Five simple DIY greenhouses made from scrap materials. How to make a greenhouse for a summer residence with your own hands - step-by-step instructions, tips and photos How to make a small greenhouse

Those who believe that only a specialist can make a greenhouse with their own hands at the dacha for growing various crops are wrong. This task is within the capabilities of any site owner, regardless of his experience in construction. Such a structure has a number of advantages, in contrast to a large greenhouse: it is not only more compact, but also does not create great difficulties during the installation process, and also does not require the construction of a foundation.

The entire technology for making a greenhouse with your own hands can be described in the form of the following actions: choosing a location, preparing the soil and erecting a frame. At the same time, so that the greenhouse design is built according to all rules and has served for more than one season, you need to get an idea of ​​certain nuances regarding assembling a greenhouse with your own hands, in which you can grow not only berries, but also vegetables, seedlings and flowers.

Choosing a location for a greenhouse

To make a greenhouse at your dacha, you don’t have to invite a specialist. The work of assembling the frame will take you only a couple of hours. However, when thinking about how to make a greenhouse, you first need to decide where exactly this structure will be installed. To do everything right, you need take into account the following conditions:

Preparing the soil for future precipitation

Having decided on the location where the greenhouse will be located, you can start preparing the soil for it. This work can also be done with your own hands. The owner of a summer cottage can choose one from several types of soil mixture:

The process of organizing heating for a greenhouse

In order for favorable conditions for the growth and development of crops to be created in the greenhouse, it is necessary take care of heating. This problem can be solved in two ways.

Using the electrical cable

With this option, the cable is placed over a layer of sand. To install this heating system, it is necessary to ensure constant monitoring of soil moisture. It is advisable to place the greenhouse at a slight distance from the source of electricity. Then you won’t have to spend money on buying a long cable so that it will be enough to reach the greenhouse located at the other end of the garden.

Application of biofuel

This option is suitable for small greenhouses; they can be heated using horse manure. To arrange such a heating system, you will have to perform next steps: the bottom of the greenhouse must be filled with a cushion of dry leaves or straw, on which a layer of manure is then laid. Next on it pour a fertile layer. The main effect will be provided by manure, which, due to decomposition, will release required quantity heat sufficient for the normal development of plants in a greenhouse.

Construction of a wooden greenhouse

To make it easier to understand how to build a greenhouse, an example will be given below using a structure with the following dimensions: 300 x 105 x 60 cm. A wooden board with a cross-section of 25 x 150 mm will be used as the material for the frame. Before you start making such a greenhouse at your dacha, you will have to prepare necessary tools and materials:

At the first stage, it is necessary to assemble the side walls, which according to the diagram should have the following dimensions – 300 x 60 cm. To solve this problem, the boards must be placed close to each other on a horizontal surface. The lumber used must have a length of 3 m. An indent of 3 cm must be made from the edge, and then another board, but already 140 cm long, must be nailed to the marked place at a right angle. Four nails of 70 mm each are used as fasteners.

After completing this work, you should end up with a structure in which the board extends beyond the boundaries of the frame by 20 cm on one edge, and by 60 cm on the other. Then the same indentation of 3 cm is also made from the second edge, after which the operation is repeated. On the manufactured shield, the middle is marked, where the third board will subsequently be nailed.

After this, they begin to create the next shield, which will have the same dimensions. When both shields are ready, they are installed vertically so that the parts of the protruding boards are 20 cm below. The walls themselves should be spaced 105 cm apart from each other.

Then you will have to make additional two side walls, using 8 boards of 105 cm for them. As a result, four boards should be used for each wall. In general, the process of preparing them is the same as in the case of large boards, but there is one important point here: the boards that will be placed at right angles should protrude by 3 cm.

Having finished working with the walls, they move on to making rafters. To make them, you will need 6 boards 55 cm long. First, they need to be prepared, for which one side is sawed at an angle of 60 degrees, and the other - 30 degrees. There should be three boards on one side, which will be fastened at the top.

Additionally, a three-meter board will have to be nailed between the rafters, which will later be assigned the role of the roof ridge.

When all the main structural elements are ready, proceed to assembly. Once this work is completed, you can start painting the frame. After waiting for the paint to dry, proceed to attaching the plastic film. To fix it on the surface, you can use thin slats, attaching them to the frame with nails.

At this point, all the work on making a greenhouse with your own hands is completed and it can be used for planting garden crops.

Among all the structures that are present on a summer cottage, you can often find greenhouses, which are used by summer residents to grow seedlings of various crops. But when the right approach Any summer resident can make a greenhouse that can be used throughout the year. Thus, he will have the opportunity to get more harvests. Moreover, in order to realize such a plan, there is no need to create portable structures.

Similar results can be achieved using stationary greenhouses large sizes. Due to the presence of convenient covers and removable frames, the maintenance of such structures will be significantly simplified.

