Vesta is a Slavic name. The meaning of the name Vesta - interpretation

News, West. Synonyms for the name Vesta: Hestia.

Name Vesta in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 灶神星 (Zàoshén xīng). Japanese: ベスタ (Besuta). Armenian: Վեստա (Vesta). Hindi: वेस्टा (Vēsṭā). Ukrainian: Vesta. Greek: εστία (estía). English: Vesta (Vesta).

Origin of the name Vesta

The name Vesta has different versions of its origin. According to the first, this was the name of the goddess, the patroness of the family hearth and sacrificial fire in Ancient Rome. At first, her priestesses were called by the name Vesta, and then the name became popular.

According to the second version, the name Vesta means “news”. The name is popular in the Slavic countries of Eastern Europe.

Character of the name Vesta

Vesta is an original woman, very intelligent, with an analytical mind. Under the calm appearance on the outside there may be a person hiding who skillfully controls her emotions. Vesta is skeptical about most statements, has her own point of view on everything, prefers an ironic manner of communication and uses humor in the same way. Vesta is a marginal, sometimes very eccentric, quirky person and may seem out of place in a given society.

There are constant wars going on inside Vesta, she is full of internal contradictions, but she will never show it to people. She does not like routine and the slow pace of life, and is always ready to act with determination. Prefers to be mobile, very sociable.

As a child, Vesta can most often be found reading a book rather than playing group games with children. She definitely needs sports, various physical exercise and activities aimed at developing her individual abilities.

The mystery of the name Vesta

Westies love to command, and show their stubborn and leadership character already in childhood. They achieve their goal in any way. The little girl loves her father very much and is attached to him.

Winter Vesta loves communication and always tries to be in noisy society. She can't bear loneliness.

Summer Vesta has a maternal character, is indecisive and shy. She is even a little reserved, which is why she does not like noisy parties and meetings.

Such a woman has many friends, she is kind by nature, strives to help everyone, and does not experience feelings of envy. Vesta's awkwardness often plays to her detriment, as it puts her in bad situations. Often, with her desire to help, Vesta only makes things worse. Outwardly she is attractive, Vesta knows how to charm a man, and dresses with taste. This is a talented woman who can often write poetry or create paintings.

In her family, Vesta is a leader; she leads both her husband and children. This is a wonderful housewife who strives to become an attentive mother and a good wife.

Astrological characteristics of the name

Zodiacality: ,
Color name: raspberry, blue
Radiation Vesta: 87%
Planets: Jupiter
Stone-mascot: beryl, hyacinth, sapphire
Plant Vesta: basil
Totemic animal Vesta: deer
Basic features character Vesta: will, intuition, assertiveness, sexuality

Additional characteristics of the name

Vibration: 114,000 vibrations/s.
Self-realization(character): 91%
Psyche Vesta: has a strong character, strives to be a leader, but at the same time is unusually kind
Health Vesta: you need to take care of your lungs

Numerology of the name Vesta

Those with the name number 4 are prone to exact sciences and a scientific approach to everything in the world. “Fours” are excellent scientists, engineers, and designers. They are stable, reliable and conscientious. They are respected by friends and colleagues. “Fours” rarely quarrel and are not prone to hostility. However, one should not expect any unexpected actions, improvisations, or creative manifestations of character from the “fours”. Their whole life is calculated in minutes and there is little that can displace them from a pre-planned plan. They are stingy with emotions, often cold. However, “fours” are reliable and can be relied on in any life situation. They are strict and even harsh parents and very obedient children.


Planet: Jupiter.
Element: Air, warmth-dryness.
Zodiac: ,
Color: Raspberry, blue.
Day: Thursday.
Metal: Tin, electrum.
Mineral: Sapphire, beryl, hyacinth.
Plants: Basil, lavender, violet, oak, pear, apple, mint, chestnut, cinnamon, jasmine, apple of paradise, apricot, eucalyptus.
Animals: Deer, elephant, sheep, swallow, pelican, partridge, peacock, dolphin.

