How to use banana peels for indoor flowers? Banana peel fertilizer for indoor plants: pros and cons. Banana peel as fertilizer How to fertilize flowers with banana

If you want your houseplants to bloom for a long time, the leaves not to fall off or turn yellow, feed them with banana peel tincture more often. To do this, chop the peels of 2 - 3 bananas and add a liter of boiled water. When feeding, dilute the infusion in a ratio of 1:5 (5 parts water). The solution must sit for at least 3 days.

An excellent food for flowers in the house is banana tincture. With this feeding, the flowers bloom for a long time, the leaves do not fall off or turn yellow. Feed your indoor flowers more often with banana peel tincture.

Preparing flower food from banana peels: Grind the peels of 2 - 3 bananas. Pour 1 liter of boiled water over the crushed peel. Leave for at least 3 days. Directly when feeding, dilute this infusion in a ratio of 1/5 (5 parts water).

Girls, how do you make top dressing with banana peels? I make 3 skins per 3 liter jar, let it sit for a couple of days and then water the roses. Or am I doing it wrong?

Even now I don’t throw away banana peels, I fill a 0.8 liter jar with water, and after 5 days I water my indoor flowers with this water (I dilute it a little with clean water). Everyone is feeling great.

And I soak 3 skins per 1.5 liter, and by the way, the smell of banana kvass appears after a few days. Then I dilute it approximately in half and water it.

Currants love potato peelings, peppers, tomatoes and roses love banana peels, orange peels and onion peels go well with potatoes.

Few people know that banana peels, which make up approximately 40% of the total weight of the fruit, contain almost as many beneficial minerals and vitamins as the fruit itself. According to many gardeners, using banana peels as fertilizer improves the growth of plants, particularly indoor plants. Moreover, it can help in leaf cleaning and pest control.

Therefore, if you familiarize yourself with all the ways to use banana peels in floriculture, you can both save money and significantly improve the health of your “green pets”.

Let's start with the fact that the peel, as well as the bananas themselves, contain many useful micro- and macroelements. For this reason, it can successfully replace potassium/phosphorus supplements, and also have a beneficial effect on the development of both vegetables and various indoor plants.

There are many ways to use the peel as a natural fertilizer - from the simplest to the rather expensive and labor-intensive. Of course, those gardeners who are accustomed to “store-bought” fertilizing may negatively perceive such a cheap and simple feeding, but they will be surprised to learn that a banana peel is almost as good as purchased funds(for example, humic concentrates).

Pay attention! If you use banana peels together with grape branches, you can get an effective complex fertilizer, which contains a significant part of the periodic table.

It is reliably known that crops such as Saintpaulia and cyclamen, after the application of such fertilizers, clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of this natural remedy.

Video - How are the peels good for plants?

What should you know?

Before using any of the methods listed below, bananas must be thoroughly washed to remove wax coatings and other chemicals from the surface that were used during transportation of the fruit. Sometimes manufacturers use quite a lot for processing hazardous substances dust group, which are carcinogens.

Moreover, before delivery, bananas are soaked in a solution of chlorine and ammonium sulfate (this is necessary to remove the milky juice), which is why the peel also does not become healthier.

Perhaps, for faster ripening, the fruits were treated with ethylene, which negatively affects the hormonal levels of our body. In a word, bananas should definitely be washed, and in hot water and with soap, and the light fibers on the pulp must be removed.

At the same time, we must remember that banana plantations are treated with pesticides, and often (up to seventy times a year), so the best option There will be a search for a trusted supplier who uses the safest drugs possible.

There are many methods for preparing such fertilizer, as noted above. Let's look at the most common of them.

Method number 1. Simple

The simplest way to use banana peels to fertilize plants, which is also surprisingly effective. The essence of the method is as follows: cut the peel into small pieces and bury it in the soil. Even the weakest indoor plants, soon after applying fertilizer, will begin to grow lush leaves and generally “feel” great. Moreover, after ten days this fertilizer completely disappears from the soil (it is processed by microorganisms living there).

