How to calculate a log house made from rounded logs? How to calculate the cubic capacity of a log house: methodology and pitfalls Calculation for the construction of a bathhouse from a cylindrical log.

The volume of a log house is the volume that will be occupied by the log house material: logs.

This figure is necessary in order to order a log house and be able to control the calculation of the cost of the order.

Naturally, you have already decided on the layout of the bathhouse and drawn a plan.

Usually the dimensions of the bath are determined by the outer edges, in order to know general dimensions together with the walls, so that it does not turn out that, due to the thickness of the walls and the projections of the logs that you did not take into account, your already finished log house does not fit into the dimensions of the area allocated for it. Anything can happen... No one is immune from mistakes.

When you order a log house, the volume of the log house is calculated by the company based on the dimensions that you order from them. Depending on the size of the log house volume, the cost of cutting the log house is calculated. All data is written down in the order (contract) agreement.

How to calculate the volume of a log house

  1. width
  2. length
  3. height
  4. log diameter

Let's say you want to order a log house 3x4 m, 2.4 m high.

Recently, log houses have been ordered from logs with a diameter of 24 cm. Therefore, the height of each log is 0.2 m. It is better to order the height of the log house at 2.4 m, because one log will go under the floor. The resulting height of the bathhouse premises will be 2.2 m. Just what you need. Accordingly, you will need 12 logs along the height of the log house.

But this is not entirely correct.

The fact is that the log will actually be longer if you choose the type of joining the logs into a bowl. When joined into a bowl, the logs protrude 250 mm on each side. Therefore, each log on each side of the log house will be 500 mm longer. Therefore, it is necessary to consider not the pure size of the width or length of the log house, but 500 mm more: 3.5 x 4.5 x 2.4 x 0.24 = 9.072 m3

The result is stunning: it exceeds the first figure by 2.16 cubic meters. And this is money. Decent money at that, because one cube of a log house costs approximately 8-8.5 thousand rubles.

If you want to save on a log house, then order the connection of logs into a paw, then the total volume of the log house will correspond to the first figure and therefore is 18 thousand rubles cheaper.

However, there is one caveat when calculating the volume of a log house.

When assembling a log house, each log is processed: a groove is selected in it. The grooves can vary in width from 0.5D to 0.67D of the log.

Reputable companies make a cost calculation of a log house based on the volume finished products. There are special tables for such calculations.

Table for calculating the volume of a log house

According to the table, the total volume of the log house will be much less (7.2912 m3) than the value that we calculated earlier (9.072 m3) by subtracting these very grooves from the volume of the logs. The difference is 1.7808 m3 or 15 thousand rubles. - quite a significant amount.

Calculation of a log house

You can go the other way and calculate a log house by first counting the number of logs, then the volume of each log, as a result we will find the total volume of the log house by multiplying the number of logs by the volume of one log.

This is a longer route because different widths On the sides of the log house, the assortment for cutting the log house should include logs of different lengths.

This arrangement of log material is called sub-log.

This method of calculating the volume of a log house is good for cutting a log house yourself, when you buy only logs and assemble them into a log house yourself.

As we previously determined, for a log house measuring 3 x 4 m, you will need two standard sizes of logs when cutting into a bowl:

  • logs 4.5m long
  • logs 3.5m long

In height you need 12 pieces of logs, therefore for this log house you will need logs 4.5 m long and 3.5 m long - 24 pieces of each length.

The volume of a single log of a specific standard size (in our example, the formula is for logs with a length of 3.5 m and 4.5 m, respectively) MUST be calculated manually using the formula for calculating the volume of a cylinder through the product of the circumference and length:

3.14*0.12*0.12*3.5=0.158256 m3

3.14*0.12*0.12*4.5=0.203472 m3

What's the catch at this level of calculation? The fact is that companies use ready-made tables for calculating volumes in accordance with GOST 2708-75 “Round timber. Volume tables.”