The name Vesta as a phrase

In Vedi
E Esi (Is, To Be, To Exist)
With Word
T Firm
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Vesta

B - sociability, connection with life, unity with nature. Creative personality, focused on the future.
E - the need for self-expression, exchange of ideas, the tendency to act as a mediator, insight due to the ability to enter the world of secret forces. Possible talkativeness.
WITH - common sense, the desire for a strong position and material security; in irritation - imperiousness and capriciousness. It is important for a person to find his own path in life.
T is an intuitive, sensitive, creative person, a seeker of truth, who does not always balance desires and possibilities. The symbol of the cross is a reminder to the owner that life is not endless and one should not put off until tomorrow what can be done today - act, using every minute effectively.
A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

Characteristics of the name Vesta according to B. Khigir

The origin of the name is associated with the ancient Roman goddess Vesta.

The desire to command everyone and everywhere is evident in these women from childhood. Little Vesta will certainly achieve her goal, force her parents to fulfill her wishes at any cost, and may even throw a tantrum in the store if they don’t buy her a toy. She looks more like her father and is more attached to him than to her mother (it is curious that the “winter” Vesta has a maternal character, while everyone else has a paternal character).

Winter Vesta is sociable, loves noisy company and cannot stand loneliness; the summer one, on the contrary, is shy, indecisive and somewhat withdrawn. Nevertheless, both have many friends, they are kind, not envious and will never refuse to help the other. True, they are a little awkward, so when they help, they often only get in the way.

Women with this name are visually attractive and attract the attention of men; dress brightly and catchily. Westies are not devoid of talents: many of them draw, dance, and write poetry well. In the family, these women are the leaders, and their husbands will have to come to terms with this circumstance. They are good housewives, attentive wives and caring mothers. Unfortunately, autumn Wests have weak lungs, early spring and in the fall the disease makes itself felt.

Famous people with the name Vesta

Vesta (goddess, patroness of the family hearth and sacrificial fire in Ancient Rome. She corresponds to the Greek Hestia. The cult of Vesta occupied a place of honor in Italy. In the Temple of Vesta in Rome there was an altar on which an eternal flame burned, supported by the priestesses of the goddess - the Vestals. Vesta's holiday - Vestalia was celebrated on June 9; during the holiday, Roman women made a barefoot pilgrimage to the temple of the goddess and here they made sacrifices to her. The service of Vesta continued until 382 and was stopped by Gratian.)
Vesta Williams ((1957 - 2011) full name– Mary Vesta Williams; American R&B and hip-hop singer and actress, songwriter, performed songs in a range of four octaves)
Vesta Tilly ((1864 - 1952) pseudonym, real name - Matilda Alice Paulsu; English actress, role - male roles. At the age of 11, she adopted the stage name Vesta Tilly to perform highly paid male roles in music hall. She was a star, like in England and the United States for more than thirty years. She gave her last performance at the age of 56 in 1920 at the Coliseum Theater (London). Her autobiography, Memoirs of Vesta Tilly, was published in 1934.

On behalf of the ancient Roman goddess Vesti - daughter of Satur

The desire to command everyone and everywhere is evident in these women from childhood. Small Vesta she will certainly achieve her goal, force her parents to fulfill her wishes at any cost, and may even throw a tantrum in the store if they don’t buy her a toy. She looks more like her father and is more attached to him than to her mother (it is curious that the “winter” Vesta has a maternal character, while all the others have a paternal character).

"Winter" Vesta sociable, loves noisy company and cannot stand loneliness; “summer”, on the contrary, is shy, indecisive and somewhat withdrawn. Nevertheless, both have many friends, they are kind, not envious and will never refuse to help the other. True, they are a little awkward, so when they help, they often only get in the way.

Women with this name are visually attractive and attract the attention of men; dress brightly and catchily. Westies are not devoid of talents: many of them draw, dance, and write poetry well. In the family, these women are the leaders, and their husbands will have to come to terms with this circumstance. They are good housewives, attentive wives and caring mothers. Unfortunately, “autumn” Wests have weak lungs, and the disease makes itself felt in early spring and autumn.

