Classes in the gym for weight loss for men. How to create a weight loss program correctly

Now a healthy lifestyle and its attributes - proper nutrition and sports at the peak of popularity. Girls line up at the gym, not only paying tribute to the fashion for a healthy lifestyle or “to improve their figure for the summer.” Classes in gym is a whole philosophy of body building and way of life.

When a girl comes to the gym, the result depends on a combination of factors: genetics, goals, motivation and effort, nutrition, a competent trainer, etc. But still, the main factor in building a body is the right training program. How to train to achieve desired result in the form of a beautiful pumped up body, without harming your health, we will consider below.

Physiological features

When drawing up a training program, you need to take into account the peculiarities of female physiology, which differs from male physiology, which determines the specifics of the classes.

  1. Testosterone. Many girls are afraid to pump themselves up in the gym and acquire a masculine figure. This will not happen only because the male hormone testosterone in girls is several times less. And they can't perform exercises to failure, which prevents their muscles from growing as much as men's.
  2. Muscles.
    1. Firstly, the structure of muscles in women is different; they contain fewer muscle fibers, which are responsible for contraction and stretching. Therefore, they hypertrophy less during strength training with a small number of repetitions to increase mass.
    2. Secondly, in women, muscles are distributed differently - there are more of them in the lower part of the body - legs, buttocks. Therefore, pump up this part faster than the top, plus the muscles lower press weaker.
  3. Metabolism. Women's metabolism is slower than men's, in particular, carbohydrate metabolism. This causes excess carbohydrates to quickly turn into fat. This must be taken into account when consuming the right carbohydrates, which are stored in the form of glycogen in muscle tissue. The more glycogen in the muscles, the faster they will gain shape and expressiveness, and strength training will be more effective.

Training basics and how to create a program

To start working out in the gym, you need to know the basics and create a program.

Let's talk about the 5 pillars of training for girls.


Girls come to the gym with three main goals:

  • Lose weight and give your muscles definition,
  • Increase muscle mass and correct your figure,
  • Keep your figure in shape.

There are other goals: preparation for fitness bikini competitions, professional bodybuilding.


The program is selected based on the goals.

  1. Fat burning program aimed at losing weight and building muscles. It includes more cardio. Strength exercises are performed in 3 sets of 12-20 repetitions with high intensity, but with light weight and gradually increasing it. The breaks between approaches are less than a minute (from 40 seconds to 1 minute). Circuit training is good for fat burning.
  2. Muscle Gaining Program is aimed at muscle growth, in this case we reduce the number of repetitions in the approaches, but increase the weights, taking breaks between approaches for 2 minutes, and exclude cardio.

The training program can be carried out in two ways:

  1. For the whole body, when exercises are performed on all muscles (both upper and lower body) in an hour. Some trainers consider this program preferable if the goal is to maintain shape, in which case the whole body is pumped evenly. It is also convenient if you don’t have enough time to go to the gym all the time and have forced breaks.
  2. A split program, when on a certain day you pump only one muscle group, for example:
    1. Day 1 – legs and buttocks,
    2. Day 2 – arms, shoulders, chest,
    3. Day 3 – back, abs.


To get results, the system of visiting the gym and the system of classes within one workout are important.

  1. It is considered ideal to visit the gym 3 times a week with a break of 1 day, but at least 2 times a week to get results.
  2. Between workouts there should be rest for muscle recovery (1-2 days).
  3. A quality strength training session takes no more than 1 hour, plus time for cardio and stretching before and after the session.

Equipment and base

Two important postulates that any coach will tell you are:

  1. Follow the technique
  2. Make a base.

Technique is the holy of holies of any training and sport. Without correct technique the efforts will be in vain.

Some technique tips:

  • Don't grab heavy weights right away
  • Spend time on technique, practice exercises at home or in the gym (with a trainer),
  • Do the exercises slowly, preferably in front of a mirror,
  • Be sure to watch the video on the technique of performing the exercises,
  • Don't neglect technology. One correctly performed exercise brings greater results than 10 without technique.

The basis of any program is the base, these are exercises that build the body and form muscles - with a barbell, dumbbells.

The second type of exercises is isolating exercises, they additionally pump up the muscles, are performed on all types of exercise machines and help to refine the muscles.


A diary is needed to record results and track progress. Now it can be taken to electronic form, fortunately there are many programs and mobile applications for this, but if there is no time for this, then the main results need to be recorded in a notebook.

If your classes are held with a personal trainer, then the trainer keeps a diary himself.

A training program can be created in two ways.

  1. On one's own, if you have knowledge in the field of fitness, or you have acquaintances or friends who are athletes or trainers. They will always help you adjust your plan. Nowadays there are many mobile applications and ready-made series of video lessons from famous athletes and bikini fitness champions on working out in the gym. However, you still need to keep your goal and your body type in mind.
  2. With a coach. If you are new to sports, it is better not to conduct independent experiments with your body and contact a professional trainer. The coach will make competent program, taking into account your goals and body type, will record your results, evenly distribute the load, set the technique for doing the exercises, draw up a nutrition plan, and much more.

The important part is warming up

Warm-up is an obligatory part of training, but, alas, it is neglected by many.

Warm-up is needed to warm up joints, ligaments and muscles, which will help prevent injuries during exercise.

Never handle hardware without warming up. As a warm-up, you can do intense exercises without weights (squats, swinging arms and legs, bending to the side, etc.), jumping rope, stretching exercises.

If you do not have a goal to lose weight, then instead of warming up, you can do cardio for no more than 5 minutes. If the goal is fat burning, then the warm-up will be replaced by intense cardio for 15-30 minutes - a treadmill, exercise bike, elliptical or jump rope.

Basic training program for girls for a week for weight loss

Classes 3 times a week, 3-4 sets of 15-18 repetitions, take weights depending on your own weight and preparation; if you are a beginner, it is better to take light weights or consult a trainer. Rest between exercises 1-1.5 minutes, between approaches 40 seconds.

