A test to determine leaders in an organization. Leadership Test

Objectives of the psychological test:

1. Unlocking the personal potential of group members.

2. Formation of ideas about leadership, awareness and manifestation of one’s strengthssides

Test “Am I a leader?”

Instructions for the test: “Carefully read each of the ten judgments and choose the answer that best suits you in letter form. When working with the questionnaire, remember that there are no bad or good answers. An important factor is that in your answers you must strive for objectivity and write down the answer that first comes to mind.”

Test material

1. What is more important to you in the game?

A) Victory.

B) Entertainment.

2. What do you prefer in general conversation?

A) Show initiative, offer something.

B) Listen and criticize what others offer.

3. Are you able to withstand criticism, not get involved in private disputes, and not make excuses?

A) Yes.

B) No.

4. Do you like it when you are praised in public?

A) Yes.

B) No.

5. Do you defend your opinion if circumstances (the majority opinion) are against you?

A) Yes.

B) No.

6. In a company, in general affairs, do you always act as the leader, come up with something that is interesting to others?

A) Yes.

B) No

7. Do you know how to hide your mood from others?

A) Yes.

B) No.

8. Do you always immediately and resignedly do what your elders tell you?

A) No.

B) Yes.

9. In a conversation, discussion, do you manage to convince and attract to your side those who previously disagreed with you?

A) Yes.

B) No.

10. Do you like to teach (instruct, educate, teach, give advice) others?

A) Yes.

B) No.

Processing and interpretation of test results:

High level of leadership - A = 7-10 points.

The average level of leadership is A = 4-6 points.

Low level of leadership - A = 1-3 points.

The predominance of “B” answers indicates very low or destructive leadership.

Test “I am a leader” for 5-8 grades.

It would be very interesting and useful to conduct a test among the guys to determine leadership qualities. Let each of them try to evaluate their abilities, lead the team, become an organizer and inspirer of life in the team.

The instructions for this test will be as follows: “If you completely agree with the above statement, then put the number “4” in the box with the corresponding number; if you rather agree than disagree – number “3”; if it’s hard to say – “2”; rather disagree than agree – “1”; completely disagree – “0”.

Questions for the test “I am a leader”

1. I don’t get lost and don’t give up in difficult situations.

2. My actions are aimed at achieving a goal that is clear to me.

3. I know how to overcome difficulties.

4. I like to search and try new things.

5. I can easily convince my comrades of something.

6. I know how to involve my comrades in a common cause.

7. It is not difficult for me to ensure that everyone works well.

8. All my friends treat me well.

9. I know how to distribute my strength in study and work.

10. I can clearly answer the question of what I want from life.

11. I plan my time and work well.

12.I easily get carried away by new things.

13. It is easy for me to establish normal relationships with my friends.

14. When organizing my comrades, I try to interest them.

15. No person is a mystery to me.

16. I consider it important that those whom I organize are friendly.

17. If I'm in a bad mood, I don't have to show it to others.

18. Achieving a goal is important to me.

19. I regularly evaluate my work and my successes.

20. I am willing to take risks to experience new things.

21. The first impression I make is usually a good one.

22. I always succeed.

23. I feel well the mood of my comrades.

24. I know how to cheer up the troupe of my comrades.

25. I can force myself to do exercises in the morning, even if I don’t feel like it.

26. I usually achieve what I strive for.

27. There is no problem that I cannot solve.

28. When making a decision, I go through various options.

29. I can make any person do what I think is necessary.

30. I know how to choose the right people to organize any business.

31. I achieve mutual understanding in my relationships with people.

32. I strive to be understood.

33. If I encounter difficulties in my work, I do not give up.

34. I have never acted like others.

35. I strive to solve all problems step by step, not all at once.

36. I have never acted like others

37. There is no person who could resist my charm.

38. When organizing things, I take into account the opinions of my comrades.

39. I find a way out of difficult situations.

40. I believe that comrades, doing a common cause, should trust each other.

41. No one will ever ruin my mood.

42. I imagine how to gain authority among people.

43. When solving problems, I use the experience of others.

44. I am not interested in doing monotonous, routine work.

45. My ideas are readily accepted by my comrades.

46. ​​I can control the work of my comrades.

