Photo shoot in retro style. Photo shoot styles for girls

Photography as an art form never ceases to amaze with its new beginnings. She, like fine art has its own styles and directions that can be recognized in photographs.

Styles are formed under the influence of various factors - shooting technique, composition, color and much more. Since the advent of photography, the styles that exist along with the styles of fine art have undergone changes, and new ones have also appeared. Regardless of the style in which a photographer works, he always differs in his originality from other photographers working in the same style.

Retro-style photographs, with their tones and special form, seem to return to the times of the birth of photography as an art, to a time filled with sophistication and genuine feelings. Not only black and white or with a gray-brown tint, but also in color it contains mystery.

Modern photographers do not reproduce everything thoroughly in their photographs, but only maintain the style of the era in them. Modernly interpreted, created with the help of fashion models, they bear the marks of history, while at the same time being the embodiment of a new, more sophisticated style. To create a photograph in this style, photographers use photographic materials for low-sensitivity black-and-white photography, adding color only in discreet, soft shades and halftones, making full use of all the capabilities of modern photographic equipment.

Retro style photography is not just the processing of a photograph taken - its “aging”. Recreating on it the interior, furnishings and accessories corresponding to the style of the time in which the photograph was taken is mandatory for such photographs. Most often, the expression of the era is manifested in the model’s makeup, and the most difficult part of it is the eyes, which must be expressive. As for retro-style hairstyles, they are most often represented by wavy curls, the length of which is not particularly important, arranged in a hairstyle. A characteristic feature of retro hairstyles is a straight or side parting. Only excellent makeup that matches the style and the right hairstyle allow you to move on to creating an image with the help of emotions. A distinctive feature of retro style photography from artistic photography is the creation of an image that reflects the era.

The image of a model in a photograph taken in the style of the 20s will be a flat-chested, angular girl with flat hips and meekly cropped hair, which is most often straight, hanging down on the face, or covered with waves or small curls. The model’s makeup in the style of this time looks defiantly bright, and her clothes allow her to open her legs as much as possible and expose her back, that is, to be extravagant, but no less sophisticated.

Retro-style photographs depicting the period of the 50s Goths differ sharply from the above photographs in the image of the model. These are already busty, with rounded shapes bodies - “hourglass” girls in figure-flattering high-heeled shoes. If the image of a girl in the 20s was brunette girls, then in the 50s it was scorching blondes.

Most likely, many girls dreamed of realizing themselves in a certain role, having a memorable professional photo shoot and getting long-awaited photographs. However, having ventured to take this step, they often ask the question: “What style should I use for a photo shoot?”

High-quality moments captured by a professional photographer will delight you for the rest of your life, because this is a piece of your story, and there will be someone to tell it to. Therefore it is important to choose good photographer who can choose the best one for you suitable style filming.

However, if you wish, you can determine the role for yourself by studying the most interesting styles for a photo shoot in the studio.

Erotic style photography

If you are ready to get naked in front of the lens, then this option is for you. As a result, you will get extravagant and exciting images of your naked body. The degree of nudity can be varied, as a result of which you can try yourself in any context: romantic, flirting or openly passionate.

An important condition for a successful erotic photo shoot is right choice photographer, and you should not only pay attention to his portfolio, but also listen to your own feelings and understand whether you can fully reveal your essence in this role in his presence.

Photo shoots in the power of the 60s

Inspired by the images of the famous 60s, any girl will want to try on bright outfits in purple, emerald and red tones, try out rich makeup with flirty arrows and false eyelashes, make a huge bouffant on her head and style her hair in the style of a Photo shoot in the style of the 60s for you will definitely like it. Feel a little rebel!

Photo shoot in retro style

Memorable images of Sophia Loren and Marilyn Monroe are eternal standards of beauty, style and elegance - to this day they excite the minds of modern fashionable girls.

Preparing for a photo shoot

Recreate retro style in modern conditions not as easy as it seemed. Digital equipment can convey many effects that were previously inaccessible to black and white photography. Therefore, when working with retro photographs, professionals use black and white materials with low sensitivity.

To add color, use dull shades with the least amount of undertones. Of course, to obtain high-quality photographic materials, it is important to recreate a retro setting. Interior items and decorative elements should be made “antique”, in the style of a bygone era. This certainly applies to creating the model’s image: clothes, makeup and hairstyle must match the environment.