Method No. 2. Fried peel

This method is suitable for those cases when, when fertilizing plants, you need to follow a precise dosage. The algorithm of actions should be as follows.

Table No. 1. Roast Peel Fertilizer

Steps, no.Description

Divide the peel into slices and place it on a baking sheet previously lined with foil. The skin should be laid out outside down - this way it won't stick to the baking sheet.

Place the pan in the oven and wait until the skins are cooked through. To save money electrical energy, you can cook something else at the same time.

Cool the cooled fried peel, chop it and place it in a vacuum container.

To feed, place skin mulch around indoor plants.

Method number 3. Banana powder

To prepare your next fertilizer, follow the instructions below.

Dry the skin in a dehydrator, oven (for two hours at minimum temperature) or simply in a room (if the room has good ventilation).

Grind the dried skin in a coffee grinder.

Sprinkle the resulting mixture onto the soil in the pot, then add water. Repeat the procedure every four weeks.

Pay attention! Flower growers often complain that banana fertilizers become moldy in pots - this can only happen due to the lack of “good” bacteria in the soil.

In principle, the composition of the peel is very similar to ash, but it is not a combustion product and does not contain nitrogen. Therefore, banana fertilizer can hardly be considered complete.

Method No. 4. "Tea" for plants

The method is simple but effective. Brew the dried peel like tea, keeping the proportions you are accustomed to. Cool the resulting “drink”, then pour it over the “green pets” at the root.

Dry the peel for tea leaves on a radiator, and when dried, store it in a paper bag. By the way, such fertilizer can be used in dry form - poured into the lower layers of the soil.

Method No. 5. “Cocktail” of their peels

Place the peel of one banana in a blender and blend as finely as possible.

Pour in 250 ml of water.

Mix all this thoroughly.

It is advisable not to strain the resulting mixture. Due to the fact that fertilizer will lead to rapid flowering, there is a risk of losing fruit (if the plant bears fruit), so be careful - a few teaspoons per month will be enough. After fertilizing, loosen the soil a little.

Method number 6. Freezing the peel

To constantly feed your indoor plants with an effective and natural fertilizer, you can allocate a separate tray for peelings in the freezer. This fertilizer will contain many nutrients. Place the skins of eaten fruits in the tray and don’t worry that the plants will be left without “tasty”.

Method No. 7. Compost

The method is quite troublesome, but compost is an excellent fertilizer for bulbous crops. The algorithm of actions should be as follows.

Add to a bucket of soil maximum quantity banana peel.

Then pour Baikal fertilizer into the bucket and mix it all thoroughly.

After a month, place a new peel and a small amount of Baikal.

In another month or two you will get black and nutritious compost, very useful for “green pets”.

Method No. 8. Peel spray

To prepare this remedy, prepare:

  • 20 g of magnesia;
  • 0.9 l of water;
  • skin from four bananas;
  • 2 teaspoons of crushed eggshells.

After that, follow these steps:

Dry the peels in fresh air or using a dehydrator.

Grind eggshells(if you haven't done this before).

Also grind the dried skin to a powdery consistency.

Pour all ingredients into water.

Stir until the magnesium is completely dissolved.

Store fertilizer in the refrigerator. Required quantity pour the mixture into plastic bottle with a spray bottle, but warm up to room temperature. Spray the soil and leaves.

Fertilizer - spray

Pay attention! This spray is, first of all, a fertilizer, which means you should not use it in direct sunlight, but should use it once a week.

Alternative. Using overripe bananas

For feeding, you can use not only the peel, but also overripe bananas.

Table No. 1. Top dressing from overripe bananas

Steps, no.Description

Place the peeled banana in a container. Add about 150 ml of water and knead it.

Loosen the soil around the plant, then pour the resulting banana mixture into it.

Place the banana peel in a glass jar and fill it with water.

Mix the resulting solution with clean water in a ratio of 1:5.

Water the plants periodically with the mixture.

Periodically add fresh water to the jar with the peel.

