Study of biorhythms. Calculation of human biorhythms by date of birth online

By a strange coincidence, the next day I fell ill - there were exactly twelve days left until my birthday. I didn't pay any attention to it then...

Natural algorithm

Today there is a real boom in the world associated with research in the field of chronobiology. It feels like everyone decided to live in rhythm with nature and with time. A shift in these rhythms, according to experts, can not only affect human health, but can ultimately lead to the emergence of a new type of people. Round-the-clock work, constant electric lighting, which causes the body to lose track of the day-night cycle, sudden changes in time zones - as a result of all this, humanity is hooked on medications that allow us to stay awake for several days. And here are the statistics: according to scientists, in the early 1900s people slept about nine hours a day, in the 1960s - about eight hours, and now we sleep - do you know how much? - on average six hours. In our country, changes in the usual way of life are also affected by the transition from summer to winter time and back. According to doctors, the number of ambulance calls these days increases by seven percent, and mortality as a result of cardiovascular diseases - by as much as 75. Alarming statistics, noted not only in Russia, forced scientists to begin comprehensive research.

Researchers have long been debating the problem of a person losing orientation in their biological time. Physicists argue about what time is in general, and biologists are trying to understand with what organ a person senses its passage. Biologists from the University of California at Los Angeles argue that the sense of time is nothing more than one of the human abilities, like speech or thinking. Dean Buonomano, director of chronobiological research, told Itogi that an experiment in which participants were isolated and thereby deprived of orientation in time showed that a person still feels its passage. Scientists considered various versions of the explanation of the phenomenon, but as a result they settled on the fact that inside each of us there is a certain mechanism that measures the passage of time and, through complex biochemical processes, transmits the results to the brain. “Every time the brain processes an external signal, such as a sound or a flash of light, a cascade of reactions occurs between its cells,” says the researcher. “This process leaves a trace, preserving the time of the event.” Research has shown that a time imprint corresponds to a specific impact, for example, the brain registers a flash of light at some point. If you learn to measure or distinguish how brain cells respond to a particular event, then it is quite possible to reconstruct the events of past days, or even years, and say exactly when they occurred. “Understanding these mechanisms, as well as the nature of the sensations of biological rhythms, may be the key to identifying the causes of various diseases,” the American researcher emphasizes.

The first decoding of the signals allowed overseas scientists to draw very interesting conclusions. There is nothing difficult in understanding the essence of biological rhythms. Our body is tuned to work with the precision of a Swiss watch. It is a surprisingly harmonious system of organs united by hundreds of functional connections. For its smooth operation, it is necessary to clearly configure the algorithm of action. Role software, inherent in us by nature, is precisely what biorhythms carry out. Fine settings can be daily, monthly or seasonal. Mysterious rhythm regulators operate on the principle of a pendulum - the more the pendulum deviates in one direction, the stronger its subsequent deviation in the other direction will be. If, for example, the heart beats faster for some time, then this is followed by a phase with more rare contractions. This principle continues in the field of biorhythmic processes. Periods of rise alternate with moments of decline, tuning our body to new way, in unison with the changes occurring in nature: changes in light and thermal conditions, changes in humidity and atmospheric pressure. However, the operation of a well-honed mechanism often fails.

Let’s say that within a week you flew to Bangkok, Havana, Paris and returned to Moscow, having managed in such a short period of time not only to negotiate, but also to have a blast in nightclubs. Surely you will experience very well what a failure in a finely designed system is like. The body will begin to work erratically, physiological resources will be used ineffectively, without having time to fully recover. Even if you don’t feel like a wreck, you will still next week You will go to work like a zombie. Lack of appetite, slow reactions and constant fatigue are only the most minor manifestations of biorhythmic disruption. Imagine for a moment that all the clocks in your home, at work, in the city suddenly began to show the wrong time. You're going out for lunch, but the restaurants haven't opened yet. You don’t even have time to go to bed when the alarm clock is already sounding the wake-up call. As soon as you come to work, it’s time to have lunch, although breakfast was just a short time ago. This is approximately the same thing that happens to the human body.

In the rhythm of the day

Oddly enough, biorhythms depend on cosmobiological processes,” Vladimir Yachmenev, candidate of biological sciences, told Itogi. - The circadian rhythm is associated with the rotation of the Earth around its axis and with the change of day and night. It provides periods of decline and rise in activity - physical and mental.

To learn to live with the times, experts literally described by the hour what happens to a person in a daily rhythm. Early hours - the body is still sleeping - between 4 and 5 o'clock in the morning a person's blood pressure is at its lowest, and this time is called the "hour of the bull." At 8 o'clock in the morning, due to biorhythms, the greatest secretion of sex hormones occurs. Closer to nine, tactile sensations intensify, smoothly causing increased brain function. Between 10 and 12 o'clock is the most convenient time for creativity. At 13:00 the largest amount of gastric juice is formed - it is a good time to have lunch. Precise and agile movements of muscles and fingers occur between 15 and 16 hours. From 16 to 18 hours is the ideal time for exercise, because the lungs breathe freely and intensively, and at the same time, the process of growth of cellular structures takes place. From 18:00 to 19:00 the senses become aggravated. The activation of the immune system occurs at 22:00, it is at this time that it best protects us from infections. Loneliness is felt more heavily during the so-called social time - between 20 and 22 hours. Visual acuity in motorists decreases to its maximum at 2 am. This is approximately how the body behaves throughout the day, and, according to experts, if you keep pace with it, you can achieve a certain harmony.

In addition to the daily rhythm, chronobiologists highlight the monthly rhythm - this is the influence of the Moon associated with its four phases. “The bodies of living organisms primarily consist of liquids,” says Vladimir Yachmenev, “which are solutions of various chemical elements. Since the earth’s magnetism varies to a certain extent depending on the position of the Moon, this process affects small disturbances in the electromagnetic interaction of ions of living organisms and atmospheric ions Earth. It is precisely such disturbances that are capable of causing exacerbations of chronic somatic and mental diseases."

And this is not all in the web of cycles that entangle our body. There is an annual one associated with the movement of the Earth around the Sun. Human activity changes with the changing seasons. Most people are less active during the short winter days, but with the onset of spring, people come to life. December and February are the least active months for almost everyone. During this period, a person is most susceptible to heart attack, angina and stroke.

Aging marker

The oscillations of a pendulum, launched by nature, fade over time. Modern chronobiologists agree that disruption of circadian biorhythms is a unique marker of the aging of the body. The discovery of this pattern may form the basis for extending human biological age. If researchers manage to develop effective drugs or methods for harmonizing biorhythms, then the prospect of delaying unfavorable age-related changes will open up. Today there is already a hypothesis according to which life expectancy is regulated by special combinations of genes in the brain. They count our biorhythms and at a certain moment give a command to end life. They have not yet been found, but scientists do not lose hope of finding them.