Today there are many options for such greenhouses, which may differ in both shape and material used for manufacturing. But even before the construction of such greenhouses begins, it is necessary to take into account a number of important points regarding the care and placement of such structures:

  • for the greenhouse it is necessary to choose a place so that the orientation along the length can be maintained from east to west;
  • The greenhouse slope should be placed at an angle of 30 degrees, and the posts should be located at a distance of no more than 1 m from each other; it is recommended to arrange the entrance on the south side;
  • racks acting as a support for the greenhouse ridge should be located in increments of 2.5 m;
  • greenhouses can be provided with a biofuel-based heating system;
  • in the process of making greenhouses, you will have to take care of the presence of a shady canopy so that garden crops do not burn from the scorching rays of the sun;
  • to create better lighting in the greenhouse, lamps can be provided in its design;
  • Regardless of the size, the greenhouse must have a ventilation system.

Today, the choice of greenhouse designs for a summer cottage is quite large. This allows any gardener to decide which option suits him best in terms of its characteristics.

Among them there is the simplest option - frameless greenhouse in which you can grow vegetable crops. After sowing the seeds, the ground is covered with a film, and the edges are fixed with stones so that the space under the film is ventilated. As the seedlings grow, the film is lifted, and during the next watering the edges are folded over to the back for more convenient irrigation.

In addition, every gardener can make a lean-to greenhouse with his own hands. Work begins with digging a pit, which should have a depth of 70 cm and a width of 150 cm. The length of such a structure usually corresponds to the width of the frame or a multiple of it.

On the north side, it is necessary to perform the strapping using boards for it.

Such a greenhouse can be used in conjunction with a heating system, the fuel for which can be ordinary manure.

Much more difficult to make compact gable greenhouse. Many crops can be grown in such a greenhouse. The most common option for making such a greenhouse is in the form of a tunnel, for which the optimal height is considered to be 40-60 cm. Film is used as a covering for the frame, and ventilation is ensured by raising the film on the sides.

Despite the fact that in general such a greenhouse resembles a lean-to greenhouse, it has some differences in design. Standard option manufacturing includes a hinged lid, which simplifies the care of plants. Others may also be present in the design. additional elements, making it more convenient to use such a greenhouse - lifting domes, removable frames etc.

If the owner of a summer cottage decides to make a stationary greenhouse with his own hands, then he can choose a material such as polycarbonate as a covering. This solution is advantageous in that polycarbonate provides increased reliability and structural strength. In addition, this creates more favorable conditions for the growth and development of garden crops.


A greenhouse at the dacha provides many advantages to the owner. The main one is that in such a design it is possible to create the most favorable conditions for growing various garden crops. Moreover, any owner can make a greenhouse with his own hands. Due to the fact that for the manufacture of such a greenhouse it is necessary to available materials, and she herself consists of simple elements, you can cope with this task yourself and without the involvement of specialists.

Making a greenhouse with your own hands to protect various garden crops from adverse weather influences is a completely feasible task for any person who is familiar with the tools. Its construction will require a minimum of time and effort, unlike a greenhouse - this is a small structure for which, in most cases, there is no need to prepare a foundation. You will need to choose where to place the greenhouse, prepare the soil in a certain way and assemble the frame. Materials and assembly methods can be very diverse. This will be discussed further.

Types of greenhouses

Conventionally, greenhouses can be divided into several varieties, although they are all fundamentally similar.

By type of heating they are:

  • Cold - heated only by the sun's rays.
  • Semi-warm - heating is carried out using biofuel, for example, manure. The most effective option is to mix horse manure with sawdust, leaves, straw and soil. This mixture is shaken with a pitchfork in a layer of 40-45 cm; the natural “heater” cannot be compacted, otherwise the amount of heat generated will be significantly reduced.
  • Warm - structures heated by electric cables laid around the perimeter under a small layer of earth. To prevent the air from becoming too dry, you need to take care of more frequent watering plants. These greenhouses are suitable for heating particularly heat-loving plants in cold climates.

Wood, plastic, metal can be used as material for the greenhouse frame; a film is stretched over the frame or glass is installed.

To protect plant sprouts, it is customary to use portable mini-greenhouses, which are easy to remove when the plant gains enough strength to develop in normal outdoor conditions. Portable structures can be installed in any area of ​​the garden. A greenhouse can be erected for growing spring plants: seedlings of tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and then they are transplanted into the ground. This structure is excellent for forcing onions or parsley. In the autumn, you can grow in a greenhouse cauliflower, celery and other greens.

Based on the type of construction, the following types of greenhouses can be named:

  • Frameless is the simplest option. Plants planted in the ground are covered with film without stretching it, the edges are pressed with bricks. The film can be lifted as needed: for watering, ventilation, etc.
  • Single-pitched ones do this: they dig a hole about 70 cm deep and 150 cm wide, the length is determined by the width of the frame. Carrying out earthworks, the walls of the pit for the greenhouse must be made tapering towards the bottom so that the soil does not slide down. A frame is made of logs around the sides of the structure. It is important that the northern side is 10-12 cm higher than the southern side. Then the plants will have enough sunlight, and the greenhouse will be protected from rainwater. Typically, the strapping is made of pine bars (55x47 mm) and partitions (38x47 mm). To connect them, spikes are used, and to make the fastening more durable, glue is used. The best option for glazing is glass with a thickness of 1.5-2 mm. But this option is somewhat heavy; the frames can be covered with plastic film. A worthy alternative Traditional film can be considered polycarbonate. It is reliable and durable material, under which the plants will feel much more comfortable.
  • Gables are used for a large number of crops. This is the most complex design option; it is usually made of a tunnel type and covered with film.

