How did wallpaper come about? Wallpaper history. The amazing history of wallpaper creation (14 photos) What material is wallpaper made from?


Although it’s not summer now - it’s time for vacations, during which we usually all “love” to do renovations)) nevertheless, I would like to talk about one of the types of decorating houses and apartments - wallpaper.

Wall decoration is one of the first things we think about when carrying out repair work and transforming your home.

Today, wall decor can be very diverse and many, keeping up with the times, choose something new, progressive. Nevertheless, we have not stopped covering the walls of our apartments with the usual and time-tested wallpaper.

Wallpaper, as many years ago, is a leader among other decor as it is the most convenient and affordable construction material Moreover, the huge selection on store shelves pleases the eye with a variety of shades, making it impossible to pass by.

Despite the fact that they entered our lives relatively long ago, the question still arises periodically: “what kind of wallpaper are there for walls?”

Its relevance is growing every day, along with the range construction stores. Having crossed the line of the Soviet period, when there was practically only paper wallpaper in stores, we learned that wall coverings can have different variants, and sometimes those that can not only radically transform a room, but also create sound and heat insulation, and that’s not all.

Therefore, I propose to understand the most popular today and try to understand what is the best choice?

Paper wallpaper

Paper wallpapers are one of the first that we learned about and were glad to decorate the walls with them, without particularly thinking about the shortcomings; there was nothing to compare with)) But in the era of the “problem of choice,” everything changes and, before purchasing paper wallpaper, it doesn’t hurt to take the pros and cons into account.

Types of paper wallpaper

They are divided into two subspecies - simplex and duplex.

Wallpaper simplex, what is it

These wall coverings are considered pioneers and therefore everyone who has done renovations at least once in their life has come across them in stores.

Simplex can be smooth and embossed, but their distinctive feature– the paper base of the wallpaper consists of one layer.

Once upon a time, many people preferred simplex wallpaper because of its simplicity and affordable cost, but these advantages are not able to overcome the disadvantages, expressed in fragility and poor concealment of flaws, if they are present on the walls.

Simplex is afraid of mechanical damage, and even more so of fire and water; it’s not for nothing that Europe has long abandoned the use of simplex wallpaper.

There is another subtype of paper wall coverings:

Duplex wallpaper, what is it and how do they differ from simplex?

For the production of duplex wallpaper, more than complex technologies, which made them stronger and more durable. They consist of two layers of paper, which means the design is printed on the top layer. This little trick creates the effect of a living drawing without deformation.

You shouldn’t completely discount the use of paper wallpaper, due to the fact that paper allows air to pass through well and wallpaper “breathes”, they are the most environmentally friendly and are what designers recommend for covering children’s rooms and bedrooms.

From my own experience I will say that paper wallpaper is good for a summer residence, if, of course, country house interior without any special complaints)) This is very cheap option, it was not difficult for us to glue them, the assortment includes a huge number of just “dacha” colors, and, most importantly, they do not spoil the overall eco-friendly dacha atmosphere. Just keep in mind that paper wallpaper absorbs odors more than others and fades in the sun, so do not use them on the sunny side.

Vinyl wallpaper - pros and cons

Vinyl wallpapers are quite popular, and it is because of their popularity and diversity that many questions arise about which vinyl option is better to choose, what is the difference and where to look for the pros and cons. Vinyl wallpaper has its own characteristics, which you should learn about before starting repairs.

Vinyl wall coverings are made on a paper or non-woven backing made of polyvinyl chloride - PVC. Vinyl is durable, reliable and does not fade.

But! If on tubes vinyl wallpaper no marking with icon environmental safety, then it’s better to leave them in the store.

There are several types of vinyl wallpaper.

Compact vinyl

What is this, compact vinyl wallpaper, and how can you visually distinguish it from others on the building materials market?

Compact vinyl, or hard vinyl, has a texture that imitates stone, plaster, ceramic tiles etc.