1 day

  • Cardio up to 30 minutes, warm-up.
  • Hyperextension,
  • Squats with a barbell (first approach with an empty bar) or in a Smith machine.
  • Scissor lunges with dumbbells (or weights)
  • Breeding legs in the simulator,
  • Leg abduction in the simulator,
  • Leg bending in the simulator, lying on your stomach,
  • Seated leg extension
  • Horizontal pull-down on the shoulders,
  • Horizontal pull-down to the chest,
  • Bent over press crunches,
  • Cardio 10-15 minutes,
  • Stretching for 5 minutes.

Day 2

  • Any cardio up to 30 minutes.
  • Hyperextension.
  • Squat with dumbbells.
  • Lunges with weights (or dumbbells)
  • Vertical platform bench press,
  • Standing dumbbell raises
  • Dumbbell bench press,
  • Graviton push-ups
  • Vertical leg raise,
  • Twisting,
  • Cardio 10 minutes
  • Stretching for 5 minutes.

Day 3

  • Cardio up to 30 minutes,
  • Hyperextension with weights,
  • Plie squat with dumbbells,
  • Smith machine reverse lunges
  • Romanian deadlift,
  • Lifting dumbbells for biceps,
  • Pulldown of the upper block to the chest,
  • Wide grip pull-ups
  • Hanging leg pull-ups
  • Ab crunches,
  • Cardio up to 15 minutes,
  • Stretching for 5 minutes.

Basic training program for girls for a week to gain muscle mass

In this program for mass, we reduce the number of repetitions in the approach to 6-12, and increase the weight required to perform this number of repetitions. We do not use cardio in the training, only warm-up. Rest between sets – 2 minutes, between exercises – 1 minute.

1 day

  • Warm up,
  • Hyperextension,
  • Ab crunches,
  • Barbell squat,
  • Lunges with dumbbells,
  • Wide grip push-ups
  • Reduction and extension of arms in the butterfly simulator,
  • Press dumbbells with each hand alternately,
  • Pull of the upper block behind the head,
  • Stretching.

Day 2

  • Warm up,
  • Hyperextension,
  • Lifting your legs to your chest
  • Deadlift,
  • Lunges with dumbbells (or Smith machine),
  • Bench press,
  • Dumbbell lateral raises
  • Wide grip push-ups or pull-ups
  • Twisting,
  • Stretching.

Day 3

  • Warm up,
  • Twisting,
  • Squats with dumbbells,
  • Scissor lunges with dumbbells,
  • Standing barbell press from the chest,
  • Barbell row to the chin,
  • Horizontal block thrust,
  • Close-grip lat pull-down,
  • Pullover with dumbbells,
  • Stretching.

Circular training cycle for girls in the gym

Circuit training is suitable for those who are losing weight. Cyclic training has a powerful fat-burning effect, depleting all glycogen stores in the muscles. Several exercises are performed without breaks at a fast pace, after which we do the 2nd and 3rd round of repetitions of these exercises. We increase the repetitions to a maximum of 20.

An example of circuit training by Ekaterina Usmanova

Complete three circles:

  1. Pull of the upper block behind the head.
  2. Leg extension in the simulator.
  3. Pulldown of the lower block to the waist in a sitting position with a narrow grip
  4. Scissor squat (with or without weights).
  5. Triceps extension.
  6. Lifting dumbbells alternately for biceps with supination.
  7. Press crunches.

Exercises in the gym for the back

Often girls neglect working their back, focusing on their legs and buttocks. Meanwhile, working on the back muscles is important so that the body looks evenly sculpted; strengthened back muscles help to perform all other basic exercises.

The most effective exercises for back muscles:

  1. Traction of a horizontal block behind the head,
  2. Hyperextension,
  3. All types of deadlifts,
  4. Pull-ups and push-ups
  5. Bent over dumbbell row,
  6. Plank,
  7. Bent-over barbell chest press.

Abdominal exercises in the gym

Many people advise finishing your workout with abdominal crunches before stretching. There are many variations of twists.

The most basic ones in the gym:

  • Bent crunches on a bench,
  • Raising your legs to your chest with emphasis on your arms.

The abs are also involved in almost all basic strength exercises (squats, lunges, deadlifts, etc.).

Exercise and the menstrual cycle

Women's workouts and menstrual cycle directly related concepts. This should be taken into account in the program. In the first weeks after ovulation, the female body is full of strength, when you need to increase the load and work intensively, 2 weeks before ovulation it is better to reduce the load and not overdo exercises on the lower body.

In the first days of menstruation, women's endurance decreases and fatigue appears. Therefore, it is better not to carry out heavy training at this time.

Proper nutrition

Another commandment of all trainers is that without proper nutrition you cannot build a healthy, beautiful body and you will not get high-quality muscles. What does it mean?

If you are planning to lose weight, then prepare for a calorie deficit, but not for starvation.

You will have to give up sweets and fast carbohydrates (baked goods, bread, etc.) and replace them with slow carbohydrates, also fully consume protein and fiber, count calories and eat fractionally up to 5 times a day.

If you're bulking up, you'll have to do the same thing, but on a larger scale.

To gain quality mass, not fat, you can’t sit on buns and cakes, only proper nutrition with healthy food, counting calories and no fasting.

The body must receive the full amount of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates in the correct ratio.

Results and time

At the right program training, taking into account nutrition and systematic training, the first results will appear within 2 months.

The body quickly adapts to the load, addiction occurs and progress stops. Trainers advise changing the program once every three months and be sure to increase the weights and load; in the process, you can also replace the exercises with similar ones so that there is no addictive effect.

To track your progress, be sure to keep a journal (as we discussed above).

If progress has stopped, we use 2 methods, increase the number of repetitions, or increase the weight if the number cannot be increased.

In conclusion, a few tips.

  1. Study systematically, there must be a plan, do not miss classes.
  2. Warm up before class.
  3. Be sure to do basic exercises, this is the basis for building muscles.
  4. Follow the technique.
  5. The key to a beautiful body, proper nutrition - without this, exercise in the gym will not be 100% effective.

Greetings dear friends. Alexander Bely and the sports information blog sportivs are with you. Previously, we looked at the topic, in which I described tips and tricks, but now I wanted to consider a similar topic - exercises for losing weight in the gym. In the article you will find valuable information about the human anatomical structure and learn about the most effective exercises that will help you lose weight.

