible on the man's face.

And the whole sometimes turns white

"In the fog of the blue sky."

Now guess the proposed charades.

1. The beginning is called a tree,

The end - my readers,

Here in the book the whole thing will be found,

And they are in every line.

Answer: “Buk – you.”

    The first syllable in surprise I exclaim,

I take the second syllable off the bookshelf,

When the first and second unite,

It will turn out to be the smallest particle.

Answer: “A – volume.”

    Part of the dance is my first syllable,

Wine is my second syllable,

Generally transported

Across the river tow.

Answer: “Ferry”.

    My first syllable is a preposition,

And in the second we will live all summer,

And the whole is from us and you

He's been waiting for an answer for a long time.

Answer: “For – dacha.”

The end is at the bottom of the pond,

And the whole thing is in the museum

You can find it easily.

Answer: “Kartina.”

    You will find the first syllable among the notes,

And the second is that the bull carries it.

Do you want to find the whole thing?

So look for him along the way.

Answer: “Do – horns.”

    My first syllable

Then you will find

When in the cauldron,

The water is boiling

Pronoun – second syllable,

But in general -

The school table is yours.

Answer: “Par – ta.”

    Take my first syllable from the squeak of birds,

The second is from a lamb's head.

Open the oven and find there

What you have eaten more than once.

Answer: “Pi is a horn.”

    Here it is - the first syllable,

Entrance to the palace.

At the end stands

The one that's alphabet

Must open.

Sorry, no answer:

Yes, there was an answer...

Answer: “Pro – page – a.”

    Pronoun, preposition,

Between them is the poet’s surname,

And the whole is a famous fruit,

What is ripening at the end of summer.

Answer: “I am a block - o.”

    The first is a note, the second is the same,

But overall, it looks like peas.

Answer: "F - sol."


Palindrome (reversal, inversion) is a type of puzzle in which a word or text is read the same way from beginning to end and from end to beginning. Here are examples of similar noun words: “income”, “argument”, “order”, “rotator”. And here are the variants of palindromic phrases: “And Lisa was a mess”, “The road out of town”, “They are dragging ducks for the cat”, “There is milk around Misha”, “And the rose fell on Azor’s paw”, “I believe in Yura”.

Try to guess the following palindromic words:


    A type of revolver.


    Peasant, descendant of settlers on the Don and Kuban.

    Addressing a woman in some foreign countries.

    Noise produced when walking or running.

    Aibolit's dog.

    A house made of poles covered with branches and straw.

    The hero of the Russian folk nursery rhyme, who refused to thresh.

    Girl's name.

    Father's father or mother's father.

    Volgograd football team.

    Ship's cook.

    An item that can be made from snow.

    Breed of parrots.

    Hero of Shergin's fairy tales.

    Pantomime artist.



1. Bob. 2.Oko.3.Nagant. 4. Radar. 5. Cossack. 6. Madam. 7. Stomp. 8.Abba. 9. Hut. 10. Titus. 11. Anna (Alla, Ada). 12. Grandfather. 13. "Rotor". 14. Cook. 15.Lump. 16.Ara. 17.Shish. 18. Mim.19. Flood.

Table of contents.

Explanatory note…………………………………..

Games aimed at creating and consolidating sounds, forming a vocabulary……………………………

Game "What sound?"

Game “How many sounds did you hear?”

Game "Choose a toy."

Game "The Three Little Pigs."

Game "Telegraph".

Game "Moving to a new apartment."

Game "Chain of words."

The game “Who can pack their things faster?”

Game "Find a pair."

Game "What are their names?"

Game "Make a word."

Game "Train"

Oral games with words.

Game-task “Name the extra word.”

Game "Names of girls and boys."

Game-task “Continue the sentence.”

“Don’t say ‘Yes’ and ‘No’, don’t take ‘black’ and ‘white’.”

Intellectual game"Word in a column."

Game "Field of Miracles with Prepositions."

Game "Words Scattered".

Game “Guess the object by its parts.”

Game “What am I talking about?”

Game “Find out a proverb or saying by its inversion.”

"Happy Crossing Out"

Games with pencil and paper.

Crossword puzzle “What kind of animal?”

Crossword puzzle "Guess the word."

Crossword test “Toys”.

Crossword test “Who will fight the giant?”

Crossword test “Magic flower”.

Puzzle "Eight Mysterious Owls".

Puzzle "Seven Mysterious Storks".



Used Books.

Agapova I., Davydova M. Best games with words. M., 2006

Karpova E.V. Didactic games in the initial period of learning. Ya., 1997

Kozlova M.A. I'm going to class at elementary school. Russian language. M., 2003

Stepkina I.A. "Didactic game as a means of development creativity junior schoolchildren." NShK No. 6, 2007

Sukhin I.G. Entertaining materials. Primary School. M., 2004

Sukhin I.G. Educational crosswords for children 7-12 years old. Rearrange the letters. M., 2003

Shavrina G. A. “Game as a learning process.” NShK No. 7, 2007

Shvaiko G.S. Games and play exercises for speech development. M., 1988