This option is so unpretentious that you can use brushes and detergents based on alkali and alcohol.

Silk screen wallpaper, what is it?

It won’t be difficult to recognize them on store shelves: they have a smooth surface, similar to silk, and a thin but dense structure resulting from heating and embossing.

Smooth vinyl, better known as silkscreen, gives walls a special charm and grace.

Walls to be covered with silk require special preparation; they must be perfectly smooth; the impeccable texture of this type of wallpaper will reveal even small flaws.

Washable vinyl wallpaper

But they, unlike silk-screen printing, are heavy and smooth out the unevenness of the walls well.

From the name it is clear that the wallpaper has increased moisture resistance, so it can decorate not only the kitchen, but also the bathroom.

Foamed vinyl, what is it?

The next type of vinyl wallpaper is foamed vinyl; this is wallpaper that is much thicker than, for example, silk-screen printing. Pleasant to the touch, soft, with a rough, structural surface sometimes decorated with glitter, foam vinyl is a kind of analogue of relief plaster and perfectly hides any unevenness or defects in the walls.

The disadvantages of foamed vinyl include instability to external influences: it does not tolerate being too close to the headboards of beds and chairs, and is not resistant to external influences, for example, to cat claws.

Non-woven wallpaper - pros and cons

Non-woven wallpaper is a velvety innovation that has replaced paper wall coverings. It is not for nothing that they have won the respect of customers and popularity, since if you take into account the pros and cons of non-woven wallpaper, then there will be many more advantages.


Since they are made from cellulose and synthetic fibers, then steam and moisture easily pass through and the walls can “breathe”.

They are durable, can reinforce small cracks and even contribute to some degree of sound insulation.

Those who are renovating a new building should pay attention to them.

Non-woven wallpaper does not stretch and practically does not burst when the house shrinks.


The disadvantages of this wallpaper appear when a layer of vinyl is applied to the non-woven base, and although the non-woven material in this case becomes much stronger, it loses its environmental advantages. Most often, this option is used for painting.

Wallpaper is clothing for the walls in which we live our lives, and each of us is concerned about our own health and that of our loved ones, so the question: are non-woven wallpaper harmful or not has its relevance. The answer in this case is ambiguous, since it all depends on the manufacturer. High-quality and real non-woven wallpaper cannot be harmful due to the absence of artificial substitutes.

In turn, if, as has already been written, vinyl coating is applied to the top layer, and there is no safety symbol on the tube, then we can say that non-woven wallpaper is harmful. Although, if you look at it, we are no longer talking about 100% non-woven fabric here.

Which wallpaper is better: vinyl or non-woven or paper?

From the above, we can draw an unambiguous conclusion - it all depends on where you need to glue the wallpaper and what operational requirements you place on it.

For rooms where we spend less time, and the wall covering is preferably wear-resistant (corridor, bathroom, kitchen), vinyl wallpaper is suitable.

But despite the significant advantages, all vinyl wallpapers have the same disadvantages: synthetic material, lack of breathability and a pronounced odor, which, however, disappears over time. Therefore, when wondering which wallpapers are safe for health, think about something more natural: paper or non-woven, and prefer them for children's rooms and bedrooms.

Other types of wallpaper

Textile wallpaper, what is it?

If you are looking for a beautiful and natural wall covering, then textile (fabric) wallpaper is exactly what you need. They can be: viscose, linen, cotton, silk, velor, felt and jute.

To produce such wallpaper, natural threads are used, which are glued to a non-woven or paper base, and the top is treated with antistatic agents and compounds that resist fading, dust settling, and getting wet.

In addition to being an environmentally friendly material, they also have a very attractive appearance: a variety of colors, shapes and textures.

Fabric wallpaper, pros and cons

Fabric wallpaper undoubtedly has a lot of advantages; all of the above qualities can be added to it. A downside may be the price, which naturally will be an order of magnitude higher than that of non-natural analogues.