Creating an image

A photo shoot in retro style involves painstaking work on makeup, in which the most bright accent is done to express the eyes on even pale skin, emphasized by a bright blush.

The look is complemented by small and thin eyebrows and neatly penciled lips. To provide light tone An appropriate foundation is applied to the skin of the face, the cheekbones are outlined with a reddish or peach-colored blush.

The most difficult thing to do is to draw the eyes so that they look maximum size and expressiveness. The classic makeup scheme is as follows: first, the eyelids are lined with a black pencil so that the outer corner of the eye is emphasized, that is, an arrow is drawn. After this, shadows are applied over the pencil and shaded. Then the makeup is corrected again with a pencil. At the end, the eyelashes are tinted; here it is necessary to achieve their length and volume using the appropriate mascara.


If you are planning a photo shoot in a retro style, then you need to do your hair in the form of wavy curls with a straight or side parting. Length is not a problem. Such hairstyles can be done on both long and short hair, and the size of the waves can vary as desired from small to large. The presence of curls gives the face an extraordinary seductiveness and flirtatiousness.

So, the retro style appearance has already been created, next you need to decide on the mood and emotions. Creating an image is the main and integral part of a photo shoot, which differs from regular photography in its artistic direction. Finished photographs can express all the mystery of your nature; they can take their rightful place in the interior of your home or workplace.

Retro fashion never goes away

This style is chosen quite often modern girls in retro style is able to reveal the full depth of the image, concentrating all attention on the mood of the model and the expression of her eyes. Through such photographs, it seems that one can feel the emotional mood and personal impressions of the master who created the photographs.

Rock and military styles

If you take inspiration from modern world, then “musical” styles and military styles, which imply extensive freedom of action, are very popular.

Masters, inspired by varieties of rock, experimenting, create ever new images of models. Here you can experience all the versatility of feelings: a little recklessness, naturalness, relaxedness and freedom, after which, having received your photographs, you will delightfully remember the moments you experienced in the studio. There are many different styles of photo shoots for girls, so why not try yourself in one of the looks.

Important points

If you plan to capture yourself in a military style, then you should keep in mind that due to the specifics of the image, this role may not be suitable for everyone.

For example, if you want to pose with a weapon, then it would be a good idea to ask how to properly hold it in your hands. This fairly common mistake is very noticeable in most photographs that may otherwise appear flawless.

There is nothing impossible in creating this or that style, the main thing is desire. Therefore, following the advice of an experienced photographer, feel completely relaxed in front of the camera and try to get used to the role as much as possible, then everything will certainly work out.

If you still doubt your abilities and the appropriateness of the whole event, then know that famous models and actors also went through a long and difficult path to achieve their goals, and that actors are not born - they are made.

A photo shoot in retro style requires preliminary preparation. If you want to order a themed vintage photo shoot for yourself or loved ones, you need to choose suitable interior, outfits, hairstyles and props. This will help in creating an authentic retro look. To convey the spirit of a particular era, also rehearse facial expressions and poses - people in the past not only dressed differently, but also behaved differently.

Photo session in vintage style presupposes a plot. If you know little about retro style, and it’s difficult to think through the course of a photo shoot on your own in a studio or outdoors, you should contact a professional. will tell you original ideas pictures.

Exclusive photo in the style of the 20s

In the pre-war period, elegant restraint was considered fashionable, but already in the twenties, protest sentiments appeared. To demonstrate the freedom of people of that time, use the following ideas for a retro photo shoot:

  • a group of friends walking along the seashore
  • married couple playing golf
  • lady posing in front of the camera with a cigarette holder
  • friends talking in a cafe without looking into the camera lens

We have reached many photographs from the 20s, where people are talking in the middle of the street, walking. During the shooting, you should act naturally and at ease in order to get bright and realistic pictures.

Makeup, clothes and accessories in the 20s were as simple and convenient as possible, so you can prepare for the shoot yourself. For a 1920s style photo shoot, wear black dress straight cut with an open back and a hat with a veil. A man can wear a plaid sweater, cropped wide trousers and a cap.

A photo shoot done in the style of the 20s involves exclusively black and white photographs. Color photographs cannot convey the spirit of that time.

Chicago style photo

“Chicago” is a shocking version of shooting in a retro style. You can afford bold outfits and poses. The girl’s elegant dress will be complemented by beads, elbow-length gloves and a fur cape. Tough guy with a revolver in his hands - popular male image that time.

