What exercises are needed to lose weight? The best exercises at home for weight loss.

Our respect to the readers of our site. It's time to tell you what exercises you need to do to lose weight.

We will definitely discuss a set of exercises for each part of the body that fixes the extra pie we have eaten.

And also what measures should be taken to make weight loss happen faster. Do you have extra pounds but don’t have time to go to the gym? Recommendations from fitness trainers for you!

Are you a pro or a beginner in weight loss and have decided to lose extra pounds? Are you sure you know everything about losing weight?

Times are changing and new methods and algorithms for losing weight are being developed. Read more carefully, you will probably find something for yourself!

First, let's figure out why we get better. Without eliminating this problem, all the efforts made will be in vain and the weight will return to the same kg, or even a couple of new ones will be added!

Main factors for weight gain:

  • Poor nutrition; Read our article " "
  • Stress;
  • Incorrect functioning of your body;
  • Sedentary (lazy) lifestyle.

Let's really evaluate our figure while standing in front of the mirror. It happens that the decision to lose weight is made against the backdrop of someone’s careless phrase: “You’re fat.”

Do you like your body? Then don't listen to stupid people! Girls who have wide bones also want to be slim.

But here, no matter what measures you take, it is useless, this is the structure of your body and you should love it.

Although from physical activity You shouldn’t refuse - it will only be a plus for every woman or girl who loves herself.

Weight loss program

So, you consulted with a nutritionist, passed the necessary tests and firmly decided to transform yourself, going through the difficult path of losing weight. You are probably wondering what exercises you should do to lose weight?

To achieve effective results at home, you must have at least three workouts per week and last at least half an hour. Before loading the muscles, you should warm up.


Running in place - you need to hit your buttock with your heel. Duration from 30 seconds and gradually increase the time.

Control your breathing: inhale for one to three counts and exhale for one count. Such a five-minute run gives the result of a 5 km distance.

Hand exercises

  1. The first exercise develops the shoulder line. Stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a weight (dumbbells) in your hands and bend your elbows slightly. We spread our arms to the sides, but do not raise our shoulders.
  2. We tighten the muscles of the chest and arms. Initial position, place only your hands (with a load) in front of you, palms inward and make a 90-degree angle at the elbow. We spread our hands and bring them back. At the same time, the elbows are fixed. The shoulder joints work.
  3. We develop the biceps (front muscles of the arms). The original position is not changed. Place your hands below, and turn your palms up (with a load). We bend our elbows. Movement should occur only in the elbow joint.
  4. We develop triceps ( posterior muscles hands). You need to sit on a surface (preferably hard) and raise your hands up. Turn your palms with dumbbells towards each other. Sit on a chair and raise your arms with dumbbells. Turn your palms inward. We lower the load (dumbbells) behind the head. Only the elbow joints are working again.

Abdominal exercises

The first 4 exercises are performed in one position - lie on your back; legs straight; Place your arms along your body. Do not forget to control your breathing - this is the success of the exercises performed.

  1. The load is placed on the rectus abdominis muscles. Raise your legs alternately by 90 degrees. Additional load if you hold your legs slightly when lowering. Perform 6 to 8 times. Breathing: leg rises - inhale; the leg lowers - exhale.
  2. We develop the rectus and lower abdominal muscles. Raise your leg 90 degrees and lock it. Raise the second leg to right angle. Smoothly return your legs to the starting position at the same time. Repeat 4-5 times. Breathing should be smooth.
  3. Starting position, but put your arms to the sides. The load will improve metabolism (metabolism) in the lower body due to the dynamics of the exercises. Do not hold your breath while doing this. Turn the body to the left. The right hand smoothly follows the body and is placed on top of the left hand. We return to the original position. Next, also turn right. Feet should not be lifted off the floor.
  4. We strengthen the lower and oblique abdominal muscles. The exercise is performed alternately. First, one leg is raised 45 degrees (about half a meter from the floor) and moved to the side. Take your time to return to the original position. Then the other leg. Take your time and keep the rhythm. For each leg, perform the exercise 5-7 times.
  5. We continue to lie down, arms to the sides, legs bent at the knees, feet resting on the floor. In this position, you should touch your knees to the floor on the right and left. Perform 20 times to the right and left. To increase the load, increase the speed of this exercise. We remember the quality of movements and the rhythm of breathing.
  6. We take a new body position - we lie on our side (right), our right hand rests on our head, and our left hand rests on the floor. We will work with our left straight leg, bending our right leg slightly at the knee. We move forward, sideways and backwards. The movement is performed without stopping 4-5 times for each leg. The leg should be moved back as far as possible to feel the tension in the muscle.
  7. Take the same position as in the previous exercise, but with both legs extended. Smoothly and without jerking, raise your legs 10–20 cm from the floor, fix and return to the original position. Do this three to four times on each side. If you lose your breathing during the exercise, take a couple of shallow breaths and then continue the exercise.