Eco wallpaper for walls

Today, a lot of attention is paid to natural products and materials, so many people prefer eco-coatings and wallpaper made from natural environmental substances.

The basis of eco-wallpaper is non-woven or very thick paper. The wallpaper itself is heavy, since it is made from plant materials such as bamboo, reed, seaweed, rattan, sisal, race paper, veneer of valuable tree species: cherry, sandalwood, apricot and has clear advantages – natural ingredients, breathable structure, sound absorption.

Disadvantages - they lose color over time, and can become deformed from frequent wet cleaning.

Cork wallpapers are very popular now, the pros and cons of which boil down to the fact that made from cork oak and cork chips, they are very beautiful. They have an undeniable advantage - the natural wax coating significantly adds strength to them.

But they also do not like frequent wet cleaning, so cork wallpaper should not be used in the kitchen and bathroom.

Fiberglass wallpaper

A wall covering that differs from the wallpaper we are used to. In appearance they look like fabric with glass fibers, a kind of textured decorative weaving, and applied to the walls they make them look like strict plaster.


Fiberglass wallpaper is so durable that it will last at least 30 years!

The strength is explained by the composition of fiberglass: threads are drawn from dolomite, quartz sand, and lime at an enormous temperature of 1200 degrees and “yarn is made.” Since the wallpaper components are exclusively natural, there are no harmful chemicals in their composition.

Wallpaper made of fiberglass has enormous wear resistance - it does not scratch, does not tear, can withstand washing with a hard brush and does not even burn.

When painting, up to 20 layers of waterproof paint can be used.


Naturally, when purchasing such an unusual wall covering, the question arises, how to glue fiberglass wallpaper? This process is very complex and quite labor-intensive, requiring special knowledge and skills, so it is better if it is done by professionals.

Metallic wallpaper, what is it?

Another new word, or a real breakthrough in wall decoration? In fact, metallic wallpaper is distinguished by its external gloss, but if you look deeper, you can understand that the same non-woven material or paper is used as a basis.

But the aluminum foil framing the front layer of the material adds an unusual, one might even say luxurious, look to them, as well as their moisture resistance and reflection electromagnetic radiation, can be considered a definite plus and an indicator of quality.

Considering this huge assortment wallpaper, you might think that it’s easy to get confused in all this variety, but you shouldn’t be afraid, because the manufacturers took care of us, the customers, and put signs on the wallpaper, the meaning of which is easy to decipher.

What do the icons on the wallpaper mean and how to decipher the marking symbols

Since different wallpapers can be marked differently, look at several options for deciphering the marking symbols.

Beauty and bright mood your home :)

At all times, people have tried to decorate their homes. They decorated almost everything that could be decorated: walls, ceilings, floors, windows. For this we used various materials. In ancient times, the skins of hunted animals were hung on the walls and laid on the floor. Later, with the advent of various fabrics, walls began to be decorated with drapery. Most often they were used to decorate walls in the mansions of the nobility and palaces of kings. And only from the middle of the eighteenth century, when paper appeared, did they think of sticking it on walls and ceilings.

Currently, wallpaper made from different materials is mainly used for finishing walls and ceilings.

But have you ever wondered how and when wallpaper came into being?

So, wallpaper on a woven basis.

A very long time ago, 1000 years BC, woven wallpaper appeared. It turns out that they were invented by the ancient Assyrians and Babylonians. However for a long time The wallpaper was black and white; it only acquired color at the end of the 11th century AD.

During the distant Middle Ages, the prototype modern wallpaper there were tapestries that represented huge panels of fabric depicting ancient battles and historical events. As a rule, tapestries occupied the entire wall from ceiling to floor. They were quite expensive because they were made of thick fabric High Quality. And they were available only to the richest strata of society. But it was fashionable to decorate a home, so they began to cover the walls with inexpensive fabrics with various patterns, the same as on tapestries. Very often, fabric sheets were attached to the walls using special brackets, rather than glued. Gradually, woven wallpaper became thinner and more elegant. Images of scenes from the Bible appeared on them, various plants and animals.

