DIY bee hive. DIY beehives: drawings and characteristics How to make your own beehive

To have bees, you need to prepare special houses for them. You should make hives for bees yourself, rather than buy them, since it is unknown what diseases their previous inhabitants suffered from. Making houses will not be difficult if you know their structure and are guided by the necessary drawings. There are a lot of nuances that must be taken into account when making hives.

Bee hives should be made independently and not purchased, since it is unknown what diseases their previous inhabitants suffered from

Every beekeeper must know the composition and structure of hives.

Every beekeeper must know the composition of the hive

They can be of various types and forms, but each of them necessarily contains the following components:

  • frame;
  • roof;
  • liner;
  • dividing board;
  • shops;
  • arrival board;
  • framework;
  • feeder;
  • hive stand.

The hive body is a kind of box in which the bee family (nest) is located. This part may be various sizes, handles are attached to it. Socket frames are inserted into the housing.

The roof performs protective function. Covers bees from rain, hail, protects from dust, etc. It can be single-sloped, flat or gable. At the base there is a frame, the same size as the body. A hole for ventilation is made in the roof, namely at its base, and covered with a mesh. The top is covered with roofing felt or made metal coating. Thanks to this, the roof will withstand even heavy rainfall and large hail.

The liner retains heat in the hive and fixes the ceiling. Thanks to this component, you can safely transport bee houses from place to place and not be afraid of any damage to the upper part of the structure. Its size does not differ from the size of the case.

The dividing board is installed in winter, when it is necessary to insulate the structure. This diaphragm reduces the size of the hive, but helps keep the bees warm in cold weather.

Stores are made to make it more convenient to store honey during collection. They are arranged in the same way as the body, but are not required in the design.

The bottom can be removed or remain stationary. It has a bottom, a tray and an antivarice mesh. The removable part of the structure is more convenient to use.

The landing board is placed at the bottom of the entrance, slightly inclined, so that during rain there is no stagnation of water. It is slightly larger than the taphole in width and length.

Frames are divided into nesting and magazine frames. They consist of lower and side strips and a bar, which is located at the top. Their length is the same, but different heights. They can be made of plastic or wood, each has its pros and cons.

The feeder can be over-frame or nested.

The hive stand allows for longer use of the hive. Creates the necessary microclimate for its inhabitants.

Thanks to these components, bees can live comfortably on the territory. Beekeepers try to create all conditions for their residents so that they feel comfortable, cozy and bring honey.

Types of hives

Hives can be of several types

All bee houses can be divided into collapsible and non-collapsible, vertical and horizontal. Depending on their functionality and design features, hives come in the following varieties:

  • alpine;
  • cassette;
  • Root's designs;
  • Ukrainian sun loungers;
  • Dadan hives.

Alpine hives are multi-hull bee houses. The design is compact and close to the natural habitat of insects. The entrance has the shape of a hollow and is located at the bottom, which attracts bees.

Thanks to thin partitions in cassette hives Residents of such a structure independently maintain the microclimate. The houses are made from natural materials and impregnated with wax. This contributes to lower incidence of bees.

Ruth's designs have 6 cases, each with frames in the amount of 10 pieces. These designs make it possible to breed different families. Since the housings are regularly reinstalled, there is a possibility of hypothermia, so it is advisable to use such hives where the climatic conditions are warm.

Ukrainian sunbeds– very light and simple horizontal design. They are well insulated, and most often have 20 frames.

Dadanovsky beehives made of spruce, roomy. Over time, they can be equipped with additional housing or stores.

These characteristics will help the beekeeper choose what is right for him, taking into account climate zone, number of bees, location.

Types of frames

Accumulation of honey in honeycombs is impossible without frames

Accumulation of honey in honeycombs is impossible without frames. Therefore, all beekeepers choose this product especially carefully. component designs. They can be wooden or plastic.

Wooden frames safe and durable, inexpensive, well ventilated and retain heat. If the wooden frame has become thin (dried out when high temperature, rotted from humidity, etc.), then it can be made, and not completely changed. When replacing with a purchased one during transportation, you will need help, since the design with wooden frames massive.

Plastic frames durable, lightweight, invulnerable in any weather conditions. If the integrity is compromised, then such a frame will have to be completely changed. In order for the bees to bring honey, it must first be completely filled with wax. The peculiarity of plastic is that wax does not attach well to it, so it will have to be applied manually. The wax should be hot and the coating should be done with a brush or brush. Before you start waxing, you should immerse the material in water, the temperature of which should be 60-70 degrees.

Materials and drawings

It is impossible to make a house for bees without step-by-step instructions and drawings. It is also necessary to prepare all materials before starting work, simultaneously assembling the future hive:

  1. Bottom boards. Their best thickness is four centimeters. You need to make slots in them for connections.
  2. Planks measuring 18 mm by 4 mm.
  3. Connect the boards and planks, having previously coated the grooves with glue.
  4. Cover the structure with paint.
  5. Drill the tap hole.
  6. For the roof, take a board 1.5 cm thick, cover it with iron or other durable material, drill ventilation holes. Connect to the body.
  7. Nail the bottom tightly or make it removable. The second option is more convenient.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that homemade device there were no gaps. It is necessary to provide insulation for the winter. Insulating pillows stuffed with moss and hay are suitable for this.

Scheme of the Dadanovsky hive:

Before you start constructing a hive, you need to make sure that everything is prepared necessary materials and tools.

Not all beekeepers have the opportunity to buy ready-made hives and are perplexed when they find out how much they cost. Therefore, many craftsmen make houses for bees with their own hands. Having drawings, instructions and all the necessary materials, this can be done in one to two hours. It is necessary to assemble the structure correctly and evenly, remembering that bees are not interested in beauty, but in strength and reliability.

Often, amateur beekeepers who keep 2-3 families of bees are faced with the problem of “overpopulation”. After all, bees begin to swarm, which means the question of purchasing new hives arises. But what to do in this case? Not everyone can afford to buy new ones, but used ones are also dangerous. After all, it is unknown why they are sold and what diseases can be acquired along with the “home”. That’s when the thought arises - why not make a hive with your own hands? Today we will try to figure out how difficult it is and what is required for this. Surely this information will be useful for those who are just thinking about beekeeping.