While exercising at home, you will want to drink - the water should not be carbonated and you should drink it in small sips.

Exercises for legs and butts

  1. We tighten our hips and buttocks. Lie on your back, knees bent, arms along your body. Smoothly lift your butt and back off the floor. The following should be in contact with the surface: head, elbows, shoulders and feet. We return to the original position (first the neck, then the lower back). 20 approaches.
  2. We strengthen internal muscles hips. Take a position lying on your side (right). Right hand prop your head up. The second one is in front of the body, pointing to the floor. Place your left leg on the foot behind your right knee. As you inhale, raise your right leg and point your toes toward you. Hold it in the raised position for a second and lower it smoothly as you inhale. Do ten approaches for each leg.
  3. Next, we will do squats. Standing straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart and extend your arms forward. Make sure that your butt does not fall below your knees, that your heels do not lift off the floor, and that your knees are in line with your toes. Dumbbells in your hands will help create additional load. This exercise should be done very slowly. Do 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps.
  4. The buttocks and back muscles of the thighs are tightened. We get down on all fours. Knees level with hips, elbows with shoulders. Extend your fingers forward. Alternately, we move our legs back to 90 degrees and bend them at the knees. As you exhale, raise your leg up and fix the position. We inhale and smoothly return to the original position. Each leg does 10 times.
  5. To strengthen the buttocks and inner calves. Stand up straight and hold onto a support with one hand. We swing the leg to the side 15 times (right and left). The feet should be relaxed and the toes should be pulled towards you. Don't be lazy! Try to make the swing as high as possible.
  6. Exotic, but very easy to perform exercise. Walking on the fifth point. You should sit on your butt; Straighten your legs or place them slightly bent on your heels. Now, one by one, we raise our buttocks and take a “step.” You can walk on your butt forward and backward. If you have little helpers running around the house, connect them to this exercise, and it turns out to be a fun run on the butt. Perform from 50 to 100 steps.

Lose weight at home or in the gym?

How to lose weight quickly - are you interested in this question? On our website you will find recommendations and advice about it, only you can decide whether to take such a risk.

Also, weight is lost faster if you use it in the gym. special equipment.

All types of classes are divided:

  • Power;
  • Flexibility;
  • Cardiovascular;
  • Combined exercises.

There are a number of specific training programs in gym which will stimulate weight loss.

  1. Training doesn't have to be exhausting.
  2. When performing, you should sweat, but you should not feel joint pain.
  3. Create comfortable conditions To get the most out of your workouts, ventilate the room, turn off your phone, turn on music.
  4. Prepare still water in advance.
  5. Training should be systematic.
  6. The minimum time for classes is from half an hour to an hour and a half.
  7. After your workout, take a relaxing bath or contrast shower.

Pay more attention to yourself, and your body will thank you, you just need to make a little effort.

Until new productive meetings on our website, subscribe and share your beauty secrets with your close friends.

Most people are bothered extra centimeters in one or another part of the body. Important before you start exercises for weight loss at home, decide which zones need to be given more load. Based on this, create a set of weight loss exercises specifically for your body.

There are a number of basic exercises for weight loss . To begin with, you need to select several of them for each problematic part of the body. This must be done in order not to overload the muscles. Gradually, increase the number of exercises and make them more varied. Exercise no less three times per week. You can run every day. Start all workouts by warming up your muscles. Warm-up should take about ten minutes.

Benefits of exercising for weight loss at home

Exercises for losing weight at home have their advantages. First of all, you save money. Also, when practicing at home, you don’t need to be tied to time; train when it’s convenient for you. By the way, you can involve your relatives in training, it will be much more fun.

