Rear delt exercises in the simulator. Extension of arms back in the butterfly simulator

Lately everything has become more people, looking after their physical health. Fitness, yoga, various types sports have become very popular. And that's right. By maintaining the body in excellent physical shape, a person can accomplish much more planned tasks and, accordingly, lead a more productive lifestyle.

The benefits of yoga

Make the body more flexible, resilient and slender, and internal organs Yoga will help set you up for proper work. A set of exercises that will be performed for half an hour every day will very quickly bring the whole body into order. In addition, yoga classes help calm nervous system, cope with stress.

For example, the “butterfly” is an exercise aimed not only at stretching and strengthening the thigh muscles, but also helps to form correct posture.

Benefits for women's health

Strengthening the muscles of the legs, back and pelvis, are very beneficial for women's health. Yoga will help stretch muscles, helping them become stronger, more elastic, and relieve tension. A set of exercises designed for the leg muscles helps relieve pain during PMS.

Thus, the “butterfly” exercise helps not only make the leg muscles more elastic, but also helps improve blood supply to the pelvic organs. Regular execution this exercise in combination with other yoga asanas, it makes the female body healthier, and the girl herself more attractive and desirable in the eyes of men.

The butterfly exercise for the legs is of enormous importance. Since during its execution they not only stretch, but also train, which makes the entire hip area more toned.

In addition, training is formed by alternating the load with stretching the muscles of the entire spine, at a time when the back is extended and the head is lowered down.


“Butterfly” is an exercise that does not require much time or skill to perform. It is performed very easily and simply, but the effect from it is simply excellent, and the sensations during execution are also very pleasant.

To perform this exercise you will not need any additional equipment, just a yoga mat. In yoga, it is very important to perform all asanas correctly in order to get results from your classes. Let's take a closer look at how to perform this exercise correctly.

To begin, sit down on the mat and stretch your legs in front of you. Then we alternately pick up first the left, then the right leg - so that the knees are directed in different directions, and the feet look at each other.

Next, we connect our feet and move them towards ourselves as far as possible. When performing this asana for the first time, your knees can be slightly raised from the floor. Then, during practice, when the leg muscles become more elastic, the knees themselves will be able to position themselves on the floor, without your help.

The back should be straight. After the legs are in the correct position, the spine needs to be straightened and slightly stretched upward. Now you need to grab your feet with both hands. The back is straight, the head is slightly lowered down.

Now let’s make it a little more difficult and bend forward slightly with each exhalation. The back remains straight during the exercise.

With each bend, we fix ourselves at the bottom for a couple of seconds, and as we inhale, we smoothly rise back up.

You can perform this asana as many times as you like in one session. It all depends on your desire and condition.

"Reverse Butterfly"

The reverse butterfly exercise is performed according to the same pattern. You need to take the starting position again, sitting on the floor. We connect the feet together. Keep your back straight. The head is slightly lowered down.

As you exhale, bend forward. We stretch our arms in front of us. We stretch our backs and arms forward. We fix ourselves in this position for a couple of seconds. Then, while inhaling, raise your knees and hold for a few seconds. As you exhale, lower your knees to the floor.

In general, it is recommended to do twenty or thirty repetitions per session. But it all depends on your feelings and If it’s difficult to do so much at first, you can do less, then gradually add load. Any asana you perform should bring only joy and pleasant sensations.

For men's health

For men’s health, the “butterfly” exercise is simply irreplaceable, as it normalizes proper blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which is very important for proper operation reproductive system. The problem of poor blood supply is very relevant in conditions modern life, since men spend most of their time in a sitting position, which causes congestion in the hip area.

The only thing worth remembering when performing any yoga asana is that all exercises should provide only pleasant sensations. If there is discomfort, then you are doing something wrong.

You need to perform all asanas in a calm state of mind, leave enough time for them so as not to rush anywhere and do everything calmly.

Yoga asanas help not only make the body more flexible, slender and resilient. Thanks to their regular implementation, in combination with the correct ones, all organs and tissues are stimulated and renewed, starting to work correctly.

In addition, by doing exercises in the morning, you will be charged with energy and peace of mind for the whole day.

Arm raises in the simulator (reverse raises) are an isolating exercise for the deltoid muscles, similar in mechanics to bent over dumbbell swings. A feature of the exercise can be considered the ability to rest the torso on the bench of the exercise machine, due to which high-quality muscle development occurs - the body is deprived of the ability to swing.

Working muscles and grip methods

Reverse flyes directly affect the deltoid muscles (namely, the posterior fascicles). Additionally included:

  • trapezius muscle;
  • diamond-shaped

Reverse flyes in the simulator can be performed using various options grip:

  • the classic, most common type of grip - when the palms are on the vertical handles of the exercise machine opposite each other, and the thumbs are directed towards the ceiling;
  • another type of grip is the opposite of the classic one - the hands are directed towards each other with the backs of them, the thumbs are facing the floor, the grip is carried out by the vertical handles;
  • the last grip option is specific, since most of the simulators do not have handles for this type of grip - the grip is carried out by the handles, which are located horizontally, the thumbs are directed towards each other, and the palms are facing down.

