Insects that may be in a crib. What are the signs to determine the presence of bed parasites and how to get rid of them? Why are insects dangerous in an apartment?

These insects can appear in the house at any time, their activity noticeably increases at night - and a person can feel it on himself, because the main source of nutrition is human blood.

Mosquitoes are blood-sucking insects that can live freely both in the open air and in a city apartment.

As you know, only female mosquitoes can drink blood - they need this in order to continue their race. Mosquito bites become more active in the evening and subside slightly at night.

You can see what mosquito bites look like in photos on the Internet. Probably every person is familiar with these itchy red spots that itch and itch.

Fortunately, today the problem of getting rid of mosquitoes has been almost completely solved. The stores offer a huge number of repellents and special sprays that will help get rid of annoying insects in a matter of hours.

But very often a situation arises when fleas appear in an apartment even in the absence of pets. In such cases, the source of their appearance is basement, attic and even the entrance of a residential building.

Especially activity bed fleas intensifies at night. The next morning, a person may see red dots on the skin with droplets of blood in the center, which are very itchy and itchy. As a rule, fleas only bite open areas body without getting under clothes or blankets.

How to get rid of bed fleas? First, you should carry out a general cleaning of the entire apartment and treat it with special insecticides. To treat living spaces, it is very convenient to use spray products.

  • a well-fed insect has a round body,
  • in a hungry person it is oblong.

Like many other blood-sucking insects, bedbugs are predominantly nocturnal - they bite people only at night, and during the day they hide in furniture or household items.

You can determine the presence of bed bugs by characteristic bites, which are located in a “path”:

  1. in my arms,
  2. legs,
  3. back.

Insects reproduce very quickly, within 3-4 weeks ordinary apartment can turn into a real breeding ground for bedbugs.

The first thing you need to do in order to get rid of bedbugs in your apartment forever is to find and destroy their main nest. Be sure to wet clean the entire house using antiseptic agents.

Such drugs include:

  • Executioner,
  • Karbofos,
  • Sinuzan,
  • Delta zone,
  • Battalion commander,
  • Raptor.

Bed mites do not bite humans. The danger of such a “neighborhood” lies elsewhere - in the course of their life, insects excrete feces, which then remain on the surface of human skin and can enter the respiratory tract. And this leads to many health problems - from the development of a severe allergic reaction to migraines, asthma and cough.

As practice shows, it is impossible to completely destroy bed mites. You can only reduce their number. To do this, the down or feather pillow must be replaced with a synthetic or bamboo one.

If you cannot sleep on synthetic products, your feather pillow must be dry cleaned at least once every 6 months.

  • hands,
  • shoulders,
  • back.

The bites are very painful, after a while they turn red, swell, and itch.

In order to get rid of lice, you should carry out a complete general cleaning of the house, wash all bedding and clothing in a hot water, and it’s best to boil it. After this, all things need to be ironed.

Be sure to dry clean the pillows, or take them out into the cold or the scorching sun. Do the same with the mattress. This will allow you to forget about bed lice and other unwanted “neighbors” forever.

Interesting to know

Some species can be identified by just one specific bite, but it’s still better to look at the bloodsucker in person.

In truth, our lovers of waste and crumbs, cockroaches, can also crawl into bed, but this is rare. With a lack of moisture, red-haired and mustachioed animals can gnaw the epithelium in the lip area on a person.

Bedbugs and their way of life

These are the largest bloodsuckers in our beds. Below you can see the bedbugs. This is roughly the picture they will imagine if they suddenly turn on the light at night and look into their bed.

Bedbugs also locate their nests closer to humans. Below in the photo is a cluster of eggs and adults right in the sofa.


We are a clean family and have never encountered bedbugs. And then in the morning, like a bolt from the blue, bites began to be discovered. And this is in winter!!! One night we woke up on purpose and found a bug right in our bed. Horrible, such a creature! Nasty, greasy and smelly! You may not believe it, but I even moved in with my mother for a while while my husband dealt with this. He called some specialists and processed it. Now I still check it every day.

Lilia, Ekaterinburg

Any bug, be it a larva or an adult, must drink blood at least once. Small ones need it for development, big ones need it to increase their numbers. The only thing they can feed on is human blood. They pierce the skin with their trunk and make their way to the blood vessel. Sometimes in the morning you can find it on the sheets bloody trails. This is a sign that a person, tossing and turning in his sleep, crushed a bug with his body.

This is interesting

Bedbugs are characterized by nocturnal activity. During the day, you will not find them casually walking around the apartment; they carefully hide behind carpets, under mattress upholstery, in cabinet furniture, behind paintings, baseboards, etc. Their hunt for humans begins late at night, at about two or three o'clock.

If you completely disassemble a bed or sofa, you can find nests that have no structure. These are disgusting aggregations of eggs, larvae and adults.

