Work in the garden in early spring. Spring work in the garden and vegetable garden at the dacha Spring work on the site

Working in the field and in the garden requires serious knowledge. The future harvest depends on the quality and timeliness of their implementation. Therefore, farmers are taking a number of actions to certain time. Spring is the period of intensive preparation for growing most crops. During this period, a number of actions are planned, which are mandatory to be carried out by farmers and agricultural enterprises.

What spring work in the field and garden is like should be considered in detail. This will allow you to perform the required manipulations on summer cottage, vast agricultural areas.

Features of work in the field and garden

Spring work in the field (photo presented below) are the most important period in the process of growing various crops. Winter crops require special attention from farmers.

Work in the field and garden differs significantly in the scale and features of event planning. This is explained by the techniques that farmers apply to these areas agriculture. In the field, work practically never stops all year round. However, in winter, the main activity in such conditions freezes.

A vegetable garden is a place for growing various vegetables and special varieties of crops. In accordance with what will grow in these conditions, the sown areas are also prepared. This is a special process that requires special theoretical knowledge and practical skills from the farmer.

School program

IN school curriculum attention is paid to spring work in the field. The world around us(4th grade) studies this process in an overview. Students are asked to write a story about how the soil is prepared in the spring. Schoolchildren supplement their stories with photographs and drawings on this topic.

In the essay, students can describe how the areas under cultivation are prepared. They remove stones that are pushed out of the ground under pressure by the soil during severe frosts. Next, the soil is loosened to provide air flow to the plant root system. This is necessary for their full development.

If there is stagnant water on the field, it must be drained using drainage channels. Otherwise, the plants will rot. This will negatively affect the yield. Weeds, bushes, moss, and sand are removed from the soil surface. Before sowing, the soil is fertilized. Knowing in general outline how the field is prepared in the spring, students can write interesting essay.

Essay example

Students write an essay about spring work in the field (4th grade) with great pleasure. Many of them could observe how parents and grandparents prepared to sow vegetables, fruits, plant trees and flowers in their country house, vegetable garden or garden. They tell their impressions in an essay. An example of a short essay is presented below.

“My parents and I are going to the dacha in the spring. I help them prepare their garden for summer. This interesting activity. I saw on TV how the fields are prepared in the spring. Our family spends time in the garden similar works. We are digging up the soil. Dad says it helps the seeds germinate. Air comes to them.

Then we make a greenhouse, which is covered with film. This will keep the plants from freezing if the temperature drops too much at night. When the greenhouse warms up, my parents and I plant carrots, herbs, onions, zucchini, and beans. Dad digs holes, and I put seeds in them. Mom buries the seedlings and waters them with water. I really like being with my parents at the dacha.”

Why do we need knowledge about preparing land in the spring?

A description of spring work in the field (grade 4) allows students to realize the work that employees of agricultural enterprises put into the process of preparing for the sowing campaign. Schoolchildren’s own experience in the country, in the garden or vegetable garden also has a positive effect on the formation of their understanding of the importance of such events.

Stories about the spring preparation of fields, vegetable gardens and orchards, personal experience comrades - all this arouses interest in farming and respect for nature. Students begin to appreciate the gifts of nature and understand how hard they are given to people.

Parents should pay attention to involving their children in the process of preparing a garden in the spring. This will be a real adventure for schoolchildren. During the work process, children need to be explained why this or that action is being carried out.

List of field work

It will be easier to write a story about spring work in the field if you know more about this process. For each climate type, the presented actions begin to be carried out in different times. Most often in Russia, soil preparation is carried out in the second ten days of April. If the spring is warm, work is carried out earlier.

After all the stones, sand have been removed, and the soil has been dug up, it is necessary to apply fertilizer. They must include nitrogen. Both mineral and organic compositions are important. Next, the seeds are sorted and cleaned. They are sown in prepared soil.

The areas that were not sown last year (were fallow) are being reclaimed. The brought manure is plowed into the ground. After this, comprehensive measures are taken to prevent or destroy pests. They depend on climate zone, natural conditions on the field.

Features of field work in spring

Simultaneously with the above activities, a number of other spring field works are carried out. Trap piles are set up in the field for May beetle larvae. Agricultural enterprises are working to develop fertile soils. They are dug up and fertilized.

Seedlings are planted in greenhouses. In warm climates, this procedure is performed outdoors. At the same time, seeds and tubers are planted. Enterprises check the readiness of equipment before starting the soil cultivation process and before carrying out the sowing campaign. Maintenance and repairs are being carried out. The speed of each subsequent operation depends on this. Equipment repair in field conditions problematic and highly undesirable.