Like everything useful, wallpaper production gradually moved to Europe. Several factories have appeared that produce wallpaper to order. The best artists took part in the creation of wallpaper fabrics. But such wallpapers were quite expensive, and therefore there was a need to look for ways to reduce production costs.

The artist of the Flemish school, John Van Eyck, proposed drawing on finished fabric, which is much simpler and cheaper. This discovery was the beginning new era for the production of printed wallpaper, significantly reduced their cost and allowed us to conquer the market in many countries. At the beginning of the sixteenth century, England and France began to produce wallpaper industrially. It was in England that the first machine for the production of fabric wallpaper was invented. This also helped reduce the cost of wallpaper.

How did paper wallpaper appear?

Many useful discoveries came to us from ancient China: silk and compass, porcelain and paper, which appeared at the beginning of the second century AD. Apparently, the Chinese began decorating walls with paper immediately after its invention. In some sources you can find confirmation of how the rooms were divided by covering them with thick paper. For more than five hundred years, the wise Chinese kept the process of making rice paper a closely guarded secret. And only in the 6th century the Japanese developed their technology for making wallpaper.

Later, only in the 8th century, wallpaper production migrated to Europe. Having managed to get used to the beauty and durability of woven wallpaper, people wanted paper ones to have the same excellent quality. However, manufacturing methods did not allow this to be achieved. In addition, the wallpaper had to be painted by hand, which significantly increased its cost. But the inventive Englishman Zaner suggested original way making wallpaper that looks like matter. Scraps of silk threads were poured onto pre-primed paper, which after drying were firmly glued to the paper.

Much later, in the 14th century, another way of drawing a picture on paper appeared: on printed form made of wood, a layer of paint was applied, paper was carefully applied to it and rolled with a roller.

Painted wallpaper from China has always been highly valued, regardless of the variety and whims of fashion. In Europe, England has long been considered the recognized leader in the production of paper wallpaper: for several centuries in a row they were produced using Chinese technology, and even “Chinese” designs were copied.

Currently, in the manufacture of wallpaper they use different modern technologies, various materials. At the same time, the scope of application of this “invention” remains unchanged - to decorate our interior, to make the house more beautiful and comfortable.

Speaking today about what kinds of wallpapers there are, we remember luxurious designer coatings or paper materials with a simple print. And we don’t think at all about what the very first wallpapers were and who invented them. It is worth filling the gap in knowledge and rewinding the tape of history a little.
Here are the cave people - of course, they did not know wallpaper, but they tried to decorate the walls of their homes using skins and rock paintings. For several thousand years, these “interior ideas” were considered the best - until the first wallpaper appeared.

How did wallpaper on a woven basis appear?

A thousand years before our era, the first fabric wallpaper appeared. It is believed that the birthplace of this material is Assyria and Babylon. The coverings of that time could only be called wallpaper conditionally - they were canvases made of coarse threads with primitive black and white patterns.
It was only in the 11th century AD that they came up with the idea of ​​decorating walls with colored canvases, decorated with elaborate ornaments and biblical scenes. Wallpaper production technologies developed extremely slowly - only two centuries after the appearance of the first samples of textile coverings, they decided to organize factory production. And then - the wallpaper was literally woven on certain artistic canvases and was made only to order.

