Irada name meaning. Church name, name day, patron saints

It's beautiful female name came into our language from Ancient Greece. Translated from ancient Greek meaning of the name Iraida- “heroine”, or “belonging to the family of the Goddess Hera.” The so-named woman is distinguished by several special characteristics, sometimes completely opposite. It contains kindness, arrogance, lack of principles, and the ability to self-sacrifice for the sake of another person.

Origin of the name Iraida

Character of the name Iraida

A girl named Iraida is a naughty and daring person. She achieves success in her studies, as a rule, out of the desire to be the first in everything. Peers usually don't like Iraida very much because of her arrogance. She is not much of a helper for her mother: she doesn’t help much around the house. After graduating from school, she tries to continue her studies at one of the prestigious educational institutions.

In adulthood, Iraida is usually a very strict and sometimes arrogant woman. And sometimes she even seems insensitive and cold to others. But this is not true at all, she just always shows restraint in everything. Iraida always tries to be punctual and obligatory, so she absolutely does not tolerate it when others are late or do not do what they promised.

A woman named Iraida does not really like to communicate with people, so she never gets close to anyone. Because of this, she has very few girlfriends and friends. It happens that Iraida keeps people at a certain distance, not allowing them to approach her.

But if she does have close friends, she is very attentive to them and tries to support them. good relationship, for this purpose he often invites them to visit and helps them with great desire.

In search of a chosen one, a mature girl arranges a kind of endurance test for her fans, completely ignoring courtship and not giving in to attempts to speak. This means that for the sake of experiment, she can even humiliate a man and see how he gets out of an uncomfortable situation.

As a result, a carefully “selected” gentleman gets the right to be next to an unapproachable beauty, but not all men can withstand life with such a multifaceted nature.

She is very demanding, always strives to occupy the position of head of the family, therefore the ideal man for her would be a man with a soft and compliant character, but not a “rag” - the strength of her partner matters to her.


Iraida's family life does not always work out well. This means that even when confidently getting married, she cannot foresee that not every man will be able to easily exist under her thumb.

Her love for her loved ones is quite peculiar, and she is very afraid of losing them, but this fear does not stop her from her habits - she gives obedience from her relatives great value.

Only at a more mature age, a woman who has gained experience and has been divorced more than once begins to be more tolerant of other people’s shortcomings, and therefore her late marriage will be almost ideal.

The birth of children becomes a test for her, but she comes out of it with pride, quickly returning from maternity leave to work, and providing the family with most of the income.

She is quite strict with both her daughter and her son, demands strict fulfillment of obligations, and the children never stand up to her. Her authority before them is unshakable, and the kids even love her severity.

Business and career

Until Iraida got married, career success occupied most of her thoughts. She puts her self-sufficiency and security above all else, often forgetting about her personal life while working. Her determination allows her to achieve a high position, but her colleagues and subordinates often dislike her for her categorical and quarrelsome attitude.

Discipline, diligence, and high intelligence help a girl achieve success in own business, but she always prefers to arrange a battle for a place in the sun on someone else’s battlefield, so she creates her own business quite rarely, which means that the profession of a teacher, doctor, lawyer, lawyer or judge is most suitable for her.

Iraida becomes a strict and arrogant woman. It is difficult for her to prove something; she likes to insist on her opinion. Such a girl can give the impression of being cold and unapproachable.

But this is not so, she just knows how to restrain her emotions. Iraida is strict with herself and self-critical; she also does not like it if someone is late for an important meeting.

Iraida does not open up to strangers; she prefers loneliness. She has few friends, she cannot easily meet a new person. Iraida is attentive to real friends, helps them and maintains connections with them.

Iraida's house is always in order. She is clean and tidy, but a little squeamish. Such a woman is demanding of those around her. When Iraida wants to make a career, she will stop at nothing. Iraida often overestimates her abilities.

Such a woman has many admirers, but she is in no hurry to get married. She's just not attracted to family. But if such a girl decides to marry, then her husband will be either great love or a rich and wealthy man.

  • Stone – Opal.
  • Name day - March 18; October 6.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Leo, Libra.