To provide access to plants, you can make a hinged lid or a removable frame, etc. You can fix the frame in the open position so that the wind does not overturn it, you can substitute supports, provide special brackets to which the frame will be tied with a rope, drive the brackets into the side sides .

Choosing a place to build a greenhouse

Assembling greenhouses with your own hands is not so difficult; much more effort will be required to prepare the place for their installation. Basic rules for choosing a site for a greenhouse and basic rules for their installation:

  • The structure must be located on open area, away from trees and other buildings to ensure good lighting. It is recommended to install it in the direction from west to east, then the lighting will be of the highest quality.
  • Lamps can be used for additional lighting.
  • Without fail, even in the most small greenhouse ventilation must be provided.
  • The entrance to the greenhouse is located on the south side, and the slope of the structure is made at a slope of 30 degrees. Under the ridge, racks are installed every 2.5 meters.
  • The soil on which the structure is supposed to be erected must be dry and level, not swampy, and water must not accumulate at the site where the greenhouse is installed. It is not allowed to install it in lowlands and on slopes. If there are no other options, and you have to build a greenhouse in a place where water stagnates, ground drainage must first be arranged. Drainage system on clay soil You can arrange it like this: pour a gravel cushion and a layer of sand on top.
  • You should choose a place that is reliably protected from the winds.
  • You need to provide a convenient approach to the greenhouse. They make a flat, compacted path so that it is easy to move along it, including with a load. This is also necessary to prevent water from accumulating on it.

Preparing the soil for future precipitation

The next stage of greenhouse construction is soil preparation. This is not difficult to do by choosing one of the most suitable options:

  1. Take peat soil in a proportion of 5-6 parts, add to it one part of ordinary soil from the garden and purified river sand, also 2 parts of humus, 3 kg of lime.
  2. Three parts are added to five parts of sawdust peat soil and one each - straw cutting and wood ash. Immediately before planting the plants, add 10 g of wood ash to the mixture. Instead, you can take potassium sulfate and superphosphate (20 and 30 g), which is the norm per 1 m2 of soil.
  3. Take two parts of decomposed peat and mix with straw cuttings and horse manure based on one part each. For one cube of the prepared mixture, add urea (300 g), superphosphate (3 kg), potassium chloride (2 kg).

What to build a greenhouse from?

To build a greenhouse you will need inexpensive materials at hand. Can be used as frame material wooden blocks, metal fittings, old window or balcony frames are also often used. The shape of the base is made in the form of a “house”, arched, triangular, etc. The frame is most often covered with plastic film. Relatively recently, they began to use a material on a non-woven basis, such as lutrasil or, polycarbonate can also be used. Window frames with glass, when handled with care, provide optimal conditions for growing plants.

Construction of a country greenhouse with your own hands

Now let's look at how to build a greenhouse with your own hands, depending on its type.

Simple arc-shaped (tunnel shelter type)

Arc-shaped greenhouses are the simplest and most common option, familiar to every summer resident. First you need to make arcs for the frame: cut and bend polypropylene tubes at the required angle. To strengthen the structure and give it rigidity, you can use horizontal strips or vertical supports under the extreme arcs. The base is strengthened either by digging it in with earth, or by securing it to an additional base, metal or wood.

Such options are seasonal, their main advantages are simplicity of design and low costs on its installation. If it becomes necessary to open the plants, the film can be removed and put on again.

Wooden greenhouse

To build a wooden greenhouse, you will need boards pre-treated with an antiseptic, special polyethylene film for greenhouses and wooden slats. The tools you will need are a hammer, a saw and nails. Let's consider the sequence of actions when assembling a greenhouse with dimensions of 3x1x0.6 m. For this, a board with a section of 2.5x15 cm is used.

  1. Assembling the side walls. Boards measuring 3 x 0.6 m are laid on a flat surface close to each other, retreating 3 cm from the edge, a board 1.4 m long is nailed perpendicularly. The vertical board should protrude 20 cm from one edge, 60 cm from the other. The same the board is nailed on the opposite side of the shield, again retreating 3 cm from the edge. The third board is nailed in the center.
  2. The second shield is made in the same way. Then both panels are installed vertically at a distance of 1 m, positioned so that the boards protruding 20 cm are at the bottom.
  3. Production of meter-long side walls. This is done in the same way as described above, but the vertical boards are nailed so that their edges protrude by 3 cm. A total of four boards are needed for one shield.
  4. Manufacturing of rafters. You will need six boards 55 cm long, their sides should be sawed down: on one side at an angle of 60 degrees, on the other - 30. Three rafters are installed vertically on each side of the structure, they are connected at the top. A 3 m long board is installed between the rafters as a roof ridge.
  5. All structural elements are strengthened.
  6. The next stage is painting the wooden frame.
  7. After waiting for the paint to dry completely, you should nail the plastic film to the frame using special wooden planks and nails.

This is a type of greenhouse - more durable and reliable than an arcuate one.