Textile wallpaper in a modern interior

For example, at the beginning of the 16th century in Flanders, wallpaper was woven based on the canvases of Raphael, which he specially prepared for decorating the Sistine Chapel. Behind " manufacturing process"answered the Dutch artist Bernhard Van Oley. Fabric wall decorations were incredibly expensive, and soon an alternative method of production was found - the artist of the Flemish school of painting, Van Eyck, suggested not weaving a patterned fabric, but painting the finished material. It was this invention that marked the beginning of the process of producing “printed” wallpaper.
Soon the European market was conquered, and another 100 years later Peter the Great drew attention to wallpaper and ordered the urgent implementation of the “innovation”. In 1716, the “Russian Tapestry Manufactory” was founded, where craftsmen from France were initially invited. But in just 6 years, wallpaper production in Russia was fully established, and it was already supervised by local craftsmen.

The history of paper wallpaper

The history of paper wallpaper began in China, during the reign of Emperor Hoti. At this time, the Chinese invented paper (it was made from thread and bark). The walls were covered with paper sheets, and pictures and hieroglyphs were drawn on them. The secret of making paper was protected by the Chinese for six centuries - it could not be bought or learned by cunning.
The world learned about how to make paper only in the seventh century - several military defeats of the Chinese forced them to reveal the secret first to the Japanese and then to the Arabs. And the Arabs sold the technology to Andalusia, and the first paper mills began operating in Spain.
As for the “original” Chinese wallpaper, it was first imported by the British. And enterprising wallpaper manufacturers from Foggy Albion for a long time did not concede primacy to anyone. But the coatings were still too expensive - the whole point was in how wallpaper was made: first they printed paper, and then it was hand-painted using specially made stencils.
And in the 17th century, a subject of the English crown, Tsaner, came up with new types of wallpaper for walls - paper, imitating fabric. It was the so-called “fake silk”. To obtain it, the paper was primed and the surface was sprinkled with scraps of silk threads. The result was “noble matter” - similar samples decorated the Louvre and Richelieu Castle.

Paper wallpaper in the interior of a French castle

Tsaner also proposed printing a design on a surface using a wooden stamp coated with paint. However, it can hardly be called his personal invention - the Chinese learned to stamp designs on wallpaper back in the 10th century.
The first guild of upholsterers appeared in France at the beginning of the 17th century. But they had not yet thought about mass production of rolls - the material was produced in pieces and was not glued to the wall, but attached to wooden frame. Popular designs in those days were the textures of plaster and brick, imitation of architectural elements. And in the 18th century, pastoral motifs with shepherdesses and landscapes won the palm. After this came the era of flora and natural stone- the most popular ornaments were floral ones, and among imitations, malachite, lapis lazuli, and marble were especially popular.

Modern technologies, vinyl and non-woven fabric

Technical capabilities for producing wallpaper in rolls appeared only in the 17th century - first, the engraver from France Papillon came up with matrices for continuous printing of designs, then (again in France) a machine for making rolls appeared. And only in 1839, a printer from England, Preston, installed cylindrical rollers in his printing machine - the prototype of modern printing presses was learned.
And the history of vinyl and non-woven coverings dates back to the 20th century. So, commercial use vinyl began after 1933, when the product was patented by the B. F. Goodrich Company. And the first vinyl wallpaper appeared in the USA in 1947 - initially it was a dense “polyethylene” coating, and today the vinyl layer is microporous.

Non-woven wallpaper in a modern interior

And non-woven fabric or fabric made from cellulose fibers began to be produced in Germany - there was even a trademark Vliseline of the company Freudenberg Vliesstoffe KG, which initially specialized in the production nonwoven material for workwear.

When you start making renovations, the question inevitably arises about choosing wallpaper for wall decor. Currently there are a large number types and types of wallpaper. How to figure out what type wallpaper will do exactly to suit your style, create comfort and not cause harm to you and your family and friends? Let's consider.

The founder and progenitor of all types of wallpaper are paper wallpaper. The most popular and most in demand. They are divided into two types: single-layer(simplex) and two-layer(duplex). Thanks to additional coverage, two-layer have more long term services rather than single-layer ones, which are given exposure external factors: sun, moisture, etc. The advantage of paper wallpaper is low price, a large assortment and ease of gluing. To calculate the number of rolls of wallpaper, you can use a wallpaper calculator.

