Hex screwdriver - bent wrench or two-pin spanner? Regular hexagon: why it is interesting and how to build it Schemes and drawings.

A metal hexagonal gazebo is one of the most common structures for outdoor recreation. You can have a great time in it without worrying about the scorching sun, rainy weather or other natural phenomena that may interfere with your holiday. The gazebo will protect you from bad weather and heat, while practically not restricting movement - the standard design is designed for a company of 7 - 10 people.

However, if you want to assemble a gazebo “from scratch” with your own hands, metal structure will not be very appropriate, since to assemble it you need to have welding machine and relevant skills.

For self-assembly, a wooden analogue is ideal, as it can be assembled without any special tools or skills. With accurate calculations and competent implementation, you can create a real work of art.

This article will contain detailed instructions on how to build a hexagonal gazebo made of wood with your own hands. With its help, you can carry out this process yourself without any errors or shortcomings.

Wooden gazebo

Formation of the base

First of all for future design a suitable foundation must be created. Most optimal solution is the fill concrete slab- this is the maximum reliable support of all existing analogues.

You can also place the frame simply on concrete blocks, however in this case it is possible uneven shrinkage, roll and instability of the structure. The order of work when pouring the foundation of the gazebo is as follows:

  • Mark a perfectly smooth circle in which the future hexagon will be located. In order for the circle to be correct, a stake is driven into the center of the selected area, to which one end of the rope is tied. Its length should be equal to the radius of the circle that you want to obtain as a result of measurements. The other end is tied metal object, the rope is stretched and in this state a circle is outlined;
  • 30 cm of the top layer of soil is removed from the marked area, since it cannot be used as a basis for pouring concrete. In its place, sand or fine gravel is poured, which will act as a cushion for the future foundation. During backfilling, sand must be moistened and compacted to avoid shrinkage;

After the base is prepared, it is necessary to build a hexagon for the gazebo so that it has correct form. Geometric component in in this case is very important, since the shape of the future structure will depend on this.

Not everyone remembers school curriculum in geometry and the question of how to mark a hexagonal gazebo can cause some difficulties. In fact, there is a fairly simple applied formula for constructing this figure using a line and a compass.

  • In this case, the ruler and compass will be replaced by a rope of the required length with pegs at both ends. We already have one circle - on its basis it is necessary to construct a figure that is formed from the intersection of two identical circles with an equal radius. They should be superimposed on each other so that one circle passes through the center of the other. The centers of the circles are marked in the diagram with the letters A and B;

Pay attention!
The second circle is outlined in the same way as in the case of the initial ground level.

  • The points at which the circles intersect, marked on the diagram with the letters C and D, are marked. Straight lines are drawn through the center of the circle A and points C and D, after which points G and E are marked at the points of intersection of the original circle and the lines. Thus, you will get the vertices a regular hexagon, and all you have to do is connect them with straight lines;

After the figure has been marked, the formwork is assembled, which must exactly match the shape of the outlined hexagon. The minimum thickness of the slab to be poured is 25 cm.

A welded frame made of reinforcement or a metal rod with a cross-section of 12 mm is used as reinforcement. When assembled, it looks like a metal network with medium cells.

Filling is carried out with a mixture of cement, sand and crushed stone in a ratio of 1:1:3 based on the mass of the components. The concrete must be completely mixed, without excess water.

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Frame installation

It is best to use wood as a material for the frame. coniferous species– it is less damaged by pests and is not so susceptible to the destructive effects of moisture.

In addition, the price of wood of this type is the most affordable.

You can use both ordinary boards and timber, and custom-made decorative carved parts, which will be made in accordance with the provided drawings.