Metal greenhouse

Building a metal greenhouse is an excellent solution for those who want to provide themselves with a reliable structure to protect plants for more than one year. Used as a frame metal tubes and corners. They can be connected in two ways: by welding or by making a collapsible structure. The second option is convenient because the greenhouse can be moved to another place if necessary. As a coating, you can use film or cellular polycarbonate. Such a structure is built to last, but its construction will require spending a decent amount of money.

Greenhouse made from window frames

The old window frames remaining after replacement are quite suitable for constructing a greenhouse. The result is a practical and reliable design, the size of which is limited only by the number of frames. The best option- medium-length greenhouse. The only condition that applies to the material is that the frames match each other in size. You will also need bricks for arranging the foundation, several not too thick logs and long boards.

The procedure for assembling a greenhouse with your own hands from frames is as follows:

  1. The foundation for the future structure is laid out of brick.
  2. Boards and timber of the required size are processed bitumen mastic or used machine oil.
  3. The timber is laid on the prepared bricks.
  4. Boards are installed on the inside of the timber; they are placed closer to each other than the width of the window frames.
  5. To installed boards with outside fasten other boards, and the ends of the vertical supports should be aligned with the upper edge of the horizontal board.
  6. To ensure good drainage of water from the roof, rafters are attached to the ends of the boards.
  7. Using self-tapping screws, the frames are attached to the prepared frame.

When erecting such a structure, one frame should be left open, installing hinges on one side and a latch or hook on the other.

Greenhouses for seedlings

Greenhouses for seedlings can be made in several versions. This is a small structure, usually 2x1 m and 50-70 cm in height are sufficient. The following options are possible:

  • from arcs and polyethylene film.
  • wooden greenhouse with glass. It represents wooden box, installed on bricks, covered with glass on top.
  • from any available materials, for example, from old windows, refrigerators and other things.
  • made of polycarbonate - a fairly reliable and durable option, but not the cheapest.

A greenhouse, like a greenhouse, is an integral part of every summer cottage. In our region there is no opportunity to grow vegetables and herbs all year round, so summer residents prefer to purchase or make their own various types such structures. And it is not always necessary to purchase expensive materials for this. Most craftsmen solved this problem by starting to use various improvised means from which they can easily and quickly make a greenhouse with their own hands at minimal cost.

Variety and selection of available materials for a greenhouse

Currently, there are a large number of available tools that are ideal for building a greenhouse. You can build a temporary structure where you can grow seedlings, vegetables and herbs only in certain months, or you can try and make good lighting and heating in the greenhouse, and then this will be a winter option that will allow you to have fresh salads on your table throughout the year.

Greenhouse made from pallets

Build a greenhouse from wooden pallets quite simply, because wooden structures can be found everywhere in summer cottages. Usually, a certain number of pallets are disassembled for construction, and then a frame with a pitched or pitched roof is assembled from the resulting individual boards. gable roof. The structure can also be assembled from entire pallets using metal plates and screws.

For greater strength, a chain-link mesh or a regular mounting metal mesh is fixed inside the frame. The cladding is often made from ordinary dense polyethylene film or more durable reinforced and light-resistant film.


  • Quick assembly of the structure;
  • Long service life at proper care behind a wooden frame;
  • Possibility to make a greenhouse of any shape;
  • Strength;
  • Good thermal insulation characteristics;
  • Excellent light transmittance;
  • Cheap materials.


From old window frames

Old window frames can be great building material. To build a greenhouse, you only need to assemble a certain number of windows of the same size. Despite the apparent simplicity of constructing a greenhouse from such improvised material, complexity is still present. For a greenhouse from windows it is necessary to make a foundation or a special supporting structure, clear from old paint all wooden frames and cover them with various antiseptic and antifungal agents.


  • Long service life;
  • Ease of material selection;
  • Structural strength;
  • High thermal insulation properties;
  • High light transmittance;
  • Attractive appearance.


From plastic bottles

Plastic bottles have become an excellent building material for summer residents. From them you can construct various architectural forms, including greenhouses. To build a greenhouse you will only need a certain number of bottles, material for the frame and a minimum of tools.


  • Excellent light transmission to plants;
  • Does not allow snow to pass through and is resistant to strong winds;
  • Can be used throughout the year;
  • Does not require heating or artificial lighting;
  • Quickly built;
  • You can grow plants from March until the end of November. Even in December, if the temperature is right, you can grow vegetables.


Made from metal mesh

A greenhouse can be made from a simple construction mesh, wire or chain-link mesh. Wooden boards and metal supports, on which the mesh or wire is stretched. A regular plastic film is stretched over the top. Such a greenhouse does not require installation of a foundation. This design is quite simple, but short-lived.


  • Speed ​​of assembly;
  • Cheapness;
  • Minimum materials;
  • Lightweight design.


From sleepers

Very often, when building a greenhouse, it is necessary to make a solid foundation. And many summer residents choose such a durable material as railway sleepers for this. When does a greenhouse need such a foundation?

  • When the soil condition is low;
  • The frame is deepened into the ground to a level below its freezing;
  • Has a wooden frame;
  • Built on a slope, close to buildings, or vice versa, too far away;
  • Provides year-round use;
  • It is too large in size.