Let's understand the basics of excess weight

As always, you and I, dear friends, start with the basics, thanks to which the principle of human anatomy becomes clear; this is necessary so that questions do not arise during the course of the article.

Let's begin. It's no secret that for women and men, beauty is a priority athletic body. In order to avoid a sagging belly, fat on the thighs and in the butt area, it is necessary that the level of fat in the body is normal. If you have too thick a fat layer, then no matter how big your muscles are, you still won’t have visible abs and muscle definition, since they are located under fat. This is where the solution comes in - losing weight.

Unfortunately, it does not exist that the body loses fat from a certain part of the body, it does not happen.

It is important to understand that fat leaves the entire body evenly, and not from individual parts.

During the day we consume carbohydrates, fats and proteins, which have nutritional value– calories. If a person consumes a large number of calories per day, then without the presence of physical activity they begin to be deposited in the body as fat.

Fat is a source of fuel, but our body is designed in such a way that first carbohydrates begin to be processed into energy, and then fat. From this we can conclude that a decrease in carbohydrates leads to the fact that our body begins to consume fat as energy.

Our body is designed according to this principle. To achieve beautiful figure you, dear readers, must remember the basic formula for success: Workout + diet = beautiful figure.
Now let's look at fat loss training.

Let's move on to training

The more you do, the better result. However, you should not overdo it, as excessive loads may not be beneficial - everything should be in moderation. The optimal number of workouts per week is considered to be 3-5 times.

If you decide to seriously transform your body, then make it a rule not to be lazy and not look for an excuse to skip a workout.

In order to achieve good results, you must develop a so-called system, thanks to which you will not skip workouts or eat junk food.

The most effective set of exercises

For men, in order to maintain the muscle mass gained and lose fat, it is recommended to engage in basic exercises without increasing the number of repetitions. This is necessary in order to preserve the muscles as much as possible, since if you increase the number of repetitions, a strong burning sensation will begin.

Unfortunately, this will be a burning sensation in the muscles - it means that it is the muscle fibers that are being destroyed, but our main task is to burn fat, so optimal quantity repetitions should be 10-12, but with less rest 1 minute - 1:30.

For girls, the main task is to bring the muscles of the buttocks, hips and sides into good condition, because the summer season is just around the corner.

Training is an individual matter, I recommend contacting your personal trainer, since this complex will suit one person perfectly, but will work poorly for another, however, I will describe the most effective exercises that allow you to tone your muscles, activating fat burning processes. How you alternate these exercises is up to you.

List of exercises:

1. Raising legs on the horizontal bar. 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions. For maximum intensity, it is recommended to raise straight legs.

2. . 3-4 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

3. Pull the block behind the chest or behind the head. 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

4. Rope extension on a triceps block. 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

5. . 3 sets of 15 times on each leg.

6. Squats with a barbell. 4 sets of 10-12 reps.

7. Roman chair crunch. 4 sets of 20-25 times, it is important to feel a burning sensation in the abdominal area.

8. Bent-over dumbbell rows 4 sets of 10 reps.

9. 3 sets of 12 reps. Good exercise for pumping up your arms.

10. Squat with dumbbells between legs. Stand on two hills and lower the dumbbell in your hands into the gap between the hills, squatting at the same time. An excellent exercise for pumping up the buttocks.

11. Seated leg extension. 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

Cardio exercise is also very important, due to which the body temperature rises, which also promotes fat burning processes.

  • Jumping rope.
  • or around the stadium.
  • Riding an exercise bike.
  • Orbitrek.

These exercises are the most effective, but of them I prefer running the most, as the whole body works, the heart comes into a toned state. You can choose the order of exercises individually.

Based on the above, you can independently choose the most suitable exercises for you by creating your own program, or by asking your trainer for help.

  • Small meals 4-5 times a day.
  • Drink 2-3 liters of water daily.
  • Eliminate fast carbohydrates, and generally reduce the total number of calories.
  • Don't skip workouts.

Working out at the gym gives you a huge number of benefits. For example, they allow you to lose excess weight, get rid of problem areas, build muscles, and tone your body.

Masters of various fitness centers have developed entire sets of classes aimed at specific problem areas. They all differ in the level of load: a set of exercises for men in the gym can be chosen for advanced and beginners.

First, you need to think about your problem, and also set real tasks that need to be solved in order to achieve a beautiful and slender figure. To do this, you need to choose a fitness club according to your taste. Various institutions offer the opportunity to take a trial first lesson for free. There they will measure you, weigh you, determine the areas that need to be worked on, and also select a set of exercises in the gym for men (including those over 40 years old) to get your body in shape. The coach will tell you how to correctly distribute the load. This is important, since your muscles will work at full strength, and more calories will be burned only if you have the right nutrition and approach.

How many workouts should there be per week for men to lose weight?

In the presented set of weight loss exercises for men, the optimal frequency of exercise will be every 1 day. Your muscles must recover, do not forget about diet, it is the key to losing weight. On the other hand, if you are already on a low-carbohydrate diet, then you may simply run out of strength, overtrain and apathy will set in. In between workouts, steady cardio, not interval cardio, is perfect. Steady cardio will further boost your fat burning and metabolism, stick to a minimum duration of 45 minutes.

Information for men

Number of repetitions and exercises for men

In order for men to have an effect from working in the gym, you need to clearly understand how a set of exercises for weight loss is structured.

The first element of training is cardio. You should start with 5-10 minutes, without much acceleration. If it is an ellipsoid or an exercise bike, you can work even more in the first workouts. If it’s a treadmill, you need to dose the load.

Subject to availability excess weight exercise on a treadmill should begin with walking briskly. Then everything depends on the state of the cardiovascular system and joints. If walking is easy for you and you do not experience any discomfort either during or after training, increase the speed a little. Gradually build up to an easy jog. Speed ​​running is not needed here. Do not forget about sneakers with thick soles, as the load on knee joints will be significant.

After the cardio comes the main part of the workout, which consists of strength exercises. Here your task is to expend maximum energy.

To burn fat, you need to do 15-20 repetitions of each exercise. You need to do it at medium speed, without jerking, but also without stopping at the extreme points.