Banana peel in the fight against aphids

Burying a few pieces of peel into the soil next to the plant will help get rid of aphids, which are known to be potassium intolerant. Also, for this purpose, you can make an infusion from banana skins - such a product will additionally serve as a fertilizer.

Take the peels of three bananas and place them in a three-liter jar of water.

Leave for two days, then strain the resulting infusion.

Mix the infusion with the same amount of water.

Water the crops at the roots with the resulting product.

As a conclusion

As a result, we note that you can wipe the leaves of indoor plants with the white side of a banana peel - this will clean them of dirt and also restore their natural shine.

IN in capable hands Banana peels can be very beneficial for plants, but do not forget about precautions - wash the peels before use and do not apply fertilizer too often.

Video - Banana peel feeding

Bananas are a very popular tasty fruit containing a rich composition of vitamins and microelements. It’s rare that a family will deny themselves the pleasure of eating a hearty and useful product. But few people know that banana skin contains no less useful substances than the fruit itself. The peel does not need to be used in food, but as a valuable free fertilizer, banana peels can be useful. A florist can turn waste into a valuable fertilizer for his favorite plants, comparable in composition to humates. How to properly prepare banana peel fertilizer for indoor plants is described in this article.

Types of Banana Peel Fertilizers

There are several ways to prepare the peel for feeding indoor plants.

1. Drying or frying.

Banana peels are laid out to dry on cutting board or a piece of cardboard, always with the inner white part facing up. To speed up the drying process, the peel is cut into small pieces. In summer, a pallet with skins is placed in the sun, on a windowsill, or taken out onto a balcony.

Important! When outdoors, it is necessary to cover the product with gauze or other light cloth to prevent flies from laying eggs on the sweet surface. Wasps can also be attracted by the delicious banana smell; this must be taken into account when drying.

In winter, you can place the product on a radiator or use an electric dryer. More quick way get dry banana peel - dry it in the oven at 60 degrees. It will take 2 - 3 hours to get the desired brittle pieces.

Dry peels must be ground into powder. To do this, they are ground in a coffee grinder or passed through a meat grinder with a fine grid several times. The resulting powder is stored in tightly closed glass jars in a cool and dry place. It is better not to store fertilizer for longer than six months.

2. Decoctions and infusions.

Fresh skins from two medium-sized bananas are poured with a liter of boiling water and left for 3–5 hours. The resulting infusion can be used immediately for watering flowers or vegetable plants in the garden, seedlings. The drug can be stored in the refrigerator for about two weeks, in a tightly closed bottle.
Another option for preparing an infusion.

The crushed skin of one medium banana is tightly placed in a liter jar and filled with boiled water at room temperature. The jar is put in a dark place for a day. Then the liquid is drained and added clean water up to a volume of 1 liter. Use the product immediately or store it in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks.

For reference. Banana raw materials can be filled with water 2 - 3 times, the solution according to saturation nutrients will not become less concentrated.

To prepare banana compost, you will need a plastic box with drainage holes or wooden box and the drug Baikal. Banana peels are crushed and mixed with garden soil in a ratio of 1 to 1. The mixture is moistened with water and watered with Baikal, according to the attached instructions.

The compost is left to mature in a cool room or in the shade in the garden, covered with a lid, for a month. It is necessary to regularly mix the composition and moisten it.

Interesting. Banana peels are an excellent food for red dung worms, which produce high-quality vermicompost.

Fresh banana peels can be used without preliminary preparation. It is enough to chop them up and put them on the bottom of a flower pot when replanting flowers. Gradually rotting, the skin will nourish the roots of the plant.

Feeding recipes

Banana powder is added to the soil substrate when replanting a houseplant, in the amount of 1 - 3 teaspoons, depending on the volume of the container. It is no longer necessary to apply additional phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

During the period of budding and flowering, 1 teaspoon of banana peel powder is scattered over the surface of the substrate in flower pot. Afterwards, the soil is loosened shallowly and watered. Fertilize once every 3 weeks.