47. I know how to find a common language with people.

48. I easily manage to rally my comrades around a cause.

After filling out the answer card, you need to calculate the number of points in each column (not taking into account the points assigned for questions 8, 15, 22, 29, 34, 36, 41). This amount determines the development of leadership qualities:

A – ability to manage oneself;

B – awareness of the goal (I know what I want);

B – ability to solve problems;

G – presence of a creative approach;

D – influence on others;

E – knowledge of the rules of organizational work;

F – Organizational skills;

Z – ability to work with a group.

If the sum in the column is less than 10, then the quality is poorly developed, and you need to work on improving it; if it is more than 10, then this quality is moderately or strongly developed.

But before you make a conclusion about whether a teenager is a leader, pay attention to the points given when answering questions 8, 15, 22, 27, 29, 34, 36, 41. If more than 1 point is given for each of them, we We believe that the child was insincere in his self-esteem.

Being a leader is an important skill that can make life much easier for its owner, and in leadership positions one cannot do without this quality. Therefore, when applying for top positions, application forms contain questions to identify leadership qualities; some companies use psychological tests for this purpose. But even if you are not applying for leadership positions, developing leadership skills will not hurt. A test to determine leadership qualities will help identify the front of the upcoming work.

Leadership Test

This technique is aimed at identifying a person’s leadership qualities and includes 50 questions to which you only need to answer “yes” or “no.”

  1. Are you often in the spotlight?
  2. How many of the people around you have a higher official position than you?
  3. If you are in a meeting with people who are your peers, do you feel the urge not to speak up even when it is necessary?
  4. As a child, did you like to lead your friends' games?
  5. Does it give you great satisfaction when you convince your opponent?
  6. Did they call you?
  7. Do you think that the most useful things in the world are due to only a small group of outstanding people?
  8. Do you need an advisor to guide your professional activities?
  9. Have you ever lost your cool when interacting with people?
  10. Do you like feeling that those around you are afraid of you?
  11. Do you always try to take center stage at the table in order to control the situation?
  12. Do you think you make an impressive impression on people?
  13. Do you consider yourself a dreamer?
  14. Do you get easily lost if others don't agree with you?
  15. Have you, on your own initiative, been involved in organizing sports, work groups and teams?
  16. If an event you organized fails, would you be happy to blame someone else?
  17. Do you think that a real leader, first of all, should be able to carry out the work he is leading and participate in it?
  18. Do you prefer working with submissive people?
  19. Do you try to avoid heated discussions?
  20. As a child, did you often feel overbearing from your father?
  21. In discussions on a professional topic, do you know how to win over those who disagree with you?
  22. Imagine that you lost your way while walking with friends in the forest. Will you leave it to the most competent person among you to make a decision?
  23. Do you agree with the proverb: “It is better to be first in the village than second in the city”?
  24. Do you feel like you have an influence on others?
  25. Could failure to take initiative permanently discourage you from doing so?
  26. Do you consider the one who demonstrates the greatest competence to be a true leader?
  27. Do you always try to appreciate and understand people?
  28. Do you respect?
  29. Would you prefer to have a leader who decides everything himself, without listening to anyone's opinion?
  30. Do you think that for the institution in which you work, a collegial leadership style is better than an authoritarian one?
  31. Do you often feel that others are taking advantage of you?
  32. Are you more suited to the characteristic “Loud voice, expressive gestures, won’t go out of your way for words” than “Calm, quiet voice, restrained, leisurely, thoughtful”?
  33. If at a meeting they don’t agree with your opinion, but it seems to you the only correct one, would you prefer to remain silent?
  34. Do you subordinate the behavior of other people and your interests to the work you are doing?
  35. Do you feel anxious if you are entrusted with a responsible and important task?
  36. Would you rather work under a good person than work independently?
  37. Do you agree that for a successful family life, the decision should be made by one of the spouses?
  38. Have you bought anything based on the beliefs of other people, and not out of your own need?
  39. Do you think your organizational skills are above average?
  40. Do difficulties usually discourage you?
  41. Do you harshly rebuke people who deserve it?
  42. Do you think your nervous system can withstand the stresses of life?
  43. If you need to reorganize your institution, will you implement the changes immediately?
  44. Will you be able to interrupt an overly chatty interlocutor if necessary?
  45. Do you agree that to be happy you need to live quietly?
  46. Do you believe that every person is obliged to do something outstanding?
  47. Would you rather become an artist (composer, scientist, poet) than a team leader?
  48. Do you prefer to listen to powerful and solemn music rather than lyrical and quiet music?
  49. Do you feel nervous about an important meeting?
  50. Do you often meet people with a stronger will than you?

