What does a narrow corridor mean in magic? How can you open a mirror corridor? Mirror corridor

Mirror corridor formed from two mirrors placed opposite each other in such a way as to reflect one another. From these reflections a mirror corridor is formed, which can be used for various purposes.

Mirrors and reflections they have always been considered a magical phenomenon; it was believed that beings of other dimensions could penetrate from the mirror into this world.

It’s not for nothing that when a person died in the house, all the mirrors were covered for three days, so that world of the dead nothing could enter the world of the living.

It often happened that from it was not he himself who looked at the person in the mirror, but something or someone only vaguely similar to him. It is also a common sign that with You can use a mirror to steal someone else's soul.

Candle the same as the element of fire, on the contrary protects a person from all harms, burning all the infection stuck to it and burning out the sticky web of threads reaching towards it, sucking out energy. Therefore, to protect yourself when working with mirrors, use candles; they will prevent harm to you, extinguishing any negative influence.

With the help of a mirror corridor, depending on what you tune in to, you can successfully look into the past, future, inside yourself or into other dimensions inaccessible to the ordinary eye.

Place two mirrors, preferably large enough, somewhere around 60-70 centimeters high. One in front, one behind. Light a candle. You can take it in your hands or, so as not to distract or drop it, on the table or floor next to you. Look in the mirror. You will see many of your reflections going off into infinity, decreasing in size as you move away from the original. The further away the reflection is, the less of yourself will remain in it, because each reflection is no longer an exact copy of the original, but at least in some way, even in an invisible detail, different from it. The next reflection will be different from the first, the third from the second, and who knows who the last one will be.

I think before starting work you decided what you want from working with a mirrored corridor. If not, then now is the time to decide. Ask yourself a question– what do you want to find out, what do you want to pull out of your subconscious or the information field of the Earth.

Focusing on this question or desire to see something specific, throw all other thoughts out of your head. Leave your fears, anxieties and pressing worries outside and enter the mirrored corridor. Not live, of course, it is not necessary to move for this, but by making a mental effort, a strong-willed desire.

AND relax. Your subconscious, using the mirror corridor, will do everything for you. AND you will see the answer. Even if not right away, not on the first try, perhaps at first the images will be blurry and unclear, but practice decides everything.

After you finish your work, you will know what you wanted to know, it is necessary to close the mirror corridor. Don't leave the mirrored corridor, so you can leave a part of yourself in it. A candle will protect you from many things, but you should still follow safety precautions.

To exit the mirror corridor correctly, take the mirror that is behind you, move it in front of you and connect its surface with the surface of the first mirror. The mirror corridor will thus close on itself and collapse.

If you dreamed of a mirrored corridor, you should not walk along it. The dream is deceptive and does not obey the laws of reality. Whatever you see in a dream, you should not take it literally, since dreams are usually filled with symbols and have a deeper meaning. To find out what your dream means, you can look at

The mirror surface is fraught with many mysteries even in our age of high technology. They still cover mirrors if there is a deceased person in the house. Broken mirror brings superstitious horror and threatens many troubles to those who look at it. Mysterious mirror corridors not only increase the space, but also multiply the objects that fall into this corridor. And also a mirror corridor created in certain time, can cause the appearance of images from the looking glass, which was successfully used in the old days by girls when telling fortunes about their betrothed. All this suggests that mirrors are connected with the other world in the most direct way! To neutralize the negative vibrations of the mirror surface, candles were placed in front of the mirrors. The ban on why one cannot look through a mirror into another mirror has ancient roots.

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Why you can't look mirror in mirror - Mirror corridor.

If you place mirrors opposite each other, they form a mirror corridor, fraught with a lot of incomprehensible things. What can you see in the mirror corridor? You can see your past and future in it! What happens if you look at yourself in a mirror reflected by another mirror? And why can't you look in a mirror? The mirror is the intersection point of several realities, in which entities that are completely unfriendly to humans live. And if you make a corridor out of mirrors, then you are placing in your space a kind of portal to other dimensions, through which creatures of other worlds can penetrate. In the worst case, your soul may be stolen if you enter such a corridor at an inopportune hour, or some entity will enter your body and control your consciousness.