All these factors speak in favor of such material. But the fact is that for durability, sleepers are treated with creosote, which is a substance dangerous to human health and at the same time emits very bad smell. Therefore, it is best to purchase materials that have already “served their useful life” and are no longer in use. Naturally, air and sun will not make sleepers environmentally friendly, but after some time the pungent smell may disappear and then the railway elements will be suitable for constructing a foundation.

Preparing to build a greenhouse from plastic bottles: drawings and dimensions

We will build a greenhouse from plastic bottles, since they have become the most popular and cheapest available material.

In this case, a special project and complex drawings will not be required, since we only have to make wooden frame, and for this you need to know the height, width and length of the structure.

The length, width and length of the greenhouse will be 3x4x2.4 meters with a gable roof. Such a roof will allow snow and rainwater not to linger.

We will need about 500-600 plastic bottles, stripped of their labels. It is necessary to collect both transparent and colored containers so that they can be used on the north side of the greenhouse.

It is necessary to decide on a place for the greenhouse, as this is very important for the development and proper growth of plants. Typically, a greenhouse is built in the south, southeast or southwest of other buildings. This is necessary to ensure maximum lighting inside the structure and protect the seedlings from cold winds.

The area must be cleared of excess vegetation, debris and leveled. The clearing area should be slightly larger than the area of ​​the future greenhouse.

Calculation of the required amount of plastic containers

  • For the greenhouse we need about 500–600 plastic bottles of 1.5 or 2 liters, depending on the thickness of the walls.
  • Wooden board or beam - two pieces of 3 meters and two pieces of 4 meters (section 10x7 cm). You can also use railroad sleepers for the base.
  • Beams - 4 pieces, 2 meters each.
  • Mounting rail.


  • Construction knife and cutter;
  • Thin awl;
  • Hammer;
  • Electric or cordless screwdriver;
  • Screwdriver set;
  • Nails and screws;
  • Thick fishing line, durable nylon thread and fittings;
  • Any sewing machine (you can use a manual one);
  • Building level, angle and 10 meter tape measure.

Step-by-step instructions for DIY construction

We will consider two types of greenhouses made of plastic bottles, which have become the most popular among summer residents.

Greenhouse from whole bottles: instructions and step-by-step photos

  1. Since the greenhouse design is quite light, we will not do monolithic foundation, but let’s stop on the usual basis. Supports for it can be made from cinder blocks, bricks, foam blocks, gas blocks so that the greenhouse is slightly raised above the ground.
  2. Next, we make the base itself from wooden planks, timber or sleepers. It must be said that sleepers can make the base more durable and reliable, but it is necessary to take only those materials that have not been used for their intended purpose for a long time. We knock down a rectangular structure measuring 3x4 meters, and then install vertical supports made of timber in increments of 1 to 1.5 meters.
  3. We completely assemble the frame of the greenhouse and tie it in the center with a beam at a height of meters from the very base. This is necessary so that the greenhouse in the future acquires greater stability and strength.
  4. Now we are starting to assemble walls from plastic bottles. To do this, you need to cut off the bottom of each bottle with a knife so that they can easily fit on top of each other. It is necessary to cut at the transition point from the bottom to the wider part.
  5. We make the first row from bottles in which only the neck has been cut off. We place all the bottles on the base next to each other very tightly so that the wall turns out to be “monolithic”. We screw each bottle with self-tapping screws around the entire perimeter.
  6. Then we begin to string rows of dense columns of bottles using fishing line or strong nylon thread.
  7. In order for the posts to stand level, it is necessary to stretch the fishing line well between the supports and nail the wooden blocks.
  8. Then we secure each post to the top beam of the wall, pulling the fishing line and securing it to specially driven nails or screws. The resulting “wall” of bottles should stand straight and not sag.
  9. We will make a gable roof from plastic bottles. To do this, we knock together rectangular frames (2 pieces) measuring 3x4 and triangular (2 pieces) measuring 3x3x3 from wooden boards. In each we make a thin lathing of wire or mesh so that the bottles do not sag under gravity.
  10. We also attach bottle posts to frames prepared in advance. You can string bottles on thin reinforcement or bamboo rods and then the roof will be more reliable.
  11. When the roof is assembled, we install it on the top of the greenhouse and secure it with metal brackets or in another convenient way.
  12. For greater reliability, we cover the roof with plastic film so that rainwater and the melted snow did not flow through the small gaps between the posts.
  13. We assemble the doors for the greenhouse from boards. Everyone chooses the width of the door at their own discretion. We knock down the frame and also string the bottles onto a fishing line and attach them to the structure. You can simply cover the doors with plastic film. We screw the hinges to the hatch and hang the doors. The greenhouse is ready for use.