Read in the article

Beekeeping for beginners - where to start for an inexperienced beekeeper

The main thing is, of course, to understand whether a person can do this difficult work. After all, not everyone can do it due to physical indicators or health conditions. The first and most important requirement is that you are not allergic to bee stings. After all, some people cannot tolerate even isolated cases. If a novice beekeeper has such a strong reaction, then the path to the apiary is forbidden to him. You should also know that bee venom, when entering the body, contributes to a sharp increase in blood pressure. That is why people with heart disease and hypertension are strictly prohibited from engaging in such activities.

Now about the physical condition. Those who plan to take up beekeeping should understand that it is hard, everyday work. You will need to move hives, work on a honey extractor and much more. And you shouldn’t think that this is a very profitable business that will start generating income from the very first season. After all, at first large costs will be required for the bees themselves, hives, and additional buildings. And if there are no honey fields nearby, it will be necessary to transport the hives from place to place, negotiating with the owners of the meadows about the housing of the apiary, resolving issues with its protection. This means that for the first 2-3 years there is nothing to even think about the slightest profit.

But if you have already specifically decided to tackle this difficult task, then one of the primary expenses can be minimized - building hives for bees with your own hands. True, this will require some knowledge and experience. But with desire, attentiveness and accuracy, this task is quite doable.

Construction of a hive for bees: general information about what types they are

To understand how a hive works, you need to study all the information about them and figure out why this or that compartment is needed. Many beekeepers, sometimes even hereditary ones, do not even know what they are called. But this does not stop them from doing what they love. However, beginners will have to figure it out. After all, to build one, you need to be able to read drawings of bee hives, and sometimes draw them yourself. Now let’s look at some of the types and try to understand which one is easier to build to begin with. Those who subsequently engage in this business on a larger scale will eventually understand all types of bee houses. For now, let's start with the most common ones.

Dadan-Blatt hive: its description, structure and some features of use in beekeeping

Initially, this hive bore the name of only one of its inventors - Charles Dadan. But its design, although quite successful, still required improvement. This is exactly what the Swiss beekeeper Blatt made, who added some innovations. But before today Among beekeepers (perhaps for simplicity) the name “Dadan’s hive” is applied to this bee house.

This design is practically not used in industrial honey collection, but among amateurs it is practically the most popular. The dimensions of the Dadan hive with 12 frames, the drawing of which is shown in the image below, are 585x585x815 mm.

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Important information! It doesn't matter what the hive is. It is important to make as many stores as possible. After all, this is the most important thing for honey workers. But fanaticism in this matter is also useless.

In fact, such a house for bees is quite simple. In other words, building a Dadanovsky hive with your own hands, if you have the drawings before your eyes, will not pose any special problems.

What is a Langstroth-Ruth hive and how is it structured?

This design is also quite popular. And not only among amateurs, but also among industrial assemblers. It dates back to the beginning of the 19th century. At that time, beekeeper Lorenzo Langstroth invented its first version. However, it was somewhat inconvenient due to the fact that the bottom of the hive turned out to be non-removable. This made cleaning and maintenance much more difficult. However, already at the end of the same century, the industrial beekeeper Amos Root changed a little, and one might even say simplified the design. And even today his descendants own a production company various devices for apiaries, making similar hives.

The main difference between this bee house and the previous one is the absence of shops. In addition, the frames themselves are somewhat lower, although their width is completely identical. Drawings of Ruth's hive can be easily found on the Internet, therefore, there is no point in posting them all here. Of course for general concept We will present some of them to the dear reader below.

The drawings of Langstroth's hives themselves differ slightly from Ruth's structure. But among beekeepers the name of this design stuck with only one surname. By analogy with Dadanovsky, they were simply called Rutovsky.

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The horned hive of Mikhail Palivoda is the most budget option

Although many of those who have been involved in beekeeping for a long time and professionally speak about such a design with disdain, for a novice beekeeper it can truly be a godsend. In addition to the fact that it is much easier to make than the two previous options, it can also be made from almost any scraps.

Important information! When we say “from any”, we do not mean oiled or rotten wood. A bee will not live where there is an extraneous smell, even the slightest one. It is for this reason that experienced beekeepers assemble their hives using nails or screws and never use adhesive compositions. And painting is used only on the outside of the bee house.

As for the ease of production, looking at the photos of the drawings of the horned hive we presented, even a schoolboy can probably make it with his own hands.

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It is also good news that almost all breeds of bees can live in such a house. But Buckfast and Carpathian people especially like this structure. The famous Burzyan bee also feels quite good in it, but for some reason the beekeepers of Bashkiria have chosen other types of structures for themselves. Perhaps due to the fact that such hives are made quite small.

Alpine hive or design according to the Roger Delon method

This is a rather convenient design due to the fact that as the number of bees in the family increases, there is no need to build a new hive. You just need to add inserts, raising it in height.

Roger Delon is a fairly famous French scientific beekeeper who keeps apiaries in the Alps. Moreover, thanks to the design of the hives, he does not have time to collect honey in the summer, and therefore does it already in the winter.

The design of the bee house itself is radically different from all those mentioned earlier, not only in structure, but also in size. It is for this reason that maintaining such hives is not very convenient. It is quite difficult to choose a suitable honey extractor for non-standard frames. But in terms of productivity, Alpine hives are ahead of any other, even in a non-melting year.

It is also difficult to switch from ordinary bee houses to alpine ones - “it’s difficult for new residents to get used to a different structure. For this reason, if a novice beekeeper, having considered all the options, decided on the Alpine one, then you should not start with something simple with the idea that over time it will be possible to change the design. In this case, it is better to immediately build a hive according to the design of Roger Delon.

Such designs appeared relatively recently, but already now they have both supporters and opponents. Moreover, the latter are many times more numerous than the former. The essence of the design is to save space by narrowing the distance between the frames. This is where the main bone of contention lies.