There are the following types of wallpaper:

Unlike paper wallpaper, non-woven wallpaper is more durable. They are not afraid of water, they allow air to pass through, but they have a limited choice in pattern combinations; non-woven wallpaper is most often used for painting. They hold their shape perfectly and hide visible cracks. The basis of the wallpaper is actually the same paper only with the addition of fabric fibers. They have one drawback - the high price.

The texture of vinyl wallpaper can be smooth, embossed or silk-screen style (picture). The presence of special micropores that do not allow moisture to penetrate, and on the other side do not prevent its evaporation, ensures a normal microclimate in the room. This type of coating is well suited for the hallway, kitchen or living room.

Acrylic wallpaper . Unfortunately, due to the fact that a thin layer of acrylic is applied to the wallpaper, such wallpaper has less durability. But thanks to the dot method of applying acrylic, the wallpaper can “breathe”. Such wallpaper can be used in children's rooms, because it can be washed and is protected from mechanical damage.

Acrylic wallpaper.

Very beautiful, made only from natural materials: veneer, bamboo, straw, jute, reed, seaweed. They can have either a paper or non-woven base. A special coating protects the front layer from dust. Such majestic and environmentally friendly wallpapers are used for hanging halls or bedrooms. They are afraid of moisture and mechanical external damage, for example, if there is a cat in the house, it can easily render expensive wallpaper unusable.

They will make each room sophisticated and unique. The base, as in natural ones, can be non-woven or paper. Fibers of flax, jute, velor, silk, and viscose are applied on top. They can be embossed or smooth, depending on what the outer layer is made of.

The uniqueness of the choice of such wallpaper is its design. The picture can be made with absolutely different motives. Mostly a self-adhesive base is used.

In simple words, this is a type of decorative plaster. The production of this liquid wallpaper is based on cellulose. To make it decorative, dyes, glitter, and natural fibers are added to the composition. The absence of seams and joints gives the appearance of the interior the integrity of the composition. In addition, they have a high level of sound insulation.

The basis of glass wallpaper is glass fiber. They have great strength. Manufacturers of such wallpaper guarantee wear resistance for about 30 years. They are glued mainly in office premises or in new buildings, because they do not shrink. Paint with paints on latex or water based. Pleasant to the touch. Ecologically pure material does not create an environment for mold and other pests. But there is a minor drawback - this minimal amount choosing a pattern.

If you are a lover of high-tech style, then this wallpaper will fit perfectly into your interior. Create beautiful reflections in sunlight and artificial lighting. They have good sound insulation and are easy to clean. The main layer of wallpaper is porous paper, and the top layer is very thin layer occupied by aluminum foil. The foil is coated with non-conductive paint. Because of their useful properties to shield radiation from electrical appliances located behind the wall; they are quite expensive.

A huge assortment of wallpapers in combination of color and texture makes it possible for everyone who has started a renovation to make an individual choice. And if you decide to use two types of wallpaper, you will only benefit from this, but you must adhere to a certain algorithm for combining them. Paper wallpapers can be combined with vinyl wallpapers, textile wallpapers with photo wallpapers, that is, a couple will find wallpapers that are similar in texture. There are a large number combining wallpaper:

  • Volumetric inserts;
  • Wallpaper insert method;
  • Horizontal combining;
  • Vertical combination;
  • Design of niches;
  • "Patchwork" combination.

Each of these ideas will create visual effect, decorate the interior, highlight the dignity of the entire room.

Wallpaper is the most common finishing material. More than 90% of the walls are finished with wallpaper. There are a wide variety of different types wallpaper for walls.