  • Waterproofing in the form of roofing felt is laid on the base, then assembled bottom harness. It must exactly follow the shape of the base - for this, the corners of the joints are filed at the desired angle and only then fastened. The strapping material is wooden beam with a cross-section of at least 10 cm;
  • When the harness is assembled, it is reinforced with cross members, which will later serve as logs to create a wooden floor;
  • Before installation load-bearing beams it is necessary to install metal pins into their base, through which installation will be carried out. To do this, a hole is drilled at the base of the beam and coated with epoxy glue, after which a metal pin is inserted into it. You should also drill holes where the beams are installed. required diameter, into which metal clamps will be inserted;

  • The supporting beams are installed at each corner of the future gazebo strictly vertically. To check the correct fixation, a plumb line is used. This operation is carried out with each of the installed gazebo pillars to avoid distortions. To give the structure stability, temporary wooden struts are used;
  • Then the secondary piping of the structure is carried out, which is mounted in the upper part of the supporting pillars. To strengthen the frame, transverse reinforcement is used, which will later play the role of a railing;

  • When installing the roof it is used rafter system a hexagonal gazebo, in which the lower part of the rafters is fixed to supporting posts, and the upper part is connected by a hexagonal bar. The angle of the cut for the top of the rafters is selected based on the desired roof angle that you want to achieve in the end. It is more convenient to assemble the pile on the ground and only after assembly mount it on the assembled structure;


The roof sheathing is made from wooden lining, which is assembled into separate segments - the edges of each element should fall exactly in the middle of each of the rafters on which it will lie. After covering the roof, you can begin installing tiles, ondulin or other material of your choice.

The railings can be formed from clapboard or have a carved structure, depending on your preferences. The floor is most often formed from a floorboard or covered with plywood.

By and large, hexagonal gazebos for summer cottages are designed based on their own preferences - strict adherence to the diagram is necessary only at the stage of installing the frame.

Bottom line

If implemented these instructions as neatly as possible - the hexagonal gazebo for the dacha will become a favorite place for relaxing in the fresh air. You can also watch the video in this article, in which you will see the nuances on how to make a hexagonal gazebo with your own hands.

Is there a pencil near you? Take a look at its cross-section - it is a regular hexagon or, as it is also called, a hexagon. The cross-section of a nut, a field of hexagonal chess, some complex carbon molecules (for example, graphite), a snowflake, a honeycomb and other objects also have this shape. A giant regular hexagon was recently discovered in Doesn't it seem strange that nature so often uses structures of this particular shape for its creations? Let's take a closer look.

A regular hexagon is a polygon with six equal sides and equal angles. From the school course we know that it has the following properties:

  • The length of its sides corresponds to the radius of the circumscribed circle. Of all, only the regular hexagon has this property.
  • The angles are equal to each other, and each measure is 120°.
  • The perimeter of a hexagon can be found using the formula Р=6*R, if the radius of the circle described around it is known, or Р=4*√(3)*r, if the circle is inscribed in it. R and r are the radii of the circumscribed and inscribed circle.
  • The area occupied by a regular hexagon is determined as follows: S=(3*√(3)*R 2)/2. If the radius is unknown, substitute the length of one of the sides - as is known, it corresponds to the length of the radius of the circumscribed circle.

A regular hexagon has one interesting feature, thanks to which it has become so widespread in nature, it is able to fill any surface of the plane without overlaps or gaps. There is even the so-called Pal lemma, according to which a regular hexagon, the side of which is equal to 1/√(3), is a universal cover, that is, it can cover any set with a diameter of one unit.

Now let's look at constructing a regular hexagon. There are several ways, the simplest of which involves using a compass, pencil and ruler. First, we draw an arbitrary circle with a compass, then we make a point in an arbitrary place on this circle. Without changing the angle of the compass, we place the tip at this point, mark the next notch on the circle, and continue this until we get all 6 points. Now all that remains is to connect them together with straight segments, and you will get the desired figure.

In practice, there are cases when you need to draw a large hexagon. For example, on a two-level plasterboard ceiling, around the place where the central chandelier is attached, you need to install six small lamps on the lower level. Compasses of this size will be very, very difficult to find. What to do in this case? How do you even draw a large circle? Very simple. You need to take a strong thread of the required length and tie one of its ends opposite the pencil. Now all that remains is to find an assistant who would press him to the ceiling in the right point second end of the thread. Of course, in this case, minor errors are possible, but they are unlikely to be noticeable to an outsider at all.

