Story about autumn work in the garden. List what people do in the fall in the house, garden and vegetable garden

To form successful personality From childhood, important concepts should be embedded in the child’s perception of the world. Hard work is one of them. That is why in lessons in the lower grades the question of how human work in the fall differs from work in other seasons is discussed. It is also important to make kids aware of why it is so important to be active not only in spring and summer.

And no frost will be scary!

Human work in the fall is somewhat different from other seasonal work. Children should already understand that all living things in Eurasia are beginning to prepare for the cold period. Therefore, first important matter people is insulating their homes - own home and buildings intended for wintering domestic animals.

In apartments, most people seal the cracks in the windows. This is done to prevent cold air from blowing out of them in winter. Although in many homes today they are installed plastic windows which ensure tightness. But they also require some preparation for the winter period.

At the same time, housewives produce general cleaning indoors: sort through stored items, throw out unnecessary trash, wash windows. After all, it will be more difficult to do this in winter than in autumn.

Caring for our little brothers

The homes of animals that spend the winter outside human homes also require special attention. These include cows, horses, sheep, goats, rabbits, chinchillas, ferrets, minks, poultry and bees.

The work of a person living in the fall is very different from the activities of a city dweller. After all, the villager needs to caulk the cracks in the barn, in the poultry house, insulate the cages intended for small animals or bring them into covered premises, move the hives with bees to the omshanik.

And the most caring owners don’t even forget to hang a piece of thick fabric or a rubber mat at the entrance and check whether it’s comfortable for the animal to go inside and whether it understands how to do it.

Taking care of our smaller brothers, that is, the living creatures inhabiting the planet, is an important and necessary work of man in the fall. At school, children make bird feeders, hang them up, and in winter make sure there is always food for the birds in them.

Procurement of feed

Everyone who keeps hay-fed cattle on their farm begins to take care of winter feeding in the summer. Haymaking time is a hot time.

Grass for hay is cut, dried, and stacked in stacks. But in the fall you need to take care that the hay does not rot due to precipitation. Therefore, food for herbivores should be moved indoors or carefully covered.

in the fields

For many, the onset of autumn is associated with an abundance of vegetables and fruits. But as practice proves, it is difficult to grow a crop, but it is not easier to harvest it without loss.

It's a busy time. Grain harvesters spend all day in the fields harvesting wheat, rye, oats, buckwheat, peas and other crops. It is very important to do all the work before the onset of the rainy season. Otherwise, the entire crop will rot on the vine.

However, machines cannot always completely collect all the ears. A lot of them fall to the ground. Previously, children even took off from classes and went to the fields to help adults there - pick up fallen ears of corn. Such was the feasible contribution to human labor in the fall. 2nd grade was already coping with this task quite well.

Today children are no longer attracted to such work, but in vain. The younger generation is losing connection with the land and respect for the work of grain growers. Hence the abundance of photographs on the Internet with buns placed on feet, imitating house slippers...

We are collecting the harvest - don’t yawn, don’t lag behind!

Beets and potatoes, carrots and other root vegetables are also harvested. Large farms They do this using special machines. But private villagers sometimes dig up their crops the old fashioned way, with a shovel and a rake. Most children have not only heard about this, but they themselves are familiar with such human labor.

In the fall, 1st grade, together with the teacher, must dig up several bushes of potatoes, carrots, and beets on their own. Then children will understand how hard it is for a person to get food and, perhaps, will begin to treat it more carefully.

Steam, cook, roll

But you really want to preserve the fruits grown in your dachas and gardens and enjoy them in the winter! Therefore, human labor in the fall is often associated with conservation. During this period, many housewives make jam, pickle and pickle vegetables, make compotes, and dry mushrooms and herbs for seasoning.

Cleaning the area

How many fallen leaves are on the ground in autumn! It's beautiful. But over time they will rot. Because of this, many harmful microorganisms will quickly multiply in an environment favorable for this. Therefore, human labor in the fall is associated with cleaning them. In the world around them in lessons, children not only talk about this, but also help adults in this activity.

In their gardens and dachas, people also remove fallen leaves and tops from the harvest.

Planting in autumn

Although plant activity slows down in winter, many require planting in late fall. For example, some varieties of garlic must be planted before winter.

Most seedlings of bushes and trees also take root best in the fall. Experienced gardeners With the onset of cold weather, fruit and berry trees are grafted. This way the plants are less likely to be injured and tolerate this procedure more easily.

Many people already prepare the land for spring planting in the fall. To do this, they apply fertilizer to the plots and dig up vegetable gardens.

It is very important to complete each activity on time. Only then can you count on an excellent result.

With the arrival of the beautiful autumn season, the summer cottage season is slowly coming to an end. However, the golden autumn still requires some work. The complex of gardening work during this period is simple, but very extensive: the owners collect the gifts of the harvest, plant seedlings, and also prepare the soil, trees and the entire garden plot for winter rest.