Considered effective foliar feeding(foliage spraying) with the following composition:

  • 1 tablespoon banana powder;
  • 1 teaspoon eggshell powder;
  • 10 g magnesium sulfate;
  • 450 ml water at room temperature.

The powders are mixed and poured with water, stirring thoroughly. The resulting solution is sprayed on flowering plants every 7 to 10 days.

Infusion or decoction of fresh banana peels is used to water flowers at the rate of 50 - 100 ml per bush, every 3 weeks.

Important! Banana infusion sprayed over the crown of indoor plants will help get rid of aphids. Rubbing the leaves and stems of the plant will have a similar effect. inside banana shell.

Banana infusion mixed with infusion green tea(not tea leaves!), not only nourishes the plants, but also stimulates their growth.

A mixture consisting of nettle extract and banana peel received good reviews from flower growers. The raw materials are poured with water at room temperature and infused for several days. The finished preparation is diluted with water, adding one third of the volume. Flowers are watered monthly, during budding and flowering.

Planted in compost made from banana peels bulbous plants. It can be used in its pure form or mixed with regular flower soil.

Good efficiency in quality nutrient solution for indoor flowers, the following composition is famous.

  1. Finely chopped banana, orange, and lemon peels are tightly placed in a glass jar, filling the container one third with them.
  2. Add granulated sugar - less than a teaspoon for each liter of volume.
  3. They fill everything up hot water(but not boiling water!).
  4. The container is left in a warm and dark place for 20 days. Stir the contents regularly.

The resulting concentrate is stored in the refrigerator for no more than a month. Before use, it is diluted 20 times with clean water. Water the plants with half a glass, once every 3 weeks.

It's very easy to make a whipped mixture from fresh banana peels and plain water. The shells of two bananas are passed through a meat grinder and crushed in a blender, then one and a half glasses of water are added. Everything is mixed well. Indoor flowers are fed with a nutritious “cocktail” every month during the flowering period, adding 1–2 teaspoons of the mixture to each bush. You can store the finished “cocktail” in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

Advice. It is useful to alternate fertilizing with banana fertilizer with the application of nitrogen compounds, since bananas do not contain enough nitrogen.


IN chemical composition Banana peels are particularly high in potassium. Then, in descending order, the following substances are available: phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and other microelements, which are contained in small doses. There is little nitrogen in the peel. The plant especially needs the presence of these substances during the period of flowering and fruit set.

For reference. In a city apartment, plants often lack light. Magnesium, contained in sufficient quantities in banana peels, can help them improve photosynthesis.

Potassium has an effect on the duration of flowering, prolonging it. Saintpaulias, begonias, and cyclamens respond most positively to feeding with banana peels.

Side effects

This useful and inexpensive fertilizer also has its downsides. The fact is that tropical fruits are grown on industrial plantations, using high doses of chemical fertilizers. Then the fruits are treated with gas - hexachlorocyclohexane - to protect them from spoilage. All these substances settle on the skin without penetrating into the fruit. Banana peel is an excellent natural filter that traps all harmful chemical compounds.

To remove most harmful substances, bananas are thoroughly washed with a brush and soap immediately upon arrival from the store. Removing the tail will also reduce the concentration of the “chemistry”.

If pieces of fresh banana peel are spread on the surface of the soil without being embedded in the soil, mold may develop on them.

As a result, we can add that the use of banana shells in indoor floriculture will not only help improve plant nutrition for free, but also promote the recycling of organic waste.

Watch also the video

It’s simply amazing what ordinary skins of the yellow fruit are not used for - they are used to clean teeth, polish shoes, and also... fertilize. It's simple: the crust, it turns out, contains a lot of potassium, calcium and phosphorus - just what plants need! In addition, if you are fighting aphids in a greenhouse, use this simple method: make an infusion and pour it over the plants. Aphids absolutely cannot tolerate an excess of potassium, and quickly disappear from such places. So let's take a closer look at how to make fertilizer from banana peels - we have many recipes!