A hex screwdriver is designed for screwing and unscrewing hardware products. Its main difference from a conventional tool is the tip. But what else would you like to know about her?

Introducing the Hex Screwdriver

A screwdriver is more of a mechanic's tool, and its purpose is to screw and unscrew various threaded fasteners. The heads of the screwdrivers have special slots that help speed up the work process and make it better. A regular screwdriver has a straight and flattened tip. A hex screwdriver, on the contrary, has a tip consisting of six edges. That is why it has such a name! The tip seems to be split into 6 parts.

It is not known exactly when screwdrivers first appeared in everyday use. Historians still argue about this issue. The main version is that they began to be used in the 17th century. However, controversy immediately arises. If you remember the history of firearms, you can see that there were already fasteners and parts. And they needed to be screwed. Therefore, there is an assumption that screwdrivers appeared along with the weapon, or more precisely in the 15th century. Who exactly was the first creator of such the right tool, it was never possible to find out. Today there is huge assortment, there is even a micro-sized hex screwdriver for the phone.

An ordinary standard screwdriver consists of elements such as a handle, a rod and a tip. For the handle, soft and durable plastic is often used. The shape of the handle should not be flat. Usually it comes with various bulges or depressions. This is necessary for ease of use. A straight and smooth handle will slip during operation, which will reduce productivity and affect quality. The tip is made from high-strength alloy steel or other durable metal. Recently, chromium-vanadium or molybdenum steels have been used to make tips.

Screwdrivers that are additionally treated with an anti-corrosion compound are often used. This allows you to increase the service life of the tool. The tip is made in special molds in hot shops. Whether it is a regular screwdriver or a hexagon, the metal rod is always processed first, then heated to high temperature and lowered into a special form. While the metal is hot, the handle is immediately attached. This way, a fairly strong adhesion of these components is obtained, which is why the rod does not scroll.

Set of hex screwdrivers and their modifications

Screwdrivers of this type differ mainly in the diameter and length of the shaft, so a particularly wide-profile specialist will always have a whole hexagon with him. Standard screwdrivers come in diameters from 10 to 40 mm. They are selected depending on what kind of hardware will need to be screwed in or unscrewed. The size of the handle also depends on the diameter and length of the rod. If you have to work with small parts or elements, then both the diameter of the rod and the size of the handle will be small. Conversely, for large parts you will need a screwdriver with a large diameter and a large handle.

Recently, hex screwdrivers can be used not only manually, but also electrically. Such models do not have a conventional handle and have an attached electric drive. The design of such a screwdriver is not very different from a manual one. It also consists of a rod and a tip, but instead of a handle there is a special mechanism that connects to the electrical network. Instead of an electric drive, you can find screwdrivers with a mechanical or pneumatic device.

When screwing or unscrewing, you have to apply a lot of force. The adapted mechanism helps to facilitate work and thereby increase productivity. Typically, in screwdrivers of this type, the rod is not immediately attached to the handle-mechanism, but is inserted separately. Therefore, the design of the rod is such that at one end there is a hexagonal tip, and at the other there are special notches for installing a screwdriver into the mechanism.

Hex screwdriver: parts and elements

The rod is one of the main elements. They are the ones who manage to screw in or unscrew hardware products. It is on the rod that all the power load. Therefore, it is important when purchasing to pay attention to what material it is made of. It must be durable, not deformed and retain the working part even with maximum effort. Manufacturers usually take these requirements into account and use only high-quality and durable alloys. As already mentioned, steel is used to make the rod. After cutting the rods, the steel additionally undergoes heat treatment, that is, hardening. After this, it will be more durable and reliable.

The tip is made after the rod is completely ready. For this purpose, special forms are used. Hex screwdrivers are made in different forms. When producing them, you need not only the diameter of the rod, but also the size of the edges themselves. The distance between the edges and their inclination are also important. Typically, such screwdrivers are used for screwing in and unscrewing bolts and screws that have hexagon-shaped recesses on the heads. The hexagon tip helps to increase torque and screw in the connecting element quickly and efficiently.