Mid-September is the prime time for harvesting most varieties of fruit.. At the same time, try not to allow the crop to become overripe, otherwise the fruits will be stored worse, and strong wind may break off and deteriorate.

It is convenient to determine the degree of ripeness of apples or pears by examining the seeds inside the fruit. If they are white, it’s too early to pick the fruit; if the color is light brown, it’s just right; if the shade of the seeds is dark brown, the fruits are already overripe. To easily remove the fruit, do not pull it, but slightly push it up while twisting it around its axis.

After September 15-20, start pruning plants, remove damaged and diseased branches. Sanitary pruning is usually done in the fall; it should not be as intense as in the spring. At the same time, rake up the remains and start from the leaves of healthy trees.

This month propagate summer flowering plants by retraction or division into new shoots. And from the end of September you can start planting young seedlings - apply a nutrient mixture under them, water well and mulch.

If necessary, prepare holes or trenches for spring planting. It is advisable to cover them with slate so that the roots do not interfere with neighboring shrubs.

As long as there is no frost, feed the fruit and berry trees phosphorus and potassium preparations, then. Nitrogen cannot be added in the fall.

From the second half of September you can fertilize fruit trees(for adult specimens up to 2 kg per trunk, once every few years). To do this, make a groove along the contour of the tree trunk circle, pour ash into it, then cover everything with earth.

If you are growing strawberries, then you should trim its leaves and then feed it with liquid manure or complex fertilizer.

For a flowerbed, September is disembarkation time that bloom in spring: crocuses, etc. Also this month, winter (early) begins.

If there is no drain artificial pond cover it from falling leaves. Also look after: bring in autumn feeding, aerate, trim the edges, lay a new lawn, etc.


Cabbage among the main vegetables, they are usually harvested later, since they tolerate frost more easily than others. And to protect the heads of cabbage from cracking in rainy weather, slightly tear their roots, slightly pulling them out of the ground.

  • Tip: Choose the most suitable day for gardening work according to.


Garden work

In October, continue sanitary pruning of trees and shrubs. Clean the trunks and skeletal branches of trees from damaged bark, moss, and lichen. Whiten the trees to protect them from frost, sunburn and bugs. You can add a little bone glue and red clay to the lime - this will protect the whitewash from being washed away during prolonged rains. Treat the hollows with garden varnish.

In October it follows in advance install supports, frames, make garters. Raspberries, or grapevine before the onset of frost they should be bent, tied to pegs or to a frame, but it is better to cover them later, after the first frost.

For protection against rodents wrap and tie to the bottom of the trunks garden trees roofing felt or special mesh. This is especially important for young plants.

Until mid-October, continue to propagate and replant young trees(provided that they have already dropped their leaves) or plant them on permanent place, currants, blackberries, gooseberries or honeysuckle.

If you have gladioli, cannas or dahlias– it’s time to dig them up and send them to the cellar for storage in a container with dry sand or sawdust. Also in October plant annual bulbs that will bloom in summer (daylily, allium, montbretia, etc.).

After all work, collect and throw away large debris and branches. Rotten and fallen fruits and leaves of diseased plants must be taken away or burned. Rake the leaves of healthy trees again and transfer them to the compost heap, tamp everything down well.

Finally, in October, clean the gutters in the house, bring the summer house into the extension garden furniture, sweep, insulate the chimney, etc.

Work in the garden

In the first half of October, dig up the remaining root vegetables:, beets, radishes, etc.

If you have a greenhouse, prepare it for winter: check all the elements, clean, disinfect with bleach (300 g/10 l.).

Also, finally clean up the garden open ground.

If the beds are small, they can be dug up for the winter. If necessary, apply fertilizer for spring planting. The soil can be covered with a dark film so that the soil warms up faster and is less clogged with weeds.

Towards the end of October or even at the beginning of November, 3 weeks before the first frost and at a constant temperature of about +5C, start planting tulips and ( , winter garlic, sorrel, onion, lettuce, celery, dill, etc.). Plant them a little further from the plan, as some of the seeds may die.



Before the first frost sprinkle tree trunks peat or dried compost layer of 4-7 cm.

When the first persistent frosts appear cover heat-loving plants covering material – spruce branches, agrofibre, etc. Don’t forget that you need to build frames or bend down branches ahead of time, in October, when the temperature is above zero.

Do 1-2 convenient feeders for birds and after the snow falls, start them slowly. This is a good deed, and feathered friends will always help your garden get rid of pests.


Mulch beds with winter-sown plants with peat, compost, straw or leaves. This must be done before the first snow falls.

This concludes the autumn chores at the dacha. Now all plants and soil can safely winter, waiting for warm and sunny spring days.