Also in the spring, fields can be sown with special crops called green manure. They will enrich the soil useful substances, will improve its structure and have a sanitary effect on the soil. These plants include representatives of the legume family, cereals, and cruciferous crops. The scope of work in the fields in the spring is extensive. During this period, farmers make a lot of efforts to ensure future high level harvest.

Spring work in the garden

Spring work in the field, garden, and vegetable garden requires a lot of effort and time from farmers, agricultural workers and ordinary summer residents. To use available resources rationally, you need to understand which issues need to be given attention first.

Some inexperienced summer residents spend a huge amount of time on their plot to obtain high yield. If you understand the technology for carrying out spring work, you can significantly reduce the time and amount of effort spent in the garden.

First you need to explore the garden. Shrubs and trees should be protected from the spring sun. If there is no shelter, damage to the bark may appear over time. This will negatively affect the well-being of the plant. For adults, strong trees Most often, shelter is not required. It is necessary for young seedlings. Day and night temperatures vary greatly. Therefore, the trunks of young trees are covered nonwoven materials. They can be removed in mid-spring.

They argue that on the south side of the trees a peg should be installed near the trunk. It will somewhat shade the trunk during the warm season. It should be noted that it is highly undesirable to whitewash seedlings. This reduces their development speed. At the same time, the bark may thicken. The tree will spend energy strengthening its defense. At the same time, growth will slow down. Whitewash clogs the pores of the plant.

In the garden you will need to trim the bushes and trim the fruit trees. This must be done before the sap flow period. If the buds are already beginning to swell, do not prune. It is also necessary to hide evergreen shrubs from the sun. Their color will be more saturated. When the frost ends, the temperature changes will not be as strong. During this period, the shelters can be removed.

Sequence of work in the garden

Spring work in the field, garden or garden should be carried out in correct sequence. You need to choose the right plants and seeds for planting. They must be healthy, without damage or defects.

Holes are dug for planting. A plant is placed in them and the roots are covered with soil. For adults fruit plants cut off excess shoots. When the flowering period has passed, dry inflorescences should be removed. To reduce the time it takes to till the soil, you can sow ground cover plants between the beds. Mulching is also carried out using special equipment. Amount of tedious manual labor can be significantly reduced.

It is necessary to take into account the requirements for growing each type of crop. Some plants like shade, while others like light. Watering also needs to be done in a timely manner. Stagnation of water on the site can lead to a decrease in yield. Needs to be thought out and arranged the right system drainage if water stagnates in the soil.

Work in the garden

Spring work in the field and garden requires certain knowledge and skills. It will take a lot of time to bring the soil to the desired state. In the garden you need to remove various debris from the beds and stones. It is important to remove insects, their larvae, weeds and other pests.

Organic fertilizers are added to the soil. Compost, rotted manure or peat are suitable for this. This will fill the soil with the substances necessary for crop growth. The soil should not be too dense. If necessary, it can be made lighter by adding sand to the soil. If water stagnates in the area, you need to add fine gravel to the soil. If the soil, on the contrary, is too crumbly, you need to add clay to it. It will retain moisture.

The soil needs to be loosened. At the same time, you need to dig it up. This breaks the structure. Nutrients sink deeper. This negatively affects the growth of garden crops. Therefore, loosening is used for beds. The processing depth should not exceed 10 cm.

Completing the preparation of the garden

Spring work in the field and garden is carried out taking into account climatic conditions. If there are frosts or large temperature changes, crops need to be covered or grown in a greenhouse.

Lawns need to be raked. If there are potholes in the soil, they need to be filled with soil. The surface of the lawn is sprinkled with fine sand and leveled. In places where grass does not grow, it is reseeded.

Coverings from plants should be removed gradually. This is done during a period when the temperature at night is quite high. First, the plants are allowed to get used to the outside temperature. Then they are opened.

Having considered the features of spring work in the field, garden and vegetable garden, you can understand the features of this process.

Hello, dear friends!

Winter is over. A new one begins summer season, with its pleasant chores and varied efforts to obtain excellent harvests vegetables, berries and fruits. Let's talk about what gardening early spring It is advisable to carry out this in order to reduce your load later, when the hottest time comes, of digging up the earth and creating new beds, planting seedlings and sowing various crops, weeding and watering.

Until the snow melts, experienced gardeners store it in water containers (barrels, tanks, bathtubs, etc.). When planting vegetable crops in greenhouses or in April on beds, melt water will come in handy.