Greenhouse made of plastic plates

  1. You can make a greenhouse from plates that we cut out of bottles. The dimensions of the frame are similar to the first option.
  2. We cut off the bottom and top of the bottle, and then we cut the resulting cylinder along the width. The result is a rectangular plate.
  3. You need quite a lot of such rectangular elements based on the area of ​​​​all the walls of the greenhouse. We make four canvases for an area of ​​4 walls of 12 square meters. meters.
  4. You can level all the plates with a warm iron, ironing them through fabric or paper. We sew all the rectangles together using an awl, nylon thread or fishing line. But you can sew everything sewing machine. We must sew all elements with a slight overlap.
  5. After the greenhouse frame is completely assembled, we apply the canvas to one of the walls and attach it along the entire perimeter using wooden slats. They can simply be nailed or fastened with self-tapping screws.
  6. The roof can be made in the same way as in the first option and plastic sheets can be secured to all elements. Or you can just stretch thick polyethylene. For the roof you will need two sheets with an area of ​​12 square meters. meters and two - with an area of ​​3.9 square meters. meters.
  • In order for the greenhouse to last as long as possible, everything is necessary wooden elements treat structures with special antifungal and antiseptics and paint with any oil paint.
  • It is advisable to stretch an inexpensive welding mesh over all the walls of the greenhouse so that the structure is more durable.
  • All doors, windows and the roof of the greenhouse can be made simply from plastic film, which can be replaced if necessary.
  • Each seam of the plastic sheet must be treated with a sealant so that they do not separate over time and begin to let in moisture and cold air.

Video: Review of greenhouses made from plastic bottles

A greenhouse made from plastic bottles will be an excellent option for your garden in order to grow various vegetables, herbs and even fruits for your family for a long time. You will not need to make a lot of effort or purchase expensive materials for its construction, but you will get a wonderful greenhouse for many years.

For every dacha or home garden, a greenhouse is a necessary structure for growing fruit-bearing plants and getting your own early harvest. The construction is simple, so almost anyone can do it.

Let us consider in detail how and from what to competently make an effective structure, in what place land plot it is better to place it, as well as a method of additional heating.

Do-it-yourself greenhouse in the country - it's easy!

When considering the topic of greenhouses, many do not clearly understand what kind of structure this is and are often confused with greenhouses. The difference between these country houses is significant.

A greenhouse is a small structure (height up to 1.4 m), usually specially unheated. The greenhouse is heated passively using biofuel and sunlight.

Explanation! Biofuels are natural substances (manure, “unfinished” compost from leaves, etc.), which during the process of oxidative decomposition produce thermal energy!

Greenhouses are used primarily for growing all kinds of vegetables and seedlings of some plants.

The greenhouse is a more “serious” structure, having large dimensions (up to 3.0 m in height). Often it creates an active (artificial) heating system with all kinds of devices or special heat cables.

However, there is another category of structures of this type - tunnel film shelters. They are not distinguished by their large dimensions and height, so it is incorrect to call them either greenhouses or hotbeds. However, we will not complicate the classification gradation and will consider them as the simplest version of greenhouses.

What is the best material to build a greenhouse from?

Simplicity of manufacture and simple assembly is another characteristic property of greenhouses. Building a greenhouse yourself is a very troublesome task, requiring a certain amount of ingenuity, builder skills, and the availability of special materials and tools, which “results” in considerable financial costs. Unlike a greenhouse, a greenhouse can be made with your own hands without much difficulty, using inexpensive and accessible materials.

As a rule, as general coverage for the greenhouse structure, polyethylene PVC film (reinforced or simple) or a special covering is used non-woven material, for example, spunbond or lutrasil. A little less often, cellular polycarbonate is used or frames are made, like window ones, with transparent glass.

The greenhouse frame - its basis - can have absolutely different configuration:

- triangular;

- arcuate;

- like a “house” (a kind of miniature greenhouse), etc.

The material for making the frame can also be different. Most often used:

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— fiberglass or metal reinforcement;

— polypropylene pipes;

- wooden blocks or finished window frames, etc.

Quite often, greenhouses are built as a stationary structure, although it is possible to install a temporary, collapsible shelter for the plants being grown.

Types of greenhouses

Let's consider the main types of greenhouse structures:

1. Tunnel shelter

This is a simple arc-shaped greenhouse familiar to everyone. To set up such a simple greenhouse, you need to prepare the required number of arcs of a certain size. Frame arches can be made of any durable, flexible material, for example, thick metal wire (D from 0.50 cm) or polypropylene pipe.

You will also need a covering, heat-retaining material - polyethylene film (reinforced or regular), lutrasil, spunbond, etc. The prepared fabric must be pulled over the installed arcs and pressed from all sides along the entire perimeter to the surface of the earth with some kind of load (stones, bricks and etc.).

Recommendation! Arc bases are simply inserted with their ends into the ground to a sufficient depth or they are attached to wooden frame. An interarch distance of 45.0 cm is considered optimal!

To give greater stability and strength to the entire structure, slats (from 1.0x1.0 cm) are used, horizontally attached directly to the arches. Such strips do not allow the installed arches to move, become loose or deform. In some cases, auxiliary vertical supports are placed on the last and first arches. With this assembly, the greenhouse perfectly maintains its shape throughout the entire “garden season.” However, with high-quality arches, these additions may not be used.

2. Express greenhouse made of metal or wooden gratings

When the arc version of the greenhouse is not satisfactory and seems very unreliable, you can make a structure from metal or wooden gratings.

It is as easy to assemble as its arc counterpart, but it has a couple of significant disadvantages:

— preliminary production of gratings, which takes quite a lot of time. You can, of course, buy ready-made metal gratings, but they cost a lot of money;

- low height of the greenhouse. If you plan to grow only seedlings or early greens, then the short height cannot be called a disadvantage.