Numerology of the name Iraida

Those with the name number 9 are dreamy, romantic and impulsive. They are cheerful, love big noisy companies, they tend to make broad gestures, they love to help people.

However, “Nines” are prone to inflated self-conceit and often flirt and turn into arrogant egocentrics. “Nines” are cheerful, amorous and romantic. However, their feelings are not always constant, which is often expressed in “frivolity” in their personal life. Nines are quite selfish. Only a very strong personality can build a strong family with a “nine”.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Iraida

R- the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the essence; self-confidence, desire to act, courage. When carried away, a person is capable of taking stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.
AND- subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
D- reflection, thinking before starting a task, family orientation, willingness to help, sometimes moodiness. Often - psychic abilities.
A- a symbol of beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

Greek origin - "heroine".

As a child, Iraida is often bright, daring and disobedient. True, a girl usually studies well, even excellently, but often out of a desire to be first. Peers do not like Iraida for her arrogance. She doesn't help her parents much around the house. After school he tries to enter a prestigious educational institution.

Adult Iraida is a strict, sometimes arrogant woman. At times she even gives the impression of being cold and insensitive, but this is a deceptive impression, she is simply very reserved. A punctual, obligatory and neat woman, she does not like it when someone is late or does not fulfill their promise. But Iraida herself is self-critical and strict with herself.

A woman with this name is not very sociable, she tries not to get too close to anyone, and she has few friends. Often keeps others at a certain distance. But she is very attentive to her many friends. He constantly maintains relationships with them, inviting them to visit him, willingly helping them.

Iraida is fastidious, but she is clean and tidy and keeps the house tidy and clean. Workplace She is also in perfect order.

A woman with this name is demanding. But she is not selfish, although she cares little about those around her, and she is not interested in the experiences, joys and troubles of those who are next to her.

In an effort to make a career or achieve any of her goals, Iraida often does not stop at any difficulties standing in her way and always achieves her goal. She has a high opinion of herself, but sometimes greatly overestimates her abilities.

Iraida takes care of herself, dresses fashionably, sometimes not quite conventionally. Loves to attract attention. The one who bears this name is successful with men, but does not get married for a long time because she is not attracted to family life.

Iradia enters into marriage both out of love and convenience. She loves to invite guests and knows how to get away with it even in the most unpleasant situations. And he will never do anything to his own detriment.

Those born in autumn are economical, prudent and thrifty, but not stingy. She works hard, is ambitious and has a career. Often becomes a leader.

This woman is not very sociable and often comes across as too strict, but she is very friendly with close people. Rarely makes contacts with work colleagues and prefers to talk with them exclusively on official matters.

This Iraida has few close friends. Her external coldness often scares off men, which is why Iraida suffers greatly, but never admits it. For this reason, Iraida’s character often completely deteriorates. She is afraid of being alone and tries to get married, often getting married after a short acquaintance. She is married several times, but her family life is not always successful.

Iraida is characterized by high efficiency, ambition, perseverance, curiosity, and rich imagination. Iraida knows her worth, although she is more inclined to theory rather than practice.

In practical matters, she can complicate everything to the limit, because a simple solution seems trivial to her. She has her own point of view on any issue, although her opinion is often subjective.

She is well-read, has creative abilities, and does not tolerate wasting time. Iraida loves to brag about her abilities or merits, but she will never come into conflict with her superiors or authoritative people.

Negative traits of the name

If Iraida is shown her mistakes, she follows the principle, withdraws, becomes embittered, arrogant and irreconcilable. Iraida can be ruthless in her pursuit of what she wants and will not hesitate to throw aside those who stand in her way.

Psychology of a name

One must always agree with Iraida. She appreciates a joke, as long as the joke is not directed at her. Otherwise, Iraida can turn into your dangerous opponent at the slightest provocation.

Name forms

  • Full name: Iraida.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Raida, Raya, Iraidushka, Iraidka, Raiska, Ida.
  • Declension of the name – Iraidu, Iraide.
  • Church name in Orthodoxy - Iraida, Raisa.

