The initial situation on ksha is an example. Basics of organizing command post exercises

Analysis of exercises is one of the forms of analysis and generalization of experience in the training of control bodies, forces and means of civil defense and RSChS and has great educational and practical significance.

The analysis should be creative in nature, organically combining deep theoretical analysis with specific practical experience of the actions of governing bodies, forces and means of civil defense and RSChS on each issue brought up for the exercise. The analysis should be based on the conclusions of the exercise leader, the reports of his deputies (assistants) and intermediaries approved by him on the actions of the management bodies and civil defense forces and the RSChS during the exercise, and the results of research. During the analysis, it is necessary not only to list shortcomings, weaknesses and unresolved issues, but also to deeply reveal and analyze their causes, identify and indicate ways to eliminate them.

Preparation for the debriefing should begin well before the start of the exercise, after the approval of its concept, and should be carried out in parallel with the development of the main documents of the exercise. It is carried out by a debriefing group with the participation of other groups of the leadership headquarters, deputy (assistant) exercise leaders and intermediaries. The organization of preparation for the debriefing of the exercise is carried out by the chief of staff of the leadership.

Preparation of the analysis includes:

Studying the concept and other educational and methodological documents developed for conducting the exercise;

Development of a debriefing plan, which usually indicates: the purpose, time and place of the debriefing; composition of those involved in analysis officials; the procedure for conducting the analysis, including the time for conducting private reviews;

Development and communication to the mediation apparatus of methodological recommendations on the procedure for submitting and content of proposals for analysis by stages of the exercise;

Collection, synthesis and analysis of materials for each stage of the exercise and for the exercise as a whole, their timely submission to the leadership headquarters;

Preparation of abstracts of the exercise leader’s report;

Preparation of visual illustration materials.

Before the start of the exercise, on the basis of the plan and calendar plan for the exercise, a general part of the analysis is prepared, including a statement of the topic, general goals, stages, training issues, general and private conditions created to practice them and achieve training goals, and other necessary data that are determined in advance and do not depend on the decisions of the students, as well as theoretical justifications for the most important issues practiced during the exercise. At the same time, illustrative and reference materials (maps, diagrams, tables, graphs, etc.) are prepared.

During the exercise, factual material is collected, systematized, analyzed and summarized based on the results of the actions of the trainees; The development of the theoretical part of the analysis and the preparation of illustrative materials on the most striking examples of both positive and unsuccessful actions of students during the training are being completed. For greater instructiveness and dissemination of best practices, the debriefing uses documents developed by the trainees during the training.

The method of debriefing is determined by the exercise leader based on the size, learning objectives of the exercise, and time available. The components of the debriefing can be a general debriefing and specific debriefings by category of trainees.

A general review is conducted by the exercise leader. It involves: the leadership of the exercise, the intermediary apparatus and the main officials of the trained control bodies and forces.

The general review may include a report from the chief of staff and instructions from the exercise leader, or only a report from the exercise leader.

The report of the chief of staff of the leadership usually sets out: the topic of the exercise; educational and research purposes; the composition of the involved management bodies and forces; the intent of the exercise; practicing training questions according to the stages of the training; the content of students’ decisions and their validity; conclusions on the work of governing bodies, organization and maintenance of management; efficiency of interaction, logistics and other types of support; the results of practical actions of the forces involved in the exercise; the most characteristic and instructive examples of the actions of governing bodies and forces, as well as the solution of assigned tasks; compliance with regime measures.

The instructions (report) of the exercise leader, as a rule, provide an analysis of the decisions and actions of the trainees, indicating the positive aspects and disadvantages, their justification, draw conclusions arising from the results of the exercise, and set tasks for increasing the readiness of management bodies and disaster relief forces , accidents and disasters, as well as to eliminate discovered deficiencies. In conclusion, the exercise leader assesses the preparedness of the trained commanders (leaders), officials and management bodies as a whole, and also evaluates the actions of the civil defense and RSChS forces and means involved in the exercise, the work of the leadership headquarters and the intermediary apparatus. If only one report from the head of the exercise is prepared for analysis, then it also reflects the issues included in the report of the chief of staff of the leadership.

Crucial for assessing the actions of trainees, the state and readiness of the territorial and functional subsystems of the RSChS for prevention and response emergency situations, as well as ways and means of further improving this work, the head of the exercise has a personal hearing of brief reports, conclusions, assessments and proposals

deputies, assistant exercise leaders and senior facilitators (facilitators) for the relevant officials participating in the exercise.

When determining general conclusions, it is necessary to take into account not only the results established during the exercise, but also the results of inspections preceding the exercise, objective indicators characterizing the state of protection of the population and territories in peacetime and special periods.

Private debriefings are carried out at the direction of the exercise leader under the guidance of deputies (assistants) of the exercise leader with government officials. At private reviews, a detailed analysis of the actions of governing bodies and the forces involved is carried out; an assessment is given to officials and management bodies that are not assessed by the exercise leader; tasks are determined and completed to eliminate identified deficiencies. Debriefings with the personnel of the involved forces are carried out separately.

A debriefing of the exercise is carried out immediately after its completion. If additional time is required to summarize the research results and other materials, then the analysis may be delayed several days after the end of the exercise.

When summing up the results of the last exercise, the leader evaluates the work of the management bodies, and the gradation of assessments generally accepted in the training system can be used:

"Great"- if the trained control bodies showed high coherence in their work, qualitatively prepared all the documents and participants in the exercise, made appropriate decisions during the exercise, confidently and continuously exercised control, which ensured the timely and full implementation of the assigned tasks by subordinate forces;

"Fine"- if the trained controls showed good coherence in their work; when developing documents and preparing participants

the exercises contained minor shortcomings, the decisions made were consistent with the current situation, there were some interruptions in the control of subordinate forces, which did not have a significant impact on the development of training issues and the implementation of assigned tasks;

"satisfactorily"- if the trained management bodies did not work coherently enough, the decisions made did not always correspond to the current situation, significant interruptions in management were allowed, which at the same time did not lead to the failure of subordinate forces to fulfill the assigned tasks;

"unsatisfactory"- if the trained control bodies worked in a disorganized manner, the documents and participants in the exercise were poorly prepared, the decisions made did not correspond to the current situation, and therefore the fulfillment of assigned tasks by subordinate forces was disrupted, and training issues were not fully worked out.