Pruning branches and fertilizing trees and shrubs

Before sap flow begins, trees should be pruned and fruit bushes(deciduous). This can be done on the first warm days, even if there is still snow. It is better to carry out this work in the very morning, while the ground is frozen and the snow is dense, so that it is convenient to walk around the area.

First of all, large branches are removed. Then it is necessary to carefully examine the bark of the trees, and if infected areas are found, it must be cleaned. Excess branches, as well as those damaged, broken over the winter, dry, brittle or diseased, also need to be pruned and then burned.

Coniferous trees and shrubs, if there are any on your site, are pruned much later - in April-May. While there is snow, trees and shrubs should be fertilized. After the snow melts, you should loosen the soil in the tree trunks and thoroughly water each tree.

General garden cleaning

This stage of work is the most labor-intensive; it is carried out after the snow has completely melted. Even if in late autumn you cleared the area of ​​fallen leaves and put it in complete order, various garden debris still accumulates over the winter: large mulch (spruce branches, tree branches), which is sometimes used to cover the beds and retain snow on them, windbreaks, the remains of various shelters and supports, etc.

Whitewashing trunks

This advice is for those summer residents who did not whitewash tree trunks in the autumn, and also did not engage in this type of work in February. To prevent fruit trees from being damaged by the bright spring sun, you need to wrap their trunks with light paper or newspapers just above the ground surface.

This protective cover can be removed before whitewashing, which is carried out after the snow melts and the temperature rises above +5°C. But you shouldn’t delay whitewashing; it needs to be done before the buds awaken and the first greenery appears, because after warming up the earth will wake up hibernation insect pests that overwintered in it. Don't forget to repair wounds and other deep damage to trees. Whitewashing is especially important for young plants.

Treating trees with insecticides

When the average daily temperature reaches +5°C, spraying is carried out garden trees and bushes against infectious diseases And dangerous insects. This work must be done before the first leaves appear.

Treatment with insecticides is necessary against pests and their egg laying overwintering on the bark of trees: apple worm, all varieties of aphids, fruit mites, apple moths (caterpillars), leaf rollers, etc.

Planting and replanting plants

Early spring is an excellent time to plant new shrubs (raspberries, currants, gooseberries, sakura), fruit trees and flowers. The most active growth and development of the plant root system occurs at soil temperatures from +5°C to +12°C, and this happens either in autumn or early spring. It is believed that it is preferable to plant shrubs and trees in the spring, since in the fall the new inhabitants of your garden do not have enough time to adapt before the onset of persistent cold weather.

Other works

Lilies and daffodils are quite frost-resistant, so when the layer of snow becomes very thin or it melts completely, you can free these plants from winter shelters.

At the end of February, vegetable crops are sown for seedlings (tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, etc.), which will be planted in open ground after the end of frost or in greenhouses (much earlier).

With the arrival of spring, not only nature comes to life, but our loved ones garden plots, and also ourselves. This period is a rebirth of new strength and a surge of joy from communicating with the earth. I wish you a good time gardening in early spring and good harvests to you next season! See you!

Winter is about to end, and we will return to gardening chores again. As you know, this work involves not only planting fruit and vegetable crops, but also carefully caring for the soil, shrubs and trees. And you should start working on them as soon as the cold weather subsides, so as not to waste time. Each month of spring has its own characteristics in garden care.

What to pay attention to as March approaches

In March, the main concern for the garden is quality pruning perennial plants– trees and shrubs. It can be started after frosts below 10 degrees cease.

In March, after the snow melts, trees and shrubs should be pruned.

  1. Systematic pruning helps regulate the processes of plant growth and fruiting, and increase the period of productivity. For example, by pruning the branches of apple trees in winter and spring, you will ensure best design buds, friendly flowering and high yield.
  2. In currant and gooseberry bushes, old branches should be sawed off to the base. They are usually unproductive and produce underdeveloped shoots that do not bear fruit. It is better to remove such shoots from raspberries in the fall, but early spring is also suitable for such work.
  3. Be sure to start whitewashing your garden trees if you haven’t done so in the fall. It is better to do this at the very beginning of March, before the snow completely melts, to avoid bark burns, and only on a sunny day.
  4. Before the movement of tree sap begins (in the first half of March), plant the cuttings. Later vaccinations will not be successful.
  5. If damage appears on tree trunks during the winter, they need to be “healed.” Clean the damaged area down to healthy tissue, disinfect the wound with a solution of vitriol and lubricate it with garden varnish or mullein and clay putty. Wrap the stained areas with burlap.
  6. In the last days of March, you can remove the strapping from tree trunks. Loosen the remaining snow around the trees. If the spring turned out to be cold and protracted, then this work can be carried out in April.