A Chicago style photo shoot usually takes place in a studio. Vintage interiors, antique furniture, weapons, cigars and glasses of wine are used as decorations.

Photos from the 50s

In the post-war period, femininity returned to fashion. Corsets and full skirts became popular, emphasizing the beauty of the figure. If you want to take part in a retro photo shoot from the 50s, you should use the services of a makeup artist and hairdresser: in the middle of the last century, women did complex makeup and hairstyles every day.

Choose sensual and beautiful poses for photography:

  • a girl spins in a dance, her skirt flutters in the wind
  • beauty stands against the background of a flowering tree
  • woman sitting on a table with her legs crossed
  • a woman smiles playfully at the camera (such a portrait photo can be taken in the studio)

Use suitable accessories: earrings, beads, rings, handbags, fur items. For the photo shoot, wear stiletto heels and back-seam stockings.

Pin-up photo

The right clothes, makeup and hairstyle will make you feel like a 20th century pin-up model. For a retro photo shoot in this style, wear a swimsuit and nylon stockings. You can also wear revealing shorts and a shirt that is tied under the chest.

To photograph in pin-up style, you don’t need to think through the plot. The emphasis is on emotions. Come to the studio in high spirits. Play, wink at the camera, smile, make a surprised face, take seductive poses - today's image allows this.

Photos from the 80s

In the 80s, sports, feminism and sexuality were at the peak of popularity. You can take pictures in the following images:

  • business lady in the office at the table
  • sportswoman doing shaping in colored leggings, swimsuit and leg warmers
  • fatal beauty in short skirt and a fur coat made of natural fur

For a men's photo shoot in retro 80s style, you can use a car as a background and props, wrist watch, folder with papers, telephone, work chair. These things will allow you to create the image of a business and rich person.

Informal subcultures

An original idea for a vintage photo shoot is to try yourself as representatives of subcultures from the past. Photo shoots in retro images of informals are best done with friends. The photographer will be able to capture how you walk down the street, lie on the grass, sit on the steps, play musical instruments. Try not to repeat outfits: each person in your company should be an individual.

In hippie style, it is better to do a themed photo shoot outdoors. Colorful blankets, pillows and blankets, as well as strings, are suitable as props. musical instruments. Clothing should be as simple as possible, but with a touch of ethnicity: for example, worn jeans, sneakers and a shirt with an ornament can be used.

To create a punk image, use ripped jeans, stretched T-shirts, leather jackets. Bright make-up is allowed (including for men) without observing any rules. To appearance was completed, make a mohawk on your head. Ideal for background a wall will do abandoned house with graffiti.

To transform into a dude, choose bright dresses and suits, do exclusive hairstyles, line your eyes, and put on red lipstick. Everyone in the photo should have great mood: dance in pairs, jump up, sing songs, laugh. An old Soviet car is suitable as a decoration.

Celebrity from the last century

If you have an idol who has become an “icon” of the century, transform into him at the time of shooting. A girl can try herself in the image of Marilyn Monroe, Sophia Loren, Audrey Hepburn or Twiggy. Guy style will suit John Lennon, Elvis Presley or Sean Connery. Makeup artists, hairdressers and costume designers will help you prepare for a photo shoot and portray the star with maximum accuracy.

Scene from your favorite work

If you like any movie or book from the last century, try acting out a scene from it. This photo shoot idea is suitable for couples in love. You can depict the famous love story– you will get a beautiful and romantic photo session in retro style.

Photos at home

For those who still have antique furniture, wall hangings and paintings from the last century at home, you can conduct a themed photo shoot.

The idea of ​​a retro photo will depend on the surroundings. If you inherited a wooden dressing table, old chairs and curtains from your great-grandmother, try to depict an episode from the 20s. Taking a chaise longue and choosing for the background plain wall, available nice photos in pin-up style. If you still have a closet from the last century at home, a wall hanging or an old blanket for the sofa, during photography you can depict a Soviet “apartment building” with your friends.

If you are going to do a retro-style photoshoot on the street, try not to get into the frame modern houses, signs and cars. You should not combine images from different decades in one photo. Study the photographs of the last century in detail, prepare thoroughly before coming to the photographer - and then the retro-style photo shoot will turn out to be successful and as realistic as possible.