Based on the material from which they are made, wallpapers are divided into:

  • paper
  • non-woven
  • vinyl
  • fabric or textile
  • fiberglass wallpaper
  • liquid wallpaper
  • exotic types: quartz, cork, metallized

In relation to humidity, there are 2 types of wallpaper:

  • moisture resistant
  • non-moisture resistant

In appearance, wallpapers are:

  • smooth
  • raised or embossed

There are plain and patterned wallpapers; with rapport, i.e. a repeating pattern, or without rapport. There are photo wallpapers, a drawing or photograph on which you can choose from those available or order individually. Wallpaper comes in various colors, and if you wish, you can purchase paintable wallpaper and paint it in desired color on one's own.

With such a variety, how to choose the wallpaper that is right for your apartment? Let's look at different types of wallpaper.

Main types of wallpaper

  • Paper

They are made of paper with a print applied to it, i.e., a design. They come in single-layer (simplex) and two-layer (duplex). Most often, the design is applied using a typographic method. For top-class wallpaper, hand printing is used. To prevent the design from fading, some types of paper wallpaper are coated with a primer. Except smooth wallpaper There are paper wallpapers with a relief surface. They come in colored and white, such wallpapers white used for painting. There are also embossed paper wallpapers and even corrugated duplex wallpapers.

Advantages of paper wallpaper:

  • they are air and moisture permeable;
  • They mask small uneven surfaces of the wall well.


  • low strength, especially when gluing;
  • they cannot be used in rooms with high humidity
  • Non-woven

Non-woven fabric is a material made from a mixture of natural (cellulose) and chemical (polyester) fibers. This material was invented in Germany for use in the clothing industry. Later it was also used for wall decoration. It is stronger than paper and more moisture resistant.

Advantages of non-woven wallpaper:

  • they are environmentally friendly, breathable;
  • Such wallpaper is easy to paste, since you only need to apply glue to the surface of the wall. There is no need to lubricate the wallpaper with glue;
  • if desired, they can be repainted many times;
  • non-woven wallpaper masks uneven surfaces of the walls;
  • they have good sound insulation;
  • non-woven fabric does not deform when the glue dries after gluing the wallpaper to the wall;
  • Wallpaper can be easily separated from the wall during subsequent repairs.


  • This wallpaper is quite transparent. When pasting light wallpaper you need to prepare the wall so that there are no contrasting spots on it, the wall should be light color. A dark wall needs to be primed;
  • Non-woven wallpaper is not moisture resistant and cannot be washed.
  • Vinyl

This is the most durable type of wallpaper. They have 2 layers and come on a paper or non-woven basis. Upper layer made of polyvinyl chloride. This material is resistant to mechanical stress and pollution. There are vinyl wallpapers embossed or smooth. Hot stamping wallpaper has several varieties:

  • compact vinyl imitates various materials - stone, relief plaster or textiles
  • Silk-screen printing allows you to realize a wide variety of design ideas. They have a smooth texture and a pleasant shine. Use only on well-leveled walls
  • Chemical embossed wallpaper has high UV resistance, excellent durability and water resistance

Advantages of vinyl wallpaper:

  • their outstanding strength;
  • Can be washed using household detergents;
  • resistance to UV rays;
  • This wallpaper smooths out wall unevenness well.


  • The main disadvantage of vinyl wallpaper is its unsafety. When burned, they release toxic substances containing chlorine compounds. In Europe, this wallpaper is prohibited from being used in public buildings.
  • Textile

This coating consists of 2 layers. Bottom is paper or non-woven fabric, top is textile material. It can be silk, linen, viscose or other fabrics. Fabric wallpaper is the most sophisticated type of wall decoration. They can be of various colors, fabric textures, be plain or have a pattern.

Advantages of textile wallpaper:

  • environmental friendliness, this wallpaper allows air to pass through well;
  • a wide variety of colors and fabric structures will satisfy the most demanding designer;
  • The seams between the wallpaper strips are almost invisible. You can create a “solid wall” effect.