Once the leadership test has been completed, it is time to start scoring. Give yourself one point for positive answers to questions numbered: 1-2, 4, 5, 7, 10-12, 15, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 28, 31-34, 37, 39, 41 -43, 46, 48. Also give one point to the answers “no” to questions: 3, 6, 8, 9, 13, 14, 16-19, 22, 25, 27, 29, 30, 35, 36, 38, 40, 44, 56, 47, 49, 50. Do not award points for answers that do not match. Calculate your total points and see how your leadership skills are assessed.

  1. Less than 25 points: leadership qualities are weak and should be developed.
  2. From 25 to 35 points: leadership skills are moderately developed, this level is sufficient for middle managers.
  3. From 36 to 40 points: leadership qualities are well developed, you are an ideal top manager.
  4. More than 40 points: you are an undoubted leader, prone to dictatorship. Perhaps it's time to change something.

If the diagnosis of leadership qualities has shown their lack, do not be upset; if desired, they can be developed.

The richest man in the United States, Huntington Hartford, once said that millionaires are not those people who get along well with their boss and do everything he says. Such people can only become highly paid employees. Along with Hartford, millionaire Paul Getty believes that no one on the planet will earn much if they work for someone else. When you need financial success in life, you should personally lead the business. And you? Can you say that you see yourself in the ranks of managers in a couple of years, and firmly answer that “I can and will do!”?

Test “I am a leader!”

People think being a leader is a birthright, but that's not true. You can become such a person, the main thing is to develop the necessary qualities every day. And in six months you will be unrecognizable. In the meantime, you can check for yourself whether you have leadership potential by taking the tests with the answers below.

Team Leadership Test

A bad soldier is one who does not try to rise to the rank of general. This means that even with low test scores, it is clear that there is room for improvement. It is clear that some people have highly developed leadership qualities, while others have not used them at all. And it is not a fact that people whose leadership potential is poorly developed will be bad leaders in the future.

Do you have a lot of intellectual potential, do people listen to you, do many follow you? Then you are definitely a born leader. Do you doubt this? Then the leadership test will prove otherwise. It will show what you are strong in, what useful qualities and features you have, and how exactly you position yourself. Questioning will allow you to increase your personal influence on people.

Being a leader is not easy, but for such a person all roads in life are open. And he reaches leadership positions effortlessly. That is why, when hiring, companies check the creative, intellectual and leadership potential of the future employee. Do you have these qualities? Check it out for yourself.

Who you are? Leader or subordinate? Or maybe you are at a crossroads in your soul and don’t know what you’re worth? Take this questionnaire to find out if you have the makings of a leader within you. Can you become an organizer and lead the team? And if this is not the case, then what needs to be done to achieve this. Detailed answers will help you get to the bottom of the truth.

The leadership test will help you determine your level of internal energy, your ability to make independent decisions, and your ability to influence others. Perhaps you still have to work on yourself to demonstrate leadership abilities.

Tests for managers will give you the opportunity to see whether you have the makings of a leader in your character, the ability to lead others, or whether you prefer that someone else take responsibility for choosing a successful strategy of action.

The team leadership test will clearly show your personal and leadership qualities and communication skills. You will be able to determine what behavioral characteristics you lack in order to feel confident in any company.

The intellectual potential test will allow you to objectively assess your level of intelligence, professional qualities and the level of their implementation. Perhaps you should pay more attention to systematizing the knowledge you have acquired and direct all your efforts to developing hidden potential.

The Which Leader Are You Test will help you look at yourself from the outside and objectively assess your qualities as a leader. Perhaps, for the successful development of the company, you should slightly change your attitude towards your subordinates or towards the organization of work.

The creativity test will help you discover all your hidden abilities. Now you can properly direct your energy to achieve new goals and achieve success in new areas of life.

The Manager or subordinate test will tell you which type of employee your professional and personal qualities best suit. It's up to you to decide whether to accept the result or change something in your behavior to achieve career growth.

The ranking potential test will tell you your ability and readiness to take the top position. It may be worth paying attention to some features of your behavior in order to quickly achieve your desired place in the hierarchy.


Leaders. Who are they?

