If you plant potatoes in June. Early potatoes in June

29 06.18

Is it possible to plant potatoes in summer? Secrets of a rich harvest!


If for some reason the potatoes are not planted on time and the tubers ready for planting are in the basement, then they can be planted in the summer. But to do this, you need to follow the following rules, which this article will tell you about.

Advantages of planting potatoes in June

  • The beds that are left empty after harvesting early radishes and lettuce can be planted with potatoes.
  • Potatoes can be planted even without sprouts.
  • There will no longer be frost in the soil, and most pests and mold will no longer affect the tubers.
  • There are almost no weeds in the garden this season, and the potato harvest with this planting method will be stored longer, because it will ripen later.

Which varieties are suitable for summer planting?

For these purposes you need to take early varieties, this is “Impala” and the “Bullfinch” variety. As well as tubers of medium maturity, these are the “Nevsky” varieties and the “Udacha” variety. There are about three months left before harvest and cold weather. The period is quite sufficient for the formation of new potato tubers.

In addition to these varieties, you can plant those that you use, but the time before harvesting should be from 2.5 to 3 months.

Potato planting methods

In order to plant potatoes, you need to store them in the basement mixed with ash before planting. It will still germinate until June, that is, there is no need to wait for sprouts. But planting is complicated by the fact that the soil is already warmed up by more than 20 cm in summer and the tubers may simply disappear. For gardeners who treat tubers with pest control drugs, they need to process and prepare the tubers.

Since it is very hot outside, you need to plant potatoes with ridges and sprinkle them with a layer of straw of about 20 cm. In this case, you do not need to sprinkle fertilizing and fertilizers, and if you fertilize the tubers, then with mineral complexes.

Proper watering

Since June is very hot, planted tubers need to be watered abundantly and often, at least three times every 7 days. In this case, the moisture content of both the top layer of straw and the soil underneath it must be checked; if the moisture level is not sufficient, unscheduled watering should be carried out.

If you skip watering, the tubers will die in the hot soil. To avoid this, you need to water the potatoes between the rows, in stripes, this will ensure direct watering of the roots. In this case, immediately put the straw back into the rows after watering.

In addition to timely and abundant watering, potatoes need fertilizers. You need to fertilize at the moment the potatoes have high-quality tops; for this you need saltpeter and potassium. The second stage of the fertilizing process must be carried out during the period when tassels with future flowers appear on the bushes.

In this feeding you need to use wood ash. The third stage of fertilization, after the potatoes have flowered, you need to use phosphorus fertilizer.

It is important not to forget about timely watering, which must be maintained throughout the entire potato growing period.

Potato harvesting

After the ripening period of the tubers is completed, the harvest can be harvested. This can be determined the following signs. The potato bushes faded and began to turn yellow. If this does not happen, and the tops are green, but according to the ripening period, the time has already come to dig up one bush and check it. When the potatoes ripen, the skin on the tuber will stick tightly.


If you want to pamper yourself with new potatoes in the fall, feel free to plant them in mid-summer. This method will allow you to get not only tasty potatoes, but also better quality planting material.

Often gardeners who are used to planting potatoes early spring, complain about its unsatisfactory quality in July. This is due to the fact that the tubers are in overheated soil for a long time, as a result they lose their seed qualities, become small in size, and their quantity is not pleasing. The same cannot be said about planting potatoes in mid-summer, where all of the above problems are easily eliminated.

Planting potato tubers

This is explained by the late ripening of the vegetable, which occurs at the end of September-October, when the soil is sufficiently warmed up, but a slight coolness is already felt in the air. This eliminates the possibility of tuber degeneration, to which early potato varieties are very susceptible. In addition, such potatoes are stored much better in winter and begin to grow quite late. This is also another definite plus. Accordingly, you don’t have to constantly sort through the potatoes and pick off the sprouts, which means that the chances of getting a high yield from seed tubers increases threefold.

There are two ways to plant potatoes in July. The first is planting tubers from last year's harvest. Of course, there are difficulties, one of which is quality planting material, With minimum quantity fragments of sprouts, which over time take nutrients from the potato and make it soft. It is important to guess the landing time. Most gardeners prefer the dates from July 10 to July 25. For better preservation, many people store planting material in the refrigerator, germinating it first in the light. And so that the tubers do not lose their attractiveness and do not turn into shriveled fruit, they are sprayed with water daily. This way the sprouts remain short, strong and green throughout the entire germination period.

Last year's potato tubers

The second method is to use freshly dug tubers from a new harvest. As practice shows, the quantity and quality of the harvest from such tubers increases by about 25% compared to spring planting. However, there is one main subtlety here - to bring young potato tubers out of the dormant stage. After all, young, insufficiently ripened tubers are quickly removed from this state, but they can rot in the soil. Therefore, it is better to use well-ripened tubers, although you will have to work a little on them, but the chance of their death in the soil after planting is minimal.

If the tuber is too large, it is cut into large slices weighing approximately 25-30 g. This is necessary so that growth stimulants penetrate better into the fruit. But on small tubers, ring cuts are usually made. A solution is used as a growth stimulator Gibberellina or succinic acid , at the rate of 10 tablets per 10 liters of water. The duration of such soaking is from 30 minutes to an hour. Then the tubers must be dried in a well-ventilated area for 10-12 days.

The ideal option for planting summer potatoes would be early, very early and mid-season varieties. Such planting materials will have to be stored for quite a long time - 9-11 months in a cool place. A refrigerator or cellar is suitable for these purposes. Remember warm rooms with plenty of sunlight accelerate the growth of tuberous sprouts, causing them to lose nutrients and moisture. You certainly won’t get a successful harvest from such planting material. But slight coolness will significantly slow down the growth of sprouts. Such tubers will last until the time you need and will retain their elasticity.

Planting potatoes in the garden

As for choosing the optimal value, it largely depends on your expectations from the upcoming harvest. The smaller the tuber, the more new tubers it will produce, and vice versa. Therefore, experts recommend choosing medium-sized tubers for planting in July, weighing 60-100 g, with soft skin that can be easily peeled off with a fingernail. However, if you decide to use a large tuber, then before planting you need to cut it into several parts so that each of them has several eyes. Moreover, carry out this procedure it is necessary along, and not across, since the highest quality potato sprouts are at the top of the tuber.

However, if, after following all the recommendations, the harvest becomes even worse, change the planting material. Don't forget to do this at least once every 5 years!

If you use freshly dug tubers for planting, they must be isolated from the sun. Make sure the potatoes are not infected with fungal diseases. To do this, free the selected materials from the soil, rinse and carefully inspect from all sides. If holes, spots or cracks are found on the tubers, they are prohibited from being used for planting. If all is well, then the potatoes must be cut on all sides to a depth of 0.2-0.5 cm, not forgetting to disinfect the knife in a solution of copper sulfate.

Disinfection of tubers using Prestige

As mentioned earlier, the cuts will help stimulate growth. And in order to further enhance it, soak the tubers in a solution of potassium humate, succinic acid , Gibberellin, Immunocytophyte. The proportions and soaking time will depend on the preparation you choose. To reliably protect summer planting from pests and fungal diseases, in particular the Colorado potato beetle and late blight, it is also worth applying fungicides. The best option V in this case will become Matador Super, Prestige, Masterpiece, Nuprid, Antizhuk-Hydro or everyone knows copper sulfate. To ensure that the solution is better absorbed during drying, the potatoes must be covered with black film or placed in the shade.

Besides chemicals, planting fragrant plants (horseradish, aromatic herbs, calendula) helps reduce the number of pests. And on the sides of the potato beds it would be nice to plant marigolds, tansy, coriander or catnip. These plants repel the Colorado potato beetle.

The tubers have already been processed and are completely ready for planting. Now all that remains is to prepare the soil and provide the potatoes with appropriate care. First of all, care must be taken to introduce a sufficient amount of mineral and organic fertilizers, as with spring planting. Among organic matter, you should give preference to humus, compost and manure. They contain all the necessary macro- and micronutrients (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium), as well as nitrogen. Moreover, humus contains 2-3 times more nitrogenous substances than fresh manure. For this you can use slurry, at a rate of 1:4, as well as superphosphate, in proportions of 1 tbsp. l. per 10 liters of water, with a lack of phosphorus in the soil.

Planting potatoes after preparing the bed

Undoubtedly good fertilizer ash is also used for potatoes. It must be applied under plowing or directly to the bottom of the hole. Around the end of September, experts advise using foliar feeding Biomix-3, at the rate of 2 tablets per 10 liters of water. This drug helps activate cellular processes and accelerate growth. As for the choice of soil itself, it should be light, with a lot of sand, so that oxygen penetrates well to the root system of the plant. Also remember, summer planting of potatoes is done on vegetable garden where other crops grew, such as radishes, watercress, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes or green peas. You should not plant potatoes in the same beds; at least alternate them.

Ideally, potatoes should be returned to their original growing location no earlier than after 3 years. Many people ignore this important point, and as a result, the tubers begin to hurt due to accumulated infections in the soil. The depth of the holes for planting should be 6-10 cm, no more. Otherwise nutrients It will be difficult to harvest, and as a result the tubers will turn out small with an abundance of tops. As for the other parameters, the optimal feeding area is considered to be an area of ​​70 by 20 cm, this is how they are created comfortable conditions for a plant. We plant potatoes in the south of the country from July 15 to 25, in the forest-steppe zone - 10 days earlier, and in Polesie - in mid-June.

The top of the tubers is sprinkled with earth and a thin layer sawdust or hay to increase moisture resistance. This is quite important, especially in the first 5-6 days after planting. Otherwise, dry soil can lead to deep dormancy of the tubers, and their growth will slow down significantly. Therefore, after planting potatoes, we water abundantly, at the rate of 30 liters per 1 m2, repeating the procedure as the soil dries out. And when the potato tops reach 15-20 cm, we additionally do vegetation irrigation at the rate of 60 liters per 1 m2. A total of 4 such waterings are needed. We carry out the first immediately after the appearance of mature shoots, the second - during budding, the third and fourth - during flowering, with an interval of 7-10 days, not forgetting to plow after each watering.

To prevent pests, spray using systemic fungicides Aktara, Tanrek, Konfidor, especially at the initial stage of growth. However, if the tops still begin to turn black, they must be removed and burned to prevent the spread of infection. When the plant becomes tall enough and blooms well, and this will happen, most likely, during the first cold snap, cover it on top with an awning, which is ideal for lutrasil. Pre-arrange the potatoes with iron arches, this will make it easier for you to dress this material. This will protect the potatoes from the cold and future frosts until they are fully ripened.

When does that exciting moment of the autumn harvest come? As a rule, this occurs between October 15 and October 20. Unripe green tops are mowed and removed. The dug up tubers have medium size, although there are also quite large potatoes. But even small tubers, the size of a pigeon egg, are excellent planting material for obtaining a hefty summer harvest.

Potato harvest

As a result, tubers planted at the end of July have excellent presentation and taste. This may also be facilitated by another important point - a double interruption of the outflow of plastic elements from the tops to the tubers during summer planting. The first occurs when tubers are dug up during the flowering period, and the second occurs during the main autumn harvest.

The vast majority of self-taught gardeners are confident that the most optimal period for planting potatoes is the first ten days of May. But recently, an increasing number of professional agronomists agree that planting potatoes later will help improve yields.

Advantages of planting potatoes in June: Colorado potato beetle

By planting potatoes in June, that is, by increasing the recommended planting dates, you can “deceive” one of the most common pests of this crop - the Colorado potato beetle. Thus, observant gardeners note that the peak of intense activity of this insect is noted in the first half of summer, while by the last summer month the beetle’s activity begins to decline and plants have the opportunity to develop without negative impact harmful organisms on them.

If you wait to plant potatoes and move it from May to June, you can ensure that the Colorado potato beetle will be active in neighboring potato plantings, where the tops are already fully formed, while the tops of late-planted potatoes will not seem so tasty to the pest. and attract his attention.

Weed control

When planting potatoes in June, you can long time free yourself from the responsibility of weeding this vegetable crop. On a recently dug up plot of land weed seeds grow much later.

Thus, when planting in June, it is often necessary to remove weeds from the area only a couple of times throughout the entire season. It is possible to combine this manipulation with hilling the tops of the plant.

Germination conditions

Planting at a later date creates comfortable conditions for a more intensive rate of tuber germination. Thanks to this, seedlings appear an order of magnitude faster.

In addition, potato seedlings when planted late are characterized by increased strength. They grow well and in their development reach their required size several weeks faster.

Choosing a variety for June planting

The choice of a specific variety is of great importance for planting potatoes in June. So, it is important to understand that when planting potatoes late, you should not take late varieties; only early or middle ones will do. Germination of sprouts should be carried out at a temperature of 18 to 20°C Celsius, followed by a decrease after 12 days by 6-8°C. Potato tubers are planted in well-dug soil enriched with organic and mineral fertilizers. In the future vegetable crop comprehensive care must be provided.

Thus, the question of whether it is possible to plant potatoes in June has an affirmative answer. Moreover, as you can clearly see, late planting of potatoes has a number of undeniable advantages over early boarding, including not only a reduction in the number of measures for its care, but also increased productivity and improved quality of root crops.

Most gardeners start in mid-spring. Usually this is the month of April, when the sun warms the earth and stable weather sets in without returning frosts. However, some of them also practice later planting of tubers. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this method and is it possible to plant potatoes in June?

Features of summer planting

Planting potatoes in June is not a rare phenomenon and is very acceptable. At this time, the soil temperature is 12 degrees and in such conditions the first shoots appear quickly. In addition, freezing of the bushes is excluded, because in the summer there can be no talk of any drop in temperature, and by the end of September the harvest is already ripening. However, when summer planting It is worth paying attention to the following points:

  • the beds need abundant watering, especially if the summer is hot;
  • young bushes appear just at the peak of the Colorado potato beetle invasion, and efforts will be required to protect the potatoes from it;
  • in regions where autumn and the first frosts come early, there is a risk that the plantings will be damaged even before the crop has time to fully ripen.

When planning the June planting of potatoes, it is worth considering that late planting does not contribute to a bountiful harvest. Root crops, compared to those planted in the spring, will be smaller, but they are excellent seed material.

Experienced gardeners in June advise using early varieties of potatoes - with regular watering, the tubers have time to ripen before the arrival of autumn, and they also grow quite large.

The best varieties for summer planting

Of those that are successfully grown by both early and late planting, it is worth noting:

Video on how to get two potato crops per season

Potatoes are very common among summer residents in our country. It is planted by both beginners and experienced gardeners, because potatoes are a versatile and very nutritious vegetable that is widely used in our cuisine.

Growing potatoes is not difficult, but yield is greatly influenced not only by proper care, but also the method of landing.

Under the shovel

“Under a shovel” is the classic and most common method for planting by hand. When the potatoes are ready for planting, in early to mid-May it will be necessary to select the most consecrated place and begin planting. Dig holes 15-20 cm deep, keep a distance between holes of about 50 cm. It is more convenient to plant potatoes together, so that one person digs holes, and the second puts the potatoes there, having previously put the necessary fertilizers. To make the rows even, you can tighten the pegs with a rope.

Landing along Mittleider

Distinctive feature This method is that the rows need to be formed in pairs, that is, two rows are located at a distance of up to 30 cm, and the distance between each two lines is up to one meter. Thanks to this method, you can increase your yield by 15-20% due to good lighting of the plants, and wide passages can be used for watering and fertilizing. The depth of the potato hole does not change - 15-20 cm will be enough.

Chinese way

Unusual way, which our summer residents rarely use. Its essence is to dig a deep hole up to half a meter deep instead of a hole, and as the potatoes grow, keep their tops underground, this will provoke the formation of tubers. To plant potatoes the Chinese way, follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. Dig a hole 50 cm deep and about 80 cm in diameter.
  2. At the bottom of the hole, mix the fertilizers necessary for potato growth (for example, manure and ash).
  3. Plant a tuber.
  4. Place 10 cm of soil on top and water.
  5. After the bush grows 15-20 cm, cover it with soil so that about 5 cm remains on top.
  6. As the potatoes grow, continue to do this kind of hilling.

Square nest method

Before planting potatoes, you need to consider the following scheme: divide the field for planting into squares with sides of approximately 70-90 cm, observing a checkerboard pattern. In the corners of each square, dig holes about 15 cm deep, apply the necessary fertilizers and plant 1 or 2 tubers. The advantage of this method is that the plants have enough sunlight, they do not compete for water and useful substances, which has a beneficial effect on productivity.

Planting in a barrel

This method is no-till, it is similar to the Chinese one, the only difference is that the potatoes are planted not in the ground, but in an ordinary barrel. First, holes must be made in its bottom so that moisture and air can better flow to the roots; holes can also be made in the walls. Follow the same sequence as in the Chinese planting method until the ground level in the barrel reaches one meter.

Landing on ridges

This method is ideal for planting in soil where there are nearby groundwater. Combs will help avoid excess moisture. Before planting, add fertilizer to the soil and mix everything thoroughly, then you can form ridges, keeping a distance between them of about 40 cm. Each new tuber can be planted every 25-30 cm. After planting, cover the potatoes with soil and form a ridge with a hoe.

Landing under black film

For residents of the northern regions who want to receive early harvest, the method of planting under black film is suitable. To do this, you need to insert arcs about 70-80 cm high into the potato bed, placing a film on top, or simply cover the bed itself with film. The planting technology is similar to the “under the shovel” method. As the plants grow, if the temperature has reached 25 o, holes can be made in the film, and its edges can be raised during the day.

Rules for planting potatoes

First, before planting, you should find out what type of soil is on your dacha plot; the depth of planting the potatoes depends on this:

  • For clay soils- this is 7-9 cm;
  • for chernozem soils - 10-15 cm;
  • for sandy ones - up to 20 cm.

The density of planting depends on the size of the tubers - the smaller they are, the denser they need to be planted.

Avoid too rainy weather, otherwise your plants may get sick. If wet soil cannot be avoided, try to do all planting quickly, within 3-4 days. 38-50 thousand food plants per 1 hectare of land is the norm, seed plants - from 40 thousand per 1 hectare.

When to plant potatoes

Traditionally, it is customary to plant potatoes from late April to mid-May. However, potatoes planted in summer in June and even July can grow successfully. The main thing is that the air temperature at night reaches 10 o. If you live in middle lane, then you can drop off mid-season variety, if in the northern regions, then early ripening, since frosts can hit sharply and the tubers will not have time to ripen. Don't be afraid to sow so late; summer potatoes taste just as good as earlier ones.

Soil preparation rules

The main condition when choosing a place for planting is its illumination; it is better to choose an area oriented from south to north. Open ground must be prepared in the fall, immediately after harvesting, the best option It will be good to dig up the ground and add humus to it. In the spring, also thoroughly loosen the soil, remove all weeds and remaining plant roots.

Preparation of planting material

It is better to start preparing tubers in advance - 20-30 days in advance. The essence of the preparation is to obtain green sprouts, which will accelerate the germination and growth rate of potatoes. This process is called germination. There are several types of germination:

  • Dry. Place the potatoes in a well-lit place, observing temperature regime(in the first days - 18-20 degrees, in the next -14-18 o).
  • Wet. For 15 days, the potatoes are kept in boxes sprinkled with peat on top. Thanks to this, root vegetables form not only sprouts, but also roots.
  • Combined. For the first 3 weeks you need to keep the potatoes in a lighted place, the next 10-15 days in boxes with peat.



Ridge planting is suitable for loams and clay soils; ridges will help to avoid excess moisture. You can make ridges in the selected area in the spring, just before planting. To do this, pull the ropes at a distance of about 70 cm from each other. The distance between holes is up to 30 cm, planting depth depends on the type of soil. Considered one of the most simple ways, since it does not require labor-intensive plowing of the soil, and even the lazy can handle it.

In the trench

This method can greatly increase productivity, so it is suitable for all summer residents with a small plot. You need to prepare for this planting method in the fall: you need to dig a trench 35-40 cm deep and fill it with various organic waste so that by spring it will all rot. Tubers need to be planted every 30 cm.
