Buy brown curtains. Brown curtains - shades and combination rules

Curtains are important element in creating a modern interior. The illumination and appearance of the room as a whole depend on their color. Brown curtains can update a room, bring exoticism or add restraint. This article will talk about characteristic features curtains of this color.


Buyers associate the brown color of curtains with nature, severity and confidence. This is the reason for their popularity. They can add restraint or romance to the interior. The main thing is to know about the features of these curtains, use the advantages and avoid the disadvantages of color. And then you will be able to create a harmonious atmosphere in the room.


  • curtains Brown versatile and, unlike light-colored fabrics, easy to clean;
  • warm colors give the home a feeling of security, warmth and comfort;
  • thick brown curtains provide good protection from sunlight during the day and from street lamps at night;
  • This best option for the background: this color perfectly complements many colors and does not draw attention to itself;
  • brown fabrics with gold or silver shades look expensive and noble, and also add light.


  • can visually reduce space. Therefore, in small rooms it is better to use sand and light chocolate shades;
  • the bedroom will become too dark and gloomy due to the abundance of cold brown tones.

In different rooms

Brown curtains are a universal element for decoration different rooms. They are especially suitable for all kinds of wooden furniture. Night curtains and light translucent tulles, canvases of various lengths and patterns perfectly decorate any room. The variety of design options is limited solely by the designer’s imagination and sense of proportion. In a room where a strict official style reigns, it is best to hang light brown Roman blinds. They go perfectly with rattan furniture and light walls.

If the living room windows face the sunny side, then good option– bamboo curtains. On the one hand, they protect from light, and on the other hand, they do not make the room look like a bathhouse.

For lovers classic options dark brown will do Italian curtains with pattern.

Fabrics brown shades suitable for the bedroom as night curtains that protect from light. Warm tones will give comfort, and cold tones will bring peace. In a room with a white ceiling and light wallpaper, dark brown curtains with a lambrequin will add zest.

And golden brown curtains with oriental decorations will create a magical Moroccan style.

In the kitchen, dark brown tulle will not be the best option. Firstly, most kitchens are small in size, and a dark shade makes the space even smaller. Secondly, light matter develops from the slightest breath of wind, and its bottom can end up next to the slab. There are many alternatives to such curtains.

Light brown roller blindspractical model, which takes much less space than regular tulle.

Another variety of them is “Day-Night” roller blinds in a chocolate shade. With their help, you can adjust the light supply and save space on the windowsill.


In addition to the variety of shades brown curtains, there is a division of them by style. Different kinds have their own distinctive features and suit certain interior styles. Let's look at the main modern styles curtains


The most common type of curtain design is a free-hanging panel with or without a simple pattern. This option can cover all the windows or frame it on the sides. Such brown curtains are characterized by such additional elements, like ovaries, fringe, lambrequin. Brown curtains are often used to decorate bedrooms, living rooms and children's rooms.

Roman curtains

Japanese panels

They are frames with tightly stretched fabric, for example, with a floral pattern coffee color. The rigid frame does not allow the curtains to fold when moving. Because of their simple design, they are used to complement Minimalist style rooms.


Brown curtains with stripes are a fabric that gathers into folds. The Austrian type of product, unlike other types, is assembled only from the bottom. Such curtains, despite their dark color, add elements of lightness to the interior.

Combinations with other colors

Combining colors in the interior is as important as choosing the curtains themselves. Brown curtains go well with the white, blue and light green colors of the living room. However, for some shades of green it is better to choose not dark, but light curtains with matte surface:

  • Golden brown option curtains can be diluted with spectacular accessories and furniture in orange, light green or red. And when decorating a room in neutral tones, caramel curtains with beige patterns are usually chosen.

If your entire living room is made in brown shades, pearl, silver and soft pink elements will be a good addition to curtains of this color. Such solutions add spice and brightness to a dreary atmosphere.

  • Caramel tulle harmonizes well with beige, light blue, cream and purple wallpaper. Purple, like green, requires careful and thoughtful selection. Brown glossy curtains will match it. Caramel tulle gives the greatest effect in combination with a black and white interior.
  • Another great option: light green wallpaper and coffee curtains with turquoise or olive furniture. So as not to get tired of this rich color in the interior, it is added quite a bit. The combination with turquoise may seem risky, but it is often used to create a Mediterranean style.

How to choose?

To answer this question, you need to pay attention to the characteristics of the brown color, location, shape of the curtains and their material. We discussed the first two points above, so let’s pay attention to the others.

