Presentation on the theme of Art Nouveau style. Modern modern modern (from French

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nouveau, lit. “new art”), Art Nouveau (German: Jugendstil - “young style”) - an artistic movement in art, most widespread in the last decade of the 19th - early 20th centuries (before the start of the First World War). His distinctive features is the rejection of straight lines and angles in favor of more natural, “natural” lines, interest in new technologies (for example, in architecture), and the flourishing of applied art.

Art Nouveau sought to combine the artistic and utilitarian functions of the works created, and to involve all spheres of human activity in the sphere of beauty. In other countries it is also called: " Tiffany" (named after

L. K. Tiffany) in the USA, “Art Nouveau” and “fin de siècle” (lit. “end of the century”) in France, “Jugendstil” (more precisely, “Jugendstil” - after the name of the illustrated magazine Die, founded in 1896 Jugend) in Germany, "Secession style" (Secessionsstil) in Austria, "modern style" (modern style, lit. " modern style") in England, "Liberty style" in Italy, "Modernismo" in Spain, "Nieuwe Kunst" in the Netherlands, "spruce style" (style sapin) in Switzerland.

In the 1860-1870s, the eclectic style dominated in Europe, which consisted of quoting and repeating previous artistic styles.

In the 1880s, the works of a number of masters began to develop new style, which contrasted eclecticism with new artistic techniques. William Morris (1834-1896) created furnishings inspired by floral patterns, and Arthur McMurdo (1851-1942) used elegant, wavy patterns in book graphics.

The art of Japan, which became more accessible in the West with the beginning of the Meiji era, had a noticeable influence on the Art Nouveau style.

Art Nouveau artists also drew inspiration from art of ancient egypt and other ancient civilizations.

Commodore Perry in Japanese performance

In Art Nouveau there are two main directions: constructive (Austria, Scotland) and decorative (Belgium, France, Germany). In addition, in Italy and Russia, national traditions had a strong influence, where examples of modernity had traditional forms. In addition, in Italy and Russia, national traditions had a strong influence, where examples of modernism had traditional forms. For example, the neo-Russian style in Russian architecture, not to be confused with pseudo-Russian style, which belonged to the eclectic period. Although such an artificial division into periods and styles is very arbitrary. Art Nouveau, like no other style, has absorbed so much various directions and was influenced by various national cultures and traditions, which, even for specialists, is very difficult to determine where eclecticism ends and modernity begins, and where modernity ends and Art Deco begins.

The most noticeable feature of Art Nouveau was the abandonment of right angles and lines in favor of smoother, curved lines. Art Nouveau artists often took ornaments from flora. The “calling card” of this style was the embroidery by Herman Obrist “Strike of the Scourge”.

Modern (fr. moderne - modern) artistic style in European and
American art late XIX- beginning of the 20th century
(another name for art nouveau).
IN various countries other style names are accepted
"Art Nouveau" (Art Nouveau) in France, Belgium,
"Jugendstil" in Germany,
"Secession" in Austria,
"Liberty" in Italy

The hallmark of the style is the embroidery of Herman Obrist “Strike of the Scourge” (“Cyclamen”)

The motto of modernity is “Back to nature.”
The main feature of the Art Nouveau style is decorativeness,
the main motif is a climbing plant,
the main principle is assimilation
man-made form of natural and
vice versa.
Modern is a sophisticated style for
beautiful life, style of harmony, light
understatement, asymmetry and soft

Victor Orta

Victor Orta
Horta, 1861 -1947) -
architect, one of
founders of the style
Art Nouveau (Art Nouveau) in

Victor Orta

Tassel House
(Brussels, 1893)

Victor Orta. Tassel's house. 1893. Brussels

Features of the Art Nouveau style

Reinterpretation and stylization of features of different eras.
Creation of a single synthetic style based on
principles of asymmetry, ornamentation, decorativeness.
Refusal of straight lines and angles in favor of smooth ones,
curved lines that follow the contours of natural
Combination of typical shapes and lines with high
technologies that provide convenience and coziness.
Usage various materials in decoration:
metal, wood, glass, stone, plaster.
Color design – soft muted tones
light green, lilac, pearl gray and rich
gold and ocher

Metal lattice in Art Nouveau style

Glass as one of the main decorative materials

Hector Guimard

Hector Guimard HECTOR
GUIMARD (1867-1942
) - French
architect and designer.
The brightest
representative of the Ar style
Nouveau in France.

Hector Guimard (1867-1942)

Design development

Hector Guimard. Gate of the Beranger mansion. 1897-1898

Hector Guimard

E. Guimard. Sofa. 1897
E. Guimard. Balcony lattice. 1909

The interior of a room created in this style
represents a single whole - different patterns
are repeated in the outlines of the furniture, depicted on
fabrics and can be repeated in accessories.
Modernity appeared as a bold destruction of the classical
traditions and, at the same time, revealed a stylistic
unity through the unification of heterogeneous people
nature of structures and forms through external
exposure to the flowing enveloping
ornamental decor.
Art Nouveau gained its greatest fame in
World Exhibition in Paris (1900). After 1910
the significance of modernity began to fade.

The origin and development of Art Nouveau as an era and style. Completed by: student of group D-321 Marina Evtushenko

Slide 2: Modern – what is it?

Art Nouveau (French moderne, Latin modernus - new, modern) is a period of development of European art at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, which included various artistic movements and schools. The main goal of modernity was unification in the anti-eclectic movement - the desire to contrast one’s creativity with the eclecticism of the previous period. Art Nouveau as a movement did not exist for long, and has fairly clear chronological boundaries: from the late 1880s to 1914.