It is interesting that while chronobiology is only trying to solve the problem of immortality, Tibetan doctors already have invaluable knowledge. "In the body, depending on the movement of the Sun and lunar phases, close attention to seasonal biorhythms and the state of protective forces“natural immunity,” Tashi Dilek, director of the Tibetan Medical and Astrological Institute, located in the Indian city of Dharamsala, told Itogi. “It is believed that our resources are quite large in winter, less in summer, and average in autumn.” Based on this situation, Tibetan doctors, for example, consider the most favorable period of childbearing function winter time, and the least suitable is summer. People born in the womb in autumn and winter are the most resilient, because they will definitely be born with good energy.

The Tibetan doctor gave readers of Itogi several recommendations on how to live in harmony with their biorhythms: “Go to sleep and eat at the same time, perform labor feats in a more stable time of year - summer or winter, eat well, but You should not abuse strong coffee and alcohol. After drinking a large dose of alcohol once, our biorhythms play leapfrog for three days. Learn to rest, the most The best way recovery - sleep. It’s better to “sleep away” all your problems. Spend more time outdoors and don’t torment yourself with thoughts that you’re wasting your days. If you learn to rest, you will be able to do much more work. And in general - remain optimistic. Remember that the source of illness is not the events themselves, but our perception of them. Pessimism guarantees high levels of stress. People who are accustomed to approaching life this way must change their minds. The following simple technique is very useful for this: as soon as you catch yourself having a gloomy thought, switch to something good. Eventually you will almost automatically begin to see life in more light colors, and the ability to create positive emotions It will become a habit for you."

The monk’s next statement personally made me shudder. "Look carefully at the twelve-day period that follows your birthday. Each of these days is believed to correspond to a month of life in the year, that is, 12 days are 12 months of life." This suddenly reminded me of a mysterious meeting in Altai. So, did that old lady really know the secret of longevity?


Arrhythmia of opinions

Vitaly Volovich, professor, doctor of medical sciences, academician Russian Academy astronautics:

By controlling biorhythms, you can undoubtedly get rid of various diseases. The biological clock plays an important role, and, for example, such a work system, which is called the shift method, literally destroys a person. You can’t, after working in the North for a month, immediately go to another climate zone. Adaptation of the body should take at least 1.5 months.

Alexander Alimov, academician, director of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences:

Each organism lives according to its own biological time. You can change biorhythms, but it is unlikely that with their help you will be able to get rid of any diseases. If your heart is beating fast, the situation cannot be corrected with a clear daily routine. The benefit of this can only be preventive.

You cannot control biorhythms, but you can take them into account. For example, with hormonal therapy. If you give the drugs at the same time, the side effects will be minimal and the effect will be greater.

Biorhythms are the cyclical nature of processes in a living organism. The main external rhythms influencing human biocycles are natural (Sun, Moon...) and social (work week...) Leading internal chronometers human body located: in the head (epiphysis, hypothalamus) and in the heart. Biorhythms can change, synchronizing with external rhythms - light cycles (change of day and night, light).

From the day of birth, a person is in three biological rhythms - physical, emotional and intellectual:

23 day rhythm– this is a physical rhythm, it determines a person’s health, strength and endurance;
28 day rhythm– this is an emotional rhythm, it affects the state of the nervous system, mood, love, optimism, etc.;
33 day rhythm- This is an intellectual rhythm. It determines the creative abilities of an individual. Favorable days The 33-day rhythmic cycle is characterized by creative activity, and a person is accompanied by luck and success. IN unfavorable days creative decline occurs.

Each of the three long-term rhythmic cycles begins with the birth of a person. Its further development can be depicted as a sinusoid (graph). The higher the curve rises, the higher the ability corresponding to this mark. The lower it falls, the lower the corresponding energy. Periodic days are considered critical when the curve is at the intersection of the scale. Is not favorable time.

Thus, biorhythm calculation not at all complicated. Starting from the exact date of your birth, count how many days you have lived. To do this, multiply 365 days a year by the number of years lived, and the number leap years multiply by 366 days. Leap years were: 1920, 1924, 1928, 1932, 1936, 1940, 1944, 1948, 1952, 1956, 1960, 1964, 1968, 1972, 1976, 1980,1984, 1988, 1992, 19 96, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012 , 2016.

Calculate the total number of days lived. Now you know how many days you have already lived in this world. Divide this number by the number of days of the biorhythm you want to calculate: 23, 28, 33. The remainder will show you where you are currently on the curve. For example, if the remainder is 12, then it is day 12 of the biorhythm that you are counting. This is the first half of the cycle and is usually favorable. If the cycle is at zero on the chart, then it is a bad day. In addition, the days when the biorhythm lines cross the horizontal line in the center of the graph are the so-called critical days when your abilities are completely unpredictable. On such days a person feels a loss of strength and lack of energy.

Each biorhythm has 3 periods: a period of high energy, a period of low energy and critical days of the biorhythm. Let's take a closer look:

23 day rhythm

High energy (0-11 days): good physical well-being, resistance to stress, illness and high Vital energy, strong sexual desire, the danger of overestimating one’s strength.
Low energy (days 12-23): increased fatigue, during this time it is recommended to rest more and conserve energy.
Critical days (11, 12, 23 days): reduced resistance to disease, tendency to erroneous actions.

28 day rhythm

High energy (days 0-14): intense emotional and spiritual life, favorable time for friendship and love, increased creativity and interest in new things, tendency to be highly emotional.
Low energy (days 14-28): lack of self-confidence, passivity, underestimation of one’s capabilities.
Critical days (14, 28 days): tendency to mental conflicts, decreased resistance to disease.

33 day rhythm

High energy (0-16 days): ability to think clearly and logically, ability to concentrate, good memory, creative activity.
Low energy (days 17-33): decreased interest in new ideas, slow reactions, creative decline.
Critical days (16, 17, 33 days): inability to concentrate, inattention and distraction, tendency to erroneous actions (high probability of accidents).


Circadian rhythms according to the “biological clock”


4-5 hours (in real, geographical time, as for acupuncture points) - the body is preparing to awaken.

By 5 a.m., melatonin production begins to decrease and body temperature rises.

Shortly before waking up, around 5:00 a.m. geographical, real local time, the body begins preparing for the upcoming wakefulness: the production of “activity hormones” - cortisol, adrenaline - increases. The content of hemoglobin and sugar in the blood increases, the pulse quickens, blood pressure (BP) rises, and breathing deepens. Body temperature begins to rise, the frequency of REM sleep phases increases, and the tone of the sympathetic nervous system increases. All these phenomena are enhanced by light, heat and noise.

By 7-8 o'clock, night owls have a peak release of cortisol (the main hormone of the adrenal glands) into the blood. For early risers - earlier, at 4-5 hours, for other chronotypes - about 5-6 hours.

From 7 to 9 am - get up, exercise, breakfast.

9 hours - high performance, fast counting, short-term memory works well.

