Summer feeding for peonies. How to feed peonies in the fall: mineral and organic fertilizers

Peonies are considered an unpretentious crop, but they also need the right fertilizers for full growth. Fertilizing in the spring and throughout the year plays an important role in maintaining abundant flowering of plants.

You will learn how to fertilize peonies in spring, summer and autumn from this article. It provides not only the basic rules of the procedure, but also examples of drugs that can be used as fertilizers.

It is known that peony bushes can grow in one place for up to 50 years, while blooming every year in lush color. All that is needed for this is proper care, which includes watering, loosening, applying useful substances, disease and pest control.

This procedure is especially important in spring and summer, during the growing season. The purpose of this article is to tell in more detail about the timing and methods of carrying out such procedures, to reveal their features and rules.

Why do you need spring feeding?

Among all the seasonal recharges special place occupies spring. After all, it depends on it how quickly the bushes will awaken after winter, whether they have enough strength for abundant and long flowering (Figure 1).

For this reason, experienced gardeners carry out a whole range of activities in the spring aimed at introducing the necessary nutrients into the soil.


Spring replenishment is carried out in several stages. The first starts at the end of April - beginning of May, when the sprouts rise slightly above the soil surface, a complex of organic and mineral preparations (well-rotted cow or horse dung+ nitrophoska), which is scattered on the surface of the earth and then dug up to a depth of 8-10 cm.

Figure 1. Features spring feeding

2-3 weeks after the first, a second feeding is carried out, the task of which is to provide the plant with nutrients during the flowering period. This time, a liquid fertilizer is prepared, consisting of 20 g of potassium and 40 g of phosphorus substances per bucket of mullein infusion. 2-3 liters of the prepared solution are poured under each bush.

The third follows 2-3 weeks after flowering. It is carried out using a liquid mixture of mullein infusion with the addition of 30 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium sulfate per bucket of infusion.

For young bushes, it is also useful to carry out foliar procedures every month with a solution of a complete mineral preparation.


When feeding the bushes of these flowers, you should follow some rules:

  • It is better to introduce all types of drugs into evening hours or cloudy weather.
  • During the foliar procedure, it is recommended to add a small amount of laundry soap or washing powder to the prepared solution (1 tablespoon per bucket of solution), which will allow the liquid to linger on the surface of the leaves rather than drain from it.
  • It is necessary to start feeding at the end of April - beginning of May. Subsequent ones are carried out 2-3 weeks after the previous ones. important stages plant development: in the germination phase, during the formation of buds, after flowering.
  • When scattering humus or mineral fertilizers under the bush, you must ensure that they do not fall on the leaves, as this can cause burns.

Immediately before applying root feeding, it is necessary to thoroughly moisten the soil under the bush for more effective penetration of nutrients to the roots of the plant.

How to fertilize peonies in spring

The most important elements for crop growth are nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. In this case, the first fertilizing should include nitrogen and potassium to ensure the plant grows green mass. Phosphorus is included in the second feeding. And if nitrogen predominates the first time, then in the second all elements are taken in approximately equal quantities (10-15 g).

Experienced gardeners know how to fertilize peonies in the spring, but beginners in growing flowers will need some useful tips.

The most popular fertilizers in spring are(Figure 2):

  1. Kemira, which can be applied three times per season. The procedure for applying it is simple: place a handful of fertilizer in a hole under the bush and cover it with soil. For each individual stage of plant development, varieties of the drug are used: Kemira-Universal is applied in early spring before flowering, and Kemira-Kombi is used for the second feeding. This drug dissolves so easily that it is simply poured onto the surface of the earth and watered the plant.
  2. Baikal EM-1 is widely used among organic preparations. It not only nourishes the soil, but also improves its structure. In the fall, this preparation must be mixed with compost, which is used as a mulching material for the winter.
  3. Chicken manure can also be used as a source of nutrients. To prepare it, half a liter of litter is poured into a bucket of water and infused for 2 weeks. The infusion is used diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3. For greater effect, it is also practiced to add a handful of wood ash to it.