Even in deep childhood, I adored my grandmother’s preparations: canned cucumbers, jam, compotes. But imagine my surprise when she took me to the dacha for the first time, where she explained what was coming from and where. Since then I began to respect my grandmother even more. After all, when you see what you have to do in order to grow and then harvest a crop, you can’t help but be surprised. Now I live in the city, but every autumn my family and I gather at the dacha.

What do people do at home in the fall?

If you have country house, then you will have to restore order not only in the garden and vegetable garden, but also in it. Many people leave their suburban areas and do not visit them during the winter. The house must be thoroughly prepared for such a long absence. For example, the first step is to tidy up and eliminate the clutter. It is also important to check the wiring and electrical appliances so that a fire does not break out in your absence. If there is damage to the house, it is better to eliminate it (for example, repair the roof). It’s important to set things up before you leave. security system, even if you plan to visit the territory. As you can see, there is a lot to do in the house, and even more on the property.

What do people do in the garden in the fall?

Arriving outside the city in the fall, all avid summer residents begin to prepare their plot for winter. If they suburban area intended for recreation, and not for growing crops, then people strive to restore order in the house and garden.

So what are they doing at this time in the country? Activities in the garden and vegetable garden:

  • Harvest. If vegetables, fruits, and berries grow on the plot, then they certainly need to be collected in order to turn them into culinary masterpieces in the future. This is why many people buy vegetable gardens.
  • Preparing the soil for winter. Garden soil, just like the soil in huge fields, needs to be plowed and fertilized so that it does not become depleted and gives bountiful harvest next year.
  • Preparing plantings for wintering. Some cultures and ornamental plants require additional insulation. For example, apple trees, roses, strawberries, etc. Some plants are completely dug up during the winter.
  • Cleaning. It is worth removing fallen leaves and branches.

The end of the warm season and the beginning of the cold season is considered one of the hottest periods in the life of summer residents, since work in the garden and vegetable garden is especially active in the fall. Special attention turns to harvesting, summing up the results of the summer season, as well as preparing for the winter.

The entire extensive list of work in the garden is conventionally divided into periods, and for each of the months - September, October and November, one or another list of tasks is determined. These types of activities in the fall have many similarities with those in the spring, but the main emphasis is now on preparing plants for winter, as well as on carrying out harvesting work on personal plot. For each autumn month, as well as for that matter, certain events are intended to be carried out, and it is important not to miss the timing favorable for their implementation. What work is done in the garden and vegetable garden in September, October and November?

Compared to the summer months, the days become much shorter and the air temperature drops noticeably. The main types of work during this period are:

Sanitary cleaning

The first step is to start removing the weeds growing on the site, as well as get rid of dry vegetation and foliage. You should not neglect the cleaning of fallen fruits, since they are the home for many pests, which, with the onset of the first warm weather, will begin to increase their population. All collected dry leaves, as well as diseased branches, must be destroyed or transported outside summer cottage.

September is considered a favorable period for circumcision and transplantation perennial plants, since the earth is well saturated with moisture and warmth, and there is plenty of time for good rooting before the first frost appears. In addition, they plant and bulbous plants such as daffodils, lilies and crocuses. It is during this period that coniferous and deciduous trees and shrubs are planted, as well as raspberries, gooseberries and blackberries.

In some regions, the beginning of autumn is a favorable period for sowing lawns, but this must be done with caution. After all, autumn weather is quite deceptive and warm and humid days may be replaced by frosts, in which case all work will have to start from scratch.

Preparing the garden

In September, active harvesting is carried out in the garden. The beginning of the month is a favorable period for digging up potatoes and root vegetables such as carrots and beets, and at the end of the month it is recommended to start collecting pumpkins, zucchini and cabbage.

Don't forget about fertilizing the soil. Many summer residents prefer compost, which is a natural fertilizer, while others choose organic ones in the form of manure, humus or peat. Since nitrogen fertilizers have a stimulating effect on plant growth, then they should be abandoned.

Spending time on trees and shrubs

The end of the month is favorable time for planting young seedlings, however, the ideal period for heat-loving plants is still spring. It is worth paying attention to the preparation and planting of currant cuttings. Preparing shrubs for winter consists of three stages: cutting off old branches and the hilling procedure.

You can improve air movement, as well as oxygen access to the root system, by loosening the soil around the tree. It is recommended to cultivate the land around bushes taking into account the individual characteristics of a particular plant. For example, currants are positive about deep loosening of the soil, but raspberries like loosening only the surface layer of soil.

Whitewashing the garden is of no small importance, as it is considered the final stage in preparing trees and shrubs for the winter season. Many summer residents consider whitewashing only a way to protect plants from garden pests, and therefore it should be produced only in the spring. However, this opinion is erroneous, since whitewashed trees become less susceptible to severe frosts that occur at the top of winter.

What else should you pay attention to this month?