Exercises for losing belly fat include swinging the press by lifting the legs or body while lying down. Various inclinations help to get rid of extra centimeters well. Perform each exercise for losing belly fat at least fifteen times.

Squats are perfect for losing weight on your buttocks and thighs. You can do both fast and slow squats. Perform slow ones with legs wide apart. Do these exercises for weight loss twenty times in two sets.

To perform exercises for weight loss at home You can use dumbbells, a gymnastic hoop or a ball. Try to carry out all training as efficiently as possible. Learn to control yourself. Remember that the result will depend on the quantity and quality of classes.

Good afternoon, dear site visitors Lucinda.Ru. Today we will talk to you about which weight loss exercises are most effective.

I think each of us understands how wonderful it is to have a healthy, toned body! Still, most people strive for this, however, it happens that the real state of affairs becomes far from this.

Dialed extra pounds during pregnancy, being in a state of stress for a long time, “harmful” snacks at work, absence balanced nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle - all this causes weight to increase, and then there is a need to find something that will help restore slimness, beauty and health.

One of the basic rules in such a situation is to increase physical activity.

1. Which set of exercises is right for you?

In order for fat burning to begin, and for it to happen, it is necessary not only to select effective exercises, but to select them so that they meet the level of training and are aimed at eliminating a specific problem. However, if you need to lose overweight in one area, you should not focus only on it.

Exercises for weight loss for the whole body will become more effective, only with an emphasis on the most problem area. You shouldn’t overdo it with the load or do exercises that you simply don’t like - this will quickly discourage any desire to exercise, preventing you from seeing any noticeable results.

A set of exercises for your body:

  1. Shaping- this set of exercises will certainly correct your figure. And thanks to your dance moves + aerobics, you will soon be able to get rid of your problem areas. Since the movements in shaping are very fast, it is therefore suitable for energetic girls aimed at quick results.
  2. Pilates- this is the safest set of exercises that is suitable for absolutely everyone. It consists of slow stretching movements. And it is aimed at training the abs, pelvis, and back. This set of exercises is perfect for pregnant women and mothers.
  3. Fitball is a set of exercises with a large ball. This complex will help get rid of fat deposits and strengthen your muscles.
  4. Belly dance— this complex is suitable for all lovers of oriental motifs. By practicing oriental dancing regularly, you will easily acquire an elegant appearance and get rid of excess fat. And this will be facilitated by the fact that the main load in this set of exercises is aimed specifically at the hips and abdominals.

By choosing any set of exercises and doing them regularly, you will not only lose weight and improve your figure, but also improve your body health, improve your mood and become more stress-resistant.

2. TOP 7 - Effective exercises for losing weight at home without exercise equipment

Among the endless variety, the most effective exercises stand out. Achieve impressive results in short terms you can by including the following in your program:

3. Useful tips and rules for doing exercises to lose weight

The exercises will be truly fruitful if you follow some rules and strictly follow the recommendations. Without any of them, fat burning simply will not start, and some will enhance the effect and achieve the desired shape only in a shorter time.

4. 15 most effective exercises

Exercises to burn belly fat

Most in demand among women exercises for losing belly fat, especially after the birth of a child.

Exercises for buttocks and thighs

Exercises for the abdomen and sides

Such weight loss exercises and many others are offered in large numbers for viewing on the Internet. This will help you monitor the correct execution at home.

Leg exercises

There are exercises that will make your legs seductive and irresistible. Here are the ones that will allow you to achieve the desired result:

Hand exercises

Hand exercises are also very relevant for women, because... This is a rather problematic area of ​​the female figure.

Waist exercises

Abdominal exercises will give you a slimmer waist and a more attractive and graceful silhouette. Effective exercises for this:

  • Lie on your back and hold your legs straight 15-20 cm above the floor. It is important that the lower back is in contact with the floor.
  • Side turns. Standing straight, bring your arms in front of your chest and “look” behind your back, while inhaling, stretching your spine upward, and exhaling, twisting even more.