A girl or woman bearing the name Iraida is one of the few who, with their character and destiny, fully confirm its interpretation. The literal translation of the name from ancient Greek is “daughter of Hera,” the most powerful and majestic of the Olympian goddesses. Sometimes the meaning of the name is interpreted a little differently - “heroine”, but this in no way detracts from the qualities of its owner.

Iraida in Orthodoxy

According to church chronicles, a woman named Iraida lived in the city of Alexandria in the 300s. Raised in the Christian faith from childhood, she decided to devote her entire life to serving Jesus.

While still very young, Iraida became a novice in one of the monasteries, where she spent time in prayer and helping the suffering. On the days when the young nun could leave the walls of the monastery, she preached on the streets of the city, telling those gathered about the life of Christ and his great teaching.

One day, going out to the seashore to scoop up water, Iraida saw on the pier big ship, on which there were many men and women chained. Among them she noticed several Christian monks and priests. As it turned out, all of them were sentenced to death for their adherence to the true faith and were taken to carry it out.

The courageous nun, without hesitating for a moment, stepped onto the ship and extended her hands to the guards, who immediately put shackles on them. And when the ship arrived in the city of Antinoe, Iraida was the first to go down to the pier and put her head under the executioner’s ax. Following her, the rest of the Christians were executed.

In memory of the feat of the martyr Iraida, dates have been set for her veneration. According to church Orthodox calendar this is September 18 and October 6. These days, women who bear the name Iraida must come to the temple and venerate the icon of their saint.

In addition, Iraida’s name day can be March 18 and August 7. The date that is closest to the real birthday will become the day of the patron angel of our heroine.

Diminutive forms of names

Iraida can be called Ida or Ira for short. For a little girl, affectionate options are suitable - Iraidochka, Irusha, Iraidushka, Iraidonka, Idusha.

Sometimes the shortened form Raya or Raida is used. From them the diminutives Raisochka, Rayusha, Raidochka, Raidonka are formed.

It is interesting that, no matter what nationality a woman represents, her name will still sound like Iraida, without interpretation.

Famous namesakes

Nowadays, the name Iraida is not found often; it was also rare in past centuries. That's why famous women There are very few people who wore or are wearing it. Nevertheless, let us remember each of them.

  1. Iraida Nikolaevna Utretskaya (1925-2006) - Russian Soviet ballerina, teacher.
  2. Iraida Rafaelevna Yusupova (born 1962) is a Russian composer.
  3. Iraida Gustavovna Geinike (Irina Odoevtseva) (1895 -1990) - Russian poetess and prose writer.
  4. Iraida Vasilievna Spasskaya (born 1944) is the world champion in hundred-square checkers.

In addition, among the famous Iraids there are also representatives contemporary art. This is Iraida Arkhangelskaya - an artist, a master of still life, and Iraida Potekhina - a talented young poetess.

Life and destiny

Throughout her life, Iraida is proud of her heroic name and tries to live up to it. To find out how successful she is at this, let’s turn to horoscope predictions.

Little Idusha

Among her peers, the girl stands out for her courageous and decisive actions. Without hesitation, she will rush to take a kitten from the boys or share a sandwich with a friend. Irusha has a sharp tongue and often uses it in various disputes. Remembering the origin of her name, the girl with early age tries to do everything not just “A”, but “A+”. This also applies to studies - our Iraida will only be an excellent student.

Being first is Iruni’s motto, and following it, she plays sports, joins a dance club, and attends an art studio. At the same time, thanks to perseverance, perseverance and great hard work, she achieves excellent results everywhere.

The girl does not accept being told what and how to do. In such cases, the flexible and kind Iraidochka becomes disobedient and can even become rude. True, after a while she cools down and asks for forgiveness, but she still acts in her own way.

After graduating from school, Irusha chooses the most prestigious university and, having carefully prepared, passes the exams brilliantly and becomes a student the first time. Here, too, she does not give up her leadership - she studies excellently and receives a honors diploma.