General provisions

Command and staff exercises (CHU), staff exercises (SHU)  at economic facilities and in organizations of Moscow   with the development of issues related to the implementation of civil defense (CD) measures, issues of preventing and eliminating emergency situations (ES) of a natural and man-made nature are the highest and the most effective form of training their leadership, administration and specialists, emergency commissions (ECS), civil defense headquarters to fulfill the tasks assigned to them in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergencies in peacetime and war. The essence of the exercise lies in the actions of its participants to carry out activities provided for in civil defense plans, actions to prevent and eliminate emergencies of a natural and man-made nature, as well as the functions assigned to them in accordance with their positions against the background of a simulated situation that may arise in the territory of the facility location , near it, as well as at potentially dangerous facilities in Moscow, in the event of an accident at which damaging factors will affect the activity of the facility. The main objectives of the exercise are:
      improving the practical skills of the facility’s civil defense management staff, permanent facility commissions and forces in solving problems to protect facility personnel from dangers that arise during peaceful and wartime; achieving consistency in the work of civil defense management bodies, prevention and liquidation of emergency situations at the facility; checking the reality of civil defense plans, actions to prevent and eliminate emergencies; checking the effectiveness of measures taken and planned for implementation to improve the sustainability of the operation of the facility in wartime and in emergency situations of a natural and man-made nature; research of various aspects of the problem of protecting personnel and territories from emergencies in peacetime and war.
In order to more fully and comprehensively verify the reality of developed planning documents, actions to eliminate emergency situations in peacetime and war, and determine the readiness of forces and means to carry out tasks, civil defense facility services (at those facilities at which they are created) can be involved in the exercises ), civil defense organizations; emergency response facilities. According to their purpose and objectives, exercises are divided into planned, test, demonstration and research. Planned exercises complete the cycle of training all categories of trained command and control bodies and forces to carry out the tasks provided for by civil defense plans, actions to prevent and eliminate emergencies. Test exercises are carried out in order to determine the degree of readiness of command and control bodies and forces to carry out civil defense activities and eliminate peacetime emergencies. Demonstration exercises are carried out in order to develop a unity of views on the organization and methodology of conducting exercises, demonstrating exemplary and most appropriate actions of its participants in solving the tasks assigned to them. Research exercises are conducted in order to study the most important problematic issues in the theory and practice of civil defense, prevention and action in emergency situations, and to find the most effective ways protection of facility personnel, increasing the stability of operation in peacetime and wartime emergencies, methods of conducting emergency rescue and other emergency operations (ASDNR), improving management, communication and warning methods. During the exercise, controls are located, as a rule, at the city emergency control center of the facility, and use existing facilities communication and information exchange. If necessary, they can be deployed additional funds communications. In some cases (when working on issues of chemical and radiation accidents, as well as wartime topics), controls may be located at reserve (out-of-town) control points.

Requirements for organizing and conducting exercises.

Exercises are conducted in accordance with annual plans main activities on the issues of civil defense prevention and liquidation of emergencies in Moscow, administrative districts and districts of Moscow, facilities, as well as instructions from relevant officials during comprehensive inspections, city, district and regional command and control departments (SHU). One of the main conditions for preparing and conducting exercises is a comprehensive consideration of the nature of possible emergency situations in peacetime and wartime and practical experience in their prevention and liquidation. The following requirements apply to the organization and conduct of exercises:

    taking into account the real state of readiness of civil defense management bodies, prevention and liquidation of emergency situations of the facility for actions in emergency situations in peacetime and wartime; creating a training environment that is as close as possible to what is actually possible and allows one to practice the tasks facing all categories of trainees; taking into account the characteristics and degree of readiness of the control bodies and formations of the facility to function in wartime and emergencies; practicing tasks solved by participants in emergency exercises based on civil defense plans, actions to prevent and eliminate emergencies; eliminating the possibility of situations arising during the preparation and conduct of the exercise that could lead to human casualties, material damage, increased social tension in the city, and deterioration of living and working conditions of the population.
The exercises are organized and conducted according to the principle “Senior superiors train their subordinates.” This increases the degree of responsibility of the participants, and also contributes to the rapid implementation of measures developed during the exercise to improve the implementation of civil defense activities, the emergency prevention and response system. During preparation and especially during exercises important is given to practicing the performance of its participants’ duties and the tasks that they will have to solve in emergency situations. Practical implementation measures to protect the personnel of the facility and territories makes it possible to more fully verify the reality of planning documents, contributes to the development additional measures that need to be carried out to reduce the consequences of possible emergency situations. Exercises should improve training levels and maintain high degree readiness of management personnel, management bodies, forces and means to solve sudden problems of liquidation of emergency situations in peacetime and wartime.

Organization of exercise management

The exercise with the object can be carried out by the prefecture of the administrative district, the Department of Civil Defense and Emergencies of the administrative district, the district administration, the management of a group of enterprises, objects engaged in a single activity and having production subordination, but located in different territories of the city, the management of the object. In accordance with this, the leader of the exercise may be the prefect of the administrative district, the head of the civil emergency department of the administrative district, the head of the district government, general manager(head) of a group of enterprises, director (manager) of the facility. In addition to the leader, the leadership of the exercise includes his deputies, assistants, as well as the chief of staff of the leadership, who is the deputy leader of the exercise. The exercise leader bears full responsibility for timely preparation and high quality conducting the exercise. He supervises the preparation and conduct of the exercise personally, through deputies, leadership headquarters, assistant leaders, and also through the intermediary apparatus. When preparing an exercise, the leader determines or clarifies the initial data of the exercise, appoints intermediaries and organizes their training, provides control over the training of management personnel and management bodies, and provides general management of the development of documents for conducting the exercise. During the exercise, he directs the work of the management, management staff, intermediaries, as well as trainees to achieve the set objectives of the exercise, complete and high-quality development of all issues in accordance with the exercise plan. At the end of the exercise, the leader conducts a debriefing, in which he evaluates the results of the exercise, the work of its participants and sets tasks to eliminate the identified deficiencies. Deputies (assistants) of the exercise leader are appointed to assist the leader in the complete and high-quality development of training issues by the participants in the exercise. The assistant leaders of the exercise are also responsible for organizing training special issues and problem solving individual directions , for example, on logistics, evacuation, security, etc. The deputy (deputies) and assistant managers participate in activities for the preparation of the exercise, resolve issues of its comprehensive support, organization and conduct of emergency rescue and other urgent work (ASDNR), monitor, at the direction of the head, the readiness for the exercise of the management staff and management bodies - management of trainees. During the exercise, they help the leader in working out training issues and achieving the goals of the exercise, analyze the work of the trainees, take part in preparing a general review, in developing proposals to eliminate identified shortcomings and further improve the issues of preventing and eliminating emergency situations. They organize and carry out their work according to private plans approved by the head of the exercise. The Chief of Staff of the leadership, as a rule, is appointed by the Chief of Staff of Civil Defense (an employee specially authorized to solve problems in the field of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations (hereinafter referred to as Civil Defense and Emergency Situations specialist), a group of objects united by production activities and having a single production management, but located in different territories (hereinafter referred to as groups of objects), or the chief of the civil defense staff, a civil defense specialist, the facility's chief of staff is responsible for the preparation, high-quality and instructive conduct of the exercise in accordance with the instructions. of the leader, he supervises the development of documents, controls their timely delivery to the performers, organizes the preparation of the leadership staff, the intermediary apparatus and other participants in the exercise. During the exercise, the chief of the leadership staff controls the work of the exercise participants, and promptly communicates the instructions of the exercise leader. to his deputies and assistants, the leadership staff, the intermediary apparatus in the part that concerns them. In addition, the chief of staff ensures communication between the leadership and the mediation apparatus, compliance with security measures, controls the implementation of measures to comprehensively support the exercise, and also organizes the timely preparation of materials for its analysis. The leadership headquarters is the main exercise management body, ensuring the implementation of all activities related to the organization of the exercise. He develops relevant documents for the preparation and conduct of the exercise, carries out training of intermediaries, management personnel, management bodies and other participants, control points, communication and warning systems, comprehensive support for the exercise. During the exercise, the leadership headquarters ensures that training issues are worked out and the goals are achieved. He organizes the collection and synthesis of information about the work of the trainees, research of the identified issues, preparation of materials for the analysis of the exercise and its conduct, and also prepares a draft report to the superior officer on the results of the exercise. The mediation apparatus usually consists of senior mediators and mediators. Senior intermediaries can be appointed under the directors of objects included in a group of objects. Senior Intermediaries report to the Exercise Leader and the appropriate Deputy Exercise Leader. Intermediaries are appointed at the structural divisions of the facility, at the duty and dispatch service. The main task of all intermediaries is to ensure complete and high-quality development of training issues, to ensure that training participants correctly solve their problems and achieve their goals. Before the start of the exercise, intermediaries develop their own plans for working during the exercise, study the situation and planning documents of the authority where they will perform their duties.