Thin waist in 7 minutes:

Facial exercises

  • Mimic exercise: puff out your cheeks as much as possible and hold for 2-3 counts; release the air by pursing your lips; and then smile widely without opening your lips.
  • Working with the corners of your mouth, raise your cheeks high to your eyes and hold for 5-7 seconds, do this 2 times for 15 repetitions.

Gymnastics for the face:

Chest exercises

5. The most effective breathing exercises for weight loss

For greater effectiveness, use breathing techniques, which allows you to enhance the effect of losing weight. Everything happens by feeding the body oxygen, because it actively fights fat. Therefore, even if you do not use any special breathing techniques, weight loss will be more effective with proper breathing.

The main things to learn: the effort is made while exhaling (in push-ups, lifting up, swings, squats are also done while exhaling, etc.).

Focus breathing exercises - This is burning fat and tightening the abdomen. Women often resort to it after childbirth. Here are some of the most effective:

  • Take a sitting position, cross your legs, straight back, stretch your head up. Fix this position. Next, you need to relax and take the maximum possible breath through your nose, inflating your stomach with a balloon. Then also exhale slowly through the nose, moving the abdominal wall towards the back as much as possible. Continue this way at least 20-30 times.
  • The next exercise is characterized by a sharp exhalation (but also through the nose), and the abdominal muscles contract to the maximum.

6. How to eat properly when losing weight

Without the right and healthy eating, weight loss exercises will not lead you to the desired result. Right organized meals determines success in losing weight. Therefore, it is necessary to make fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs the basis of the diet, to develop the habit of consumption cereal crops. But meat should occupy about 25% of the plate.


You can’t leave your body without breakfast- this will force it to work in energy-saving mode, which will not allow it to actively burn calories.

Snacks will relieve the feeling of hunger and the temptation to eat something “more satisfying.” But dinner needs to be lightened and it is better to eat it no later than 6 pm - for example, a portion of low-fat cottage cheese will be enough for the body. If you still feel hungry after it, You can drink kefir at night.

Daily consumption of one and a half liters of water will help you lose weight, and this is generally a great benefit for the body. - these are just habits, and in order to replace harmful products that take away health and beauty with healthy ones that will give you activity and help prolong youth, it is still worth being patient for a while (until they are finally integrated into your lifestyle).

7. Conclusion

Dear friends, using this article, choose for yourself effective exercises for losing weight that suit your level of training. And, of course, you don’t need to wait for instant results, but get ready to systematically work on improving your body. Then the process will go faster and easier.

Below you will find a video that discusses a set of exercises for losing weight. You can do them right away when watching a video with an online trainer :).

According to statistics, about 70% of women are dissatisfied with their figure, or rather, dissatisfied with their weight. And about 90% of the fair sex have “been introduced” to the diet at least once, and only a third have achieved a positive result.

In general, numbers are numbers, but for many women, losing weight is truly goal number one. How to approach your goal so as not to be part of this 70% anymore? Let's see what you need to do for effective weight loss.

What you need to lose weight: physical activity and proper nutrition

It is no longer news that for a successful result you need to follow only two rules - eat right and choose exercises for different groups muscles. Regarding " proper nutrition“First, review your diet.

The arithmetic here is simple - start counting calories. As a rule, for a woman who does not do heavy work, 2000 calories is considered the norm. If you eat the norm, you will remain at your weight; if you start eating less, you will lose weight; if you eat more, you will gain weight.

So, when you start losing weight, you will need to count calories. It is important in the first stages not to starve, but simply to comply with your norm. But calories are not the most important thing. The most important thing is to teach your body to eat healthy and healthy food, distinguish healthy fats and carbohydrates from being completely useless.

So, in matters of nutrition, give preference to:

  • Complex carbohydrates take longer to digest and gradually “increase” the level of glucose in the blood, while such delicious simple carbohydrates (cakes, cakes, chocolate, caramel, white bread, sugar) sharply increase the level of glucose, due to which fats are deposited. Complex carbohydrates are cereals, brown bread, fermented milk and dairy products.
  • Unsaturated fats - they perform essential functions for the body - they participate in the formation of cells nervous system and brain cells. So you can’t do without fats. Only unsaturated fats are healthy - they can be found in milk, nuts, olive oil, flax seeds and cereal sprouts. But saturated fats, on the contrary, can increase weight. These include butter, pork, chips, sausage.
  • Incomplete proteins - in fact, any protein is digested slowly, but incomplete amino acids will keep you feeling full longer. Therefore, everyone who is losing weight is recommended to add beans, peas, lentils and whole grains to their diet.

And a few more recommendations - watch the amount of food. Try not to “fill your food intake” to capacity with huge portions of food, even if it consists of vegetables and fruits. Break all meals into 4-6 small portions. Also, don't skip the first courses.

Hot food increases metabolism and improves the digestion process. After all, one of the main secrets of losing weight is the correct metabolic process. When it is normal, you will not gain weight.

Of course, the process of losing weight will not be complete without physical activity. Strength training for weight loss should be regular. In order to lose weight, it is enough to devote time to exercise three to five times a week, accustom yourself to morning exercises or running, swimming and love walking. In general, you need to give up comfortable sitting and lying and move more.

Home workouts for weight loss: benefits

If you sign up for a gym or swimming pool, we will various reasons Although we can’t always do it, even the busiest women can devote time to home workouts. It would seem that all the benefits of home exercises pale in comparison to thorough exercise equipment and training with a trainer. But the course of training for weight loss is individual for everyone.

A workout program for losing weight at home has several benefits:

  • Saving money - no need to spend money on a gym membership.
  • Saving time - you won’t need to spend half an hour on the way to the gym and rush home after training in order to have time to cook dinner or help your child with homework.
  • You won't have to be embarrassed about your figure - you'll work out alone at home.
  • You will make good use of the time allotted for watching a series or your favorite program.

You can also involve your family in your workouts - you will spend more time together, and you will also be able to “build” your body together. Of course, you won’t have a trainer at home who will motivate you to exercise and such a variety of exercise equipment. But you will have a comfortable environment and, most importantly, a goal to which you are going.

A set of physical exercises for weight loss

What exactly is excess weight? This is fat, which is unspent energy accumulated in the body. Weight loss exercises are aimed at “throwing away” this energy. By doing exercises, you force your muscles to work, in turn, your muscles need energy, which is taken from fat molecules.

Regardless of whether you want your thighs or stomach to “lose weight,” you need to approach the process comprehensively, “with your whole body,” and regularly. First, a few training rules:

  • It is best to exercise three to five times a week with an interval of one day.
  • Best time for classes - these are daytime hours from 11.00 to two and evening hours - from six to 20.00.
  • The totality of all the exercises that you repeat every workout is effective for 4 weeks. Afterwards you will need to increase the intensity or add some more complex exercises.
  • Approach the training process with pleasure, then the result will please you faster.

A set of exercises for fast weight loss not that complicated. Now let's move directly to the technique of the exercises themselves.

Exercises to develop your abs

An exercise known to many, the action of which is aimed at strengthening the rectus abdominis muscles - lie on the floor and press your lower back to it. Place your hands behind your head, elbows “look” to the sides, and bend your legs at the knees. As you inhale, lift your shoulder blades and head off the floor, while lifting your chin up.

As you exhale, return to the “lying” position. The main thing is to perform the exercise with a short amplitude.

We strengthen the lower part of the abs - without rising from the floor, “lay” your legs straight, stretch your arms along your body.

Now raise both legs so that they create an angle of 45 degrees and cross them - first the left one at the top, then the right one. So alternate your legs, if you can, for 5 minutes without lowering them to the floor.

Next, lying on the floor again, turn over onto your back. In this exercise, you need to simultaneously raise your legs and arms, holding them in upright position. The task is to reach your toes with your fingers each time you lift.

Lying on the floor, put your hands behind your head and spread your elbows, bend your legs at the knees, feet “stuck” to the floor. As you inhale, lift your body off the floor and slowly rise to your knees. As you exhale, lie down in a horizontal position. By the way, these fitness exercises for the press will help train the oblique abdominal muscles if you stretch your right elbow to your left knee and vice versa, that is, slightly turning your body.

The most effective exercises for hips

Stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, and extend your arms in front of you. Now squat and stand up 15-20 times at a slow pace. The main thing is to keep your back straight and not “stick” your heels to the floor.

Now sit down on the floor with your hips on your heels. Keep your back straight and place your hands behind your head as usual. You need to “lay” your hips first on your left heel, rise to the starting position, and then on your right. It is important to shift your body weight to one side. It’s good if you can do the exercise 15 times for each side.

Lie down on the floor, place your hands on your buttocks, as if supporting yourself, straighten your legs. Now raise both legs up and, without lowering them, spread them as far apart as possible and bring them together. The main thing is not to relax your legs and do the exercise in the air at least 10 times.

Exercises for butt firmness

Get on your knees and place your palms on the floor. Straighten your right leg as much as possible so that the foot and knee “look” at the floor. Now do 18-20 upward leg swings, tensing your buttock muscles as much as possible. Accordingly, repeat with the left leg. And this exercise can also be repeated, only by resting your forearms, not your palms, on the floor.

Lie with your back on the floor, keep your arms straight and spread them to the sides, and place your legs comfortably shoulder-width apart and bend at the knees. Now lift your pelvis off the floor, lifting it up and down as much as possible. The main thing is to raise and lower your pelvis with maximum effort. Repeat the exercise 25 times.

Stand up straight, place your hands on your waist, and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Smoothly raise your right leg and “move” it to the side, also smoothly move it back, hold it suspended for 7-10 seconds and also slowly return it. Repeat the exercise for each leg two approaches 12-15 times.

(1 vote)

It is difficult to achieve a perfect figure, especially in such a “difficult” area as the stomach and waist. Maintain weight, save thin waist, a flat stomach at the age of 40+ becomes a real problem. But nothing is impossible. Effective exercises proposed by experienced fitness instructor Gay Gasper are guaranteed to allow get a thin waist and flat stomach.

Gay Gasper complex includes special exercises for the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles, back muscles. All exercises are carefully selected and arranged in a certain sequence to achieve maximum results in the shortest possible time.

Complex for flat stomach contains 10 effective exercises at a basic level, which even the unprepared can do. Gay Gasper called it that - the “Abdominal Press for Dummies” complex.

For each exercise, we also offer a more complicated modification for an advanced level or, conversely, a lighter version if at the first stage it is difficult to cope even with the basic level.

You don't need any special equipment or equipment, just a mat. Therefore, the Gay Gasper flat belly complex is ideal for practicing at home.

Gay Gasper recommends combining abdominal exercises with aerobics and a balanced diet, because Abdominal exercises alone are not enough for a flat stomach. Burn fat is impossible only in one specific area, so without aerobic exercise and a balanced diet you will not get a flat stomach, and even a pumped abdominal press will hide a layer of subcutaneous fat.

By following these recommendations, in 2-3 months you are guaranteed to get a thin waist and a flat, beautiful tummy. Yes, unfortunately, this process is not quick. But you can see the first motivating results in two weeks if you practice every other day.

Basic set of exercises for a flat stomach


Before working out the abdominal muscles, be sure to warm up for 4-5 minutes (swings and punches, kicks, body turns, bending), warm up and stretch the muscles to avoid injury.

The basis of all exercises for a flat stomach and waist- classic crunches, so, first of all, you need to learn how to perform them correctly.

1. Simple twist

Starting position: Lying on your back, legs pulled up, hands behind your head, slightly tighten your abs, pulling your ribs towards your hips.

Slowly lift your shoulders off the floor, tensing your abdominal muscles, hold for two counts, and lower to the starting position.

Try not to pull your elbows forward, do not lower your chin, and do not strain your buttocks during the exercise. Inhale at the bottom, exhale at the top, while twisting. Repeat 10 times. Stretch, relax, breathe deeply, and repeat 10 times.

2. Leg raise

This exercise works through lower abdominal muscles.

Starting position: Lying on your back, raise your legs, ankles parallel to the floor, knees at pelvic level, arms to the sides.

Tighten your abs, slowly lift your hips off the floor 2-3 cm without changing the angle of your legs, hold for two counts, and slowly return to the starting position. Inhale at the bottom, exhale at the top, while lifting the hips. Repeat 10 times. Lower your legs, stretch, relax, breathe deeply, and repeat 10 times. Make sure your back remains pressed to the floor during the exercise.

3. Twisting and lifting legs

Combines the first two exercises, works with upper and lower abdominal muscles.

Starting position: Lying on your back, raise your legs, ankles parallel to the floor, knees at pelvic level, hands behind your head.

Tighten your abs, simultaneously pull your chest and knees towards each other. Lifting your shoulders and hips off the floor. Repeat 10 times. Lower your legs, stretch, relax, breathe, and repeat 10 times.

Breathe evenly. Exhale during the greatest tension.

4. Side twist

This is an exercise works the oblique abdominal muscles.

Starting position: Lying on your back, feet on the floor shoulder-width apart, hips apart, hands behind your head. Alternately perform a twist by reaching your shoulder toward the opposite knee, keeping your elbow at shoulder level. The other elbow remains on the floor to maintain balance. Lower yourself down and twist to the other side. Do 10 crunches without pausing. The tempo of the exercise is two counts up, two counts down. Try not to lift your pelvis off the floor.

Stretch your obliques, relax, breathe, and do 10 crunches again.

5. Lunge Crunch

Starting position: Lying on your back, legs pulled up to the pelvis, hands behind your head, elbows apart.

Slowly lift your shoulders off the floor, squeezing your abs, tuck one knee into your chest, then extend your leg completely. Do 10 repetitions with one leg, then do a similar exercise with the other.

Stretch your abs, relax, breathe, and do the second set of 10 lunge crunches on each leg.

6. Bicycle

The “Bicycle” exercise, familiar to everyone from school physical education lessons, will help remove excess from the sides.

Starting position: Lying on your back, raise your legs, keep your heels close to your pelvis, hands behind your head, elbows apart.

Slowly lift your shoulders off the floor, tensing your abdominal muscles, straighten one leg at an angle of 45 degrees to the floor, and stretch the opposite shoulder towards the knee of the bent leg. Then, without pausing, do the same on the other side. Those. imitation of cycling. Pay attention to speed, movements should not be fast. Repeat 10 times. Stretch, rest, and do another set.

7. Toe wiggle

A simple exercise that gives a serious load to the abs.

Starting position: Lying on your back, raise your legs, ankles parallel to the floor, knees together, at pelvic level, hands behind your head. Tightening your abdominal muscles, lift your shoulders off the floor and slowly touch the toe of one foot to the floor, return your leg back. Then touch the floor with your other toe.

Breathe correctly: legs up - inhale, touching the floor - exhale. Repeat the exercise 10 times without lowering your shoulders. Try not to lift your back off the floor.

Stretch, rest, and do another set.

8. Circular rotations

Exercise good works the entire abs.

Starting position: Lying on your back, place your feet on the floor, hands behind your head.

Slightly contract your abs, pulling your ribs toward your hips. Tightening your abdominal muscles, slowly make a full circle of rotation of the body in one direction 5 times, then 5 times in the other direction.

Breathe correctly: exhale at the top, inhale at the bottom. Make sure that your pelvis does not lift off the floor. Stretch, rest, and do another set.

9. Backbend with bent knees

In the fight against belly fat, it is also important to train your back muscles. This is an exercise at the same time pumps up the abdominal and back muscles.

Starting position: Get on your knees, place your elbows on the floor. You can put a soft towel under your elbows. Place your feet on your toes.

Tightening your muscles, lift your knees off the floor, hold for three counts, and return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times. Bend your knees, reach forward, rest, and do another set. Try to keep your back straight during the exercise.

10. Raising the legs from the supporting position

Raise one straight leg to hip height, lock it for two counts, and return to the starting position. Then lift your other leg. Repeat the exercise 10 times for each leg. Breathe correctly: exhale as you lift your legs. Try to keep your body straight without arching your back.

Bend your knees, sit on your heels, reach forward, relax, breathe deeply, and perform a second set of 10 raises for each leg.


Don't skip this step, it's important point workout.

Traditional stretching of the abdominal muscles, legs, back (bending, stretching) 4-5 minutes.

Video of the best exercises for a flat stomach

Look online video of exercises for a flat stomach Gay Gasper

You can download the video of a set of exercises for the stomach and waist Gay Gasper


If you have read to the end, it means you are already working or want to start working on the problem of your stomach and waist, so let’s repeat it again: It is important to follow a diet and combine pumping the press with aerobic exercise, it can be aerobics, dancing, jumping or just walking briskly. Then your work will not be in vain, fat will disappear from the abdomen, the waist will become thin, and the stomach will be toned and flat.

