Where are exhaust hoods used and how to install them correctly. What is a ventilation hood and why is it needed? Design and installation features

It should be noted that umbrellas ventilation systems have absolutely no complex design. A rectangular chimney hood consists of a main body, a tray for collecting grease and filters that perform. Filters are always installed at an angle of exactly 45 degrees Celsius.

If we are talking about supply and exhaust hoods, then in this case it is necessary to use a grille or a device such as a diffuser.

In some cases, duct hoods are also equipped with additional elements, such as connection lugs, fans, lamps and many others.

1 Operating principle of the ventilation hood

This device works as follows. The air that is subject to the processing process, as a result of which it becomes hot, has a much lower density, and therefore rises to the top, and is replaced by cold air currents.

Then the air enters the pipe and passes through special grease filters, where it is saturated with a large amount of oil vapor, due to which it begins to cool over time.

Ultimately, passing through such a pipe due to strong temperature changes, the oil condenses, air flows begin to separate from it and through special channels allow the fat to flow into the bath.

In turn, the air, which is purified after such a process, enters the round or.

2 Device classification

Today, two types of rectangular umbrellas are used for chimneys:

  1. Exhaust hoods . Their main purpose is the complete elimination of unnecessary gases, substances, and combustion products from the chimney. Highly heated air flows are drawn in by the umbrella, after which they are transported through a pipe where grease filters are located and are ultimately transported back to the air duct, through which they are removed from the building. All this can be easily done with your own hands.
  2. Supply and exhaust hoods . Thanks to them, both the exhaust of polluted air and the supply of new air are ensured. clean air into the room. These umbrellas are best used in rooms where the flow of clean air is limited due to certain circumstances. It is always necessary to carry out calculations taking into account the fact that the volumes of supplied and extracted air flows will always differ from each other. Therefore, in no case should you count on the fact that exhaust hoods will contribute to the complete destruction of odors, gases and other substances. Although the chimney, of course, will work much more efficiently.

There is also a classification according to the type of construction. Thus, exhaust and supply and exhaust rectangular and round umbrellas are divided into island and wall.

2.1 DIY installation and calculation features

I would like to note that installing such umbrellas with your own hands is quite possible, since in fact there is nothing complicated in such work. Below are some of the most popular ways to install a chimney umbrella.

  • Method number 1. Installation of wall-mounted exhaust hoods using anchors. After a certain calculation, the length of the umbrella is selected and 2 or 3 equal holes are drilled in the back of the wall. Using enlarged models of washers, the exhaust hood is first attracted and then installed on the wall. It is very important that the wall is perfectly level.
  • Do-it-yourself installation of rectangular umbrellas through collets and studs to the ceiling. At the very beginning, you need to drill 4 identical holes for the studs. All these holes are drilled strictly along the edges of the umbrella, after which the device is attached directly to the ceiling. A modern chimney works perfectly if this option is used. The only negative is that the calculation of the ceiling height to the standard stud length does not allow the use this technology, if the height of the room is more than 4 meters.
  • Installation of chimney exhaust hoods using various cables and chains through anchors and brackets to the ceiling. In order to do everything yourself, you need to weld 4 brackets of the required parameters to the upper horizontal part of the umbrella, and then use a carabiner to securely fix the chain or cable. The second end of such a chain or cable must also be securely connected to the ceiling. Among the disadvantages of this method, one can note the precariousness of the structure, so tying it with air ducts is not at all easy, but for a chimney this scheme is perfect.

As you can see, installing it yourself is not at all difficult. The main thing is to adjust the umbrella as close as possible to the chimney pipe and take into account some nuances.

Scope of application

Supply and exhaust and exhaust hoods of ventilation systems are widely used today industrial enterprises and more. Such systems are widely used in enterprises catering, such as restaurants, canteens, bars, food factories, cafes and so on.

Umbrellas are also installed over all kinds of devices. thermal equipment, in particular this applies to deep fryers, gas stoves, ovens. If the calculations made allow the installation of such umbrellas, then they are used in different production premises– food, pharmacological, physical, chemical.