So think about why you can’t look in a mirror, and how this threatens a person. Halloween is considered a particularly dangerous time. At this time, the mirror corridor is especially dangerous, and mirrors must be covered with dark matter to reflect unfavorable moments associated with the other world. If you look at yourself in the mirror through another mirror standing behind you, then your soul will for some time be trapped in other dimensions, from which you simply may not get out. It is not without reason that powerful magicians use such a system of mirrors to solve many issues related to time dilation or the dumping of negativity into other dimensions. But it is better for an ordinary person not to fall into this vortex of distorted vibrations of the interworld.

Why can't you sleep in front of a mirror?

Gone are the days of disbelief in the existence of the soul. Now science has recognized that it exists, and they even weighed the soul (that is, the weight of a person before and after death). How to connect all this with mirrors in the bedroom? Esotericism claims that during sleep a person’s astral body is separated from the physical and travels through subtle worlds(we partially see these travels as a dream). And we already know that the mirror is the intersection point of other worlds, a portal to another reality. That is, the astral body can get lost in other worlds projected by the mirror and not return to physical body. Here is the answer to the question " Why can't you sleep in front of a mirror?"Death in a dream is a common phenomenon in people's lives, often difficult to explain. How can we explain the incomprehensible mortality of newborns? It is better not to experiment and remove mirrors from the bedroom - they will find enough space in other rooms of the house.

You may be skeptical about what has been said, citing the fact that every day we are reflected in many mirror surfaces, and nothing otherworldly happens. That's true. But there is an explanation for this: a portal to other dimensions is not easy to open. But with a certain confluence of time layers and psychic vibrations, it can suddenly open. Better not to wonder" why you can’t eat or sleep in front of mirror surfaces?", but just don’t do it and that’s it. Out of a thousand successful experiments, one may turn out to be fatal.

What happens if you scan a mirror?

Many people are interested in this question. Many have conducted a similar experiment and invariably received a simple illuminated spot. If explained from a scientific point of view, the answer will be very complex, consisting of physical terms that describe the reflectivity of the mirror surface and the features of the scanning system. In practice, the answer to the question “what will happen if you scan a mirror” looks very prosaic and uninteresting - white or black spot. You will not find any images or otherworldly wonders there. The world of the looking glass does not meet the world of people halfway - it can only dictate its terms to us. We want to find out what will happen if we scan a mirror surface through a printer, but the mysteries of mirrors are so incomprehensible to the mind that no matter how many times we place mirrors in the printer, we will not learn or see anything except Malevich’s black square.

When I was in the 9th grade, I went to the Olympics in a neighboring city (I don’t even really remember what kind of Olympics it was). During the Olympics, we were accommodated in a dormitory at a local university.

On the last evening before leaving home, the guys and I bought beer and decided to have a little fun in the room. They drank a bottle, started getting mad, throwing pillows at each other, pushing, fighting... One guy flew into the wall and hit it quite hard. A second later, answering knocks were heard from behind the wall. We thought: “What if there are some girls there?” - and began to knock with them. Each of our blows was answered from behind the wall.

We, drunken kids, decided to scare the girls. They took two flashlights, wrapped themselves in sheets and went into the next room to pretend to be ghosts. Imagine our surprise when we saw that on the door of the room there was an iron bolt with a healthy barn lock. We rushed to the watchman and told him what had happened. The only thing we didn't take into account was that we reeked of beer, so we got good lyules and were driven back into the room.

No one could sleep that night, but the knocking from behind the wall did not happen again.

In the morning, before leaving, we asked some student in the corridor about the mysterious room. Luckily for us, it turned out to be a fifth-year student who was quite familiar with the history of the hostel. He said that three years earlier two girls were moved into this room. They lived well until they decided that there weren’t enough mirrors in their room. Each of the girls hung a mirror above the bed. As you can already guess, the beds were opposite each other - accordingly, so were the mirrors, and students visiting the girl often admired the “endless corridor” of reflections.

Starting from this day, the girls began to lose weight and dry out. During class they were lethargic, constantly walking around with huge bags under their eyes, as if they hadn’t gotten enough sleep at night. Nobody noticed it then special attention- student life, binge drinking, you never know... Then the girls stopped coming to class. The door to their room was locked from the inside. The commandant, alarmed, decided to check the room - she had a duplicate key.

Both girls were in the room. They hung themselves next to each other in the center of the room, right in line with the two mirrors. Witnesses said that countless lifeless bodies were reflected in the “mirror corridor” - they had never seen anything more terrible in their lives...

After this terrible incident, there were no people willing to live in this room, and the room remained uninhabited. Some acquaintances of the dead girls believed that the mirrors were to blame for everything, which “sucked” their souls out of the girls. But nothing was taken out of the room, and the two mirrors there are still looking at each other.