3. Stationary greenhouse made of wooden material (timber, boards, etc.)

A wooden greenhouse is an even more reliable and stable structure. This is due to its stationary nature, assembly technology and materials used. Greenhouse from wooden material very practical and convenient.

To make such a structure, you need to have minimal skills in working with a hammer and a wood saw. The size and shape of the greenhouse being created is completely arbitrary. It all depends on:

— available materials;

— installation location;

— construction and installation skills;

- plants that will grow in the collected greenhouse.

4. Stationary greenhouse made of metal material

If you want to build a greenhouse, so to speak, “for centuries,” then the option of metal corners or pipes is such. Greenhouse from metal material can be performed in two versions:

— a welded structure is a frame, all elements of which are reliably fastened by welding. The greenhouse turns out to be very reliable and durable, however, it will no longer be possible to dismantle it (with the exception of dismantling with reverse welding of the joints);

- collapsible - this is a greenhouse, the elements of the frame of which are fastened with bolts. It is assembled in the spring and dismantled for the winter.

Read also: Insulating a loggia: common mistakes

Such a greenhouse can be made of any size and desired shape. Its main advantages are:

— durability, strength and stability;

— possibility of using cellular polycarbonate as a covering.

The most significant disadvantages are:

- quite high price tag;

— the duration and scrupulousness of assembly and disassembly, a non-welded version of the greenhouse.

5. Do-it-yourself greenhouse made from window frames

This version of the wig is considered experienced gardeners most the best option, since it has a lot of advantages with a minimum of disadvantages and has highest efficiency.

The appearance and design principle are clear to everyone, so we focus on considering a greenhouse made from large frames. In addition to seedlings, you can successfully grow tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers, peppers, etc. in it.

So, to implement the idea of ​​​​creating a high-quality greenhouse, we will need:

- a pair of wooden beams or thin logs;

- window frames in the required quantity;

- any brick and concrete mortar for arranging the foundation;

- self-tapping screws and a screwdriver for fastening the frames.

Overall dimensions of the greenhouse

Before starting work, of course, it is necessary to determine the size of the structure being built.

1. Height and width

These parameters depend directly on the dimensions used to assemble the window frames. You can make either a tall, human-sized, or a low greenhouse - everything is at the discretion of the owner.

Important! All frames must have absolutely identical dimensions, otherwise during installation there will be difficulties with a good fit of the edges of the frame elements!

2. Length

It is difficult to determine the optimal length of a frame greenhouse; its value will depend on the location of the structure. You can build it either very long or very short. Also, the length depends on the size and number of frames used. However, it is not advisable to build a very long greenhouse, since it will certainly be inconvenient in subsequent use.

Assembly technology

First, you need to adjust the dimensions of the timber and boards with leveling trim. Then the wooden blanks are thoroughly coated (impregnated) with bitumen mastic or used machine oil to prevent rotting of the material and the settlement of all kinds of pests.

Along the intended perimeter of the greenhouse being built, a brick foundation is laid with an above-ground height of one brick layer. After the mortar has set, a beam is placed directly on the foundation.

TO wooden beam The boards are vertically fixed from the inside using self-tapping screws. The distance between the boards should be made slightly smaller than the width of the prepared frames.

On the outside of the top, boards are fixed in a horizontal position. It is necessary to carefully observe the accuracy of the location of all elements.

Attention! For horizontal boards, the top edges must perfectly coincide with the end surfaces of the vertical supports!

The next stage is attaching the rafters to the ends of the boards with a “house”. The created roof shape is made exactly such that rainwater drains from it as quickly as possible.

The final step will be to fasten the window frames with self-tapping screws to the erected frame.

Take it into account! It is necessary that at least one frame in the greenhouse can open freely. To do this, the frame is “fitted” onto classic hinges to create a locking and retaining element (hook, latch, etc.)!

Ecology of consumption. Estate: With the onset of spring, every summer resident is faced with the task of planting seedlings and their further planting in open ground. Simple and cheap greenhouse design from plastic pipes Suitable for all summer residents and owners of country houses without exception.

Many summer residents strive to provide themselves with self-grown vegetables for the whole year. But due to climatic features, it is not always possible to achieve this goal in those areas that are located in the northern regions of our country. An excellent solution to this problem is to build a greenhouse on a garden plot.

True, not all gardeners have the financial ability to purchase a ready-made factory greenhouse. For such people, a way out of the situation may be to build greenhouses from plastic pipes with their own hands.

You can design and build a greenhouse from plastic pipes yourself, without resorting to outside help. And such a greenhouse made of plastic pipes will serve throughout the year, for several seasons in a row. An obvious advantage when building greenhouses from plastic pipes is the prevalence, long service life and low cost of polypropylene products.


When choosing a future location for building a greenhouse made of plastic pipes, you should take into account a number of factors that affect the quality and quantity of the future harvest.

There are the following options for placing a future greenhouse made of plastic pipes on a garden plot:

  1. You need to place a greenhouse made of plastic pipes, created with your own hands, in an open space, away from other buildings on the site and large garden trees. This placement option can be combined with the placement of small shrubs and plants around the greenhouse. This will add aesthetic appeal to the building.
  2. If, due to the small area of ​​the site, it is not possible to use an open space of sufficient area, you can provide for the location of the greenhouse with one side adjoining the wall of an already erected building, house or barn. With this option an important condition the other sides of the greenhouse will be located on the south side in order to obtain maximum quantity sun rays.