During the exercise, intermediaries, in accordance with the plan for its conduct and instructions from management, create (increase) the situation and monitor the receipt of warning signals; orders and instructions from higher authorities, evaluate the work of students in analyzing situational data, making appropriate decisions, their execution and communication of tasks to subordinate structural units. They report to the leadership headquarters on the results of working out training issues, on achieving the objectives of the training and proposals for general review.

The leadership of the exercise and the intermediaries are prohibited from disclosing to the trainees the intent of the exercise, the plan (plan-calendar) for conducting the exercise, or the plan for escalating the situation.

Exercise preparation includes:
    determination of initial data; development of documents; training of exercise participants; preparation of training sites; material and technical support for training, control and assistance to trainees.

Definition of initial data.

The main initial data for developing the design of the exercise is the topic, educational goals, stages and educational issues, composition of participants, duration, timing and location of the exercise, the nature of the situation. The determination of these data is carried out in detail taking into account the conditions in which the task will be performed, the degree of: training of management personnel and management bodies, the content of planning documents, as well as materials from previous inspections and exercises conducted. The topic of the exercise, if it is not defined in the plan of main activities of the district (district) on civil defense, emergency prevention and response for the next year and is not established by a superior, is determined by the head of the exercise. It may include working out issues related to the functioning of the facility in the event of a threat and the occurrence of emergencies from sources of emergency situations located outside its boundaries, as well as natural disasters and catastrophes. For example: “Ensuring the protection of personnel and the sustainable functioning of the facility in the event of an emergency in Moscow (the nature of the emergency is indicated) during the liquidation of its consequences.” The topic may cover issues of the functioning of the facility in conditions where the sources of emergencies are accidents and catastrophes that occurred only at this enterprise. For example: “Ensuring the sustainable functioning of the facility in the event of accidents and disasters in the subordinated economy, as well as in the liquidation of their consequences.” It is possible to set a topic that combines the content of the two previous options. For example: “Organization of measures to eliminate the consequences of industrial accidents and disasters at the facility, as well as ensuring the sustainability of its functioning in the event of a threat of occurrence and in emergency situations in the city.” The formulation of the topic can be aimed not only at solving the entire complex of problems by the object in an emergency situation, but also local ones. For example; “Organization of the protection of facility personnel in the event of an emergency (specify the type of emergency)” or “Organization of the operation of the facility in conditions of interruption of power supply (water supply, fuel supply, fuel and lubricants, etc.).” Educational goals are determined based on the content and nature of the topic of the study, as well as the composition and level of training of its participants. The number of learning objectives should be limited. This will allow you to focus on working out the main issues of the teaching topic. Educational goals are reflected in the concept of the exercise, the plan for its implementation and other documents. Goals are divided into training and control; they can be common for all participants in the exercise and private for individual categories. Common goals, for example, could be:
    improve the skills of management staff and specialists, structural divisions, and the CoES of the facility in managing the implementation of measures to protect personnel and ensure the sustainable functioning of the economic facility in emergencies; check the readiness of the facility management, CoES, and civil defense headquarters to act in an emergency; assess the completeness and reality of the action plan for emergency prevention and response; assess the effectiveness of the measures taken and planned to be implemented to protect personnel and increase the sustainability of the operation of the facility in emergency situations; to give exercise participants practice in analyzing the situation, assessing the consequences of emergencies for the facility’s personnel and making decisions to ensure the continuation of the facility’s production activities in the current situation.
Private goals, for example, could be:
    provide practice to management in making decisions to protect facility personnel in emergency situations; check the facility's warning system about the threat of an emergency.
Exercises are carried out, as a rule, in two to three stages. A stage is a part of the training, including a certain period of the situation, in which the trainees work out a group of questions on the topic. The number of stages, their content and duration are determined based on the topic and objectives of the training, as well as its duration. To practice the topic “Organization of measures to eliminate the consequences of industrial accidents and disasters at the facility, as well as ensuring the sustainability of its functioning in the event of the threat of an emergency in the city,” the approximate name of the stages of the exercise may be as follows; Stage 1 - “Organization of measures to ensure the protection of personnel and the sustainability of the operation of the facility” in the event of the threat of an emergency.” Stage 2 - “Assessment of emergency consequences for the facility. Carrying out measures to ensure the protection and livelihoods of personnel, the sustainable functioning of the facility in emergency situations.” Stage 3 - “Carrying out work to eliminate the consequences of accidents and disasters at the site, as well as emergencies in the city. Ensuring the production activities of the facility in the current situation.” Educational questions are a series of sequential, logically following one from another, the most characteristic tasks for a given situation, solved by students at the stage. Their number, content and sequence depend on the topic, goals, scale and time allocated for working out the stage. Study questions of the 1st stage of the exercise can be:
    notification and gathering of the management staff and employees of the administration apparatus, CoES personnel, Civil Defense and Emergency Situations headquarters, civil defense services of the facility participating in the exercise; bringing the control center into readiness and organizing work at it; preparing personnel for the use of collective and individual protective equipment; increasing measures to improve the sustainability of the operation of the facility in emergencies; putting forces and means on alert for organizing surveillance and reconnaissance, as well as carrying out rescue and other urgent work.
Stage 2 study questions can be:
    Notifying personnel about accidents and disasters. the object and the threat of exposure to damaging factors of emergency events that occurred outside its territory; organization of personnel protection from exposure damaging factors emergency events; collection and synthesis of data on the situation; assessment of the condition of the object and its capabilities to perform its functions in the current situation; preparation and decision-making by the head of the enterprise on actions in the current situation; clarification (definition) of personnel work schedules in conditions specific situation Emergency.
Stage 3 study questions could be:
    organizing and conducting reconnaissance in affected areas; making decisions to carry out rescue and other urgent work; . management of rescue and other emergency operations; determining the amount of personnel losses and material damage to production; development of proposals and decision-making for the restoration of damaged, ensuring the production activities of preserved and restored production elements; organizing the functioning of the facility in the current situation.
The composition of the exercise participants is determined depending on the objectives and scale of the exercise. As a rule, to participate in the exercise of a facility with the development of issues related to the implementation of civil defense activities, the following are involved: the head of the facility, the civil defense headquarters of the facility, the facility’s civil defense services, and the formation of the facility. In addition, the CoES of the facility is involved in the exercises to practice the protection of personnel from natural and man-made emergencies in peacetime, and it is also possible to involve the forces and means of the territorial subsystems of the MGSES. The duration of the exercise can be up to two days.

Organization of practical activities during exercises.

During the exercise, practical activities can be carried out, which are one of the most effective methods working out educational questions. They allow you to comprehensively check the reality of planning documents on civil defense, on the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations and, on this basis, introduce the necessary clarifications into them, determine the degree of readiness of the management staff, forces and means of the facility to respond to emergency situations. The volume and nature of the event are determined by the leader depending on the goals, duration of the exercise, the level of training of its participants and are reflected in the plan of practical activities and private work plans of deputies, assistant managers and senior intermediaries. Practical activities are carried out during the development of educational issues on the educational, operational background of the command and control department.

