Trees made from New Year's garlands. How to make glowing LED trees on the street Do-it-yourself outdoor bushes with LED

Natalia Korpyleva

In the previous post you drew attention to the decoration of the hall for New Year's holidays in our kindergarten.

Our friendly team discussed the design in advance and all groups began to prepare 100 snowflakes per group for the planned curtain of snow-white snowflakes. Soon they were ready.

Teachers of older and middle groups started to decorate wonderful curtain of snowflakes.

We also planned to make two carved multifunctional tree to decorate the hall with illuminated with New Year's garlands and welt patterns.

I took up this matter. For we will need to make wood:floor insulation(the thicker the better, as it holds its shape well, felt-tip pen or a blue marker, a stationery knife or scissors, a bucket or any pot, a piece of thick plastic pipe 1.5 meters, colored tape. transparent tape, double sided tape,a little cement and water, white needle and thread, ruler, New Year's garland, wonderful mood and imagination.

Preparing the barrel in advance tree: wrap the pipe with colored tape, fill the pipe in a bucket with cement diluted in water and leave to harden for a day.

Draw on insulation of the crown of the future tree, attaching the barrel.

Then cut out the second part.

This is what happened.

We draw beautiful patterns with a marker.

Carefully cut out the patterns with a stationery knife.

Fold and trace the patterns with a marker on the other side.

The cut out pieces can also be used to decorate the group.

I cut out patterns.

This is what happened.

Let's cut out this part.

Sew it like this.

Glue pieces of double-sided tape.

Using double-sided tape we glue the part that we will put on the barrel tree. And secure it with transparent tape garland on one side of the crown.

We secure the other half of the crown with tape, sew the two sides together and put it on the trunk.

We decorate the bucket beautifully and this is how carved it is the tree turned out in the end.

Two carved tree fit perfectly into the interior and complemented New Year's decoration hall for the holiday.

During the holiday.

I'm at tree in the costume of Night.

You probably already noticed that at the very beginning of this entry I wrote that tree is a multifunctional decoration for holidays. Its versatility lies in the fact that the crown tree is removed,turned inside out and one side of the crown will be painted orange(to use tree during autumn holidays, and the other side will be painted in green (for use during spring and summer holidays).Here it is we got a wonderful tree!

Thank you for your attention! I will be very glad if my idea and my master-The class will be useful to you in your work. Happy New Year to all Maamites! I wish you creative success!

Publications on the topic:

I bring to your attention a tree according to the seasons. I got the idea from the Internet. IN hardware store I bought plastic that can be cut.

Dear colleagues, at the beginning of each academic year The question arises of how to decorate the group. Maam members, ideas and drawings helped me a lot with this.

Good day, dear colleagues! Everyone knows how nature transforms in autumn. Autumn – the artist paints all the trees and bushes bright.

To create our tree of happiness we need to prepare a blank. For her, I cut out a heart 2 cm thick from ordinary polystyrene foam and put it on.

We will need: 2 liter lemonade bottle, hay, sawdust, twigs, mounting foam - 2 pieces, brown paint, SNOW spray or snowflakes.

Purpose of the lesson: 1. To promote a good atmosphere in the group and friendly attitude of children. 2. Formation of cognitive activity.

What are glowing trees for? DIY glowing suit. The LED Sakura tree consists of a frame and an LED garland with attachments in the form of leaves and flowers. There are several ways to make a glowing tree with your own hands, just as the trees themselves look different. Several ways to make beautiful LED trees with your own hands at home at minimal cost.

In this article we will look at the process of making LED trees at home. There are 2 main ways to make LED trees. A tree made in this way cannot be made large enough. The standard length of the garland does not allow placing LEDs on all “branches” of the tree. Therefore, we recommend using this method for making miniature trees. Next we make the tree trunk.

After this, we make the main branches, for this we take the wire and cut it into a length of 50cm. of which 45 cm is the main part of the branch, and 5 cm will be on the bend to secure the branch to the tree trunk. We bend 5 cm on each main branch and wrap it to the tree trunk, doing this evenly along the entire diameter of the trunk.

After this, you will have a number of pluses and minuses equal to the number of branches of the tree. All that remains is to wrap each branch with black electrical tape and decorate it decorative flowers and connect the tree to a power source. How to install a rear view parking camera on a VAZ 2112 with your own hands. Step-by-step video instructions. Head units for Android and Windows.

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LED bushes and trees

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We thought a lot about how great it would be to find such a garland, and in the end, it found us. Welcome! A short video tutorial on how to make beautiful Christmas wreaths with battery-powered garlands with your own hands. We suggest you start New Year along with an unusual, original handmade holiday tree.