The most common form when constructing a greenhouse from plastic pipes is an arched structure. This is primarily due to ease of construction and relative cheapness.

When choosing a form for the construction of a future greenhouse from plastic pipes, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the garden plot and the location chosen for the installation of the structure.

If the greenhouse made of plastic pipes will be located on open place, then it’s better to choose a gable model. In the case where the greenhouse will adjoin one side to the wall of an existing building, it is more advisable to choose a lean-to model.

The base of the greenhouse can be made in different ways geometric shape, be it a square, rectangle, circle, oval or trapezoid. Recently, tent-shaped greenhouses have been gaining popularity.

Attention! Greenhouses of this design have greater light transmission than classic versions.


Construction of a greenhouse from plastic pipes has a number of advantages over structures made from other materials:

The main and, apparently, only drawback when building a greenhouse from plastic pipes is its lightness. This can lead to rocking of the entire structure when strong wind. At the same time, this problem can be solved by using additional metal rods driven into the ground to strengthen the structure.


Before you make a greenhouse from plastic pipes, you should make a calculation necessary materials and tools. It is recommended to do this immediately after determining the location on the site for the future structure. Such measures will help avoid additional expenses already at the construction stage of the structure.

So, for work you will need:

  1. Timber or boards to form the base of the greenhouse. Before starting construction, it is recommended to treat wooden elements with special protective substances that will protect the wood from rotting.

    Advice! To save money, it is recommended to use improvised ones rather than branded professional wood processing products. For example, impregnate wooden beams with resin, coat them with drying oil several times, and treat them with a blowtorch.

  2. Polypropylene pipes. It is necessary to calculate how many linear meters will be needed for the construction of a greenhouse. For a more accurate calculation when building a greenhouse from plastic pipes with your own hands, it is recommended to make a drawing future design. After obtaining a certain footage of plastic, you can add 10% of the total length for reserve.
  3. Polyethylene film is used to cover the polypropylene structure. It should be strong enough. High strength will protect it from tearing and allow it to be used for several seasons.
  4. Several metal rods. The reinforcement must be at least 1 m long.
  5. Nails and screws.
  6. Handles with locks and hinges for installing doors and windows in the greenhouse.
  7. Additional metal loops for fastening individual plastic structural elements.


If, at the stage of calculating the materials used, a detailed drawing of the future structure was drawn up, then you can immediately begin directly building the greenhouse. Otherwise, it is recommended to make detailed diagram structures - this will significantly simplify and speed up construction work.


Before you make a greenhouse yourself from plastic pipes, you need to create a foundation. Under future foundation greenhouses need a flat, flat area with a small depression. Therefore, before starting work, it is imperative to level the ground and make a small depression of a few centimeters. Either boards or wooden beams can be used as the material for the foundation.

Attention! Before proceeding with the installation of the foundation, the wooden boards must be cleaned with a plane or sandpaper, and also treated with protective substances.

To strengthen the foundation of a future structure, it is recommended to use additional metal brackets or corners. A metal corner is attached to each internal joint of wooden boards. If timber is used as the material for the base of the greenhouse, it is more advisable to use staples that are driven in at each external joint of the structural elements.

The finished foundation should lie tightly on the soil prepared for it. If there are gaps between the foundation and the ground, they must be covered with earth.


After building the foundation, along its outer perimeter, metal reinforcement should be driven into the ground in increments of no more than 100 cm. Pre-prepared and cut sections of plastic pipe of the required length are placed on these metal rods.

To secure plastic pipes, self-tapping screws are used, with the help of which the base of the pipe must be pulled to wooden foundation. Plastic couplings, corners and crosses are used as connecting elements in the horizontal plane of the structure, which must first be drilled inside. This will allow the pipes to pass through the connectors.


When choosing a material for building a greenhouse roof, you should take into account the features of some of the most common options:

  1. The optimal and common material for covering a greenhouse is polyethylene film. If financial capabilities allow, you can use a special reinforced polyvinyl chloride film as a covering. This material has good thermal insulation, which will allow you to maintain the desired temperature in the greenhouse even at night. At the same time, this material is highly transparent and transmits up to 95% of sunlight during the daytime.
  2. A polycarbonate roof has the longest service life, but differs more at a high price and may cause additional difficulties during construction. In addition, such a roof cannot be quickly dismantled, unlike a polyethylene one.
  3. Textile material for covering of the “agrotex” type has low thermal insulation. True, the lightness and simplicity of this material allow installation and dismantling work to be carried out in the shortest possible time.


To summarize, we can say that the option self-construction in a garden plot, greenhouses made of plastic pipes seem to be the most acceptable option. Such designs have a number of undeniable advantages. These include the lightness and strength of the structure, its durability, ease of installation and dismantling. In addition, such greenhouses are ultimately the cheapest option, and from an aesthetic point of view they are in no way inferior to expensive factory-made counterparts.

We will learn how to build a greenhouse from plastic pipes with our own hands from the video

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