Names of large sweet peppers. The best varieties of sweet peppers: early-ripening, mid-ripening, late-ripening and hybrid

The largest varieties of sweet peppers are very popular among many summer residents and gardeners. Giant fruits not only have good shelf life and transportation, but also have excellent taste, allowing them to be used both for salads and for preparations.

How to grow big peppers

There are amateur gardeners who can grow big harvest large red peppers from the most common varieties of the crop. But there are situations when the seeds of large-fruited sweet pepper varieties give unsatisfactory results. In order to get the giant fruits of this crop, you need to take into account the basic requirements.

Choose the right crop variety. It is necessary to take into account climatic features region in which the largest variety is expected to be planted. In addition, it is worth paying attention to hybrids of sweet pepper varieties, which produce very large fruits.

Pepper is a heat-loving crop, so plant it in middle lane Only needed in closed ground. The same requirements apply to lighting. If the days in the growing region are short, then it is worth organizing good lighting.

Some varieties bred specifically for open ground do well in any soil. Therefore, before planting large varieties of peppers for open ground on your site, study all the recommendations experienced gardeners. Selection does not stand still and therefore every year many new varieties appear that are capable of producing a large harvest of large, sweet peppers in any conditions.

Compliance with all agricultural technology rules. We must not forget that the varieties of the largest red peppers love a lot of moisture. Therefore, if you water the beds with a large amount of water once a week, you can get good harvest even on earth.

If the crop grows where the wind blows strong winds, then the ground must be covered with a film so that the wind does not dry out the soil. In addition, pepper loves loose, light soils, so the loosening process must be carried out after each watering.

It is worth constantly mulching the holes to prevent the rapid loss of moisture from the soil, and do not forget to constantly feed the best varieties large-fruited sweet peppers. There are varietal crops that easily tolerate untimely watering and temperature changes. But if you prefer to plant hybrid varieties, then be careful, they react strongly to untimely watering and fertilizing.

If you take into account all the nuances and follow the rules of crop care, you can be sure that the harvest of large, red giant peppers will please you. But there are crops in which the weight of the fruit reaches 850 g, but it is worth noting that a fruit weighing 200 g is also considered quite large. If you want to get giant fruits, then let's look at the largest and earliest ripening varieties of sweet pepper.

Important! If you have no experience in growing sweet peppers, the largest-fruited ones, then it is better to read the relevant literature and consult with gardeners.

Greenhouse giants

This is a group of high-yielding hybrids that can produce large crops all season long. There is one thing for this important condition– these crops should only be planted in heated greenhouses. If there is a greenhouse or simple greenhouse, then it is better to give preference to early-ripening large-fruited varieties of sweet pepper.

Bourgeois F1

An early ripe hybrid, which, when technically ripe, has green. Ripening occurs on the 115th day after planting the seedlings. Biological ripeness at 140 days, yellow fruits. This is a tall hybrid. If it is planted in a heated greenhouse, then the height of the bush can reach three meters, but in a simple greenhouse the growth is much reduced. The fruits themselves are very dense, smooth, heavy in the shape of a regular cube. The weight of one fruit reaches up to 250 g, the walls of the fruit are very tasty and fleshy. This culture has features:

  • the bush can withstand heavy loads, up to 40 fruits;
  • produces uniform shoots and stepsons;
  • disease resistant;
  • excellent taste quality;
  • The fruit is very fragrant.

This culture requires special care, garters, and stepsons. Per 1m2, no more than 3 bushes are planted.


A large variety of sweet pepper, mid-early, with good yield. Already on the 120th day after germination, the first harvest can be harvested. Biological maturity occurs at 150 days. The bushes grow up to three meters in winter greenhouses; when planted in a greenhouse, they can reach up to one and a half meters. The bush itself has dense foliage - powerful, tall plant. This crop is demanding on planting density. In order for fruiting to be abundant and not interrupted throughout the season, you need to plant no more than three bushes per meter. The fruits are large, cube-shaped, with walls up to 8 mm thick. From one square meter you can get up to 19 kg of fruit. Features of the most large varieties pepper:

  • bear fruit all season long;
  • does not suffer from tobacco mosaic virus;
  • great aroma and taste;
  • not afraid of temperature changes.

The fruits of the large-fruited hybrid "Boatswain" become bright red when fully ripe. It has good shelf life and is resistant to transportation.