Document development

When preparing the exercise, the following documents are developed:
    order (instruction) on the preparation and conduct of the exercise; exercise preparation calendar plan; the concept of the exercise with an explanatory note; teaching assignment; exercise plan; private work plans for deputy (assistant) exercise leaders and intermediaries.
The list of documents developed during the preparation of the exercise, depending on the situation, can be reduced or expanded by the decision of the exercise leader. The primary document when organizing training preparation is order from the facility manager on the preparation and conduct of the exercise(Appendix 1). The order is issued twenty days before the start of the exercise. It must define the topic, timing and duration of the exercise, appoint the exercise leader and his deputies, as well as the exercise management staff, determine the timing of developing the exercise plan, the procedure for appointing intermediaries, and provide for measures to prepare personnel for the exercise, incl. on compliance with security measures, on logistics, on the order of reports submitted to the exercise management headquarters, and other issues, based on the specific situation in the area where the exercise is being held. The order is communicated to the management of the governing bodies involved in the exercise, insofar as it concerns. Exercise preparation schedule(Appendix 2) is a working document of the leadership headquarters. It includes the main activities for preparing the exercise, the sequence and timing of their implementation, as well as the responsible performers. The sections of the plan reflect the list of organizational measures for preparing the exercise, the procedure and timing of preparation for the exercise of management, headquarters, intermediaries, trainees, control points, communication and warning systems, as well as measures for logistical support for the exercise and monitoring the progress of its preparation . One of the main documents developed by the leadership headquarters is teaching intent. It determines the content of the leader’s decision to conduct the exercise, shows in what situation, by what forces and means, and by what methods the leader envisages achieving the stated goals of the exercise. When developing the concept of the exercise, it is necessary to be guided by the tasks set out in the organizational and methodological instructions for the preparation of civil defense, prevention and response to emergency situations for the current year. The concept of the exercise is developed, as a rule, graphically on a diagram, plan of an administrative district or district (Appendix 3) with a brief explanatory note (Appendix 4), tables and necessary calculations. At the same time, the following diagrams are worked out: topic, training objectives, time of the exercise, composition of participants (involved management bodies, forces and means); initial situation - control points, areas (places) of deployment (placement) of forces and means of civil defense or MGSES (depending on the topic of the exercise), zones of possible destruction, evacuation routes, receiving evacuation points, temporary accommodation points, zones of possible catastrophic flooding, radiation , chemical and biological situation during destruction (accident) at potentially hazardous objects and other data that influences the development of educational issues; tasks, advance routes, boundaries for the introduction of forces and means to carry out the ASDNR; stages, their name and duration, main educational questions and time to practice them; districts, areas for drawing stages of the exercise; norms for the consumption of motor resources and imitation means. Conditions that are not shown graphically on the map can be shown in tables. It may contain information about an emergency situation, data on the number of personnel of the facility, its availability of funds personal protection, on the volume of rescue and other urgent work, the possibility of forming an object and other data. These tables and other reference materials are used by management and facilitators to create an environment consistent with the intent of the exercise and allow an objective assessment of the state of readiness of facility management bodies and emergency response units. The explanatory note to the design of the exercise usually indicates the composition of the participants in the exercise and their tasks, the general (initial) situation, the order of the exercise (name of stages, duration in operational and astronomical time), the private situation, training issues and the order of their development, practical activities, management organization teaching, the order of analysis. After development, the plan is signed by the chief of staff of the exercise management, agreed upon with the territorial management body of the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations no later than 10 days before the start of the exercise and approved by the head of the exercise. Exercise assignment(Appendix 5) - source document for direct preparation for the exercise of civil defense control bodies and civil defense forces; management staff and management bodies of the facility units of the Moscow State Emergency Service. It usually sets out the general and private situation, background information and necessary instructions for participants to prepare for the exercise. The “General situation” section outlines the characteristics of the district (region), natural and climatic features, potential dangers of emergency situations, and a brief socio-economic situation. In the “Private situation” section, the state of the civil defense control bodies or the object level of the MGSES, the forces and means of the civil defense or MGSES, depending on the topic of the exercise, and other information characterizing the readiness of the trainees to act in the exercises are indicated. The “Reference Data” section may provide information necessary for decisions made during the exercise and clarification of civil defense plans, actions to prevent and eliminate emergency situations, about the staffing and equipment of control bodies and forces; data on the state of the facility’s communications and the time of their use; weather conditions and other information necessary for conducting the exercise. At the end of the task, instructions are given to the participants of the exercise: what to study, evaluate and perform, what to be prepared for during the exercise; a diagram with the initial situation may be attached to the task. The assignment is usually given in advance. The main document used during the exercise is P exercise plan(Appendix 6). It indicates the topic and goals of the exercise, the composition of the participants, the time and place of its conduct, the stages of the exercise, their duration, educational issues, the created environment (content of introductory notes), the expected actions of the trainees, the work of the exercise leader, as well as deputies ( assistants) and intermediaries. In the plan for conducting the exercise, the exercise is reflected in a brief form by stages and days general sequence conducting the exercise, the activities carried out, indicating the time for their development, including practical activities, the end time of the exercise, the time for general and private debriefings. The degree of detail of the exercise plan depends on the scale and objectives of the exercise, the composition of its participants, the level of training of the personnel of the leadership headquarters and intermediaries. The exercise plan serves as the basis for the development of private work plans for deputy and assistant managers, intermediaries and other exercise documents. To plan the work of the exercise leader, a personal work plan for the leader can be developed, indicating the time and place of work on the days and hours of the exercise, the content of the activities being carried out and the composition of the involved participants in the exercise (for example, monitoring the work of relevant officials and hearing them during exercises, conducting practical activities, providing assistance to trainees, etc.). Private work plans the deputy exercise leader and facilitator are developed based on the exercise plan. They usually indicate: the topic, general and specific educational objectives of the exercise for the relevant categories of trainees, the composition of the participants in the exercise, the stages of the exercise, their duration in operational and astronomical time, training questions and time for their development, the situation at the stages (content of introductory ones), work trainees, the work of the deputy (assistant) leader, intermediary, the procedure for escalating the situation (time and methods of delivering introductory notes), control signals, necessary reference data (calculations), deadlines for submitting reports to the exercise leader, end time of the exercise, general and private debriefings of the exercise Private plans are agreed upon with the chief of staff of the leadership and approved by the head of the exercise.

Training of management, management staff and intermediaries

The training of the exercise management, as well as the mediators, is carried out according to a pre-developed plan and is aimed at ensuring deep learning directive and regulatory documents, assess the real state of affairs regarding the implementation of civil defense activities, the protection of facility personnel from emergency situations, ensure a unity of views and a correct understanding of the intent, goals and objectives of the exercise, how to achieve them and perform their tasks and responsibilities when working out training issues provided for in the training plan, as well as mastering the basics of teaching methods. Management and intermediaries are trained both independently and in specially conducted classes and briefings. During self-study legislative acts are being studied Russian Federation, orders, directives of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, documents of legislative and executive authorities of Moscow, manuals, manuals, materials of reviews of previous command post exercises. During the same period, lectures can be given to them, seminars, group exercises and workshops can be held, and educational films on the issues of the upcoming exercise can be shown. It is advisable to involve management and specialists of territorial bodies of the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations in such classes. Before the start of the exercise, in the form of instructive and methodological lessons The head of the exercise, his deputies, the chief of staff of the leadership and others make presentations. During the classes, the features of the upcoming exercise, the state of civil defense issues, the organization of prevention and liquidation of emergency situations are discussed, and instructions are given on what to pay special attention to when working on training issues during the exercise. The chief of the leadership staff reports the main provisions of the plan, the tasks of the leadership headquarters and intermediaries, the procedure for submitting reports and reports to the leadership headquarters, the structure and procedure for management during the exercise, and the organization of communications. The leader of the exercise, in the form of group exercises, plays out the most important training issues on maps and diagrams in accordance with the exercise plan, checks the readiness of deputies, assistants, management staff and intermediaries for the exercise, gives instructions on the methodology of their work, paying special attention to the implementation of practical activities by the trainees and strict adherence to safety measures. After conducting methodological classes and instructions, the exercise leader determines the timing of clarification individual provisions exercise plan, finalizing private work plans for deputy exercise leaders and intermediaries, other planning documents and submitting them for approval.