Figure 2. Main types of fertilizers for flowers: Kemira, Baikal and chicken droppings

For foliar feeding, use any complex fertilizers that dissolve in water according to the instructions. In early spring, you can also use a urea solution (50 g per 10 liters of water) with the addition of a micronutrient tablet a month after the first one.

You will learn more from the video useful tips And practical recommendations for spring replenishment.

Feeding peonies with yeast in spring

Experienced gardeners also use yeast-based preparations, which ensures lush flowering of the bushes. To prepare this fertilizer, you will need 100 g of baker's yeast, which is poured with a small amount warm water with a glass of sugar dissolved in it and leave overnight (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Features of yeast feeding

The fermented solution is filtered and poured into a bucket of water. This mixture is used to water bushes that are just beginning to grow.

Fertilizing peonies in summer

Young bushes begin to bloom intensively in the third year after planting. Therefore, it is during this period that mineral replenishment is necessary, which is carried out three times in the spring-summer season.


The last stage of replenishment with minerals falls on the first summer month, when the bushes have already faded and they need strength to renew themselves in order to ensure abundant flowering next season.

At this stage, potassium-phosphorus feeding is carried out using 10-15 g of potassium and 15-20 g of phosphorus. In this case, fertilizers can be applied both in dry form and in the form of a solution. It would also be a good idea to add 1-2 tablets of microfertilizers per bucket of water to the watering solution.


It is recommended to add nutrients in the evening, when the heat subsides, or choose cooler days for this. When applying fertilizer in dry form or in the form of a solution, it is necessary to ensure that the substances do not fall on the stems and leaves, as this can cause thermal burns, which significantly weaken the plant.

Remember that any drug is absorbed by the plant better and faster if applied to well-moistened soil.

Feeding peonies in autumn

In addition to fertilizing, which is carried out during the most intensive stages of plant development, an important and necessary place is occupied by the autumn procedure, which ensures the future “harvest” (Figure 4).

What is it for?

The thing is that even in the fall, in September-October, the roots of these ornamental shrubs continue to grow, simultaneously accumulating in certain thickened areas nutrients, necessary for the plant in order to successfully survive the winter and germinate in the spring. That is why you should never ignore adding nutrients in the fall.


Most important elements for plants in the fall are potassium and phosphorus. These substances not only nourish the plant, but also stimulate the development of new buds, which is the key to beautiful flowering in the new season.

Figure 4. Rules for caring for peonies in autumn

Potassium-phosphorus fertilizer can be applied both in dry and liquid form. That is, it is recommended to pour 15 g of each fertilizer under each bush, or dissolve them in a bucket of water and water the plant.


You should know that when applying potassium-phosphorus fertilizers using a dry method, it is necessary to first water the soil under the bush and only then scatter (embed) the granules. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that fertilizers do not fall on the neck of the plant. When fertilizing with a solution, try to water the plant so that the liquid does not get on the leaves, as this can cause burns.

Valuable tips from gardeners on feeding and choosing fertilizers for plants are given in the video.

Does not require special attention. But certain agricultural techniques for getting lush flowering peonies still exist. It is especially important to know what to feed peonies so that they bloom magnificently in the summer and winter safely in the open ground.

What fertilizers do peonies need when planting?

Competent and timely feeding of peonies is the key to their full development and lush flowering for many years. Providing a plant with nutrition should begin with preparing the ideal soil composition for it.

Garden flowers peonies need fertile soil and fertilizing.

Plant a peony in a regular garden soil it is impossible, since for proper development it needs fertile, loose soil. To plant a peony, you need to prepare a hole with a diameter of 70 and a depth of 60 centimeters. Place two buckets of humus or peat and 300 grams of bone meal at the bottom of the pit. Instead of bone meal, you can add 200 grams of superphosphate. IN clay soils To loosen it, it is recommended to add a bucket of sand. If the soil is sandy, use a bucket of clay.