To get beautiful and attractive photos, you can pay attention to original ideas for a photo shoot in the “Retro” style, which is exactly what I would like to talk about today. In fact, a retro photo shoot is more popular than ever today, all because it can allow any girl or young man Plunge into the time of the last century, namely the 20s and 80s. So, with the help of such a photoset you can feel all the originality and power of the outfits of those times and make very beautiful and current photos that will make your friends tremble with admiration. But, before you start arranging a photo shoot in this style, you should definitely pay attention to Special attention on the poses and image that you need to choose to create a photo.

Image and poses for a retro photo shoot: glamor or grunge

In fact, in order to do a retro photo shoot, you need to decide on the style that will be implemented in the photo, but it is best to look at images in the glamor or style that are most suitable for creating such a photoset. Also, before implementing your plan, be sure to look at old magazines and select suitable poses, some of which can be seen in the photos below.

Remember your grandmother’s or mother’s chest with things, and most importantly, look at old photos; by the way, these can be not only family heirlooms, but also clippings from magazines of those years. This is because many designers of that time created very interesting images that would simply harmonize flawlessly in modern photography. In addition, choosing an image for such a photo shoot is, first of all, attention to the zest of antiquity, performed in a modern interpretation.

For example, these could be retro outfits and even poses that will make the pictures even more interesting and attractive. By the way, many modern designers also use not only retro-style images for fashion photo shoots, but also the poses that models take.

By the way, a photo shoot in retro style will be much more interesting if it is carried out in the image of a femme fatale. You can choose the right outfit and then beautiful pose it will come to mind. In addition, a very popular retro style image is Sonya Golden Hand, which is used by many models during fashion photo shoots. Distinctive feature This style is a mocking and arrogant look, a correctly chosen outfit and, of course, a semi-relaxed pose of a femme fatale. Rest assured that this retro style idea will definitely deliver great pleasure and will leave behind wonderful and original photos and pictures.

In addition, for a retro photo shoot you can choose a very original image in the “Great Gatsby” style; you’ve probably come across the idea of ​​a party in this design more than once, but now imagine your photos in which the whole image, pose and outfit are in harmony. It is this idea that can work wonders and simply transport anyone to a time of sparkles, feathers and unique sparkle.

Also, at a retro photo shoot, you can appear in front of the camera in the image of an actress who will charm everyone with her majesty and grace. The main thing here is to choose the right outfit and show the sparkle in the eyes inherent in the actresses of that time. After all, this is the only way to fit into such an image and take high-quality and chic photos that will delight you for several centuries.

Introducing photo shoot in retro style, an allusion to the film “The Great Gatsby” from photographer Nina Babenko.

Nina films in St. Petersburg. Her total photography experience is about 5 years. The genres in which she works are wedding, love story, portrait, art photography. She conducts the entire shooting alone, without assistants or assistants.

Nina comments on her shooting:

In general, I'm a wedding photographer, but... free time I love doing creative projects like this. This photo shoot took place in Astrakhan last spring. And just recently I moved to the wonderful and magical city of St. Petersburg.

Idea. The idea for photography was suggested to me by a friend, makeup artist Alena Emelyanova, she had wanted to carry out a similar project for a very long time, and I was glad to participate. Some things were thought out, some were improvised. I don’t know at all how to describe the style of the photo shoot... maybe retro, decadence... remember in The Great Gatsby? There were some ladies there)

Search for a model. It is imperative that the girl feels the image in which she will be photographed. And I didn’t just feel, but understood, how to move, what should be the look, poses. Usually for such photo shoots I look for beautiful girls I know, it’s easy! I just see them in images and I’m always sure that they will cope 100%. So, Olya, like no one else, was ideal for this role. Insanely beautiful and artistic.

Colors, choice of clothes. Swimsuit top, bodysuit. The skirts were sewn by the model herself and added with beads) had no color of great importance, the main combination, or to combine the incompatible.

Location. I saw only one place for this shooting - the abandoned House of Culture. Despite the destroyed structures and some fragility, the white columns were almost intact. In general, the interior turned out to be the most suitable.

Props. There are absolutely no props in the shooting, maybe just a headband with flowers. The jewelry was chosen by the model herself, in consultation with me. But everything fit and matched like never before.

Photographer and model. Between the photographer and the model there must be understanding, contact. Olya understood me perfectly, posed, my prompts were almost not needed.