Thanks to her determination and efficiency, our heroine literally takes off career ladder. Within a few years after graduation, she can become the head of a large department in a bank, a leading specialist at an enterprise, or a famous lawyer. Iraida often opens her own business, in which she also invariably achieves success.

In adulthood, our heroine becomes pedantic and strict. Moreover, these qualities apply not only to herself, but also to her subordinates. They are required to strictly follow any instructions from their superiors, and for the slightest mistakes in their work they will face not only verbal, but also material reprimand.

Iraida is sociable, but her circle of friends is quite narrow. Not everyone gets the honor of being among our heroine’s good acquaintances, much less becoming a friend. She does not like people who try to gain her trust and penetrate into her private life, and does not maintain relationships with them.

Possessing aesthetic taste, a woman always looks impeccable. But she does not allow herself excesses either in clothes or in cosmetics and therefore has a very strict appearance.

Love and family

Beautiful, stately and successful Iraida is popular with the stronger sex. But only a few can boast of having a relationship with her, since the girl is very selective in her relationships. It is quite in her spirit to torment a fan for a long time, not responding to signs of attention and ignoring him during meetings. Not all men are able to overcome the “obstacle course” that she builds on the way to her heart; many leave, barely reaching the middle of the distance.

But proud and self-sufficient Iraida is not too worried about this. Having achieved early material well-being and living separately from her parents, she values ​​freedom and is in no hurry to tie the knot.

A man who will win her heart must be equal to her in education and success. In addition, it is important that he is hardworking, decent and willing to obey his smart wife. If a gentleman with such a set of advantages appears on the horizon, Iraida will marry him.

A family created more at the behest of the mind rather than the heart will, oddly enough, be stable and strong. She will be united even more by her children, whom Iraida will love, but will raise in severity.

Name compatibility

According to the predictions of astrologers, create happy union our heroine can do it with Oleg, Nikolai, Evgeny, Pavel and Yuri. A marriage with one of these men will last into old age.

With gentlemen who bear the names Mikhail, Denis, Timur, Igor and Alexander, only temporary relationships that lead to nothing can develop.

Health and hobbies

In childhood and youth, Iraida practically never got sick; even the annual colds and flu bypassed her. Classes are taking their toll various types sports and self-discipline.

At an older age, due to stressful work, heart problems may arise and nervous system. But adherence to a diet and feasible physical activity will not allow illnesses to reach a critical stage.

Since work takes up most of Iraida’s time, she has no energy left for hobbies. She is not indifferent to animals; dogs or cats always live in her house. She loves to read and enjoys spending weekends on the couch with an interesting book. Sometimes he visits theaters, especially premiere performances.

The main character traits of Iraida

Let's try to summarize and determine which qualities of our heroine prevail in her character - positive or negative.

A woman with such “heroic” character traits will never get lost in the crowd. This means that Iraida deservedly bears her name and is worthy of her happy fate.

Do you want to know more about yourself or about a person by his name? This publication will help you with this. She will reveal the characteristics of women called Iraida, the meaning of the name in astrology and for marriage.

Knowledge of the secrets of names for a long time were carried out by researchers who conducted numerous observations of people’s behavior, their fate and abilities. Now everyone can find out the result of many years of work.

Iraida. Meaning of a girl's name

Iraida grows up as a very disobedient, arrogant and impudent child, for which her peers do not like her. The girl strives to become the best, so she studies well at school and often gets straight A's. Doing household chores is a real torment for her, so she is not an assistant for her parents. When her school years end, a young girl strives to enter a prestigious higher education institution.

Iraida. The meaning of the name in adulthood

When a young lady grows up, her character does not change. She is very strict with herself and the people she interacts with. These traits allow her to be responsible and never be late for important events. Iraida looks for the same character qualities in those around her and gets irritated if she doesn’t find them.

A woman with this is distinguished by her determination, thanks to which she achieves success in her career and is able to get out of any difficult situation. She behaves arrogantly and reservedly, so she gives the impression of a person who is indifferent to everything that happens. In fact, this nature simply keeps all emotions inside itself and does not let them out. She is not interested in other people's problems. For the sake of another, she will never do anything that could bring her losses.