If the soil is properly filled, the plant does not need to be fed for up to 3 years. The fertilizers added to the pit will be enough to form a powerful peony root system.

Advice. If buds form on the bush in the first 2 years, they need to be torn off so that the plant puts all its energy into root growth.

Feeding scheme for adult plants during the growing season

For lush flowering in the garden, peonies need to be provided with all the necessary nutrients.

Before applying fertilizer to the roots, the soil is moistened.

When fertilizing peonies, you need to consider whole line Features:

  • If there is a lack of organic matter in the soil, adding mineral mixtures instead of benefit will harm the flower.
  • Fertilizers are applied at the root only to moist soil. Fertilizers should not be applied to dry soil - this can burn the roots and destroy the peony.
  • Fertilizers are applied taking into account the age of the bush. The older the plant, the more luxuriant its flowering, which means the greater the need for fertilizer.

The composition of fertilizers in spring and autumn is different, since the plant requires special nutrients in different periods development.

Feeding in early spring

The first feeding of peony is carried out in the spring, in the first days after the snow melts. The plant is watered with a solution of potassium permanganate at the rate of 1 gram per 5 liters of water. This amount of liquid is used to water one bush.

As soon as the peony sprouts begin to bloom, they are fed with ammonium nitrate. For 10 liters of water - 15 grams of fertilizer.

Fertilizing peony during budding

Peonies begin to bloom in the third year after planting. By this time, 10-15 main stems are fully formed on the bushes. During the formation of buds, a second feeding of adult bushes is carried out.

For feeding use the following mixture:

  • nitrogen – 10 grams;
  • phosphorus – 20 grams;
  • potassium – 15 grams.

This quantity minerals dissolve in 10 liters of water and use to water one bush.

Summer feeding during and after flowering

In summer, to improve the quality of flowering, it is recommended to feed peonies with one of the following compounds:

  1. Potassium salt – 5 g., superphosphate – 10 g., saltpeter – 7.5 g., per 10 l. water.
  2. Potassium – 10 g., Nitrogen – 10 g., Phosphorus – 15-20 g., 10 l. water.

During the flowering period, peonies are watered with a mixture of superphosphate and potassium salt.

This amount of fertilizer is used for 1 adult (5 years and older) or two young bushes.

The third fertilizing during the growing season is carried out after flowering, after 14-15 days. Experienced gardeners recommend using the drug Kemira-combi with the addition of potassium monophosphate.

Autumn feeding of peony

The last feeding of peonies during the growing season is carried out in the fall, at the end of September or in the first ten days of October. Liquid fertilizers It is not recommended to do this at this time, as it will provoke the growth of shoots.

The last feeding consists of a glass of wood ash and 100 grams of bone meal. This amount of fertilizer is evenly distributed around each peony bush and incorporated into the soil by loosening.

Mineral and organic fertilizers for peonies

In addition to the essential nutrients nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, lush bush Peony requires a number of other minerals, which are called microelements.

Peony leaves signal a lack of any substance by their color and condition:

Peony bushes respond well to fertilizing with organic fertilizers in pure form or in combination with mineral mixtures. During budding, you can water the peony with a solution of mullein (1:10) with the addition of 40 grams of phosphorus and 20 grams of potassium.

Feeding peonies with chicken droppings has a beneficial effect. Half a bucket of chicken manure is diluted in 100 liters of water and fermented for 14 days. At the end of fermentation, the resulting solution is mixed with water in a ratio of 1:3, 100 grams of superphosphate and 200 grams of wood ash are added to it. For one feeding use 10 liters of fertilizer for each bush. Peonies can be fed with this composition twice a season: in spring and summer.

Peonies can be fertilized with diluted chicken droppings.

Foliar feeding of peonies

Foliar feeding is especially important in the first three years of a plant’s life. At this time, the bush grows its root system.

For proper development young plant Three sprays are required:

  1. Urea - 5 grams per 5 liters. Spraying is recommended. as soon as the first shoots emerge from the ground.
  2. A mixture of urea and universal mineral fertilizer. 14-15 days after the first feeding.
  3. Microelements, 2 tablets per bucket of water. Spraying is carried out in mid-summer.

Advice. In order for the fertilizing to better linger on the leaves during spraying and not drain from them, it is recommended to add a small amount of laundry soap to the solution. This technique will additionally help rid the peony of pests.

Abundant and long flowering Only healthy and well-fertilized peonies can produce, so fertilizing cannot be neglected. Required condition proper fertilizing- This is a combination of fertilizing with abundant watering and loosening the soil.

Experienced flower growers advise not to get carried away with organic fertilizing, since from excess nitrogen the peony will begin to “fatten”, that is, increase green mass and slow down flowering. It is also important to observe the dosage of minerals in fertilizing. For young plants, it is recommended to reduce the rate by half, and for adult bushes (over 5 years old) to increase by a third.

On video experienced gardener shows and tells how to properly feed peonies in your garden.

Peonies are very unpretentious plants. Complex care for peonies is not required. For better growth It is recommended to fertilize these flowers 3-4 times during the vegetative growth period. The most common diseases of peony bushes are botrytis - gray mold, ring mosaic of leaves and rust. But all these diseases are easily treated.

Caring for peonies

Caring for peonies involves loosening the soil, weeding and watering.

The first watering should be carried out in early spring, immediately after the ground thaws. Watering is carried out using a solution of potassium permanganate. Dilute 2-3 g of potassium permanganate in 10 liters of water. Water 1-2 peony bushes with this solution. Such watering accelerates the growth of buds and roots, protects the bushes from infection with gray rot and disinfects the soil.

After the sprouts appear, the bushes are sprayed with Bordeaux mixture. The ground around the bushes is carefully loosened.

Peony bushes have a fairly large leaf mass, a lot of moisture evaporates, so they require abundant watering every 10-12 days. Pour 3-4 buckets of water under each bush. It is especially important to water peony flowers at the beginning of summer. After all, it is at this time that active growth and flowering occurs. No less important is intensive watering in July, when renewal buds develop. After each watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil around the bushes. This is done to retain moisture in the soil.

Stimulating the growth of peony flowers

To get large flowers from a bush for cutting, it is necessary to pinion the side buds. They must be removed when they reach the size of a pea. But the branch should not be removed completely, but leaving 2-3 leaves. Otherwise, flowering will be weakened next year. If you leave the side buds, the flowering period of the bush itself will be extended. In the first year, it is recommended to remove all buds altogether in order to stimulate the development of the root system and the formation of renewal buds. In the second year after planting, you can leave 1-2 buds on the plant. If you follow these recommendations, then already in the third year after planting the bush will grow significantly and full flowering will begin.

Fertilizing peonies

At correct landing in the first two years, peony bushes do not need mineral fertilizer. But it is precisely at this time that root system, therefore it is necessary to carry out foliar feeding. It is carried out using a garden sprayer. The feeding interval is 10-15 days. Feeding is carried out in the morning or evening.

1st feeding (should be carried out immediately after germination of the above-ground part): 40-50 g of carbamide (urea) is taken per 10 liters of water.

2nd feeding: 40-50 g of urea is taken per 10 liters of water, and 1 tablet of microelements is added.

3rd feeding: 1 tablet of microelements is taken per 10 liters of water.

To better wet the leaves with the solution, you can add 1 tablespoon of washing powder to it.

In the third year after planting, peony bushes begin to bloom intensively. Therefore, at this time it is required mineral supplement. Usually in the spring-summer season such feeding is carried out three times.

1st feeding: nitrogen-potassium. It is carried out in early spring, when there is still snow or immediately after it melts. 10-15 g of nitrogen and 10-20 g of potassium are poured directly onto the snow or onto the ground around the bush. Pour fertilizer very carefully, avoid getting it on the neck of the bush. Fertilizers will dissolve and, along with melt water will be absorbed into the ground.