Experienced beekeepers claim that this will lead to the appearance of layers of propolis between the frames. As a result, they will be inoperative. At the same time, there is no reason not to trust the opinion of experts.

It is also questionable what they recommend making from such material as. Honestly, anyone who understands even a little about beekeeping will say that in such houses there can be no talk of any honey. Bees simply won't live there.

Рchalyar: In the early 90s, one of my relatives decided to become a beekeeper. I don’t remember where, maybe from Moscow, they sent him a brochure with drawings, descriptions and technology for keeping bees in a hive original design. The honey yield in this hive was promised to be simply unprecedented. Work was in full swing. I sawed some boards, got posters from somewhere “Give me…”, “Glory…”, “Long live…” from them and built about 8 of them. I also built a pavilion, although it was stationary, not on wheels. Why am I all this? It’s just that that hive and yours are the same. The height of the frame seems to be greater, or maybe not, I don’t remember exactly. I must say that he is a smart guy, everything was done well...

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We are not presenting the review in full; if you are interested, you can read it in the source. For those who have no desire to visit the sites, we can say that in this review the person writes that now no one lives in those hives. Well, sometimes migratory bees appear, but not those that give honey, but those that live periodically.

Hive lounger and how it differs from other bee houses

If you ask professional beekeepers this question, you will hear completely different answers. And the point is not that some are right and others are wrong. It's just that its design may be different.

Looking at this hive, you can understand that it looks the same as the others, but at the same time it seems to be lying on its side. The lid also opens upward, but it is the top wall. Outwardly, it resembles a chest. This is why he was called a sunbed. The design of such a hive can be similar to any of the above. This can be either a Rutov or a Dadanov hive.

Let's also try to turn to the reviews of professionals - what do they think about the do-it-yourself beehive?

Danicek: I can’t answer in the affirmative, because I have no experience driving bees, for example in multihulls, and therefore I can’t compare. Although, I remember that in his lectures Kashkovsky claims that in Siberia, it was with the help of beds that beekeepers achieved record honey yields both from one hive and from the apiary as a whole. In my opinion, the bed most of all allows us to create a strong honey cake (which is what we strive for), and to disturb the bees less with inspections (each inspection, whether the beekeeper wants it or not, introduces nervousness into the family, and for a couple of days the family is knocked out of its normal rhythm life)…

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Hive boa constrictor: why it is so loved by amateur beekeepers

The secret to the popularity of such hives is their compactness and ease of installation and maintenance. Outwardly, it is somewhat reminiscent of the Alpine, but much smaller in size. Although those who have been involved in beekeeping for several years say that it will be difficult for a novice beekeeper to cope with such a hive. But, as you know, everything is learned by comparison, and for those who are close to such a design, nothing prevents them from starting with just such bee houses.

Making boa constrictor hives with your own hands according to the drawings is not difficult; we will present them to the dear reader for review below. If the information provided is not enough, you can always find additional information on the Internet.

Do-it-yourself hive: step-by-step instructions with photo examples

Let's look at the example of six steps on how to make a beehive with your own hands from boards:

Photo example Actions Performed

First of all, we align the pre-tenoned blanks to a width of 250 mm.

Now you need to align them along the lengths of 439 mm and 434 mm.

We cut out the folds - top, bottom and side.

This is what the finished parts should look like. Now all that’s left to do is put everything together.

This is roughly what the result should be.

Of course, it is impossible to show everything in the instructions, but in fact this is not necessary. After all, any beekeeper learns all his life, trying something of his own, and therefore you will never find two beekeepers who make hives in exactly the same way. And yet, we suggest watching a video on how to make a beehive with your own hands using drawings and dimensions. We think that after this there will be no questions left.

What you need to build a hive with your own hands according to the drawings

The main thing that is necessary for such work is to choose the material. Bees are quite finicky insects and if they don’t like the house, they can simply fly away to look for a new home.

It is also important to maintain the necessary microclimate in the house. That is why, when reading and analyzing drawings for a bee hive with your own hands, think about and. After all, they should not be too hot or cold. It is worth paying close attention to the system. Do not forget that in different types of houses it is performed in its own way.

The building can be insulated with either regular polystyrene foam or (polyurethane foam). These materials are non-toxic and odorless.

Important! Under no circumstances should you insulate the hive from the inside. Otherwise, you will end up with a situation in which it will simply be impossible to remove the frames because of the wax.

If possible, try to avoid gluing. As a last resort, you need to choose a composition that is odorless. You can use hot melt glue - it is neutral, non-toxic and bees do not react to it.

The choice is very important. The best option may become aspen or linden. Coniferous species are also suitable, but in this case you need to be prepared for the fact that in the first year the honey will have a slight but noticeable smell of resin.

Difficulties that may arise when building a house for bees

The main task in such work is the exact observance of all specified dimensions. And this is not just a whim of the one who invented this or that hive. This is a necessity that has been re-tested for years. Many people think that they can design and build a house for bees themselves according to their own invented dimensions, and then receive no less honey than others. It won't work! It has already been said that if the distance between the frames is smaller, the bees will accumulate propolis between them and they will become inoperative. But what happens if you make the distance greater?

In this case, the bee decides that it is necessary to build intermediate honeycombs and as a result, the first option is obtained - everything sticks together tightly. As for height, there are practically no restrictions here. But you should remember that you will have to move the hives, which becomes problematic if they are heavy.

Enough big problem Migrant, alien bees also represent. Often, various diseases come with them, and it is with such incidents that the degeneration of the breed begins. If we again take the Burzyan bee as an example, its degeneration in Bashkortostan has already become noticeable. And the reason for this is the frequent arrival of beekeepers from neighboring regions.

And of course, don’t forget about feeding insects with sugar syrup during wintering. After all, the bulk of the honey that they prepared for the cold period is taken away from them. It’s worth learning more about all this before you make a hive yourself and place the first guests there.

If you think about it, the process of making a hive with your own hands is a complex matter, but quite interesting and exciting.

Frames for a bee house - the nuances of their manufacture

Frames are the foundation of the hive. And a lot depends on the quality and their correct execution.