That’s why these tables are used because the volumes in them are significantly overestimated. So, for example, the volume of a log D = 24 cm with a length of 3.5 m is equal to 0.184 m3, and with a length of 4.5 m - 0.24 m3. This is more than the numbers we calculated above: 0.158256 m3 and 0.203472 m3

It seems that the overestimation of the volume of a single log is small. But, for our example of a log house in monetary terms, “reserves” result in the figure of 1,495 m3, which corresponds to almost 13 thousand.

If you want to make sure and check your calculations, I recommend the log house calculation calculator on the website -

Pay attention to the calculated volume: 8.69 m3 with the same dimensions of the log house specified in the calculation. And again the figure turned out to be completely different. Each program has its own calculation algorithms.

So, in order to order a log house at a reasonable price, without giving the company 15 to 40 thousand rubles as a bonus for incorrectly calculated volumes, you must check the following calculations in the log house order agreement:

  • check the calculation of the volume of the log house yourself, based on the dimensions of the sides and taking into account the selection of grooves. Because you order a log house, not individual logs, and the price of the log house already includes wages and the cost of the starting material.
  • calculate the volume of lumber based on the quantity and volume of each log. Even if the contractor says that the logs can be of a larger diameter and they make a reserve for this. To this you can answer him: “Yes. The log also has a butt and a top, but the stated diameter is 24 cm, and the rest does not concern you.”

You can say that the price of a log house is negotiable. The company says its cost amount, and each customer has the right to agree or disagree with this amount.

Yes, you're right. Moreover, do not hesitate to count your personal cash costs and, point out errors in the calculations to the company you are going to entrust with the execution of the order.

Believe me, the surprise effect will work. It is in a contractual relationship that you can and SHOULD bargain.

Usually, the customer does not check the company’s calculations at all and signs the contract without looking. This is wrong. You must always check all clauses of the contract:

  • calculations
  • price
  • deadlines
  • contract sanctions, which may contain legally unfavorable language for you

In addition, when you independently calculate the volume of a log house, you can make several options for yourself and choose the one that suits you the most in terms of price.

When designing wooden houses, the question often arises: how to correctly calculate the cubic capacity of a log house? This is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

If calculating the cubic capacity of a square or rectangular beam is not particularly difficult, then when building a log house you have to deal with rounded logs. Here the calculation is somewhat more complicated.

Of course, knowledge of formulas from a school geometry course will significantly help the matter, but this alone is not enough.

To make the calculation, you will need an approximate construction project, without detailed logs, but with the dimensions of all elements already calculated. It should be remembered that the cubic capacity of the walls and pediment is calculated separately.

Calculation of wall cubic capacity

The length of one crown is the sum of the lengths of all 4 walls. You need to add an outlet to it, usually it is taken into account at the rate of 0.5 m per wall on one side, that is, 1 m per wall on both sides and, thus, 4 m for the entire crown. That is, if we have a log house 6 * 6 m, the length of the crown is 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 4 = 28 m. If the log house is 6 * 9 m, then it turns out 6 + 6 + 9 +9 + 4 = 34 m, etc. If necessary, internal walls should also be taken into account (if they are also supposed to be made from logs, and not from timber or something else).

Having determined the length of the crown, we calculate its volume. To do this, recall the formula for the volume of a cylinder from the school geometry course. It is equal to the cross-sectional area of ​​the cylinder multiplied by its height. And the cross-sectional area of ​​a cylinder is a circle with the same radius. The area of ​​a circle - again remembering school - is equal to the number "pi" multiplied by the square of the radius of the circle. Thus, to calculate the volume of our wooden cylinder, we multiply the square of its radius (half the diameter) by 3.14 (rounded number “pi”) and by the length (we take all dimensions in meters). For example, a log with a diameter of 20 cm (i.e. 0.2 m, radius - 0.1 m) and a length of 6 m will have a volume of 0.1 * 0.1 * 3.14 * 6 = 0.1884 m³, rounded - 0.19 m³.