What are the consequences of a bug bite

Like most bites, bug bites are simply reddish spots on the skin with a mark from the inserted proboscis. Most often, the bug leaves a peculiar series of such bites (3-7 pieces each). If you notice such a path on your body, you know that bedbugs are biting you!

If there is a large infection or a person is sensitive to its bites, an allergy may develop. This puts children at risk of developing anemia. The rashes from the bites are too profuse, and in some cases they can fester. This causes a lot of discomfort.

Bed bugs are clear carriers of many infectious diseases through their bites, but there are no recorded cases of transmission of hepatitis and HIV infection.

How to defeat bedbugs

There are only two ways for a person to get rid of bedbugs:

Those who want to save money can try to withdraw them on our own, however, do not forget that this does not save your time and effort. And if you contact companies, it is important not to run into scammers, carefully study the documents and first read reviews about it.

If you notice bed bugs in your sofa, keep in mind that they can be frozen out. But you will need a temperature below -20 degrees. You will take out the furniture and freeze it outside. But, unfortunately, the method is not always effective, since bedbugs often hide in other places in the room.

Just like frost, you can kill insects with heat. This requires a temperature of plus 50 and above. This can be achieved using industrial heat fans, observing safety measures.

How to fight fleas

This is interesting

Fleas and their hosts, rats, caused the spread of plague in the Middle Ages, as a result of which almost a third of Europe died out.

Their bites are incredibly similar to bedbug bites and can also be in the form of a chain. It is not difficult to notice fleas on light-colored underwear, but catching them is not so easy. They jump quickly, and not every person can react.

They should be destroyed in two steps: first from the spreading animal, then throughout the entire premises.

To poison fleas indoors, you need to use the same means as for bedbugs, but a veterinarian will recommend a remedy for your pet.


Lice in your bed are rare. They spend their entire lives in the hairy part of the head. They are quite clumsy and slow, so any fall from their hair can be fatal for them. They constantly need blood, and once they fall down, it is no longer possible for them to climb to a food source.

As we have already said, they spend their entire lives on the head or pubic area of ​​a person. There are also types of linen, but they are not so common now. They mainly affect homeless people and tramps who do not change or wash their clothes for a long time.

Lice bites are not as painful as those of fleas or bedbugs. But they can also cause a lot of discomfort with their itching.


Elena, Arzamas

Can a cockroach bite at night?

It is unlikely that a cockroach will attack a person. For him, it is much more interesting how many crumbs and leftovers of other food are in the kitchen. Only in some cases, when their population has increased incredibly or there is not enough water, they can crawl into bed and gnaw the surface of the skin of the lips or near the nose. By the way, in dormitories such cases occur more often. For some reason, cockroaches are especially attracted to children. Apparently because the skin is more delicate.

As you can see, these insects do not suck our blood and their bites are not at all like flea or bedbug bites.

Be that as it may, the bite site of any of the above-mentioned insects should be treated. To reduce your itching risk of contracting a disease:

  1. Wash the bite area with soap
  2. Treat with alcohol, propolis or calendula tincture
  3. Apply gel like Fenistil.

But only if after a bite a person experiences an undesirable reaction (headache, fever, strange rashes), you should not hesitate and consult a doctor. Allergies to bites can be different for everyone. And even if the symptoms are not too severe now, things may become more serious in the future.

Reading time: 8 min

The distribution area of ​​insects is large. They are everywhere - in public transport, from neighbors, in a hairdresser, hair from dogs, cats, parrots.

The presence of bloodsuckers does not depend on the cleanliness of the owners, since their diet consists of the blood of people and animals.


Fleas, numbering 2,500 varieties, are collectively called bed fleas or household fleas based on their habitat.

The photo shows that fleas are small brown-black insects with an elongated body covered with a hard chitinous covering, reaching a length of up to 4 mm.

Due to its small size and agility, it is difficult to catch the insect. A flea that has bitten one hairy part of the body quickly jumps to another area.

A flea bite appears as a red spot with bleeding in the center. When scratching, there is a high risk of suppuration at the bite sites, allergies to saliva, up to anaphylactic shock.

When pierced, fleas infect:

  • helminths;
  • encephalitis;
  • salmonellosis;
  • listeriosis;
  • plague;
  • fungal infections.

Insects bite into complex piercing-sucking oral apparatus, penetrating into a blood vessel, they absorb blood.

Looking for suitable place After puncturing, insects make test bites, so there is an accumulation of red spots in one place.

The presence of fleas in the bed is determined by the presence of black spots (waste) on the sheets and small blood spots in the form of a comma.


An adult linen louse has a small head and a narrow, elongated body, reaching a length of 3 mm.

A light gray translucent insect with three pairs of legs located closer to the head, it acquires a brown or brown color after being saturated with blood.