2.2 This is what a rectangular ventilation umbrella looks like - video

In the kitchen, both at home and in a restaurant, the air is regularly saturated with the aromas of cooking food. But it is not always pleasant to inhale these odors while in a room or other premises. Especially if they are not cooking for you. And, for example, for visitors to a restaurant on the ground floor of your house.

The cause of odors is the spread of particles released into the air above the stove during cooking. The higher the temperature in the kitchen, the higher the rate of vapor dispersion in all available directions.

You can prevent the spread of odor if:

  • immediately direct the hot air towards the ventilation shaft;
  • reduce the temperature in the kitchen and reduce the speed of movement of food particles.

To clean the air from kitchen odors, devices that are simple in design and operating principle are used - exhaust hoods. They suck the hot stream from the cooking area and take it outside through the ventilation system.

A ventilation or exhaust hood is a cap made of galvanized or stainless steel connected to the air duct pipe.

And cold air is heavier than hot air. It goes down and pushes hot air up to the ceiling, where the exhaust hood is placed.

Ventilation hoods are made from stainless steel grades AISI 430 (corrosion-resistant, heat-resistant) and AISI 304 (universal heat-resistant, acid-resistant) in accordance with the requirements of hygienic standards GN (“2.3.3. Food hygiene. Containers, utensils, packaging, equipment and other types of products in contact with food”).

For work in hot shops of cafes and restaurants, the design of the hood is supplemented with air and spark-extinguishing filters, grease traps and a tray for collecting it.

Exhaust hoods are often equipped with lamps for lighting work surface, fans for better air circulation. They also have taps for draining fat.

Air ducts connected to kitchen hoods have thicker walls and require perfect sealing welds so that polluted air cannot pass by the filters.

Why can’t you do without an exhaust hood?

In a home kitchen, owners are free to decide whether to purify the air exhausted from the stove or not. Those who do not take care to remove odors, in addition to irritating their neighbors, will also end up with air ducts clogged with grease and dust. Cleaning such pipes will be extremely difficult.

In everyday life, carbon, padding polyester and acrylic filters are used to prevent ventilation contamination. For small amounts of contamination this is quite sufficient.

Owners of cafes and restaurants have no choice. Be sure to clean. If the exhaust air is not cleaned, the odors will spread far and wide.

Residents of the house can complain about the smell from the restaurant kitchen to the SES. This will most likely lead the owners of the establishment into trouble with regulatory authorities. If such incidents repeat, the case may even end up being closed.

When designing kitchen ventilation for restaurants and cafes, they are guided by MGSN 4.14-98 (Moscow city building codes for catering establishments), SNiP 31-05-2003 ( Public buildings and structures) and SanPiN ( Sanitary rules for catering establishments, including confectionery shops and enterprises producing soft ice cream).

According to sanitary requirements:

  • an independent ventilation circuit is organized for the kitchen of a catering establishment;
  • contaminated exhaust air is thrown above the ridge of the roof of the building (a “duct-candle” is installed);
  • the temperature in the hot shop should not exceed 27°C;
  • Odors associated with cooking are not allowed to spread outside the kitchen.

Taking advantage modern methods 100% air purification from odor, you can do without putting pipes on the roof of buildings.

The use of stainless steel exhaust hoods is necessary for one more reason:

Oils and fats, suspended particles of which are always present in the air above the stove, are classified as spontaneously combustible substances. They can burst into flames when heated to a certain temperature.

Therefore, avoiding their entry into the ventilation system becomes vital.

How the air is purified

To free the flow rising from the stove from impurities, the exhaust hood is equipped with air filters and grease traps. Contaminants settle on them and do not enter the ventilation pipes.

Grease traps

They can be mesh or labyrinthine. They are made, like kitchen hoods, from stainless steel and also from aluminum.

  • Mesh filters have a relatively low cost, but their efficiency is lower than labyrinth filters.
  • The labyrinth filter is a set of alternating steel ribs adjacent to each other.

The basis of cleaning is repeated changes in the direction of the moving air flow. Impurities are usually heavier than air and their movement speed is slower.