There are creative leaders and destructive leaders.

A creative leader acts in the interests of the cause, in the interests of the organization and all its members whom he leads.

A destructive leader acts in his own interests; for him, in the foreground is not the business, not the people, but his own selfish desire to show himself, using the business and those around him for this (often to the detriment of both the business and the people).

In a children's association or organization, there are leaders whose roles are different: leaders-organizers (business leaders), leaders-generators of emotional mood (emotional leaders), leaders-initiators, scholars, craftsmen.

Business leaders play a major role in solving problems assigned to the team in the implementation of labor, sports, tourism, intellectual, creative and other activities. Initiating leaders stand out in their activities at the stage of putting forward ideas, in searching for new areas of activity for the team.

A skilled leader is the member of the team who is most prepared in a particular type of activity (for example, on a hike, the most experienced tourist).

The role of emotional leaders is associated with actions related mainly to the sphere of interpersonal communication in a team, group within the organization. Guys who successfully operate in both spheres of the organization’s life are promoted to the roles of absolute leaders.

Business leaders are aware of interpersonal relationships. This is due to the desire of business leaders to know well the vast majority of their fellow members of the organization, which allows them to build their relationships according to this knowledge.

Emotional leaders often do not feel the need to manage a team. Negative relationships between team members in an organization are more accurately characterized by business leaders. To influence the team, along with the ability to perceive personal relationships, it is of great importance to determine the status of peers. Absolute leaders are the best at this; business leaders come in second place. The psychological climate in the team, the well-being of peers, and accepted moral values ​​largely depend on emotional leaders.

The leader is promoted by activity. Therefore, through specially organized activities varied in content, it is possible to provide not only situations aimed at uniting the organization, but also, above all, favorable opportunities for the success of children who have a developing potential for influencing their peers.

The development of an organization as a team is characterized by a constant change of leaders depending on the type, nature and content of the activity, which provides each member of the organization with the opportunity to act as a leader and acquire skills in organizing other people and self-organization.

The methods we offer will help identify leaders in the team..

Several groups of children, 5-8 people each, are invited to quickly lay out some given figure (house, car, etc.) on the floor (grass, asphalt) from ordinary pebbles, cubes, matches (house, car, etc.) The command is given , everyone rushed to the stones, grabbed them in their hands and... what next? This is where you just have time to record everything that happens. After all, you need to notice how each of the participants acts: who boldly rushes forward, takes the initiative, determines the order of actions, gives orders, and who stands aside, prefers to act alone. The leaders of the situation and their assistants are identified, and passive, dependent, non-initiative people are also discovered. If you want to be sure of your conclusions, play the game again. Compare the observation results with other available information.

Choosing a trek leader

The guys name all the potential leaders of the tourist trip. The named students step aside, and the rest are invited to choose a commander from among them and approach him. At the same time, everyone retains the right to remain in place if none of the named commanders suits him. So the class is divided into groups headed by leaders who, in the opinion of the team, can become organizers of the matter.

Flight to the moon

A blitz game that allows you to reveal the organizational skills of children. Groups of students are given a list of 15-20 items, from which in 2 minutes they need to select 3 that are necessary and sufficient for a flight to the Moon. Leaders are determined by searching for the right solution.

Geometry for the Blind

The players stand in a circle. A rope is stretched inside the circle, which everyone holds on to with their hands. The presenter explains that it is necessary, with your eyes closed, to form a square or an equilateral triangle, using only verbal negotiations. It is also reported that the children play on spatial imagination and attentiveness. During the game, when there is a lane change, the leader observes which of the guys acts as the organizer of movements.


The players sit on chairs. At the same time, they must stand up, walk around their chair and sit down at the same time. It is important to notice the person who first gave the command.

The team is divided into several groups of 5-6 people. An adult expert observer works with each group. The facilitator gives tasks to all groups in turn; they should not be difficult and interesting, for example:

  • come up with a story in which all words begin with the same letter;
  • build according to hair color from light to dark;
  • bring the picture to life, etc.

The expert, observing the work of the group, distributes multi-colored tokens to each participant after completing each task, which determine his role in completing this task. But the presenter does not announce to the participants what these or those colors mean, and at the end of the game he invites the children to make an applique from the tokens that they have earned. Thus, after the game, teachers will have a visual picture reflecting the degree of activity of a particular child.