The goal is to get rid of fat over the muscles and tone them. Muscle mass grow by at this stage there won't be. You will do it later, when you lose weight. Of course, the program will be different.

As for the weight loss program given in this article, even some exercises should not be excluded. Try to use everything: both the base and secondary elements to strengthen the muscles. All this will ensure active burning of calories and reducing your weight.

If you use another program, remember that the base is the most energy-intensive among the exercises, so it is better that they are included in your complex. Even with a little weight, they will make you work up a good sweat. All that remains is to ensure control on the part of the trainer so that you do not harm yourself by doing anything incorrectly.

The basis of losing weight for men is the correct diet

The vast majority of beginners are convinced that to lose weight, just choosing the right ones is enough. physical exercise. However, the issue of burning subcutaneous fat depends, first of all, on how healthy you eat. Yes, intensive and voluminous work in the gym can lead to kilograms of fat mass being lost, however, if your diet is incorrect and includes a lot of unnecessary things, the lost kilograms will return very quickly.

How to eat properly to lose weight for a man?

Let me remind you briefly:

Limit your intake of fast carbohydrates (flour, sweets) to a minimum - they can be consumed in minimal quantities only in the morning.

Eat strictly at certain periods of time (breakfast, lunch, dinner) - exclude snacks and other unnecessary meals.

Reduce portions of carbohydrates (by 10-15%) and increase the amount of protein foods consumed.

Monitor your weight and subcutaneous fat thickness every month - if the result is not visible, reduce your daily caloric intake even more (primarily due to carbohydrates).

Thus, paying necessary attention The issue of proper nutrition, we significantly increase the effectiveness of our fat-burning workouts, and also accelerate the weight loss process itself. At the same time, we consolidate the achieved results and do not gain back the lost kilograms, even if we stop going to the gym for a while.

Post-workout carbohydrate window for men's weight loss

Training for weight loss is based on strength exercises, if you have done a workout during the day or can eat before 20.00, then you need to eat slow carbohydrates and protein, this will restore strength, especially necessary for beginner men. If you complete a set of exercises for weight loss in the evening, then all that remains for you is low-fat protein, chicken breast and salad, low-fat cottage cheese. Immediately after training for weight loss, you can drink a protein shake with whey protein, and drink casein at night.

Gym training program for men (for beginners)

Training for beginners means working out all muscle groups in each workout. Often trainers suggest doing a split workout right away (one workout – one muscle group), but we recommend doing exercises for the whole body (or 2 muscle groups) every time at first.

Click on the name of the exercise or on the picture and see detailed description exercises.

1 Pull-ups

Maximum number of repetitions * 3 sets

*if you can’t do pull-ups yet, use a gravitron or ask a trainer/partner to push you with their hands. You can also place a chair below and do negative pull-ups (quickly push your feet up from the chair and slowly lower yourself).

2 Barbell deadlift

10-12 reps * 3 sets

3 Leg press

12-15 reps * 3 sets

4 Seated dumbbell press

12-15 reps * 3 sets

5 Ab crunches

15-20 reps * 3 sets

Entry level program for men:

  • training duration – 40 minutes + warm-up
  • since you are a beginner, we will work out the whole body in one workout (that is, we do the same thing every workout)


No. 1. Warm-up – 5 minutes

No. 2. Squats with a barbell on the shoulders – 3*20

No. 3. Deadlift on straight legs with a barbell – 3*20

No. 4. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar with a wide grip to the chest – 4*15

No. 5. Bench press on a horizontal bench with a wide grip – 4*20

No. 6. Hanging leg raises on the horizontal bar – 3*maximum

No. 7. Orbitrek – 10 minutes

The first few months (while you are a beginner), male and female patterns are almost identical. These schemes have two goals: burning fat and preparing the body for heavy loads. According to these schemes, you can train for about 2 months (you can do 3 months, but not less than 2 months). After this, your body will get stronger and you can begin more difficult training.

Program for men intermediate level:

  • number of workouts per week – 3 times
  • training duration – 60 minutes + warm-up
  • rest between sets of exercises – 60 seconds
  • the body is divided into three parts, and each part is worked on a separate day, once a week
  • It is forbidden to shuffle the exercises (do everything in in strict order as written)
  • You need to train not every day, but every other day (Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday)
  • you need to train at the same time

Monday (or Tuesday):

No. 1. Warm-up – 5 minutes

No. 2. Bench press on an incline bench (30 degree incline) – 1*20/1*15/5*10

No. 3. Dumbbell flyes lying on a horizontal bench – 5*12

No. 4. Wide grip barbell row to the chin – 1*20/1*15/5*10

No. 5. Dips – 1*20/5*12

No. 6. Orbitrek – 20 minutes

Wednesday (or Thursday):

No. 1. Warm-up – 5 minutes

No. 2. Squats with a barbell on the shoulders – 1*20/1*15/5*12

No. 3. Deadlift on straight legs with a barbell – 1*20/1*15/5*12

No. 4. Lunges with dumbbells – 2*15

No. 5. Hanging leg raises on the horizontal bar – 4*maximum

No. 6. Lying crunches – 4*maximum

No. 7. Orbitrek – 20 minutes

Friday (or Saturday):

No. 1. Warm-up – 5 minutes

No. 2. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar with a wide grip to the chest – 1*15/1*12/5*8

No. 3. Bent-over barbell row – 5*12

No. 4. Bent-over barbell row rear delts – 1*20/1*15/5*10

No. 5. Standing biceps curl – 1*15/5*10

No. 6. Orbitrek – 20 minutes

According to these schemes, you need to train for approximately 3 months. You can even 4 – 5 months if there is an effect. Everything seems to be individual here.

Every man dreams of having a good figure - many even sign up for gyms, torturing themselves in the hope of getting rid of excess weight. But the success of the procedure depends primarily not on diligence and not even on hours on exercise machines, but on the training program in the gym and the selection of suitable exercises.

Some people spend many months going to the gym 3-4 times a week, pushing themselves to the point of exhaustion, but never making significant progress. In most cases, this happens precisely because of the wrong program or its complete absence. Yes, many people believe that the main thing is to exercise heavily in order to lose weight. But experts know that if a training program in the gym for men is designed taking into account the characteristics of physiology, success can be achieved.