The desire to decorate their home or apartment is familiar to all happy owners of real estate, as well as to those who have to live in rented premises. Exactly to such useful decorations This also includes luminous trees made of polymer materials and equipped with a large number of small LED bulbs.

Decorative luminous tree with LEDs

Depending on the purpose of the lamp and the style of the room or landscape, there are trees completely without decoration. Street lamps mounted on the site or attached to living growing trees. Some of these lamps can be purchased in full finished form, others need assembly and connection.

LED trees - a new type of holiday lighting technology

Of course, to get a complete picture illustrating the equipment of an interior or landscape with a bright LED tree, one cannot do without indicating the prices for such devices.

Glowing trees for the street - a DIY fairy tale

LED strip for decorating growing trees (5m) – from 5 to 18 euros (depending on the frequency of placement of lamps on the strip). Solder your own electronic design using separate LED bulbs, wires and insulation. This is where creativity comes in the form of choice. color range future wood and in a unique combination of ready-made elements.

One of the main advantages of LED garlands and lamps is their resistance to mechanical damage and aggressive weather factors. Bright LED trees were created precisely for such connoisseurs of beauty in the environment and setting.

A frame imitating the shape of a tree or bush, made of a special light-alloy material, which is enclosed in a plastic shell. Decorative elements, representing LED garlands with silicone tips stylized as leaves and flowers.

Glowing trees: price and equipment

Entwined with a large number of sparkling light bulbs, LED trees are very similar to real ones. The alley of luminous trees seems to invite you into a fairy tale, causing delight, surprise and anticipation of a miracle even in adults. If you install a glowing tree in your office or store, it will certainly increase the compliance of customers and the willingness of buyers to make a purchase. LED trees are very popular as New Year's decoration apartment, house or garden. They give great mood to everyone who looks at them.

Creating an LED tree at home

Decorative luminous trees are not afraid of either frost or heat, and they are not afraid of rain, dew, or frost. Even if one or more elements fail, the structure will not stop shining. It is better to decorate a large area with a tree several meters high and impressive in size, which includes a huge number of LED light bulbs.

Brightness and power of LEDs. The method of securing the tree at the installation site. The variety of colors and crown shapes of LED trees creates a lot of opportunities to attract attention to the building, territory, and interior. If you want to quickly and originally decorate your office for a holiday, decorate your garden, or attract visitors to your store or entertainment center, best option I can't think of anything better than LED trees.

If you have even minimal knowledge in the field of electronics, you can quickly make a luminous tree with your own hands. At in a simple way While making an LED tree with your own hands uses a ready-made garland, making a tree by connecting LEDs into a circuit yourself is somewhat more difficult.

Bushes and trees glowing in the dark are a new fashionable trend in lighting technology. Such lamps not only perform their main function - they illuminate the streets in dark time days, but also decorate the city, emphasizing the features of the general atmosphere and placing the necessary accents.

Glowing trees for the street - “useful” splendor
LED trees can be installed almost anywhere, but most often they are unusual lamps flaunted at the entrance to a cafe, shopping center, restaurant, cinema, boutique, etc. Thus, they become the very attractive highlight that lures visitors to these cultural places. Glowing bushes and trees are very similar to real ones; they completely imitate the shape of their prototype plant. The metal branches of the LED miracle are covered with artificial bark, and life-size plastic or silicone leaves and flowers are attached to them. Small single-color or colored LEDs crown this entire structure. Such ornamental trees can operate from the network, but more often they are equipped with an autonomous power supply, which makes the design somewhat more expensive. You can, of course, just decorate ordinary tree LED garland (for example, you can use street garlands on solar powered), but the effect will not be good enough. What are the advantages of using LED trees?

Advantages: Durability, these lighting devices last at least five years; Artificial trees do not require the maintenance that real trees require; A small amount of electricity consumed, even to illuminate the largest giants requires a maximum of 700 W of energy; Easy to install, you can easily do without the help of specialists; The design is resistant to low temperatures, high humidity and dust; If one or more LEDs burn out, the rest of the lamp continues to light, but the LEDs are easily replaced with new ones; Properly selected bushes and trees can favorably emphasize the landscape design and become part of the overall decor.