Having calculated the length of one crown, we take into account their number in the log house. It depends on the thickness of the logs. This is where simple mathematics will no longer help: it is necessary to take into account that the working height of the log is less than its diameter, some of the thickness goes into the groove. The groove is usually made at half the diameter (there are other standards, but they are less common), and the working height is approximately 0.87 of the original thickness. That is, for example, with a diameter of 180 mm, the groove width will be 90 mm, and the working height will be 156 mm. And, accordingly:

  • 200 mm – 100 mm – 173 mm;
  • 220 110 191;
  • 240 120 208;
  • 260 130 225.

If you divide the required height of the log house by the working height of the log, you get required quantity crowns That's it, now we multiply the volume of one crown by their total number and get the cubic capacity of the log house. Or rather, its walls. In addition to it, you also need to take into account the zero crown and pediment.

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Calculation of the cubic capacity of the pediment

To calculate the amount of lumber that will be needed for the pediment, we return to the geometry textbook.

The pediment triangle is isosceles. Mentally divide it in half: we get 2 right triangle. If one of them is turned over and combined with the other, you will get a rectangle, the height of which will be equal to the height of the pediment, and the width will be half its width. Well, both pediments will require twice as much material, that is, the same amount as would be spent on a rectangular wall equal to each of them in width and height. We divide its height by the working height of the logs, and then multiply it by the cubic capacity of the longest pediment log. That's it, we got the required value.

We add up the calculation results for the walls and pediment - and now we have the cubic capacity of the log house we need. It is worth adding to it an error of 5-7% for losses during sawing. Of course, the obtained value is very approximate; without cutting logs it won’t work out any other way. But this is enough for preliminary calculations.

Or – very popular building material. Many are simply built today from this excellent material. Beauty, environmental friendliness, and low thermal conductivity are the main advantages of logs.

But it is necessary to very accurately calculate how much material will be needed to build a house. If you purchase too much material, you will incur unnecessary financial losses. If not enough material has been purchased, you will have to spend extra time for the purchase of missing logs. To avoid this you can use online calculator to calculate the volume of a log. It is very easy and simple to use.

First you need to enter the dimensions of the future log house - its length, width and height in meters. Of course, in order to have this data, you need to have a ready-made project on hand, according to which construction will be carried out. Then the risk of error in calculations will be completely eliminated.

The next point is entering data about interior walls. You need to select the length of the walls in the appropriate fields. If there are fewer such walls than indicated in the calculator, simply select “No wall” in the “extra” walls fields.

The last step is to indicate the diameter of the log used in construction. Today, in the construction of private houses, rounded timber of different diameters is used - most often from 180 to 260 millimeters. Approach the choice suitable size should be done very seriously. Experts are well aware that the larger the diameter of the log, the better thermal insulation and sound insulation qualities the house will have. But we should not forget that as the thickness of the logs increases, their cost also increases.

Construction of a house requires precise calculations to determine its total price, the amount of material required, etc. Some carry out calculations manually, but this is a long and labor-intensive process; it is better to use calculator programs that will help calculate a log house from a rounded log in a few minutes, and for this you only need to substitute the specified parameters into the program. At the same time, it is advisable to know how the basic calculations are carried out and what values ​​​​will have to be taken into account in order to find out the real cost of the building.


Construction companies offering processed rounded logs carry out all calculations in cubic meters of wood, and you need to know how many units of lumber are contained in one cube, depending on its diameter. In addition, you need to decide how many crowns there will be in the structure, that is, rows placed one on top of the other. The cylinder cylinder for a house is a table that reflects the main parameters of wood of a certain section.

The height of a rounded log is not equal to its diameter, and this must be taken into account when calculating the crowns. Each log has a longitudinal mounting groove, so the working height is calculated from the top edge of the groove to its surface. The working height table is as follows:

OCB diameter Mounting slot width Working height

Accordingly, to find out how many crowns there will be, you need to divide the height of the log house by the working height of one log. For example, if a building is being erected whose height is 2.5 meters and the cross-section is 220 mm, you need to divide 2500/220 = 11.36. So, we see that to erect a structure of this height, 12 crowns will be required. From this value the number of linear meters in the finished log house will be calculated.

Weight is also not constant value, since it directly depends on the moisture content of the wood. The weight of a cubic meter of raw, freshly cut pine reaches 700 kg, and after chamber drying it decreases by 2–2.5 times. Accordingly, the load on the foundation and the requirements for its strength will vary significantly.

Construction capacity

Calculation of the cost of a rounded log is based on the number of cubic meters of wood that will be required for construction. The standard length of the processed tree is 6 meters, and the calculation of its volume is based on the formula for the volume of a cylinder, known to everyone from the geometry course:

in which the number π is equal to 3.14, H is the height of the log, and R is its radius (half the diameter). Substituting known values, the calculation is carried out as follows: consider an example of calculating the volume of a log with a diameter of 240 mm and a length of 6 meters:

As a result, we will find out how many cubic meters of wooden building materials will be required for construction; we multiply this value by the price of the central bank, which averages about 7,500 rubles, although it may change depending on many factors.

However, this is only a small part of the construction costs: the calculation must also take into account lumber for the floor, ceilings, attic, gables, rafters, etc., and all this will also require funds. From the total amount of wall material, you should subtract the dimensions of the door and window openings, which will significantly reduce it.

Because of this, it is better to calculate the cost of a house using ready-made tables, as well as calculator programs that are easy to find on specialized websites. For rounded logs, tables were compiled a long time ago, since this lumber is in demand, and calculations have been carried out more than one hundred times. How many TSBs per cubic meter are clearly shown below:

If you choose a rounded log, the cubeturner can be found directly on the manufacturer’s website. In any case, it is more profitable to order the design from professionals than to develop it yourself. Better to invest additional funds in creating a project, rather than trying to correct mistakes later, which can cost many times more.

Using special programs

The calculator is a special program that allows you to calculate the cost of a building taking into account all parameters, and not just the number of logs for the walls. The construction calculator takes into account the following when calculating:

  1. Dimensions of the building. This is the length and width of the house, as well as internal partitions. In this case, the type of log house is taken into account - four-walled or five-walled. Partitions, firstly, can be made of thin timber, which is cheaper, and, secondly, in some cases they are built from plasterboard on frame basis, and they require even less material.
  2. Building material used for walls. We indicate the diameter of the lumber; in some cases, the type of wood is also included in the formula. In addition, you need to know the sizes of window and doorways, which are subtracted from the total area of ​​log walls.
  3. The type of foundation and roof, the location of communications, the types of gables, floors, ceilings and many more parameters that must be taken into account when making calculations.
For a log house made from rounded logs, each company has its own calculator, so it is advisable to carry out all calculations directly on the page of the developer you have chosen. But they will be only preliminary. In any construction there are thousands of little things that must also be taken into account when designing and drawing up estimates.

Otherwise, there may be many inaccuracies that will cost the customer dearly and not only will not allow savings, but will also lead to additional expenses. You should only draw up a project yourself if you have experience in such work.

Factors influencing the final price tag

Price wall material may depend on several other parameters. First of all, from treating the cylinders with antiseptics, which not all companies offer. It will cost about 250 rubles per cubic meter, but in the future this will save on repairs, since the log impregnated with protective agents will be more durable.

Some organizations additionally offer sanding of the frame after construction. If you order a full range of works, they will cost less than if you contact a company, for example, only for the assembly of a log house or for its manufacture. Construction organizations can offer a full range of turnkey works, as a result of which all communications will be laid in the building, and it will be completely ready for occupancy.