Features of male weight loss

Getting rid of excess weight for a man - the right decision. After all, a slender man has many advantages over those who have substantial subcutaneous fat reserves:

  • attractiveness to the opposite sex;
  • reducing the risk of diabetes, stroke, heart attack, hypertension;
  • high endurance, excellent health;
  • self-confidence.

All this can be achieved with a suitable men's gym training program.

It is easier for men to lose excess weight than for women. Moreover, this is explained by physiology, and not by the personal qualities of a person.

To begin with, in men, fat is primarily deposited in the abdominal area, and not in the hips, as in women. With physical activity and moderate nutrition, it is this fat that is burned first. In addition, even if a man quits working out in the gym and returns to poor nutrition, weight gain occurs more slowly than among the fair sex.

Photo 1. A healthy body looks attractive and provides many benefits.

Abdominal fat deposition (rounded belly) poses a danger to the wearer. The stomach puts pressure on the diaphragm, as a result of which the heart changes position and blood circulation is disrupted, endurance decreases, and the risk of a heart attack increases. For overweight men, the issue of losing weight is so important - they risk both their appearance and their health.

The disadvantages of obesity do not end there. Excess fat in the body leads to increased secretion of estrogen, the female sex hormone. As a result, a man becomes overly emotional, irritable, and his breasts begin to grow and sag. In addition, an increase in estrogen in the blood leads to a decrease in sperm motility and sperm count. In some cases, this leads to male infertility.

But these problems can be solved. By creating a training plan for men in the gym, reducing the amount and calorie content of food, you can get rid of your belly fat. After this, it is not difficult to control your weight - in most cases, certain dietary restrictions will help in order to maintain your figure for many years.

Photo 2. Push-ups with fists pump up muscles and burn extra pounds.

Gym classes for men

Training in the gym for men allows you to achieve excellent results - from weight loss through burning excess fat to increase endurance.

An effective gym training program for men is drawn up by an experienced trainer. He will take into account the physiological characteristics of a particular person and evaluate physical fitness in order to give recommendations and bring the body back to normal in a short time. But an experienced trainer is a luxury not available to all people who want to lose weight. Therefore, you can create a training program in the gym yourself.

First of all, give up exercises that allow you to pump up individual muscle groups without putting stress on the entire body. The gym training program for weight loss does not include work on biceps and triceps. But in a gym workout for men, there are always exercises for maximum load on all muscle groups.

Photo 3. Working with a barbell with an underhand grip helps build muscle mass.

The total duration of the exercises is at least an hour. All this time the person is moving. Let the load be small but constant. Working until your muscles hurt for a minute and then resting for 10-20 minutes will not achieve anything, even if you spend half a day training. Circular training for men in the gym is good for weight loss. What is circuit training? Many amateurs do not know this term, but this type of training is suitable for burning fat.

Circuit training is a set of aerobic and strength exercises in which the load is alternately applied to different groups muscles with minimal breaks between approaches. You press a barbell, after half a minute you do a leg press, rows on a block with a wide grip, bend your legs on the machine, straighten your arms, working with a dumbbell from behind your head. After this, a short break is given (3-5 minutes) and the cycle is repeated two or three more times. This is just a sample gym workout plan for men, but it gives you an idea. general principle: The same muscle group is not used twice in a row.

Table describing the circuit training exercise cycle

Typical strength training in the gym for men involves three to four sets. Performing a barbell press 15 times, a person rests for three to five minutes, the muscles recover, he does two repetitions 10-15 times. After this, he moves on to another exercise. Good strategy, if the goal is to spend a little energy, putting a high load on the muscles. They will grow, become hard and prominent. If a man wants to lose weight in the gym, his body should not relax.

Photo 4. The circuit training cycle includes leg press on the machine.

With circuit training, some muscle group is always working. The time between approaches is minimal - 30-60 seconds, after which another exercise begins. The body does not have time to relax. But there is no dangerous overload. After training the chest muscles, a person moves on to exercises that involve the arms and legs. When the exercise cycle ends, pectoral muscles rest, withstanding the next portion of the load without the danger of injury. Work using this method without getting tired for the first time - an hour, after a couple of months - longer. Constant load useful for fat burning. A month or two will pass, and, looking in the mirror, you will not recognize yourself. But for this you need to choose correct exercises and simulators. If you work without a coach, all responsibility for effectiveness falls on you.

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Exercise equipment for weight loss

Before you begin basic exercises, do an aerobic warm-up. A treadmill, an exercise bike, or a regular jump rope are suitable for this. Despite the apparent ease of the exercises, they provide a long-lasting load. After all, a beginning athlete cannot lift a barbell or dumbbells for 10-15 minutes, but he is able to spend the same time on an exercise bike, pedaling.

Start with a light load - you need to ride, run, jump and gradually increase the pace. This will speed up the blood, tone the body, and prepare for the upcoming workout. Watch your breathing: if you mess it up during warm-up, the workout will not be successful. If you are running on a treadmill, start with a walk. Increase your speed until you reach your comfortable maximum. The main criterion for the first lessons is to enjoy the process.

Photo 5. Aerobic exercise on a sedentary exercise bike speeds up your metabolism.

An effective exercise machine includes a bench press. You can start your training cycle with it. The load goes on the biceps, shoulders, chest, back. The bench is also suitable for dumbbell raises - when performing the exercise, different muscle groups also work.

A hyperextension machine is needed to train all muscle groups of the back. It also gives an excellent load on the whole body, allowing you to burn extra pounds.

Specialized hyperextension machines are ideal for training the muscles of the back, buttocks and abs. Externally, they look like an inclined bench with a leg lock. Adjusting the angle and height of the lift allows you to use different muscle groups; due to the isolation of movement, complete safety and convenience is achieved. The higher the buttocks are located above the upper border of the roller, the stronger the load.

By hanging a horizontal bar at home, you can perform any exercises on it and in any quantity. Exercises on it allow you to strain all the abdominal muscles - the upper, lower abs and lateral ones.

Roman chair - reliable means to strengthen your back and abdominal muscles and burn calories. Crunches on it are suitable for beginners, since the load on the lower back in this case is lower - only the upper part of the body comes off the bench. This is important for people with a low level of training - they are the ones who come to gyms more often to get rid of excess weight. By spending a month or two doing crunches, the novice athlete will strengthen the muscles of the pelvis and back to move on to confident lifting. With them, the load on the muscles is greater, but efficiency also increases.

Photo 6. Exercises on the Roman Chair machine help develop abdominal muscles

Don't forget about the leg flexion-extension machine. By working on it, you can work out a significant part of the leg muscles - shins, calves, front and back of the thigh. Exercises on it are suitable for a beginner. Legs that can withstand heavy weight and at least a short walk will be able to withstand the stress of the exercise. If muscle definition or excess weight loss is important to you, add this exercise machine to your list.

Leg extension machines direct force to the quadriceps, the muscles on the front of the thighs. Stabilizing muscles are not involved in the work, since in a sitting position there is no need to make efforts to maintain balance. Supporting the spine on the machine eliminates the possibility of back injury.

If you really want to get rid of excess weight, work with old exercise machines that have been proven by generations of athletes. You can lose weight without doing anything only if you have serious illnesses. The loads of the first session will seem excessive, and fatigue after training will become your constant companion. But believe me, the result will justify the fatigue.

Features of training for men

Despite the popularity of the slogan about the equality of men and women, physiologically representatives of the different sexes differ. There are no exercises that are called exclusively female or male. But the program is compiled taking into account gender.

Not many women pay attention to men's thighs or legs. At the same time, everyone will notice powerful forearms, broad shoulders, a convex chest and a flat, toned stomach. The female standard of beauty includes thin arms, long toned legs, and strong rounded buttocks. Men have a massive upper body, and women have a massive lower body. Men have great strength, and women have endurance.

Photo 7. Muscle building occurs differently in men and women

Even if your goal is not to build muscle, but to get rid of excess weight, you should never ignore the difference in physiology.

If a man wants to be fit, a set of exercises that include upper body workouts is suitable for him. Loading the abdominal and chest muscles on them helps to quickly burn excess fat. This does not mean forgetting about the jump rope, exercise bike, treadmill or weighted lunges - your legs also need to be pumped. Moreover, both for beauty and to ensure that all muscle groups are working - in this case you will be able to lose weight faster.

Weight and number of approaches. Men have more strength and less endurance. Their bones and tendons are stronger. For these reasons, they do fewer sets, but take on a larger load. During strength training, men are recommended to lift heavy weights, doing 6-12 repetitions. Women will not be able to take a similar weight - thin bones and weak muscles will not withstand it. But, taking a suitable load, they can easily do 12-15 repetitions, which would terrify a man.

Taking these features into account, you will create a training program that suits you.

Photo 8. Men's training necessarily includes a dumbbell press.

Sample program for men

Experienced athletes know how many subtleties and nuances there are in creating a program for weight loss for men, which allows you to achieve the desired result in a short time. First, you can create an approximate program for intensive fat burning.

Day one:

  1. work for incline bench- crunches - 4 sets of 20 times;
  2. squats with a barbell - 4 sets of 15 times;
  3. hyperextension - 4 sets of 20 times;
  4. head pulls with overhead pulley - 4 sets of 15 reps;
  5. chest press in a standing or sitting position - 4 sets of 20 times;
  6. push-ups from a bench standing behind - 4 sets of 20 times;
  7. leg curls on the machine - 4 sets of 20 times;
  8. pulling the barbell with a narrow grip - 4 sets of 20 times;

Day two:

  1. lifting legs from support - 4 sets of 20 times;
  2. lunges with dumbbells - 4 sets of 15 times;
  3. deadlift when working with dumbbells - 4 sets of 20 times;
  4. rows with a horizontal block - 4 sets of 15 times;
  5. overhead barbell rows in a standing position - 4 sets of 20 times;
  6. wide grip push-ups - 4 sets of 20 reps;
  7. leg extension on the machine - 4 sets of 20 times;
  8. barbell curls - 4 sets of 20 reps;

Photo 9. Bench press on an incline bench in the gym

Day three:

  1. twisting on the floor - 4 sets of 15 times;
  2. leg press on the machine - 4 sets of 15 times;
  3. hyperextension - 4 sets of 15 times;
  4. bench press - 4 sets of 15 times;
  5. close grip rows with an overhead pulley - 4 sets of 15 reps;
  6. stepping onto a bench with a load - 4 sets of 15 times;
  7. Bent-overs with a barbell on your shoulders - 4 sets of 15 reps;
  8. dumbbell flyes in a lying position - 4 sets of 15 times;

This program is designed for classical work, providing several approaches. But if you choose circuit training, there is no difficulty in working on it. Exercises are performed in one approach, with minimal rest breaks between exercises - 1 minute. Cycles should be separated by breaks of 2-5 minutes. Repeat the cycle 4 times. After studying the program, you will be convinced that exercises for the same muscle groups do not follow each other - work on the abs, hips, back, chest, calves and so on. By the time you finish one cycle and are ready to start a new one, your muscles will have time to rest. Circuit training allows you to achieve excellent results if your goal is to lose excess weight. After spending an hour and a half training, the athlete rests for 20-30 minutes. IN classical training More time is spent before re-loading the muscles.

Photo 10. Wide-grip lat pulldowns are performed in several approaches.

It is not necessary to work with huge loads - it is more important to train without stopping. This guarantees fast fat burning.

The program should also include a warm-up. Before starting the first exercise, spend 10-15 minutes on an exercise bike or working with a jump rope.

Warm-up is a comprehensive preparation of the body for the upcoming physical activity. Do a short warm-up before strength training- one of the key components effective training, which results in accelerating muscle growth and reducing the risk of injury. At the same time, it is important not to go to extremes, not to abandon the warm-up altogether, but also not to turn it into a full-fledged workout.

Three training days a week - suitable option. Some novice athletes, in a hurry to taste healthy image life, overexert themselves 5-6 days a week. But one night is not enough to recover and again give the maximum result. Because of this, the next workout becomes not as successful and productive as the previous one. Instead of improving his result, the athlete finds out that he is unable to perform yesterday's exercises. By giving your body a rest for two days, performing exercises using the correct technique and not missing a single workout, you will achieve the desired result.

Workout example table

Any sane person understands that training is part of success. And to get rid of excess weight, you need to take care of yourself outside of training.

Photo 11. Muscles that are activated when bench pressing dumbbells

First of all - healthy sleep. Without getting enough sleep, you can't count on good results training. To regain strength overnight, you need to get enough sleep. Staying late and getting up early for work, people come to a workout for which they do not have enough strength. One person needs six hours to sleep, while another needs nine. Listen to yourself to find out this indicator for yourself.

At the same time, if you've had a rough week at work, don't skip your workout. Are you running out of time or energy? Try to work according to the scheme, performing one approach or cycle at a time, instead of a full program. Your muscles will be toned, you won’t lose your shape, and during subsequent workouts you won’t have to catch up with everything from scratch.

High demands are also applied to nutrition for weight loss. Create your own specific meal plan. Don't read books from successful bodybuilders. Your task is not to gain weight, but to lose it, and the diet that is suitable for people who want to acquire mountains of muscle is not suitable for you.

Photo 12. Good sleep is an important component of a healthy lifestyle

Eliminate from your diet:

  • fried and fatty foods;
  • flour products (leave bran and black bread, but in reasonable quantities);
  • sweets of all kinds;
  • I'm going instant cooking;
  • usual side dishes (pasta, peas, mashed potatoes) - replace them with low-calorie stewed or steamed vegetables;

During training, do not drink any alcohol - including non-alcoholic beer.

Photo 13. One-arm dumbbell row exercise diagram for men.

Permanent food items:

  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • low-fat cheese, cottage cheese;
  • seafood;
  • red lean meat;
  • oatmeal, buckwheat;
  • nuts.

Photo 14. Athletes get strength from proteins and fiber, which are found in vegetables.

You should avoid snacking before exercise. But drinking more green tea to normalize metabolism is acceptable.

After training, your appetite wakes up, but don’t go straight to lunch. If going through hunger is hard for you, eat something low-calorie and not very sweet - an apple or some nuts.

If your main goal is to lose weight, then do not eat anything high in calories for at least a couple of hours. You finished the workout, but fat continues to be burned for several hours after.

Photo 15. Beautiful body And minimum quantity fat is a constant result of competent training.


As you can see, getting rid of excess weight is not easy, but comprehensive actions- proper nutrition, good sleep and exercise - allow you to achieve the desired result. You may have to spend many months watching the number on the scale go down. By fulfilling the requirements, you will lose 4-6 kilograms in a month - after a maximum of six months, you will get yourself into great shape, increasing your endurance and pumping up strong muscles.

To reduce the percentage of body fat, it is important not only to change your approach to nutrition, but also to choose the right exercises for weight loss in the gym. A carefully thought-out program will help you achieve results in less than short terms. The complex should be varied and include exercises on machines and with additional weights. Under such a load, the fat burning process will go faster. How often to visit the gym to lose weight and exercise correctly, you will learn from the tips below.

What are exercises for weight loss

The body perceives certain exercises differently, so training should consist of a set of loads on each muscle group. This strategy helps to work out the whole body as much as possible. Weight loss exercises are a system of physical activity aimed at burning fat and getting a beautiful figure. Conventionally, they have several types:

  1. Aerobic. Characterized by an intense pace and a large number of repetitions. It is important to breathe correctly and deeply here. Exercise saturates tissues with oxygen as much as possible, which helps get rid of extra pounds.
  2. Anaerobic. Additional weight is required to perform this type of exercise. Aimed at increasing muscle mass and strength, supporting metabolism. They are effective only when combined with aerobic ones.
  3. Dynamic. Characterized by a fast pace and a large number of movements. This includes gymnastics, dancing, aerobics, and shaping.
  4. Static. They gently involve the heart, do not increase blood pressure and do not put pressure on the joints, therefore they are especially recommended for beginners.
  5. Cardio. This type exercise helps train the cardiovascular system. This could be running, fast walking, jumping rope, cycling, rollerblading, skiing. Thanks to this load, all muscles are used, many calories are burned, so weight loss is faster, especially if you exclude simple carbohydrates.

Is it possible to lose weight in the gym?

An ideal set of exercises for losing weight in the gym would include one from each group listed above. A woman is recommended to choose aerobic exercise. For men, it is better to focus on anaerobic exercise. Representatives of any gender can lose weight in the gym; you just need to set the goal correctly and choose an individual training program. It is not necessary to exercise every day. The muscles need to be at rest for at least 1-2 days. During this time, you can visit the steam room or massage sessions.

How to lose weight in the gym

Most nutritionists speak negatively about any diets, because they contribute to metabolic disorders and also spoil the condition of the skin, hair and general well-being. It will be more effective to switch to proper nutrition along with visiting the gym. If this topic is new to you, then you will have many questions - how to lose weight in the gym, where to start, what exercises to do, etc. It is important to understand what you will need to do:

  1. Strength exercises. To do this, you can use dumbbells, a regular and incline bench, a vertical block, an abdominal corner, a regular barbell and a curved barbell. Strength exercises also include weight loss exercises in the gym without weights, i.e. with its own weight. For example, lifting the pelvis off the floor while lying down, pull-ups, lunges, push-ups, planks.
  2. Cardio. This load can be done on a treadmill. This is one of the most expensive simulators. Some people prefer to pedal an exercise bike, exercise on a ski slope or with a jump rope.

Gym training plans

The entire weight loss workout in the gym consists of three main stages. Cardio can be done from the very beginning, used as a warm-up, or at the end. Then it will be a hitch, i.e. smooth completion of the session, which is very important for muscle recovery. The main ones will be strength exercises in the gym for weight loss. It is worth dividing them by day of the week and muscle groups, for example, plan a back workout on Monday, a shoulder girdle workout on Wednesday, and a leg workout on Friday. Gym training regimens with this division are very effective.