Meaning of the name Vesta

Origin of the name Vesta. Name Vesta Slavic.

Name synonyms Vesta. Hestia.

Short form of name Vesta. Veta, News, West.

Name Vesta has different versions of origin. According to the first, this was the name of the goddess, the patroness of the family hearth and sacrificial fire in Ancient Rome. At first, her priestesses were called by the name Vesta, and then the name became popular.

According to the second version, the name Vesta is of Slavic origin and means “news”. The name is popular in the Slavic countries of Eastern Europe.

The diminutive Veta is also an appeal to other names (Ivetta, Violetta, Elizaveta, Svetlana).

Vesta– an original woman, very intelligent, with an analytical mind. Under the calm appearance on the outside there may be a person hiding who skillfully controls her emotions. Vesta is skeptical about most statements, has his own point of view on everything, prefers an ironic manner of communication and uses humor in the same way. Vesta a marginal, sometimes very eccentric, quirky person and may seem out of place in a given society.

There are constant wars going on inside Vesta, she is full of internal contradictions, but she will never show it to people. She does not like routine and the slow pace of life, and is always ready to act with determination. Prefers to be mobile, very sociable.

As a child, Vesta can most often be found reading a book rather than playing group games with children. She definitely needs sports, various physical exercises and activities aimed at developing her individual abilities.

Vesta has all the data to see things through to the end, to achieve her goal, and the owner of this name skillfully uses natural data to achieve this. Despite this, Vesta very kind, not envious, will not refuse to help others.

Vesta prefers to distinguish himself from others. It may be unusual appearance, a different manner of behavior, manner of communication. She is not devoid of talent - many owners of this name draw well, dance, or sing and write poetry.

Vesta prefers a calm, quiet holiday in which she finds pleasure. The owner of this name is moderately reserved and moderately extroverted. At home she is reserved and quiet, in public she is playful and sociable. At home she tries to be on an equal footing with her husband, but in society she prefers to command others. She is a good housewife and a caring mother.

In connection with your tastes and motives Vesta will choose his own activity, it may turn out to be very active work, requiring constant innovation (fashion designer, scientific researcher), and quieter work, but always with a creative approach (education, florist).

Vesta's name day

Vesta does not celebrate name day.

Famous people named Vesta

  • Vesta(goddess, patroness of the family hearth and sacrificial fire in Ancient Rome. The Greek Hestia corresponds to her. The cult of Vesta occupied a place of honor in Italy. In the Temple of Vesta in Rome there was an altar on which an eternal flame burned, supported by the priestesses of the goddess - the Vestals. Feast of Vesta - Vestalia celebrated on June 9, during the holiday, Roman women made a barefoot pilgrimage to the temple of the goddess and here they made sacrifices to her. Vesta’s service continued until 382 and was stopped by Gratian.)
  • Vesta Williams ((1957 - 2011) full name - Mary Vesta Williams; American R&B and hip-hop singer and actress, songwriter, performed songs in a range of four octaves)
  • Vesta Tilly ((1864 - 1952) pseudonym, real name - Matilda Alice Paulsu; English actress, role - male roles. At the age of 11, she adopted the stage name Vesta Tilly to perform highly paid male roles in music hall. She was a star in both England and the United States for over thirty years. She gave her last performance at the age of 56 in 1920 at the Coliseum Theater (London). Her autobiography, Memoirs of Vesta Tilly, was published in 1934.)

Short form of the name Vesta. Veta, News, West.
Synonyms for the name Vesta. Hestia.
Origin of the name Vesta. The name Vesta is Slavic.

The name Vesta has different versions of its origin. According to the first of them, this was the name of the goddess, the patroness of the family hearth and sacrificial fire in Ancient Rome. At first, her priestesses were called by the name Vesta, and then the name became popular.

According to the second version, the name Vesta is of Slavic origin and means “news.” The name is popular in the Slavic countries of Eastern Europe.

Vesta is an original woman, very intelligent, with an analytical mind. Under the calm appearance on the outside there may be a person hiding who skillfully controls her emotions. Vesta is skeptical about most statements, has her own point of view on everything, prefers an ironic manner of communication and uses humor in the same way. Vesta is a marginal, sometimes very eccentric, quirky person and may seem out of place in a given society.

There are constant wars going on inside Vesta, she is full of internal contradictions, but she will never show it to people. She does not like routine and the slow pace of life, and is always ready to act with determination. Prefers to be mobile, very sociable.

As a child, Vesta can most often be found reading a book rather than playing group games with children. She definitely needs sports, various physical exercises and activities aimed at developing her individual abilities.

Vesta has all the data to see things through to the end, to achieve her goal, and the owner of this name skillfully uses natural data to achieve this. Despite this, Vesta is very kind, not envious, and will not refuse to help others.

Vesta prefers to distinguish herself from others. This may be an unusual appearance, a different manner of behavior, or a different manner of communication. She is not devoid of talent - many owners of this name draw well, dance, or sing and write poetry.

Vesta prefers a calm, quiet holiday, in which she finds pleasure. The owner of this name is moderately reserved and moderately extroverted. At home she is reserved and quiet, in public she is playful and sociable. At home she tries to be on an equal footing with her husband, but in society she prefers to command others. She is a good housewife and a caring mother.

In connection with her tastes and motives, Vesta will choose her activity; it can be either a very active job that requires constant innovation (fashion designer, scientific researcher), or a quieter job, but always with a creative approach (education, florist).

Vesta's name day

Vesta does not celebrate name days.

Famous people named Vesta

  • Vesta (goddess, patroness of the family hearth and sacrificial fire in Ancient Rome. She corresponds to the Greek Hestia. The cult of Vesta occupied a place of honor in Italy. In the Temple of Vesta in Rome there was an altar on which an eternal flame burned, supported by the priestesses of the goddess - the Vestals. Vesta's holiday - Vestalia was celebrated on June 9; during the holiday, Roman women made a barefoot pilgrimage to the temple of the goddess and here they made sacrifices to her. The service of Vesta continued until 382 and was stopped by Gratian.)
  • Vesta Williams ((1957 - 2011) full name - Mary Vesta Williams; American R&B and hip-hop singer and actress, songwriter, performed songs in the four-octave range)
  • Vesta Tilly ((1864 - 1952) pseudonym, real name - Matilda Alice Paulsu; English actress, role - male roles. At the age of 11, she adopted the stage name Vesta Tilly to perform highly paid male roles in music hall. She was a star, like in England and the United States for more than thirty years. She gave her last performance at the age of 56 in 1920 at the Coliseum Theater (London). Her autobiography, Memoirs of Vesta Tilly, was published in 1934.

Meaning of the name Vesta

The name of the goddess of the hearth. “Patroness” (lat.) In ancient Roman mythology, Vesta is the daughter of Saturn, the patroness of the hearth. The desire to command everyone and everywhere is evident in these women from childhood. Little Vesta will certainly achieve her goal, force her parents to fulfill her wishes at any cost, and may even throw a tantrum in the store if they don’t buy her a toy. She looks more like her father and is more attached to him than to her mother (it is curious that the “winter” Vesta has a maternal character, while everyone else has a paternal character). “Winter” Vesta is sociable, loves noisy company and cannot stand loneliness; “summer”, on the contrary, is shy, indecisive and somewhat withdrawn. Nevertheless, both have many friends, they are kind, not envious and will never refuse to help the other. True, they are a little awkward, so when they help, they often only get in the way. Women with this name are visually attractive and attract the attention of men; dress brightly and catchily. Westies are not devoid of talents: many of them draw, dance, and write poetry well. In the family, these women are the leaders, and their husbands will have to come to terms with this circumstance. They are good housewives, attentive wives and caring mothers. Unfortunately, “autumn” Wests have weak lungs, and the disease makes itself felt in early spring and autumn.