Iraida. Name meaning in love

The woman, who was named Iraida, always takes care of her appearance and buys fashionable or original clothes. Thus, she attracts attention, including men. However, there is no rush to get married; usually it happens late and unsuccessfully.

She runs the house perfectly. Since the young lady is very neat and tidy, her home and work place are always clean. The woman is friendly, she gladly receives guests and will always be happy to see them.

The name Iraida may carry different features, depending on the season in which its owner was born. A girl born in summer is more good-natured and friendly. She is ready to help people and loves pets. As an adult, he spends a lot of time on home comfort and children, whom he loves very much.

Especially difficult life Iraida, who was born in the fall, will have it. Although her hard work and practicality will make her an excellent leader, her cold attitude towards everyone around her will not bring her happiness in her personal life. Men cannot stand her character, so the girl suffers from loneliness.

What does the name Iraida mean in astrology?

  • Talisman planet - Neptune.
  • The color of the name is sea wave.
  • Amulet stone - platinum and aquamarine.
  • Guardian plant - poppy and saffron.
  • Animal mascot - albatross and whale.
  • Favorable days are Thursday and Friday.

A man is more suitable for marriage; it is more difficult to create a family with Rostislav and Miron.

Once you meet a girl named Iraida, you are unlikely to soon forget her name. It is consonant with the name Irina, but is completely different, independent, and has a different meaning.

Its origin is ancient Greek, and it is translated as “heroine”, “daughter of a hero”. Of course, it used to be like this beautiful name they named only girls from the glorious family in which he was a real hero, brave warrior or conqueror, girls who were worthy of this name.

This name leaves its mark on both the character and fate of its bearer. The name Iraida is full. In short or in a friendly way, the girl can be called Ira, Ida, Idushka, Isya, Irusya, Raida, Raidushka.

Fate and character

The fact that the meaning of the name Iraida is “heroine” is evident from an early age. She really stands out from the crowd of her peers with incredible courage, perseverance and strong character. This girl strives to be the first in everything, is very proud of her name, family (regardless of the origin and wealth of her family), and knows her worth.

She is disobedient, willful and daring, but at the same time she is not at all angry or capricious. She just doesn't like to do things she doesn't want to do and hates being pressured. He achieves excellent results in his studies because he strives to be the best. It is important for her to be first.

Championship is always of great importance for this girl, and after graduating from school, Iraida strives for new heights. She is hardworking, not lazy, and very brave. He chooses an exceptionally prestigious university, which is difficult to get into, and gets in the first time. The girl wants to live with dignity and knows that for this she will not get in the way of a prestigious higher education and even a red diploma.

Iraida also chooses her profession consciously, and it is not a childhood dream that plays a role, but a reasonable approach. The profession should be interesting to her, but at the same time prestigious and profitable. She does not agree to play second roles and immediately aims to become a leader. Quite early he begins to manage a company or a small team, or opens his own business.

She is pragmatic, has great determination and achieves success in her career with incredible speed. Such areas as court, jurisprudence, law enforcement, saving people and other strong-willed, strong industries that require courage and heroism are well suited for her.

In communicating with people, the meaning of the name Iraida also makes itself felt. The hero’s daughter chooses her environment very carefully, is in no hurry to let people get close to her, and hates it when they interfere in her private life. He makes few friends, choosing quality over quantity. She usually has one best friend for life, but real and faithful.

She keeps other people at a certain distance, but this does not mean at all that Iraida is closed and arrogant. She just doesn’t have a need to be the center of attention; she prefers to communicate only with “trusted” people.


In love, reliability and loyalty are of great importance to this woman, so Iraida carefully and for a long time checks her chosen one so as not to be disappointed. Having fallen in love, she softens, becomes more pliable and flexible, but does not open up to a man right away. Her man must be neat and clean, careful in business, hardworking, decent and very disciplined.

Iraida does not tolerate young people who live for today, are looking for fresh experiences and do not think about their future. She will begin to love and respect someone with whom she is stable, reliable and comfortable. He must be a smart, successful, faithful man.