2nd feeding: nitrogen-potassium-phosphorus. It is carried out during the budding period. The purpose of this fertilizer is to improve the quality of flowers. For fertilizer, take 8-10 g of nitrogen, 10-15 g of potassium, 15-20 g of phosphorus.

3rd feeding: potassium-phosphorus. It is carried out two weeks after flowering. The purpose of this feeding is to stimulate larger regeneration buds. And this, in turn, ensures more intense flowering next year. For fertilizer, take 10-15 g of potassium and 15-20 g of phosphorus.

Fertilizers can be introduced in dry form. To do this, before watering, a groove is made around the bush. Or you can make a solution and water the bush. It’s a good idea to add microfertilizers to the water for irrigation at the same time. Take 1-2 tablets per 10 liters of water.

Peony treatment

Gray rot. It affects the stems, buds and leaves of peonies. Most often it affects young shoots in the spring during rapid growth. Signs of the disease: first appears white coating near the base of the stem. Then in this place the stem darkens, breaks and falls off. The disease progresses most quickly in damp weather. The causative agent of gray rot overwinters in the soil. For prevention, soil and bushes are disinfected in the spring. The first spraying is carried out immediately after the buds appear above the ground - the growing season. The second spraying is carried out after 10-12 days. For spraying, use a 0.6-0.7 percent solution of copper oxychloride or a 1 percent solution of Bordeaux mixture. If gray rot does appear, the damaged stem should be immediately cut down to the rhizome and treated with a solution of copper oxychloride or Bordeaux mixture.

Rust. This is very serious fungal disease. Yellowish-brown spots form on the leaves immediately after flowering. purple tint spots. The lesion is transmitted from a diseased plant to a healthy one very quickly. In just 2-3 days, bushes over a large area can be infected. The leaves dry out and curl. The accumulation of nutrients in the roots stops, which in turn negatively affects the formation of renewal buds. Rust prevention includes digging up the soil around the bushes, properly timely feeding, destruction of infected leaves, regular weeding. In September, the above-ground part of the plant should be completely pruned and burned. In addition, peony bushes should not be planted too close to each other. In the fall, after pruning the leaves, or in early spring, before the buds appear, the soil is sprayed with nitrafen. For 10 liters of water, take 200 g of nitrafen. Spraying is also carried out with the same preparations that are used to combat gray mold, but after flowering, after 7-10 days. It is worth spraying even when signs of disease appear. Diseased leaves must be cut off and burned immediately.

Ring mosaic of leaves. This viral disease peonies. Rings, half rings, stripes of light green or yellow color. These stripes worsen appearance bush, but do not affect growth and flowering in any way. Infection occurs when flowers are cut with the same tool from infected and healthy bushes. To prevent infection, instruments should be disinfected with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. If damage appears, infected shoots should be removed. They must be cut down to the rhizome and then burned.

In order for peonies to charm everyone around them with their lush blooms in summer, they need to be fertilized in a timely manner. Then they feel comfortable for a long time without transfer. To do this, it is not enough to loosen, water the plant regularly, you need to know what to feed the peonies in the spring. And also adhere to the time frame recommended by experts. Because at each stage of bush formation it needs different nutrients.

Feeding peonies: choosing the right time and fertilizer

It's worth starting with the fact that everything is good in moderation. Excess fertilizer can damage the quality of flowers. For example, too much nitrogen will lead to foliage growing and virtually no flowers. Moreover, the formation of buds will be significantly delayed.

So, before you think about how to feed peonies in the spring for lush flowering, you need to accurately determine the timing. And this procedure should begin at the end of April - the first half of May. But this will be only the first stage of spring feeding of peonies.

The second occurs at the end of May. If until this time the peony was actively increasing its green mass, now it is important to maintain its ability to form many buds.

Fertilizer for the first feeding should be composed of nitrogen and potassium. At this point of the first element, more can be added. The amount of nitrogen ranges from 10 to 50 grams. It all depends on the quality of the soil in the flowerbed.

The second feeding is prepared from a mixture of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Moreover, for one bush it is necessary to take these elements in the following quantities: 10-15 g, 15-20 g, 10-15 g, respectively.

Feeding peonies in spring with complex fertilizers

A common drug is Kemira. It can be used three times per season. Its first variety is Kemira-Universal. It is used in early spring before flowering. Peonies are re-treated with it a week after flowering. It’s easy to apply: place a handful of fertilizer in a hole under a bush, then sprinkle with soil.

The second feeding is carried out using the drug Kemira-Combi. There is no need to dig it in. It is enough to pour it onto the surface of the soil under the bush and water the plant generously. This preparation will dissolve easily, so it will quickly reach the peony.

For plants that have been growing for many years without replanting, organic fertilizer Baikal EM-1 will be useful. It contains living microorganisms. They are able to improve the structure of the soil, therefore improving its fertility. But before fertilizing peonies in the spring with Baikal EM-1, it should be mixed with compost in the fall. Then use it as mulch for peonies. Moreover, the fertilizer layer should be 7 to 10 cm thick.

Foliar feeding of peonies in spring

It is useful for both adult bushes and young plants. It is recommended to spray peonies every month. For foliar feeding, you should use a watering can with a fine sieve.

The first option for feeding peonies in such a situation is any complex fertilizer. For example, the mineral preparation Ideal. It must be dissolved in water, strictly following the instructions specified in the instructions.

In order for the drug to remain on the peonies longer, a small amount of laundry soap should be added to the water with fertilizer. It can be replaced with washing powder. Consumption detergents should not exceed a tablespoon per bucket of water.

The second option of foliar feeding is carried out according to a two-stage scheme. The first occurs in early spring, that is, the time when the bush is just sprouting from the ground. At this time, peonies need urea. Take about 50 grams per 10 liters of water. Second stage: add 1 microfertilizer tablet to the same spraying composition. It is carried out 4 weeks after the first treatment.

In the third option of foliar feeding, it is proposed to use urea. The first time spraying is also carried out at the beginning of the growth of the green part. And after two weeks, add one tablet of microelements to the same solution.

Fertilizer for peonies from bread

Gardeners use this fertilizer for lush flowering. And it’s not difficult to do. For one night, place half a loaf in a small amount of warm water and a glass of sugar. In the morning, strain the contents and pour into a bucket of water. All that remains is to water the peonies that are starting to grow with this fertilizer.

After this, traditional care for peonies in the spring is needed; similar feeding can be done using yeast. Only instead of bread, take a 100 gram pack of baker's yeast. In addition, this fertilizer will ferment faster.

Another recipe for feeding peonies, consisting of simple ingredients, is based on chicken manure. It is supposed to take only half a liter per bucket of water. You just have to infuse the fertilizer for two weeks. Then use it diluted in a ratio of 1 to 3. For greater effect, add a handful of wood ash.

Hello. Our names are Oleg and Oksana, and about 20 years ago we bought a private house near Krasnodar. From that moment we just fell ill with our personal plot, especially with flowers, of which we have a lot here and they bloom simply luxuriously: in summer and spring our site looks like paradise.

These flowers will be most grateful to nitrogen-potassium fertilizers. It is best to start fertilizing in the third year of peonies’ life, when their active flowering begins. They need to be fed three times throughout the season:

  • The first feeding is done when the snow melts or immediately after it has melted. For one bush we need from 10 to 20 g of potassium and from 10 to 15 g of nitrogen. They are introduced after active watering or rain, but not into dry soil;
  • Next time we feed during budding. The dosages of nitrogen and potassium per bush do not change, but we add 15-20 grams of phosphorus;
  • We carry out the third feeding half a month after they have bloomed and buds have begun to form. Now we only need phosphorus and potassium in the same dosages as before.

It is very important to ensure that peonies do not overfeed, because with an excess of, for example, nitrogen, the formation of buds can decrease and grow green mass. Also, with an excess of fertilizers, the resistance of peonies to various diseases decreases.

And before planting, you can feed the roots of the flowers using a clay mash, which will help them take root. It is made from 10 liters of water, 5 kg of clay, heteroauxin (two tablets), and copper sulfate(60 g). You can also add wood ash (half a kilogram). It is enough to dip the roots into this mixture and dry them. Then you can plant.

But in landing hole you can add compost, rotted manure and peat plus upper layer soil.

Ash or bone meal (300 grams) or superphosphate (up to 200 g) are also added to the mixture. You can reduce the acidity of the soil using slaked lime (up to 400 g). Don't forget to grind the lime.

DIY fertilizers for peonies

These luxurious flowers will be very grateful organic feeding, which you can do on your own.

To prepare such a product you need either mullein or bird droppings.

You need about a bucket of fresh cow manure for a large barrel of water, which we dilute in five buckets of water. Bird droppings should be diluted into 25 buckets. Place in the sun and allow to ferment for up to half a month (minimum 10 days).

After a couple of weeks, when everything has fermented, add superphosphate (from 200 g to 300) and half a kilogram of wood ash.

Before fertilizing, dilute the solution from manure with two parts of water, and with bird droppings - three parts.

Store-bought fertilizers

There are many fertilizers and fertilizers for flowers, but not every one is suitable for peonies. There are two store options to choose from.


This fertilizer is mineral and all its elements are contained here in cheilate form. This means that peonies assimilate Kemira without additional processing by soil microorganisms.

The product is used three times throughout the season. In March and after the peonies have bloomed (after about seven days), a product such as Kemira-universal will be appropriate.

After watering the flowers, pour a handful of the product under each bush. Don't forget to work the fertilizer into the soil. The next feeding is carried out using Kemira-combi.

And the second feeding is carried out with Kemira-Kombi fertilizer. It dissolves quite quickly and goes directly to the root system of the flowers. Just pour a handful of the product under each bush and water generously.

Baikal EM-1

This fertilizer is organic and microbiological. It is prepared using EM technologies. Living microorganisms present in the product increase the fertility of the soil for peonies and improve its structures.

Baikal M can be added to compost, or you can use it to mulch the soil in the fall. The mulch should have a thickness of 7 cm to 10.

If the peony doesn't bloom

Here there are both traditional methods stimulation of flowering, and quite scientific. So, our neighbors bury rotten fish under bushes. Actually, the secret is that it's ordinary. Instead of fish, you can simply add saltpeter.

You can also try treating your flowers with potassium permanganate in the spring (the solution can be strong), during budding with manure, and in the fall simply covering them with compost. Sometimes potassium sulfate is also used to stimulate flowering.

There is another option for stimulating flowering. In the fall (closer to October), water it with potassium chloride and add wood ash (don’t forget to dry it). We place a tablespoon of this ash under each peony bush in October.

In the spring we water the peony with slurry, and by May we switch to potash fertilizers. They need to be alternated, using potassium nitrate, potassium sulfate, or potassium permanganate. You can also spray with superphosphate.

Foliar feeding

It is done throughout the summer (and spring) season and consists of spraying the leaves of flowers. You can also water, but the watering can must have a fine sieve. For this purpose, for example, a product such as Ideal is suitable.

Dissolve according to the instructions and add washing powder to the solution in a small amount (you can use laundry soap): for 10 liters of solution you need about a tablespoon. The soap will help keep the product on the leaves and flowers.

Also, foliar feeding can be carried out in three stages: in the first, when the above-ground parts of the bushes are just sprouting, we water them with a solution of urea: 50 g of it is needed for 10 liters of water. During the second feeding (after 30 days), we add a microfertilizer tablet to the same solution.

The third time, when it flowers, we water it only with a solution with two tablets of microfertilizers. It is better to carry out this procedure in the evening or on a cloudy day.