Ready-made designs of houses from OCB with calculations already completed can be found on many sites, and if you do not need a unique house with a special arrangement of rooms, this optimal solution. They are quite convenient and functional, and a little modification of the project will allow you to adapt it specifically to your site.

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Online calculator for rounded logs designed to calculate the quantity and volume of logs for a house, bathhouse and other buildings, taking into account gables and internal partitions. Additionally, calculations are made of the usable area of ​​the room, the number of crowns, the diameter and number of wooden dowels, as well as shrinkage and load on the foundation.

When filling out the data, pay attention to the additional information with the sign Additional information

And from time immemorial, log houses have been famous for their good quality, high heat capacity and environmental friendliness. With the increase in the volume of individual construction, with the advent of aerated concrete, foam plastic and other modern materials, interest in wood has not diminished. Even today, in the age of innovation and new technologies, many land owners continue to build wooden cottages and summer houses, preferring rounded logs.

What is a rounded log?

The material for rounded logs is usually coniferous wood. In terms of the ratio of cost and consumer qualities, pine is considered the best. When rounding, it is cut off top layer(sapwood) and the core remains, impregnated with resin and possessing a characteristic pine aroma.

When removing sapwood on a log, the number of cracks decreases, which significantly increases the thermal insulation of the material. After rolling on end-cutting machines, the wood is impregnated with special mixtures that provide protection from the external environment. Despite multi-stage processing, the surface of the wood retains its magnificent pattern, which gives the appearance of the structure variety and elegance.

Advantages of buildings made of rounded logs

About cylinder logs – good alternative sanded log or sawn timber. They are not only not inferior to these types of building materials in terms of quality and durability, but also have a number of undeniable advantages:

  • Due to the even and smooth surface of the log, a new house does not require decorative finishing.

  • B logs have neat grooves made on special machines, thanks to which during construction they can be tightly joined at the corners of the structure.

  • The installation and construction time of a house can be significantly accelerated by calculating and preparing a complete building constructor in advance.

  • Houses made from rounded logs have an attractive appearance and can be built in different architectural styles– from the “European” version to the traditional Russian hut.

In your hands skilled craftsman wood seems to acquire a soul and delights home owners with a pleasant shine, aroma and unique pattern. Cottages made from rounded logs can provide comfort; they are easier to breathe in compared to the stone frames of city apartments, and the ability of wood to accumulate heat in summer and retain it in winter makes it possible to build such buildings in areas with any type of climate.

Further presented full list calculations performed with a brief description of each item. If you haven't found the answer to your question, you can contact us via feedback.

General information on the calculation results

  • About the total volume of the log
  • - Estimated amount of lumber in cubic meters.
  • Building perimeter
  • - The total length of all walls, taking into account the protrusion of the corners (foots).
  • Usable room area
  • - The area of ​​the room, taking into account the deduction of the output and the thickness of the log.
  • Total area of ​​external walls
  • - Square outside walls Corresponds to the area necessary insulation, if such is provided for in the project.
  • About total weight
  • - Weight of the log excluding insulation.
  • Number of crowns
  • - Number of rows of logs in the wall. Depends on the height of the walls and the size of the material used.
  • Quantity roll insulation for all crowns
  • - Equal to the total length of all logs.
  • Diameter and number of dowels in 1.5 meter increments
  • - This calculation is only suitable for lightly loaded log buildings. For critical buildings, the calculation of dowels must be carried out by specialists in your region.
  • Amount of impregnation on both sides
  • - Estimated amount of protective impregnation of medium grades, with external and external coating inner surface all walls.
  • Approximate shrinkage (7%) of rounded logs
  • - Approximate shrinkage of walls made of rounded logs after 1 year, with an initial humidity of 20%. - Load without taking into account the weight of the roof and ceilings, with support on the entire surface lower crown. This parameter is necessary to select the strength characteristics of the foundation.