The lifespan of a louse is limited to 35 days. During this period, the female lays up to four hundred nits. The larvae look similar, but are smaller in size (from 0.5 mm).

Insects are brought into the house after close contact with people in whose clothes lice live. More often, such situations arise when spending the night in hostels, tents, or traveling in public transport during rush hour.

Distinctive signs of bed lice bites:

  • punctures are painless due to the injection of insect saliva with an anesthetic substance;
  • a red papule with clearly defined edges appears at the site of the bite;
  • swollen spots similar to mosquito spots, but with a red dot in the center.

Linen lice bite on any part of the body, but more often on those that are in close contact with bed linen- sides, lower back, arms, shoulders, stomach.

  • dry itchy spots on different areas bodies that cause pain when scratched;
  • scars on the skin, even where there were no bites;
  • cyanosis at puncture sites;
  • ulcers, boils;
  • pyoderma;
  • pigmentation, thickening of the skin.

Lice can cause allergies, trench fever, and typhus.

Unlike jumping fleas, bed lice move slowly. Insects can survive without food for a week.

The clearly visible puncture site is explained by the fact that during a bite the lice completely immerse the head under the skin.

For more information about body lice, watch the video below:


Common habitats of bedbugs:

  • behind objects hanging on the walls (paintings, clocks, carpets;
  • in and under the mattress;
  • under baseboards;
  • in the casing upholstered furniture;
  • between the wall and sockets;
  • in the spines of books, in home appliances.

Among the family members, the one whose vessels are located closer to the surface and whose skin is thinner is chosen as an object for nutrition. An adult insect only needs to eat once a week, while a growing insect needs to eat every day.

Symptoms identifying bedbug bites:

  • swollen red spots with a protruding puncture site;
  • multiple bites of one insect with an interval of 2–4 cm (path);
  • interrupted sleep, irritability;
  • hives.

The anesthetic in the saliva is present only in adult bedbugs; in young insects the anesthetic substance is absent.

Bedbugs do not pose an epidemiological threat to people, since there have been no cases of infection with any diseases after bites.

The peculiarity of bedbugs is the presence of a gland that secretes a secretion with the smell of cognac or fermented raspberries.

How to distinguish bed bugs from other insects in the video below:


Bed or dust mites can only be seen under a microscope.

The small arachnid has a triangular head, a flat body covered with a chitinous shell. The insect is attached to the surface by suction cups located at the ends of four pairs of legs.

The tick is not a blood-sucking tick and does not bite; its diet consists of keratinized particles of the epidermis remaining on sheets, duvet covers, and pillowcases.

Insects settle and create colonies in feather pillows, woolen blankets, carpets and even household dust.

People who are sensitive to the excrement of microscopic mites experience complications:

  • rhinitis, sinusitis;
  • dermatitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • hearing impairment;
  • cough, sneezing without other signs of viral respiratory diseases;
  • conjunctivitis.

Ticks settle in prosperous families, where everything is in order with hygiene. But the number of insects increases sharply in homes with unsanitary conditions.

You can learn more about bed mites from the video below:

Ways to fight

A vacuum cleaner will not help either, since thanks to its flat body, insects crawl into the far corners under the baseboards, where no nozzle can reach.

Creation extreme temperatures

Steamers are used to treat beds, upholstered furniture, curtains, and carpets. At temperatures of 180°C and above, adult bedbugs and their larvae die.

To get rid of body lice It is enough to wash things in hot water and iron the seams.

Application insecticides

Common products are Karbofos, Dichlorvos, Raptor. When using them, it is necessary to apply safety precautions and strictly follow the instructions for use.

It is difficult to get rid of multiplied bedbugs on your own. More often, a special service is called, whose employees carry out 2 treatments with an interval of 2 weeks.

Fleas are destroyed primarily on the fur of pets using special drops and shampoos.

The litter is treated twice with aerosols and insecticidal solutions, carpets and all places where larvae may be located.

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  • general cleaning with dust removal in hard to reach places, washing floors using vinegar, chlorine-containing products, ammonia;
  • weekly change of bed linen, washing, ironing;
  • ventilation of rooms;
  • laying out dried flowers of tansy, wormwood, and mint at the doorstep;
  • replacing feather pillows with anti-allergenic ones;
  • sealing cracks around double-glazed windows, doors, and baseboards;
  • installing fine mesh in the ventilation hole;
  • Dry cleaning or washing in hot water items purchased secondhand or at a thrift store.


Bed bugs - their length, depending on age and degree of saturation, usually varies from 2-3 to 8 mm. The photo below shows this using an example of an adult bedbug:

This is what a bedbug larva looks like:

Fleas usually bite in the morning. They jump very well, and if you can’t catch an insect in the bed, perhaps it’s them.