Starting position

Before you begin doing arm raise exercises, you will need to adjust some parameters of the machine. Adjust it so that, in a relaxed state, your hands on the handles are approximately shoulder-width apart. When your arms are fully abducted, they should be almost straight and as parallel to the floor as possible.

Directly during the exercise, monitor the position of your own body: rib cage should be pressed tightly against the back of the simulator, the body is positioned strictly perpendicular to the floor, the back has a slight deflection in the lumbar region, the arms are straight, the palms are located opposite each other. Before starting the exercise for raising your arms in the machine, move the handles slightly apart from each other to slightly lift the weight from the supports.

Execution technique

Before lifting the load, take a deep breath and hold your breath for a while. Then, feeling the tension in your rear deltoids, move the handles as far back as possible. Make sure your elbows move behind the plane of your back. If you want to maximally load the deltoid muscles and turn off the trapezius, try to turn your shoulders forward.

When your arms reach the maximum possible abduction, hold them briefly in this position, continuing to maintain muscle tension, after which you can exhale and return to the starting position. Then hold the starting position for a second and continue repeating the exercise.

Some machines are designed in such a way that it is not possible to perform reverse flyes with completely straight arms, so it is possible to perform them with slightly bent arms. The main condition is the immobility of the elbow joint - it should not move when performing the extension.

To make the work easier when performing the arm abduction exercise, you need to imagine that you are not pulling back the handles of the machine, but your own elbows. This way, you will be able to eliminate your hands from the work and use the target muscles more.

The body should be as motionless as possible during the exercise; try to fix it in one position. This will ensure greater efficiency fulfillment and safety for you. When performing arm raises, correct breathing will allow you to produce a more powerful effort.

To maximize the involvement of the deltoid muscles, try to move your elbows behind your back as much as possible during the exercise. If you cannot do this, this means that you need to slightly reduce the weight of the projectile or develop greater flexibility in the shoulder joints.

Extension of arms back in the butterfly simulator- This isolated exercise. It is best to perform the exercise at the end of a shoulder workout.

Starting position

Adjust the seat height of the exercise machine to such a level that when you sit on the seat and grasp the handles of the exercise machine, your hands are at the same level as your shoulders. Position the handles of the exercise machine so that they are as close to the base as possible. Sit on the seat of the exercise machine, with your feet on the floor. There should be a deflection and tension in the lower back until the end of the exercise, pull your stomach in. The chest is straightened, the neck is straight, the gaze is directed forward. You need to grasp the handles of the simulator with your thumbs down and your little fingers up. You need to bend your elbows slightly and tense your forearm.

Technique for performing back raises in the butterfly simulator

As you exhale, move your arms back until your elbows form a straight line with your shoulders. The exercise is performed in a short amplitude. When your elbow and shoulder form a straight line, hold your hands for 1 second and tighten your rear deltoid. Smoothly return your hands to the starting position. Exhale with effort.

  • You should not spread your arms further than the level of the elbow and shoulder: the trapezius and upper back will be involved in the work.
  • Set the weight to 12-16 reps.
  • Do this until you feel a burning sensation in the rear deltoid.

Raising your arms in a simulator is an isolating exercise that is a type. But due to the fact that during this exercise the body rests against the bench of the machine, cheating does not occur (we do not help ourselves perform the exercise by swinging the body). The target muscle of this exercise is the deltoids, specifically the posterior deltoids. But it is quite difficult to work them out, since the back muscles, if performed incorrectly, are involved in the work.

When performing arm raises, there are several grip options. First and classic version- when we grab the vertical handles of the machine from the outside and our palms are directed towards each other. The second grip is the opposite of the classic one. We grasp the handles of the simulator from the inside with the back of our hands, turning our hands so that thumb was pointed down. And the third grip option is when we grab the horizontal handles of the machine in such a way that our hands are parallel to the floor and our thumbs are directed towards each other. But this grip option is not used often because most simulators do not have handles for this grip option. Let's look at the technique of this exercise using the classic grip version.

Raising arms in the simulator, technique:

  1. Sit in the exercise machine. Rest your body against the bench and grab the handles of the machine.
  2. The lower back is arched, the back is straight and the gaze is directed ahead. Feet are on the floor.
  3. Inhale and then, as you exhale, open your arms, pointing your elbows slightly upward.
  4. Having reached the point when your hands are on the same line, stop them, and after a short pause while inhaling, return your hands to the starting position.
  5. When your arms reach the starting position, repeat the arm raise for the specified number of reps.

Muscles involved in the exercise

Features of arm raises in the simulator:

  • It is necessary to perform arm extensions with your arms slightly bent at the elbows. To do this, when you sit down on the machine, you need to adjust the back of the machine and set it at such a distance that you are holding the handles with your arms slightly bent.
  • Holding the handles of the machine, fix your hands, and in this motionless position they remain until the end of the exercise.
  • When you spread your arms, keep your elbows parallel to the floor or even slightly higher, pointing them slightly upward.
  • There is no need to move your arms back too far; in this case, the back muscles and trapezius are involved in the work. The movement must be performed in a slightly truncated amplitude.