Quite often, when looking for a contractor to build a house or bathhouse, we come across such concepts as the price for 1 m3 of rounded logs (OCB) or simply the actual cost of a log house. I'd like to figure it out! What does the cubic capacity of a log house consist of? How is the cost of a log house calculated and what does it consist of?

In order to on one's own It is necessary to calculate the volume of logs in a log house based on the given parameters (axial dimensions and height), and calculate the number of linear meters of logs in a log house. The easiest way is to multiply the length in linear meters in one crown by the number of crowns of a log house.

Calculation of the number of crowns depending on the given height of the log house.

To calculate the required number of crowns, you need to know the working height of the rounded log. Working log height directly depends on the width of the groove. Below we provide a table for a standard groove.

Table of working height of logs (N otsb):

Log diameter groove width Working log height
180 90 156
200 100 173
220 110 191
240 120 208
260 130 225

Dividing the given height of the log house by the working height of the log, we get the number of required crowns.

We count:

3000mm/191mm=15.71 - therefore, for a given height we need 16 crowns.

Based on the drawing of the log house, we calculate the number of linear meters of one crown (taking into account the protrusions - corners)

IN in this example the length of one crown is 9+9+6+6+6=42 m.p. Consequently, the total linear meters in this log house are 42x16 = 672. Next, you need to take into account and add the halves of the first crown (zero crown) - they necessary to shift the rows in the crowns. We got 3x6 halves = 18 linear meters. Since one whole log produces 2 halves, we divide 18 by 2 and get 9 m.p. logs in halves. So, we got 681 linear meters, but this does not take into account openings. Minus the linear meters in the openings, the result is 546 m.p.

In total, in this log house there was 20.75 m3 of net volume of central bank. And the last thing that needs to be taken into account when calculating a log house is illiquid trimmings and losses when sawing parts of the house kit.

They can range from 3 to 7 percent. Accordingly, the qualifying cubic capacity of this log house will be approximately 22 m3.

At the cost of one cubic meter rounded logs in a house kit cost 8,500 rubles, the price of this log house will be 187,000 rubles.

We hope this article will be useful to you in your calculations! Good luck to you in your endeavors!

Rounded logs are an ideal material for building a bathhouse or country house. Such products are environmentally friendly and safe, attractive appearance and quick installation, ease of installation and processing. Due to special technology After manufacturing, the logs acquire a perfectly flat cylindrical shape and smooth surface, with identical diameters and dimensions.

Thanks to these parameters, the products are stacked closely, which eliminates the appearance of cracks in the log house. In addition, the construction of a house or bathhouse is easy and quick. A log structure will look elegant and neat.

10 reasons to build a house from rounded logs

  • Natural and environmentally friendly wood does not emit toxic substances and is safe for humans. Moreover, the tree has healing properties and has a beneficial effect on a person’s well-being and sleep;
  • Wood promotes rapid air exchange and renews oxygen up to 30% per day. Therefore in wooden house always comfortable and easy to breathe;
  • Attractive and aesthetic appearance. A log house looks elegant and natural. It will harmoniously fit into any landscape and will stand out favorably against the background of other buildings;
  • Due to special processing of the material on machines, the logs receive a flat and smooth surface. Therefore, the products fit tightly to each other and eliminate the appearance of gaps in the walls;
  • Identical diameters and sizes of logs speed up and simplify installation. Depending on the complexity of the project, installation of a log house will take only 3-5 days to 3-4 weeks!;
  • The light weight of wood will not require a massive and expensive foundation;
  • Rounded logs do not require decorative finishing either inside or outside the building. By the way, the “scratch” finish in a log house looks harmonious and impressive;
  • Wood has high heat and sound insulation properties. The log house is warm, quiet and calm;
  • If the log house is caulked correctly, a repeat procedure will not be required. Whereas houses made of timber require re-caulking after shrinkage;
  • Logs are easy to process, which allows you to create interesting designs(houses with a bay window, carved balconies, verandas in the form of a rotunda, etc.). In addition, a log house can be built in any style!