The efficiency of labyrinth filters is at least 90%.

Heated fat, falling on a steel plate of lower temperature, condenses on it. Grease traps are fixed in umbrellas at an angle of 45-60°, so the condensate does not drip back onto the stove, but flows down the gutters into the drain channel and further into the grease receiver container.

If the intensity of rising polluted air is high, install not one, but 2 grease traps. They are connected at the bottom in a V-shape. Fat condensate flows from two filters into one common receiving container.

Removable grease traps are preferred due to their cost, but permanently attached ones are also available.
In this case, they come with an automatic cleaning system.

Types of exhaust hoods

The design and dimensions of the umbrella depend on:

  • the intensity of the ascending air flow;
  • the degree of its contamination;
  • the space occupied by the kitchen stove in the room - against the wall or in the middle.

Place air suction units directly above the area heat treatment food at a height of 1.5 m to 1.90 m from the floor. In the case of an electric stove, the level is lower, in the case of a gas stove, it is higher.


It is screwed on one side to the wall above the stove and, if required by weight and size (more than 1 m²), additionally attached to the ceiling with chains.

This design is suitable for low concentrations of discharged contaminants, since the wall prevents the high rate of upward flow. Suitable for small rooms, hung low above the stove.


When the stove is located away from the walls, one or two connected umbrellas are attached to the ceiling above it.

In this case, cold air approaches from all 4 sides and the rate of removal of hot fumes upward increases.

Such caps are hung at a distance of 1-1.2 m above the stove.

A mandatory requirement is that the umbrella must extend at least 15 cm beyond the stove to better capture fumes.

According to their shape, umbrellas are divided into:

  • rectangular;
  • trapezoidal;
  • triangular.

According to the operating principle

Exhaust hoods capture heated air rushing upward and direct it into the air duct and then through the ventilation system to the street.

Supply and exhaust hoods not only suck in heated air, but also supply outside The slabs are clean and cold.

Such devices are necessary in rooms with insufficient natural ventilation or when the temperature permissible for workplaces is constantly exceeded.

In this case, the exhaust should exceed the inflow by a third. For example, if 1000 m³ of cold air is blown out, then at least 1500 m³ of hot air must be drawn out.


Model Dimensions, mm Height x Reach x Width Air intake area in m² Price, rub
Triangular wall exhaust, 1 removable labyrinth filter, model PR0910, MDS LLC 450x900x1000 3,5 14100
Triangular wall exhaust, 1 removable labyrinth filter, EuroVentGroup LLC 450×900×1000 3,5 14600
Island exhaust trapezoidal, 2 removable labyrinth filters (V-arrangement), EuroVentGroup LLC 450x1800x1000 6,01 25100
Island exhaust trapezoidal, 2 removable labyrinth filters (V-arrangement), model OST1810, MDS LLC 450x1800x1000 6,01 23600
Wall-mounted supply and exhaust rectangular, 1 removable labyrinth filter, EuroVentGroup LLC 450x900x1000 4,68 20800
Island supply and exhaust trapezoidal, 2 removable labyrinth filters (V-position), EuroVentGroup LLC 450x1800x1000 6,95 29700
Island supply and exhaust trapezoidal, 2 removable labyrinth filters (V-position), model PVOST1810, MDS LLC 450x1800x1000 6,95 27300

Every kitchen has a problem with odors that arise during cooking. This smell can spread throughout the apartment, which is not always pleasant. Yes, and during cooking, drops of fat and oil may fly off from products and food. How to get rid of such problems? There is a way out of this situation, and it is quite simple - install a kitchen exhaust hood. It will get rid of both odors and volatile substances.

What is a range hood?

This is a device installed directly in the place where food is cooked, that is, next to the stove. With its help, hot steam and air, as well as odors and impurities are removed from the kitchen. Exhaust hoods should match the size of the stove or be slightly larger, but not smaller. This device can be installed in the kitchen ordinary apartment and even in large catering canteens. IN in this case it all depends on the size of the hood and its type.