Preparation of exercise participants

Training of trainees is a set of activities aimed at ensuring the successful conduct of the exercise. It is carried out in advance at scheduled classes throughout the academic year, as well as at additional classes, training camps and training sessions in the course of direct preparation for training. The training of exercise participants is designed to ensure complete and high-quality training of all training issues of the exercise in relation to the positions they occupy and the performance of functional responsibilities for the prevention and elimination of emergencies, and the implementation of civil defense activities.

Preparation of control points, communication systems, warning

Successful implementation The exercise is facilitated by high-quality management of the forces and means involved in the exercise. When preparing an exercise, first of all, it must be determined from which points control will be carried out, and measures must be taken to ensure their high-quality preparation for work. Preparation for the exercise of the communication and warning system should ensure timely delivery of relevant signals and orders to the participants of the exercise - management personnel and control bodies, continuity of control of the forces and means of the facility, as well as the exchange of information between the participants of the exercise. For these purposes, the issues of using available means of communication are also clarified. If necessary, additional equipment and retrofitting of control points with equipment and controls is carried out. The documentation of the control point and the organization of work at the control point of controls are being clarified.

Material and technical support for the exercise

Material and technical support during the preparation and conduct of the exercise consists of: providing for the participants of the exercise necessary equipment, vehicles, property and other material means; in equipping workplaces (rooms) for management, management headquarters and trainees with the necessary furniture, electric lighting, etc.; emergency lighting, communication and warning systems; in providing training participants with supplies for work, as well as in organizing meals and recreation; maintenance vehicles and other equipment involved in the exercise. Material and technical support for the exercise, as directed by the head of the exercise, is carried out by officials of the relevant services and formations intended for these purposes. The main measures of material and technical support may be determined in the order for the preparation and conduct of the exercise.

Monitoring the progress of training preparations.

To determine the degree of readiness of participants for the exercises, provide them necessary assistance, the progress of preparation is monitored. Its main content is to check the implementation of the commander’s instructions for the preparation of the exercise, the completeness and quality of the activities provided for in the calendar plan for the preparation of the exercise. Control over the progress of preparation for the exercise is carried out by the exercise leader personally, through his deputy assistants, by the management headquarters with the involvement of trainee officials. This will make it possible to more fully and comprehensively assess the readiness of the involved command and control bodies and formations for training, taking into account their performance of tasks as intended. When determining the degree of readiness for conducting an exercise, the leader also determines the readiness of the leadership itself and its apparatus (management staff, intermediaries), simulation, educational and material base, management systems.


General provisions

Conducting an exercise to practice the tasks of civil defense, prevention and liquidation of emergency situations is the most difficult and important stage in the work of the exercise leader, his deputies, management staff, intermediaries and trainees. The main content and methods of work of management officials and intermediaries during the exercise are: personal study of the style and methods of work of the trainees during the exercise; listening to short reports from students; study of processed documents; checking the quality and effectiveness of practical activities carried out during the exercise; assisting students in performing functional responsibilities, generalization and information about positive results and shortcomings in the work during the exercise. When studying the work methods of trainees, attention is paid to the coherence and consistency in the work of the civil defense headquarters of the facility, the CoES, assessment of the situation, adoption and announcement of decisions and orders. During the study of completed documents, the following are checked and assessed: their reality, compliance regulatory documents and environment (visibility and performance culture). Practical activities should be taken into account and timed, the generalized experience should be used for research purposes, as well as for adjusting civil defense plans, actions to prevent and respond to emergency situations. The course of the exercise is played out on the basis of its plan, in accordance with the decisions made and orders given to the trainees. The leadership headquarters, taking into account the analysis of these decisions and orders, develops and reports to the head proposals for further escalation of the situation. The situation is built up in such a way that it forces students to respond to its changes by accepting new ones or clarifying previously decisions taken, documenting them, setting or clarifying tasks for subordinates, carrying out practical activities and ending with control of execution. The situation is growing continuously, around the clock, in real time, i.e. the “hour by hour” method and the method of operational jumps and pauses. In case of sudden changes in the situation after an operational leap, trainees are given the time necessary to understand and evaluate it, make decisions, set tasks for formations, and organize their implementation. If necessary, the management of the exercise clarifies previously assigned tasks for the trainees or sets additional ones in order to bring the activities of the control bodies and the actions of the forces involved in the exercise closer to the real conditions of the situation. In this case, the transmission of training signals and orders for the implementation of measures to eliminate radioactive, chemical or bacteriological (biological) contamination (contamination) is used. During the rally, the leader, his deputies, assistants and intermediaries are with the trainees where the main issues of the training are being decided, exercise control and evaluate the actions of the trainees. The integrated application of the forms and methods of work of the exercise management, taking into account the preparedness of the trainees and the tasks they solve, is an indispensable methodological requirement for the conduct of the exercise, which will allow the participants of the exercise to more deeply and comprehensively work out educational issues, achieve positive results in their training and, ultimately, determine the true state affairs, in each level of trainees, draw specific conclusions and outline measures aimed at improving the readiness of civil defense, the facility unit of the Moscow State Emergency Service to perform tasks as intended.

Processing training questions according to the stages of the training.

In order to ensure consistency in training and focus on solving the main issues, the exercise is planned in stages. At the first stage of the exercise, when working out the issues of bringing civil defense control bodies, control bodies of the object level of the Moscow State Emergency Service, civil defense services and formations of the object to various degrees of readiness of civil defense (functioning modes), the leadership of the exercise controls the time of passage of signals (orders) to various levels of trainees; notification and gathering of the management staff of the facility’s management bodies; the work of the civil defense headquarters, the emergency commission, evacuation authorities, as well as control points. Special attention The management of the exercise pays attention to the deployment of control, warning and communication systems; organizing and implementing practical measures to protect facility personnel; increasing the sustainability of the operation of an economic facility, storage and transportation of hazardous substances, explosive and fire hazardous substances; preparation for liquidation of the consequences of possible accidents at radiation and chemically hazardous facilities; bringing to readiness, in accordance with the established procedure, formations intended to eliminate emergency situations. When working out issues related to the implementation of measures to protect the personnel of the facility, the management of the exercise and mediators check the reality of plans for sheltering personnel in protective structures, providing personal and medical protective equipment, preparing for rapid and organized evacuation, as well as bringing the forces into readiness to carry out the tasks assigned to them. Issues of functional readiness are worked out with the formations involved in the exercise; preparation for carrying out emergency rescue and other urgent work, ensuring the safety and protection of personnel of formations when operating in conditions of infection, destruction, fires, floods; the ability to carry out work to save people and eliminate secondary lesions. All the work of the trainees, the training management and the intermediary apparatus are structured in such a way that, as a result of completing the tasks of the first stage, the preparatory activities on the introduction of action plans for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations; to alert the control system; to increase the facility’s resilience to work in emergency situations; on preparing forces and means to eliminate emergency situations; on preparation for the organized evacuation of the population. At the second stage of the exercise, issues of managing forces and assets during the liquidation of emergency situations are worked out. Working out the training questions of this stage begins from the moment the introductory information about the emergency situation is presented. The main attention is paid to carrying out measures to increase the readiness of forces and means, increasing the sustainability of the operation of the facility, fully deploying civil defense control bodies, the facility subsystem of the Moscow State Emergency Service, conducting all types of reconnaissance, organizing emergency rescue and other urgent work, and evacuating personnel. In questions material support Attention is drawn to the work of trainees to support the forces involved in an emergency situation. The staff of management and intermediaries directs the work of trainees and assists them in timely decision-making and issuing orders to eliminate violations of energy, heat, water supply, economic relations, communications, evacuating personnel and performing emergency rescue and other urgent work. in the lesions. When working through all the issues of the stage, the exercise management, headquarters and intermediaries study the developed documents and issued orders, analyze the proposals developed, and listen to the reports of officials.

Preparation and conduct of analysis (summarizing).

Analysis is an important final part of the teaching and has great educational significance. The purpose of the analysis is to, based on regulatory and other requirements, guidance documents, as well as a comprehensive analysis of the work and actions of the trainees, to summarize the results of the exercise and determine to what extent the stated educational and research goals of the exercise have been achieved, what conclusions need to be drawn to eliminate the identified shortcomings and further improve the readiness of civil defense, structural units of the MGSES facility level. Preparation for the debriefing begins well in advance of the exercise and continues throughout the exercise. It is carried out by the exercise leadership headquarters, with the participation of deputy and assistant exercise leaders and intermediaries. The organization of preparation for the debriefing of the exercise is carried out by the chief of staff of the leadership. Before the start of the exercise, based on the concept and plan for the exercise, a general part of the analysis is prepared, including a statement of the topic, general goals, stages, training issues, general and private conditions created for practicing and achieving training goals, other necessary data that are determined and do not depend on students' decisions, as well as theoretical justifications for the most important issues practiced during the training. At the same time, illustrative and reference materials (maps, diagrams, tables, graphs, etc.) are prepared. Of decisive importance for assessing the actions of trainees, the state and readiness of civil defense, the facility level of the Moscow State Emergency Service, as well as ways and means of further improving work in the field of civil defense, emergency prevention and response, is the personal hearing by the head of the exercise of brief reports, conclusions, assessments and proposals of deputies , assistant exercise leaders and liaisons to relevant officials participating in the exercise. The results of checks carried out before the start of the exercise are also taken into account. It is extremely important that the analysis be extremely objective. Both overestimation and underestimation of the actions of trainees is unacceptable, and the leadership of the exercise and the group preparing the analysis of the exercise must constantly remember this. Based on the results of the exercise, an order is issued from the head of the civil defense facility. Based on the results of the exercise and in accordance with the order of the head of the civil defense facility, clarifications and changes are made in the established order to the civil defense plans, actions to prevent and eliminate emergency situations. The report on the exercise is submitted to the territorial authorities of the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations.



Staff training is one of the forms of training for the leadership of civil defense management bodies, the facility level of the Moscow State Emergency Service. They are carried out in order for officials of management bodies to practice the functional responsibilities of their positions, achieve operational coherence in the work of individual departments and the management body as a whole, develop practical skills in planning and implementing civil defense activities, and promptly responding to emergency situations. At staff training, management personnel can be prepared for interchangeability in related positions. As a rule, the head of the headquarters training is appointed by the head of the facility or his first deputy. The topic of staff training is determined by the facility manager when planning the main events for the year, taking into account the characteristics of the facility and the degree of preparedness of the management body. The composition of the training participants is determined by the training leader depending on its topic, goals and the nature of the tasks to be solved. At the same time, for comprehensive development of issues of interaction between the structural units of the facility, interaction between civil defense services and formations of the facility, the management of the structural units, heads (commanders) of civil defense services, and formations of the facility are invited to participate in the training. When determining the duration of training, they proceed from the goals set, the degree of preparedness of the trainees and the created environment. But in any case, the duration is determined to be up to 8 hours. In accordance with this, the training is carried out in one stage with the development of 1-2 questions. The procedure for preparing staff exercises is similar to the procedure for preparing command and staff exercises. At the same time, in the process of their preparation the following documents are developed:

    order (instruction) on the preparation and conduct of staff training; calendar plan for the preparation of staff training; staff training assignment; staff training plan;
Documents for staff training are developed similarly to the documents of the command staff. The plan for conducting a staff training is developed by the management body of the civil and emergency response of the facility (an employee specially authorized to resolve civil and emergency situations issues), 10 days before the start of the training, it is agreed upon with the territorial body of the civil and emergency response, approved by the head of the facility. The successful solution of the tasks of providing personnel for economic facilities and organizations located on the territory of Moscow, regardless of the type of activity and forms of ownership in emergency situations of man-made and natural nature, largely depends on the successful solution of the tasks assigned to the civil defense, MGSES, on the level vocational training management bodies and structural units. Further improvement of the organization and methodology of conducting exercises on civil defense, prevention and response to emergency situations is one of the the most important conditions prompt and effective response to emergencies in peacetime and wartime. Applications:
    Order from the facility manager on the preparation and conduct of command and control operations. Calendar plan for the preparation of command post exercises. The idea of ​​a command post exercise. Explanatory note to the concept of the command post exercise. Task for a command post exercise. Plan for conducting a command post exercise.
 In the future, command and staff exercises at economic facilities and organizations in Moscow will be called “exercises”.   In the future, economic and organizational objects located on the territory of Moscow will be called “objects”.
  1. Materials from the Kazakhstan Natural Disaster Preparedness Plan


    Peculiarities natural conditions Kazakhstan is predetermined by significant exposure of its territory to natural disasters. Common among them are earthquakes, mudflows, avalanches, landslides and landslides, river floods,

  2. Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 10 of January 4, 2000 “On approval of the Guidelines for organizing the work of a higher military educational institution of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation” This order became invalid in accordance with the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of March 12, 2003.


    2. Control over the implementation of this order is entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (Directorate of Military Education of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation).

  3. Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated March 12, 2003 no. 80 "on approval of the leadership for organizing the work of a higher military educational institution of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation"



  4. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, front and rear, teachers, scientists and employees of the Ural State Economic University. This book


    In 39 Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, front and rear - teachers, scientists and employees of the Ural State University of Economics/ Ed.

  5. Organizational and legal basis for the interaction of border agencies and border troops of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation with internal affairs bodies in the field of protecting the State Border of the Russian Federation in everyday conditions


    Organizational and legal basis for interaction between border agencies and border troops Federal service security of the Russian Federation with internal affairs bodies in the field of protecting the State Border of the Russian Federation in everyday conditions.

2.3. Organization of the management of the KShU

The management of the CMS at the facility can be carried out by the head municipality , head (manager) of the management body of the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations, head of the united organization (objects engaged in a single activity, having production subordination, but located in different territories of the city) and direct management of the object. Accordingly, the head of the municipal formation, the head of the management body of the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations, or the head of the organization (facility) can be appointed as the head of the command and control department. A leadership and apparatus are being created to develop and conduct the CSS. The leadership of the command and control department includes: the head, deputies (assistants), the chief of staff of the management (deputy head of the exercise). The head of the command and control department bears full responsibility for the timely preparation and high quality of the exercise. He carries out the leadership process personally, through deputies (assistants), the leadership headquarters, and also through an intermediary apparatus. When preparing an exercise, the head of the command control department determines (clarifies) the initial data, provides general management of the development of documents for conducting the exercise, appoints and organizes the training of intermediaries, and ensures control over the training of the management staff and management bodies of civil and emergency situations of the facilities. During the command and control exercise, he directs the work of deputies (assistants), management staff, intermediaries and trainees to achieve the objectives of the exercise, complete and high-quality training of all training issues in accordance with the exercise plan. After completion, the command staff conducts a debriefing in which it evaluates the results of the exercise, the work of its participants, notes the identified shortcomings and sets tasks to eliminate them. Deputy leaders of the exercise are appointed to ensure complete and high-quality development of training issues by the exercise participants. They participate in exercise preparation activities, resolve issues of comprehensive support, and monitor the readiness of management, management bodies and trainees for the exercise. During the command and control exercise, they help the manager in working out training issues and achieving the objectives of the training, analyze the work of the trainees, take part in preparing a general review, identifying and eliminating shortcomings, developing proposals for further improvement of the organization of work on the prevention and elimination of emergencies . Assistants to the head of the command and control department are appointed to ensure complete and high-quality processing of training issues by the participants in the exercise. The assistants to the exercise leader are also tasked with organizing the training of special issues and solving problems in certain areas, for example, logistics, evacuation, security, etc. The leadership headquarters is the main management body of the command and control department, ensuring the implementation of all activities for the preparation of the exercise. He develops relevant documents for conducting the exercise, carries out training of intermediaries, management personnel, management bodies and other participants, control points, communication and warning systems, and comprehensive support for the exercise. Management headquarters structure and its work is organized in such a way that, in the role of a higher management body, organizational and methodological guidance and effective management of all management bodies, forces and means participating in the command and control department are achieved. The structure of the leadership headquarters may be different depending on the objectives of the exercise. In terms of numbers, it must have a composition that ensures the conduct of the drawing, the collection and synthesis of information, the organization of communications, the preparation and conduct of analysis, the control of practical activities and the conduct of planned research. As a rule, the head of the management body of the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations Department is appointed as the chief of staff of the command and control department - an employee specially authorized to solve problems in the field of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations (a Civil Defense and Emergency Situations specialist) of a group of objects united by production activities and having a single production management, but located in different territories ( group of objects), or the head of a structural unit (department, sector) of the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations - a specialist of the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the facility. He is responsible for the preparation, high-quality and instructive conduct of the CMS. In accordance with the instructions of the manager, he organizes the development necessary documents, controls their timely delivery to the trainees, organizes the training of the leadership staff, the intermediary apparatus and other participants in the exercise. During the exercise, the chief of the leadership staff controls the work of the exercise management apparatus, the exercise participants, and promptly communicates the instructions of the exercise leader to deputies and assistants, the leadership staff, and the intermediary apparatus, insofar as they are concerned. In addition, the chief of staff ensures communication between the leadership and the mediation apparatus, compliance with security measures, controls the implementation of measures to comprehensively support the exercise, and also organizes the timely preparation of materials for its analysis. The management staff ensures the development of educational issues and monitors the achievement of set goals. He organizes the collection and synthesis of information about the work of the trainees, research of the identified issues, preparation of materials and conduct of analysis of the exercise, and also prepares a draft report to senior management on the results of the exercise. The mediation apparatus usually consists of senior mediators and mediators. Senior intermediaries can be appointed under the heads of objects included in a group of objects; they report to the head and the corresponding deputy head of the KShU. Intermediaries are appointed at the structural divisions of the facility, at the duty and dispatch service. The main task of all intermediaries is to ensure complete and high-quality processing of all educational issues, to achieve the right decision participants learning their tasks and achieving their goals. Before the start of the command and control exercise, intermediaries develop private work plans for the exercise, study the situation and planning documents of the facilities where they will perform their duties. During the exercise, intermediaries, in accordance with the control command plan and instructions from management, create (increase) the situation and monitor the passage of warning signals; hand over orders and instructions from higher management bodies, evaluate the work of students in collecting and analyzing the situation, making decisions, formalizing them and communicating tasks to subordinate structural units. They report to the leadership headquarters on the results of the assessment of the training issues, on the achievement of the goals of the control command and proposals for the analysis of the exercises. The command staff management and intermediaries are prohibited from disclosing to the trainees the intent of the exercise, the plan (plan-calendar) for its conduct and the plan for escalating the situation.

2.4. Preparing the command control unit

Preparation of the control command includes: understanding the initial data for developing the exercise; development and approval of documents for conducting exercises; preparation of the exercise management and trainees; preparation of the exercise site; organization of material, technical and other types of training support; control and assistance to trainees. The main initial data for the development of command and control documents are: the topic of the exercise, training objectives, duration, timing and location of the exercise, stages and training issues, composition of participants, nature of the situation. The detailing of this data during the development of exercise documents is carried out taking into account: the content and conditions for performing tasks, the degree of training of management personnel and management bodies, the content of planning documents, as well as the results of previous inspections and exercise experience. The topic of the command and control exercise, if it is not determined by the organizational instructions of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation on training the population in the field of civil defense and protection from emergency situations, can be determined by the leader of the exercise. It should include working out issues related to the organization of civil defense and protection from emergencies in the event of a threat of their occurrence from emergency sources at the facility or due to the impact of external sources of danger (the impact of natural disasters, man-made disasters) located outside the territory of the facility. For example: “Organization and management of the actions of civil defense forces (RSChS) to ensure the protection of personnel and the sustainable functioning of the facility in the event of an emergency (the nature of the emergency is indicated) and during the liquidation of its consequences.” The topic of control management can cover the issues of organizing emergency protection and managing the operation of a facility in conditions where the sources of emergencies are man-made accidents (catastrophes) that are specific only to a given facility. For example: “Organization and ensuring the sustainable functioning of the facility in the event of accidents and disasters in subordinate structures, as well as during the liquidation of their consequences.” It is possible to formulate a KSHU theme that combines the content of the two previous options. For example: “Organization and management of measures to eliminate an industrial accident at a facility and ensure its sustainable functioning in the event of a threat (in the event of an occurrence) of an emergency in the city.” The formulation of the topic of the command and control unit may require the exercise leader to train the chairman and members of the facility’s emergency response team on how to eliminate emergency situations, both for all possible types, and only for the most probable of them. For example, “Organization and management of the functioning of a facility in conditions of disruption of power supply (water supply, fuel supply, fuel and lubricants, etc. )". The goals of the command and control school are determined based on the topic of the exercise, the composition and level of training of its participants, and the requirements of governing documents for the professional training of trainees. Typically, goals are formulated in the design of the exercise, reflected in the plan for its conduct and taken into account when developing other documents. According to the purpose of the exercise, exercises are divided into training and control; In addition, they can be intended for all participants in the exercise or developed for each category of trainees. The goals of the management team can be the following formulations: to improve the skills of the management staff, the chairman and members of the CoES and the heads of the structural divisions of the facility in organizing and managing measures to protect personnel and ensure the sustainable functioning of the facility in emergencies: to check the readiness of the management of the facility, the CoES and the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations department to organize personnel actions in emergencies; assess the completeness and reality of planning documents on civil defense and emergency protection; assess the effectiveness of the measures planned for implementation and carried out to protect personnel and increase the sustainability of the operation of the facility in emergency situations; to give exercise participants practice in analyzing the situation, assessing the consequences of an emergency for personnel and the facility, and making decisions to ensure the continuation of the facility’s production activities in the current situation. An example of the goals of the KShU. developed for certain categories of trainees, the following formulations may be given: to give practice to the management staff and the CoES of the facility in collecting and exchanging information in the event of a threat of emergency. in decision-making and management of the emergency response system (ASF) during emergency response; check the status of the facility’s control, communication and warning systems, technical means, ensuring data exchange and informing facility personnel and the public about the threat of an emergency. Command post exercises are usually carried out in several stages. Exercise phase represents a time period of teaching, characterized by the situation that has developed for this period, in the conditions of which a group of logically interrelated educational questions on the topic of command and control is being worked out; for example, “Organization of actions (control) of the actions of the ACC (ASF) in one of the operating modes of the RSChS at the facility.” Number of stages their content and duration depend on the topic, goals of the CSS and its duration. Usually, when performing CASH civil defense(prevention and liquidation of emergency situations) two or three stages are envisaged. So, for example, when working on the topic of the CMS “Organization of measures to eliminate the consequences of an industrial accident (disaster) at a facility, as well as ensuring the sustainability of its functioning in the event of a threat of occurrence and in emergency conditions in the city,” the following three stages of implementation can be proposed: teachings: Stage 1 -“Organization of measures to ensure the protection of personnel and the sustainable functioning of the facility in the event of a threat or occurrence of an emergency.”