Shapes of brown curtains:

  • single- and multi-layer strict fabric curtains of various colors, shades and material densities. With the right combination of colors, this form is suitable for almost all rooms;
  • lambrequins are a decorative window decoration located horizontally relative to the top of the curtains. Combined with the first type of curtains, they are used in halls, living rooms and kitchens;
  • asymmetrical curtains with unusual shape and length are often placed in the bedroom;
  • roller curtains made of thick material that are rolled into a roll and hung like in living rooms, and in offices;
  • “Cafe” curtains are short curtains, which are usually used to decorate kitchens.


  • cotton, linen, satin - natural fabrics of plant origin. They are placed in children's rooms and bedrooms;
  • satin, silk - natural fabrics, difficult to care for, but give a rich look to brown curtains;
  • viscose, polyester - chemically produced fabrics. Unlike natural fibers, have a dense texture, are durable and are cheaper;
  • Blackout is an opaque fabric made using special technology weaving fibers. The three-color Blackout looks interesting and is highly durable;
  • chiffon, organza - thin, weightless material that creates soft folds;
  • brocade, velvet - dense, heavy and expensive materials, often used to create night curtains.

Diversity modern materials for curtains does not allow me to describe them all, since in addition to the fabrics described above, there are combinations of them. To increase service life, canvases can be treated with special solutions.

After a busy day, hard work or active rest I always want to be in a cozy homely atmosphere. You can create a relaxing and comfortable environment thanks to the color brown.

A bedroom with such a palette will give peace of mind and help restore the strength expended earlier. At the same time, using one color will make the room gloomy and uncomfortable, so it is important to know how best to decorate the interior and what colors are best combined with brown. We'll talk about this further.

Advantages of a brown bedroom

The bedroom is often decorated in brown. And this is no coincidence. This color is universal, natural, and communicative. It is suitable for people of absolutely any age, including children.

When combined with other natural colors, the bedroom will be refreshing and will delight with a stylish interior, speaking about the excellent taste of its owner.

It is important to understand that there are a lot of shades of brown, so you can choose the one you like and combine it with a variety of other colors. In addition, there are a lot of options on the market in this color.

Regarding shades, then to chocolate color The most suitable colors are white, beige, grayish blue, and warm yellow.

Actually brown is combined with green, turquoise, white. For a brown-red shade, mustard, orange, and light green tones will be an excellent addition. Coral, green, and orange colors are suitable for a grayish-brown shade.

The effect of brown color on humans

Many people at home want to relax after a hard day, lie down in front of a movie or book in the bedroom. To achieve this, the interior must create a calming and relaxing effect.

Brown color is perfect for this. It evokes coziness and comfort, while being one of the most restrained colors inherent in the classics.

Brown is associated with nature and earth. Therefore, for residents of megacities who rarely relax outside the city, it will also be more than appropriate.

We must remember that there are many shades of brown, and each of them plays its own role. Let's talk about the influence of the most common shades on a person.

Beige or sand tone is best used for excessive excitability, problems falling asleep, and insomnia. Brown color gives a feeling of warmth. For insomnia, beige is also chosen, complementing it with bright elements.

Yellow color stimulates brain activity, so only muted tones are acceptable for the bedroom. Chocolate and coffee tones help you relax, while lighter ones fill you with freedom and lightness.

Decorating a brown bedroom

First you need to decide whether the walls will be light or dark. This is all because a completely brown bedroom will be gloomy, so you should choose dark walls and light furniture or, conversely, light walls and dark furniture to add color and paint.

For a sunny room, walls covered with rich brown wallpaper look elegant. In this case, in addition to natural lighting, attention must be paid artificial light. Therefore, chandeliers, sconces, and a variety of lamps will be quite appropriate.

In addition to wallpaper, you can make decorative plaster and paint it in the desired colors.

Advice: It’s not worth doing all the walls in a dark brown color; it’s better, for example, to highlight two walls in a chocolate tone, and paste over the remaining two beige wallpaper or use large brown patterns on a light background.

If you have chosen dark furniture, then to expand the space and highlight it, you should choose light wallpaper, for example, cream. For a more original interior, it is better to choose textured wallpaper in the form of snake or crocodile skin.

Wallpapers with beige photos and rich coffee-colored patterns are also suitable. In this case, it is better to paste over only one or at most two walls, giving the design a refined individual touch.

An excellent solution for a brown bedroom would be a photo wallpaper where cream orchids, roses, and lilies stand out against a chocolate background. A brown animal print on one of the walls will also look quite harmonious. Live painting and various bamboo inserts are also used.

Furniture for a brown bedroom

As already mentioned, the color of the furniture depends on the choice of shades for the walls. If they are light, then it is appropriate to choose dark furniture and vice versa. Of course, it is often possible to use a chocolate tone for walls and furniture, but there should be as many light elements as possible, such as curtains, bedspreads, rugs.

The central place in the bedroom is occupied by the bed, so the emphasis can be placed on it. For this purpose, beds with a large, expressive headboard are often chosen. It is often upholstered in leather or satin draperies, using forged elements or wood carvings.

If there is no separate dressing room in the bedroom, a wardrobe is needed. This can be either a wardrobe or an ordinary traditional wardrobe with folding doors. In the second option, you can decorate the closet to match the bed with wrought iron or carved elements. The sliding wardrobe is relevant for a more modern style.

In addition, the bedroom can also stand small lockers, chest of drawers, dressing table. The main thing is that all the furniture is in the same style, and even better if it is a ready-made set.

Selecting curtains

First of all, it is worth noting that in a brown bedroom it is desirable big windows, as open as possible so that more light enters them. Therefore, the material should be quite light, but at the same time voluminous.

To refresh the interior and make the room bright, it is better to choose curtains light colors. Since brown color is most suitable for the classic style, colorful curtains are definitely not suitable; the choice should be made of plain curtains.


Decorated elements in the interior also play an important role; they make it complete and bring interesting notes. First of all, the bedroom is characterized by a large amount of textiles.

Voluminous curtains, lots of pillows, blankets, carpets - all this will fit perfectly into the overall design. The walls can be decorated with paintings or photographs, it all depends on the chosen style.

When choosing classics, wooden picture frames on a light beige background are perfect. Original lamps, a chandelier also complements the interior, and also makes it lighter and more comfortable.


Lighting in a brown bedroom is worth paying attention to Special attention. Such a room should be well lit. You can choose any size and shape, based on the style of the interior.

It’s better not to limit yourself to one chandelier, but to choose wall lamps, sconces, and lamps. Light interior details should be highlighted to create greater contrast. The effect of lamps is enhanced if you use additional mirrors that will reflect light.

Brown color combination

This color is sociable, so it can be combined with a fairly large number of colors and shades. Let's look at some of them.


The most advantageous and versatile would be a beige-brown bedroom. This is a cozy and elegant room. In addition, this combination visually expands the space and adds a touch of nobility.

You can add green tones to this solution, for example, with the help of house plants. To give the bedroom more warmth, you should additionally use red accessories.


The combination of brown and white is considered a classic. Such an interior will always be distinguished by good taste and respectability. This bedroom will have a formal look.

It is best to use modern styles here. Looks especially elegant in this case white furniture on a chocolate background. At the same time, it is also worth adding a little other color, such as olive, cream, gray, emerald, brick, so that the room does not become boring. Of course, lighting is extremely important in such an interior.


Yellow, golden, orange, and sand colors are also combined with brown. This is the key to comfort in the interior. However, this option will benefit from adding calmer, lighter tones to get rid of excessive saturation. Decorated pillows, curtains, curtains and other accessories will fulfill this mission.

Pink, blue

Gives the bedroom a stylish and elegant look pink color. Brown tones can mute its saturation, which is why the interior will become noble and impressive.

You can also include blue in this combination. You can also choose a brown-blue palette, where blue is better used for certain elements.


From a psychological point of view, brown is always associated with the earth, and turquoise with the sky, so this combination looks quite harmonious.

Exactly turquoise Can best be used for a brown bedroom by considering a blue palette. All other shades of blue will look aggressive, and it will be extremely difficult to relax in such a bedroom.


One of the most natural combinations is brown with green, olive, and light green. In this case, an association with forests and meadows is obtained.

This color scheme is suitable for eco-style. The room is filled with freshness and cleanliness. All materials should preferably be natural in order to further enhance the relaxing atmosphere that is so important for the bedroom.

The use of these colors is appropriate for the art deco style. In this case, emerald, green-jasper, and jade tones are used as green.

Leather or wooden furniture, light floors, and malachite wallpaper are suitable here. Also, accessories can be selected in metal or yellow colors, which will make the interior surprisingly rich.

Create sea ​​style possible by diluting the green-brown interior with a blue and white palette.

So the choice color solutions wide enough. It is recommended to avoid colors such as purple, lilac, red, indigo, burgundy, and poisonous yellow in a brown bedroom. These colors will make the bedroom either boring and depressing, or, on the contrary, will make the interior irritating and unnerving, which is unacceptable for a bedroom.

After a short period of oblivion, the most popular color Soviet interiors once again leading the way among fashionable color solutions for decorating various rooms. Brown color in all its manifestations is firmly established in houses and apartments in the form of painting furniture, finishing materials, and decorative items. It is not surprising that many people are interested in how to choose curtains to match brown wallpaper, or what accents to make in a room with beige curtains.