The fact that plants - both domestic, greenhouse and country - can be fed with bananas is not news for Russia. After all, just a few years ago the “Banana Land” project was still popular, where it was recommended to soak the skins in water until decomposition, and then water it all over. The smell, of course, is not very pleasant, and the very appearance of the liquid is repulsive, but such fertilizer significantly improves the soil microflora and structure. But many were put off by the unpleasant sensations of making such fertilizer, and therefore most summer residents continued to fertilize their future harvest with store-bought chemicals, throwing away the valuable peel in the trash.

Fresh “coat” as a fertilizer is excellent for winter greenhouse plants, which cold season years suffer from a lack of light and heat. And magnesium, potassium, sodium and phosphorus are vital elements for the nutrition and growth of greenhouse plants. Cabbage and all cruciferous vegetables especially love potassium fertilizer.

Tomatoes also respond well to such fertilizer - if you put their skins directly into the holes when planting them. Interestingly, even cucumbers fertilized with banana peels then grow larger.

How to make fertilizer from banana skins: 6 recipes

Method #1 - bury it in the ground

The easiest way is to cut it with scissors and bury it. Even the frailest plants begin to become densely covered with foliage and, as they say, “bloom and smell.” Interestingly, the fertilizing itself in the soil disappears in 10 days - it is completely eaten by bacteria. But sometimes this method is not suitable - when dosed ready-made fertilizer is needed.

Method #2 – fry

Here is the most proven way to make good fertilizer for plants:

  • Step 1: Place foil on a tray and place banana peels on it. Put it on top side– so that it doesn’t stick later.
  • Step 2. Place the tray in the oven - it’s better when you’re cooking something in it at the same time, otherwise the fertilizer will be a little expensive in terms of resource costs.
  • Step 3: Once the skin is cooked through, cool it.
  • Step 4. Grind the mixture and place it in a sealed bag.
  • Step 5. Take a spoonful of this fertilizer for each plant.

This is what it looks like:

Method #3 – infuse in water

For a greenhouse, it is better to make the following fertilizer:

  • Step 1. Place three banana skins in a three-liter jar, fill it up to the neck with water at room temperature and let it sit like this for two days.
  • Step 2. Strain, dilute with water 1:1.
  • Step 3. Water seedlings and “hungry” plants with this infusion.

You can also simply bury banana “clothes” under each bush - this way your plants will grow faster and better, and the soil will significantly improve its composition.

Method #4 – drying

Here's another way to make valuable potassium fertilizer from banana waste. Place the skins on the battery and then in a paper bag. In cups with seedlings, place this fertilizer only in the lower layers, because On the surface of the soil, the fruit quickly becomes moldy.

Method #5 – freezing

To add fresh peels to the soil every time at the dacha and in the greenhouse, just have a special tray in your refrigerator - place it in freezer, and add new fertilizers there every time. If necessary, remove and fertilize with them.

Method #6 – making compost

Banana peels make wonderful compost. To do this, take ordinary soil, add more finely chopped skins and pour in “Baikal”. Mix everything well. Repeat in a month. By spring you will get excellent compost - rich and black, which all bulbs simply adore.

Processing - be careful!

And now important point: Tropical fruits must be washed thoroughly before removing their skins. The fact is that in any case they are treated with special substances so that they can be stored longer. And, as many summer residents fear, these may be substances from the dust group - hexochlorocyclohexane, which in itself is a dangerous carcinogen. Those. an unscrupulous importer may well use this method, and these are not just rumors. But still, far from sending overseas fruit to our region, the natives themselves soak the fruits after harvesting in vats with ammonium sulfate and chlorine - in order to wash off the milky juice from the brushes.

For ripening (bananas are delivered while still green), ethylene is also often used, which can actively influence human hormones. That is why it is advisable to wash everything with hot water and remove white fibers from the pulp. If you simply remove the skin and throw it on the garden, no one can guarantee you that all the heavy chemical elements after decomposition they will not remain there.

This is why many gardeners are afraid to make fertilizer out of banana peels - after all, according to unverified data, when growing this fruit on plantations, up to 70 treatments per year are carried out, and even small, so-called “expensive” fruits are grown by wrapping the bunch in fabric, which soaked in pesticides.

Of course, here you just need to weigh all the pros and cons - and if you still decide to use the skin as fertilizer for your plants, then find a good supplier (it’s not difficult to find out about this), take this fruit only in such a store (which is also important for the safety of your loved ones who eat the pulp), and still wash the fruit thoroughly with hot water. If you follow all these rules, you will be able to make safe and practical free fertilizer!

All flowers growing indoors and outdoors eventually need timely fertilizing. And therefore, banana peel fertilizer will be a good environmental supplement that flowers love so much.

The peel contains a lot of potassium and this will help flowering plants at the time of flowering.

Flower growers are finding new ways to feed

Useful properties

  • Banana infusion works well against aphid infestations;
  • A wonderful potassium-phosphorus fertilizer, which fruit trees and domestic flowering plants cannot do without.

Cons of feeding

  • If the peel is on the surface of the soil, it molds and secretes bad smell ;
  • The use of such an addition may provoke the appearance of ants and other insects;
  • Infusions have an unpleasant odor.

Composition and action

It contains a lot of phosphorus and potassium and no nitrogen at all. The first two elements are very necessary for good flowering and fruit set. Therefore, fertilizer is simply necessary for those who have their own garden.

It will serve as a wonderful natural supplement for obtaining good harvest fruit trees and berry bushes.

Benefits for indoor plants and garden flowers

Potassium will help longer flowering and increasing the brightness of inflorescences on domestic plants.

Pets living in the shade also require timely feeding due to lack of sunlight

Using banana fertilizer for indoor flowers

Watering flowers

Actually, there is no suitable method for absolutely all plants. We must proceed from the fact that all flowers are fertilized only on moist soil, so as not to burn root system plants.

Here highlights that should be followed:

  1. Any cacti are watered only in the summer and diluting the fertilizer more than for other plants.
  2. When watering, you must remember that some types of flowers need breaks between waterings and therefore you should let the soil dry by one third of the container before the next watering.
  3. Plants that need drip irrigation, can be constantly fed with fertilizer. For this purpose the composition must be diluted twice as much with water than for regular watering.

When fertilizing house flowers, monitor the moisture of the soil, since if the humidity is too high, the soil may begin to rot.

Feeding home flowers

You can also cut a banana peel and mix it with the soil where it is planted. home flower. Over time, it will rot and release its nutrients into the ground, and then the plant will have the opportunity to use these elements for its own benefit.

When burying the peel in the ground, make sure that it didn't look out of the ground, otherwise it will become moldy and emit an unpleasant aroma.

To prepare banana skin powder, dry it well in the sun or if it winter time, then on the battery central heating, after covering it with newspaper.

The skins are dried until they become black and brittle enough. After drying well, it is ground in a coffee grinder. This powder is used once a month, sprinkling it on the ground around the plant in need.

Needs good dry banana peel.

Banana compost

This fertilizer is good to use if the grower lives in own home or does he have garden plot. To prepare compost, make a small hole in the ground in the far corner of the garden and enclose it with a small fence so that the pile does not subsequently crumble around.

compost pit found in almost every suburban area

The fence is made about 50 cm. then they make layers:

  1. Banana peel.
  2. Land from the site.
  3. Watering with water.

If you do not touch this pile for a year, but only build up layers, then by next year the compost will be ready.

When creating compost you need to have a lot of peel or create it in a small iron barrel.

To make a tropical cocktail you will need the peel of one or two bananas. They need to be crushed using a blender. Then add 300 g. water.

There should always be a cocktail fresh without the smell of rotting and is prepared immediately before use. It should be applied under flowers once a month.

To fertilize flowers growing in the house with such a cocktail, just one teaspoon in a pot of up to 3 liters is enough.

This type is very convenient, because along with moistening the leaf mass, fertilizer is also applied.

Banana powder is made from dried black peel. A tropical smoothie is made in a blender.

In order to make such a solution, make a powder as already written above and add to it:

The mixture is thoroughly mixed. To avoid overfeeding the plants, you can spray only once a week.

This solution requires storage in the refrigerator.


Since bananas are often used in human food to obtain vitamins, the peel is quite common in the house and preparing fertilizer is not so difficult. Here are some ways you can cook at home.

Peel processing methods

These are the ways in which can be cooked:

  1. Decoctions or infusions from the peel.
  2. Use fresh peels.

How to make banana powder

The skin of a banana is taken and dried until it becomes brittle. This is easy to check: when you press on the peel, it breaks with a crunch. After which it should be ground in a coffee grinder.

Preparation of decoctions and infusions


The decoction is easy to prepare - take a banana skin and pour 300 grams. boiling water Wrap the container and allow it to cool naturally. After which the broth is filtered and poured over 50 g. in a container with a plant no more than 3 liters. volume.

The infusion is better do not store, but cook depending on the number of plants that require feeding.


To prepare the infusion, you need fresh banana peel, which is crushed and poured into a liter container. After which it is filled with tap water and allowed to brew for 24 hours.

Such infusions have a rather unpleasant odor and are best used only on open terraces in the summer, and not in the winter, when it is impossible to ventilate the room strongly and for a long time.

Fresh skin fertilizer

Cocktails are also made from fresh peels by grinding the peels in a blender and diluting with water. Water with this mixture once a month.

Can bury the banana skin at the bottom of the container where the flower is planted and rotting, it will give up its useful vitamins to the soil, and it will transfer everything to the plant planted in it.

One skin goes into a 2-3 liter pot; the larger the container, the more skins are required.

Combined recipes for flowers

Recipe No. 1

Fertilizer made from the following ingredients is very useful:

  • Banana peel;
  • Orange zest;
  • Sugar.

A three-liter container is filled crushed orange and banana skins one third of the capacity. Pour a tablespoon of sugar and fill with water to the very top.

All this is infused for a month, after which you need to get rid of the sediment by straining everything through cheesecloth. The plants are fed once a month, and the tincture is diluted 1:20.

Store this mixture on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Orange zest can be added to fertilizer

Recipe No. 2

You need an infusion of green tea, which is combined with the infusion. It will be good fertilizer, since tea is a good growth stimulant.

Do not use green tea infuser, but only its infusion.

Recipe No. 3

Take an infusion of banana peels and mix with nettle infusion. This infusion is stored only in the refrigerator and is used by diluting it 1/3, where one part is infusion. This fertilizer is applied once a month to damp soil.

Nettle tincture can also be made at home by grinding a small amount and adding water. Infuses for a day, after which the infusion is ready for use.

Required tools and materials

To prepare various fertilizers from banana peels you need various instruments and materials:

  1. Blender – for grinding.
  2. Scissors – for cutting the peel.
  3. Various containers for preparing infusions and decoctions.
  4. Actually the banana skins themselves.

Contraindications and precautions

If you apply fertilizer too often, the plants will be overfed and appearance will be oppressed, which will be expressed by yellow leaf blades.

Also, when preparing, you need to follow certain precautions. Before eating a banana, it must be washed thoroughly, since various chemical compounds are often used for transportation and storage.

After a good wash, bananas can be eaten and the peel can be used to make fertilizer.

Banana fertilizers and insects

With the help of banana leaf feeding you can not only fertilize the plant, but also get rid of aphids. But if on personal plot there is an anthill, this can also attract ants to the sprayed plants.

We briefly described the properties of banana peels in the article. Other types of unusual fertilizers are described there.

Banana help in fertilizing - a wonder for beginning gardeners

After reading this article, you can understand that banana skins are as beneficial to humans as the fruits themselves. With their help, you can obtain fertilizers that will help improve the harvest and improve appearance house plants.