  • The lawn is mowed and combed using a fan rake. To improve soil drainage, the lawn is pierced with a regular pitchfork.
  • Artificial reservoirs located on the territory of the summer cottage are not large sizes need draining. All equipment and vegetation are stored in a special room. Do not forget about cleaning reservoirs, as well as removing various debris.
  • September is a period of active harvesting, so the room intended for storing vegetables and fruits must undergo a disinfection procedure using soda or formaldehyde solutions. This will help prevent the fruit from becoming infected with mold and will also increase their shelf life.
  • Underway active work on catching and destroying garden pests, since some of them begin to lay eggs on tree trunks during this period.
  • In the greenhouse it is necessary to remove top layer soil, since it is he who is good place for wintering garden pests. The collected soil is mixed with compost and poured into a compost pit.
  • In order to prevent the root system of raspberries and sea buckthorn from growing to the sides, slate or roofing material folded in several layers is dug into the ground.
  • At the beginning of the month, to increase the yield next year, the leaves of strawberries and wild strawberries are cut, and they are also fed with organic fertilizers.

Autumn work in October

Summer cottages located in close proximity to the metropolis still feel the breath of heat, which is explained by the influence of the “greenhouse” effect. More distant territories are sinking deeper and deeper into power natural conditions. October is the average autumn month, which is characterized by the process of abundant leaf fall and the complete end of the summer season for colder regions.

Necessary attention to trees and shrubs

The second month of autumn is a suitable period for planting young seedlings and renewal orchard. If it becomes necessary to transplant mature trees, you have to wait until their leaves fall completely and only then begin work.

In October they are replanting fruit bushes to a permanent habitat, and also begin to prepare the trees for the winter season. To do this, carefully loosen the circles around the trunk, and then, after thorough watering, insulate the soil with the help of dry leaves, grass or manure.

Before the end of October, it is recommended to plant trees and shrubs with open areas. root system, since a later time is only suitable for planting plants with closed roots. Pruning of diseased, dry branches and branches that do not have an abundance of harvest must be completed before the first frost. In October, work continues on the formation of the crown of trees and shrubs and stops with the onset of subzero temperatures.

Preparing flowers and bulbs

At the end of October, all plantings of bulbous plants need to be mulched with peat or humus, which will allow them to favorably survive the cold period of the year. Before the middle of the month, it is necessary to dig up gladioli, dahlias and begonias in order to move them to a special room for wintering. It is recommended to carry out such work at above-zero air temperatures in sunny and clear weather.

Don’t forget about preparing perennial plants that remain in the ground over the winter. It is important to pay attention to the condition of the leaves: dead and diseased foliage must be trimmed and burned. To improve the condition of the soil, the soil around the flowers should be loosened and the required portion of fertilizer should be added.

You can start planting annual plants, such as aster, calendula, poppy and cornflowers, taking into account the weather conditions. It is necessary to sow seeds for the winter in cold weather at the first signs of soil freezing, so that once they fall into a ball of earth, they go into hibernation. Warm and sunny weather can trigger the plant to grow even this season, leading to its death.

In October, they begin preparing flower beds for spring planting, which includes loosening the soil, killing weeds and leveling the surface layer of soil. It is too late to seed the lawn this month, as unexpected frosts can cause the death of young shoots.

Garden chores

Of all the variety of crops growing in the garden, the most cold-resistant is lettuce, which can sit quietly in the garden until winter sets in and snow appears. After the onset of the first frost, its green shoots are cut off and wrapped in any non-woven material. Leeks also remain in the open ground for wintering, and they feel comfortable all winter in a layer of compost or sawdust.

The tops of potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers remaining from the harvest must be collected and destroyed. The remains of such vegetable crops are poisonous, so you should not use them for compost, or bury them in the ground to rot.

At the end of October, it is recommended to start planting dill, lettuce, spinach and radishes. The ideal weather conditions for this process would be cold autumn weather, but without severe soil freezing. If a light crust of ice appears on the ground, then this is absolutely not a problem; such soil is quite suitable for sowing seeds.

After the plots have been completely cleared of the crop, the garden is dug up, which differs from doing this type of work in the spring. In the fall, you should not break up large lumps of earth while digging, as is done before preparing the soil for planting vegetables. This is explained by the fact that a large number of larvae of garden pests accumulate in the ground, which have settled there for winter hibernation. Large clods freeze much better than small ones, which leads to the death of harmful insects.

Final pond cleaning

When preparing a pond for winter, it is worth trimming underwater oxygenating plants that enrich the water with oxygen, as well as dark coastal plants. You should work so that the stems protrude several centimeters above the water, which will allow oxygen to enter the water when the pond freezes, as well as bring harmful and toxic substances from the depths of the pond to the surface. It is necessary to complete the cleaning of the pond by removing the flowers and leaves of water lilies, as well as bringing non-frost-resistant aquatic plants into the house.

What else are we doing on site at this time?