What to do in the garden in March

How to avoid mistakes when pruning trees and shrubs

Like any gardening work in March, pruning fruit and berry plants requires some knowledge and has its secrets.

The order of pruning trees is as follows:

  • First of all, prune old fruit-bearing trees;
  • after 1-2 weeks, younger trees that do not bear fruit;
  • the apple tree begins to bloom earlier than everyone else, so it is pruned first;
  • Pear, plum and cherry trees can be pruned before flowering.

When you cut down large branches, try to make a ring cut without leaving stumps. Such a wound will heal faster and have less impact on the trunk. Clean cuts from branches with a diameter of more than one and a half centimeters with a knife and paint over them oil paint based on drying oil.

Please note: to avoid infection of the tree due to pruning damaged areas, be sure to treat the tools you use with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Branches of bushes - raspberries, currants, gooseberries - need to be cut to soil level. Pay special attention to the tops of productive shoots: it is enough to shorten them by 15 cm if they have not suffered from frost or mechanical damage. Otherwise, pruning should be done to 1-2 healthy buds so that the cut exposes green bark and white wood.

When pruning branches, check the location of pest nests and destroy them. It would be best to burn the nests along with the cut branches.

April worries

This month will require a lot of hard work from us. It is in April that the snow finally melts, but cold snaps are frequent. Therefore, we will have to eliminate the shortcomings of March and take care of the soil.

In April, you need to dig up the trees and fertilize them.

  1. If you haven't finished trimming your trees and shrubs in the past month, it's time to get started. And after that you can start planting and replanting plants.
  2. Shoots of shrubs laid on the ground before winter need to be freed and straightened.
  3. Be sure to fertilize the plants with fertilizers - organic and nitrogen. If your garden is still young or consists only of berries, use this recipe: a mixture of 30 g of superphosphate, 4 kg of humus and 0.5 kg of wood ash per 1 sq. m. area. A fruit-bearing garden will require an increase in the dose of fertilizer by 30%.
  4. Be sure to dig up the soil around the tree trunks. It is very important not to miss the most opportune moment. To do this, check the soil: take a little earth, squeeze it in your palm and unclench it. The soil should be slightly moist and break up into large pieces. If it has retained the shape of a clenched palm, then it is too early to start digging, but if it has crumbled, then the earth has already dried out and it is too late to cultivate it.
  5. You need to dig around the trunk areas along a radius, starting from the tree trunk, so as not to damage the root system. When processing bushes, it will be more convenient to use a garden fork. Carefully break up lumps and level the surface with a rake. While working, try to select the roots of the weeds.

Planting new plants and care features

When the snow has melted and the ground has completely thawed and warmed up, you can begin planting young trees. Plan the location of the holes in advance and prepare them so that by the time of use the soil in them will subside to the desired level. The size of the hole should be approximately 2 times larger than the earthen clod wrapping the rhizome.

Fill the bottom with a mixture of fertile soil and organic fertilizers. Form a mound in the center of the hole and strengthen the seedling by straightening the roots. Compact the soil, water and secure the plant on a pre-driven stake. After a couple of days, mulch the tree trunk circle.

Advice: be sure to check the quality of the seedlings! The root system must be strong, healthy and sufficiently developed. Avoid diseased or broken branches on the plant.

When planting shrub seedlings, adhere to the following rules:

  • currants are planted with a slope of 45 degrees to the soil surface;
  • Gooseberry bushes are planted vertically;
  • after planting these crops, the branches are pruned to three buds above the ground;
  • Raspberries should be trimmed to a height of 40 cm.

If you have prepared cuttings for grafting, then April is the time to use them. Before the sap begins to actively move along the trunks, it is most convenient to apply methods of improved copulation into clefts.

To ensure that sudden spring cold snaps do not take you by surprise and the flowers are not damaged, try to warm the soil yourself. Smoke piles will help you with this. And to protect strawberries and strawberries, cover them with old newspapers or film.

During gardening, the first spraying is carried out in April. It needs to be done when the buds on pear and apple trees are just beginning to bloom and look like a green cone. Use Azophos or Bordeaux mixture for this.

There are very good alternative chemical spraying. In April, you can use petroleum oil-based preparations for this. They are very helpful in protecting the garden from pests such as copperhead, scale insects, moths, aphids, and leaf rollers.