Iraida is in no hurry to get married; she’s fine alone. He starts a family at a conscious age, when he already understands how he wants to live, when he can provide for himself. Iraida’s family is strong, stable and indestructible, like a real fortress, and there is always order and prosperity in it. What names of men are compatible and incompatible with this woman?

1. Excellent compatibility: Oleg, Maxim,

  • February 7.
  • March 5 and 18.
  • August 7.
  • September 18 and 23.
  • October 6.

This woman may seem strict or even arrogant, but she is wise, brave and kind, and she is not short of justice. Thanks to these qualities, Iraida will have a happy fate; there will always be prosperity in her life and only the most worthy people nearby! Author: Vasilina Serova

The name Iraida is a name of Greek origin that came into Russian culture along with the adoption of Christianity in Rus'. The name is revered both in the Orthodox and Catholic tradition. At the same time The meaning of the name Iraida is “from the clan of Hera”, where Hera is one of the goddesses of Greek mythology. Initially it sounded like Herais (Ἡραίς), but later changed to Irais. In this form it entered the Russian language and then changed to the name Iraida. In Western culture (in Latin) it sounds like Irais.

The meaning of the name Iraida for a girl

Little Iraida is far from an easy child. For a girl, the main criterion is her own interest and opinion, and only then she pays attention to everything else. Naturally, this gives rise to many problems, but this trait can also be directed in a positive direction. Her desire for leadership will help her achieve success in any endeavor, although not without difficulty. It’s unlikely that Iraida will turn into a calm and sweet girl, but what can you do?

Iraida usually studies well, because bad grades are “for losers.” It is this motivation that is the main one for a child, but Iraida most often does not have a desire for knowledge. She prefers to be the first in any task, which imposes some restrictions on team work. True, Iraida can be very successful in a team, but first she must understand that victory can be shared.

Iraida’s health can be said to be strong, although she also has weaknesses. It is interesting that Iraida has been taking her health seriously since childhood, but at the same time she is not at all inclined to be suspicious about this. The weak point of her health is often her tendency to be overweight, and therefore Iraida must monitor both her diet and devote time physical activity. Fortunately, sports are not alien to the owner of the name, and therefore it is usually possible to maintain a slim figure for many years.

Short name Iraida

Diminutive pet names

Iraidochka, Iraidonka, Iraidushka, Raida.

Name Iraida in English

IN English no name Iraida. In such cases, the transliteration of the name is used - Iraida.

Name Iraida for international passport- IRAIDA.

Translation of the name Iraida into other languages

in Ukrainian - Iraida

Church name Iraida(V Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - Iraida.

Characteristics of the name Iraida

Having matured, Iraida becomes a strict, pedantic and purposeful woman. She is demanding of herself and those around her, and therefore does not like wasting time. Iraida has excellent taste and knows how to look great, but at the same time, rigor and restraint are still inherent in her. She most often becomes successful and achieves a good position in society, but her arrogance pushes people away from her. Only equally strong and strong-willed people can feel calm with him, but for others it has an overwhelming effect. She doesn't have many friends, but that doesn't bother her at all.

Iraida’s career is an example of success, although not everyone is ready for the lifestyle that Iraida leads. She confidently achieves results regardless of the opinions of her colleagues, and therefore often makes many enemies. Employers value her, and for Iraida this is very important. As for the opinion of “weaks and losers,” Iraida doesn’t care about it.

Iraida's family relationships can be called complex, although she may not agree with you. It is common for owners of this name to get married several times. It is a rare man who is able to live with Iraida for a long time, because she is very demanding even of her husband and children. Her attitude towards her family cannot be called warm. Iraida simply expresses her love in a completely different way.

The secret of the name Iraida

The main secret of Iraida is that it can be completely different from what is described above. She can be kind, sympathetic and even affectionate, but she extremely rarely allows herself to do so. Rather, she hides these traits under a mask of coldness, and over time, these skills can even atrophy.

Planet- Neptune.

Zodiac sign- Sagittarius.

Totem animal- Keith.

Name color- Sea green color.

Plant- Saffron.

Stone- Aquamarine.