How to calculate volumes of materials

For those who decide to build a log house, it is important to correctly calculate required quantity building materials. Since logs are characterized by a cylindrical shape, calculations must be made based on this parameter. You cannot calculate the volume by simply multiplying the thickness of the walls by the height. To do it yourself correctly, use a special cubical of rounded logs.

The simplest calculation is carried out using the formula = P*R2*N, where

P = 3,14;
R2- radius of a rounded log squared;
N— length of the rounded log.

We multiply the result obtained by the number of logs needed to build a house or bathhouse. Don’t forget to add 7%, which is allocated for shrinkage log house. To facilitate the calculation, the results for different log diameters are presented in a table of log cubic capacity.

Table of cubic capacity of rounded logs 6 meters long

Diameter, mm Height, mm Volume, m3 Area, m2 Quantity in m3, pcs.
140 130,6 0,09 1,453 11,1
160 149,2 0,12 1,662 8,29
180 167,9 0,15 1,869 6,55
200 186,6 0,19 2,078 5,31
220 205,2 0,23 2,286 4,39
240 223,9 0,27 2,493 3,69
260 242,5 0,32 2,701 3,14
280 261,2 0,37 2,908 2,71
300 279,9 0,42 3,117 2,36
320 298,5 0,48 3,325 2,07
340 317,2 0,54 3,532 1,84
360 335,8 0,61 3,74 1,64

The volume and cost of materials is affected not only by the type of wood, but also by the diameter of the log. If you are planning to build a house for permanent residence, choose sizes of at least 240 mm, and for northern regions - more than 260 mm. If it's summer country house for seasonal living and recreation, logs with a diameter of 220 mm are suitable. For a gazebo, you can take the minimum dimensions.

The table is not the only way to calculate the required amount of building materials. There is a special online calculator that will make a quick and accurate calculation of the quantity and cost of materials, taking into account shrinkage, internal partitions and other factors.

In addition, the calculator will calculate usable area premises, number of crowns and load on the foundation. As a rule, on sites construction companies every standard project accompanies its calculator.

If you don’t know how to correctly calculate the cubic capacity of logs, the specialists of the MariSrub company will help you! Experienced craftsmen select and calculate the volume of materials. Experts recommend choosing rounded pine logs, as this is the best price-quality ratio.

Pine is an affordable, strong wood that is distinguished by strength and durability, a pleasant pine aroma and beautiful texture. Choose the option you like log house or order individual project! Specialists will prepare a free estimate for your future home or cottage, calculate the volume of materials and the cost of construction.

Or – a very popular building material. Many are simply built today from this excellent material. Beauty, environmental friendliness, and low thermal conductivity are the main advantages of logs.

But it is necessary to very accurately calculate how much material will be needed to build a house. If you purchase too much material, you will incur unnecessary financial losses. If not enough material has been purchased, you will have to spend extra time purchasing the missing logs. To avoid this, you can use an online calculator to calculate the volume of a log. It is very easy and simple to use.

First you need to enter the dimensions of the future log house - its length, width and height in meters. Of course, in order to have this data, you need to have on hand finished project on which construction will be carried out. Then the risk of error in calculations will be completely eliminated.

The next point is entering data about the interior walls. You need to select the length of the walls in the appropriate fields. If there are fewer such walls than indicated in the calculator, simply select “No wall” in the “extra” walls fields.

The last step is to indicate the diameter of the log used in construction. Today, in the construction of private houses, rounded timber of different diameters is used - most often from 180 to 260 millimeters. Choosing the right size should be taken very seriously. Experts are well aware that the larger the diameter of the log, the better thermal insulation and sound insulation qualities the house will have. But we should not forget that as the thickness of the logs increases, their cost also increases.

Therefore, we can advise choosing golden mean– an option that will suit you both in terms of characteristics and cost. If you have already decided on the choice of material, select the desired item in the “Log diameter” field.