Weekly gym schedule

You need to visit the gym at least 3-4 times weekly. The rest between workouts is 1-2 days. With less frequent visits, the muscles will return to their pre-training state. This is the principle of supercompensation. Its essence is that the next workout should be during the phase of the most active muscle growth, which occurs 2-3 days after the last session. For this reason, the optimal weekly gym schedule is to visit it on Monday, Wednesday and Friday or Thursday and Saturday.

Workout program for weight loss

For classes, it is important to choose comfortable clothes and shoes. It is better to take sneakers with springy soles and made from natural materials. This will save your back and knees from damage. You will also need sports leggings with a T-shirt. They must allow air to pass through. It is worth getting a lumbar belt and gloves for workout, but this is for more professional activities. The training program for weight loss includes exercises for muscles from each group:

  1. Monday. Perform 4 circles of 10 repetitions on the block for the back, then work on the corner for the press (5 15-20 times), followed by the bench press (4 sets with light weight). Finish everything by running at low speed for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Wednesday. The first will be a standing barbell curl (4 sets of 10 reps), then an isolated exercise with a bent barbell and a Scott bench (4 x 10), followed by a triceps pull-down (also 4 x 10). The training ends with walking on the ski complex for about a quarter of an hour.
  3. Friday. First, you need to perform a squat with a barbell (4 sets of 8-10 repetitions), then do lunges with dumbbells (already 4 of 8), then with them, but this time raising on your toes. You need to finish everything with a jump rope.

Training program for girls in the gym

When visiting the gym for the first time, most girls don’t know where to start with their workouts. It is important to adhere to two principles. The first is losing weight, the second is working out the relief. The training program for girls in the gym itself is also designed for visiting it 3 times weekly. As for the principles:

  1. To get rid of fat, you need to perform aerobic exercises on weight loss machines, and increase the number of repetitions, not the weight. So the volumes will decrease.
  2. Then you can begin to develop the relief by power loads. To build muscle, perform a small number of repetitions, but with heavy weights. Such training should be started about a month after the predominance of aerobic training.

Gym workouts for beginners

The beginning of any gym workout for beginner girls will be a 15-minute warm-up. Then you can begin to load the working muscles. It all ends with a cool down - cardio for about 30-40 minutes and stretching. The main set of exercises is shown in the table:


Number of approaches

Number of repetitions



Leg extension

Upper block chest row

Standing barbell curl

Reduction of legs

Lower block chest pull

Lying leg curl

Side crunches

Incline Bench Press



One leg squat

Leg raises on the machine

Incline crunches

Bench push-ups

Arm extension on the upper block

Lunges with dumbbells

Sumo squat with dumbbell

Classic push-ups

Seated calf extension

Basic exercises in the gym

Using such exercises in the weight loss room, you can work out all muscle groups. But over time, the body gets used to monotonous loads. For this reason, it is worth changing exercises. This way progress will go faster. Basic gym exercises for girls include:

  • hyperextension for the rectus dorsi muscles (RD);
  • squats with a barbell (PR);
  • lying pelvic lifting (OPT);
  • bench press (Zl);
  • bent over dumbbell row (TgVn);
  • seated dumbbell press (ZgS);
  • deadlift (ST);
  • vertical block thrust (TVBL);
  • raising on toes (PnN);
  • triceps training on a vertical block (TrBl);
  • treadmill (treadmill);
  • Bench leg press (LJP).

Gym workouts for men

Training in the gym for men is more intense. Warm-up recommendations remain the same. The principles of dividing training by days and muscle groups do not change either. Since it is important for men to maintain muscle mass, they should not increase the number of repetitions. This leads to burning and burning of the muscles. To eliminate fat deposits, 8-12 repetitions are enough.

A set of workouts in the gym

The main thing is not to jump into plans for professional athletes right away. There are more simple techniques, using which it is easy not only to lose weight, but also to build muscle. The presented set of workouts in the gym for men helps to get stronger, improve movements and master the technique of basic exercises:


Number of approaches

Number of repetitions


Leg press

Bent-over barbell row

Bench press on a straight bench


Incline board press without weights

Bend forward with the barbell (“Romanian” deadlift)

Hyperextensions without weight

Pull-ups on the bar or gravitron

Seated shoulder press

Press in a hanging position or on a wall bars

Front Squat with 1 Dumbbell

Leg curls in the simulator

Leg extensions in the simulator

Incline Bench Press

Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Vertical chest row

Standing barbell curls

Exercises on machines in the gym

At first, a dumbbell row and several basic exercise machines will be enough for training. This can be a vertical block and a bench with a changing angle. Then gradually master platform leg presses, crossovers, or triceps exercises on the upper blocks and curls on the lower ones. These are the most basic options. There are others great exercises on exercise equipment in the gym for men:

  • traction of the lower block to the belt;
  • reverse arm raises in the simulator or their reduction;
  • T-bar thrust;
  • vertical traction behind the head;
  • pullover in a standing block exercise machine;
  • seated French press;
  • pacing on a hill;
  • Hack squats.
  • Smith machine squats;
  • seated chest press.

What exercise equipment should you use to lose weight?

Each type of exercise machine works specific parts of the body. This allows you to correct the problem area in your opinion. It is important to know which exercise machines to exercise in order to lose weight. You shouldn't use the same ones all the time. There are several types of exercise machines that work one muscle group. In general, they help to train the legs and buttocks, the shoulder girdle, including the arms and pectoral muscles, the back or abs.

Exercise machines for slimming legs and thighs

To make your leg muscles work, you can use several exercise machines - for abducting or bending your legs, a hack machine, a Smith machine, a power rack. Cardio exercise will also be useful. Exercise machines for losing weight on your legs and thighs, such as an exercise bike, a treadmill or a ski complex, are suitable here. A jump rope is no less effective. The best option for burning fat, especially in each thigh area, is an elliptical trainer that imitates human walking.

Exercise equipment for slimming arms

It is difficult to select exercise machines that exclusively use the muscles of the arms. Most of them make your back and chest work. If we look at the statistics, the following exercise machines for losing weight in the arms are very effective:

  • Smith simulator;
  • gravitron;
  • "butterfly";
  • traction blocks;
  • block frame;
  • rowing machine;
  • climber;
  • rider;
  • Scott bench;
  • T-trainer.

Video: A set of exercises in the gym for girls