Garden care in May

This month brings us closer to summer, and everything you plan to do in the garden is focused on the flowering of fruit trees and shrubs.

There is still an opportunity to get vaccinated in May if you missed the opportunity in April. Pay attention to the condition of the kidneys. If they are swollen and are about to open, it means that active movement of juices has begun. The cuttings grafted at this time will receive the necessary nutrition. In this case, the buds on the cuttings should be at rest, that is, not open.

If you did not provide your garden with smoke heaps in April, then in May you will have to hurry up. For an area of ​​6 acres, you will need to make about 10 such piles, distributing them evenly throughout the garden. Otherwise, you risk losing flowers at the first light frost.

Tip: to avoid wasting time on such piles, in May you can use smoke bombs instead. They can be purchased at a hardware store.

Remember that even light frosts can damage flowers and deprive you of your harvest. For example, flower buds of an apple tree can withstand temperatures down to -4 degrees, and already opened flowers will die at 0: -1 degrees.

Trees and shrubs begin to bloom in May; it is especially important to protect them from frost during this period.

Now May gardening work will consist of regular, proper feeding and protection from pests and disease.

As soon as ovaries begin to form on the branches, fertilize the soil around the plants organic fertilizers, for example, infusion of bird droppings or mullein. Sometimes they can be replaced mineral fertilizers. Be sure to water the plants well after fertilizing so that the water reaches them faster. nutrients to the root system.

How to avoid pests affecting plants

It is in May that the invasion of insects begins, which can harm trees and shrubs, and even destroy the entire crop. First, the roseate leaf roller and moth caterpillars emerge from the wintering quarters. After flowering ends, codling moth butterflies appear. You need to not miss this moment and carefully treat the trees with special preparations.

The most common pests of berry bushes are:

  • fire;
  • weevil;
  • sawyer

These insects become active in May and infect raspberries, currants, and gooseberries. To combat each of them there is a drug. Consider the choice of funds with special attention: substances must be permitted for use and approved by the relevant authorities.

A garden protected from pests will delight you with lush blooms

Regular loosening of the soil in tree trunk circles can be very useful. This way you will disturb the pests and destroy their nesting sites. It is especially important to do this after rains to remove any remaining weed roots.

Review the vaccinations you received in April. If they have taken root, you can remove the protective film.

By the end of May, the trees fade and an ovary forms on them. Stone fruits - plums and cherries - finish flowering first, then pears, and apple trees are the last to bloom. At this time, complex treatment of trees will be required, which includes exposure to the following drugs:

  • acaricide will prevent the occurrence of ticks;
  • insecticides will repel pests - insects and rodents;
  • fungicides will stop the development of diseases.

Timely and correctly carried out work will save your garden, make it healthy, beautiful and productive.

Pests threatening the harvest of fruit and berry plants

A beautiful, well-kept garden is not only good harvest, capable of providing you with supplies for next winter. This is also cozy place, where it is pleasant to relax both in spring and summer. Therefore, summer care becomes an integral part of the life of any owner of a summer cottage. We hope our article will help you learn something new. Tell us in the comments about your secrets for spring gardening. Comfort to your home!

Many people associate the arrival of spring with warmth, lengthening daylight hours and the desire to relax in the lap of nature, breathing fresh air. However, if you own a garden or summer cottage, you associate spring with the beginning of land work. Successful spring work at the dacha is the key to a rich harvest and beautiful garden. Therefore, during the period when the land is getting rid of the annoying shackles of ice, you should not waste time, because right now you need to start preparing the site for the future harvest season. And “Dream House” will tell you which jobs are the most important in the spring.

Spring work at the dacha

Spring begins with cleaning

Even the most well-kept garden looks depressing at the beginning of spring: the covering material protecting the soil has sagged under the weight of snow and moisture, last year’s leaves turned into a pile of garbage and began to rot, and fallen branches and windbreaks have accumulated under the trees. Not only does the garbage collected over the winter look extremely unsightly, it also negatively affects the condition of the soil. Therefore, the very first work at the dacha in the spring should begin with general cleaning.

As soon as the first snow melts and the temperature stabilizes a little, collect covering material, clean it and hide it until the next frost. Please note that if spring has not yet fully come into its own and the tree branches are covered with snow or ice crust, it should be removed, otherwise the branches may break due to excess weight.