It's hard to imagine a hallway without a mirror. This important element interior that performs several functions. A mirror decorates a room and enlarges the space. In addition, it allows owners to control their appearance before leaving home. This decorative element makes the hallway cozy and comfortable. Proper use of it will give the room a stylish and modern look.

A mirror in the hallway is a must

The mirror in the hallway serves several functions

This decorative element makes the hallway cozy and comfortable.

The hallway is the first room that greets everyone who enters a house or apartment. She is the face of the home and forms the main impression of the owners. Therefore it must have attractive interior, be comfortable.

The design of a corridor largely depends on its area. If it allows, then you can install a set, shoe rack, pouf and other furniture. In small rooms, you should limit yourself to a hanger for outerwear and a shelf for shoes and slippers. But there is one decorative element that is present in any corridor - a mirror. It has a special role and carries several functional loads.

The hallway should have an attractive interior and be comfortable

The design of the hallway depends on its size


Responsible for the appearance of the owners

Before leaving the apartment, you can look at it and put yourself in order, notice the shortcomings of your outfit. Especially if the mirror large sizes and allows you to examine the entire growth.

Stylish decor item

Today the choice of mirrors is endless. They differ in size, quality and other characteristics. The design is especially worth noting. An elegant frame is installed around the mirror, which is made from various materials. It is appropriate to use wenge and baguette. They will emphasize the grace and nobility of the main item.

Visually expands the space

As a rule, the size of the hallway is quite modest, and the shape is not very comfortable. A mirror will help hide such imperfections. It will visually enlarge the room several times.

Fills with light

If we are talking about a hallway in an apartment, then there is no window in it. Therefore, the issue of lighting is acute. You have to install several devices. A mirror will be an excellent assistant in this matter. Thanks to this reflection effect, the decorative item will diffuse light throughout the room. It will be light, airy and spacious.

A mirror in the interior of a hallway is one of the main attributes. It takes up minimal space and is located on the wall, so it can fit even the smallest square meters. The functional load of the item is great, it is difficult to do without it in the hallway. It should be in the first room of the apartment.

The mirror can fit even in the smallest hallway

It’s difficult to live without a mirror in the hallway

Mirror, the main attribute of the hallway

What types are there?

A mirror without a frame is rarely used in the interior. The frame gives it a stylish and finished look. It allows you to change its design and make it an original and interesting piece of decor. In this case, not only the color of the frame changes, but also the shape and texture. Additionally, the item is covered with buttons, stones, rhinestones, fur, wood and other materials.

Working with a mirror surface is more difficult, but possible. Eat different ways who will help in this process. As a result, the mirrors differ in their appearance. The most common options include the following.

  • Patterns. The surface is painted. Acrylic and stained glass are well suited for these purposes. They are intended for use on glass surface. They are firmly fixed on it, do not spread and do not fade over time, painting long time remains bright and saturated. They mainly paint with acrylics, and with other paints they create stained glass windows.
  • Stained glass. A similar painting has characteristic features, which distinguish it from the usual one. All elements must be painted with a metal outline. He is entrusted with a special task - fastening glass elements of different color range. You can create such masterpieces with a special paint called contour. Its tone imitates metal. The number of shades is limited; to obtain new ones, the paints are mixed and diluted.
  • Matte drawing. The most popular way to decorate a mirror surface. To perform such a design, the sashes are treated with abrasive parts. At home, a special paste can cope with the task perfectly. Matte surface makes the mirror unusual, stylish and luxurious. If the processing is done manually, then it will be individual and unique, because the soul of the owner is invested in its creation. This will fill it with a special aura.

Usually the mirror is hung in a frame

Can be used mirror cabinet coupe

Light and mirror

A mirror reflects not only the appearance of a person and objects opposite him, but also light. This fact must be used when arranging the premises. A well-thought-out design will allow this ability to operate profitably. Especially in dark and small hallways. If you install lampshades above the mirror or use a dressing table, the room will become light and spacious, cozy and comfortable.

There is no window in many corridors. Especially when it comes to an apartment. As a result, we can’t even talk about natural lighting. To correct such a defect, lampshades, chandeliers and other items that can replace it are installed. It is impossible to solve the problem one hundred percent even in this situation. A mirror in the first room will help eliminate darkness full height with backlight. Additionally, an elegant hanger is installed, light colors furniture.