Numerology of the name Vesta

Soul Number: 4.
Those with the name number 4 are prone to exact sciences and a scientific approach to everything in the world. “Fours” are excellent scientists, engineers, and designers. They are stable, reliable and conscientious. They are respected by friends and colleagues. “Fours” rarely quarrel and are not prone to hostility. However, one should not expect any unexpected actions, improvisations, or creative manifestations of character from the “fours”. Their whole life is calculated in minutes and there is little that can displace them from a pre-planned plan. They are stingy with emotions, often cold. However, “fours” are reliable and can be relied on in any life situation. They are strict and even harsh parents and very obedient children.

Hidden Spirit Number: 7

Body number: 6


Planet: Jupiter.
Element: Air, warmth-dryness.
Zodiac: Sagittarius, Pisces.
Color: Raspberry, blue.
Day: Thursday.
Metal: Tin, electrum.
Mineral: Sapphire, beryl, hyacinth.
Plants: Basil, lavender, violet, oak, pear, apple, mint, chestnut, cinnamon, jasmine, apple of paradise, apricot, eucalyptus.
Animals: Deer, elephant, sheep, swallow, pelican, partridge, peacock, dolphin.

The name Vesta as a phrase

In Vedi
E Esi (Is, To Be, To Exist)
With Word
T Firm
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Vesta

B - sociability, connection with life, unity with nature. Creative personality, focused on the future.
E - the need for self-expression, exchange of ideas, the tendency to act as a mediator, insight due to the ability to enter the world of secret forces. Possible talkativeness.
C - common sense, desire for a strong position and material security; in irritation - imperiousness and capriciousness. It is important for a person to find his own path in life.
T is an intuitive, sensitive, creative person, a seeker of truth, who does not always balance desires and possibilities. The symbol of the cross is a reminder to the owner that life is not endless and one should not put off until tomorrow what can be done today - act, using every minute effectively.
A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

What does the name Vesta mean?
Literally translated, the name Vesta means “patron”.

Origin of the name Vesta:
This name is of Latin origin and originates from the name of one of the ancient Roman goddesses, the guardian home warmth and hearth.

Character conveyed by the name Vesta:

Vesta's character is, as a rule, independent, unusually freedom-loving and even stubborn. She is often inclined to get her way by almost any means and methods. Vesta is a born leader and she always strives to subordinate to her power everyone who falls into her social circle. Vesta is often very talented and almost always her sphere of interests is unusually diverse. As a rule, she dances or draws beautifully, and can often write poetry. Vesta incredibly loves the theater and, under successful circumstances, she herself may well become a wonderful actress. Vesta, as a rule, loves to be in the very center of everyone's attention and often tries to surround herself with numerous fans. And thanks to her powerful charm and wit, Vesta is often incredibly popular with men.

She almost always takes care of herself and her appearance, attaches great importance to the correct selection of outfits and will never leave the house without carefully and always correctly applied makeup. Vesta tolerates loneliness extremely poorly and, as a rule, her home will always be open to numerous different acquaintances or friends. TO true friendship Vesta takes it extremely seriously. She will never, ever be able to abandon a friend in trouble; she will always listen and help if necessary. Vesta always chooses her husband incredibly carefully. In her family, she prefers to take on the role of leader or "head". Vesta will make all the most important decisions on her own, as a rule, without too much regard for the opinion of her spouse. Therefore, for a truly happy family life she will need a man who is unusually soft, tolerant and even driven. And only with such a man can Vesta’s marriage be long and extremely successful. In strict accordance with the purpose of the same ancient Roman goddess, the most basic and important thing in Vesta’s life can only be the well-being of her own family. Vesta is always a wonderful hostess.

In Vesta’s house, as a rule, perfect cleanliness and even sterility, she madly loves to cook and, skillfully using the love of creativity given to her by nature, she easily creates warmth and comfort in the house. Vesta tenderly and warmly cares for her wife and adores her children together.