These exotic trees usually made at least 2 meters in height and can be painted in any color. More simple models made in such a way that the trunk smoothly transitions into spreading branches and its structure and color are identical to the crown. In more expensive palm trees, the texture and color of the pillar is close to natural wood, and the leaves completely repeat the shape of the real ones. Similar lamps may also differ from each other in the number of branches, the thickness of the trunk, the presence or absence of artificial nuts or fruits. Palm trees are most popular in sanatoriums, boarding houses, hotels and other recreational areas, because they successfully create an atmosphere of sultry fun and the freshness of the sea breeze. Average price luminous palm trees 50-160 thousand rubles.

A weeping willow, glowing in the dark, gives lovers the opportunity to enjoy a date under a spreading tree at any time of the day, without taking their enchanted gaze off each other. This wonderful lantern can give a park or square an extraordinary romantic atmosphere, illuminating long alleys and cozy benches. Here, flexible long branches are attached to the massive trunk, dotted with small leaf-shades, glowing white or any other color of the rainbow. Prices for willows range from 16 to 50 thousand rubles.

Fruit trees
For spring to bloom 24 hours a day and 365 days a year, it is enough to install outdoor LED lights in the garden, country house, or just somewhere on the street. fruit trees. Peaches, apple trees, cherries, apricots, pears will delight others with their lush flowering shades of lilac, white or pink. On such trees, flowers and fruits are made in life size and look like the inflorescences and fruits of real plants, like twin brothers. The cost of such lamps depends on the chosen tree, its size and the number of branches. This amounts to 12-80 thousand rubles.

Maple glowing
Maple Stars glowing in the dark can be found not only in the sky, but also on the LED maple tree illuminating a square or park. Five-pointed silicone or plastic leaves different sizes on mighty branches - good decision for decorating a public place, and the path is visible, and the view is pleasant. The price range of maples is 15-50 thousand rubles.

This tree can be placed in a special category, since sakura is especially popular. Such trees are especially beautiful; they can transform a simple everyday environment into a fairy-tale kingdom. The branches of these trees are covered either with special high-strength plastic or aluminum alloy, and are designed in such a way that they closely resemble the real thing. The lantern is strewn with large silicone flowers and leaves, and their density and shape seem to be copied from real Japanese sakura. Although such trees are made in small sizes, they provide no less light than tall palm trees and spreading willows. The color scheme of sakura LEDs is very soft and delicate in gold, white, pink and purple tones. Such oriental beauties cost from 5 to 80 thousand rubles. Enough high prices on luminous trees is largely due to the price of LED lamps street lighting(more details here), which are used in their manufacture.

How to make a glowing tree for the street with your own hands

1) Draw detailed diagram. On a sheet of paper, draw a sketch of the future tree to scale, marking with numbers its height, the length of the branches, the number of luminous elements on each of them and other necessary dimensions.

2) We measure the barrel. Cut off part of the required height from a metal-plastic plumbing pipe or any other pipe - this will be a tree trunk.

3) We make a frame. Cut from wire required quantity medium branches and many smaller branches. Bend them into an "L" shape so they can be easily tied to the base. Using black or black electrical tape brown fasten the small branches to the medium ones, then use the same adhesive material to tape the latter to the trunk.

4) Let's move on to the LEDs. Armed with a soldering iron, solder resistors to the LED. Keep in mind that the latter have two legs - one longer, the other shorter. Make sure that all LEDs are soldered either only to the extended or only to the shortened contacts of the resistor.

5) We isolate the LEDs. Take an insulating tube, the color of which matches the shade of the electrical tape, and the diameter is sufficient for the LED to easily fit inside it. Cut the tube, taking into account that the soldering point and the resistor itself should be hidden from the observer, but at the same time it is necessary to leave a place for connection to the power wire. Place the tubes on the LED bulbs and lightly heat them with a lighter so that the insulation completely envelops the parts.

6) Attach the LEDs. Wrap each of the LEDs on small branches to the wires according to the polarity and wrap them with insulating tape. Now connect the wiring from small branches to the wires of medium ones, one wire per branch. We connect the bundle of resulting wires again so that all the pluses are together, and the minuses, accordingly, are connected exclusively to each other. The resulting bundles can be immediately soldered to the main wire and run along the trunk, or you can first thread the wires from each branch into pre-drilled holes in the pipe, connect them to each other and solder them to the main wire so that it is subsequently located inside the pipe. Do not forget to observe polarity, and then insulate all exposed conductors.

7) Decorate the branches. Using leaves and flowers cut out of plastic, decorate the resulting tree; carefully wrap all branches with electrical tape, bringing them as close as possible appearance wood-lamp to natural.

8) Install. The basis for the resulting tree is a barrel, big pot, container hidden in the ground, etc. Install your luminous structure into it and connect it to a power source

Such a tree will especially delight you, like everything that is done with your own hands. You can make many useful things for your site, such as do-it-yourself birdhouses.

DIY LED tree - great opportunity create a fairytale forest yourself, guided only by your fantasy and imagination. At the same time, money is saved. But if you are not very “friendly” with a soldering iron or do not have free time, the best way out is to purchase a ready-made representative of the LED flora.

Illuminating trees is one of the most popular techniques landscape design. It simultaneously brings aesthetic pleasure and allows you to illuminate the garden area at night. There are several methods for illuminating vegetation: using lamps and spotlights located on the ground, attaching LED garlands to trunks, and creating LED trees. We’ll talk further about how to make an LED tree with your own hands.

How to use backlighting correctly?

Depending on the result you want to get from lighting the trees, one or another lighting method is chosen. In order for luminous trees for the street to look beautiful, you must adhere to several basic rules:

    It is best to place the spotlights on the ground at some distance from the tree at a slight slope;

    You can use several spotlights at the same time different types lighting: halogen and LED;

    for not too tall trees and bushes, lamps that are screwed into the ground, which can also be moved from place to place, are perfect;

    lamps can also be installed on a tree trunk, directing the light upward - this will allow the light to be scattered between the foliage;

    when creating a luminous tree with your own hands, you need to take into account the density of foliage, the height and diameter of the plant, as well as its shape;

    For overhead lighting, halogen or LED lamps installed on nearby buildings;

    so that the plantings cast a shadow on vertical surface spotlights are installed behind them at a great distance.

Application of LED garlands

If you want to create an LED tree with your own hands from an existing plant, then you just need to attach LED garlands to it, which are connected to the electrical network. Such garlands are divided into fruits, which look like large lanterns, which are located far from each other, and leaves - small light bulbs, located very densely (see photo). Submitted LED backlight trees has many advantages, which include efficiency, long service life, resistance to low and high temperatures, precipitation. With its help, trees can be made either monochromatic or multi-colored.


Now let’s look at how to make LED street trees from scratch. First of all, I would like to note that luminous plants can be very diverse. This includes an LED sakura tree, palm tree, maple tree, and a variety of spruce and pine trees. So, the stages of work to create a luminous tree are as follows:

Tree diagram

First of all, the future plant must be drawn on a piece of paper, where you also need to indicate its height, diameter, length and number of branches.

Creating a trunk

A tree trunk is created very simply - just take a metal-plastic pipe and cut it into the desired height(see photo).

Construction of the frame

Wire of different thicknesses must be cut required quantity thick, medium and thin branches, and there should be as many of the latter as possible. For ease of installation, all branches are bent in the shape of the letter “L” and attached to the trunk.

Working with LEDs

Resistors are soldered to the LEDs, after which they are isolated. To do this, take electrical tape and a tube of approximately the same shade. The diameter of the tube should be such that the LEDs fit into it without problems. An electrical wire is attached to each such element. Next, the LEDs are attached to the tree branches. In this case, the wires from smaller branches should be connected into a bundle and connected to the wires of thicker branches. As a result, all existing wires are soldered to the main wire and run inside metal-plastic pipe. At the same time, do not forget to isolate them.

Decorating twigs

In order for the glowing LED trees to look as natural as possible, leaves and flowers are cut out of plastic and wrapped with electrical tape to the branches, and the tree trunk is completely wrapped with brown electrical tape, as, for example, in the photo.

Tree installation

In order for luminous plants to be stable, they are placed in a barrel, a beautiful pot or any other container hidden in the ground. And in order for them to start pleasing the eye, it is enough to connect them to the electrical network.

More detailed information on how to make LED trees with your own hands can be seen in the video presented.


Currently exists huge assortment decorative lighting products successfully used for decoration of premises and streets. LED trees are becoming especially popular various types, which serve not only as decoration, but also perfectly complement the lighting of buildings and surrounding areas. Thanks to their qualities, they fit perfectly into almost any interior. IN daytime artificial trees look quite natural, and with the onset of darkness they begin to delight others with all their colors and shades.

There are a large number of ready-made products on sale, but if you wish, you can make an LED tree with your own hands. An important positive factor is low energy consumption, which is why such trees are increasingly used for decoration in offices, shops and restaurants, attracting the attention of potential customers.

LED tree for home or apartment

Most often when self-production LED trees intended for installation indoors are used in two main ways.

Tree with LED garland

The manufacturing process begins with a frame for which in the best possible way aluminum wire is suitable. It bends easily at any angle, giving future design any configuration. A more realistic color is achieved by wrapping the white insulation of the wire with black electrical tape.