The photo shows a flea on a human body at the time of the bite:

Linen lice are insects that are not even attached to the bed, but more to the human body. They bite around the clock, but at night their activity is especially noticeable.

Photo of an adult louse:

A little about bedbugs: photos, behavioral features, lifestyle

And in the next photo there is a nest of bedbugs in the sofa. These insects prefer to hide as close as possible to human resting places:

“This is some kind of nightmare. Never in our life have we had any insects in our apartment, but then we began to discover that in the morning some kind of bites appeared on our bodies. We started to find out and once caught a bug at night. Such a disgusting creature, still fat, it’s clear that he’s pumped up some blood. I was hysterical, I went to live with a friend, and my husband called some services to poison everything. Now they don’t seem to be there, but I still check myself in the morning.”

Svetlana, Moscow

Each bug must feed on blood once every few days. Larvae need this for growth, and adult insects need it for reproduction. Their only food is human blood, which they suck by piercing the skin with a thin proboscis and getting to the blood vessel.

The photo below shows bed bug marks in the bed. Red dots indicate places where blood-sucking insects were accidentally crushed by a tossing and turning person:

This is interesting

Bed bugs are nocturnal, and they can only be found in an apartment during the day in exceptional cases. During daylight hours they hide in sofas, under mattresses, in household appliances, behind the baseboards and on bookshelves, and go hunting at about 2-3 am. Bedbugs are the most common insects found in furniture.

Bedbug bites and their consequences

Fleas: when they bite and how to deal with them


It was fleas and their hosts, rats, that became the cause of the extensive bubonic plague pandemic in the Middle Ages, during which almost a third of the European population died out.

They are quite similar to bedbug bites and can also form characteristic paths, only short ones.

The photo shows a flea on human skin:

These insects are clearly visible on white bedding, but it can be quite difficult to catch them: they jump so quickly that the jump itself is not noticeable at all.

Fleas need to be removed in two stages: first, they are poisoned from pets, and then from the entire apartment.

Sometimes fleas have to be poisoned again if the infestation of the premises is especially high.

Lice in bed are quite rare. For these insects, falling from the hair or body of a person is fatal - they are slow and rarely able to climb back (at the same time, they vitally need to feed on blood very often). Lice cannot be called typical bed blood-sucking insects.

Lice spend their entire lives on the head (head lice) or other hairy parts of a person (pubic lice). There are also linen lice that live in clothes, but today they are found only among tramps who very rarely change their clothes and never wash them.

Typically smaller in appearance and less painful than flea or bedbug bites, they can also be quite itchy because they are so numerous.

The photo shows nits in a child’s hair (lice eggs):

Cockroaches rarely bite humans. They are inhabitants of kitchens, feeding on crumbs from the table and leftover food in trash cans. Only with very abundant reproduction and a lack of water can they crawl onto the bed and gnaw the epidermis around the lips and nose of people. Today, similar situations sometimes occur in hostels.

Of course, cockroaches are not blood-sucking insects, so even if they bite, it’s completely different from the way fleas or bed bugs do.

In any case, if you are bitten by insects, their bites should be treated to reduce itching and prevent infection:

  • bite sites are washed with soapy water
  • the most painful bites are wiped with alcohol or alcohol tincture of calendula or propolis
  • Itching from bites can be reduced with Fenistil gel.

But if, after being bitten by blood-sucking insects, the temperature begins to rise and a characteristic rash appears on the skin, it is advisable to show the person to a doctor. An allergy to bites can have serious consequences, and even if at a particular moment it does not manifest itself very strongly, in the future the reaction to bites can be extremely acute.

How to choose an insect extermination service

When bed bugs go hunting...

They may be located nearby sleeping place person. Very often they form a nest under the mattress or in the sofa. The most inventive bedbugs build nests anywhere in the bedroom. Infection bed bugs happens in several ways:

  • with purchases from the store;
  • with parcels;
  • gifts;
  • from neighbors;
  • a person himself brings it into his home from an infected premises.

To pick up a bug, you need to spend the night in an infested place. Daytime stays are less dangerous.

You can get rid of bed bugs using the temperature method - they are afraid of both frost and extreme heat, modern means based on insecticides. Or call the SES staff. It is quite difficult to get rid of a heavily contaminated room on your own.

Bed mite

  • intractable atopic dermatitis;
  • sore throat, dry cough, rhinitis without signs of disease;
  • headache, weakness;
  • increased frequency of asthma attacks.

Get rid of bed mite completely impossible. It is within the power of a person to reduce the amount to a less dangerous one. Pillows are taken out into the sun, frost, bed linen is washed at high temperature, iron with steam. Pillows are dry cleaned once a year. Or they are replaced with products made from bamboo fibers or synthetic ones. Ticks can be found in any room. Infection occurs quickly, the surest way is to spend the night.