Important! Whatever material the bee house is built from, the frames should always be made of good wood– linden, aspen or apple tree. This will ensure the best taste of honey. The wire staple must be made of stainless wire if it is not made of wood.

To sum it up

Everyone knows that honey is not only a sweet treat, but also an excellent medicine. And the quality of the final product depends on what the hives are like and how they are arranged. This means that all responsibility for this lies on the shoulders of the beekeeper. Don't forget about this. Well, what type of bee house to choose is up to you, our dear reader.

If anyone has any questions, we will be happy to answer them in the discussion, and perhaps even argue. After all, as you know, truth is born in a dispute. If you find any inaccuracy in the information we have provided, we will be grateful if you point it out.

And finally, a video on the topic of making frames:

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If you are an avid beekeeper or are planning to become one, then you should definitely make a hive with your own hands. This way you can save significant money. This process will help you become more familiar with the behavior of bees and effective technologies honey production. Self-production will improve the consumer characteristics of honey and extend the life of the hive. We will talk about all the nuances of creating a house for bees in today’s review.

A quality hive is a reliable basis for good results.

A detailed study of the life activity of bees will help create comfortable conditions for them. Below are basic knowledge, which will simplify understanding of the requirements for the main and additional elements of the hive design.

Even superficial knowledge about the families of these insects makes it possible to verify the clear organization of communities. Worker bees have a division based on functionality, which is largely determined by a certain age range.

After leaving the cell, lack of strength limits the insects' capabilities. They are looked after and fed by adults. But after 1-2 days, young bees begin their first duties. They create impeccable sanitary and hygienic conditions in the cell so that the queen can lay eggs there.

  • feeding larvae;
  • construction of honeycombs, clogging of filled cells, repair work;
  • security;
  • taking nectar;
  • removing excess moisture from it and other processing procedures;
  • collection of pollen, nectar, and other substances useful and necessary for life.

Honeybees have well-developed sense organs. To search for flowers and in other situations, they use vision, smell, touch, hearing, and taste buds.

They mate with drones outside the hive and lay up to several thousand eggs per day under favorable conditions. During this period, they need high-quality nutrition with a sufficiently large energy reserve per unit volume.

Of particular importance is temperature regime in a bee hive. The full development of the pupa depends on it, intended purpose adult insect. Some bees have the ability to raise their own temperature above +40°C, performing the functions of biological “heating elements”.

Here is just some information about the life of bees. But even this information is enough for preliminary conclusions:

  • It is necessary to create conditions in the hive for the comfortable existence of all members of the bee family.
  • It is necessary to take into account behavioral characteristics, different sizes of worker bees, drones, and queens. Appropriate corrections are made when determining the dimensions of tapholes and other structural elements.
  • It is necessary to exclude or minimize strong odors, noises, and other external influences that can disturb insects.
  • Good insulation is useful to reduce heat loss in winter and overheating in summer.

Construction of a hive for bees: standard design, features of popular modifications

Below is the purpose and special characteristics of individual parts:

  • The base (1) ensures the stability of the entire structure. It is made quite durable. Small holes in the side parts are needed for ventilation, which prevents rotting processes.
  • The bottom (2) in this hive serves as a transition element and a “take-off and landing” platform at the same time. Some designs provide for the possibility of changing the size of the entrance taking into account the size of the bee colony, season, and weather conditions.
  • The main part is the body (3). In this project, two identical elements are installed. This is where the queen lays eggs. To make it easier to maintain a comfortable temperature, the walls are made thicker, or an additional layer of porous materials is installed. Frames are placed inside so that there is sufficient space at the bottom for cleaning.
  • In the separator (4), the dimensions of the slots are made such that only worker bees can penetrate upward. There is a store (5) with frames where honeycombs with honey are created during bribes. Sometimes this part of the hive is used to house layers during the winter.
  • A hole is made in the ceiling (6). It is necessary for ventilation and free movement of bees. Feeders are installed on this “floor”, additional elements insulation in cold season year.
  • The design is completed by a cover (7). It is covered with a metal sheet on top, which protects the wooden parts from moisture.

The special shape of the side parts with the expansion of the upper part (1) helps to create gaps of certain sizes when installing products in the hive. Strings (2) made of fishing line or steel wire stretched between them facilitate the construction of honeycombs. Elongated elements cross bar(3) rest on the walls of the housing during installation.

For your information! Presented on the Internet various drawings hives for bees, so it’s not difficult to find suitable option. But it must be emphasized that professionals and experienced experts give preference collapsible structures. Such structures are more convenient to use. In particular, the repair of individual components is simplified.

This element divides the hive into functional parts. For example, you can create favorable conditions for several bee families in one structure.

For your information! Instead of plywood, polyurethane foam, chipboard, and other materials are used that meet the above requirements for parts of the hive.

Dadan-Blatt hive: simplicity and efficiency

The clear advantage of this solution is modularity. If necessary, you can install a certain number of main buildings and stores. There will be no major difficulties during the manufacturing or repair process.

Here are the dimensions of the Dadan hive for 12 frames. The drawing is a working example that has been tested in practice. Some characteristics and details can be changed:

  • The roof does not have to be flat. This option is suitable for organizing nomadic apiaries. If you make one or two slopes, raindrops are removed from the roof surface faster.
  • The empty space between the bottom of the housing and the base is created from 20 mm or more for effective ventilation.
  • For the walls of the case/magazine, it is recommended to take wood with a thickness of 35/25 mm. But these standards must be adjusted taking into account the climatic conditions in the region of operation.
  • For any number of frames, the following distances to the bottom/side walls/top ceiling are left from them: 20/7/10 mm.

This example makes clear the advantages of improving classic solutions:

  • Instead of recesses in the walls, the lower heavy part is equipped with folding metal handles for carrying.
  • Built-in latches ensure secure fastening of parts. But if necessary, they are separated without the use of special tools.
  • To create optimal sizes « input block» a metal strip with holes is used.
Important! Before changing the standard drawings of the Dadanovsky hive with your own hands, carefully study the recommendations of qualified beekeepers. This will help eliminate the mistakes that beginners make with a lack of practical experience.

Langstroth-Ruth hive: how to keep many bees without unnecessary difficulties

Like other vertical type structures, this building takes up little space on plot of land. If you use a minimal version, with one body and a half-magazine, it will not be difficult to organize the work correctly. However, experienced beekeepers advise not to start with installing a large hive. A large magazine will significantly increase the total volume, which will make it difficult to insulate the nest. Several floors allow you to occupy up to 40 frames, which implies great strength of the bee colony.

For your information! Professional beekeepers create hives of this type up to 7-8 floors. With their help, they collect more than 200 kg of honey in combs in one season.

Horned hive: minimum costs and simple production

Do-it-yourself drawings of a horned hive explain main feature– presence of pins in separate blocks.


  • All parts can be made using simple carpentry tools.
  • The design allows for some dimensional inaccuracy.
  • Assembly and disassembly are carried out quickly and correctly.
  • Inexpensive materials are suitable for production.
  • Lightweight hives of this type move without much physical effort.

Alpine hive: space saving

Experts claim that the model for this type of construction was the life of a bee colony in a hollow wooden trunk.

The following information will help clarify important features such structures:

  • There are no ventilation holes or grilles dividing the total volume.
  • The layer of air in the ceiling area moves, which prevents the accumulation of moisture and condensation.
  • During the honey harvest period, the strength of the family increases. You can install additional housings to increase productivity and maintain an optimal microclimate.
  • In winter, the reverse operation is performed. This makes it easier to create favorable temperature conditions.
  • The cases are divided into volumes of 4-8 frames, taking into account the size of the bee colony.
  • The bottom is installed only in the lower block.
  • The upper element serves as a drinking bowl and feeder.

Cassette hive: solving large-scale problems

This structure ensures year-round maintenance of bees without seasonal movements. But with appropriate equipment, transformation into a mobile version is possible.

He explains the features of the invention in the field of beekeeping, which is confirmed by a domestic patent. The authors managed to reduce the complexity of maintenance while simultaneously improving temperature conditions during the cold season:

  • Single body (1) provides integrity and high strength.
  • The frames (3) are installed in cassettes, which are mounted on skids.
  • The protective cover (6) is installed if protection against rodents is required.
  • Bee families are separated by a special panel (4).
  • “Pod-cassette” (7) sections ensure the passage of fresh air. They are taken out for routine maintenance.
  • To improve the insulating properties, a layer of insulation (5) is installed.

Hive lounger: comfortable conditions for several bee families

This solution allows you to create favorable conditions for housing several families of bees.

It is better to install this part on door hinges. As shown in the figure, such equipment will facilitate manipulation of a fairly heavy part during inspection, removal finished products and performing other work operations.

Boa hive: description and important details

With the help of these drawings, it is not difficult to make a boa constrictor hive with your own hands. The following comments may also be helpful:

  • It is not difficult for bees to fill compact frames with honeycombs, so additional supports (metal strings, plastic threads) are not installed.
  • To ensure sufficient thickness " air cushion“The height of the lid walls is 25-30 mm, no less.
  • Standard case dimensions (width x depth x height in cm): 37.5 x 36 x 13.5. This volume is enough to install a maximum of 10 frames. The diameter of the hole for the tap hole is 19 mm.

Work with such hives is organized according to a special algorithm:

  • In the cold season, 4-5 buildings are used.
  • When spring comes, 1-2 lower blocks are removed. This procedure is combined with replacement of the subframe and preventive inspection.
  • After the first effective bribe, 1-2 cases (frames with foundation) are installed.
  • If necessary, additional housings are mounted on top. As finished products accumulate, they are removed to pump out honey.

The above example is one option. Beekeepers like the ability to “flexibly” organize work processes and configure individual parameters for certain conditions. They note positively the following details:

  • Compactness and low weight of individual parts reduce labor intensity. One person can remove and carry them, without an assistant.
  • The absence of wire increases the reliability and strength of products.
  • If you follow the given dimensions, a sheet of standard foundation will be enough for four frames without unnecessary waste.
  • Small volumes of housings are useful for creating optimal space for each bee colony.

For an objective analysis, it is necessary to list the shortcomings:

  • A small support area reduces the stability of the structure.
  • It's easy to make one frame. However, given the total quantity required, more time and effort will have to be spent compared to similar products for a typical multi-body hive.
  • In small sections there is a lot of empty space that is not used for its intended purpose (to create and fill cells).

Related article:

How to make a beehive with your own hands: detailed instructions from “A” to “Z”

Before you begin to implement your plans, you need to carefully study the features of beekeeping, weather and natural conditions in the region, and other important factors. You should clarify how to make a beehive with your own hands from different materials. An accurate assessment of financial capabilities, carpentry and other professional skills will be useful. It would be correct to apply a comprehensive analysis taking into account real initial parameters. It is necessary to take into account not only the main, but also associated costs and operating costs.

For the correct manufacture of hives with your own hands, dimensions, drawings, videos and other information materials in the articles are supplemented with professional comments, useful recommendations. This data will help minimize errors.

Checking different options and creating optimal hive drawings with your own hands

If the do-it-yourself drawings of bee hives found approximately correspond to the existing requirements, you need to add your own adjustments. Careful preparation of a complete set of design documentation will be useful:

  • Check the dimensions of all parts.
  • To correctly read the drawings, views from different sides and sections of complex components will be useful.
  • It is necessary to write down what materials are suitable for the manufacture of individual elements, and whether there are alternative options.
  • You should check the technologies for creating blanks and the assembly process step by step.
  • Next, make a list of necessary purchases.
  • This list is used for preliminary price checking. If necessary, make appropriate replacements.
For your information! If necessary, new professional skills are learned in advance. It will be useful to practice on samples so as not to spoil high-quality workpieces and consumables.

Construction in stages: algorithm of actions, useful tips

This table shows the process of making beehives with your own hands. For example, we chose comparatively simple design"Lounger."