Slide 3: Distinctive features of modernism:

rejection of straight lines and angles in favor of more natural, “natural” lines; application of new technologies (for example, complex reinforced concrete structures), use of metal, glass. ; widespread use of applied arts; Art Nouveau sought to combine the artistic and utilitarian functions of the works created, and to involve all spheres of human activity in the sphere of beauty.

Slide 4: Modernism in architecture

One of the first architects to work in the Art Nouveau style was the Belgian Victor Horta. First independent work Victor Orta became three houses in hometown Ghent. Then a number of houses appeared in Brussels, as well as the Tassel mansion.

Slide 5: Tassel Mansion

Hotel Van Eetvelde. House-studio of Victor Orta. Brussels.

Slide 6

In his projects, he actively used new materials, primarily metal and glass. Load-bearing structures, made of iron, it gave unusual shapes, reminiscent of some fantastic plants. Stair railings, lamps hanging from the ceiling, even door handles- everything was carefully designed in the same style.

Slide 7

In France, the ideas of Art Nouveau were developed by Hector Guimard, who, among other things, created the entrance pavilions of the Paris metro.

Slide 8: Entrance pavilions of the Parisian metro (circa 1900)

Slide 9


Slide 10: Modern architecture in the Art Nouveau style

The exact characteristics and origins of modern Art Nouveau architecture are still unknown. It is believed that its origin and the first developments of this style solution began at the beginning of the 20th century. Many architects became interested in this direction, but not all developments came to life in the coming century. The modern style of architecture is believed to have developed as a result of social and political revolutions. Modern architecture in Art Nouveau style.


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The variety of forms and designs in modern architecture is primarily due to technological and design developments. In addition, the presence of new building materials such as iron, steel, concrete and glass. The most commonly used materials in architecture are glass for the facade, steel for external support, for floors and internal support. The use of these materials is most obvious in the design of skyscrapers.


Slide 12: Modern modern architecture


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Slide 15: Modernism in the interior

Much attention was paid not only appearance buildings, but also the interior, which was carefully worked out. All structural elements: stairs, doors, pillars, balconies - artistically processed. Art Nouveau style interiors fit perfectly into the space modern apartments- it is perfectly suited to large spaces, the popularity of original and non-conservative design solutions, the desire to simplify and streamline without sacrificing elegance.


Slide 16: Main features:

1. Predominant and fashionable colors Muted colors - color withered rose and tobacco, pearl gray, blue-gray, dusty lilac tones


Slide 17

2. Lines of the Art Nouveau style Refusal of straight lines, smoothness, fluidity of lines, imitation of the natural forms of plants. Symmetry is often abandoned. 3. Forms of Art Nouveau Smoothness and fluidity of forms, rejection of symmetry, vertical dominants striving upward, flow of forms into one another.


Slide 18

4. Characteristic elements of a modern interior: Combination of planes, bent furniture. Mosaic, enamel, gold background, hammered copper and brass 5. Art Nouveau structures Often framed ( load-bearing element is a steel frame)


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6. Art Nouveau windows Rectangular, elongated upward, often with rich floral decoration, sometimes arched, “shop windows” - wide, like shop windows.


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7. Art Nouveau doors Rectangular, often arched. Most often flat in shape, with mosaic patterns, decorated.


Slide 21: Penthouse in Art Nouveau style


Slide 22: Living room in Art Nouveau style


Slide 23: Modern - Gustav Moreau staircase


Slide 24

The main principle of the Art Nouveau style is dynamic balance, embodied in streamlined flexible forms. Furniture in the Art Nouveau style is simple and functional. Cabinet furniture for various purposes- cabinets, chests of drawers, shelves - could be rectangular, but with the obligatory “aesthetics”: frosted glazing, elegant fittings. In the bends of the armrests and the pattern of the legs upholstered furniture there was also a hint of curved lines, often the frames repeated the interlacing of plant branches, the shapes of the bodies of animals or insects. Finishing materials decor - wallpaper, textiles, generously decorated with images of stylized flowers, leaves, insects.


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The wallpaper, made in the Art Nouveau style, also incorporated elements of wallpaper and paintings that were of a symbolic nature. Floral, delicate floral patterns and ligature are popular. Glass, ceramic and other materials mosaics become especially popular at this time. The mosaics were used to create excellent paintings that served as decoration for the walls and floors of rooms and other premises. What is especially appreciated in Art Nouveau is that in this style they perfectly harmonize with each other different materials, including metal and stone, wood and glass, painting and wallpaper.

MODERN Modern (from the French moderne - modern), art nouveau (French art nouveau, lit. “new art”), Jugendstil (German Jugendstil - “young style”) - an artistic movement in art, most popular in the second half XIX - early XX centuries. Its distinctive features are: the rejection of straight lines and angles in favor of more natural, “natural” lines, interest in new technologies (especially in architecture), and the flourishing of applied art.

Gaudi Antonio () Spanish architect; The most prominent representative of the Art Nouveau style; Worked in Barcelona

Recent years Gaudi spent his life near the walls of the cathedral under construction. He did not take money for his work; on the contrary, he invested all his funds in the construction of the cathedral. When an old man dressed in rags was hit by a tram, none of the witnesses to the tragic incident recognized him as the famous architect. Gaudi was buried in his cathedral, under the arches of intertwined “branches” of columns. “It will be like a forest. Soft light will pour through window openings located at different heights, and it will seem to you that the stars are shining.” This is how Gaudi saw the greatest of his creations.

Park Güell was bought by the Barcelona government, declaring it a monument of art. In 1969, the Spanish government awarded it the title of National Monument. And in 1984, UNESCO declared it a Humanist Heritage Site. Thus, Park Güell is under a triple protectorate. 26 At the final exam, one of the professors said: “Gaudi is either crazy or a genius.” Since then, these two words are most often used to describe the architect and his creations.