Think through the design of the hallway in advance, taking into account all the features of the room.

Light plays an important role in the interior of the hallway

Make sure the room is bright and comfortable

The installed lighting above the mirror is interesting to look at. It complements the overall picture and style of the interior. Makes it beautiful and modern. You should not neglect such a decorative item when arranging a room. This is a winning solution for any hallway. It gives it a fabulous and magical look. Such lighting has a soft and warm action to the interior. If we are talking about a small-sized corridor, then such a solution will visually make it larger and more comfortable.

Mirror in wooden frame will look very beautiful and impressive

A mirror on the entire wall can visually expand the boundaries of the room

What to look for when choosing a mirror?

The selection of mirrors is huge. Despite this, it is not easy to settle on the option that will be optimal for a particular case. This is explained by the following factors.

  • The hall area is limited. Basically it is small, so after arrangement it remains minimum quantity free space. It is necessary to properly decorate the room to avoid such problems.
  • The door is located inconveniently. A similar oversight was made initially when planning the housing. It causes many difficulties in preparing the design.
  • A lot of furniture is being installed. Since the hallway performs several functions, it is necessary to make it comfortable. Pieces of furniture in which shoes and clothes are stored will help with this. If you don’t think through everything to the smallest detail, then there is a high probability that chaos will result after the arrangement. One can only dream of a beautiful room.
  • Little light. In this case, not all mirrors will look impressive. Trellis, oval, floor-mounted are inappropriate in this case.
  • Inconvenient layout of the hall. As a result, finding a place on the wall where you can hang a mirror is difficult.
  • Limited budget. Cost of luxury and beautiful mirrors correspondingly high. It is possible that the owners simply do not have enough money to purchase it. After all, interior design involves a lot of work that will cost money.

You need to choose a mirror carefully

The mirror should fit harmoniously into the interior of the hallway

Choose a mirror in the same style as the room

But don’t be upset, there are options that will help make the interior beautiful and comfortable. A mirror in a baguette frame or dressing table is inexpensive, but looks stylish and visually increases the space. If the room area is limited, then it can be inserted into the cabinet doors. Thus, it will not require extra space on the wall. An original solution there will be a mirror on the front door. Such an interior is always a winner.

Not only should you be careful when choosing a mirror, but also its design. The right decor will give it originality and luxury. Beautiful lamps will do this perfectly, front door in wenge color, sophisticated trellis.

The function of a mirror can be performed by a sliding wardrobe with mirrored doors.

You can order furniture with a built-in mirror

Full-length mirror: features of the decorative item

Full length mirror – non-standard solution for the hallway. If you apply it correctly, then a simple and uncomplicated design will instantly become effective and original. The decorative element will make it possible to realize complex design ideas. A masterful transformation will produce a stunning effect, the dark hall will become a rainbow-colored looking glass. It can become a wonderful panel and be located along the entire wall.

An interesting solution is a mirror corridor. It involves installing several items at once, located on different sides. It is appropriate to have reflective surfaces opposite. Despite its originality, this technique is rarely used. Because not everyone feels comfortable in such an environment.

A win-win option would be to install a reflective surface on the right or left wall relative to the entrance. This location is the most convenient. Residents can look into it before leaving. It is not recommended to place a dressing table opposite the door. This violates the aesthetics of the whole picture. The only exceptions will be original design ideas.

A mirror can visually expand the boundaries of a room

You can use a wardrobe with mirrored doors

Full-length mirror - a non-standard solution for the hallway

Hallway layout: what to consider?

A reflective surface can hide imperfections in the corridor layout. It does not clutter or weigh down the design. On the contrary, it gives it sophistication, visually increases its size, and fills it with light. This attribute performs the following tasks.

  • Raise the height of the ceiling if you install it vertically.
  • Pull apart the walls. A horizontally shaped object has a similar effect.

Using a mirror you can hide the imperfections of a room

A mirror in the hallway is a win-win option

In the hallway you can make a special finish from reflective materials. Mirror tiles looks stylish and unusual. Such a panel on the wall raises the ceiling. Visual effect it will be incredible. It is similar to the illusion that magicians can create.

Mirrors of various shapes, sizes and types are suitable for decorating any home. It is not difficult to use them, since this design is a win-win option in any interior. They make it possible to create a unique and stylish design with minimal financial costs.