PhotoBasic and auxiliary operations with comments
To reduce the cost of the project, purchase edged board 25 mm thick. It is cut according to the right sizes, remove burrs with a plane. After grinding using sandpaper, a smooth surface without defects is obtained.
The blanks for the side walls are connected using wood glue. The ends are lubricated with it, after which the parts are pressed onto flat surface. For fixation, a vertical rib is installed on one side of the table.
On the other hand, the building level is fixed in the right place (with clamps).
You can put another blank on top to provide pressure from above and eliminate unevenness.
The end walls and bottom of the box are glued together in the same way. If irregularities are found on the large surfaces formed, they are removed using a grinding machine.
After checking the size match and eliminating minor defects, the box is assembled. The parts are secured with glue and self-tapping screws.
The accuracy of the angles is checked.
Next you will need wooden planks(10 x 10 mm).
They are used to make supports for frames. These elements are fixed using glue and nails. It should be noted that the author of the project specifically uses simple solutions. With the help of such instructions, you can quickly understand how to make a hive yourself without chamfering and other complex operations.
The check confirms the compliance of the dimensions of the parts.
A 40 x 20 mm strip is used to create a frame on each side of the drawer.
Tapholes are cut out in the side wall electric jigsaw(two at the bottom, one in the middle). During operation, they are opened as the bee colony grows. Attach the bottom.
The internal dimensions (76 width x 46 depth x 32 cm height) are enough to install 20 frames.
Install polystyrene foam (sheets 20 mm thick, density 25 kg per cubic meter).
A clapboard is mounted on top.
The multilayer construction is lightweight and has excellent insulating properties. This is better than using solid wood.
To make the lid, the boards are cut into 100 mm lengths. A box is made from these blanks. Install a rail at the bottom and check that the dimensions match.
The roof surface is created from lining.
Ventilation holes are cut out in the lid. Fixed with galvanized sheet metal for weather protection.
A stacked ceiling is made from boards.
At the final stage, the landing board is installed and the external surfaces are painted.
A special latch ensures the lid is secured during transportation.
A flexible band is used to secure the top in the raised position.

Video: how to make high-quality frames for hives

The design, dimensions and other parameters of these products are determined not only by the size of the free space. In some cases, a supporting frame of strings is not needed at all.

In this video, making a beehive frame with your own hands from wooden blanks is described in detail:

This material is easy to process and does not contain irritating or dangerous chemical compounds. But products made from it are damaged under the influence of temperature and humidity. They weigh a lot.

Such products cannot be made at home. Therefore, when choosing this option, you will have to study the assortment of stores.


For people who want to get into beekeeping, which is now gaining popularity, the most important thing is to purchase hives. But they are quite expensive, so you can try to make them yourself. We'll talk about how to make a hive with your own hands.

16 frame hive

Of all the options for hives, and there are more than 500 varieties, you need to choose one and execute it exactly. The main thing here is strict adherence to all sizes and angles. Most beekeepers use double-walled 16-frame hives. The dimensions of frames for hives of this design are 435 x 300 mm.

Manufacturing procedure and dimensions

  • Interior. The first step is to create the walls that will be inside the hive. The thickness of the boards should be 20 mm. Connect them into a tongue and groove using casein glue. The exact dimensions of the hive: the length of the back and front walls is 605 mm, and their width is 320 mm. The length of the side walls is 530 mm, and the width is 320 mm. They must have grooves whose depth is 5 mm and width 20 mm. Between them there is a space of 450 mm.
  • External part. After this, the outer walls are made: front and back. They are assembled from boards 15 mm thick. The width of the finished walls is 500 mm, and the length is 675 mm. The length of the side walls is 560 mm, and the height is 500 mm. Each board of the outer walls is nailed separately directly at the permanent location of the hive. And the inner walls, which are fixed with casein glue, are secured with temporary overlays. They are nailed down. When creating a beehive, you need to make sure that all its angles are 90°.

Fastening the upper and lower tapholes

While the hive does not have a bottom, but only internal walls, it is convenient to make a lower entrance, the size of which is 10 x 250 mm. Step back 50 mm from the right wall and cut a rectangular hole. The upper entrance is made a little smaller, measuring 10 x 100 mm, 120 mm from the right wall, and 30 mm lower in height than the top of the frame bars.

In the picture you see the following parts of the hive, indicated by numbers:

  1. Wooden blocks, side: width 10 mm, length 20 mm.
  2. Top board.
  3. Slot (passenger).

To keep your bee hive healthy, you need to effectively combat varroa. To do this, a wedge-shaped hole is cut on the back wall in the frame part, after which an insert is made that tightly covers this cutout. This solution allows you to conveniently carry out prevention and treatment of bees without disturbing them too much.

The openings for bees to fly out, called entrances, must be protected from the space between the inner and outer parts of the hive. For this, boards are used, the thickness of which is 10 mm, and the width is such that it completely blocks the passage of insects to the space between the walls. To better understand all the intricacies, it is worth studying in detail the drawings of the hives that are presented here.

The drawing of the hive in section along the frames shows:

  1. Bottom.
  2. Front and rear internal walls.
  3. External walls.
  4. The space between the outer and inner walls.
  5. Plank with cut rebates.
  6. Overlays from strips at the joints.
  7. Roof strapping.
  8. Roof (gable).
  9. Ventilation hole
  10. The sides are on top of the nest.

The first flooring is nailed to the inner walls of the hive. The length of its boards is 635 mm. It is necessary that the first of them, nailed under the front wall, protrudes 15 mm. Boards are then mounted to it for the arrival of bees, and it is also used to check the angles of the floor in relation to the walls of the hive. Using it as a guide, they nail down the entire first floor. You need to make it so as not to block the space between the inner and outer frame. Then, turning the hive over, roofing felt and cardboard are nailed onto the newly made floor. And a lower floor is built on top, which covers the space between the outer and inner parts. This is necessary so that the so-called winter hive can warm its bees well during the cold season.

Boards are nailed to the ends of the inner side walls one by one. They start from the bottom. In this way, the front and rear outer walls are created and insulation is stuffed between the inner and external parts hive. In addition, a taphole is cut out on the outer front board located below. And on the back they make a hole for the under-frame space. To ensure that the outer walls hold together well above the nest and are stable, they are nailed to the outer pads. To the front and back surfaces the side walls (external) are nailed. To cover the space between the walls from above, to inner surface slats measuring 40 x 20 mm are attached around the entire perimeter.

In the photo above is a drawing of the hive (top view):

  1. Front and back walls of the interior.
  2. Side walls of the inner part.
  3. The space between them.
  4. The side walls are external.
  5. Front and back walls of the outer part.
  6. Grooves for reliable connection front and back in the inner side walls.
  7. The entrance is the bottom one.

To install the frames, folds 10 x 10 mm deep are made on the slats on the front and back sides of the hive. They should lie closely on the material that is located between the walls and serves as insulation. And the planks connected in the corners must be on the same plane with the installed frames. The ones chosen must be precisely executed so that all components of the structure are perfectly fitted.

Materials that are used as insulation for the hive

Dried sphagnum moss is excellent for insulation; in this state it is elastic and pliable. It is laid on the inner wall, after which it is pressed down with boards, creating an outer surface. Also, good insulation is obtained from polystyrene foam. This synthetic material cut into plates, the thickness of which is 22 mm, and also laid, pressing with external boards.

It is better not to use materials such as tow, wool, cotton wool and the like, because they do not allow air to pass through and have different odors. All these factors negatively affect bees.

Hive roof

The roof frame is created from boards 15 mm thick. Its height should be 120 mm. This creates free space between the roof and the nest for a magazine and a cushion. The pillow is placed on top of the canvas, which lies on the nest in internal space sides.

Hive cushion dimensions

To prevent heat loss, the pillow and, of course, the pillowcase should have 100 mm more space between the sides of the hive. Therefore, its dimensions are as follows: width - 538 mm, and length - 750 mm. The pillow should be larger so that it can be squeezed tightly between the sides, thus preventing heat loss. Stuff her better with moss, this is free material. Plus it's great for this.

Here is a cross-sectional drawing of the hive from the front wall:

  1. Bottom.
  2. The side walls are internal.
  3. The side walls are external.
  4. The space between them.
  5. Planks (closing).
  6. Side frame strips.
  7. The entrance is the top one.
  8. Place under frames.
  9. Bottom entrance.

In the instructions above, we examined in detail how to make a beehive with your own hands and what you should pay attention to when creating it. The most important thing is to carefully adjust all the parts so that there are no gaps. After all, drafts are the main enemy of the bee kingdom.

Expanded polystyrene hives

Another means for creating hives is polystyrene foam. This is a synthetic material that is not subject to rotting. There is a dispute between beekeepers of the old and new generations: to choose a tree or create hives from polystyrene foam. Many simply do not want to switch to modern standards and prefer to do everything using old, time-tested technologies. However, it is worth taking a closer look at this new material in apiary business.

Rot can develop in wooden hives. Its bacteria are able to live and feed in wood because it is a natural material that is familiar to them. But polystyrene foam cannot provide food for any living organisms, because it is made chemically. For this reason, harmful bacteria simply cannot exist in such material.

How to make a beehive with your own hands from polystyrene foam

It is worth buying high-strength polystyrene foam for the hive, then the bees will not be able to gnaw it, and it will be quite reliable. And the structure itself is made in the same way as from wood, using the technology described above.

In hives made from this material, any liquid simply rolls down the grooves and comes out. Therefore, moisture cannot be retained in the polystyrene structure, which is very good.

We have fully answered questions about how to make a beehive with your own hands and what alternative material currently exists for creating them. Each owner chooses for himself how to run his apiary and what to make the hives from. However, you should not neglect innovations and immediately abandon them. Perhaps, using new techniques and materials, you will discover previously unprecedented possibilities. Therefore, it is worth being open to innovation. And if they cannot fulfill the mission entrusted to them, then they should refuse.

Making hives is a simple but painstaking process. It requires patience, attention, diligence, and, of course, knowledge about making bee houses with your own hands from the apiary owner.

In order for bees to be productive and not suffer from weather conditions, it is necessary to provide them with normal conditions existence.

Let's look together at whether it is possible to make comfortable sunbeds at home using drawings, what is the technology for their manufacture, what sizes they can be, and what equipment is needed for this.

Drawings for hives

There is a huge variety of houses for bees; they can be made from various materials and have different parameters, therefore, based on the specific situation, it is better to try to do it yourself. It is better to use drawings for hives that have already been tested by experienced beekeepers. By choosing it correctly, you can rest assured about the comfort of honey insects and the ease of using a mobile apiary, a couple of hives nearby country house or an apiary to obtain honey, wax and propolis in large quantities. When choosing a hive drawing, you need to consider the following factors:

  • how many people will work in the apiary;
  • features of relief and climatic conditions;
  • the number of bee colonies at the moment and planned in the future.

The structure you make must be stable and reliable, it must have a constant temperature, since the wind and the amplitude of air temperatures, especially in spring, have a detrimental effect on insects.

When choosing a drawing, I take into account how many assistants the beekeeper will have. If the owner plans to work in the apiary without helpers, then he will have to tinker with multi-hull hives; it will be more convenient to use a hive-bed.

Experienced beekeepers prefer to install hives in the apiary different designs, since each visa performs its own task.

Information for beginners

When choosing a drawing, first decide on the purpose of the hive.

  • If you plan to breed queens and obtain royal jelly, make beehives - beds.
  • To obtain honey and wax and intensively increase families, it is better to construct multi-hull hives that resemble a hollow tree.
  • For those who have no experience in beekeeping, it is better to start with Dadan hives.

Making hive frames:

The frames of the 12 frame and 10 frame hives are the same. Taking into account the dimensions (43.5 cm / 30 cm), frames are knocked down from dry slats using a hammer and nails. Small holes are made in the slats located on the sides; for this it is better to use an awl. The wire is pulled and secured using pliers and an awl. In the last hole, the wire is carefully secured with a loop. Regardless of which hive the frame will be installed in - 10 frame, 12 frame, 24 frame, etc., it will have to be waxed, after which it is ready to be installed in the hive.

Making a 12 frame hive with your own hands

A 12 frame hive is similar to a 10 frame hive. For its manufacture, the same drawings, the same tools and equipment are used. The entrances are also similar to the 10 frame design.

Beekeepers are well aware that the most the best option The hive is a design by Charles Dadan, which has remained recognized and popular for centuries. Or rather, not the design itself, but the result of the fruitful work of him, his successors and followers, who have been working on improving the shape and size of the hive for a long time.

The Dadan design has 10 to 12 frames. Beginner beekeepers prefer to use it, since it is possible to combine a multi-hull hive and a hive - a lounger.

How to make a hive with 24 frames with your own hands

24 frame loungers are so called because their frames lie horizontally. They are easier to maintain, and problems with their installation can be resolved quickly.

  1. The beds are convenient for two-parent families, they are large sizes make the “houses” spacious.
  2. The bees in the 24 frame hives are preparing for winter by producing more honey.
  3. Such sunbeds are served faster than a regular riser.

In them you can raise large families that can provide honey for both the owner and the queen with good egg production.

The main disadvantage of the 24 frame design is its heavy weight and bulkiness.

Making 24 frame loungers with your own hands

The work of creating a hive consists of making an oblong box with a strong bottom and a removable top, the internal size of which should correspond to 16–24 frames. To work you will need:

  • drawings (drawing of a beehive-lounger or diagram of the arrangement of an evidence-lounger).
  • wood (pine, linden, aspen, etc.), plywood, slate, frames, etc.
  • equipment: workbench or table specially equipped for these purposes, tools.

Using the drawings, the parts are cut out; for ease of design, all dimensions are strictly observed. The side walls are attached to the assembled bottom, after which the front and rear walls are installed. The walls are attached to the workpiece with nails, and tap holes are cut from below. A landing board and a valve are attached to the tapholes. The lid on top is attached to hinges and sheathed with roofing felt, tin, or covered with a fragment of a slate sheet. The ventilation openings are closed with inside mesh.

The finished product is opened with drying oil and painted. On the side, for ease of rearrangement, side handles are attached.

Making hives from modern materials

Today, lightweight, reliable and practical materials– polycarbonate, polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam, and others. Such hives differ from wooden structures; they have a number of advantages and disadvantages. You need to weigh the pros and cons, and settle on the material:

  • reliable;
  • durable;
  • resistant to bad weather, precipitation and strong winds;
  • affordable.

If you want to make a comfortable house for bees with your own hands from modern materials, try building a structure from plywood or foam plastic. This will be an economical and correct decision.

Styrofoam hive

The size of the hive will depend on how many frames it will be designed for - 10, 12, 16, or 24. This number must be multiplied by 3.75 to obtain the desired width of the structure. To calculate the length, you need to add 1.4 cm to 10, 12, or another number corresponding to the number of frames.

The height of such multi-body foam structures is calculated as the sum of the height of the frame and folds.

To build multi-hull houses for bees from foam plastic, and they are made multi-hull due to their lightness and mobility, you first need to make a drawing indicating all the exact dimensions. You will need a saw, a felt-tip pen and a ruler to cut out sheets that match the dimensions of the drawing. Since the corners of the cut foam sheet can be sharp, they are sanded.

To connect parts, it is better to use liquid nails and self-tapping screws. The bottom is made of galvanized materials that are resistant to corrosion, rotting and destruction. To prevent the light pitched roof of a foam or plywood structure from flying off from the wind, a stone or brick is placed on it. The entrances are installed as usual.

Plywood beehive

Financial resources do not always allow beginners to buy or order expensive, strong hives. Often they have to build structures with their own hands from simple materials, for example, plywood. The material is affordable, lightweight, reliable and environmentally friendly. Unfortunately, this design is short-lived and is unlikely to serve the owner for more than 8 years. But during this time, the beekeeper will probably acquire more solid and reliable hives than those made of plywood.

As with any hive made from another material, a plywood hive must have a bottom, side walls, a lid, an entrance, etc. You will need six small sheets of plywood, construction adhesive, screws, a drill and simple tools. You can focus on the dimensions 25/20/3 cm. The joints are glued together with glue or secured with self-tapping screws, the foam is fixed between the planks. Don't forget the hole for the entrance and the landing strip. To give plywood strength and durability, it can be painted with acrylic paint.

Making your own “horned” hive

The half-frame design is popular among “weekend beekeepers” when short time you need to do as much work as possible. They consider sun loungers to be heavy and uncomfortable, because servicing multi-hull structures alone requires a lot of time and effort.

Hives of the Lecina/Palivody system, or, as they are also called, “horned” hives, are an economical and easy-to-maintain option. Their manufacturing technology is different in that the designs do not have shield gluing, which often causes operational problems.

When making them with your own hands, stock up on a solid board, for assembly you will need screws, and the main tool will be a circular saw. The advantage of hives is considered to be a minimum of milling and joining.

It is convenient that the size of the hive is small - it can be made into 8 half-frames. Small size– a big plus when transporting, it is convenient to transport it in a car trailer, or carry it under your arm.

For beginners, it is better to use drawings in their work. Dimensions of the bars: upper – 9.5 mm, and lower – about 7 mm. There is no need to use large sizes; the design is already quite strong and stable.

Advantages of this design:

  1. The hive is always dry, which is important for the health of the bees.
  2. The hive is light, about 20 kg, which is important for the elderly and beekeepers with bad backs.
  3. The design is considered an economical option.
  4. You can work with the bodies, and to detect the offspring, you just need to lift the body.
  5. Bees in such hives overwinter well; the club gathers earlier than in other hives and disperses later.

By listening to the recommendations of experienced beekeepers, you can avoid unexpected moments and put into practice a piece of centuries-old experience. It must be remembered that keeping bees is not only an opportunity to make a considerable profit, but also a pleasant pastime, so you need to do it with pleasure and a good mood.