Screwdriver handles are designed to transmit torque to the main working part. This means it must be strong and reliable. Since the hexagon is more related to hand tools, it is important that the handle is ergonomic. Used to make handles different material: wood, plastic, rubber, etc. Today, manufacturers are increasingly using powdered plastics. It is durable, hard, but at the same time fragile. A small impact may cause cracks. The most comfortable handles are made of rubber or polypropylene. Thanks to them, screwdrivers can last a long time.

The shape of the handles is also important in work. Many professionals note that the handle should be as if “cast”, that is, be comfortable and follow the shape of the fingers.

Due to their peculiarity, hex screwdrivers are characterized by high torque. When compared with, they exceed their value by almost 10 times. The size of such devices is determined by the distance between the corners of the hexagons. It is usually measured in millimeters.

Special types of screwdrivers

L-shaped screwdrivers have become very popular lately. That is, in their design there is no handle, but there is a kind of key resembling the letter “G”, a long curved part of the rod. They are widely used for fastening hexagonal working profiles. Thanks to this shape, high torque is ensured. Often the handle may fail during operation. It can either fall off or crack, and this bent shape of the rod makes the tool reliable.

Currently, the hexagon is one of the most indispensable tools in the process of carrying out certain repair work. Many modern bolts are equipped with heads of this particular type, so it is simply not possible to unscrew them with a regular open-end wrench. Not every person has a hexagon at home. If you urgently need it, then the question arises, how to unscrew the bolt if the tool is not available. You can use various improvised means instead of a hexagon, but this is not always convenient. It's better to go a little different way. We will talk further about how to make a hexagon yourself.

Hexagons are used for loosening and tightening bolts when repairing and assembling furniture.

Tools and materials

Yes, the hexagon is a rather difficult tool to implement. It has the right, but not quite standard form, so it's not that easy to do. In most cases, it is much easier to go to the nearest store that sells the tool. A tool like this isn’t that expensive to save on. However, if you need a tool urgently, and it’s already night outside, then in most cases it will not be possible to purchase a tool. You'll have to do it yourself. To work you will need the following:

Drawing of a hexagon in a circle.

  • a measuring tool, without it there is no way in this matter, because you will have to get the correct hexagonal shape, and this is not so easy;
  • metal rod made of steel 45;
  • incisors;
  • grinding machine;
  • sandpaper.

Basically, this is quite enough to carry out the entire range of work.

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Preliminary preparation

First, it is imperative to carefully prepare for the further implementation of the entire complex of events. First you need to prepare everything necessary tool. You also need to select a rod of the highest quality so that it is able to withstand the load that the hexagon takes on during operation.

So, all the most necessary cutters should be at the workplace. Of course, you can’t do this without a lathe. The work ahead is delicate, so you should choose the highest quality cutters. Now it’s time to prepare a stencil that will mark the side face of the hexagon. After all, it will have to come from the shaft round section make a full-fledged instrument. You will need a brush to remove excess iron filings. This is all preparatory work which must be carried out before further work can be carried out.

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Turning: process features

The hexagon is turned from a steel bar on a sharpening machine.

The first main stage of work will be turning a shaft of a certain cross-section from an existing rod. It must correspond to the hexagon size required for the given application. specific situation. A caliper will be used for measurements. This is a fairly accurate tool with which you can easily take all the most necessary measurements. So, the workpiece is installed in lathe. It must be attached on both sides using special holders. By the way, it is worth noting the fact that it is not possible to make a small hexagon using this method. Only a tool of impressive size can be produced at the output.

From the back side, the future hexagon is pressed using the headstock. Now everything is set strictly horizontally, which means you can safely start processing. It can be just rough, or you can bring the instrument to shine. This doesn’t matter, because later you still have to make edges.

So, the machine is started, which means that all that remains is to control all the necessary dimensions. The output should be a rod that has a diameter equal to the size of the hexagon. This is done extremely simply. Most importantly, do not forget to constantly take measurements using a caliper. This is the only way to really get the output the right figure. After the work is completely completed, we can state the fact that the pre-workpiece is ready for further processing. It will be done using a vice and a grinding machine.