  • Red square organizer of collective activities
  • Green triangle idea generator
  • Burgundy diamond unclaimed talent
  • Brown rectangle disorganizer


The head of the game offers everyone the following situation: “Imagine that you are asked to make a film, for which you need to name the person who can organize the shooting of the film.” After everyone names one or three director candidates, leadership candidates are identified from those who received the largest number of choices. They choose their assistants one by one, and the next one is selected after consultation with the already selected assistants. After microgroups of four to five people have been formed, everyone else is invited to choose a “film studio” and join these microgroups.

Each film studio is asked to prepare a pantomime (sketch) within 15-20 minutes on the theme of the life of the team where the children work or study.

After this collective creative activity, the leader asks each microgroup to conduct an analysis and determine who turned out to be the real leader during the preparation of the “movie”.

The game is a journey of groups (teams) that go through a certain route in a closed circle, completing tasks at each stage. The content of the task becomes known only at the stage.

Rules for organizing the game:

  1. The number of stages must be equal to or a multiple of the number of groups participating in the game;
  2. All stages must be the same in duration. Typically, the stage lasts 7-10 minutes;
  3. A single signal for transition from stage to stage should be established (bell, music, phrase, etc.)
  4. Each group has its own route sheet, which indicates the sequence of stages and their location.
  5. Transitions from stage to stage are time-sensitive and must be extremely short. This can be facilitated by the rational arrangement of stages close to each other and, conditionally, in a circle.
  6. Tasks performed by groups at stages must be designed for collective execution and, in terms of complexity, “solvable” within the time allotted for the stage.
  7. It is important that the forms of tasks at the stages do not repeat each other, are varied, and give the children the opportunity to switch from one type of activity to another.

Examples of tasks at stages:

Stage I "Eureka". Assignment: Within 10 minutes you must answer 10 questions to test your intelligence. Score: For each correct answer 0.5 points.

Stage II "Pieces". Assignment: From pieces of cardboard lying in envelopes, assemble a square, triangle, circle, egg. Each envelope contains pieces for one figurine. Score: If 4 figures are collected - 5 points, 3 figures - 4 points, 2 figures - 3 points, 1 figure - 2 points.

III stage "STEM" (school theater of variety miniatures). Assignment: Draw a scene from school life. Rating: Based on a five-point system. This stage develops communication skills.

Stage IV "View". Assignment: Using markers, pencils, and paints, please depict your impressions of the school. Rating: Based on a five-point system. The stage diagnoses problems existing in the school.

Stage V "Yes-no". Assignment: “Now I will describe the situation to you in words, but not completely, but partially. Your task is to ask questions to which I can answer “yes” or “no”, “doesn’t matter” or “the question is not posed correctly”, to restore situation completely. Score: If 3 situations are guessed - 5 points, 2 situations - 4 points, 1 situation - 3 points. This stage develops the ability to think systematically and logically.

Stage VI "Shifters". Task: Decipher 10 shifters. (“It’s all Christmas for the dog” - “It’s not all Maslenitsa for the cat.”) Score: For each correct answer - 0.5 points. This stage contributes to the development of breadth of thinking and the ability to associate.

VII stage "Buckets". Task: One bucket filled with water stands on the table, another, empty, on the floor, six meters from the first. Your task is to pour water from one bucket to another. Lifting buckets and tables is not permitted. The group is given a teaspoon. Rating: The groups that overfilled the most water receive 5 points according to a five-point system.

VIII stage "Problems". Assignment: On a piece of paper, please write down the problems that a school youth organization could solve. Assessment: The stage is not evaluative, but diagnostic. Problems existing at school are diagnosed.

Stage IX "Matches". Task: Complete three tasks using matches. Score: Completed 3 tasks - 5 points, 2 tasks - 4 points, 1 task - 3 points, none - 1 point. This stage develops the ability to think outside the box.

X stage "Self-government". Assignment: Please draw a management diagram for your school. Assessment: The stage is not evaluative, but diagnostic. Information is collected about forms of self-government at school.

Mechanism for identifying leaders in the game "Start"

During the “Start” game, leaders are tracked at each stage. The leader of the stage records the children who are active in completing tasks (writes down their last name and first name on a piece of paper).

At the end of the game, leaderboards are collected and summarized. Result: asset names. After the game, it is advisable to hold elections for self-government activists.