In the morning - assimilation of new information, with a fresh mind.

Two to three hours after waking up, take care of your heart.

9-10 am - time to make plans, “use your brain.” "The morning is wiser than the evening"

9-11 hours - immunity increases.

Medicines that enhance the body's resistance to disease are effective.

Until 11 o'clock - the body is in excellent shape.

12 - reduce physical exercise.

Brain activity decreases. Blood rushes to the digestive organs. Gradually, blood pressure, pulse and muscle tone begin to decrease, respectively, but body temperature continues to rise.

13 ± 1 hour - lunch break

13-15 - midday and afternoon rest (lunch, quiet hour, siesta)

After 14 hours - pain sensitivity is minimal, the effect of painkillers is most effective and lasting.

15 - long-term memory works. Time - to remember and remember well what is needed.

After 16 - increase in performance.

15-18 hours is the time to go in for sports. Thirst, at this time, should be quenched abundantly and often with clean boiled water, hot or warm - in winter (to prevent colds, gastrointestinal diseases and kidney diseases). In summer you can have cold mineral water.

16-19 - high level of intellectual activity. Housework

19 ± 1 hour - dinner.

Carbohydrate foods (natural - honey, etc.) promote the production of a special hormone - serotonin, which promotes a good night's sleep. The brain is active.

After 19 hours - good reaction

After 20 hours, the mental state stabilizes, memory improves. After 21 hours, the number of white blood cells almost doubles (immunity increases), body temperature drops, and cell renewal continues.

From 20 to 21 - light physical exercise and walking in the fresh air are good for health.

After 21 hours - the body prepares for a night's rest, body temperature drops.

22 hours is time for sleep. The immune system is strengthened to protect the body during the night's rest.

In the first half of the night, when slow-wave sleep predominates, the maximum amount of somatotropic hormone is released, stimulating the processes of cell reproduction and growth. No wonder they say that in our sleep we grow. Regeneration and cleansing of body tissues occurs.

2 hours - those who do not sleep at this time may experience depression.

3-4 hours is the deepest sleep. Body temperature and cortisol levels are minimal, melatonin levels in the blood are maximum.

Biological rhythms in life

Flying by plane from east to west is easier than flying from west to east. To adapt, the body (young, healthy) needs approximately a day for each time zone, but not less than three to four days. The speed at which the biorhythms of the human body are captured by an external rhythm strongly depends on the difference in their phases. On average, it takes one and a half weeks for sufficient adaptation and acclimatization in new conditions. This does not depend on the position of the hands on the watch dial, but on the sun above your head. Local, local features of geomagnetic and other fields and radiations that differ from the usual ones also have a noticeable effect.

Human daily chronotype: morning (larks), afternoon (pigeons) and evening (owls). The nighttime activity of night owls affects their health - myocardial infarctions occur more often in them than in early risers, and their cardiovascular system burns out faster.

To increase productivity and labor efficiency, it is recommended to take into account the chronotype, individually for each employee, when drawing up a schedule, work schedule for personnel at enterprises and, especially, dispatchers and operators.

Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and ergonomic requirements, work and rest schedules is a necessary condition for the operation of a modern enterprise.

Performance decreases sharply from thirty degrees Celsius, halving at temperature environment+33-34°C.

Shift work schedule (for example, from night shift to day shift) - no more than once a month, taking into account the time required for adaptation (1-2 weeks).

Industrial accidents and traffic accidents on the road more often occur at certain hours:
- from 22 o'clock to 4 o'clock - a person has the lowest response rate.
- between 13 and 15 hours - first, the general pre-lunch rush, after - “afternoon depression”.

To prevent “afternoon depression”, resting after lunch for 10-20 minutes or a “midday nap” can be effective, but not more than 1.5 hours, otherwise there will be the opposite effect.

Human performance is higher from 10 to 12 and from 17 to 19 hours.


“Specially conducted research and practice sports training show that the most favorable period for intensive training is from 9 to 18 hours and that it is undesirable to carry out large volume and intensity loads early in the morning and late in the evening” (N.A. Agadzhanyan et al., 1989).

Human biorhythms: Sleep

Try to always go to bed and get up at the same time. Otherwise - desynchronosis. The first 4-5 hours of normal, natural sleep (deep, without interruptions) are mandatory; this is a vital daily minimum for the human body.

For insomnia and to quickly fall asleep (normal - within 5-15 minutes):
1) lie down comfortably, close your eyes, don’t think about anything (reduce the bioelectrical activity of the brain);
2) focus your attention on the diaphragm (its movement during breathing) and on the inner ankles (ankles) of the legs.

In a sound sleeper, the main source of sensory information about the environment is the ears (“light sleeper”), therefore, in order not to wake up from noise, you need to ensure silence (including using anti-noise soft “earplugs” made of hypoallergenic polymer, having good SNR (noise reduction), at a level of 30 dB or more), taking into account the increased sensitivity of hearing at night - with eyes closed and during sleep (10-14 decibels better compared to daytime days). Loud, sharp, frightening sounds can wake up a sleeping person for a long time and cause insomnia.

It is difficult to fall asleep on an empty stomach, therefore, dinner is around 18-20 hours or 2-3 hours before bedtime. Don't overeat at night. The usual duration of restful sleep is 7-9 hours. Not only its duration is important, but also its quality (continuity and depth first three, mandatory cycles, 1.5 x 3 = 4.5 hours)

Poor, restless sleep, nightmares, with a recurring obsessive plot - can be a consequence of cardiovascular diseases (bradycardia - rare pulse, arrhythmias), symptoms of snoring and respiratory arrest disease (sleep apnea), lack of oxygen in the room. The aeroionic composition of the air in apartments, without ventilation or the use of an aeroionizer, also requires improvement.

Before waking up, a dream movie is seen (its reproduction is a release of the ballast of nervous tension, unrealized ideas, unpleasant visual images that have accumulated over the past days, after processing and organizing the information received in the short-term and long-term memory of the brain, adaptation to difficult life situations). The more intense the eye movements during “rapid eye movement” sleep (REM phase), the better the dream reproduction. At the moment of falling asleep, a series of slides or pictures appears in the mind.

Laboratory studies have shown the necessity of the REM sleep phase for the survival of the body. A mouse deprived of this dream phase for 40 days died. In people, when blocking REM sleep with alcohol, there is a predisposition to hallucinations.

Dreams in the “rapid eye movement” phase (after slow-wave sleep and before waking up, to wake up or to “turn to the other side”) appear according to individual biorhythm - every 90-100 minutes. (in the morning - cycles are reduced to the first tens of minutes, see the graph in the picture), in accordance with the intraday cyclicity of changes (increases) in general body temperature and the redistribution of blood in the body (from its periphery, from the extremities to the center of the body, inward), the growth of blood pressure, increased respiratory rate and heart rate.

Short-term memory is involved in remembering dreams, therefore, up to 90% of the content of a dream is forgotten within the next half hour, after waking up, unless, in the process of remembering, emotional experience, ordering and comprehension, its plot is recorded in the long-term memory of the brain.

Human biorhythms: remembering sleep

According to reviews from enthusiastic researchers and practitioners, high levels, lucid dreaming (LDR) is cooler than many modern computer games.

Many people see dreams, but not everyone tries to remember and remember them at the moment of waking up (especially during short awakenings between the first cycles, before returning back to slow-wave sleep).

If there is very little time for rest, you can sleep from 10-11 pm to 3-4 am (“mandatory program” - the first three night cycles in a row, without waking up, that is, the duration of sleep will be 4-5 hours). In this case, the following are restored, sequentially: the brain, body and physical strength, the emotional sphere.

The duration of night sleep required for the human body also depends on the season. In winter - it should be at least half an hour longer than in summer time of the year.

A natural sleeping pill is fatigue and/or certain moments in the 90-minute cycles of the body's individual biorhythm when body temperature drops.

Getting enough sleep at night helps you lose weight (with overweight- its normalization). In this case, dinner no later than four hours before bedtime. Eating at night is excluded, you can only drink clean water, in small quantities (to flush the esophagus, prevent dehydration and to fall asleep as quickly as possible). The effect will be more noticeable - with high physical activity, during daylight hours.

Frequent lack of sleep causes the body to wear out and age faster. During the slow-wave stage of normal, deep sleep, a control scan of the digestive, respiratory system and the heart (as having the most clear rhythmicity), and with fast wave - the cardiovascular and lymphatic, reproductive and nervous systems, as well as the liver, kidneys, muscles and tendons (i.e. organs that do not have an obvious short-period rhythmicity). After collecting and processing this information, a sequentially planned and coordinated restoration of the insides (visceral sphere - stomach, intestines, etc.) of the body is carried out. This process mainly involves the most powerful “computational processors”, for example, in the visual and motor areas of the cerebral cortex. In the case when you really want to sleep, but systematically there is no such opportunity, physical changes may occur in the internal organs and the risk of developing pathologies (stomach ulcers, etc.) significantly increases.

A sleep-deprived and very tired person who becomes drowsy while driving a car is just as risky to his health and dangerous to others as a driver who is intoxicated.

Scientists, and not only British ones, have found that it is possible to slow down the aging of the brain if you stabilize your biorhythms - by simply following a sleep schedule, this natural circadian (that is, cyclically repeating every day, every 24 hours) rhythm.


Research work

"Biorhythms of Life"


9th grade student

Simykina Daria


biology teacher

Gafner Elena Andreevna

Kungur 2016

Introduction_________________________________________________ 3

Biological rhythms_______________________________________________ 4

Biorhythmology___________________________________________ _5

Physiological and environmental rhythms_____________________ 6

Historical background__________________________________________ 7

Classification of biorhythms_______________________________________________ 9

Infradian rhythms, lunar rhythms________________________10

Ultradian rhythms_____________________________________________ 11

Circadian rhythms_______________________________________________12

Pseudoscientific ideas about biorhythms__________________________ 13

The theory of “three biorhythms”________________________________________________ 14

Biorhythm cycles ________________________________________ 16

Physical cycle of biorhythms________________________________ 16

Emotional cycle of biorhythms _____________________________________17

Intellectual biorhythm cycle__________________________ 18

Appendix_______________________________________________ 19

Literature__ _____________________________________________ 20


Of all the sciences dealing with human health, one of the most unusual and amazing is biorhythmology - the science of the influence of biological rhythms on human health.

The roots of knowledge about biorhythms go back to ancient times. The treatises of Hippocrates and Avicenna have reached our time, in which a significant place was given healthy image life, based on the correct alternation of phases of activity and rest. In folk medicine, the influence of the phases of the moon and sun on health has long been noted. If we talk about modern biorhythmology, then the first Scientific research were carried out in the first half of the twentieth century. It is very important that the greatest contribution to the awareness of this problem was made by Russian scientists - laureate Nobel Prize Academy I.P. Pavlov, V.V. Vernadsky and A.A. Chizhevsky, who convincingly proved that there is a close connection between solar activity and events on earth - the number of deaths, suicides, epileptic seizures, etc. Modern biorhythmology, in addition to studying the relationships between biorhythms and human health is developing methods and means for restoring and harmonizing disturbed biorhythms. Currently, this direction is considered one of the most promising in preventive medicine, since it allows influencing the most early causes development of many diseases.

Biological rhythms

Biological rhythms (biorhythms) (from the Greek bios, life and rhytmos, any repeating movement, rhythm) are periodically repeating changes in the nature and intensity of biological processes and phenomena. They are characteristic of living matter at all levels of its organization - from molecular and subcellular to the biosphere. They are a fundamental process in living nature. Some biological rhythms are relatively independent (for example, the frequency of heart contractions, breathing), others are associated with the adaptation of organisms to geophysical cycles - daily (for example, fluctuations in the intensity of cell division, metabolism, motor activity of animals), tidal (for example, the opening and closing of shells in marine mollusks associated with the level of sea tides), annual (changes in the number and activity of animals, growth and development of plants, etc.)


Science that studies the role of the time factor in the implementation of biological phenomena and in the behavior of living systems, temporal organization biological systems The nature, conditions of occurrence and significance of biorhythms for organisms is called biorhythmology. Biorhythmology is one of the areas that was formed in 1960. Section of biology - chronobiology. At the intersection of biorhythmology and clinical medicine is the so-called chronomedicine, which studies the relationship of biorhythms with the course of various diseases, develops treatment and prevention regimens for diseases taking into account biorhythms, and studies other medical aspects of biorhythms and their disorders.

Physiological and environmental rhythms

Biorhythms are divided into physiological and environmental. Physiological ones, as a rule, have periods from fractions of a second to several minutes. These are, for example, rhythms of blood pressure, heartbeat and blood pressure. Ecological rhythms coincide in duration with any natural rhythm of the environment.

Biological rhythms are described at all levels, from the simplest biological reactions in a cell to complex behavioral reactions. Thus, a living organism is a collection of numerous rhythms with different characteristics. According to the latest scientific data, approx. 400 circadian rhythms.

Adaptation of organisms to the environment in the process of evolutionary development went in the direction of both improving their structural organization and coordinating the activities of various functional systems in time and space. The exceptional stability of the periodicity of changes in illumination, t0, humidity, geomagnetic field and other environmental parameters determined by the movement of the Moon and Earth around the Sun, allowed living systems in the process of evolution to develop stable and resistant to external influences time programs, the manifestation of which are biorhythms. Such rhythms, sometimes referred to as ecological or adaptive (for example, diurnal, tidal, lunar and annual), are fixed in the genetic structure. In artificial conditions, when the body is deprived of information about external natural changes (for example, with continuous lighting or darkness, in a room with humidity, pressure, etc. maintained at the same level), the periods of such rhythms deviate from the periods of the corresponding rhythms of the environment, thereby manifesting very own period.

Historical reference

People have known about the existence of biorhythms since ancient times.

Already in the “Old Testament” instructions are given about the correct lifestyle, nutrition, alternation of phases of activity and rest. Ancient scientists wrote about the same thing: Hippocrates, Avicenna and others.

The founder of biorhythmology is considered to be the German physician K.V. Hufeland, who in 1797 drew the attention of his colleagues to the universality of rhythmic processes in biology: every day life repeats itself in certain rhythms, and the daily cycle associated with the rotation of the Earth around its axis regulates the vital activity of all living things , including the human body.

The first systematic scientific research in this area began to be carried out at the beginning of the twentieth century, including by Russian scientists I. P. Pavlov, V. I. Vernadsky, A. L. Chizhevsky and others.

By the end of the twentieth century, the fact of the rhythmicity of the biological processes of living organisms rightfully began to be considered one of the fundamental properties of living matter and the essence of the organization of life. But until recently, the nature and all the physiological properties of biorhythms have not been clarified, although it is clear that they are very important in the life processes of living organisms. Therefore, research into biorhythms is still a process of accumulating information, identifying properties and patterns using statistical methods. As a result, 2 scientific directions arose in the science of biorhythms: chronobiology and chronomedicine.

Soviet scientists F.I. Komarov and S.I. Rapportov in their book “Chronobiology and Chronomedicine” give the following definition of biorhythms: “Rhythm is a characteristic of a periodic time structure. Rhythm characterizes both a certain order of time sequence and the duration of periods of time, since it contains an alternation of phases of different durations.”

One of the main works in this area can be considered the Classification of Biorhythms developed by chronobiologist F. Halberg in 1964.

Many hypotheses have been put forward regarding the nature of biorhythms, and numerous attempts have been made to determine once again whole line new patterns. Here are some of them.

Swedish researcher E. Forsgren discovered the daily rhythm of glycogen and bile formation in experiments on rabbits in 1930.

Soviet scientists N. E. Vvedensky, A. A. Ukhtomsky, I. P. Pavlov and V. V. Parin made an attempt to theoretically substantiate the mechanisms of the occurrence of rhythmic processes in the nervous system and showed that fluctuations in the characteristics of the state of the nervous system are determined, first of all, by rhythms of excitation and inhibition.

In 1959, Jürgen Aschoff, later director of the Planck Institute for Behavioral Physiology, in Andechs (Germany), discovered a pattern that was called “Aschoff's Rule” (under this name it entered chronobiology and the history of science): “Nocturnal animals have an active period ( wakefulness) is longer in constant light, while in diurnal animals wakefulness is longer in constant darkness.”

He found that with prolonged isolation of humans and diurnal animals in the dark, the wakefulness-sleep cycle lengthens due to an increase in the duration of the wakefulness phase. Yu. Aschoff suggested that it is light that stabilizes the body’s circadian rhythms.

Classification of biorhythms

The classification of biorhythms is based on strict definitions that depend on the selected criteria.

The classification of biorhythms according to J. Aschoff (1984) is divided into:

by their own characteristics such as period;

by the type of process that generates rhythm;

according to the function performed by rhythm.

The range of biorhythm periods is wide: from milliseconds to several years. And it can be observed in individual cells, in entire organisms or populations. Most biorhythms that can be observed in the central nervous system or circulatory and respiratory systems are characterized by large individual variability.

Other endogenous rhythms, such as the ovarian cycle, show little individual but significant interspecies variability. Other rhythms, mentioned above, have periods that remain unchanged in natural conditions, that is, they are synchronized with environmental cycles such as tides, day and night, phases of the moon and seasons. Tidal, diurnal, lunar and seasonal rhythms of biological systems are associated with them. Each of these rhythms can be maintained in isolation from the corresponding external cycle. Under these conditions, the rhythm flows “freely”, with its own, natural period.

The most common classification of biorhythms is according to F. Halberg (1964), according to oscillation frequencies, i.e., according to the reciprocal length of the rhythm periods.

Rhythm Zone

Rhythm area

Length of periods

High frequency


Less than 0.5 hours

Mid frequency



28 – 3 days

Low frequency






7 + 3 days

14 + 3 days

20 + 3 days

30 + 7 days

1 year + 2 months

Infradian rhythms

Rhythms lasting more than a day.

Examples: flow into hibernation(animals), menstrual cycles in women (humans).

There is a close relationship between two phases: the solar cycle and the anthropometric data of young people. Acceleration is highly susceptible to the solar cycle: the upward trend is modulated by waves synchronized with the period of “reversal of polarity” of the solar magnetic field (which is a double 11-year cycle, i.e. 22 years). Longer periods have also been identified in the activity of the Sun, spanning several centuries. Important practical significance also has a study of other multi-day (about a month, annual, etc.) rhythms, the time sensor for which is such periodic changes in nature as the change of seasons, lunar cycles and others.

Lunar rhythms

The influence (reflection) of lunar rhythms on the ebb and flow of the seas and oceans. The cycle corresponds to the phases of the moon (29.53 days) or the lunar day (24.8 hours). Lunar rhythms are clearly visible in marine plants and animals, and are observed during the cultivation of microorganisms.

Psychologists have noted changes in the behavior of some people associated with the phases of the moon: during the new moon, the number of suicides, heart attacks, and more increases. Ultradian rhythms

Rhythms lasting less than a day.

Examples: concentration of attention, changes in pain sensitivity, processes of excretion and secretion, cyclical phases alternating throughout 6-8 hours of normal sleep in a person. In animal experiments it was found that sensitivity to chemical and radiation injuries fluctuates very noticeably throughout the day.

Circadian rhythms

The central place among rhythmic processes is occupied by the circadian rhythm (circadian), which has highest value for the body. The concept of circadian rhythms was introduced in 1959 by Halberg. It is a modification of the circadian rhythm with a period of 24 hours, occurs under constant conditions and belongs to freely flowing rhythms. These are rhythms with no external conditions imposed. They are congenital, endogenous, i.e., determined by the properties of the organism itself. The period of the circadian rhythm lasts 23-28 hours in plants, and 23-25 ​​hours in animals.

Since organisms are usually found in an environment with cyclical changes in its conditions, the rhythm of organisms is prolonged by these changes and becomes daily. Circadian rhythms are found in all representatives of the animal kingdom and at all levels of organization. Experiments on animals have established the presence of this rhythm of motor activity, body and skin temperature, pulse and respiration rates, blood pressure and diuresis. The contents of various substances in tissues and organs, for example, glucose, sodium and potassium in the blood, plasma and serum in the blood, growth hormones, etc., were subject to daily fluctuations. Essentially, all endocrine and hematological indicators, nervous, muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive systems. In this rhythm, the content and activity of dozens of substances in various fabrics and organs of the body, in blood, urine, sweat, saliva, the intensity of metabolic processes, energy and plastic supply of cells, tissues and organs. The body's sensitivity to various environmental factors and tolerance to functional loads are subject to the same circadian rhythm. In humans, approx. 500 functions and processes that have a circadian rhythm.

The dependence of the daily periodicity inherent in plants on the phase and development has been established. In the bark of young apple tree shoots, a daily rhythm in the content of the biologically active substance phloridzin was revealed, the characteristics of which changed according to the phases of flowering, intensive growth of shoots, etc. One of the most interesting manifestations of the biological measurement of time is the daily frequency of opening and closing flowers in plants.

Pseudoscientific ideas about biorhythms

Like many other aspects of life, biorhythms play a role in people's beliefs. By combining observations of natural processes with numerology and fortune telling, some people create their own “theories” about biorhythms that are supposed to predict the future. Such concepts attempt to predict various aspects of an individual's life using mathematical cycles. However, most scientists are convinced that these concepts have no more predictive power. Than a simple case, and consider it an example of pseudoscience. There is also no scientific evidence found to support this theory.

Theory of “Three Biorhythms”

The pseudoscientific theory of “Three Biorhythms,” popular at the end of the 20th century, was proposed by a number of authors at the end of the 19th century as a hypothesis and was later experimentally refuted. The hypothesis assumed the presence of multi-day rhythms, independent of both external factors and age-related changes in the body itself. The triggering mechanism for these rhythms is only the moment of birth of a person, at which rhythms arise with a period of 23, 28, 33 days, determining the level of his physical, emotional and intellectual activity. The graphical representation of each of these rhythms is a sine wave. One-day periods during which phase switching occurs (“zero” points on the graph) and which are supposedly characterized by a decrease in the corresponding level of activity are called critical days. If two or three sinusoids cross the same “zero” point at the same time, then such “double” or “triple” critical days were supposed to be especially dangerous.

This hypothesis has not been confirmed by scientific research and is based on unsystematic empirical observations.

The assumption of the existence of the theory of “Three Biorhythms” is about 100 years old. Its authors were three researchers: psychologist Hermann Svoboda, otolaryngologist Wilhelm Fliess, who studied emotional and physical biorhythms, and teacher Friedrich Teltscher, who studied intellectual rhythm.

Hermann Svoboda worked in Vienna (Austria). Analyzing the behavior of his patients, he noticed that their thoughts, ideas, impulses to action were repeated with a certain frequency .

Herman Svoboda went further and began to analyze the onset and development of diseases, especially the cyclical nature of heart and asthmatic attacks. The result of these studies was the assumption of the existence of rhythmicity in physical (22 days) and mental (27 days) processes.

The doctors Wilhelm Fliess who lived in Berlin, became interested in the human body’s resistance to disease. Why do children with the same diagnoses have immunity at one time and die at another? Having collected data on the onset of illness, temperature and death, he linked them to the date of birth. Calculations have shown that changes in immunity can be predicted using 22-day physical and 27-day emotional biorhythms.

Newfangled biorhythms pushed Innsbruck teacher Friedrich Teltscher to his research. Telcher noticed that the desire and ability of students to perceive, systematize and use information, and generate ideas change from time to time, that is, they have a rhythmic nature. Comparing the dates of births of students, exams, and their results, he proposed an intellectual rhythm with a period of 32 days. Telcher continued his research, studying the lives of creative people. As a result, he suggested the existence of a “pulse” of intuition - 37 days.

Subsequently, research into biorhythms continued in Europe, the USA, and Japan. This process became especially intense with the advent of computers. In the 1970-1980s, biorhythms conquered the whole world. Among other things, hardware was produced for calculating “biorhythms” (for example, Casio biolator). Now the fashion for biorhythms has passed

Academic researchers have rejected the “three biorhythms theory.” Theoretical criticism is presented, for example, in a popular science book by a recognized specialist in chronobiology Arthur Winfrey. Unfortunately, the authors of scientific (not popular science) works did not consider it necessary to specifically devote time to criticism, but a number of publications (in Russian this is, for example, a collection edited Jurgen Aschoff, book L. Glass And M. Mecca and other sources) allow us to conclude that the “theory of three biorhythms” has no scientific basis. Much more convincing, however, is the experimental criticism of the “theory”. Numerous experimental tests in the 1970s and 80s completely refuted the “theory” as untenable. Currently, the “theory of three rhythms” is not recognized by the scientific community and is considered as pseudoscience

Thanks to the widespread use of the “three rhythm theory”, the words “biorhythm” and “ chronobiology” are often associated with pseudoscience. In fact, chronobiology is an evidence-based scientific discipline within the traditional academic mainstream of research, and the confusion arises from the misuse of the name of the scientific discipline in relation to a pseudoscientific theory.

Beginning of the form

End of form

Biorhythm cycles

Human life, like everything in nature, is subject to the influence of cyclical changes. The success of a particular type of activity at each moment in time is determined by the balance of the inflow and outflow of its internal energy. This balance changes according to human biorhythm cycles.

Physical biorhythm

Characterizes the amount of internal energy of the body, as well as indicators such as endurance, activity, reaction speed and others. Also, the physical biorhythm determines the body’s ability to recover, enterprise and ambition. Metabolic efficiency indicators depend on it.

An assessment of a person’s physical condition must necessarily include a study of this biorhythmic cycle. This is especially important for athletes, for whom heavy physical activity becomes an integral part of daily work. Determining favorable and unfavorable periods will make it possible to vary the intensity of training. In this way, a person can avoid injury and make the most of his internal resources.

Emotional (mental) biorhythm

This biorhythm determines your internal emotional condition. A person’s sensitivity, his perception, as well as the entire range of feelings and emotions that accompany everyday life directly depend on the course of his cycle. Also, the mental biorhythm is responsible for creativity and intuitive knowledge. It is especially important to consider the emotional cycle for women and all people engaged in creative activities or those whose work involves communication.

The impact of mental biorhythm on family and love relationship. Since its cycle determines the tendency to empathy, vulnerability and touchiness, these factors can have a significant impact on the communication of two close people.

Intellectual biorhythm

This biorhythmic cycle characterizes a person’s mental abilities. The ability to think, draw logical conclusions, compare facts, and find connections depends on the position of the sinusoid of the intellectual biorhythm. In addition, this biorhythm is responsible for forethought and caution, determining the rationality of human actions. People in intellectual professions - teachers, writers, journalists, financiers, etc. - feel the changes in the cycle especially clearly.

There is a version according to which there is a relationship between intellectual biorhythm and the secretion of the thyroid gland. There is also data confirming the dependence of labor productivity on changes in the cycle of this biorhythm.


Formula for calculating biorhythms.

Everywhere to calculate biorhythms is the formula:


Where p=(23, 28, 33), i.e. the phase of the biorhythm that we want to calculate




B-biorhythm state in %

Pi number taken equal to 3.14

T is the number of days that have passed from the date of birth to the current moment.


1Gubin G. D., Gerlovin E. Sh. Daily rhythms of biological processes and their adaptive significance in the onto- and phylogenesis of vertebrates. - Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1980.

2Chronobiology and chronomedicine. / Ed. F. I. Komarova. - M.: Medicine, 1989. ISBN 5-225-01496-8.

3 Perna N. Rhythm, life and creativity / Ed. P. Yu. Schmidt - L.-M.: Petrograd , 1925.

5Internet, Wikipedia.

GBOU gymnasium No. 1529


Direct path to success

Psychology project

students of grade 9 "B"

Gushchina Natasha and Dobreva Evdokia

Scientific supervisors: Sviridova V.V., Belenkova A.S.

Moscow, 2011


Relevance of the problem

Goals, objectives, hypothesis

    Main part

What are biorhythms?

Discovery of biorhythms

Classification of biorhythms

Practical part. 1



Results of the study



Relevance of the problem

The further progress moves, the more careless people are about their health. Of course, we have learned to use the capabilities of our body, but at the same time we have forgotten about a sense of proportion. By depleting our vital resources, we do not think about the consequences. In ancient times, people lived according to their “internal clock”. Now, in the pursuit of success, people can cause irreparable harm to their health, despite the best living conditions.


    Human biorhythms and his lifestyle are closely related to each other

    Knowing your type of biorhythms is the key to a successful future

    Rapid change of time zones, disrupting biorhythms, leads to deterioration in well-being

Purpose of the study

    Show people what an important role the laws of nature play in choosing a life path.

Working methods

    Review of literature sources


    Cognitive testing

    Statistical analysis

What are biorhythms?

Biorhythms are periodically repeated changes in the nature and intensity of biological processes and phenomena. They are characteristic of living matter at all levels of its organization - from molecular and subcellular to the biosphere. They are a fundamental process in living nature. Some biological rhythms are relatively independent (for example, the frequency of heart contractions, breathing), others are associated with the adaptation of organisms to geophysical cycles - daily (for example, fluctuations in the intensity of cell division, metabolism, motor activity of animals), tidal (for example, the opening and closing of shells in marine mollusks associated with the level of sea tides), annual (changes in the number and activity of animals, growth and development of plants, etc.)

Discovery of biorhythms

ABOUT People have known the existence of biological rhythms since ancient times. Already in the “Old Testament” instructions are given about the correct lifestyle, nutrition, alternation of phases of activity and rest. Ancient scientists wrote about the same thing: Hippocrates, Avicenna and others.

The founder of chronobiology - the science of biorhythms, is considered to be the German physician Christopher William Gufeland, who in 1797 drew the attention of his colleagues to the universality of rhythmic processes in biology: every day life repeats itself in certain rhythms, and the daily cycle associated with the rotation of the Earth around its axis regulates life activity all living things, including the human body.

The first serious scientific research in this area began to be carried out at the beginning of the 20th century, including by Russian scientists I. P. Pavlov, V. V. Vernadsky, A. L. Chizhevsky and others.

Classification of biorhythms

Living beings cannot help but react to certain changes in the environment.

Exogenous (external) rhythms- rhythms that respond to the arrival of certain signals from the external environment. If there are no signals, there will be no reaction. To a certain extent, the number of external rhythms includes, for example, “bird clocks”. Birds in the morning begin to sing in a certain order, and end in reverse order. If the sky suddenly becomes cloudy in the morning, the singing will be heard twice in the same sequence. Thus, we can conclude that the morning “bird hours” depend on the illumination.

E endogenous (internal) rhythms- rhythms, the periodicity of which does not depend on external signals. Processes that exhibit internal rhythms include, among others, the heartbeat, periodic fluctuations in the electrical potential of the cerebral cortex, etc.

High frequency biorhythms

High frequency rhythms: from a fraction of a second to 30 minutes. Rhythms occur at the molecular level, appear on the EEG, ECG, and are recorded during breathing, intestinal peristalsis, etc.

WITH mid-frequency biorhythms
The leading role among all biorhythms, of course, belongs to the daily or circadian cycle, determined by the rotation of the Earth around its axis. Most processes and reactions occurring in the body obey precisely this rhythm. The daily periodicity of the vital functions of the body is an innate property, however, sometimes some changes in this rhythm can occur under the influence of social factors. Light guides this cycle. Accordingly, when it is present, the body is in an active phase; when it is not, the rate of physiological processes decreases. Scientists have already established the main daily rhythms of activity of organs and systems, endocrine glands, and cells. For example, the values ​​of blood pressure and body temperature reach a maximum at 18 o’clock, and minimums are recorded around 3 o’clock in the morning. It is the disruption of circadian rhythms that is the root cause of many diseases.

Owl, lark or dove?

There are three groups of people with three types of daily biorhythms.

"Larks" - people whose mid-frequency rhythms shift forward, that is, those who have advanced sleep phase syndrome. People who are "morning people" sleep the same amount of time as others, but their bedtime rhythm is shifted to earlier in the evening. They want to sleep early, fall asleep quickly and get up very early at the same morning hours. In the subsequent practical part, it turned out that early risers are better able to tolerate disruptions in biorhythms when flying from west to east than owls.

"Pigeons" - daytime people. Their circadian rhythm is most adapted to the normal cycle of day and night. The period of their best mental and physical activity is observed from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. They are better adapted to the changes of light and darkness.

"Owls" - people who experience delayed sleep phases. People of the evening type adapt more easily to night shift work and three-shift work. Owls have better control over their sleep-wake rhythm than other people. They prefer to go to bed later than 23-24 hours, but it is harder for them to get up in the early morning hours. Many owls are impressed by their nocturnal life.

N low-frequency biorhythms

Monthly rhythm
One of the most important biorhythms is menstruation. However, it is not measured by our calendar month - in nature there are no processes that coincide in their cycles with October or March. The monthly biorhythm refers to the lunar cycle, the duration of which is 29.5 days. The lunar cycle has a huge impact on all processes occurring on our planet: sea ebbs and flows, reproduction periods in animals, the intensity of oxygen absorption by plants, etc. The Moon also affects humans; the change in the phases of the Moon is felt especially clearly by people experiencing problems with health. For example, on new moon days, when the gravitational effect of the Moon on the Earth’s shell is especially strong, the number of relapses of diseases of the cardiovascular system increases, brain activity decreases, and the number of mental disorders increases. In our country, few people now know about the influence of the phases of the moon on the state of the body, but in India and China the lunar cycle is included in the civil calendar.

Annual rhythm
The annual rhythm is determined by the rotation of the Earth around the Sun, due to which the seasons of the year change on our planet. During this cycle, the parameters of temperature, humidity, air aeronization and many others change. Human activity also changes with the seasons. Most people are less active on short winter days, but with the onset of spring, people come to life and become more active. Moreover, the most fruitful of the four seasons is autumn.

There is also such a thing as an individual biological year. Its countdown begins from the date of birth. Numerous observations carried out by scientists have shown that the lowest human activity is recorded in the 2nd and 12th months from the date of birth, but the peak of performance, mental and intellectual growth is in 1 month of the individual year. In general, the first half of an individual year is considered more productive and calm in terms of health, while the second half is considered more dangerous.

Perennial rhythms
There is still very little information about the long-term rhythms operating inside the human body, but we will still tell you about one cycle that has been known for many millennia. There is probably no person who is not familiar with the Chinese calendar: the year of the pig, the year of the horse, the year of the dog. However, few people know that this calendar has a much more serious basis than it seems at first glance. In fact, this calendar is a description life cycle person: from infancy to old age. In accordance with this calendar, every 12 years (plus/minus 2-3 years) a restructuring of the energy system occurs in our body, transferring us to the next stage of the life cycle. The first 12-year period is characterized by intense physical growth and adaptation to the outside world. This is a rather difficult period: as a rule, until the age of 12, children get sick a lot. The second phase of the cycle lasts until approximately 24 years of age. And although it is quite difficult to detect any changes during this period, it is quite obvious that after 24 years people’s lifestyle changes, they start a family and settle down. The next 12-year period is still quite prosperous, although many are already discovering certain diseases that begin to manifest themselves clearly or worsen at the end of the fourth period - 48 years. At 60 years of age the cycle ends completely and a new cycle begins. A person again enters the most difficult phase - the first 12th birthday. It is believed that after approximately 75 years, when the first most difficult 12-year cycle ends, the likelihood of disease decreases.

Practical part. 1

Survey : “owl”, “lark” or “dove”?
Among successful people of various professions. We interviewed approximately 15 people from each professional group.

Conclusion to the survey:

When choosing a profession, you need to take into account your type of biorhythms, since reasonable planning of your day is the key to successful career advancement.

Cognitive testing results

We conducted a cognitive test among our classmates, 9th grade students (see appendices). We examined their performance throughout the day, the least number of errors on average were made in the middle of the day, from which we concluded that the majority of our classmates are “pigeons.”

Statistical analysis of test results (24 people)

A study of the test results of our classmates, 9th grade students, showed that the peak activity of “larks” occurs in the first half of the day, the results of the work of “pigeons” and “owls” improve as the second half of the day approaches.

From this we can logically conclude that writing tests in the second half of the school day can significantly improve class performance. (“Doves” 50%, “owls” 35%, “larks” 15%)


Under the influence of unfavorable factors, a mismatch may occur between the components of the biorhythmic system. It is characterized by rapid fatigue, decreased performance, weakness, drowsiness during the day and insomnia at night, increased heart rate, and sweating.

Desynchronosis occurs:

    during the “off-season” periods (spring and autumn);

    when drinking alcohol;

    with aging

    when moving and flying across several time zones;

    under severe stress

    with frequent shifts in the peak of human activity

    for diseases;

Practical part. 2

The experiment included a flight from Moscow to New York and back. The study involved 18 people, of whom 11 were adults and 7 were adolescents.

So,experiment results :

With a sharp change in time zones, the body’s functioning is disrupted:
- appetite worsens
- periods of activity and passivity occur in accordance with the usual rhythm

Slightly low blood pressure (≈ 115/60)


Study showed that owls more easily tolerate disruptions in biorhythms when flying from east to west, and larks, on the contrary, from west to east.

1. The adaptation period (h.-w.) for owls is ≈ 4 days

larks have ≈ 8 days

in pigeons ≈ 5 days

2. Teenagers can handle flying easier than adults.

3. The adaptation period (W-W) for owls is ≈ 9 days

larks have ≈ 7 days

    Having decided on your type of biorhythm, try not to change your daily routine

    Don't abuse alcohol

    Try to avoid stress

During the flight:

    In the first days after arriving in the West, breakfasts should be higher in calories than usual. Those who have moved to the east are advised to eat food in the morning that increases the excitability of the central nervous system. In the West, a light nap during the day is considered beneficial.

    In the eastern time zone, more strenuous work, both mental and physical, should be scheduled for the 2nd half of the day, and in the west for the 1st half of the day.


    A person’s lifestyle is closely related to his biorhythms

    When flying, the usual rhythm is disrupted, which has a detrimental effect on a person’s well-being.

    Knowing your type of biorhythms is the key to a successful future


    Knowing biorhythms and planning activities in accordance with them could significantly improve a person’s quality of life.

    Understanding the laws of nature is the path to success


    “Biorhythms or the foundations of alternative psychology” Kvyatkovsky Oleg Vadimovich.

    “Biorhythms, their role in human life” Savenkov A. A.

    “Trillions of Silent Hours” by O. Belokonev

    Biological rhythms. Brief Medical Encyclopedia, publishing house "Soviet Encyclopedia", second edition, 1989, Moscow

    Gubin G. D., Gerlovin E. Sh. “Daily rhythms of biological processes and their adaptive significance in the onto- and phylogenesis of vertebrates” - Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1980.

    “Chronobiology and chronomedicine” / Ed. F. I. Komarova. - M.: Medicine, 1989

    Perna N. “Rhythm, life and creativity” / Ed. P. Yu. Schmidt - Leningrad-M.: Petrograd, 1925.

Ostberg's questionnaire

1. Is it difficult for you to get up early in the morning:

a) yes, almost always (3)

b) sometimes (2)

c) rarely (1)

d) extremely rarely (0)

2. If you had the opportunity to choose, what time would you go to bed in the evening?

a) after one in the morning (3)

b) from 23 to 1 o'clock (2)

c) from 22 to 23 hours (1)

d) up to 22 hours (0)

3. What kind of breakfast do you prefer during the first hour after waking up?

a) dense (0)

b) less dense (1)

c) you can limit yourself to a boiled egg (2)

d) a cup of tea or coffee is enough (3)

4. If you remember your last disagreements at work and at home, when do they mostly occur?

a) in the morning (1)

b) in the afternoon (0)

5. What is easier for you to give up:

a) from morning tea or coffee (2)

b) from evening tea (0)

6. How accurately do you count the time in 1 minute?

a) less than a minute (0)

b) more than a minute (2)

7. How easily can you change your eating habits while on vacation or traveling?

a) very easy (0)

b) easy (1)

c) difficult (2)

d) don’t change (3)

8. If you have important things to do early in the morning, how much earlier do you go to bed?

a) for more than 2 hours (3)

b) for an hour or two (2)

c) less than an hour (1)

d) as usual (0)

Scores are calculated for all questions. A sum from 0 to 7 allows the subject to be considered a “lark”; from 8 to 13 - "dove"; from 14 to 20 - "night owl".