Important! Perform crunches correctly and safely

Twisting. Do it correctly and safely!

There's a lot of Gay Gasper in training twisting exercises, so let’s pay a little attention to this most effective exercise for the abs. It is very important to do them CORRECTLY and SAFELY!

Why crunches are so effective for your abs

Crunching exercises are a universal exercise. to form a beautiful, flat stomach. Crunches are the only exercise that fully works all the abdominal muscles.

Twisting. What muscles work

Abdominals formed by the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles. When performing twisting exercises, the entire abs receive both static and dynamic load at once, because you have to simultaneously hold the body in a fixed position and perform twisting, during which the muscles either contract or stretch.

Moreover, crunches can effectively tone the entire rectus abdominis muscle, although it is very heterogeneous in structure: powerful and thick at the top, and weak and thin at the bottom.

In addition, the lower back muscles are involved. They, as antagonist muscles, counteract the abdominal muscles.

Twisting. Basic technique

The task of the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles is to bend the body, i.e. bring the ribs closer to the pelvic bones. Please note that it is the ribs that need to be brought closer, not the shoulders and chest, and specifically to the pelvic bones, not to the knees. Otherwise, it will not be the abs that will work, but other muscles.

How to do crunches correctly

Lie on your back, bend your knees, place your heels as close to your buttocks as possible. Place your hands behind your head or fold them across your chest.

As you exhale, begin to twist your body, first lower your chin to your chest, then lift your shoulders off the floor, then your shoulder blades. Raise your spine smoothly, vertebra by vertebra, immediately twisting it forward, as if you want to curl up into a ball. Move smoothly, slowly, without jerking, without using your legs.

While inhaling, at the same pace as you twisted, also smoothly, vertebra by vertebra, turn your body: first place your shoulder blades on the floor, then your shoulders, then your head.

If the exercise is performed correctly, you will not be able to sit down, this feature will show that it is the abdominal muscles that work, and not some others.

Twisting. Basic mistakes

  1. Fix legs, lying on a horizontal surface, clinging, for example, to a sofa or with the help of a partner. This position immediately transfers the load to other muscles. With the legs fixed, the abdominal muscles work only in a lying position incline bench or a special simulator.
  2. Do not coordinate movements with breathing. Remember, lifting the body always occurs while exhaling, and returning to the starting position while inhaling.
  3. Lift your lower back off the floor. Lack of support under the lower back during twisting can lead to prolapse of intervertebral discs. Therefore, at the very beginning of the twist, try to press your lower back into the floor. If you can’t avoid arching your back, do exercises on a fitball or place a towel folded several times under your lower back.
  4. Perform the exercise in jerks. Do not help yourself while performing the exercise by swinging your arms and legs. If you cannot lift your shoulders or shoulder blades off the floor, just try to feel the tension in the muscles from your ribs to your lower abdomen. It is important to tense the necessary muscles, and not to do the exercise at maximum amplitude.

Additional help - Galina Grossmann's sessions for weight loss

Additional help that will help you get organized and tune in to the fight against belly fat - energy sessions by Galina Grossmann, which activate the burning of excess fat and program for easy weight loss. And this is not just a suggestion, Galina Grossmann gives a clear, reasonable plan of action and confidence in own strength that losing weight is real.

And indeed, if you adhere to the very reasonable and logical recommendations that Galina Grossmann gives: eat according to the clock, exclude flour, sweets, fried foods and so on junk food, don't overeat at night and arrange once a week water day, then the result is guaranteed.

However, in order to independently withstand such regulations, serious motivation and strong will are required, which is what we usually lack. It is this missing element that Galina Grossmann gives us in her energy sessions. Grossmann also has a special session for losing weight, even very big belly, but unfortunately, access to it is now limited by the author.

Additional Help - Japanese Exercise for Belly Fat

And if you trust physical exercise, then here is another effective exercise for reducing fat on the sides and belly from the inventive Japanese.

Additional motivation– by removing fat from your belly and waist, you will reduce the likelihood of developing diabetes, heart disease, chronic diseases, increase your self-esteem and feel much lighter and more confident. Flat, beautiful tummies to you!