Grenadier F1

The hybrid has medium ripeness and high yield. Biological ripeness occurs on the 160th day. The bush grows up to two meters high, but it needs to be shaped, as it produces many stepsons. The planting density is three bushes per meter of land, this is the only way to get a high yield. The fruit is in the shape of a prism with a long spout, with a weight of up to 650 g. This large-fruited variety of sweet pepper has walls 1 cm thick. The variety has its advantages:

  • good yield;
  • perfectly transportable;
  • well stored;
  • begins to bloom early;
  • fruits with excellent taste and aroma.

Now it’s worth considering large varieties of pepper for open ground and universal cultivation.

Growing peppers in open ground

There are varieties that are bred specifically for open ground, but they can be grown both in a greenhouse and in a greenhouse. There are a lot of early varieties of pepper with large fruits that can be grown in open ground. Experts are constantly working to develop new crops that can be adapted to any conditions.

All large, red pepper crops for open ground are early ripening. The crop is planted in open ground when the third true leaf appears on the seedling. Despite the fact that early-ripening large varieties of peppers are adapted to weather conditions and temperature changes, they require special care:

  • shading in bright sun;
  • timely watering;
  • constant feeding;
  • loosening the soil after each watering.

If you follow all of the above, you can get a very good harvest of large red peppers in open ground.

Claudio F1

Can be grown in any conditions. One bush can produce approximately 10-12 peppers. The taste quality of the fruits is very high, and they have a wonderful aroma. Already 70 days after planting, you can get the first harvest - fruits weighing 260 g. Peppers are in the shape of an elongated cube, red in color. The crop has a powerful stem that can withstand the load of several of the largest peppers. The foliage is quite dense, which is a plus when grown in open ground - it protects the fruits from the steaming sun. Hybrid features:

  • resistant to various viruses;
  • not afraid of sunburn;
  • tolerates temperature changes well, even critical ones.

The wall thickness of mature pepper exceeds one centimeter, while the variety has good shelf life and can be transported.

Quadro Red

The best variety of large-fruited sweet peppers, bred by Siberian breeders. Fruits weighing 350 g, cuboid in shape. It can grow both in greenhouses and greenhouses, and in open ground. large-fruited, early ripening variety, which bears fruit well throughout the season. This variety is not very tall - 60 cm. But this stocky bush can produce up to 15 large fruits. The color of the cube-shaped large pepper is bright red. From one square meter of area you can get up to 3 kg of harvest. In order for the crop to bear fruit well, it is necessary to constantly pick ripe fruits and shoot them, forming a bush. The plant loves moisture and responds well to the application of complex fertilizers. The plant is grown by sowing directly into the ground.

Gemini F1

A large variety of pepper for open ground that can bear a large number of fruits on the bush. Large fruits weighing up to 400 g, while up to 10 peppers are formed on the bush at the same time. The first fruits can be harvested already on the 75th day of planting the seeds in the ground. This hybrid was bred in Holland, and it has many advantages:

  • even in difficult weather conditions it can adapt and bring a large harvest;
  • can grow in any conditions, be it a greenhouse or open ground;
  • a lot of fruits are formed on the bush;
  • the walls of the fruit are very fleshy and have good taste;
  • not susceptible to various diseases.

This large-fruited pepper variety is grown as seedlings. In the middle regions, sow seeds in early February. Despite the fact that the breeders made sure that the crop tolerates a lack of light well, it needs to be watered regularly and abundantly, otherwise you will not see a good harvest.

The bush is not tall, but tolerates well high yield and strong fetal formation. There is no need for constant pinching and bush formation. It responds well to feeding and fertilizing. The first harvest can be harvested in early August. Can be stored for a long time in a cool basement.

King Kong

This best variety of large-fruited sweet peppers was bred by American scientific breeders. An early ripening crop that produces a harvest 90 days after sowing. The variety has its own characteristics:

  • the harvest is high and stable;
  • the fruits are juicy, fleshy, tasty;
  • not afraid of temperature changes, even critical ones;
  • good transportation characteristics;
  • resistance to diseases.

The bush is standard, compact, up to 70 cm tall. The fruits are large, cube-shaped, which can reach up to 600 g. The bright red color of the fruit attracts attention, and has a wall 1 cm thick. The length of each fruit reaches 16-18 cm. Since the bush produces many large, fleshy fruits, the planting density should be up to 4 bushes per square meter. It is worth noting that if you break off a shoot, it will grow back very quickly. The variety is universal, it can be planted both in open ground and in greenhouses.


There are hybrids that have been on the market for a long time and have proven themselves over time.

California miracle

Sweet, mid-season variety, which differs in the average height of the bush. The harvest is produced 120 days after sowing. The cube-shaped fruits are very large, reaching 160 g; the wall thickness reaches 0.8 cm.

Peto Miracle

A large bush 1 m high, with fruits up to 800 g and 25-30 cm long, the fruits can be red or yellow with excellent taste and aroma.


An early large-fruited variety of sweet pepper. The first harvest can be tasted 100 days after sowing. The fruits reach 500 g, while the wall thickness is equal to a centimeter. Can grow like closed ground, and in the open air.

Many people are afraid to sow large varieties of peppers, believing that they cannot do it. But don’t be afraid, they don’t require that much care. It is enough to remove the shoots in time, forming a bush, and water and feed well. Some varieties require mandatory garter.

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Fragrant and healthy sweet pepper Today, gardeners and gardeners grow them in almost all regions of our country. Among vegetable crops, it stands out for its high content of vitamin C. There is eight times more of it in peppers than in tomatoes and onions, twice as much as in black currants. In addition, it contains carotene (vitamin A), vitamin PP.

Both adults and children love it. It adds a refined aroma to salads, is perfect for preparing hot dishes, and is indispensable for canning vegetables.

Today, domestic and foreign breeders have brought out numerous early varieties that are of particular interest to gardeners. They allow you to get excellent harvest not only in favorable southern regions, but also in the difficult climatic conditions of Siberia and the Urals. Seeds of early thick-walled sweet pepper (Siberian selection) increasingly began to appear on the shelves of specialized stores in our country.

What to choose - a hybrid or a variety?

This indicator is important for those who often use their own seeds. If the early thick-walled sweet pepper seeds you have chosen are marked F1 on the package, this means that seeds should not be harvested from this plant. This sign denotes hybrids in the first generation. They are at seed propagation do not inherit varietal characteristics. In other words, even if you collect the seeds of your favorite hybrid, the plants that grow from them may be completely different from the ones you liked last season.

However, hybrids have certain advantages. Among them:

  • large fruits and high yield;
  • higher resistance to diseases than varietal plants.

Atlantic F1

Large-fruited hybrid, early maturation. The bushes of this plant are tall - up to 105 cm in height. The peppers are very large and fleshy. Their weight reaches 450 grams. They have an elongated, barrel-shaped shape. This hybrid grows well in open ground. It is resistant to various diseases.

Ripening time

Experienced vegetable growers know that it is best to plant plants with for different periods maturation. In this case, you will be able to get fresh fruits throughout the season. However, in the northern regions it is unlikely to be possible to grow late varieties without the use of greenhouses. Therefore, it is more advisable to use early varieties of sweet pepper for open ground, capable of producing good yields in short and cool summer conditions.

Below are the approximate dates:

  • early varieties ripen within 80-100 days;
  • hybrids and mid-season ones will delight you with a harvest in 115 days;
  • Late varieties will take up to 150 days to ripen.

Seeds of early thick-walled sweet pepper (Siberian selection) should be sown in early February, and for the southern regions - in the first half of January. In this case, the peppers, which require 150 days to ripen, will have time to produce a harvest in July. If you are going to buy sweet pepper seeds, we recommend paying attention to the Tusk variety from the Siberian Garden company.

This is a large-fruited early variety - the result of the work of Siberian breeders. It is suitable for greenhouses and for soil. The bush is about fifty centimeters high, with very heavy and large fruits (up to 300 g), up to 25 cm long. Their walls are eight millimeters thick. The variety is high-yielding - twelve fruits ripen on one plant. The color is bright red. The fruits are very juicy, have a pleasant sweetish taste with a subtle apple aroma.

Early varieties for open ground - Eroshka pepper

A very popular variety. This is a sweet pepper, early, thick-walled. The bush is considered medium-sized - about fifty centimeters in height. During the ripening period, the fruits are colored light green color, when fully ripe - orange-red, weighing about 180 g, cuboid in shape.

Characterized by friendly and early fruiting. Up to sixteen fruits ripen on the bush. The variety is ideal for belt planting (distance 12-15 cm). Quite resistant to blossom end rot and verticillium.


Early ripening, fairly tall bush. During ripening, the peppers are colored rich green, after ripening they are red, cone-shaped, large - weighing 180 grams, walls seven millimeters thick.

It is distinguished by active harvest ripening and excellent taste. Up to eighteen peppers are harvested from a bush. Resistant to tobacco mosaic and verticillium.


The variety is early ripening. Height 60 cm. Red fruits, weighing up to 180 grams.
One bush produces up to fifteen fruits, characterized by high taste. Excellent for compact planting.


We can say that this is the most early pepper sweet. The height of the bushes is 70 cm. The fruits are orange-red, heavy (up to 220 g), cone-shaped, walls 6 mm thick.
Chardash is distinguished by active and friendly fruiting; the fruits are very beautiful, suitable for consumption both fresh and after processing. Seventeen fruits ripen on the bush.


Many early varieties of sweet pepper (for open ground) are thin-walled. Pinocchio is also considered one of these. Its walls are five millimeters thick. The height of the bush is seventy centimeters. During the ripening period, the fruits are dark green; when fully ripe, they acquire a bright red color.

They are cone-shaped, long, weighing up to 120 grams.
Ripens smoothly, the fruits are well stored, suitable for heat treatment. Resistant to most diseases.

Early high-yielding varieties of sweet pepper - Lumina

Probably, many vegetable growers will agree with us - this is one of the most popular in the middle zone early varieties pepper It is distinguished by low bushes (standard). The fruits are medium in size or small (no more than 115 g), pale green or golden-white in color, sometimes having a pinkish tint. The fruits have a pleasant sweetish taste and faint aroma.

Some varieties of sweet peppers (early ones) are well known not only to vegetable growers, but also to ordinary buyers. An example of this is Lumina. This variety is often chosen by farmers, so it is constantly present on the shelves of vegetable stores. This variety is unpretentious, does not require special care and produces a large harvest even in the driest summer, with insufficient watering. But in this case, the pepper may develop a bitter, slightly spicy taste. The fruits are stored for up to 3.5 months without losing their commercial appearance and tolerate transportation well.


Early (sweet) ones are becoming more and more in demand every year. One of them is Ivanhoe. It was bred not very long ago, but many summer residents have already appreciated it.

Fruits reach the so-called technical ripeness already on the 103rd day. At this time, they do not yet have the full taste and aroma that fully ripe peppers are endowed with, however, at this time they are already suitable for consumption. At this stage, the color of the fruit is cream or white. After final ripening, they acquire a rich red color. The weight of the fetus does not exceed 130 grams. Shape - elongated, cone-shaped, narrow. This is a thick-walled variety - wall thickness 9 mm.

Inside, the fruits are divided by partitions into three or four chambers and have a large number of seeds. The bushes are semi-standard, compact, with average height. They do not have to be specially formed. The plant is convenient to process and collect fruits.

Ivanhoe is resistant to major diseases, but in a long spring or dry summer the yield can be significantly reduced. The variety is ideal for greenhouses. At proper care gives a harvest of 7-8 kg per square meter.

Marinka's tongue

Not all varieties of sweet pepper (early) can produce large yields in difficult weather conditions. This variety, bred by Dnepropetrovsk breeders, withstands all natural vagaries and is guaranteed to please with a high yield.
Abundant fruiting (more than 15 fruits) forces the plant to be tied to a support.

The bushes are medium-sized, sixty centimeters high. Fruits weighing up to 195 grams. The shape is cone-shaped, narrow, slightly curved. Ripe peppers have a dark red or cherry color and a pleasant sweet taste and aroma. The flesh is crispy and very juicy. The wall thickness in the upper part is 13 mm, at the stalk 8 mm.


A super early variety that can withstand unfavorable weather just as well as the previous one. Easily tolerates low temperatures and rain. The variety is high-yielding.
The fruits are medium or small in size, weighing no more than 140 grams. At the same time, up to forty-five fruits can be produced on one bush. Their shape is slightly rounded, cone-shaped. Ripe peppers are orange, yellow or red in color, with a pronounced aroma and pleasant taste.

Siberian prince

Sweet pepper varieties (early) of Siberian selection are intended for cultivation in Siberia and the Urals. This high-yielding variety is created for cultivation in open ground. The fruits are glossy, cone-shaped. Weight from 90 to 150 grams. At technical ripeness, the fruits have yellowish flesh and skin. Ripe fruits are red. The pulp is tasty, juicy, aromatic, meaty. Productivity is up to 4.2 kilograms per meter.


Compact early ripening variety. It is grown in the ground, but can also grow in a film cover. The bush is low-growing; 4-chambered fruits with very delicate pulp ripen on it, the wall thickness of which is 9 mm. The weight of one pepper is 90 grams.

Choosing a Pepper Starts with Research general characteristics, which are indicated on the pack of seeds, as well as catalogs upon purchase planting material. The most important quality indicators vegetable crop is productivity, ease of care, resistance to diseases.

Which pepper is considered unpretentious?

Pepper varieties that are considered unpretentious are:

To reduce pepper care, choose determinate varieties that do not need to be pinched and tied to a support. The advantage of indeterminate varieties is their high yield, but they must be pinched and tied up; this is the only way to get the maximum benefit from the plant.

Review of unpretentious pepper varieties

  • “Admiral” is a hybrid with a medium-early ripening period that can be planted in open and closed soil. The culture is medium-sized, height 0.9-1.2 meters. Bushes are leafy, semi-spreading. The vegetables grow cone-shaped, weighing one hundred and fifty grams. Pepper colored bright cherry color, pericarp walls 4-6 millimeters. The hybrid is drought-resistant. With a planting scheme of 40×60, the yield is 5-6 kilograms per square meter.

  • “Accord” will amaze you with the sweetness of the fruit. Biological ripeness occurs on the 130th day from hatching of the seed material. The bushes are semi-determinate, the height does not exceed 1 m. The fruits are cone-shaped, uneven, weight 160-190 grams. The skin is shiny, dense, dark red in color. The pericarp reaches 5-6 mm. Up to 5 plants are planted per square meter.

  • "The Silver Prince" is low grade sweet pepper, 45-70 cm. Shows good resistance to a range of diseases, yield per plant is 2.2-2.6 kg. The average weight of the fruit is 90 grams, the wall thickness is 5-6 mm. The fruits are cone-shaped, drooping, and colored scarlet at biological ripeness.
  • “Red Cube” represents cube-shaped sweet peppers, with high yields, 6-8 kg/m². The height of the bushes does not exceed 0.7 m. The skin is glossy, painted red. The wall thickness is 8-9 mm, the weight of the vegetable reaches up to 200 grams. Shows resistance to tobacco mosaic. It should be grown only under film cover.
  • "Pygmalion" attracts with its bright orange. A pepper variety of hybrid origin, the height of the bushes does not exceed 80 centimeters. Up to 10 peppers are tied to the plant at the same time. Vegetables grow slightly ribbed, weighing 120-130 grams, the walls are dense, thickness 5-7 mm. The yield with a 40 by 60 cm pattern is 7 kg. The hybrid exhibits heat resistance and resistance to various weather conditions.
  • “Potap” is a first generation hybrid, yield 4-5 kg. per square meter. The walls of the fruit are thick, 7-8 mm. It can be grown on exhaust gas and under film covers. Vegetables ripen quickly. At biological ripeness, the fruits become red. The weight of the fruit is, on average, 150-170 grams. The bushes are semi-standard; no staking is required.
  • "Purple Bell" enchants with its dark purple fruit color. The vegetables set and grow cube-shaped, weighing up to two hundred grams. The pulp is thick, 7-9 mm. The diameter of the pepper is 10-11 centimeters. The plant resists attacks well bacterial diseases.
  • "Semko" is a hybrid that needs 90-100 days to achieve technical ripeness of the fruit. Ripe vegetables are painted red, weight 100-130 grams, wall thickness 5-6 mm. The shape of the pepper is cone-prismatic. The plant is not susceptible to tobacco mosaic and vertilecosis. The yield per square meter is on average 8-10 kg.
  • “Red Square” is a variety of sweet pepper with high taste and disease resistance. The pulp is sweet and juicy, thickness 5-8 mm. On average, one vegetable can reach up to 400 grams if you follow all the rules of agricultural technology. Technical ripeness occurs 90 days after seed germination. The bushes are powerful, medium-sized, height 40-55 cm.
  • "Ivanhoe" is valued for its aromatic fruits with a wonderful sweet taste. Conical peppers gain weight 120-130 grams, pericarp 6-7 mm. The bushes of the plant are compact, height 60-70 cm. Pepper reaches technical ripeness already on the 110th day from the moment the planting material emerges.
  • “Funtik” is an early variety of pepper, with a fruit weight of 140-180 grams. The pepper is cone-shaped, the skin is smooth and shiny. The walls are formed with a thickness of 6-7 mm. Grown seedling method, both on exhaust gas and under film covers. Semi-standard bushes grow 50-60 cm in height. The purpose is universal.
  • “Czardash” is a pepper with a biological ripeness of 115-125 days from the moment the seeds hatch. The bushes are of a determinate type, growth stops at 60-70 centimeters. Fruits are tied in bouquets, most often 2-3 vegetables in one bouquet. The pepper is formed cone-shaped, weighing 170-220 grams. The juicy and tasty pulp reaches a thickness of 5-6 mm.
  • “Ox’s Ear” is a pepper with a mid-early vegetative ripening season. Fragrant and juicy fruits reach a weight of 120-150 grams. Due to the cone-shaped shape, the length of the vegetable grows 10-12 cm. The plant stops its growth at around 65-70 cm.
  • "Atlas" attracts with its huge fruits, up to 22 centimeters long, weighing 200-400 grams, pericarp thickness 0.9-1 cm. The fruits grow in the shape of a truncated pyramid. It is considered one of the sweetest peppers.
  • "Eroshka" is unpretentious variety sweet pepper, which shows good resistance to blossom end rot, vertilecosis, and tobacco mosaic. The fruits are medium, weight 140-180 grams. The vegetable is slightly ribbed, tetrahedral in shape. The plant grows no higher than 30-50 centimeters. Ripe vegetables are red with a slight orange tint. 10-16 peppers are formed on the bush at once.
  • "Lemon Miracle" is a pepper with bright yellow fruits and great taste. The average weight of a vegetable is 150 grams. The thickness of the pericarp is 6-8 mm. Yield according to various sources, on average, is 5-6 kilograms. The variety tolerates various unfavorable conditions, which in no way affect the setting of future fruits.
  • “Hercules” fully lives up to its name. The fruits are large, 200-300 grams, walls 5-8 mm thick. The length of the vegetable is 11-13 centimeters. Ripe fruits acquire a bright red color. Universal use, resistant to tobacco mosaic.
  • “Siberian Bonus” will give you 3 kilograms of fruit from a bush, subject to all care rules. One plant bears 15 peppercorns weighing 200-300 grams, the thickness of the pericarp reaches 1 cm. Ripe fruits are very juicy and sweet. The skin color is yellow-orange (orange); small green spots may remain throughout the surface of the vegetable. The plant is medium-sized, 80 cm high.
  • “Sun of Italy” is a pepper whose fruits grow to enormous sizes, 300-500 grams. The pulp is aromatic, tasty, 6-8 mm thick. The skin is colored yellow. The average yield per 1 m² is 5-6 kg.
  • “Shorokshary” fascinates with its red, glossy, large fruits, 300-400 grams. At the same time, up to 18-20 fruits can form on the bush. Vegetables ripen sequentially, unevenness is not observed. The variety is early ripening.
  • “Belozerka” is included in the group of mid-early varieties with a technical ripeness period of 110-115 days. The fruits are small, weight 70-90 grams, cone-shaped. They are distinguished by their white fruit color at the stage of technical ripeness, which is why the variety received its name. Biologically ripe vegetables turn red. Shows resistance to Alternaria and various viral diseases.
  • “Anastasia” will please you with its short biological ripening period, which is only 120-130 days. The bushes are neat, low, 0.6-0.8 m. Vegetables grow weighing 200-225 grams, the flesh is thick, 6-8 mm. The skin is dark cherry color.
  • “Bel Goy” is a variety of pepper that is not widespread in Russia, but its quality indicators are good. The vegetable is in demand because of its large fruits, which reach 400-600 grams. The plants grow tall, 120-150 cm, so you will need to tie the bushes to a trellis. The yield per bush is 2.5-4 kg.

More and more new varieties of sweet peppers. Today this vegetable comes in a wide variety of shapes, colors and taste characteristics. Let's look at the most popular options that modern market presented sweet pepper(seeds). The best varieties in the article are presented with brief descriptions and visual photographs.

10 best, according to gardeners, varieties of sweet peppers

  • Big Mama

This variety of sweet pepper is loved for its large fruits and high yield. The fruit wall reaches 13 mm, and the average weight is 200 g. The bush stretches 1 m in height. The fruits of the Big Mama variety are attractive in appearance - they have a bright orange color, and gardeners also highly appreciate their taste. Ripening occurs after 120 days. Can be used in conservation.

Sweet pepper Big Mama

  • Martin

It is considered mid-early - maturity occurs in 120-125 days. The bush is standard, height - 1 m. The color of the fully ripened fruit is bright red. They cannot be called very thick-walled, since the wall thickness does not exceed 6 mm. Their size is quite modest - one average fruit weighs only 60-70 g.

  • Bogatyr

Large fruits (150-180 g) are red in color and have a great taste. Wall thickness - 5.5 mm. This variety is resistant to many diseases, tolerates transportation well and is suitable for any purpose - even freezing. Bogatyr pepper contains especially many valuable substances, which is why its seeds are so in demand.

Popular pepper variety Bogatyr
  • Atlant

Red thick-walled sweet pepper, which is distinguished by elastic, juicy and sweet flesh. Peppercorns grow on low and fairly spreading bushes. The average weight of one of them is 165 g. 110 days after the seeds germinate, gardeners begin to harvest the fruits.

  • Belozerka

Some of best seeds among early ripening varieties intended for growth in open ground. It has high productivity. The average weight of a peppercorn is 130 g, the thickness of the pulp is 7.5 mm. At the full ripening stage it is either cream or red in color. Belozerka pepper has good protection against diseases, is stored for a long time and is universal in use. The taste is highly rated.

Belozerka - one of the best early varieties of sweet pepper

This is a mid-early variety of sweet pepper. You can expect to receive a harvest 120-130 days after the seeds germinate. The shape of the fruit resembles a cube, the wall is 8 mm, the average weight of a peppercorn is 150 g. The bush is powerful, with a height of 50 to 65 cm. During the process of ripening, peppercorns change color from dark green to red.

California miracle
  • Orange miracle

An early ripening variety intended for the southern regions, it is immune to tobacco mosaic. The bush grows tall and powerful. The pepper is bright orange, very large (up to 250 g) and pleasant to the taste. It has an attractive appearance and good stability during transportation. Almost everything is prepared from it.

The orange miracle variety has bright fruits and excellent taste.
  • Gogoshary

One of the best, according to gardeners, is a mid-season variety of sweet pepper. It is endowed with immunity to diseases, has excellent taste and excellent commercial qualities. Ripe peppercorns are red, small - 50-80 g. The thickness of the pulp is 5-6 mm, the pulp is very juicy and sweet. The bush grows to half a meter in height.

  • ox ear

Many consider it the best variety in terms of taste, which is why these seeds are so popular. Red cone-shaped fruits with a wall thickness of about 1 cm ripen until frost. The bush is low - only 70-80 cm.

Ox ear is considered the best tasting variety
  • Shorokshary

An early ripening pepper variety that has received many international awards. The fruits are large (100-150 g), cone-shaped, red-orange. This is the best variety for canning. The standard pepper bush is low - only 50-60 cm. This variety is especially valued for its high yield and immunity.


This is a heat-loving plant, whose homeland is considered to be Central America. The culture differs in that with short daylight hours it begins to bear fruit earlier.

Basic tips for growing sweet pepper seedlings from experienced gardeners are as follows:

  • At the time of planting, seedlings should be 90 to 100 days old, so seeds are usually planted in February.
  • The culture does not tolerate transplantation well, so it is most effective to use peat pots.
  • It is necessary to choose a light substrate. Sand and ash are often added.
  • The daytime temperature suitable for seedlings is 25-26 °C.
  • Seedlings should be protected from drafts and regularly sprayed with warm water.
  • Watering should be moderate and done only with warm water.
  • In February and early spring, seedlings should definitely be provided with additional lighting.

  • Before planting seedlings, water the soil in the beds with a solution copper sulfate(1 tbsp/bucket) for disinfection.
  • Seedlings are planted at the end of May in open ground and in April under cover.
  • Pepper loves warm soil, so it is better to raise the beds.
  • This crop is easily pollinated, beds with different varieties should be located far from each other, it is advisable to place tall crops between them.
  • Pepper needs regular feeding.
  • In wet weather, the bushes need to be pinched, but in dry weather this need disappears.
  • Removing the central flower, according to the observation of experienced gardeners, leads to an increase in yield.
  • It is necessary to shorten the longest branches on the bushes and those that provide a lot of shading.
  • To attract pollinating insects, pepper bushes are sprayed with sugar syrup.
  • Important measures for caring for peppers are mulching, hilling and tying.