"YES-NO 1"

  1. The man sat in the room and shook with fear. Suddenly, he jumped up and ran, screaming loudly.
  2. The man got hit in the eye and was very happy about it.
  3. A ninth grader leaves a big house. Carrying an object in his hand. Another ninth-grader meets him. He asks: “Six?” - “No, seven.” What are you talking about?

"YES - NO 2"

  1. I met her by chance. I tried to catch her, but she went further and further. I brought it in my hand.
  2. Two people entered the room. They saw the killer, his bloody victim. We calmly exchanged opinions and calmly left -
  3. A car was driving. A fellow traveler got into it. Rain is coming. The second passenger got into the car. When the car arrived, one fellow passenger got out, the other died.

"YES - NO 3"

  1. Suddenly applause was heard behind the wall, which died down only after the murder, which ended in salvation.
  2. A man is walking down the street. It began to rain heavily. The man died.
  3. The man is sleeping. In the middle of the night the phone rings. The man picks up the phone. There is silence on the line. The man hangs up.


  1. The electric train ran from north to south. The wind blew from south to north. Which direction was the smoke coming from the train?
  2. A skier was riding in winter, a fly was sitting on him. How fast was the fly traveling?
  3. How does day and night end?
  4. How to pick a branch without scaring away the bird sitting on it 7
  5. Why did a hairdresser in Geneva during the war prefer to cut two Frenchmen's hair rather than one German's?
  6. What word do all school graduates in the Orenburg region write incorrectly?
  7. This morning my sister dropped her earring in her coffee, but even though the cup was full to the brim, she was able to remove the earring without getting her fingers wet.
  8. About 10 days ago, our college basketball team won the match with a score of 76:40, although not a single basketball player scored a single ball. How do you explain this?
  9. What tree does a hare hide under during heavy rain?
  10. How many triangles are there in this picture?


  1. A bottle of Pepsi costs $10. Pepsi is $9 more expensive than an empty bottle. How much does an empty bottle cost?
  2. What travels around the world while remaining in one corner?
  3. A resident of a small town registered marriage more than 20 times in a relatively short period of time. Each time a different woman entered into marriage. However, the resident in question did not divorce any of the 20 women or become a polygamist. How do you explain this?
  4. Four birch trees grew. Each birch has four large branches. Each large branch has four small branches. There are four apples on each small branch. How many apples are there in total?
  5. What happens to a red handkerchief if you put it in water for five minutes?
  6. What happened in London on December 25, 1884?
  7. Which question cannot be answered truthfully in the affirmative?
  8. When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into the house?
  9. A certain lady did not have a license to drive a car. She did not stop at the railroad crossing, even though the barrier was down, and, ignoring the one-way traffic sign, moved in the opposite direction, stopping only after passing three blocks. All this happened in front of the policeman, who, however, did not consider it necessary to detain the lady. Why?
  10. Here is an object that is familiar to you. What is this item? (the circle is black, and in the center of the circle is a white square)


  1. Lighter is an adult tool.
  2. On the peninsula the aspen is blackened.
  3. The devil did not give the fox a lump of butter.
  4. A blade of grass died in the field.
  5. Hatred is good, and you will hate the ram.
  6. Have you been blaspheming since morning hubby?
  7. The deceased can sit while running.
  8. A fly was crawling around the trash heap.
  9. The cat is the enemy of the monkey.
  10. A fly is no one's feet.

"Shifters - 2"

  1. A shadow of darkness from a bright republic.
  2. Your niece of ordinary vile lawlessness.
  3. He stuffs the original free container into his tight skirt.
  4. Louder, cats - dog in the basement.
  5. Kind ears are funnier than a bulletproof vest.
  6. You hated us. Hatred has definitely flared up from your body completely.
  7. You are standing on the wrong side of the road, gentlemen!
  8. Sell ​​me the whole General Motors.
  9. And Müller, you order me to leave.
  10. The insignificant, powerless, deceitful and slavish Austrian ear.


  1. Each match has a length of 4.5 cm. How can you make a meter out of 13 matches without breaking them?
  2. Using two matches, without breaking or cutting them, form a square.
  3. From six matches, make four scalene triangles, with sides equal to one match.


  1. How to make three matches out of 8?
  2. This figure is formed by 6 matches. Arrange 2 matches to make 3 squares.
  3. From 12 matches, get 6 squares, with a side equal to one match.