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All sizes can be measured with a caliper.

So, the turning operations are completed, which means that we can proceed to obtaining the edges. To do this, you should not focus solely on your skill. First you need to make a stencil on paper, which will fully correspond in its geometric parameters to what you want to get at the output. Then it is outlined on the finished shaft. So, all measurements have been made, which means that the part can be safely clamped in a vice. It is completely ready for processing. In a vice it is clamped in a horizontal position.

For grinding, you can use a rough wheel, since you will have to remove several layers of metal.

It is very important to do all the work as competently and accurately as possible. After the work is completed, you can check the edge for compliance with the dimensions. This is also done using a measuring tool. In this case, you can use a regular caliper. If the size does not correspond to the declared values, then it is necessary to adjust it to them. This is done through post-processing.

The hexagon is sanded using sandpaper.

Now you can turn the future hexagon over to the other side and continue sharpening the edges. This will take approximately half an hour. After this, you can check the entire device for compliance with the required geometric parameters. If everything is normal, then the result should be consolidated. For subsequent sanding, you can use regular sandpaper. Be sure to remove all burrs and excess metal. Once this is done, you can proceed to further work. It consists of checking the functionality of the tool. You just need to install the hexagon into the desired bolt and try to unscrew it. If everything was done in strict accordance with the technology, then it should unscrew without any problems.

Of course, the resulting design has several disadvantages. The most important of them may be irregular shape tool. It turns out strictly straight without any bends. If we talk about a standard hexagon, it is made at an angle of 90 degrees for ease of use. Of course, this drawback will not prevent the necessary bolts from being unscrewed. The resulting tool can be additionally equipped with a handle or simply use pliers to loosen the bolts.

Thus, now you know exactly how to make a hexagon using the tools at hand. As is clear, this process is quite complex, but it is quite possible to carry it out without particularly straining. The main thing is to have all the most necessary tools at your disposal. Of course, you simply cannot do without skills in working with a turning tool and a machine. Sanding machine must also be used correctly. Otherwise, it will be quite difficult to obtain the required tool with the specified quality characteristics. This is where everything comes to its logical conclusion. It is hoped that the resulting tool will serve you for many years.

Fastening elements of many designs require the use of products with a certain type of head. A special place Among them are bolts made with a hex key.

Very often such products are found in the furniture industry. Here they are operated using keys type DIN 911. You can purchase them on many construction sites, where their main technical characteristics are indicated.

Main Features

A hex bolt is a type of fastening tool, characterized by an internal head in the form of several edges. This allows it to be made with the same diameter as the main rod.

These bolts are used in various areas:

  • the furniture sector is used to fasten several parts into one whole;
  • complete set of plumbing mechanisms. The hexagon can often be found on the mixer, which secures the main handle, etc.;

All types of such fasteners also have a peculiar division according to standard sizes. For each of them, a corresponding key is standardized, often having a curved shape in the shape of the letter “L”.

Hexagon alternative

This type of fastener is very inconvenient to use if there is no special tool ov.

There are several ways to replace a hex key:

  1. First of all, you can use a screwdriver of a certain size. In this case, you should rest its edges on opposite sides of the groove and try to turn or tighten the bolt.
  2. Bolt with a set of nuts. They are screwed onto the thread and placed inside the hexagon. In this case, twisting is done using wrench. It should be noted that bolts and nuts must be selected according to the standard size of the hexagon.
  3. As a tool, you can use a triangular file of a specific size or an “asterisk”.
  4. If the design allows, you can cut a small hole in the hexagon for a flat-head screwdriver and then work.

It should be noted that unscrewing such a connection is somewhat easier than tightening it properly. For such cases, it is advisable to use a special tool. It is often sold in whole sets, which allows you to select it for any type of fastener.

If you need to remove the hexagon, you can cut off the head and knock out the bolt (if you have access). You can also turn the bolt by hitting a hammer and screwdriver along a certain edge of the product.

All these methods are not universal and can damage the hexagon design, which will lead to its replacement.

Thanks to this video you can learn how to quickly replace a hex key:
