Persian cyclamen growing from seeds. How to grow cyclamens from seeds at home

Which will decorate your home.

Thanks to the variety of colors, Persian cyclamen can turn your home into a wonderful greenhouse and complement the interior.

This wonderful plant will be discussed later in the article.

Botanical description

The vast majority of varieties of this plant blooms in winter period , and in the hot summer, stocking up on the necessary nutrients in tubers, is in a dormant period and sheds its leaves. Due to the fact that Persian cyclamen falls in winter, this flower is quite popular, since most other flowers rest during this period.

Persian cyclamen is most often grown for bouquets, since the dormant period lasts about 9 months, and the flowering period lasts the rest of the time.

Did you know? There are references to Persian cyclamen in French books of the 18th century. It talks about it as pig feed. It turns out that pigs in the wild love to feast on the roots of this plant, digging them out of the ground.

This plant belongs to the family. is, has round-shaped green leaves with silvery patterns, growing straight from the root.

The flowers are medium in size, located on long peduncles, and have a variety of colors (depending on the hybrid). The peduncle reaches 30 cm, but is currently withdrawn dwarf varieties, which look more neat and proportionate, and whose peduncles are no higher than 15 cm.
The most popular Dutch hybrids of Persian cyclamen “Super Series”:

  • "Micro"- typical for this series small flowers, abundantly sprinkled on the plant, which are distinguished by long-term flowering and have 17 colors.
  • "Da Vinci"- has compact dimensions and is characterized by long flowering, has 9 colors. It is characterized by leaves with a silvery tint.
  • "Verano"- a series of Persian cyclamen, which was created specifically for growing in warm indoor conditions. This is a dwarf plant that has small flowers and comes in 16 colors.
  • "Compact"- the series is distinguished by abundant flowering, which is long-lasting and has 21 flower colors. Refers to a mini-series.
  • "Original"- the series got its name from flowers with uneven coloring; there are up to 16 colors. It blooms very profusely, the flowers are large, the plant is quite large.
  • "Gait"- the series was created for growing in room conditions, blooms early, has 14 colors.

Necessary conditions for cultivation

Due to the fact that special cyclamen hybrids have been bred for growing indoors, this makes caring for the flower much easier. But in order to achieve long-term and abundant flowering, you must follow the rules that will help you grow healthy and beautiful.

Air temperature and humidity

Cyclamen Persian prefers to be in environment, whose temperature no higher than 17 °C in winter - that is, during flowering. During the dormant period (summer), the flower will feel normal at temperatures up to 25 °C.

The humidity in the room should be average, lack of moisture has a bad effect on the plant, so take care to maintain a humid microclimate. To do this, air near the flower or place a tray with a drainage component under the pot and periodically moisten it.

Grow Lighting

The plant does not like straight lines sun rays(possible burns), but prefers bright but diffused lighting.

On the eastern window, the flower will receive the necessary amount of light in the summer, and in winter you can move it to the southern window.

Air quality

Persian cyclamen grows normally only in clean air . Gas fumes or smoke are contraindicated for him. The room in which the cyclamen is located must be frequently ventilated so that the air does not stagnate.

Also, flowers should be placed at a sufficient distance from each other so that they are ventilated on all sides and rot does not form. But when ventilating, make sure that the plant is not in a draft.

Reproduction: how to plant a flower at home

Persian cyclamen can be propagated at home. For this purpose, propagation by seeds and division of the tuber is used.


The problem with this at home is that almost all Persian cyclamens that are sold in stores are hybrids, and when propagated by seeds collected from them, the probability of obtaining the same flower is very low. Therefore, it is better to purchase seed material in the store.
If you still decide to try to propagate cyclamen with homemade seeds, then you need to properly pollinate a plant artificially.

The likelihood of producing something interesting becomes greater when you have multiple specimens of the plant. From one specimen, it is necessary to transfer pollen from a flower to the stigma of a flower of another specimen with a soft stick.

In this way, the peduncle is pollinated and twists, moving the capsule where the seeds will ripen closer to the ground. Such seeds can produce completely different plant specimens that will not resemble the parent plants or even each other.

The seeds ripen in about a month. When this period ends, the boxes open, and at this time they need to be sown. Sowing rules:

  • before sowing, it is recommended to soak the seeds in accordance with the instructions;
  • the soil for sowing must be pre-disinfected, for example, by steaming;
  • the composition should also include sand in equal parts;
  • you can choose any container for sowing;
  • To plant, you need to pour the soil into the container, make a 1 cm deepening and;
  • sow seeds at a distance of 2 cm from each other;
  • sprinkle a little on top and spray with water.
  • the container is covered with a dark one, germination of Persian cyclamen from seeds occurs at a temperature not lower than 20 ° C;
  • Periodically you need to ventilate the crops and monitor them.

The seeds germinate a month after sowing, after which it is necessary to remove and place the flower on a well-lit windowsill. It is necessary to pick the plant after 2 leaves appear. After six months, already strong cyclamen can be planted in separate small pots (diameter about 6 cm).

By dividing the tuber

Cyclamen is propagated quite rarely, because with this method the tuber is very damaged and there is no certainty how it will behave when landing. The reason for the damage is that the plant does not produce baby tubers that could be separated without injuring the mother tuber. Therefore, the only way of such propagation is cutting the mother tuber into pieces.

Only old cyclamens are suitable for division, but the percentage of rotting, regardless of this, is very high.

If you decide to propagate cyclamen by dividing the tuber, then you need to wait until the leaves completely die off. After this, you need to remove the tuber from the pot and divide it with a knife into two equal parts so that they have roots and leaf buds. The cut sides must be treated with any kind and wait until dry. Planting is carried out in separate pots.

Did you know? The first mentions of cyclamen tubers appeared in the 4th–3rd centuries BC. e. Georgian sources from this time describe how it was used in folk medicine. An extract from the plant was used in the treatment of snake bites, rheumatism and sinusitis.

Features of caring for cyclamen

Persian cyclamen is a flower that is not picky about growing and caring for, but after purchasing it, you need to provide it with comfortable conditions so that it quickly adapts to living in your home.

How to water a flower

Cyclamen loves moderate watering, as it dries. You need to water carefully, without getting on the components of the flower. It is better to water by immersing the pot in water for 15 minutes, or pouring water over the edge of the pot. it is more abundant during the flowering period, and reduce watering to a minimum - when the plant plunges into a dormant period.

Top dressing

It is necessary to feed the plant both during flowering and during leaf development. worth choosing any flowering plants. Must be used according to instructions. More often

Cyclamen is perennial plant. It enters the flowering phase in late autumn and winter, with up to fifteen buds of various shades blooming. They can be colored salmon, soft pink, rich lilac and purple.

For growing at home, flower growers prefer to choose European and Persian varieties of this plant. In order for you to get healthy cyclamens that can delight the eye with their lush and bright flowering, you should take a responsible approach to the choice of seed material and provide the plants with proper care.

In conditions wildlife You can find about fifteen species of this plant. Most of them grow in Europe, more precisely, in its central part and the Mediterranean countries. Only two types are grown at home: Persian and European (purple).

The main difference between these two varieties is the size - the Persian cyclamen is much larger than its European counterpart. These decorative flowers have gained popularity among gardeners due to their beautiful appearance and ease of care.

Second title European cyclamen- “Alpine violet”. Throughout its life, it feels great on window sills in any room if the air temperature is kept at eighteen to twenty degrees Celsius. It does not require a certain humidity level for good health and development. Able to please with abundant and lush flowering from spring to autumn. Compared to the Persian species, such plants are very rarely found in flower shops. Persian cyclamen is the parent of many modern hybrid varieties.

Growing cyclamens is easy and simple; the main thing is to take into account the needs of the plants and follow the rules of care.

Gallery: cyclamens (25 photos)

Selecting seed material

When purchasing bags of seed for growing cyclamens in flower shops, you need to pay attention to the expiration date of the seeds. Fresh specimens are characterized by 100% germination, while old varieties can sprout only in very rare cases. Most often they simply rot in the ground and die.

Purchased seeds must be sorted in order to separate viable seed from empty shells that are unsuitable for planting. It's quite easy to do this:

  1. Dissolve twenty grams of table salt or white sugar in a glass of water.
  2. Pour the future cyclamens into this liquid and stir for five minutes.
  3. Stop stirring and leave the glass alone. After some time, good seed material will settle to the bottom, and empty shells will float to the surface.
  4. Drain the solution from the glass along with the unsuitable husks for planting.
  5. Rinse the remaining seeds clean water and soak until they swell and increase in size.

Growing at home

It is recommended to add “Zircon” to soaked cyclamens. This drug was created to help the seed adapt to the soil, as well as to stimulate growth and develop resistance to various diseases. Of course, you can do without this remedy simply by placing the seeds in warm water for one or two days.

The swollen seeds should be removed from the water and, without drying, planted in a wooden box filled with special soil. The sprouts will take about thirty to forty days before they hatch and become stronger. During this crucial period, it is especially important to protect crops from sudden temperature changes and under no circumstances flood them with water, since even the most hardened and strong planting material will not be able to survive in such conditions and will rot, which will lead to the death of crops.

Preparing nutrient soil

To grow cyclamens, you do not need to have any special skills or knowledge. These plants are not at all capricious, so they are able to take root in almost any soil. The main thing is that it meets three main criteria:

  1. Did not form a dense earthen lump when drying.
  2. It let oxygen through and allowed the plant roots to breathe.
  3. Helped remove excess water into the pan rather than retain it in the pot.

Many gardeners recommend using peat for growing cyclamen. It has a number of undoubted advantages, as it is very nutritious and contains a large number of various minerals that help accelerate the growth of flowers. The only disadvantage of this material is its good absorbency; it will retain too much moisture in the pot. Therefore, you will constantly have to check whether the middle and bottom layers have dried or not yet. Otherwise, too high soil moisture can lead to rotting of the root system or the appearance of a fungal infection that attacks the cyclamen and it will die.

If you decide to take garden soil brought from a flowerbed or vegetable garden, be sure to heat it before use and pour boiling water over it or disinfect it in a double boiler. High temperatures help kill insect eggs, weed spores, fungi and disease.

To prepare a loose substrate from soil or peat, they should be mixed with fine or coarse river sand. Cyclamen prefer neutral and slightly acidic soils, so if the soil high level pH, 10-20 grams of dolomite flour should be added to it.

Sowing seeds in the ground

In order to grow cyclamen seeds for seedlings at home, you will need a shallow, wide box made of wood or plastic. Seeds cannot be planted immediately in separate pots. This is done only after the seedlings have grown, because root system plantings are not able to occupy the entire space of the pot and this leads to souring and molding of the soil, and then to disease and death of young shoots.

  1. Fill the bottom of the box with drainage. This function can be performed by materials such as expanded clay, crushed foam or small pebbles.
  2. Fill the box halfway with substrate and compact it tightly.
  3. Using a toothpick or skewer, make grooves or shallow holes for the seeds.
  4. Sow wet planting material into the box, pouring it on top thin layer sand. Sand will help provide young seedlings with air and prevent stagnation of moisture.
  5. Place a centimeter layer of nutritious soil or peat on the sand and moisten it with a spray bottle.
  6. To ensure that cyclamen seeds germinate quickly, provide them with greenhouse conditions. To do this, cover the box with a plastic bag, transparent film or a piece of glass.

At the initial stage, cyclamens do not require abundant watering and sunlight. Plantings should be protected from sudden temperature changes and drafts. After the first shoots appear, you will need to ventilate the seedlings, removing a kind of greenhouse for a while. Choose a place for the box where it will be away from cracks and open windows, so that strong drafts cannot harm the plantings.

After the plants have formed a full-fledged first leaf, the greenhouse should be removed. The seedlings will need a few days to adapt, then they can be transplanted into separate pots or flowerpots.

Transplanting (picking) seedlings

To transplant seedlings from a box into separate pots, use a small diameter pot with medium depth. After picking, the plant will live in it for a whole year or even two before the need for a larger pot becomes necessary. You will need to make one fairly large hole in the bottom of all the flowerpots, and then thread a piece of thick rope or a strand of gauze into it.

Water has a detrimental effect on cyclamen, damaging its root collar and leaf rosettes. Therefore, they cannot be watered from above, like ordinary plants. This is why strings or gauze strands are needed - they will help the flower receive the required amount of moisture not from above, but from below, directly to the root system.

Picking should be carried out in several stages:

  1. Place any drainage material at the bottom of the pot. Grated polystyrene foam, small pebbles and crushed expanded clay are perfect for this.
  2. Fill the pot halfway with a substrate mixed with sand and perlite (this is necessary to provide the plant with an influx of oxygen).
  3. Let's move on to the box with seedlings. Sprinkle it with plenty of water. This will help you easily remove the sprouts from the soil without damaging their root system.
  4. Place seedlings with small earthen lumps in pots. Add the required amount of substrate and compact it tightly so that the root neck of the flowers remains on the surface.
  5. Do not water the plants for several days. They will absorb moisture from the earthen lumps with which they were transplanted into new pots.
  6. After about a week, the cyclamens will need feeding, so they should be fertilized with ammonium sulfate solution. This mineral supplement will contribute to the successful adaptation of flowers and protect still fragile plants from various diseases.
  7. A week after the first feeding, you will need to consolidate the result with a solution of potassium nitrate.
  8. When the plants need watering, move the pots into special trays filled with small pebbles. This stone drainage is necessary to keep the soil slightly moist, but never wet.

Pay attention! Cyclamens should be replanted only three to four months after the first shoots appear. During this time, they will be able to get stronger, and transplantation will not cause much stress to the seedlings.

The room where you keep the seed box must maintain a certain temperature regime. The air temperature should be no higher than 19 degrees and no lower than 14-16 degrees.

In warm weather, seedlings may go into hibernation, which will extremely slow down plant development. To ensure that flowers grow quickly and actively, a box of seedlings can be placed in the basement or taken out to the balcony if it is early spring outside the window.

Cold has a detrimental effect on seedlings, so they should be protected from low temperatures and frosts. If the temperature outside is five to ten degrees Celsius, the box will need to be returned back to the house. Adult cyclamens feel good at 20 degrees and below. Extreme heat is bad for this exotic plant, weakens it, which makes it vulnerable and poorly resistant to diseases.

Sprouts that have not yet hatched do not need lighting. But as soon as purple threads begin to appear on the surface of the soil, the container with seedlings should be moved to the eastern or western windowsill. You can also install a special phytolamp next to the box. Remember: direct sunlight is very dangerous for cyclamens. They can burn and injure plants and dry out the soil.

In the summer, flower pots should be moved to the far corners of the house, where it is quite cool and the light is dim. To provide cyclamens with diffused light, you can curtain the windows with thin gauze or tulle.

Growing cyclamen is an easy and fun activity. Both avid flower growers and those who are faced with decorative flowers for the first time.

In flower shops it is difficult not to pay attention to a small, compact and at the same time very impressive plant with leaves similar to hearts and beautiful flowers, whose petals are elegantly bent. The color range of the inflorescences, which varies from milky white and ends in burgundy and purple tint, are favorably emphasized by leaves of rich light or dark green color with a silver vein pattern. Meet the Persian Cyclamen (popular names: Drakva, Alpine violet). Before purchasing the original flower you like, it is advisable to get to know it better.
To this end, the publication provides a comprehensive description flowering plant, home care and the required optimal conditions for growth and development are considered. Features are also considered seed propagation, possible diseases and pests of alpine violet.

Different sources interpret the genus Cyclamen differently - according to some, it belongs to the Myrsinaceae family, according to other sources, it belongs to the Primulaceae family.

Cyclamen Persian Victoria

The genus got its name because of the tubers, which are round in shape and slightly flattened (kyklos from Greek translates as circle), reaching a diameter of up to 15 cm.

Homeland of many years, herbaceous plant The countries of Central Europe, the Mediterranean, Asia Minor and Iran are considered to be. IN natural conditions prefers clearings and edges of deciduous forests of the foothills, with well-drained soil enriched with organic matter. Cultivated species grown as indoor plants are not as unpretentious as their wild counterparts, but with proper care, lush flowering and rich green foliage will be a worthy reward for your care.

Some sources, determining the date of obtaining the first cultivated species of cyclamen, indicate the year 1731. At first, the plant was characterized by small white flowers and a delicate aroma, but active selection work made it possible to expand the color range and obtain varieties of different sizes and shapes. Despite the existence of varieties of cyclamen that are resistant to frost and unfavorable climatic conditions, breeders give preference in their work to the Persian species.

European and Persian cyclamen differences

Cyclamen persica European cyclamen

IN indoor growing The most widespread species are: Persian (Cyclamen persicum) and European (Cyclamen europaeum). Despite the fact that both species belong to the same genus, the presence of significant differences requires a more detailed acquaintance.

  • color of leaves and inflorescences

The color of the upper part of the leaf blade in both species is the same - dark green, but the lower part of the European one has a dark red color. The size of the leaves also varies - in the European species they are smaller. Color palette the Persian is much wider, the European, as a rule, is presented in pink color, the flowers are smaller in size, but with a pleasant aroma;

  • dormant and flowering period

The most significant indicator, since the Persian flowering period begins at the end of autumn and lasts throughout the winter, then the plant goes into dormancy mode. In turn, European cyclamen blooms in the spring and does not have such a pronounced rest period - the foliage does not turn yellow or fall off, the flower remains decorative throughout the year;

  • landing features

When planting Persian cyclamen, the tuber goes deep into soil mixture At 2/3 of its height, the European tuber is completely covered with earth.

Based on biological features Persian species, purchasing a flower at the end of winter will not bring long-term pleasure, best time for purchase - end of autumn or beginning of winter.

If desired, you can choose decorative varieties of Persian cyclamen of different sizes: from standard, 30 cm high, to low-growing forms, no more than 15 cm high.

Video “Cyclamen, how the dormant period begins”

Recommendations for organizing care at home

Only proper care keeping cyclamen in a pot is a guarantee that it will fully develop and delight its owners with a long flowering period.

With proper maintenance, the plant is capable of producing up to several dozen peduncles with beautiful flowers for more than 20 years.

Growing in natural conditions, Persian cyclamen has specially adapted to changeable climatic conditions. With the onset of summer heat, the flower goes into “dormant” mode, completely shedding its lush foliage, and comes to life only with the onset of relative coolness. During this period, new leaves develop and long flowering begins.

Even knowing how to care for an alpine violet, creating similar conditions in a room is quite problematic. The developed ornamental varieties are more tolerant of elevated apartment temperatures, but are quite demanding when grown at home.

Optimal conditions for growth and flowering after purchase.

Video “Cyclamen after purchase”


An important feature is that optimal temperature to ensure development and flowering is 12-15ºС. At room temperature in winter of 18-20ºС, the plant is still able to grow normally and delight with flowering, but for a shorter duration. Temperatures above 20 ºС will lead to the cessation of flowering, yellowing of leaves, and their gradual death. Eventually the Persian cyclamen will go dormant.

It is important to remember that the plant does not like significant temperature changes and drafts; this can lead to various diseases.


Choice right place is important, since the alpine violet is a light-loving representative, but it is better to protect it from direct sunlight. It is recommended to place flower pots in the western or eastern room. On the windowsill of the north side, the flower will clearly lack light, but on the south side there will be plenty of it, in which case the window needs to be shaded.


The peculiarities of soil moisture depend on the period in which the plant is located. During the period of development and appearance of flower stalks, it is recommended to water regularly and abundantly every other day, while monitoring the condition of the soil - to prevent it from drying out and stagnating water. When watering with settled water room temperature, avoid getting moisture on the tubers. After flowering, the plant goes into a dormant period and it is advisable to move it to a cooler place. Watering at this time is carried out moderately, usually once a week. When new leaves appear (after about 2 months), watering must be gradually increased.


In specialized stores you can purchase a ready-made composition, the acidity of which is within the pH range of 5.5-6.5. When preparing the soil mixture yourself, it is recommended to mix peat, sand and humus in equal parts. When planting, a prerequisite is high-quality drainage - expanded clay.

  • transfer

As a rule, replanting is carried out after the end of the “dormant” period, with the resumption of growth of new leaves. The pot should not be large or too deep. The tubers of the plant are removed from the old pot and carefully shaken off the soil, but there is no need to completely remove it. After placing the tuber in fresh soil mixture, you need to straighten the roots and fill it to 2/3 of the height. It is no longer possible to bury it further, due to the possible rotting of the tuber; it is also not advisable to bury it any further - this will negatively affect growth and flowering.

  • feeding

Features of care

It is important to observe differences in care during different periods life cycle plants. As the inflorescences wither, they must be removed by carefully unscrewing them by hand at the base; it is not recommended to use a knife or scissors. In the same way, yellowed leaves should be removed by twisting. It is advisable to clean the foliage using a soft brush.

Cyclamen persica

Failure to comply with the recommendations for creating optimal conditions, as a rule, leads to the fact that an initially attractive flower loses its decorative appearance, the leaves turn yellow, and without timely intervention the plant may die. It is the violation of optimal conditions that is the main reason for the change in foliage color, which acts as a kind of indicator of the health of the tuber and the alpine violet as a whole. First of all, by the color and saturation of the leaf blades, one can judge the nutritional value of the soil, the sufficiency of watering and the concentration of applied fertilizers.

For example, cyclamen is like any other tuberous plant, reacts very painfully to waterlogged soil. Excessive watering promotes rapid growth fungal colonies that cause rotting of tuber tissues. In this case, suddenly yellowing leaves signal that problems have begun with the plant tuber and urgent intervention is necessary. At the initial stage, the situation can still be corrected - the tuber is removed from the pot and carefully examined for the presence of foci of rotting. If the affected area is small, the lesions are carefully removed, and the wounds are sprinkled with ash or charcoal dust. After completing the procedure, it is recommended to transplant the flower into a fresh substrate and not water it at all for 2-3 days.

Video “Secrets of caring for cyclamen”

Propagation of Persian cyclamen

In the species Cyclamen persicum, unlike Cyclamen europaeum, tubers are not formed during growth and development, and therefore it is quite problematic to apply the vegetative method in practice. Despite the fact that the theoretical description seems quite simple - the tuber is cut in half, the sections are dried, sprinkled with charcoal dust, after which the halves of the tubers are planted in separate pots, experienced flower growers do not recommend propagating the flower in this way. The reason is that most often after such division, rot forms on the cut halves and the tubers die.

Growing from seeds is used by indoor flower lovers much more often, and a positive result is achieved without much difficulty. It is necessary to note another positive aspect of seed propagation - grown young plants have better adaptability to home conditions compared to purchased ones. Seeds for planting can be used purchased or received from your own blooming cyclamen. The only peculiarity is the need to carry out artificial pollination ripe pollen, which is recommended to be repeated for several days in a row. As the seeds ripen, the peduncle bends closer to the soil and curls slightly. It is advisable to separate the seed pod yourself before cracking and give it time to ripen.

Persian cyclamen seeds

It is advisable not to store the collected seeds for a long time, but to sow them immediately after the capsule cracks or over several months.

In a prepared planting container filled with substrate, it is necessary to draw several grooves 1-2 cm deep and water well. Then the seeds are placed in the grooves at a distance of 3-5 cm from each other and covered with earth.

The optimal temperature for seed germination is 18-20ºС; the container must be moved to a dark room. As a rule, shoots appear in 1-1.5 months.

You can start picking after two leaves appear, and the small tuber is completely covered with earth. After six months, it is advisable to plant the young plants in separate pots, burying the tuber 2/3 into the ground. Young alpine violets bloom only the next year after planting.

Protection from diseases and pests

Diseases and pests are no less dangerous for a flower than failure to comply with optimal conditions. Despite the fact that there are not so many diseases to which cyclamen is susceptible, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with them in advance.

fusarium wilt Quite common and dangerous fungal disease. With fusarium wilt, flower damage occurs due to a violation of vital functions.

Symptoms of the disease are yellowing of the leaves, poor flowering, the appearance of brown spots on the top of the tuber, loss of decorative appearance. Without timely intervention, the plant quickly dies.

gray rot A common fungal disease of ornamental and agricultural plants.

Symptoms of the disease are the appearance of grayish spots on the leaves, reminiscent of mold deposits. Over time, small lesions quickly increase in size, covering the peduncle and leaf blades with gray mold.

To combat the disease, systemic fungicides are used.

The most dangerous insect pests that can appear on a flower are represented by two types of mites - cyclamen and red spider mites.

Signs of damage by the first representative - the edges of the leaf blades are twisted and acquired brown tint, withered flower buds.

The second is the appearance of yellow spots on the leaves. From red spider mite the plant is treated with Actellik or Fitoverm. Effective means There is no way to destroy the cyclamen mite, so it is better to get rid of the infected plant.

Now you know about all the features of caring for such a beautiful and unusual flower at home as Persian cyclamen. Therefore, if you hear in a store from a seller or from your friends that this is an unpretentious plant, do not rush to believe it, perhaps they are just being a little disingenuous. Alpine violet requires regular and careful care; otherwise, admire the blooming winter time ornamental plant it won't work.

Cyclamen is a tuberous plant of the primrose family. Different from most indoor plants winter flowering. There is an opinion that he is capricious and difficult to care for. If you know his needs and comply with them, then making friends with him is quite simple.

Choosing the right seeds

Worth a visit flower shop, packs of Persian cyclamen seeds with beautiful pictures. There is an immediate desire to have such flowers at home. And questions arise: “How to grow cyclamen from seeds?”, “Is it worth getting involved?” In practice, it turns out that there is nothing complicated about this; you just need to be patient, since seedlings take a long time to emerge and grow slowly at first.

The benefits of seed-grown cyclamen

The cyclamen you grow from seeds will be initially adapted to the climate of your home, therefore, will have a much greater chance, unlike store-bought ones, to live a long life.


Before sowing, seeds should be soaked for 24 hours, for example, by spreading them on a damp cloth or cotton pad. Prepare the seed container by making holes in it. Spread a layer of drainage about 2 cm and disinfected soil (it is preferable to use ready-made “Terra Vita Floral”) at least 6 cm. Spread the seeds on a moistened surface of the ground, sprinkle a 1.5 cm layer of soil on top.

Conditions for seed germination

It is advisable to place the container with the crops in a cool place with a temperature of up to 20 0 C; in such conditions, the seeds will germinate within 4 weeks. With more high temperatures, you will have to wait twice as long for seedlings. Depending on the variety and freshness of the seeds, they can germinate for up to three months. This process does not require light. The crops can be covered with something or left in the open air. It is imperative to monitor the soil moisture; neither flooding nor overdrying should be allowed.

How does cyclamen grow from seeds?

In a month and a half, the shoots will appear. Cyclamen germinates from seeds in the following way: first, a root with a tiny tuber appears, it takes root in the soil, then a shoot loop with a leaf unfolds. Sometimes the seed coat does not come off the leaf. It’s better not to touch the “hat”, it will come off on its own. But my hands are itching, I want to take it off. You can try to do this using nail scissors, but after spraying it first and allowing it to swell. The operation may fail, and the leaf will come off. Unpleasant, but not fatal. The next leaf will grow from the tuber.

The first years of a plant's life

If the seedlings are planted deep, then it is necessary to free the tuber from the ground by 1/3 so that the growing point does not rot. For the first three months, cyclamen from seeds seems to grow very slowly. At this time, it actively grows the tuber and roots. The second leaf may appear a month after the first. The main thing is not to dry out the seedlings during this period; the soil should always be moist, but not wet. It is better to water along the edge of the pot, without getting on the tuber.


When the second or third leaf appears, the plant must be planted in separate containers. Be sure to dive with a clod of earth. As a rule, the transplant is painless, and growth accelerates after it.

A few words about care

Seedlings do not need to be fed for up to 6 months. After six months you can use mineral fertilizer for flowering plants. Such plants grown from seed may flower within the first year, but often do so later. Persian cyclamen from seeds is not afraid of low temperatures and drafts. If it is contained in cold room, then its rosette of leaves forms compact, and if it is warm, it becomes looser. It does not require additional lighting, it only needs a cool windowsill and proper watering.

In conclusion

Cyclamen from seeds is an interesting and inexpensive way to acquire a whole collection of beautiful plants.

When purchasing, be sure to pay attention to the expiration date. The germination rate of fresh seeds is much higher (from 70 to 80%) than that of two- and three-year-old seeds. If they all sprouted, you are lucky.

You can check the germination of seeds by dipping them for a few minutes in a glass with water at room temperature; those that float to the surface are not suitable for sowing, and those that sink to the bottom will definitely hatch. But I don’t do this, I sow everything, probably hoping for a “Russian maybe.”

Before sowing, I soak the seeds at least 24 hours so that they swell well. To do this, I add a couple of crystals of citric acid and 2 drops of Zircon to a glass of water at room temperature. This is a growth stimulant that increases the germination of even substandard seeds. Citric acid is needed because zircon cannot be diluted in water with an alkaline reaction. This solution can be stored in a dark place for no more than three days. I put a piece of cotton fabric folded in half in a plate. I pour just a little water with a growth stimulator there, so that the napkin is wet, but the water does not squish. I place the seeds on top and cover the plate so that the water does not evaporate. Within a day, the seeds will swell and be ready for sowing.

To sow cyclamen seeds I take universal primer for indoor plants or soil mixture for seedlings. If there is any, I add 2-3 soaked and mashed ones to the soil. peat tablets, since peat holds moisture well and crops can be moistened less often. I always water the soil mixture with a fungicide solution, most often I use Fitosporin-M. I do this in order to avoid the appearance of any fungi in the humid environment of a closed container. You can use any suitable fungicide that you have, diluting it according to the instructions. You can spill it with a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

I pour the prepared substrate into a container with a lid. The soil should be moist, but never wet, as the seeds will rot.

An important trick: the cyclamen seed has a depression, it is from this depression that the roots will grow, so we place it with the concave part down. I spotted this trick somewhere on the Internet and it really works. Although this is not of fundamental importance for germination, the seeds will hatch in any case, sometimes you can just observe how they grow with their “legs up”, then they have to be sprinkled with a little earth.

I spread the seeds on the surface using a wet toothpick (the seed simply sticks to it) and dig it a little deeper into the ground (no more than 1 cm). I cover the container with a lid and place it in a dark place. The temperature for germination should not be high, minimum 16*C maximum 20*C.

I check the containers from time to time, ventilate them, and if necessary, moisten them with a spray bottle (I don’t pour water, I just spray). Sometimes it appears on the soil white coating mold. It is very important not to miss this moment. I use the same aqueous solution of Fitosporin-M powder; it is an organic preparation that is not harmful to use in the house. I dilute 1.5 g in 100 ml of boiled water at room temperature, leave the solution for 2-3 hours so that the bacteria are activated and spray the soil in the container with mold. This doesn’t happen often if you ventilate regularly, but it does happen.

The first shoots appear from 3 weeks to 3 months. It depends on the variety, on the germination conditions, on the quality of the seeds and who knows what... I place the containers with seedlings on a bright windowsill, the main thing is that there is no direct sunlight. After the first full-fledged leaf straightens, I dive the squash into separate 100 gram cups. I completely cover the small nodules with soil. They don’t need a lot of soil at the initial stage; the roots are still very small. For picking, I take a universal soil mixture, add a little perlite to it and spill it with Ribav-Extra solution, it helps the plants more easily endure stress after transplantation and stimulates the formation of new roots. I dilute 1-2 drops per 0.2 liters of water. The drug should be used on the day of preparation.

I do the first watering after the top layer of soil has dried. I water it little by little along the edge of the glass, trying not to get into the center of the nodule. After the cyclamen root system has grown, it can be watered from the pan.