Criteria for choosing curtains

By tradition, curtains should be one of the most expensive elements of the interior, so it is so important not to make a mistake with their choice. To enjoy the design of a room in brown tones for a long time, you need to study the nuances of curtain design in all shades of complex colors.

Black coffee, chocolate, cocoa, coffee with milk, caramel - all these “delicious” words define shades of brown. And then there are: terracotta, mocha and warm golden tones. Warm coffee shades will not always look good against the cool “cocoa with milk” palette.

The overall style of the room influences the choice of curtain design. They are most often decorated in brown tones classic interiors spacious premises. Therefore, the style of curtains should also be classic - straight canvases, complemented by a lambrequin, tiebacks, or without them.

The functionality and size of the windows also matter. A small kitchen has its own criteria for choosing curtains. There is no need for darkening, so you can limit yourself to short tulle sheets. Orange, yellow, beige or white curtains are suitable for brown wallpaper. Roller or Roman blinds with translucent canvases or opaque materials are very convenient (if the kitchen area is clearly visible from a crowded street or a nearby house opposite).

Which curtains are suitable for a room with brown wallpaper: stylish solutions

Having decided on the style of the curtains, you should pay attention to the color of the fabric. If you have already purchased lampshades, bed linen, bedspreads, various pieces of furniture and decor, then you can match them. After all, all interior elements were probably purchased taking into account the coloring of the walls. It is even acceptable to have the same color that is present in the painting hanging in the bedroom opposite the window or above the head of the bed.

But much more often you have to choose curtains with an eye to the decoration of the walls. When going to a fabric store, you should take a piece of wallpaper with you to clearly see the compatibility of shades, patterns and textures of materials.

To select the color of curtains, use the following rules:

    1. If the bedroom is decorated in two main colors, you can safely choose one of them for the curtains.
    2. If several shades are visible, the curtains can be matched to the tone of the accessories or flooring. For example, beige curtains repeat the shade floor vase and floor finishing materials.
    3. Curtains that match the color of the walls, but a few shades darker or lighter, look great. TO brown wallpaper Light brown curtains will do. Interior with plain wallpaper and curtains it looks harmonious.
    4. If the walls are evenly painted or painted with a small pattern, curtains with a large print will look good.
    5. If there are large patterns on the walls, you need to use plain curtains. Moreover, their color should repeat the shade of the pattern. If the fabric of the curtains exactly matches the color of the wallpaper in color and pattern, then the window will merge with the wall. And this is only beneficial if the window is poorly located. In this case, you can make drapery in the “right” place with contrasting fabric (false window). If you choose fabric of a different color for curtains with large drawing, then the room will become too colorful.

    6. Compliance with these rules will allow you to create an elegant, complete interior. As a result, if the curtains are matched in color to the wallpaper and match the style of the room, the harmony of the decor is not satisfactory.

      How to choose the color of curtains for a bedroom in brown tones, examples with photos

      Furniture, decor and Decoration Materials in brown tones - ideal for a bedroom. This color, despite its complexity, is often found in nature, so its use in interior design creates natural living conditions for humans. If necessary, he calms down or helps to concentrate, but, despite all his positivity, he needs successful “companions”. IN color solution rooms need not only brown color and its derivatives, but also accents, interesting combinations of other shades that will prevent the interior from being gloomy or boring.

      Options with beige. Classic combination, in which beige curtains soften dark brown wallpaper in combination with dark wood furniture. Suitable for both the bedroom and living room. The second case requires little bright accents in the interior, otherwise the atmosphere in the communication room will be too relaxing. Great importance have fabrics used for sewing curtains. Using silk and satin in several rows you can make the room chic and expressive.

      Combinations with white. The perfect combination, looks expensive. It looks best with an equal amount of dark and light shades, without introducing additional accents. Solemn white tone will fill the room with lightness, “return” the space “stolen” by brown, and rid the room of the “darkness” of dark wallpaper. If you need to introduce a third color, you can use yellow and green blotches or their combinations.

      A little pink. This may seem surprising, but this option is not only suitable for a girl’s bedroom. Pink textiles, including the pattern of this color on the curtains, weaken the “seriousness” of the brown walls. Such combinations are typical for retro style, make the bedroom cozy and romantic. Moreover, you need to choose not a delicate, but a “strong” saturated shade of pink.

      Combination with green. Interesting option: light brown wallpaper and olive-yellow curtains. Such an interior will be enlivened by natural indoor plants, a fresh and dynamic image will remind you of the beauty of nature.