Video: Mirror in the hallway. Placement ideas

50 photos of hallway design ideas with a mirror:

Since ancient times, the mirror corridor has fascinated people with its infinity, mysterious dark depths, attracted the attention of ordinary people, and aroused the interest of researchers magical world. a mirror corridor is created using two mirrors placed opposite each other. It’s best when the mirrors are turned slightly at an angle, then you can look into such a mirrored corridor, and your image will not interfere with the contemplation of reflections endlessly running into the distance. Looking into the sucking mirror valley, it begins to seem as if your consciousness is flying away from your body, and it is being taken over by a mystical mirror corridor...
The mirror corridor is used quite widely in magic. Mirror, water, any reflective surfaces have always been considered windows into another world, and were used to communicate with spirits, to obtain information through meditation, etc. The Druids, for example, had such a relic as the Mirror of Atmu, which was believed to reflect the truth.
Basically, the magic of the looking glass is used in summoning the spirits of the other world, opening astral portals, and the mirror corridor is also used in some cleansing rituals. For example, in rituals to remove the crown of celibacy, damage, curses. The mirror corridor must be used with extreme caution and preferably under the guidance of an experienced magician. What danger does the mirror corridor pose? First of all, a mirror is a place where two or more realities connect. And the mirror corridor can be multiple portals, and with incorrectly performed rituals, or the magician’s great internal strength, the mirror corridor can lead through various looking-glass creatures, spirits, otherworldly entities. and if a person working with a mirror corridor does not have sufficient strength and protection, he can be attacked by entities.
You need to use the mirror corridor to remove the curse as follows. The time of the ceremony is midnight, between Tuesday and Wednesday, between 17 and 30 lunar days. On Monday, before the day when you are going to do the ceremony on the mirror corridor, you need to read the akathist to the guardian angel. For the ritual you will need 3 candles and church water. Create a mirrored corridor and stand between the mirrors and lit candles. You must be wearing new underwear. Look into your eyes in the mirror, read the spell from memory: “Black night, dark mirror, reflect from me the evil word, human curse, sign of hell - I ask for the first time. Black night, dark mirror, reflect from me the evil word, human curse , a sign of hell - I ask for the second time. Black night, dark mirror, reflect the evil word from me, the curse of man, a sign of hell - I ask for the third time. " After this, in the same place, standing where the mirrored corridor is, wash yourself with holy water and dry yourself with your T-shirt without taking it off. Look into the mirrored corridor for as long as you like. Leave the candles to burn out. On the first Sunday after you have performed the ceremony on the mirror corridor, place 3 candles in the church for the Mother of God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and Panteleimon the Healer. Thank them for their help.
To call entities from the other world, you need to use the mirror corridor like this. Attention! Perform the ceremony only after you are sure that you have enough strong defense! So, at night, from 11 to 3 o’clock, turn off all the lights, put a mirror corridor on the floor. Sit in the lotus position, drawing a circle around you with chalk. Light two black candles on the sides, outside the circle. Cast a spell (from memory), looking straight into the mirror corridor: “Mirror spirit, from distant worlds, come to me, in reality, not in a dream. In the name of Adonai, I conjure, come, mirror spirit! After this, look carefully into the mirrored corridor, into its dark depths. When you see a spirit or any movement, ask a question about the name of the spirit. The answer can come telepathically or sound. Try not to leave the circle. Continue looking into the mirrored corridor without looking away. After asking the spirit everything you wanted, release the spirit. To do this, still looking into the mirrored corridor, say: “In the name of Adonai, go away the spirit to where it came from. and then immediately, without leaving the circle, throw the prepared black cloth over both mirrors. In the morning, expose the mirrors that made up the mirror corridor for the ritual to the sun, drawing crosses on both with incense charcoal. Let the mirrors lie like this for three days. Cover them with black cloth at night. These mirrors can be used in the future only to call spirits, but under no circumstances for ordinary needs.
Due to the fact that a mirror corridor can be a portal to other worlds, mirrors should not be placed in the house in such a way that they create a mirror corridor. If, out of ignorance, you have mirrors hung in this way in your house, and there is no way to remove them, you can neutralize the mirrored corridor by drawing a cross in a circle on both mirrors with your index finger. And on the night from October 31 to November 1, Halloween, curtain the mirrors with black cloth. On this day, the line between our world and the other world becomes especially thin, and the mirror corridor can provoke unclean forces, spirits, entities to get out into your apartment. and try not to look much into your mirrors, which form a mirror corridor, during these two days.