Main types

Such an air purification device can be of 2 types: an exhaust hood and a supply and exhaust hood. The first option is used to filter grease and dust, as well as to remove air from the room. It prevents fat particles from entering common system, they accumulate in a special receiver with filters installed in it. That is why the device, or rather the receiver, needs regular manual cleaning.

The second type of hood performs the same functions - it removes air from the room and cleans it from various elements. But the main difference from the previous type is that in exhaust hoods with supply system one more is running additional function— he pumps fresh air into the kitchen.

Material for making the hood

Both types of hoods are most often made of durable stainless steel. It allows the system to operate for a long time without suffering from constant humidity. Caring for this material is easy and simple.

Exhaust hoods for the kitchen clean due to the filters installed in them, which are also often made of steel material. This simplifies the maintenance and cleaning of the equipment. The food grade steel used in this case has the highest strength indicators, meeting all quality standards.

Some models use special types of stainless steel. They can easily withstand the effects of chemicals of various origins, including acids. But mostly systems made of such steel are installed in production. In addition to steel, another, lesser material can be used to produce an exhaust hood. durable material, such as aluminum or glass. Although such models are a rare phenomenon.

Types of kitchen umbrellas

Kitchen hoods are divided not only by type, but also by variety depending on the placement method:

  1. Flat.
  2. Built-in.
  3. Dome.

Flat hood

The flat hood is the most economical. It has no outlet to the air duct and operates on a circular principle. This system, when compared with other analogues, is quite noisy. There is also a filter in the flat hood that needs to be changed or cleaned regularly.

Built-in exhaust hood

Unlike flat devices built-in models of exhaust hoods are much quieter. A built-in hood is installed directly above the working surface of the hob. In addition to the circular mode, embedded devices provide operation in the tapping mode.

The last type is domed exhaust hoods. They are in greatest demand and popularity among housewives. Can be attached various methods to the wall or ceiling. That is, they are divided into 2 subtypes: dome and wall. They operate in circular mode and in air exhaust mode, just like previous models of exhaust hoods. This type of kitchen umbrella has high power and degree of purification of the air of an apartment or house from odors and impurities.

At what height should the hood be mounted?

From what distance from hob the kitchen exhaust hood is fixed, the quality of its work depends. So, for example, if the kitchen has a gas stove, then optimal height to install the hood it will be approximately 80 cm. If the stove is electric, then the hoods should be mounted to a height of about 60 cm. More detailed information You can find out about specific models when purchasing them from consultants. It can also be found in the instructions included with the hood.

Filters for exhaust hoods

The main element necessary for the full operation of exhaust hoods is a filter. It is with its help that the air is purified. It can be single-layer or multi-layer, disposable or reusable. Basically, two types of filters are used to clean the air in the kitchen: grease filters and spark-extinguishing filters.

Grease labyrinth filters are designed to retain airborne grease elements. Spark-extinguishing mesh in filters is used if the kitchen exhaust hood is installed in close proximity to the fire source, directly above the stove. If the filter is reusable, then it can be cleaned when dirty with ordinary water, and after that the hood will be ready for use again.

Useful properties

Any model of exhaust hood has a number positive characteristics, among which:

  1. Moisture resistance.
  2. Durability.
  3. Resistant to all types of dirt.
  4. Easy to care for.
  5. Resistance to mechanical damage.

This is primarily due to the fact that most models of exhaust hoods are made of stainless steel. It is easy to clean because it is not afraid of exposure to water and is highly durable. Filters are made from the same material.

But how to install exhaust hoods? It is best to invite a specialist to properly install the exhaust hood. But in some cases, the installation can be done independently. The main thing is to correctly determine the most suitable place for extraction, and the rest depends only on personal skills.

Last year I built myself a small workshop, which also serves as a storage room for tools and equipment. Everything seems to be fine, but now warm days have arrived, periodically turning into heat. And about natural ventilation I forgot. But this matter can be fixed. There are many options, I will describe one of them in this article.

Window and door openings serve for natural air exchange in the room, but it is not always convenient to keep windows and doors wide open. An additional source of fresh air can be air ducts, or, as in my case, ventilation holes in the roof, on which galvanized steel umbrellas are installed, which people simply call a weather vane. Let's start making our homemade ventilation. Correct marking is the key to success.

The umbrella should be installed so that on the back side of the roof, that is, from the inside of the room, vent There was nothing blocking it: no rafters, no struts, no lamps. If you don't understand how it works, here's a description. It is best to measure from the ridge. We immediately estimated the size from the inside, and then transferred it to the outer roof slope. Drill a hole at the measured point to insert the blade cutting tool.

From this point we will make further markings. We try on the umbrella, take its size from the bottom round part and carefully transfer it to the place of future deployment. For marking, it is advisable to use a bold marker so that the stripe is clearly visible. In theory, all this needs to be calculated, but as a rule, in a private house they do the average section at random)

Considering that roof covering consists of bitumen shingles laid on an OSB board, which in turn is mounted on a continuous sheathing of boards, cut a hole electric jigsaw It’s almost unrealistic - the saw blade’s travel won’t be enough, and even if it’s enough, it’s too close and there’s a chance of seriously bending it. Since the hole has round section, neither circular saw, let alone using a chainsaw to make an even-sized hole. Therefore, I chose a reciprocating saw as the cutting tool. Very convenient and fast, the main thing is not to rush.

The hole is ready, you can begin installing the ventilation hood. To ensure that the mounted weather vane does not have a powerful wind blower and the wind does not hum solo parts in the empty pipe, it has an unusual shape. Its upper part is covered with a lid curved on four sides, so that one big hole was divided into four compartments. Warm air from the room will exit through all four openings, but will only blow into one, depending on the direction of the wind. We install a section of the air duct from the inside and put the umbrella on top.

To eliminate the possibility of rain moisture entering the metal structures ventilation umbrella, you need to carefully lift the roofing and push the protruding supporting elements of the umbrella under it.

This operation needs to be done only with that part of the umbrella base that is at the top point roof slope. The lower part is installed directly on the roofing.

The fact is that if you run the lower part under the roofing, then when it rains, water will accumulate in the resulting barrier, and no matter how well you seal it, the water will find its way and penetrate into the room.

After installing the umbrella, we secure it. Today there are a lot of hardware products that cut off moisture, but given that I have a ventilation hood installed in the utility room, I decided to secure it with ordinary nails. In addition, the umbrella will be subject to wind pressure, and an ordinary nail is essentially a dowel, that is, it has a small up and down movement, and in the case strong wind the likelihood that the head of a nail will be cut off is almost zero, which cannot be said about self-tapping screws.

Last in number, but not least, is the sealing of “weak” areas. These are, as a rule, joints, junctions of one structure with another and places where fastening elements are installed. You need to select a special sealant: heat-resistant or heat-resistant. In the summer heat, the roof heats up so much that you can fry an egg if desired, so the sealant must withstand this temperature load. Apply sealant evenly around the entire perimeter of relatively weak areas.

Well finishing touch– smear the sealant in certain places with your finger. You can use a rubber spatula, but I think it’s more interesting and better to do it with your finger. We have more

It's hard to imagine modern kitchen without such a necessary thing as a kitchen hood. This device eliminates excess odors and copes well with dirt.

A kitchen exhaust hood is essential for removing unpleasant odors.

Why do you need a hood?

The kitchen is one of the most frequently visited places in the apartment. During the cooking process, a huge amount of steam, fat, soot, and gas residues are released. All this can settle on furniture, household appliances in the form of difficult to clean stains. Among other things, the resulting compounds penetrate the respiratory tract, causing a lot of unpleasant sensations, and create the most favorable conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.

The hood umbrella is located above any hobs, in domestic conditions, usually over kitchen stoves. Exhaust hood can operate in two modes: collecting air contaminated with various impurities, sending it to the general ventilation system, or returning it back through filtration. But still, fresh, freed from harmful substances air.

What is a household umbrella?

Depending on the interior of the kitchen and the location of the stove, there are two types of ventilation hoods: wall-mounted and a central exhaust hood, which is placed directly above surfaces located away from the walls. The operating principle of both types is the same, but the central (remote) one has a more complex filtration system design.

In many cases, the hood dome is made of stainless steel

The main design of the hood is a metal dome, most often made of stainless steel, inside there are several categories of cleaning filters:

  • aluminum grilles that trap large particles protect the turbine from contamination;
  • acrylic porous filter effectively collects fatty fumes and requires regular replacement;
  • The carbon filter is the basis of cleaning, has different shapes and types suitable for specific models, retains all fine particles and needs periodic replacement;
  • If the ventilation hood is placed over an open flame, it is additionally equipped with a spark-extinguishing mesh.

The turbine is the “heart” of the hood; it ensures correct and even air ducting and does not allow contaminated air to return to the room.

Many umbrella hoods are equipped with lights built directly into the dome. Can be used various types lamps: diode, halogen, incandescent lamps.

What parameters should you use to choose a device?

Having decided to purchase, you need to choose the right exhaust hood for the kitchen. What to pay attention to when purchasing:

  1. In what mode does the work take place? Flow hoods capture air in the room and discharge it into general ventilation. This type of operation is more efficient and prevents the return of unfiltered air. special valves. However, this method is more difficult to install. Hoods operating using the circular method are based on the return of air that has passed through many filters and purified from the smallest particles back into the room. They are used when it is impossible to connect to general ventilation. Such devices are easy to use and easy to install yourself, but they require regular filter replacement.
  2. Type of hood according to its location. Wall mounted used in standard apartment buildings, where the hob is most often adjacent to the wall. This is a fairly convenient type, as ventilation is easily accessible. The central one is used when the exhaust hood is moved to a certain distance from the walls.
  3. Panel width. According to certain standards, the dome of the ventilation hood should not easily correspond to the size of the kitchen stove, but protrude beyond it by 10–12 cm. This allows for better air capture and room cleaning.
  4. How modes are switched. Mechanical control involves the use of buttons. Electronic control is carried out by touch control or from the remote control.
  5. A design that harmonizes with the overall style of the kitchen.


The installation of the hood can be entrusted to professionals who specialize in such orders, or you can do it yourself. First of all, you need to carefully study the attached instructions, carefully take measurements, outline the plan and scope of work. An important condition is to maintain the distance from the working surface of the stove to the hood, for gas burners- at least 70 cm, for electric stoves- at least 60 cm.

A screwdriver is required to install the hood

No hood installation required special tools, it is enough to have: a tape measure, a level, a drill, a screwdriver or screwdriver, a hammer, dowels and screws. Most often, corrugated air ducts are used for exhaust, which are connected to the device at one end, and the other is discharged into the ventilation hole. If a plastic air duct is used, it is supplemented with special nozzles, and loose joints are filled with silicone sealant.

An important point when connecting any electrical appliance is grounding. If there is a common house grounding circuit and European standard sockets, the problem disappears, but if there are none, it is better to seek help from a person who has knowledge in this matter.

Filter maintenance and replacement

The hood does a lot of work every day, so it is necessary to clean the umbrella not only outside, but also inside. This applies to aluminum grilles - the first stage of air purification; large quantities of fat, soot and dirt accumulate here. The instructions for users always contain necessary information about what products can be used when cleaning the device, do not neglect this information.

Except special means, the following are very popular: soda paste, 72% laundry soap dissolved in water, acetic acid diluted 1:2. Grate filters require this treatment once a quarter.

More delicate carbon filters cannot be cleaned, but must be replaced with new ones, and their service life depends on the brand of the manufacturer. On average, replacement is performed every 4–6 months. How to change the carbon filter with your own hands:

  • disconnect the device from the power supply;
  • remove filters - grilles;
  • remove the cartridge with the carbon filter;
  • When the new cassette is installed correctly, you should hear a slight click;
  • cleaned grates are returned to their place;
  • The device is connected to the network to check, if no extraneous noise appears, the filter is installed correctly.

As you can see, kitchen hood It’s not easy to complement your interior, but to make the right step in maintaining health. It is important to take a responsible approach to the selection of the device and its maintenance.