      Brown and blue. The combination is typical for eco-style. An unusual solution worthy of attention. Best effect obtained when using curtains calm blue color against the backdrop of rich brown walls. Such curtains against a calm background will make the room more spacious.

      "Orange Joy" An acceptable combination for a relaxation room if you use soft shades of a sunny palette.

      Gray curtains for brown wallpaper. This option is used infrequently and requires a competent approach from a professional designer.

      Blue and red curtains. If used incorrectly, strong colors can overlap each other, so such decor should be used by an experienced designer. Unsuccessful use of red and blue shades will lead to chaos in the interior.

      Spoil the interior of the room with brown walls pretty hard. The disturbed balance is easily restored with the help of corrective strokes. It is important to think through the plan well, following the designers' recommendations.

Curtains are an integral part of any interior, which brings comfort, some specialness and completeness to the overall environment.

Undoubtedly, the choice of curtains must be treated with due attention and care. In this text we will tell you about the use of brown curtains in the interior.

Advantages and disadvantages of using brown curtains in the interior

The main advantage of such curtains is the versatility of their shade, which can harmonize with any interior style and color scheme. Also, brown color can add nobility and expensiveness to your decor.

Curtains in brown shades have a relaxing effect on a person, because... This color is not too flashy. In addition, curtains made of thick textiles perfectly fulfill their primary task - darkening the room, thereby creating a cozy atmosphere.

The use of brown curtains is undesirable in a room where there is also a brown tint in the wall decoration and furniture, because... The area of ​​the room will visually decrease.

Dark brown curtains can darken the room too much.

The appropriateness of brown curtains in a certain room

Brown curtains should not be used in rooms with small dimensions, due to the fact that dark colors can visually reduce the area of ​​the room even more.

Such curtains can be placed in the hall, but, again, do not forget that the area of ​​the room should be sufficient. Also, dark curtains will ideally fit into the style of a room with large dimensions, and will not draw attention to themselves.

The interior of small living rooms does not welcome curtains on windows in dark or brown shades. The best option for such rooms would be curtains. light tone with golden or bronze highlights. Curtains in brown shades are preferably used in spacious living rooms.

A bedroom with brown curtains will look ideal and luxurious. This solution will give the room intimacy and tranquility.

The children's room should be light and bright, so the curtains should be in appropriate colors, with a cheerful print. Therefore, you should not overshadow the cheerful interior with brown curtains.

Combination with other shades

Brown curtains will harmonize perfectly with the interior, where there are beige shades.

These curtains look stunning and rich against the background of a room made in light colors with bright brown elements (for example, vases or textiles). Even in the photo this combination of brown curtains looks excellent.

Curtains in brown tones are combined with decorative elements in bright colors.

When decorating the bedroom walls, use a range of bluish shades, thereby soft color curtains will give the room tenderness and comfort.

If the walls in the room are made in purple tones, then the best option there will be brown curtains with a shimmer effect. Lamps in bronze shades harmonize well with these curtains.

TO green walls You should choose curtains of light brown color.

Which material should you prefer?

No need to buy curtains solid color. To diversify the decor of the room, simply choose brown curtains with fragments of pastel or, on the contrary, bright colors.

If your room is full of sunlight, then use curtains made of thick textiles. Today, blackout material is relevant.

For darkened rooms, you may prefer curtains made from fabrics such as satin or brocade.

Curtains made of corduroy, plaid, tweed or velvet can become a place for the accumulation of huge amounts of dust and dirt, so such textiles must have appropriate and regular care. Despite this, such curtains look noble in the interior. To add some oriental flair, a combination of brown velvet with bronze braid is suitable.

Curtains made of cloth, wool and plush are also capable of accumulating dust and, in addition, can become a victim of moths.

Curtains made of tapestry, brocade and muslin fade a little from sun rays, but at the same time they do not require such meticulous care and look presentable in the room.

It is recommended to choose canvases in bright brown shades for the living room, because... they are able to add moderation and style to the overall atmosphere of the room. Such curtains are in harmony with walls decorated in white or beige tones.

Light brown curtains with inserts of gold and bronze shades will fit most beautifully into the bedroom. In this case, it is also preferable to have walls and furniture light shades. If the furniture is not made in brown tones, then the interior should be diluted with various decorative elements in a shade that matches the curtains.


Brown curtains are an indispensable piece of furniture that gives the room an elegant, sophisticated and beautiful style, as well as an atmosphere of warmth, comfort and harmony.

The brown shade has been fashionable and fashionable for many years. current color, therefore, if you prefer curtains in this tone, you will not regret your choice.

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Photo of brown curtains in the interior