Then, the finished frame is evenly wrapped with a garland, secured to the wire with black electrical tape. If desired, you can create additional decorations for LEDs in the form of decorative nozzles made of transparent plastic. Upon completion of the work, the manufactured tree just needs to be connected to the electrical network and checked for its functionality. Thus, the question of how to make an LED tree with your own hands can be considered resolved.

The main advantage of this method is considered to be ease of manufacture. The main disadvantage is the impossibility of making wood large sizes. This is due to the standard length of the garland, which is not enough to fit on the entire tree. That's why this method Most suitable for the manufacture of miniature products, which are also very popular.

LED tree

Making a tree from individual LEDs is considered a more labor-intensive process. However, this method does not have the disadvantages inherent in ready-made garlands, which makes it possible to produce structures of any shape and size. The main material is 5 mm LEDs. To equalize the voltage you will need resistors.

Direct manufacturing begins with soldering. The LED contacts have different lengths, so the resistor legs are pre-shortened on one side. You need to solder the contacts of both elements very quickly so as not to damage the LED.

Heat shrink tubing is then cut into the wires to cover the solder joints and resistors. It is necessary to leave space for soldering the power wire. The tube is inserted onto the resistor leg and heated a little with a lighter to give the insulation the required shape. This operation is performed with each LED.

After this, you can begin making the tree itself. Most often, the trunk is made of thin plumbing pipes, and the branches are made of wire, approximately 50 cm long. The main part of the branch takes 45 cm, and 5 cm is left for attaching it to the trunk. Small branches are cut into sizes up to 10 cm. The number of LEDs on one branch must be calculated in advance.

At the next stage, small branches are tied with electrical tape to large branches. It is recommended to make the number of LEDs on each small branch equal to the number of LEDs on the large branch. Each LED is secured using electrical tape.

The wires need to be stretched along the entire length of the main branches, after which they are cut taking into account the bends of the small branches. The ends are wound to the trunk, after which all the pros and cons on each branch are connected. Their number must match total number branches. The wire connections are insulated. All that remains is to hang the decorative decorations evenly and connect finished tree to the electrical network.

LED trees for outdoors

Artificial trees with LEDs can be installed in any place to decorate the landscape and surrounding areas. The attractive power of beauty actively attracts visitors to restaurants and cafes, shopping centers and boutiques, offices and other public places. Each luminous tree, with its configuration, largely resembles real plants, and sometimes completely imitates them. Artificial bark is used to cover metal branches. Maximum resemblance can be achieved thanks to silicone or plastic leaves and flowers made in life-size.

The entire structure of the artificial tree is decorated with multi-colored LEDs. Most often they operate from the electrical network, but in some cases autonomous power supply can be used, which leads to a slight increase in the cost of the design. Sometimes LED garlands are used, but they do not give the same effect as LEDs used separately.

Advantages artificial trees with LEDs:

  • Long service life of at least 5 years.
  • Artificial structures do not require the maintenance required by real trees.
  • Low power consumption. Even the most big trees consume electricity in an amount not exceeding 700 W.
  • The simplicity of the design allows you to install it yourself without involving specialists.
  • Resistance of the structure to low temperatures, dust, high humidity and other negative influences.
  • If one or more LEDs burn out, the rest of the chain will continue to work, and faulty elements can be easily replaced with others.
  • The right choice artificial trees and bushes allow you to favorably emphasize and complement the elements.

Particularly popular among led plants Sakura enjoys. These trees are especially beautiful thanks to the highly durable coating of the branches with plastic or aluminum alloy. Their appearance is as close to the real thing as possible. Despite its relatively small size, this tree gives as much light as more tall structures. Sakura has a soft and delicate light spectrum, mainly white, pink and golden tones.

Making your own wood for the street

When making wood with LEDs for outdoor use, be sure to take into account the aggressive influence environment. Therefore, before you start making an LED tree for the street with your own hands, you need to determine the entire procedure in advance.

The general scheme of work will be approximately the same as for conventional structures intended for indoors. IN street version It is recommended to pay attention to more thorough covering of the trunk and branches with high-quality materials.

It is also necessary to take care of good insulation of the LEDs after soldering them with resistors. Heat shrink tubing should completely hide each pair. If necessary, all unreliable areas can be additionally insulated with black electrical tape. The same goes for wire connections in the plus and minus areas. Decorative items should be secured more efficiently so that they are not torn off by strong gusts of wind.

Master class: DIY glowing tree
