Ground clamp. Ground clamps and magnetic attachments Magnetic welding ground clamp

Magnetic mass for welding is a special device that ensures reliable fixation on metal surfaces. This allows you to comfortably perform welding work on complex surfaces where the use of classic alligator clips is impossible.

There are many design options that depend on the work conditions. The structure of this device is not particularly complicated. For this reason, some craftsmen prefer to use homemade magnets for welding.

This device is mounted on the working plane of the workpiece. Thanks to the active magnetic field, a strong fastening is achieved, creating a closed electrical circuit - the main condition for the formation of electrical power.

The tool is especially popular among novice welders - it will take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the principles of the work. Experienced specialists use magnetic mass to welding machine during critical work - pipe welding large diameter or connecting load-bearing units made of profile materials.

Design of magnetic contact and its characteristics

Consists of two nodes:

  1. Cable holder. The ground cable is attached to it welding equipment using a bolted connection.
  2. Magnetic assembly. The size of the magnet depends on the design features. Some models are equipped with a mechanism that regulates the pressure of the magnet on the working plane. Professional devices have switches.

The parts are connected to each other by a rigid fastening. The main characteristics of the devices are:

  1. Dimensions and weight. Depends on the manufacturer and specific model. The average weight is 1-1.2 kg.
  2. The force of attraction to the surface. Varies in the range from 2 to 50 kg.
  3. Welding current strength. The maximum value of the parameter is measured in amperes. For entry-level models, it does not exceed 200 A. An advanced tool is capable of operating at 400-500 A.
  4. Execution type. They produce special clamps for corners with gap adjustment.

Safety regulations prohibit connecting a cable without a special lug, which is clamped with bolts.

Advantages and disadvantages

- the most common method of joining metal products. The quality of the future connection depends on the integrity of the electrical circuit.

That is why the invention of the device in question aroused serious interest among specialists.

The popularity of magnetic mass for welding is due to the following advantages:

  1. Reliable fixation will allow the welder to concentrate on work without being distracted by adjusting the clamp.
  2. The working mechanism is a permanent or switchable magnet. Subject to compliance with operating conditions, it can serve for an unlimited period.
  3. You do not need any consumables to use the holder.
  4. Even compact models have a contact patch sufficient for reliable closure.
  5. The device is resistant to sudden voltage changes or temperature changes.
  6. The magnet can be attached anywhere to create comfortable conditions to complete the connection.

Despite the large number of advantages, there are a number of disadvantages:

  1. Before use, it is necessary to prepare the surface. The procedure involves removing dirt and foreign particles.
  2. There is no possibility of attaching to small parts, for example, a circle with a small cross-section.
  3. It is impossible to work with non-ferrous metals because they are not magnetic.

How to use?

The technology for using the device is not complicated. First of all, the welding cable is connected, after which installation begins.

Most units are equipped with switches that activate a magnetic field. At rest, the magnet will not be attracted to the surface.

One person is required for commissioning. After contact with the working plane, the device must be activated. Upon completion of these steps, the clamp is in operating mode.

After completing the work, you should perform the above steps in reverse order. Do not try to separate the switched-on device from the part - many models have quite high tear strength. In addition, this may damage the latch.

Upon completion of work, you should immediately clean the contact surface of the magnet from metal shavings, since they negatively affect the force of attraction.

Is it worth buying?

The answer to this question can only be given by the master performing the work. For a novice welder who has just started his professional career, this device can make life significantly easier.

If a specialist works primarily with non-ferrous metals, a magnetic clamp will most likely not be useful.

Experienced workers have a set of various clamps for all occasions, including this device.

The cost of the device is quite high. If you have knowledge in the field of electrical engineering, you can try to make it yourself. The technology and manufacturing process will be discussed below.

How to do it yourself?

Experienced craftsmen try to reduce all costs for the purchase of auxiliary and working equipment to a minimum. Due to the simplicity of the design, manufacturing does not require special equipment or complex instrument.

To assemble a homemade device, you should prepare the following equipment:

  1. Magnet. The working part of the unit. It must have sufficient power to securely attach to metal. Magnets from old car speakers with a power of 10-15 W are ideal for this purpose.
  2. Two washers. Their size must correspond to the diameter of the magnet.

Sometimes it can be difficult to select washers for the size of the magnet. It is much easier to make washers yourself from sheet metal.

  1. Set of hardware for fixing the welding cable.

Algorithm for performing the work:

  1. One of the washers will make contact with the working plane. It is necessary to make a hole in it corresponding to the size of the bolt head.
  2. The cap is cut to the thickness of the washer.
  3. After preliminary preparation The structure is connected by welding. The product should resemble a mushroom, in which the threaded part of the bolt plays the role of a leg.
  4. A magnet is placed on the mushroom. Place a second washer on the reverse side.
  5. A welding tip is attached to the thread, and the entire structure is secured with nuts.

Functionality checks are performed only in field conditions. The quality criterion will be the correct functioning of the welding machine.

Weight for a welding machine with your own hands - great way save money, as well as a means to test your DIY skills.

A properly assembled device will last no less than the factory clamp.


Magnetic mass is a useful invention that can make life easier for both beginners and experienced welders. The device has many advantages that justify the fairly high cost.

The need to have this device in the arsenal depends only on the individual master. Having the appropriate skills, you can assemble a magnetic clamp yourself, using available materials.

Amateur welder Rustam Alievich Kuliev: « I live in apartment building, but I have a dacha outside the city, so the time for active use of the welding machine is from May to October. Last year I came across a magnetic clip in a store and bought it. The impressions are twofold - it won’t help welding a frame for grapes, but it will do the job of repairing a fence from the profile. Overall, I’m happy with the purchase: the mass never fell off during operation».

It often happens that additional devices welding machines become unusable due to high loads or low-quality materials. Such equipment also includes magnetic mass.

This mechanism is a device, the essence of which resembles a clothespin - the magnetic mass is attached to the elements being welded. Unlike a clothespin clamp, it can be easily fixed to absolutely any surface, is more reliable and durable, is highly resistant to voltage surges, and its wide area reliably protects the tool from short circuits.

Disadvantages include poor compatibility with small surfaces of objects being welded, the inability to attach to non-ferrous metals, and the need to regularly clean the magnet from metal debris and shavings.

In general, a magnetic mass is a fairly simple and reliable device that you can even make yourself. The design includes such elements as: magnet and contact. Both of them are connected to each other by a special fastener. The weight of the device depends directly on its overall dimensions. Simplicity of design is the key to reliable and functional operation of the mechanism.

How to make your own magnetic mass?

Process self-made mass is quite simple. Volume necessary tools and materials are minimal. For assembly you will need:

  1. The magnet is the main element that ensures the strength of the fastening. A fairly powerful and compact magnet can be obtained from failed speakers.
  2. Washer - its size should not differ much from the magnet;
  3. A nut with a bolt - they will serve as a clamp for the wire.

The assembly process includes 6 sequential steps:

  1. The washer is being prepared. For convenience, you should stock up on two units, the size of which will correspond to the selected magnet.
  2. The washer, which will be the bottom part of the device, is drilled.
  3. Preparation of the bolt, which involves grinding down its top.
  4. All elements are assembled into a single structure, which is welded and polished.
  5. The magnet is placed on the bolt and secured with a second washer.
  6. A ground cable is attached to the rod, and the entire device is tightened with a nut.

Each master determines the feasibility of independently producing mass for a welding machine for himself. At the present time, there is enough available for the buyer large selection factory devices at reasonable prices.

The list of basic devices required for manual electric arc welding includes the following items: electrode holder; welding cable to holder; return cable; ground terminal (ground clamp).

Quite often these components are not of high quality and require immediate replacement. There are times when the contractor will need a replacement after a short period of use.

Choice of any technical device or adaptation requires careful and careful approach. A correctly selected ground terminal can protect the performer from electric shock and will guarantee a high-quality and reliable connection. To select the optimal welding work clamp, you should pay attention to the following important aspects.

  1. You have to choose well-known and trusted brands, which will help you avoid purchasing counterfeit products. It is very difficult for a person who does not have sufficient experience to distinguish a fake from an original product. Therefore, you need to buy products only from specialized sellers and suppliers.
  2. The ground clamp for the welding machine should be selected taking into account maximum current, which the unit produces.
  3. Also the clamp should confidently withstand the weight of the connected cable.
  4. If the compression mechanism is spring, then its properties should be sufficient for reliable contact with the work product.
  5. Plays one of the main roles opening angle terminals, the value of which should be sufficient for secure attachment to parts of various sizes.

Types of ground clamps

Ground clamps for welding machines, depending on the nature of the fixation, can be of several types. Next, we will look at the main types of clamps, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.

1. W welding mass pressure “crocodile”

Most often, performers use a type clamp for grounding "crocodile" ("clothespin"), which is attached directly to the part.


  • reliability of connection with the surface of the part;
  • convenience and speed of use;
  • minimum connection resistance;
  • the ability to fix parts of various geometric shape, including complex configurations;
  • high degree of disclosure.

It is also worth highlighting the main flaws:

  • low, compared to other types, level of strength of some components - spring;
  • This type of clamp is used only in cases where it is possible to attach directly to the product.

The alligator clip must be selected based on general recommendations. Terminals of this type are available in three main modifications: ground clamp 300A, 200A and 500A. Depending on the model of the welding machine and the current it produces, you need to determine the optimal modification. To carry out work on professional level It is recommended to purchase a 400-500A clamp.

Useful video

2. Magnetic mass for welding

Welders quite often use magnetic ground clamp. This type has a whole spectrum advantages:

  • possibility to secure a contact on any surface or structure, including pipes;
  • simplicity of design ensures durability and trouble-free operation;
  • absence of springs and other mechanisms also promotes long service life;
  • a ground magnet for welding is able to withstand voltage surges and not burn out;
  • successfully used in hard-to-reach places;
  • The large contact area guarantees secure fastening.


  • Not reliable fastening contact on small parts, for example, fittings;
  • impossibility of attaching the clamp to the product from colored metals;
  • a magnet is needed periodically cleanse, in particular from metal shavings;
  • should Avoid overheating the magnet, otherwise it may demagnetize; Overheating occurs if the terminal is attached to a dirty surface.

3. Clamp

Welding Ground Clamps Type clamp are used less frequently than the two types listed above. This type of terminal also has several advantages:

  • high degree of fastening reliability, since fixation is carried out using a hex head screw;
  • good contact with the workpiece ensures a smooth transition of current.

As shortcomings One can highlight the rather complex structure of the mechanism and the relatively large dimensions of the terminal.

4. Centralizer

In rare cases, experts select a centralizer-type clamp, designed for centering and tacking pipes previously located in the desired position. Can also be used to connect welding parts.

Advantages of this type:

  • ensuring tight contact;
  • guarantees welding accuracy;
  • Suitable for pipes of various diameters.


  • limited scope;
  • high cost compared to other types of clamps.

Useful video

And another review from an experienced welder, which has some tricks.

Popular models

Consider popular welding ground clamps. On the market for sale consumables There is a wide variety of work clamps for welding, both domestic and foreign. Next we will look at the most popular models.

Ground clamp Ergus 300A Pro, manufacturer - Quattro Elementi (Italy). Characteristics: crocodile type; affordable price; high quality; light weight; supports current up to 300A, which is perfect for the home craftsman.

Ground clamp Skrab 27621 300A(in the picture), made in Italy. Is one of the most optimal options for work at home.

Popular grounding terminals are the models Russian manufacturer « Cord". The Moscow company offers clamps with different types mechanism.

To perform welding work in industrial or production conditions It is recommended to choose a mass clamp of 500A or more.

Elitech 500A mass clamp, made in China.

Do-it-yourself welding compound

For those who want to create a clamp with my own hands To save money, we suggest you read the instructions.

Magnetic mass for welding is, if not the most common, then the most desirable, so the process of its manufacture will be shown below.

The process is simple, you will need a minimum of tools, and the parts can be at hand.

The performer will need: magnet; two washers the size of the magnet can be made from sheet metal; bolt and nut for clamping the welding cable.

The welding mass holder is assembled in several stages:

  • At the washer, which will serve as a contact, a hole is drilled corresponding to the diameter of the bolt head;
  • the top of the bolt must be ground down to the thickness of the washer;
  • then this structure is welded and cleaned; you should get a mushroom-shaped part with a carved stem;
  • the magnet is placed on the bolt, with a second washer on top;
  • Lastly, the end of the cable is attached to the threaded rod, and the entire structure is tightened with a nut.

This homemade welding compound will be a good option for saving money and is suitable for home craftsmen. Although there are many critics. What to choose, homemade, cheap or expensive professional tool, choose for yourself.

Often, additional accessories for the welding machine are either of poor quality and break, or may be missing altogether. Magnetic mass for welding is convenient device, allowing it to be secured to the parts to be welded, and good alternative standard clothespins.

What does such a contact consist of? positive qualities he has and how to make it yourself. More on this later in the article.

Magnet or clip

Typically, welding machines are equipped with a ground cable with a clamp-type holder. At first glance, it is convenient; such a device can be securely attached to almost any surface (sheets, rolled metal, etc.).

But there are situations when it is not possible to install such a mass on the workpiece or, even more often, it burns out. A good alternative would be the magnetic contact of the welding cable.

What are its advantages over a standard clothespin clip?

  • This is an opportunity to attach the contact to almost any surface without much hassle.
  • The simple design is almost forever in use and will not break, since there are no springs or mechanisms.
  • Such a mass perfectly withstands voltage surges and loads, as a result of which it does not burn out.
  • The large contact area ensures reliable closure.

But this type of contact fastening also has its drawbacks. Main disadvantage- this is that the magnetic mass for welding will not be installed well on small parts, for example, a rod or fittings. The second negative property will be the inability to attach to welded parts made of non-ferrous metals: aluminum, copper and others. Also, over time, the magnet will become contaminated with metal shavings and will need to be cleaned periodically.

Without taking into account the last two factors, this is a rather convenient device that you can even make with your own hands at no extra cost.

Magnetic contact design

The device itself consists of two parts.

  • Contact. This is the point where the ground cable is secured to the holder.
  • Magnet. Can be of various shapes and sizes.

These two parts are connected to each other by a fastener. The weight of the magnetic mass for welding will depend on its size. For example, a magnetic welding clamp from ESAB weighs about 850 grams.

The main thing in this design is simplicity, which ensures reliable operation and uninterrupted operation.


Of course, such welding compound fasteners can simply be purchased. Manufacturers who produce welding equipment also produce additional devices in the form of fasteners. But this is an extra financial loss; such a contact can be made independently.

Making a magnetic contact for a welding cable with your own hands is quite simple. You will need a minimum of tools, and the parts can be at hand.

What is needed for this:

  • First, the magnet. This main detail of the entire device, which will ensure secure fastening. Most often you can see homemade products made from magnets from car speakers.
  • Secondly, two washers according to the size of the magnet. If you use a car speaker, you can weld a bolt onto one of the washers for further assembly.
  • Thirdly, a bolt and nut for clamping the cable.

The entire system is assembled as follows:

  1. Washers can be made from sheet metal to fit the size of the magnet. If it's a speaker, it usually has round shape. Accordingly, the washers should be the same.
  2. At the bottom (the one that will serve as direct contact) a hole is drilled along the diameter of the bolt head.
  3. The very top of the bolt must be ground down to the thickness of the washer.
  4. Now this structure is welded and cleaned. You should end up with a mushroom-shaped piece with a carved stem.
  5. The magnet is placed on the bolt, and a second washer is placed on top.
  6. Now the end of the ground cable is attached to the threaded rod and the entire structure is tightened with a nut.

This is how an elementary mass is collected from the simplest material for magnetic welding. Its uninterrupted operation will be proof correct assembly. The dimensions of such a contact will depend on the dimensions of the magnet. Factory-made round masses usually have a diameter of about 50-60 millimeters.

For an experienced welder who knows the principle of operation of the mass on a welding machine, making the required fastening will not be difficult. The most primitive contact can be a piece of rod attached to the cable, which is secured to the workpiece with a pair of welding points. But, of course, such a device is very inconvenient to use.

You can also make your own magnetic holder for electrodes. Which also depends on personal preferences in terms of ease of use.

Homemade magnetic terminal good option saving money. Although whether to use such a mount or not is a matter of personal convenience at work. If welding is rarely used (as usual in everyday life), then you can simply get by with a standard clamp.

Reading time: 2 minutes

Magnetic terminal, magnetic clamp, magnetic contact of the welding cable... This device has many names. But the essence is always the same: a magnet allows you to quickly and reliably attach it to the ground and start welding.

But what is it? What are the pros and cons of a magnetic ground terminal? How to use it and is it worth buying at all? You will find the answer to these and some other questions in our article.

The magnetic contact of a welding cable is a device that is mounted on the surface to be welded (ground) using an active magnetic field. The device is necessary to form a closed electrical circuit. Without this, manual arc welding is impossible.

The magnetic ground clamp is very popular among both beginners and professional welders. Magnetic mass is also often used for DIY welding at home. It quickly and securely attaches to any surface, even curved ones.

Advantages and disadvantages

We have already mentioned several advantages of a magnetic terminal above. But the list does not end there. The magnetic terminal has simple design, so it is extremely durable and lasts for many years. Simply put, it is a regular magnet with a switchable or permanent magnetic field. There are no springs or anything else mechanical elements which may fail.

The magnetic terminal tolerates temperature and voltage changes well. It rarely burns out and can work with most types of metals. Also, such a ground clamp is indispensable when welding in hard to reach place. Even if the part is bent, the magnet will still provide reliable fastening due to its large contact area.

But it was not without its drawbacks. So the magnetic terminal is not able to provide reliable fastening to small parts. For example, on fittings. To maintain an active magnetic field, the device must be constantly cleaned. Its operation is very badly affected by metal shavings.

Also, to use a magnet, preliminary preparation is required. If you attach a magnet to uncleaned metal, the device will stop working.

Don't forget that there are metals that are not magnetic. These are most non-ferrous metals. You won't be able to use a magnetic terminal with them.

How to use?

There is nothing complicated about using a magnetic terminal. Most models have a special handle, turning which you turn on the magnetic field. By default, the magnet will not attach to metal.

The device must be attached to the part, holding it with one hand. With your other hand, turn the handle, activating the magnetic field. Everything is ready! The magnet holds securely on the metal. To remove the device, simply turn the handle in the opposite direction. There is no need to put any effort into tearing the magnet off the metal.

Is it worth buying?

The answer to this question depends on the specifics of your welding work. You must evaluate for yourself which metals you cook most often and under what conditions. If you are a beginner and do not weld non-ferrous metals, then a magnetic terminal will simplify your work. The same applies to professional craftsmen. But they most likely have a whole set of different terminals for welding any metals.

The magnetic terminal is not cheap (compared to other types of clamps), but it is worth it. If you want to save money, you can make such a terminal yourself. Below is a video that shows how to make a magnetic mass for welding on your own.

» Ground clamp

The list of basic devices required for manual electric arc welding includes the following items: electrode holder; welding cable to holder; return cable; ground terminal (ground clamp).

Quite often these components are not of high quality and require immediate replacement. There are times when the contractor will need a replacement after a short period of use.

Important! If the welding work clamp is faulty, this negatively affects the work process, its productivity, and most importantly, safety for the welder, the stability of the arc, and the quality of the connection.

The choice of any technical device or device requires a careful and attentive approach. A correctly selected ground terminal can protect the performer from electric shock and will guarantee a high-quality and reliable connection. To select the optimal welding work clamp, you should pay attention to the following important aspects.

  1. You have to choose well-known and trusted brands, which will help you avoid purchasing counterfeit products. It is very difficult for a person who does not have sufficient experience to distinguish a fake from an original product. Therefore, you need to buy products only from specialized sellers and suppliers.
  2. The ground clamp for the welding machine should be selected taking into account maximum current, which the unit produces.
  3. Also the clamp should confidently withstand the weight of the connected cable.
  4. If the compression mechanism is spring, then its properties should be sufficient for reliable contact with the work product.
  5. Plays one of the main roles opening angle terminals, the value of which should be sufficient for secure attachment to parts of various sizes.

Types of ground clamps

Ground clamps for welding machines, depending on the nature of the fixation, can be of several types. Next, we will look at the main types of clamps, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.

1. W welding mass pressure “crocodile”

Most often, performers use a type clamp for grounding "crocodile" ("clothespin"), which is attached directly to the part.


  • reliability of connection with the surface of the part;
  • convenience and speed of use;
  • minimum connection resistance;
  • the ability to fix parts of various geometric shapes, including those with complex configurations;
  • high degree of disclosure.

It is also worth highlighting the main flaws:

  • low, compared to other types, level of strength of some components - spring;
  • This type of clamp is used only in cases where it is possible to attach directly to the product.

The alligator clip should be selected based on general recommendations. Terminals of this type are available in three main modifications: ground clamp 300A, 200A and 500A. Depending on the model of the welding machine and the current it produces, you need to determine the optimal modification. To carry out work at a professional level, it is recommended to purchase a 400-500A clamp.

Important! It should be noted that the use of a clothespin clamp when welding large diameter pipes is impossible.

Useful video

2. Magnetic mass for welding

Welders quite often use magnetic ground clamp. This type has a whole spectrum advantages:

  • possibility to secure a contact on any surface or structure, including pipes;
  • simplicity of design ensures durability and trouble-free operation;
  • absence of springs and other mechanisms also promotes long service life;
  • a ground magnet for welding is able to withstand voltage surges and not burn out;
  • successfully used in hard-to-reach places;
  • The large contact area guarantees secure fastening.


  • unreliable contact fastening on small-area parts, for example, fittings;
  • impossibility of attaching the clamp to the product from colored metals;
  • a magnet is needed periodically cleanse, in particular from metal shavings;
  • should Avoid overheating the magnet, otherwise it may demagnetize; Overheating occurs if the terminal is attached to a dirty surface.

3. Clamp

Welding Ground Clamps Type clamp are used less frequently than the two types listed above. This type of terminal also has several advantages:

  • high degree of fastening reliability, since fixation is carried out using a hex head screw;
  • good contact with the workpiece ensures a smooth transition of current.

As shortcomings One can highlight the rather complex structure of the mechanism and the relatively large dimensions of the terminal.

4. Centralizer

In rare cases, experts select a centralizer-type clamp, designed for centering and tacking pipes previously located in the desired position. Can also be used to connect welding parts.

Advantages of this type:

  • ensuring tight contact;
  • guarantees welding accuracy;
  • Suitable for pipes of various diameters.


  • limited scope;
  • high cost compared to other types of clamps.

Useful video

And another review from an experienced welder, which has some tricks.

Popular models

Consider popular welding ground clamps. The market for the sale of welding consumables offers a wide variety of work clamps, both domestic and foreign. Next we will look at the most popular models.

Ground clamp Ergus 300A Pro, manufacturer - Quattro Elementi (Italy). Characteristics: crocodile type; affordable price; high quality; light weight; supports current up to 300A, which is perfect for the home craftsman.

Ground clamp Skrab 27621 300A(in the picture), made in Italy. It is one of the best options for doing work at home.

Popular grounding terminals are models from the Russian manufacturer " Cord". The Moscow company offers clamps with various types of mechanisms.

To perform welding work in industrial or production environments, it is recommended to select a mass clamp of 500A or more.

Elitech 500A mass clamp, made in China.

Important! It should be noted that almost all manufacturers and sellers of welding equipment also offer customers grounding terminals. Therefore, a wide selection of mechanisms is available to beginners and professional welders.

Do-it-yourself welding compound

For those who want to create a clamp with their own hands and save money, we suggest that you read the instructions.

Magnetic mass for welding is, if not the most common, then the most desirable, so the process of its manufacture will be shown below.

The process is simple, you will need a minimum of tools, and the parts can be at hand.

The performer will need: magnet; two washers the size of the magnet can be made from sheet metal; bolt and nut for clamping the welding cable.

The welding mass holder is assembled in several stages:

  • At the washer, which will serve as a contact, a hole is drilled corresponding to the diameter of the bolt head;
  • the top of the bolt must be ground down to the thickness of the washer;
  • then this structure is welded and cleaned; you should get a mushroom-shaped part with a carved stem;
  • the magnet is placed on the bolt, with a second washer on top;
As a rule, the welding machine is equipped with a cheap grounding terminal. But its quality is such that in most cases it quickly fails or is not suitable for the welder for some other reason. You need to go to the store to buy a new terminal.

How to choose from the offered range if you are just starting to weld? What do you need to know for this? Read in the article.

Due to poor contact, the welding process will be constantly interrupted. Therefore, the mass clamp must be selected based on the following considerations:

  • Taking into account the maximum operating current of the welding machine;
  • It must support the weight of the cable being connected;
  • The spring compression force must ensure reliable contact with the product or the copper pad on which it is installed;
  • The opening size of the terminal should guarantee reliable fastening on structures of small and large sizes.

Ground terminals come in three types:

  • clamp;
  • clothespin "Crocodile";
  • magnetic clip.

If a situation arises during your work in which it is problematic to grab a hold of a clamp or a crocodile, you can easily do this with the help of magnetic clamp. With a magnet, you can easily attach to any surface, be it a pipe or a structure of complex shape.

Home design feature Such welding mass is a spring, which ensures quick fastening to the metal. It is also the “Achilles heel” of the device.

Understanding the operating principle of a crocodile-type mass allows you to extend its life and not ruin it after two or three welding jobs. What are we talking about? On any clamp there is a strip (copper-plated or brass) that transfers contact from one clamping jaw to another. If you do not monitor its condition and incorrectly connect the mass to the metal, it may deteriorate. A common malfunction is that a contact that fits with a wire to one clamping jaw may slip through the spring to another. As a result, the spring begins to heat up, which leads to a loss of its hardness and spring properties (in metallurgy this process is called tempering), aimed at reliable fastening of the clamp to the surface metal product. Because of this, the mass is destroyed at a rapid pace. To maintain working condition, you need to monitor the condition of the strip: it should not touch the metal when connecting. The photos clearly demonstrate what is meant.

Correct contact

Buy a "crocodile" for professional work. Which positive aspects it usually has:

  • the design is correct (the strip is recessed so that it cannot be touched)
  • quality materials,
  • more powerful spring;
  • larger girth (sometimes it is simply not replaceable).

Take with a reserve of 400 -500A.

How to improve the ground terminal?

What are the dangers of steel jaws? They will get hot - steel is a much worse conductor than copper or brass. To prevent this from happening, you can remake a cheap clothespin that costs 40-50 rubles. (if, of course, you have some copper or brass in your household, for example, a plate or tube, a tire).

What needs to be done? You need to unscrew the original jaws, which are held on by bolts, and use them, like a template, to make other jaws. It is enough that in cross-section they represent the Russian letter “P”. Without special effort you will get good contact on a poor quality clothespin!

Do-it-yourself magnetic clamp for welding

Welders can appreciate the benefits of using a magnetic terminal when working with complex structures, where a regular “crocodile” simply has nowhere to hook. And here you throw the mass onto the surface of the metal being processed - and you perform welding work.

You can buy it at any welding supply store, but will it meet your needs and be as reliable as a terminal you make yourself? Everyone comes up with something, some make “crocodiles” in the garage, but magnetic masses few people undertake to invent... In general, do it and you will have something to brag about to your welding friends!

  • The terminal itself is cut from 2mm and 0.5mm sheet metal, and the magnet is taken from a non-working speaker, and a 20x20x3mm hot-rolled angle segment is also used here as a cable pressure plate. All other components: screws, washers, nuts are standard.
  • The connection can be made to the ground cable of the welding machine, replacing the standard “crocodile”, or you can separately equip this type of ground with a bayonet connector and a cable with a cross-section of 1x16mm.