  • Work continues to restore order in the garden and vegetable garden;
  • trees and shrubs that have already completely shed their foliage are replanted;
  • The soil in the garden is being prepared for the upcoming spring planting. It includes the application of potash and phosphorus fertilizers, as well as manure and ash. To increase the degree of protection of the soil and better warm it up in early spring, cover ready-made ridges with black film;
  • If there is soil with high acidity on the site, liming is done with chalk or lime.

Final winter work in the garden and vegetable garden in November

November is the last month of autumn, finally closing the summer season. This month is characterized by its greyness, gloominess, high rainfall and the appearance of the first permanent snow at the end of the month. The short day length and cold weather increasingly remind us that the summer season is coming to an end. However, even now for a real gardener there are many types of activities in the garden and vegetable garden.

Caring for trees and shrubs

For fruit trees And berry bushes a state of deep dormancy is characteristic, and cold weather contributes to the natural hardening of plants. The young seedlings have shed their yellowed foliage and gotten rid of the fruits, and right now the cuttings are a real storehouse vital energy plants that will actively manifest themselves when nature awakens in the spring.

A suitable temperature for storing cuttings is considered to be from minus 2 to + 4 degrees, which is quite problematic to achieve at home (but quite possible in the basement of a garage). There are several ways to store cuttings, the most common of which are:

  • The cuttings are placed under snow cover and stored there throughout the winter. However, this method is not entirely reliable, since winters have recently been characterized by a small amount of snow and their unpredictability;
  • For storage, you can use a cold room, such as a basement. This method is not suitable for all plants, and early thaws that warm the house with a basement can cause the cuttings to awaken earlier than expected;
  • with a small number of cuttings, you can use the refrigerator as a storage room.

IN recent years There is a long autumn with a lot of rain, which reduces the resistance of plants to the effects of cold weather, so it is important to insulate them for the winter. On branches bare of leaves you can see nests of ringed and gypsy moths, hawthorns and lacewings, which must definitely be removed and destroyed.

November is a favorable time for sanitary pruning of sick trees, as well as those affected by a large number of pests, and stripping of trunks. Fallen leaves and diseased fruits must be removed from the site and tree trunks treated. Whitewashing of tree trunks ends in November lime mortar, as well as tying trunks and skeletal branches using spruce legs, cherry and plum branches. If a frosty winter is expected, then you should take care of the raspberries: the shoots are tied to each other and bent to the ground. Under dense snow cover, the plant will be able to survive the winter safely.

Worth taking care of protection winter garden from hares and rodents that choose as a home places with a large accumulation of garbage, branches, straw and manure. Typically, tree trunks are wrapped in old newspaper, on top of which a layer of roofing felt, oilcloth or thick fabric is laid and the resulting structure is sprinkled with earth.

The planting of crops such as hawthorn, rowan and viburnum is completed, the seedlings of which are placed in a pre-fertilized hole, covered with earth and watered the right amount water.

What do we do in the garden

In November in southern regions The final harvest of the grown crop is carried out, and the soil free from planting is also dug up. This work must be completed before the first snow, otherwise a large amount of moisture will penetrate into the soil, which will evaporate in the spring for a long time.

Despite the frozen soil, various vegetable crops are planted in the garden in November. Cold weather will not allow the seeds to germinate, and during the winter, under the cover of snow, they will have the opportunity to harden and germinate in full force with the advent of the first spring warmth. Vegetables that remain in the open ground for the winter should be covered with peat, humus, or covered with fallen leaves. Planting of crops such as onions, parsley, lettuce, dill, Chinese cabbage and other types of vegetable crops.

It is necessary to complete the preparation of seeds for the upcoming sowing season. summer season, which are obtained from pre-cut and dried seeds of beets, carrots and other vegetables. If necessary, they are thoroughly threshed, and the resulting seeds are sifted and packaged in bags. The preparation of mineral fertilizers for the spring season is being completed, and it is also necessary to shovel the compost and add water or slurry to it if necessary.

Preparing the flower garden for winter

In November, the final preparation of the flower garden and its inhabitants for the coming winter is carried out. Perennial plants are pruned to a height of 15-20 cm, which will allow them to retain snow during the winter. The flower garden is cleaned of diseased plant debris, and dry and healthy ones are used to cover such flower plants, like roses, clematis, honeysuckle and others. Old plantings of perennials need to be watered mineral fertilizers, and cover the young ones with peat or humus, which will allow them to survive the cold winter favorably and not freeze out.

Tubers of plants such as gladioli, dahlias, and canna rhizomes are reviewed, sick ones are discarded, and healthy ones are placed in storage. To preserve begonia tubers, they are cleaned from the ground, then dried well and placed in plastic bag with perforation, which is placed in wet sand, peat or sawdust.

Insulation work is underway climbing roses, which are a heat-loving plant and are poorly adapted to life in cold conditions. Before the onset of the first cold weather, their shoots must be pressed to the ground with pins, covered with peat or humus, and covered with paws coniferous trees.

The last worries about the pond this year

November is no longer blessed with clear and sunny weather, but if you have such luck, it’s worth starting to thin out the overgrown plants in the aquatic flower garden. It is necessary to cut off the floating plants at the base using special scissors and remove them from the pond. This procedure must be carried out provided that they occupy a large surface of the reservoir, which can lead to the formation of impassable thickets.

All algae and fallen leaves are removed from the water. In artificial reservoirs there is no need to drain the water until it is completely empty; you can only make the mirror area a little smaller. Plastic bottles, filled with water and immersed at the bottom of the reservoir, will help maintain the shape of the reservoir bed and not deform. Ponds with fish are never drained; the fish in them are only submerged in water. hibernation. In the southern regions, with sufficient warm water and soil, you can start planting new plants in the coastal zone.

The end of the warm season and the beginning of the cold season is considered one of the hottest periods in the life of summer residents, since work in the garden and vegetable garden is especially active in the fall. Particular attention is paid to harvesting, summing up the results of the summer season, as well as preparing for the winter.

The entire extensive list of works in the garden and vegetable garden is conventionally divided into periods and for each month - September, October and November, one or another list of tasks is determined. These types of activities in the fall have many similarities with those in the spring, but the main emphasis is now on preparing plants for winter, as well as on carrying out harvesting work in the garden. For each autumn month, as well as the summer month, certain events are intended to be carried out, and it is important not to miss the dates favorable for their implementation. What work is done in the garden and vegetable garden in September, October and November?

Works in September

Compared to the summer months, the days become much shorter and the air temperature drops noticeably. The main types of work during this period are:

1. Sanitary cleaning in the garden

The first step is to start removing the weeds growing on the site, as well as get rid of dry vegetation and foliage. You should not neglect the cleaning of fallen fruits, since they are the home for many pests, which, with the onset of the first warm weather, will begin to increase their population. All collected dry leaves, as well as diseased branches, must be destroyed or taken outside the dacha area.

September is considered a favorable period for pruning and replanting perennial plants, since the soil is well saturated with moisture and warmth, and there is plenty of time for good rooting before the first frosts appear. In addition, bulbous plants such as daffodils, lilies and crocuses are also planted. It is during this period that coniferous and deciduous trees and shrubs are planted, as well as raspberries, gooseberries and blackberries.

In some regions, the beginning of autumn is a favorable period for sowing lawns, but this must be done with caution. After all, autumn weather is quite deceptive and warm and humid days may be replaced by frosts, in which case all work will have to start from scratch.

2. Preparing the garden

In September, active harvesting is carried out in the garden. The beginning of the month is a favorable period for digging up potatoes and root vegetables such as carrots and beets, and at the end of the month it is recommended to start collecting pumpkins, zucchini and cabbage.

Don't forget about fertilizing the soil. Many summer residents prefer compost, which is a natural fertilizer, while others choose organic ones in the form of manure, humus or peat. Since nitrogen fertilizers have a stimulating effect on plant growth, they should be abandoned.

3. Preparing trees and shrubs

The end of the month is a favorable time for planting young seedlings, however, the ideal period for heat-loving plants is still spring. It is worth paying attention to the preparation and planting of currant cuttings. Preparing shrubs for winter consists of three stages: cutting off old branches, applying fertilizer and the hilling procedure.

You can improve air movement, as well as oxygen access to the root system, by loosening the soil around the tree. It is recommended to cultivate the land around bushes taking into account the individual characteristics of a particular plant. For example, currants are positive about deep loosening of the soil, but raspberries like loosening only the surface layer of soil.

Whitewashing the garden is of no small importance, as it is considered the final stage in preparing trees and shrubs for the winter season. Many summer residents consider whitewashing only a way to protect plants from garden pests, and therefore it should only be done in the spring. However, this opinion is erroneous, since whitewashed trees become less susceptible to severe frosts that occur at the top of winter.

What other types of work should you pay attention to in September?

  • The lawn is mowed and combed using a fan rake. To improve soil drainage, the lawn is pierced with a regular pitchfork;
  • Small artificial reservoirs located on the territory of a summer cottage need to be drained. All equipment and vegetation are stored in a special room. Do not forget about cleaning reservoirs, as well as removing various debris;
  • September is a period of active harvesting, so the room intended for storing vegetables and fruits must undergo a disinfection procedure using soda or formaldehyde solutions. This will help prevent the fruit from becoming infected with mold and will also increase their shelf life;
  • Active work is underway to catch and destroy garden pests, since some of them begin to lay eggs on tree trunks during this period;
  • in the greenhouse it is necessary to remove the top layer of soil, since this is a good place for overwintering garden pests. The collected soil is mixed with compost and poured into a compost pit;
  • in order to prevent the root system of raspberries and sea buckthorn from growing to the sides, slate or roofing material folded in several layers is dug into the ground;
  • at the beginning of the month, to increase the harvest next year, the leaves of strawberries and wild strawberries are trimmed, and they are also fed with organic fertilizers.

Works in October

Summer cottages located in close proximity to the metropolis still feel the breath of heat, which is explained by the influence of the “greenhouse” effect. More remote areas are plunging deeper and deeper into the power of natural conditions. October is the average autumn month, which is characterized by the process of abundant leaf fall and the complete end of the summer season for colder regions.

1. Work in the garden

The second month of autumn is a suitable period for planting young seedlings and renewing the orchard. If it becomes necessary to transplant mature trees, you have to wait until their leaves fall completely and only then begin work.

In October, they are transplanting fruit bushes to a permanent habitat, and also begin preparing trees for the winter season. To do this, carefully loosen the circles around the trunk, and then, after thorough watering, insulate the soil with the help of dry leaves, grass or manure.

Before the end of October, it is recommended to plant trees and shrubs with an open root system, since later times are only suitable for planting plants with closed roots. Pruning of diseased, dry branches and branches that do not have an abundance of harvest must be completed before the first frost. In October, work continues on the formation of the crown of trees and shrubs and stops with the onset of sub-zero temperatures.

2. Autumn preparation of flowers

At the end of October, all plantings of bulbous plants need to be mulched with peat or humus, which will allow them to favorably survive the cold period of the year. Before the middle of the month, it is necessary to dig up gladioli, dahlias and begonias in order to move them to a special room for wintering. It is recommended to carry out such work at above-zero air temperatures in sunny and clear weather.

Don’t forget about preparing perennial plants that remain in the ground over the winter. It is important to pay attention to the condition of the leaves: dead and diseased foliage must be trimmed and burned. To improve the condition of the soil, the soil around the flowers should be loosened and the required portion of fertilizer should be added.

You can start planting annual plants such as aster, calendula, poppy and cornflowers, taking into account the weather conditions. It is necessary to sow seeds for the winter in cold weather at the first signs of soil freezing, so that once they fall into a ball of earth, they go into hibernation. Warm and sunny weather can trigger the plant to grow even this season, leading to its death.

In October, they begin preparing flower beds for spring planting, which includes loosening the soil, killing weeds and leveling the surface layer of soil. It is too late to seed the lawn this month, as unexpected frosts can cause the death of young shoots.

3. Types of work in the garden

Of all the variety of crops growing in the garden, the most cold-resistant is lettuce, which can sit quietly in the garden until winter sets in and snow appears. After the first frost occurs, its green shoots are cut off and wrapped in any non-woven material. For wintering in the open ground, leeks also remain, which feel comfortable all winter in a layer of compost or sawdust.

The tops of potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers remaining from the harvest must be collected and destroyed. The remains of such vegetable crops are poisonous, so you should not use them for compost, or bury them in the ground to rot.

At the end of October, it is recommended to start planting dill, lettuce, spinach and radishes. The ideal weather conditions for this process would be cold autumn weather, but without severe soil freezing. If a light crust of ice appears on the ground, then this is absolutely not a problem; such soil is quite suitable for sowing seeds.

After the plots have been completely cleared of the crop, the garden is dug up, which differs from doing this type of work in the spring. In the fall, you should not break up large lumps of earth while digging, as is done before preparing the soil for planting vegetables. This is explained by the fact that a large number of larvae of garden pests accumulate in the ground, which have settled there for winter hibernation. Large clods freeze much better than small ones, which leads to the death of harmful insects.

4. Final pond cleaning

When preparing a pond for winter, it is worth trimming underwater plants - oxygenators that enrich the water with oxygen, as well as dark coastal plants. You should work so that the stems protrude several centimeters above the water, which will allow oxygen to enter the water when the pond freezes, as well as bring harmful and toxic substances from the depths of the pond to the surface. It is necessary to complete the cleaning of the pond by removing the flowers and leaves of water lilies, as well as bringing non-frost-resistant aquatic plants into the house.

What other types of work are carried out on garden plot in October?

  • work continues to restore order in the garden and vegetable garden;
  • trees and shrubs that have already completely shed their foliage are replanted;
  • The soil in the garden is being prepared for the upcoming spring planting. It includes the application of potash and phosphorus fertilizers, as well as manure and ash. To increase the degree of protection of the soil and better warm it up in early spring, cover ready-made ridges with black film;
  • If there is soil with high acidity on the site, liming is done with chalk or lime.

Works in November

November is the last month of autumn, finally closing the summer season. This month is characterized by its greyness, gloominess, high rainfall and the appearance of the first permanent snow at the end of the month. The short day length and cold weather increasingly remind us that the summer season is coming to an end. However, even now for a real gardener there are many types of activities in the garden and vegetable garden.

1. Work in the garden

Fruit trees and berry bushes are characterized by a state of deep dormancy, and cold weather contributes to the natural hardening of plants. The young seedlings have shed their yellowed foliage and gotten rid of the fruits, and right now the cuttings represent a real storehouse of the plant’s vital energy, which will actively manifest itself when nature awakens in the spring.