"YES - NO 1"

  1. Student in class. Afraid that they will ask. The bell rings.
  2. A wallet with a large amount of money fell on a man.
  3. Guitar strings.

"YES - NO 2"

  1. Splinter.
  2. Museum. Painting "Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan".
  3. There was a coffin in the open truck.

"YES - NO 3"

  1. They caught moths.
  2. An exposed high-voltage wire lay on the ground.
  3. The man snored loudly. The neighbor behind the wall thus woke him up.


  1. The electric train has no smoke.
  2. In winter, flies do not fly.
  3. A soft sign.
  4. Wait for her to fly away.
  5. He will get more money from two clients than from one.
  6. Wrong.
  7. The coffee was dry.
  8. Women's basketball teams played, i.e. basketball players
  9. Under the wet
  10. Seven. The seventh in the letter A.


  1. $0.5 (50 cents).
  2. Brand.
  3. He worked in the registry office.
  4. Apples don't grow on birch trees.
  5. It will get wet.
  6. Christmas.
  7. "Are you sleeping? "
  8. When the door is open.
  9. The lady was walking.
  10. Match. End view.

"Shifters - 1"

  1. Matches are not a toy for children.
  2. Lukomorye has a green oak tree.
  3. God sent the crow a piece of cheese.
  4. The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree.
  5. Love is blind.
  6. Did you pray for the night, Desdemona?
  7. One born to crawl cannot fly.
  8. They led an elephant along the street.
  9. A dog is man's friend.
  10. Bread is the head of everything.

"Shifters - 2"

  1. A ray of light in a dark kingdom.
  2. My uncle had the most honest rules.
  3. I take out a duplicate of the priceless cargo from my wide trousers.
  4. Hush, mice - the cat is on the roof.
  5. Evil tongues are worse than a gun.
  6. I loved you. Love, perhaps, has not completely died out in my soul.
  7. You are on the right path, comrades!
  8. Buy yourself some Albee's.
  9. And you, Stirlitz, I will ask you to stay.
  10. The great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language.


  1. Make the word "THREE" from matches.
  2. Move the matches so that two squares and two rectangles are formed inside the large square.
  3. Make a cube from these matches.


  1. Make the word "METER" from matches.
  2. Form a square with matches and the corner of the table.
  3. Fold a triangle out of three matches on a plane, connect the remaining three with their heads, placing a leg in each of the corners of the triangle. The result is a tetrahedron.

    0 – 49 points– You are ready for decisive action only when you feel powerless and helpless, when you seem to be “pressed to the wall.” The rest of the time, they are ready to endure not only humiliation, but even undeserved reproaches, believing that such a sacrifice will one day be noticed and appreciated. There is a risk of falling into a dependent relationship, since you look for the much-desired confidence and self-sufficiency in another person, often ending up with an ordinary tyrant. Love to dream about how, thanks to some person or event, your life changes for the better, like in a fairy tale. Not at all daring to do anything on your own, to take risks and express yourself, your feelings and desires. But don’t despair, you just have to make an effort and work on yourself, and then everything will change. You can start with the techniques described in the article.

    50 – 99 points– You are quite harmonious. You can act decisively without backing down in the face of difficulties. You are a conscious person, not principled, therefore, in situations that require a quick decision, you are ready to take responsibility, and where there are people who want power more than you, you will completely calmly give in. What distinguishes you from other leaders is that you are not driven by the need and thirst for power. You simply know how to organize something, but you don’t claim the laurels of the only winner, especially in moments where it is necessary to make a dishonest move. Although you are in balance, it won’t hurt you to sometimes still show initiative and perseverance, this will help you move even further. To support your desire for self-development and self-improvement, I recommend reading the article.

    100 – 150 – You are simply a born leader who is sometimes even capable of going too far in your actions. You are confident in yourself and believe that there is only one correct answer - yours. Therefore, you often do not take into account the desires and needs of others. Why is this necessary, because they think incorrectly? You cope well with the assigned tasks, your team always delivers work on time, the results are excellent and the company is rapidly moving forward. But you don’t notice that employees simply “fall out” and “drive” themselves to meet your requirements. They consider you a dictator, they fear you, and at the same time they dream of being at least a little like you. I recommend reading the article to understand more about the advantages and disadvantages of such a tough position.