  • absorb odors well and attract dust;
  • require careful handling and can be easily damaged by children or pets;
  • the wall under such wallpaper must be perfectly flat; the pasting process requires special skills. It is advisable to have the walls covered fabric wallpaper professionals.
  • Fiberglass

This species appeared not so long ago. Wallpaper is made from fiberglass, which is produced on special machines from quartz sand, dolomite, soda and limestone. They are absolutely safe and hypoallergenic. Fiberglass wallpaper should be glued to a cleaned wall using a special, very strong adhesive. They are usually used for painting. These wallpapers have several types of weaving patterns: twill weaving (herringbone), matting, parquet, diamond, jacquard.


  • very durable, service life up to 30 years;
  • do not burn and do not emit harmful and hazardous substances. Complies with European safety standards;
  • moisture resistant - Glass wallpaper can be used even in the bathroom and other rooms with high humidity;
  • You can even wash it with a stiff brush.


  • low plasticity;
  • difficult to separate from the wall;
  • are used for painting only.

Liquid wallpaper is called decorative plaster. A special dry mixture is diluted with water and applied to the wall. It turns out continuous decorative coating. It can be smooth or structured. Unfortunately, only a small number of colors of such wallpaper are currently produced.


  • environmentally friendly, safe;
  • do not fade;
  • high degree of sound insulation;
  • no joints.


  • afraid of water;
  • damage must be repaired with a special repair compound;
  • small variety of colors.
  • Quartz

This is a new, unusual type of wallpaper. Quartz sand is applied to a non-woven base and an interesting wall covering is obtained. Sand can be of different shades, and if necessary, they can be repainted. This wallpaper contains only natural ingredients. You should not glue quartz wallpaper in damp rooms.


  • quartz is a non-flammable material, so the wallpaper has excellent fire resistance;
  • wallpaper is easy to paste, forming a continuous canvas on which the joints are invisible;
  • this is a very durable and abrasion-resistant wallpaper;
  • The environmental friendliness of the material allows them to be used in any room;
  • quartz wallpaper does not fade. They are painted to the full depth of the decorative layer, so light scratches and abrasions are invisible on them.


  • insufficient moisture resistance does not allow their use in damp rooms;
  • they have a rough surface, which not everyone likes.

With such a variety of types, how to choose wallpaper that is suitable for your home or apartment?

How to choose wallpaper

For damp rooms, vinyl or fiberglass wallpaper is suitable. If the room humidity is low, then any type of wallpaper will do.

For a children's room, wallpaper should be safe, easy to clean, and pleasant to the touch. It is best to cover it with non-woven wallpaper. Interesting option– fiberglass wallpaper. They are environmentally friendly and durable. They can be repainted if a child gets them dirty, or if you just want to change them appearance walls Or you can give the teenager the opportunity to paint such walls himself. You can paste over the nursery with paper wallpaper. They breathe and are pleasant to the touch, but you cannot remove traces of paint or felt-tip pens from them.

The bedroom will be very cozy if it is covered with wallpaper textile wallpaper. Non-woven and paper wallpaper would also be appropriate in this room. It’s better to avoid vinyl wallpaper. They do not breathe and may have an unpleasant odor.

Liquid wallpaper can be used to decorate a hall, corridor or kitchen. Quartz wallpaper is usually used in expensive office premises; it can also be used to cover some rooms in an apartment, such as an office.

What wallpaper to choose depends on the size of the room. For example, in small rooms Striped wallpaper looks good. A horizontal strip will visually expand the room, and a vertical strip will make the ceiling higher. Moreover, wide vertical stripes They will not only raise the ceiling, but also visually increase the area of ​​the room. Large patterns on the walls in such a room will be inappropriate, but a small pattern will make the room more voluminous. Light colors of wallpaper will also visually expand such a room.

After you determine which wallpaper is best suited for each room in the apartment, you need to imagine how these wallpapers will combine with each other. It is advisable that color solutions All rooms were in harmony with each other. Then it will be comfortable to be in any room of the apartment.

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