Is it possible to heat a house with electricity? Is electric heating of a private home really the most economical? Types of autonomous heating systems

Energy prices are steadily rising, so an increasing number of suburban residents are thinking about how to inexpensively and efficiently heat their homes. Most often, homeowners are concerned about heating options for a private home and country house, which boiler has the highest efficiency, which boiler to choose for the heating system, how to properly install the heating system, what types of heating exist without gas and which of them are the most economical.

FORUMHOUSE advises a different approach. First, we decide on the type of fuel, and then we select a heating system “for it.”

From our material you will learn:

  • What are the costs of a heating system?
  • What type of fuel can be called the most affordable;
  • What does it mean convenient system heating;
  • Can heating with electricity be cheap?
  • What can become the basis of an economical heating system.

What are the costs of a heating system?

Many factors influence how much a particular heating method will cost. Only after calculating all the costs (it is also necessary to take into account the increase in fuel prices in the long term) can you decide on the most cost-effective heating method. To do this, you need to consider:

  • Fuel cost;
  • The cost of its delivery;
  • Cost of heating equipment;
  • The cost of its installation;
  • Costs of its operation;
  • Average monthly air temperature in winter period time;
  • Method of living in the house: “dacha” mode or permanent residence;
  • Availability of utilities connected to the site (gas, required electrical power);
  • The degree of insulation and energy efficiency of the home.

Thinking about choosing a heating system and considering different heating options in the house, first of all you need to answer the question: not “how”, but “with what” you will heat your home. It is the type of fuel, its cost and availability that determine the costs of heating season.

Let's consider the following situation: there is currently no main gas, as a more economically advantageous type of fuel, or its connection will be too expensive. What to do in this situation, what type of fuel to choose: firewood, liquefied gas, coal, pellets, fuel briquettes, electricity, even - there are a lot of options. Let's see which type of energy carrier is most preferable.


  • It would be correct to choose a heating system after proper calculation. This is the only way to achieve a balance between efficiency, economy and convenience;
  • A country house must be well insulated, all heat losses must be reduced to a minimum, otherwise the lion's share of the energy will go to heating the “street”;
  • Approximately, the required power of heating equipment is calculated using the formula: 1 kW of energy is required to heat 10 sq.m of house area;
  • The efficiency of a heating system largely depends on the availability of a particular type of fuel;
  • To obtain maximum effect, you must combine different types heating systems and energy carriers. It cannot be said that if these conditions are met, we will get heating cheaper than gas, but we will be able to save significantly.
  • combined heating system. And here -

Heating a private home requires certain financial costs - consumers need to regularly pay for the energy they use. Therefore, the issue of efficiency of heating systems worries many. How to do the most economical heating private house with your own hands? Which heating boiler should you choose? To do this, you need to understand what a particular heating system is and what its potential is in terms of ensuring efficiency.

Traditionally, autonomous heating systems are used to heat private houses. The energy sources for their operation are natural gas, liquefied gas, solid fuel, liquid fuel and electricity. Natural gas systems are considered the most economical. But in some conditions their efficiency does not play any role. For example, if the house is not connected to a gas main, then comparisons with gas are not appropriate.

Gas heating systems

Economical heating systems for a private home are systems that run on cheap coolant. If there is a gas main nearby, feel free to connect to it and use one of the most inexpensive sources of energy. Comparing gas costs with costs for other sources, you begin to understand that this is one of the most inexpensive types of fuel.

Solid fuel heating systems

Economical heating of a private house without gas can be built using a solid fuel boiler. To power it, coal, coke, briquetted fuel and even ordinary firewood are used. Coal burns the longest, but it is also quite expensive. But the heating system is not only economical, but also inexpensive - the simplest solid fuel boiler is quite affordable.

The most cheap heating a private house without gas is built using solid fuel boilers, sometimes homemade. If you want to ensure more convenient operation of the system, you should take a closer look at a boiler with a small bunker for pellet fuel (fuel granules). Such pellet boilers operate automatically, requiring only periodic loading of new portions of pellets.

The operation of solid fuel boilers using wood is complicated by the need to load firewood too often. In addition, a lot of firewood is needed, which increases the cost of operating the heating system. As soon as you miss the moment of loading the next portion of fuel, the house will begin to become cooler. The problem is solved by installing special long-burning solid fuel boilers.

Liquid heating systems

Liquid fuel heating systems cannot be called the most economical. After gas and solid fuel they take an honorable third place. Used engine oil and diesel fuel are used as fuel. Because of this, in houses heated by liquid boilers, there is always a characteristic smell. There is also a need to create a special storage for liquid fuel, and at a distance from residential buildings - this creates additional costs.

Electric heating systems

It is difficult to create cheap heating of a private house with electricity - you need a source of free electricity. The whole point is that classic electric boilers are unusually voracious. And it is almost impossible to do anything here, since their efficiency is 99% - that is, almost all the energy is converted into heat. Some savings can be achieved induction boilers, but many experts are not ready to confirm this fact.

Economical electric boilers for heating a private home exist, but they are much more expensive than their simple, small-sized counterparts. Savings are achieved through the use of weather-dependent automation and room temperature sensors. That is, they are able to automatically adapt to the characteristics of outdoor and indoor temperature conditions, adjusting the heating power - if a person were to make the adjustments, the costs would be higher.

How to make economical heating in a private house

How to make cheap heating for a private house with your own hands? To do this you need:

  • Use the most economical and efficient heating boiler;
  • Pay attention to the thermal insulation of your home;
  • Use alternative heat sources.

The operating principle of a condensing boiler, one of the most profitable devices for heating a private home.

If there is gas in the house, take a closer look at condensing boilers - they have high efficiency and almost completely transfer heat from the burner to heating system. If you want to create the cheapest heating for a private home without gas, consider purchasing a solid fuel boiler - by purchasing a truckload of firewood, you will provide yourself with relatively cheap heat for the entire cold period. Also you need to pay attention to installing radiators with high heat transfer.

Thin entrance doors, lack of proper thermal insulation of walls, old windows - all this contributes to heat leakage outside your home. We recommend that you install normal entrance doors with effective thermal insulation, order plastic windows and think about covering the house with a layer of brick (it is also possible to apply a cement “jacket”, which creates good thermal insulation) - this will reduce heat loss and reduce heating costs.

Alternative heat sources

As for alternative heat sources, they can be:

  • Infrared film for creating warm floors;
  • Solar panels;
  • Heat pumps.

A heating scheme in which heat is generated using electricity obtained from solar panels.

Solar panels use the free energy of the sun - they generate electricity, which can be used to heat the coolant or operate other heating equipment. Their disadvantage is their very high cost.– you need to spend a lot of money to buy required quantity batteries

Heat pumps use the energy of reservoirs, soil or air. The principle of their operation is based on taking heat from the environment and transferring it to heated rooms. Without delving into the laws of physics, the operating principle of a refrigerator is used here. To power heat pumps, external sources of electricity are required, but even with this taken into account, the heating system turns out to be quite economical. But the cost of heat pumps so far negates their advantages.

If you need to create economical system heating a private house without gas, you can use infrared film. It runs on electricity and provides heating for the floors - under the influence of infrared radiation they heat up and begin to give off heat to the rooms. According to experts, the film provides up to 30% efficiency compared to the use of conventional electric boilers.

Heat bills won't scare you anymore! What is the most economical way to heat a house?

Heating is the largest energy expense in most homes. It accounts for from 35 to 50% annual electricity bills.

The most effective way to reduce the size of these bills is to reduce your heating energy use.

The heating system replaces the heat that is lost through the walls, windows, floor and ceiling of your home.

Methods for economical heating of a private home

The amount of energy required to replace lost heat is depends on four factors:

  1. location of the house (in colder regions the consumption is higher);
  2. size of the building;
  3. home energy efficiency;
  4. energy efficiency of the heating system.

The first factor is the main one, but it does not depend on you. The colder the weather outside, the more energy is required to maintain a comfortable temperature inside.

Important and house size. A spacious room contains a significant volume of air that needs to be heated. Therefore, a large house requires high heating costs.

An excellent opportunity to save energy and money is to improve the energy efficiency of your home and its heating system. There are several ways to do this:

  • choose the optimal type of heating system;
  • improve façade insulation;
  • repair the heat distribution system (air ducts and pipes);
  • Eliminate heat leaks through doors, windows and various cracks.

How to insulate a facade

Insulation of the facade in the form of its insulation is the main protection of the house from heat loss through the building body. Therefore, it is very important to insulate the largest area of ​​the house - the facade walls. Insulating materials reduce heat loss by providing a barrier between the inside of the home and the significantly different temperatures outside.

Homes use different types of insulation. The most common ones- polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam and fiberglass.

Polyurethane foam

Foam insulation is spray or injection foam.

  • Spray foam in a liquid state, it is distributed in the open spaces of the new house construction. After this, the foam expands, fills the cavity and hardens.
  • Injection foam pumped into existing cracks, crevices or other voids in the walls. It makes this polyurethane foam indispensable for repairing the insulation of existing houses.

Expanded polystyrene

Expanded polystyrene happens with open or closed cells.

  • Open cell polystyrene foam very light and flexible. When polystyrene foam foams, the gas inside the cells escapes through holes in the cell wall. This process creates a lightweight, flexible shape that compacts as it hardens.
  • Closed cell polystyrene foam has a much denser and heavier structure. It forms a dense surface that is more resistant to weathering and temperature changes.


Fiberglass is made from soda, limestone, sand and crushed glass and comes in slabs or rolls. It is placed in unfinished walls, floors and ceilings between studs, beams and joists. Due to its fibrous structure, this material is excellent keeps air inside and prevents heat loss.

Photo 1. A piece of fiberglass. It is one of the most popular materials for home insulation.

Efficient boilers for space heating

In order to heat your home efficiently and economically, you need to choose quality heating equipment. Boilers are most often used in this role.

Condensing gas

Boiler operation with condensing gas allows you to use all the energy released when burning gas. All boiler systems distribute heat in hot water, which releases heat by passing through radiators or other devices in rooms throughout the home. The cooled water is then returned to the boiler to be reheated.

In a conventional boiler, the heating system circuit is heated by the combustion of natural gas. Condensing boiler uses the energy available in gas combustion products. These products contain water vapor. The steam cools, condenses and releases heat. The water in the heating circuit is heated by this energy. The evacuation of water released during condensation (condensate) is carried out through a wastewater network.

Important! Natural gas is the most available source energy. Therefore, the cost of operating a condensing boiler will be the most profitable.

This boiler is easy to operate, consumes less fuel than a standard gas boiler, and is efficient, often exceeding 100%.


The pyrolysis boiler runs on solid fuel. In this case, not only the firewood itself burns, but also the gases that are released in the process.

Therefore, the efficiency of such boilers is up to 90%. Firewood or special pellets made from dried biomass burn in one chamber, releasing pyrolysis gas.

Under the influence high temperature the gas enters another chamber through a special nozzle, where it burns, mixing with oxygen.

The thermal energy released in this process is much higher than in conventional boilers , and the burning time is much longer. Therefore, pyrolysis boilers are called long burning boilers.

Such gas generator boilers do not depend on the presence of a main gas pipeline, and can be used as efficiently as possible use purchased fuel.

Solid fuel

The simplest boiler is a wood or coal boiler. He completely autonomous, and does not require a connection to a gas pipeline or electrical network, nor the cost of paying for gas and electricity. All you need is a standard housing, consisting of a firebox (or combustion chamber) and a blower, and ordinary firewood.

Firewood is burning in the firebox thanks to the air supplied through the blower. At the same time, it stands out thermal energy. It heats a steel or cast iron heat exchanger in the form of a coil located in the firebox and increases the temperature of the coolant. Hot water gives off heat as it passes through a home's heating system. The cooled water is then returned to the boiler to be reheated.

Electric boiler

Electric boiler operation similar to the operation of other boilers: the water in it is heated and then circulates in the heating system circuit and radiators.

Heating of water in such boilers occurs by using electric current . It provides high performance and excellent heating speed.

In addition, installing an electric boiler does not require large expenses for the installation of expensive equipment, the presence of a chimney and a large room.

Warm floor

Heated floors are the most old form of central heating. The Romans also used an underfloor heating system to warm buildings and baths. Today's underfloor heating system is gaining increasing popularity in Russia.

Underfloor heating is a system that heats a home through a heated floor covering. Exists two types of such a system. In the first type warm water heats the floor, passing through a pipeline laid under the floor (“wet” system). In the second the floor becomes warm using electric coils, placed under it (“dry” system).

Concrete floor slabs heat up, and heat radiates from under the floor into the room. "Wet" system can be connected to a gas boiler to heat water. This will help you save significantly on cheap gas fuel.

Attention! For this type of heating large-scale construction work is required. Therefore, its installation is best done during the construction of the house.

Infrared heating is one of the most economical ways

The infrared spectrum is part of the electromagnetic spectrum. This form of radiated heat is the most basic. This is the same 100% natural type of heat, which is emitted and absorbed by the human body every day.

Photo 2. Installation of infrared heaters under the roof of a house, this method installation allows you to completely warm up the room.

The peculiarity of infrared radiation is that it heats objects and people in its path without heating the surrounding space. This is what infrared heating does much more efficient than convection. Convective heat, which is released by conventional radiators and central heating systems, only heats the air.

Warm air is distributed throughout the room, circulating uncontrollably, and leaves objects in the room cool. Infrared heating emits direct heat and heats everything up. This type of heating brings long-lasting, comfortable warmth to the home, consuming less energy.

Infrared heaters can provide Directed heat anywhere, regardless of distance. This means that there is no need to waste electricity on heating any room, even the largest area, and heat is not lost due to air circulation.

Solar collectors - cheap and economical

Solar collectors use the heat of sunlight to heat water, which is then directed inside the building. They consist of a panel of heat-absorbing material into which mixture of water and antifreeze to collect heat. This mixture then heats the water in the hot water system, so solar collectors must be integrated into existing system heat distribution.

Photo 3. Solar collectors installed on the roof of the house. Devices must be placed at a certain angle.

Such thermal systems can be useful not only in warm climates. Even a small increase in water temperature dramatically reduces the amount of energy required to heat it. Solar collectors create favorable conditions to start operating any heating systems. This means that less energy is used overall.

How to heat a house with heat pumps in winter and summer

Heat pumps are devices for transferring warm air using an electric pump. In winter, warm air is separated from the cold outdoors and spreads inside the house. In summer, the heat pump changes the direction of flow and the warm air from the room is carried outside. Heat pumps use forced air systems to distribute heated air throughout the home.

Exists two types heat pumps.


Geothermal pumps pump warm air from a pipeline placed underground. The temperature in such a source stable all year round.

In geothermal pumps, the collector circuit is a coil buried in long, shallow holes or in vertical wells.

The efficiency of heat pumps is often sometimes more than 100%, because they use electricity not to create heat, but to move it.


Heat pumps with air source of heat extraction use outside air as a heat source in winter and as a heat sink in summer. These heat pumps look and install just like a central air conditioner.


Heating our homes is expensive and getting more expensive every year. As costs rise, each of us is looking for more available options heating and insulation. Fortunately, there are many such options. Choose carefully combine different types and heating systems and you can choose the best option in terms of price and efficiency.

What is the most economical way to heat a house?

Heating a house can be organized in different ways, but which is the most economical method available? We will try to figure this out below.

Selecting a heating method - nuances

To decide which option is the most economical method in your case, you should accurately answer a number of questions. The list is as follows:

For example, for houses where the owners are visiting, it is not advisable to use constant heating.


The very first thing is to find out what kind of fuel is most affordable in your region. The main criteria here are the following:

  • uninterrupted supply;
  • resource cost.

It is the availability of energy in this particular area that is the main starting point.

In most cases they are used in private homes:

  • natural gas;
  • firewood;
  • coal (both hard and brown);
  • fuel oil;
  • peat briquettes.

Sometimes they heat with electricity - this is far from one of the most economical methods, but in the absence of an alternative, this possibility must be taken into account.

Depending on the list of available resources, a boiler is selected. Calorific value This device directly affects the overall efficiency of the entire system.

The weakest property mentioned above is found in systems operating on solid fuel. The following are:

But, as statistics show, today on average in Russia (if all the described energy carriers are available in any area without exception), then natural gas is certainly the cheapest.

Least economical heating, undoubtedly electric. Other ways to do without gas, although much cheaper, will still require twice the cost compared to the cost of blue fuel. However, if there is no alternative, you won’t have much choice.

Depending on which resource is available in your region, the choice of heating system is also made. There are 2 types most widely used in Russia:


If we are talking about electricity, then proven ways to heat a house are:

  • heated floors;
  • infrared panels (film heaters, etc.);
  • convectors;
  • boilers.

The first three types are suitable for relatively economical heating of buildings where people do not live permanently. Their consumption is far from small, but a few days of use per month is not critical. For wooden capital country houses The most convenient are probably film heaters. They consume only 40 watts per square meter.

The advantages of electric heating are:

  • low cost of installation;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • fine adjustment;
  • noiselessness.

Water heating

Such systems work the same regardless of the type of boiler installed in the house:

  • carrier heated to operating temperature, fed into pipes;
  • circulates through all radiators (the latter, due to the convection of air masses, ensure heat transfer);
  • The cooled water returns through a closed circuit back to the boiler.

At the same time, one of the most economical is heating with natural circulation. Since the system does not install pumps for pumping coolant, this means there is no need to consume additional electricity.

At the same time, if the house has an area of ​​more than 100 square meters, the described option will not work. The large length of communications leads to an increase in hydrodynamic resistance in the pipes, which means that the movement of water will be too slow.

The disadvantages of water heating are:

  • the boiler must work constantly;
  • It is almost impossible to accurately regulate the temperature in each room.

Air heating

Compared to the methods described above, this one is quite economical. It is ideal both for houses where people always live, and for those in which they visit.

The principle of this system is simple:

  • the air is heated directly through the heater;
  • is supplied to the premises through special hoses and grates installed either in the floor or in the wall.

The undoubted advantage is:

  • literally lightning-fast heating of the entire house;
  • economical use of fuel;
  • high efficiency (about 90 percent);
  • low duct maintenance costs.
  • noise occurs during operation;
  • Installation of the heater requires, according to safety regulations, a fairly large room area.

List of other methods

For economical homeowners, it will be useful to know that insulation will allow you to reduce costs, and quite significantly. A well-insulated house consumes much less resources (about half) while maintaining comfortable conditions for its inhabitants.

Such work must be carried out comprehensively:

  • the walls are covered with foam plastic or pressed mineral wool;
  • windows are installed with double-glazed windows;
  • The attic floor and floors must be insulated.

Installing a programmable heat regulator will also allow you to spend energy more efficiently on heating. This device:

  • can independently monitor the temperature in different rooms;
  • turn off the heating when there are no people present;
  • controlled remotely via a built-in SIM card.

Heating a house with electricity: the most economical method and advantages of choice

It is known that the most inexpensive heating option is considered gas system. But there are situations when it is not possible to use it, for example, if there is no gas main nearby. In this case, it is recommended to heat the house with electricity. Most economical way can be selected by analyzing all the available options. This is what we will do in this review.

This option is suitable for buildings outside the city and country houses

Why you should choose heating your home with electricity: the most economical way

The electric heating system has the following advantages:

  • Electricity-based devices are virtually silent and do not require additional view fuel. They do not pollute the atmosphere. To use them, you only need an electrical network;
  • installation of equipment does not require significant investments;
  • to save electricity, you can use a system of two-tariff meters or install solar panels on the roof;
  • You can connect a convector or boiler yourself.

Heating with electricity is carried out using various devices

Options for electric heating of a private house

Such a heating scheme involves the use various types equipment.

Boiler application

It is not uncommon to install an electric boiler for heating a 220V home. A similar device belongs to budget options and is easy to install.

Electric boilers are of the following types:

  • ten models belong to traditional options. The heating element is heated by electricity and transfers heat to the coolant, which transfers it to installed radiators. This unit is equipped with a thermostat that allows you to maintain the temperature at a certain level. The disadvantages include scale that collects on the heating element;

The diagram shows the principle of working with heating elements

  • In an electrode type boiler, instead of a heating element, there is an electrode that acts on free ions, which creates heat. This is a safe design option, since if water leaks, the device stops working. With this heating method, limescale does not occur, but only water can be used as a coolant;

Electrode model device

  • The device of an induction electric boiler includes a pipeline and a radiator. In this case, the radiation mechanism forms an electromagnetic field that interacts with metal elements. Electricity produces vortex currents that transfer energy to the coolant. This product is characterized by ease of installation and maintenance. Water is used as a heating fluid, oil compositions or antifreeze.

Installation of induction device

Selecting IR panels

When determining how to heat a house economically with electricity, you can consider the option of installing infrared structures. Such products do not warm up the air inside the rooms, but various objects. If in the version with a boiler the air masses move upward and then cool, then in this case the hot flows are directed to the floor.

Infrared designs do not take up much space

If you add thermostats to IR devices, they will work more efficiently. One controller is enough to control three heaters. This equipment is economical to use, but expensive in terms of installation and construction costs. IR devices consume a small amount of electricity. In addition, they efficiently distribute heat. They can perform spot and zone heating. Even after the structure is turned off, objects long time release heat.

Infrared panel device

You can install such equipment yourself. Infrared system used both as the main type of fuel and as an additional one. The advantages of this option include a long service life, up to 80 years.

Heating a house with electricity is also done using infrared heated floors. It's economical and effective remedy. This design is not afraid of unexpected power surges and does not break due to minor damage. Such a device can be installed under different flooring except for parquet. Infrared rays only heat solid objects, so when the floor is heated, the elements themselves do not heat up.

Installation of infrared floor covering

Infrared panels for ceilings

Advantages of convectors

When choosing the most economical electric heating without a boiler, it is worth exploring the capabilities of convectors. According to manufacturers, a convector operating from the mains heats the space efficiently and at the same time consumes a small amount of electricity. The main advantage of the device is that its installation is simple.

It takes about two minutes to warm up the heating element, which is much faster than when heating with water devices. The advantages of such structures include:

  • low cost of equipment;
  • fire safety;
  • The heating system can not be completed immediately, purchasing additional radiators as needed;
  • modern design;
  • uninterrupted operation even with sudden voltage changes;
  • small sizes.

This method maintains the desired humidity ratio in the room and does not destroy oxygen. Excellent technical properties and excellent power indicators allow the use electric convectors for heating both large and small private houses.

Such designs are compact in size and mobile.

The main element of the design is the heating element, which converts electrical energy into heat. The operating principle is air convection. In this case, the cooled flows penetrate the slots in the lower part of the housing and then exit through the upper openings. The convector can operate separately or in a system controlled by a temperature controller.

Wall-mounted models are characterized by functionality and allow you to free up space

Which option is better not to choose?

When choosing the most economical way to heat your home, it’s worth exploring the options that you shouldn’t buy. An expensive option is an oil cooler. He has increased power, but when operating in winter it consumes a lot of electricity. Despite the significant power, such products have low heating efficiency. Interestingly, IR panels of the same power will heat the space in the house faster. Low-efficiency devices include fan heaters. They reduce oxygen, make noise and move dust.

An oil heater can be combined well with other heating methods.

How to increase the efficiency of electric boilers for heating a private home: prices and methods

To get the most economical method, heating your home with electricity must be properly organized. The efficiency of the entire structure can be reduced as a result of poor thermal insulation. Various gaps, cracks and lack of insulation on the windows contribute to the rapid cooling of the rooms.

If no one is home all day, you may not need to heat the house all day. In such a situation, you can install a special controller that will start the heating system several hours before the residents arrive. Two hours is enough to fully warm up the rooms.

Electrical equipment operating diagram

Of great importance is a skillfully designed heating system design, taking into account the location of the heaters and power. Good decision installation of a multi-tariff meter is considered. This device allows you to save electricity at night, when the heater will work.

Useful information! At good insulation ceiling and walls, heating quality can increase by up to 80%.

To get a cheap home heating system with electricity, you need to choose the right equipment and calculate the location of all devices.

Unlike apartment residents, owners of private houses face many tasks in organizing efficient operation water supply systems, electricity supply, etc. Modern manufacturers are offering increasingly simple and profitable technologies and ways to provide a private home or cottage with heat. One such know-how was electric heating. In this article we will tell you how to organize home heating with electricity cheaply.

It is believed that the most advantageous type, in terms of price, is a gas boiler and metal radiators. Unfortunately, not all homeowners have access to this method. The territory of our country is not fully gasified; ecologically clean areas are especially far from network gas.

Pros and cons

Just for those houses near which there are no gas mains, electric heating will be a competent and profitable solution. This alternative heating Houses has obvious advantages:

  • + you don’t need to burn anything to get heat
  • + no need to regularly replenish fuel reserves
  • + no need to carry anything heavy and put it in the firebox
  • + fuel flows through the wires itself

The electric heating system of a private house also has disadvantages:

  • - significant energy consumption
  • constant growth housing and communal services tariffs
  • - risk of power outage without warning
  • — the need to purchase an autonomous generator in case emergency shutdown systems

At the stage of designing a house, it is worthwhile, together with specialists, to develop such an effective system that will make heating country house electricity is economical, efficient and safe. Low price sometimes becomes the main factor when choosing the type of home heating. Thanks to new technologies, despite rising energy tariffs, electric heating devices are becoming more and more efficient.

Which electric heating is better?

The concept of electric heating includes a large class technical means and ways.

Today, a home heating system can be of two types:

  1. With direct heat dissipation
  2. WITH intermediate coolant

First option
provides for the use of such heating devices as: electric convector, spiral, infrared or quartz heater, electric fan. Such household appliances, for all their convenience and ease of operation, have a significant drawback - a very high consumption of electricity.

This does not include the underfloor heating system, which is worth talking about separately. It will really help create a comfortable temperature in your home or country house without extra costs.

Second option is a system in the “heart” of which an electric heating boiler is installed. It heats the coolant to the required temperature and distributes heat through the pipes. Real reviews Any construction forum will help you find information about the use of such heating systems.

If we compare a solid fuel, liquid fuel or pellet boiler against an electric one, the latter wins significantly. The main “trump card” of the latter is its high efficiency. By installing automatic thermostats on batteries, the economic effect becomes even higher. In addition, well-organized electric heating of a private home is durable, easy to use on a daily basis, and quiet. It is very attractive that the organization of electric heating does not require obtaining any permits for installation.

THIS IS IMPORTANT: You can make the use of electricity for heating cheaper by installing a two-tariff meter. So the cost per 1 kWh at night will be significantly lower.

Seven ways to organize inexpensive heating of a private home with electricity

Electric convector

The operating principle of convectors is to circulate air through heating elements. According to the laws of physics, warmer air rises and mixes with colder air. This way the room is heated evenly.

The advantages of such devices are heating speed and efficiency of 80%, compact size with high power. In addition, a variety of operating modes and a built-in thermostat allow you to efficiently use electricity only when the ambient temperature drops.

We should also highlight the mobility that a convector heater has. By moving it to the coldest areas of the room, you can quickly and evenly heat the entire space.

A big plus for convectors- permission for use in wet areas. Water protection allows you to install such an electrical appliance even in a bathroom or toilet.

Like any household appliances In addition to significant advantages, convector heating also has disadvantages: connecting all devices to the network immediately entails exceeding the permitted power.

THIS IS IMPORTANT: When installing a relay that regulates the sequential start of heaters, the possibility of exceeding the permitted power is eliminated. This solution will maintain a comfortable temperature in a private home and reduce costs.

Tubular electric heater

The principle of operation of the system is to transfer heat from the heater to the coolant liquid in the pipes. Traditionally, the coolant is water, oil or antifreeze. In simple words is a device that works in a similar way to electric kettle or a boiler. Heating element immersed in liquid. When used to organize economical electric heating of a private home, such devices show high efficiency and minimal heat loss.

Tubular electric heaters are often called oil radiators or heaters. In times of shortage, such devices were even made by hand. Photos and videos of homemade radiators can be found on construction forums.

The main advantages of tubular type heaters are their reliability. They are not explosive and are not afraid of external influences such as vibration and shock. In addition, their design is so diverse that it allows the device to harmoniously fit into any interior.

Tubular electric batteries have one significant drawback - their high price. The point is the high cost of the metal from which heating heating elements are made.

Electric heated floor

A modern way to heat large areas without using radiators. The easiest to install underfloor heating is available in the form of ready-made heating mats, which must be distributed over the surface, connected and hidden under a layer of screed. Heated floors have a big advantage - due to the fact that the heat in the room is distributed evenly, the number of dust particles in the space of the house is reduced.

Electric boiler with heating element

The growing popularity of such boilers lies in their high reliability, safety and relatively low price, especially in comparison with induction or electrode boilers. However, such a heating system cannot be called “The best electric heating” and it cannot be called cheap either. Boilers of this type use thermoelectric heaters - not the most economical devices in terms of power consumption.

THIS IS IMPORTANT: Before installing a boiler with a heating element, check with the electrical network company about the maximum possible load on the wiring in your home.

Induction electric boiler

A two-winding transformer is hidden inside the device. Eddy currents arising in it move behind a short-circuited coil, which is the body induction boiler. At this moment, the secondary winding receives a certain amount of energy and converts it into heat, which warms up the coolant liquid.

Induction boilers are characterized by 100% efficiency, resistance to voltage surges, rapid space heating and durability. They simply don't contain parts that could break!

Electrode heating boilers

The operating principle of heating devices of this type is as follows: the role of heating elements in it is performed by electrodes. They are immersed in a coolant liquid. As electric current passes through the electrodes, heat is released. Thus, scale does not form inside the boiler, which greatly simplifies its use at home.

In addition to the absence of scale, the electrode boiler lasts much longer than a tubular heater and has a compact size, which is suitable for use in a small home.

Uninterrupted operation of the device is only possible if the correct liquid is poured into the electric boiler. If it is water, then after multi-stage filtration, if it is antifreeze, then only of the brand of the same name as the boiler.

Infrared heater

The principle of its operation is based on the fact that it is not the heating element or the coolant that is heated, but the surrounding objects. Heated objects also warm up the air in the room. In simple words, an infrared heater works like a microwave oven.

Such heaters are rightfully considered one of the most budget-friendly. Heaters made in the form of panels are especially popular. The panel can be installed on a wall or ceiling both in a private house and in a non-residential premises.

Due to the increased heating area, private or country house heats up many times faster than when using other heaters.

THIS IS IMPORTANT: Infrared panels can be combined with an electrode boiler. For example, use infrared heating during a period when the heating season has not yet begun or is already over, and it suddenly gets cold outside.

Today there is large selection options to achieve the necessary comfort inside a residential building using electric heating.

Manufacturers offer a wide range of different devices for organizing home heating with electricity. Get warm home and you can really save money, you just need to create a single reliable system in which heating elements and possible heat losses will be rationally taken into account.

The choice of heating system is a key issue, the solution of which determines the comfort of living and the safety of the owner’s financial resources. Considering various options, it is worth paying attention to electric heating in a private home, assessing its pros and cons in order to compare it with other proposals.

Modern systems powered by electricity are very diverse. Not all of them consume excessive amounts of electricity. Let's look at each of them in detail.

Electric heating systems are among the most environmentally friendly. They do not produce any emissions into the atmosphere

This is fundamentally wrong, because electrical systems have many significant advantages that distinguish them from other types of heating:

  • Safety. The equipment does not work with open flames or explosive substances, like other heating devices. High-quality wiring - reliable protection from possible fire.
  • Easy to operate and maintain. Automatic systems regulate the operation of equipment, which requires minimal human intervention. There are no elements that require regular replacement or cleaning.
  • Complete environmental safety. During operation, the system does not emit toxic substances, so it can be installed in any room.
  • No need to store fuel reserves. Therefore, a special room for storing flammable materials is not required.
  • Compactness. Most of the equipment is small in size. The varied design of the devices makes it easy to choose a model for any interior style.
  • Low cost. Compared heating devices other types, the price of such equipment is much lower.

Of the significant shortcomings electrical systems In addition to the fairly high cost of electricity, in fairness it should be noted that the equipment is completely energy dependent.

This means that if there is a power outage, all appliances will stop working, which will be especially noticeable in areas with frequent outages. In addition, for uninterrupted operation of the equipment, you will need a powerful electrical network, which is not available everywhere.

To install water heating with an electric boiler, choose only a closed system equipped with a membrane expansion tank, with which the pressure in the system is regulated

Water heating with electric boiler

It is a standard system with a coolant fluid circulating through heating circuit. Its main difference is that the coolant is heated only through the use of an electric boiler.

Because of this, such a system will have some features. First of all, it can only be closed type and must be equipped

Otherwise, it will not be possible to avoid uneven heating of the premises, losses in the speed and power of heat exchange, which will lead to excessive consumption of electricity and, accordingly, unjustified expenses. For the same reasons, it is not recommended to install a system with natural circulation.

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Every home must be equipped with a heating system

Owners of private housing have a huge advantage over residents of apartment buildings. They can decide for themselves which room service systems to use and how to save on installation and operation costs. Those who live in apartments, as a rule, cannot influence the quality and quantity of utility services provided, especially in the direction of increasing them. Owners of private houses can foresee the nuances even at the construction stage and choose the most profitable solution. To the point that the most economical home heating can be installed with your own hands.

The main advantage of electric heating is the rapid spread of heat around the source

This source is available almost everywhere. But it’s unlikely that heating a private home with electricity can be called the cheapest. If you decide to use electrical appliances for heating, be prepared to see large numbers on your electricity bill. The main advantage of electric heating is the rapid spread of heat around the source. Literally within a few minutes after switching on, you can feel the result. That is why electric heaters are most often used not for constant heating of homes, but in some emergency cases. The fire hazard of electric heating devices is also quite high. It is not recommended to leave them turned on for a long time without supervision.

Solid fuel

This name most often refers to firewood and coal. Firewood, although a very common fuel in Russia, will not help you solve the problem of cheap heating at home.

Fuel briquettes can have different compositions

In private homes, they are usually used to light stoves before laying coal. In large country houses, where, as a rule, there are fireplaces, they also use firewood. Coal is the cheapest and most commonly used solid fuel for heating private homes. Thus, if you want to provide economical heating for your home with your own hands, add to the project a stove that will be heated with coal and heat your home. In some areas, briquetted fuel is also used. This can be peat or pressed wood chips. However, due to geographical features, such types of fuel are not very common in Russia.

Liquid fuel

Chemical derivatives - fuel oil, diesel fuel, etc. - are usually used as liquid fuel. These heat sources are rarely used in private homes. Because combustion produces acrid smoke. Also, due to their increased flammability, it is quite unsafe to store these types of fuel near residential premises.


The cheapest heating of a country house can be organized using gas equipment. The cost of fuel is very low, and modern equipment can be installed and assembled in a matter of hours. However, the cost quality equipment quite high. And the final price of the project will depend on the distance of your home from the gas pipeline.

Alternative energy sources

Installing solar panels can help you save money

Of all the alternative sources known in the world, wind can be used on a more or less large scale in Russia. For this, solar panels or wind turbines are respectively needed. These sources can give you virtually free energy and provide truly the cheapest heating for your home. Moreover, both of them can be very different in size, and, accordingly, cost. However, due to climatic features, they cannot be used constantly and everywhere.

So, if you want to make cheap heating for a private house with your own hands, you need to choose which type of fuel will be your main and which auxiliary. First of all, you need to proceed from the location of your home and the availability of certain heat sources. Then you need to calculate the costs of installing equipment for each resource and choose what suits you best. In this important issue It is advisable to consult with specialists. Typically, equipment supplier companies have complete information on this issue.

In a private home, it is advisable to have several heat sources. To heat the main living space, you can use a pipe or one that supplies heat from a distribution boiler. It can be heated using solid fuel, gas or electricity.

To create a special coziness, owners of country houses often use fireplaces. Of course, only natural wood or charcoal should be placed in fireplaces. True, there are also electric fireplaces, but those who like this imitation of living heat are more likely to be residents of apartment buildings than owners of a country house. Also, the design of private houses often includes a bathhouse. Both natural wood and electric stoves can also be used for heating.

Using solar panels is a good way to help your budget. Since solar energy can be accumulated, then in the conditions of most regions of Russia you can use this equipment in order to have a backup heat source in case of force majeure. In addition, the electricity obtained from solar panels is 100% environmentally friendly.

In any private house, when installing a heating system, it is necessary to provide various situations. Including emergency ones. So that if a gas boiler fails or a pipe breaks, you can switch to a backup option without any problems. And while repairing the main equipment, you will not be left without heat and energy. Thus, the cheapest heating for a country house is intelligently combined various sources heat. Using them in various combinations, you will ensure the uninterrupted operation of the life support system of your home.