    stage -“Assessment of emergency consequences for the facility. Action Management
    ACC (ASF) when carrying out measures to ensure the protection (life activity) of personnel and the sustainable functioning of the facility in emergency situations.” stage- “Management of ASDN R during liquidation of consequences of an accident and
    disaster prevention at the facility, as well as in the city. Ensuring the production activities of the facility in emergency situations.”
The educational questions of the stages of the CCS represent a sequence of logically interconnected and most characteristic tasks for the object, solved by students under given environmental conditions at each stage. The number, content of questions, the order and sequence of their work depend on the topic, goals, composition of students and the time allotted for working out the stage. Sample list training questions for the first stage of the CES for the above topic may be as follows: notification of the threat of an emergency situation and the gathering of management personnel, administration staff participating in the training of the CoES personnel. Department of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations (ASF) of the facility; alerting and organizing management (deploying a control center and equipping workplaces, distributing officials, transport and communications equipment, organizing and establishing work schedules for officials, etc.); checking the equipment of the forces, managing the actions of the ASF (ASF) personnel when alerting collective and individual protective equipment and checking the possibility of their use; management of the actions of the ACC (ASF) when carrying out measures to increase the sustainability of the operation of the facility in emergency situations; bringing to readiness the forces and means of reconnaissance, surveillance and control, as well as the forces conducting the ASDNR. organization of their work in emergency situations. The training issues of the second stage can be: notifying personnel about an accident (disaster) at the facility, about the sources of threats and the impact of damaging emergency factors on the territory of the facility; management of personnel actions to protect against the effects of damaging emergency factors; collection and synthesis of situation data, its analysis and assessment; assessment of the stability of the functioning and condition of the object, the possibility of its functioning in emergency situations; making a decision by the head of the enterprise to act in accordance with the current situation; clarification (definition) of personnel operating modes in a specific emergency situation. Training issues of the third stage may include: organizing and conducting reconnaissance in the affected area; making a decision to conduct ASDNR; control of force actions during the ASDNR; forecasting material damage caused to production and assessing personnel losses; preparation and hearing of proposals and decisions for the restoration of damaged elements and ensuring the operation of surviving production facilities: organizing the functioning of the facility in the current situation. The composition of the command staff participants is determined depending on the goals and scale of the exercise. As a rule, to participate in the command and control department on civil defense issues, the following are involved: the management team and the CoES of the facility, the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations department of the facility, the heads of the ACS (ASF) and other formations of the facility. If the command and control department provides for the development of issues of protecting the facility’s personnel from natural and man-made emergencies, then the involvement of the facility’s CoES is mandatory, while it is also possible to attract forces and means of the municipal (regional) level of the territorial subsystem of the RSChS.

2.5. Organization of practical events at the control center

IN During the CMS, the trainees (management, CoES and heads of emergency response facilities of the facility) can carry out various organizational and practical activities provided for by planning documents on civil defense and protection of the population from emergencies, which is one of the most effective methods of training and improving management skills . Organizational events provide an opportunity to check the reality of planning and the effectiveness of managing individual civil defense and emergency protection activities. Based on the results of organizational and practical measures, the necessary clarifications can be made to the content of the students’ planning documents, and an assessment can be made of the adequacy of the actions of the facility’s management to manage the actions of the emergency response system (ASF) during the localization (liquidation) of emergencies at the facility in the current situation. The nature of the preparation and the scale of these activities are determined by the leader depending on the goals, duration of the workshop, the level of training of its participants and are documented in the plan of practical activities. The plan for conducting practical activities may indicate: the composition of practical activities, their content, time and place of implementation; attracted forces and means; responsible persons; distribution of activities by stages and time of the CMS; calculation economic efficiency practical activities (carried out in order to assess the costs of economic activity associated with the detachment of personnel of formations for the preparation and implementation of activities). Practical activities are carried out directly during the development of training issues against the background of the developed operational situation of the command post.

2.6. Document development For KShU

When preparing and planning the command and control exercise, the following documents are developed: order (instructions) on the preparation and conduct of the command and control exercise; calendar plan for the preparation of command and control units; the design of the control unit with an explanatory note; assignments for trainees for each stage of the training; plan for carrying out the control exercise; escalation plan: plan for conducting practical activities during the exercise; private work plans for deputy (assistant) heads of the control department and senior intermediaries (intermediaries). The list of documents developed during the preparation of command and control exercises depends on the composition of the trainees, the nature of the situation and can be reduced or expanded by the decision of the exercise leader. The basis for starting work on the preparation of command and control commands is usually the corresponding order of the head of the civil defense management body (order of the head of the facility) for the preparation of the exercise, no later than two months before the start of the exercise. At disposal (order): the topic, timing, composition of trainees and duration of the training are determined; a director, deputies (assistants), a chief of staff, a leadership staff, and a leadership apparatus are appointed; the timing of the development of the plan and documents of the exercise, and safety measures are determined; logistics are organized; a timesheet of reports submitted to management is compiled; other issues related to the preparation of the exercise area are being organized. The order (order) is communicated to the management of the management bodies (objects and forces) involved in the command and control department, insofar as it concerns them. Calendar plan for the preparation of command and control units serves as a working document for the leadership headquarters for the preparation of the exercise. IN calendar plan the composition of the documents being developed, the responsible executors, the order and timing of the implementation of measures for the preparation of the CMS are determined. All activities of the plan are divided into sections; the sections of the plan reflect: the composition of organizational measures for preparing the exercise; the procedure and timing for the training of management, management staff, intermediaries, trainees, control points, communication and warning systems, as well as measures for logistical support of the exercise and monitoring the progress of training. KSHU concept is one of the most important documents developed by the leadership headquarters. Based on the plan, all other teaching documents are prepared. The design of the control unit is developed on a map (plan, diagram) with a textual explanatory note, reference tables and the necessary calculations. The command and control plan reflects the decision of the leader at each stage of the exercise, the situation created, as well as the methods, forces and means of the leader provided for achieving the stated goals of the exercise. When developing the plan, the command and control units are guided by the tasks set out in the organizational and methodological instructions for the preparation of control bodies, civil defense forces and the RSChS for the current year and planning documents on civil defense and emergency protection. The plan of the control command, designed graphically - on a map (plan, diagram) reflects: topic, training goals, time of the exercise, composition of participants (involved control bodies, forces and means);