Work at the dacha in spring

Spring garden cleaning

Spring work on a summer cottage

Spring cleaning of the vegetable garden, garden and cottage consists of completely clearing the area of ​​debris, last year's leaves and grass. The most convenient way to do this is with a rake and a garden brush. However, you should not burn last year's leaves, as this can harm your health and the health of others. Experienced gardeners use winter waste to create compost by pouring the remaining leaves into a special container or hole.

With the arrival of spring, the first weeds wake up. If seedlings of enemies of garden crops have already appeared through the soil, remove them right now, otherwise the grass will grow significantly in a week. In addition, moss often forms in warm and humid places, such as under stones, containers, etc., which also has a detrimental effect on plants. It is convenient to remove the growth with a brush or a strong stream of water.

The most important work in the spring at the dacha

Spring cleaning at the dacha

Spring at the dacha: preparing the soil

One of the most important stages spring work on personal plot is tillage. As soon as the snow has completely melted and the soil no longer sticks to the shovel, the soil needs to be dug up to remove weed roots and pest larvae from the soil.

Also, it is in the spring that you should fertilize the soil to ensure a good harvest. As a top dressing, it is recommended to use universal fertilizers that contain nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.

Since in spring time There are sharp fluctuations in temperature, the soil around trees and perennial plants should be mulched. This will protect root systems plants from the cold and hides them from the scorching sun. To create mulch, it is better to use fresh humus or compost.

Also, pay attention to the strength of the soil. If the soil is too heavy, water will stagnate at the roots of the plants. To improve the quality of the land, in this case It is recommended to add coarse gravel or fine sand to it. If the soil is too loose, add clay or clay soil along with fertilizers, otherwise nutrients and moisture will seep deep into the soil.

Having prepared the soil, pay attention to spring work on the lawn. With the first thaw, remove the remaining snow and ice from, providing access to air. Due to seemingly harmless remnants of ice crusts, over time unsightly bald spots form on the lawn.

Spring work in the garden

Caring for trees and shrubs in spring

If the air temperature stays at 3-4 degrees above zero for several days in a row, it’s time to start pruning fruit trees and shrubs. Pruning should begin with the largest branches, gradually going down, so that as a result the crown of the tree takes on a cup-shaped shape. However, any pruning work should be carried out before the growing season begins.

If you plan to plant young seedlings, this should be done immediately after the snow melts. But keep in mind that planting must be done before buds form on the seedlings.

Also, when caring for trees and shrubs, pay attention to tied dry leaves. Often such leaves are nests dangerous pests. To protect plant health, collect dry leaves and burn them.

Work at the dacha in early spring

Preparing the seedlings

As a rule, before planting, seedlings are grown indoors or in greenhouses, but if the weather outside is calm, young plants can be taken out for several hours already in March for acclimatization. You can leave seedlings in the garden overnight only if frost is not expected, but until the temperature has completely stabilized, insulate the containers with young plants. If you grow seedlings in the spring, increase ventilation to harden the plants. Depending on the plant variety, hardening is carried out for 7-10 days before planting in the ground.

Spring work on the plot

When your favorite garden wakes up after winter hibernation, it is important to spend time proper care so as not to miss precious time, because the weather changes rapidly in spring. Perhaps tomorrow it will be too late. Experienced gardeners know that specifying exact dates is a thankless task. . In this article we will tell you about spring work in the garden and vegetable garden, and give tips on caring for trees and soil.

List of spring gardening work

The timing of spring work depends on the climatic and weather conditions of each region, but there is general recommendations When can you start the gardening season? They are related to temperature conditions, illumination and growth characteristics of each crop. The list of works by month is presented in the table:

How and when to carry out spring work is determined by each gardener independently, objectively assessing local weather conditions and the condition of the plants. We will tell you more about each type of care below.

🎧 Spring work in the garden and vegetable garden

An interesting interview with expert summer resident Andrei Tumanov: “Spring work in the garden and vegetable garden.” For 20 years, the author broadcast on TV a number of programs dedicated to amateur gardening and horticulture - “Hacienda”, “The Bed”, “Our Garden”, “Rural Hour”, “Field Work”.

Gardening chores in March

With the arrival of spring, gardeners begin pruning. If orchard occupies a significant area, it is better to start work at the end of February. First of all, dry and broken branches are removed. Then, young trees undergo formative pruning, and mature trees undergo corrective pruning. Sections with a diameter of more than 2 cm are treated with protective agents. In addition to the traditional garden varnish, modern preparations have appeared, for example, “RanNet”.

Tip #1. Start pruning trees and shrubs when the temperature is not lower than minus 100. In severe frost, branches and shoots are especially fragile, so they do not cut, but break.

It is better to burn cut branches; pest larvae and pathogens overwinter on them. If the autumn whitewash has been washed away by snow, it’s time to renew it. At the beginning of spring, trees suffer from sharp changes in day and night temperatures. Light garden paint will protect the bark from cracking by reflecting excess solar heat from the surface of the trunk and branches.

Young trees especially need such care. Whitewash covers not only the trunk, but also one third of the skeletal branches. This work begins in mid-March and is suspended when the buds swell. You can prepare the solution yourself by mixing:

  • slaked lime (or chalk) – 3 kg;
  • clay – 500 g;
  • copper sulfate – ½ kg;
  • PVA glue - 200 g;
  • water – 10 l.

Modern ones are now on sale ready-made solutions, which are easy to use and significantly save time, for example:

  • acrylic whitewash “Green Squre”;
  • garden paint Concorde Ost;
  • lime paste “Gardener”;
  • mixture “Michurinka – 2”

Before painting, you should pay attention to the weather. It is important that there is no wet snow during the day, otherwise the work will be in vain. Some ornamental trees and shrubs are afraid of spring burns. Particularly vulnerable conifers. They are being sheltered protective material white. For this purpose, spunbond is suitable, which is stretched over pre-installed supports. This design will protect the crown from a sharp imbalance of solar heat and night frosts.

April work in the garden

Trees and shrubs that are protected from frost in the fall various materials, are exempt from them:

  • Remove the agrofibre that covers the crowns of heat-loving trees and shrubs.
  • Remove winter mulch. Sometimes it is enough to loosen it and leave it as top dressing. For example, if pines, spruces, junipers, cypresses, and rhododendrons were insulated with pine mulch for the winter, and it remained in good condition, it is better to leave it as fertilizer. In this case, it is necessary to move it away from the tree trunks in order to open the root collar.
  • The shoots of shrubs are also freed from cover to allow air access to the roots. Read also the article: → “”.

Tip #2. If the mulch has become excessively compacted, wet and begins to rot, it is removed completely, and the soil around the plants is loosened.

After pruning and whitewashing, you can begin spring grafting. This process begins when the approximate temperature is +5 0, and sap flow is activated in the tissues of the rootstock. This usually occurs from mid-April to early May. In any case, you need to focus on the characteristics of cultural growth:

  • Early flowering trees are the first to be grafted - these are apricots, plums, cherries, and cherries.
  • later – pear and apple trees.
  • In addition, do not forget about the timing of fruiting - the grafting must be completed before the buds open on the rootstock.

Clearing the garden of winter debris

As soon as the soil in the garden dries so much that it does not get bogged down when walking, it is cleared of overwintered debris. These are the remains of dry leaves, stems, and branches that were blown by the wind in winter. You need to clean out the entire garden with a rake with sharp teeth. Under the snow, the soil has become compacted and a film has formed on the surface, which makes it difficult for air to reach the roots of plants. By raking out plant debris, the gardener carries out aeration, that is, enriches the soil with oxygen.

Lawns are the most meticulously maintained. After cleaning, the turf needs to be pierced. The easiest way is to use garden forks or special aerators. Lawns that are more than five years old require scarification. The work is carried out until the young grass germinates. The surface of the turf is scored to reduce compaction of the turf.

Preventive treatment of the garden against diseases and pests

Chemicals are not dangerous if used correctly. They are characterized by fast action and long-lasting effect. Positive side consists in completely neutralizing the product in a short period. When the time comes to harvest, the toxic substances will completely dissolve and evaporate.

Fertilizing in spring

A rich harvest is impossible without feeding the garden. Fruit trees Fertilize in the spring when the soil dries to a moist state. During active sap flow, plants need nitrogen substances. In the spring, they add 2/3 of the total amount that plants need for the entire growing season. Percentage of nitrogen in mineral and organic fertilizers:

Fertilizer name Nitrogen content (%) Note
Humus (rotted manure) 0,98
Bird droppings 0,7 – 2,4 The nitrogen content depends on the freshness of the litter. The longer the fertilizer is stored, the less active substance remains
Compost 0,3 – 0,5
Leaf ground 1,0 – 1,2
Ground peat 0,8 – 3,3 Dry matter
Ammonium nitrate 33,5 – 35
Urea (Urea) 46
Ammonium chloride 24

Fertilizing gives good results complex fertilizers, which gardeners call: “According to the last snow.” Dry granules are scattered over the entire surface of the soil. Dissolving in melted snow, the active substance is evenly distributed at the desired depth.

Feeding minerals carried out according to the instructions at intervals of 2 - 3 weeks.

Planting seedlings in April - early May

April, early May – best time planting trees and shrubs with an open root system. The duration of the work can be determined by the condition of the soil. When the soil is dry enough that it can be dug to the required depth, then the time has come.


  • the pit is prepared two weeks before planting;
  • The top layer of soil 25 - 30 cm is folded separately. Deep, poor soil is removed and replaced with fertile soil;
  • placed back in the pit and left to compact for two weeks;
  • a peg is hammered from the edge of the pit to which a seedling is tied;
  • Before planting, forms a depression of such a size that the roots can be freely placed, and the neck is located 2 cm above the edge of the hole. After planting, when the soil is compacted, it will drop to the desired level;
  • when the seedling is covered with soil, an earthen roll in the form of a circle is built around the trunk to retain water during irrigation.

Recently, trees and shrubs with a lump of soil have become popular on sale. This method allows you to preserve the roots and extend the planting time. Such plants can be planted from early spring to late autumn. In contrast, for seedlings the period is limited to a dormant period before the leaves bloom.

Sowing seeds and planting seedlings in spring

Many gardeners have long given up digging their beds, following the fair advice of organic farming. To prepare a place for sowing, it is enough to loosen the soil and introduce effective microorganisms (EM) Emmochki, Baikal, Siyanie.

Advice#3 . “EM” can be used only at an average daily temperature of +10 – +12 0. The living culture they contain may die in the cold.

Sowing dates for vegetable crops are different, but you should not start work until the ground warms up to +15 0. For example, melon seeds - cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, which cannot be planted as seedlings, are sown under conditions of intense warming. If the soil does not warm up, the seeds will lie in cold soil and will not sprout for a long time.

  • Garlic, onions, carrots, and beets are planted earlier than others in April. Read also the article: → “”.
  • They are followed by radishes, spinach, and lettuce.
  • After them - cucumber, pumpkin, zucchini.

Seedlings are brought into open ground only after the threat of the last frost. For example, in middle lane they are not uncommon in mid-May. Changes are dangerous for immature sprouts of tomato, pepper, eggplant, and cabbage. Do not rush to sow and plant in unfavorable weather conditions. This will not only not bring the harvest closer to maturity, but will also destroy the seeds or seedlings.

Experienced gardeners have worked own plans spring events. As a rule, they are similar in many ways. If you follow a strict sequence, you can evenly distribute spring work in the garden. To make the gardener’s work easier, you can adhere to the following plan:

Mistake #1. Violation of deadlines for pruning fruit trees.

If time is lost, sap flow is activated in the plants, the cuts are not healed, and a wound is formed into which pathogens penetrate. This leads to infection of the entire tree.

Mistake #2. Neglect of spring whitewashing.

There is a common misconception among gardeners that whitewashing is only needed in the fall as a measure against pests. Light paint reflects sun rays, which can cause bark burns in spring.

Mistake #3. Early sowing vegetable seeds to the beds.

Some gardeners believe that the sooner you sow the seeds, the sooner the harvest will ripen. This is wrong. Until the soil warms up to the desired temperature, the seeds will not germinate. And if they sprout, they risk freezing from spring frosts.

Category “Questions and Answers”

Question No. 1. Which trees should be pruned first?

Those whose growing season begins earlier. These are apricot, plum, cherry, sweet cherry. The pear and apple tree can wait.

Question No. 2. If there is no spunbond, how can you save Cypress “Smaragd” from burns.

Earlier experienced gardeners pollinated coniferous plants with chalk mixed with water. When there was no need for protection, then the paint was washed off with a powerful stream of water from a hose.

Question No. 3. Is it possible to graft when the buds on the trees have sprouted?

Yes, if the rootstock is active and the scion is still dormant. To do this, pre-prepared cuttings must be kept in the refrigerator until grafting.

Question No. 4. What fertilizers are needed in spring?

In spring, plants need nitrogen. It is called a green mass growth stimulator. A large amount of it is necessary because the substances in which it is contained easily dissolve and are quickly washed out of the soil.

Question No. 5. We cannot use chemicals to treat the garden; we have small children and two dogs. What products are harmless to people and animals?

Modern biological agents are not dangerous. These are microorganisms that stimulate the synthesis of protective substances in plants. The entire chemical army of insecticides - pest control products - is replaced by Actofit. There are drugs on sale against diseases:

  • Mikosan;
  • Fitosporin;
  • Ecoberine;
  • Glyocladin.