A suitable temperature for storing cuttings is considered to be from minus 2 to + 4 degrees, which is quite problematic to achieve at home (but quite possible in the basement of a garage). There are several ways to store cuttings, the most common of which are:

  • The cuttings are placed under snow cover and stored there throughout the winter. However, this method is not entirely reliable, since winters have recently been characterized by a small amount of snow and their unpredictability;
  • For storage, you can use a cold room, such as a basement. This method is not suitable for all plants, and early thaws that warm the house with a basement can cause the cuttings to awaken earlier than expected;
  • with a small number of cuttings, you can use the refrigerator as a storage room.

In recent years, there has been a long autumn with a lot of rain, which reduces the resistance of plants to the effects of cold weather, so it is important to insulate them for the winter. On branches bare of leaves you can see nests of ringed and gypsy moths, hawthorns and lacewings, which must definitely be removed and destroyed.

November is a favorable time for sanitary pruning of sick trees, as well as those affected by a large number of pests, and stripping of trunks. Fallen leaves and diseased fruits must be removed from the site and tree trunks treated. In November, the whitewashing of tree trunks with lime mortar is completed, as well as the tying of trunks and skeletal branches using spruce legs, cherry and plum branches. If a frosty winter is expected, then you should take care of the raspberries: the shoots are tied to each other and bent to the ground. Under dense snow cover, the plant will be able to survive the winter safely.

It is worth taking care to protect the winter garden from hares and rodents, who choose as a home places with a large accumulation of garbage, branches, straw and manure. Typically, tree trunks are wrapped in old newspaper, on top of which a layer of roofing felt, oilcloth or thick fabric is laid and the resulting structure is sprinkled with earth.

The planting of crops such as hawthorn, rowan and viburnum is completed, the seedlings of which are placed in a pre-fertilized hole, covered with earth and watered with the required amount of water.

2. What do they do in the garden?

In November, in the southern regions, the final harvest of the grown crop is carried out, and the soil free from planting is also dug up. This work must be completed before the first snow, otherwise a large amount of moisture will penetrate into the soil, which will evaporate in the spring for a long time.

Despite the frozen soil, various vegetable crops are planted in the garden in November. Cold weather will not allow the seeds to germinate, and during the winter, under the cover of snow, they will have the opportunity to harden and germinate in full force with the advent of the first spring warmth. Vegetable crops that remain in open ground for the winter should be covered with peat, humus, or covered with fallen leaves. Crops such as onions, parsley, lettuce, dill, Chinese cabbage and other types of vegetable crops are planted.

It is necessary to complete the preparation of seeds for the upcoming summer sowing season, which are obtained from pre-cut and dried seeds of beets, carrots and other vegetables. If necessary, they are thoroughly threshed, and the resulting seeds are sifted and packaged in bags. The preparation of mineral fertilizers for the spring season is being completed, and it is also necessary to shovel the compost and add water or slurry to it if necessary.

3. Preparing the flower garden for winter

In November, the final preparation of the flower garden and its inhabitants for the coming winter is carried out. Perennial plants are pruned to a height of 15 - 20 cm, which will allow them to retain snow during the winter. The flower garden is cleaned of diseased plant debris, and dry and healthy ones are used to cover flower plants such as roses, clematis, honeysuckle - honeysuckle and others. Old plantings of perennials must be watered with mineral fertilizers, and young ones should be covered with peat or humus, which will allow them to survive the cold winter favorably and not freeze out.

Tubers of plants such as gladioli, dahlias, and canna rhizomes are reviewed, sick ones are discarded, and healthy ones are placed in storage. To preserve begonia tubers, they are cleaned from the ground, then dried well and placed in a perforated plastic bag, which is placed in damp sand, peat or sawdust.

Work is underway to insulate climbing roses, which are a heat-loving plant and are poorly adapted to life in cold conditions. Before the onset of the first cold weather, their shoots must be pressed to the ground with pins, covered with peat or humus, and covered with the paws of coniferous trees.

4. Pond care

November is no longer blessed with clear and sunny weather, but if you have such luck, it’s worth starting to thin out the overgrown plants in the aquatic flower garden. It is necessary to cut off the floating plants at the base using special scissors and remove them from the pond. This procedure must be carried out provided that they occupy a large surface of the reservoir, which can lead to the formation of impassable thickets.

All algae and fallen leaves are removed from the water. In artificial reservoirs there is no need to drain the water until it is completely empty; you can only make the mirror area a little smaller. Plastic bottles filled with water and immersed in the bottom of the reservoir will help maintain the shape of the reservoir bed and not become deformed. Ponds with fish are never drained; the fish in them only go into hibernation. In the southern regions, with sufficiently warm water and soil, you can plant new plants in the coastal zone.
