Getting pregnant by a ghost. Children born from Incubi demons

An incubus is a demon who is interested in women. The word comes from the Latin “incubare”, which literally translates into Russian as lying on top. These demons come to young girls in their dreams, enter into intimate intimacy with them, after which the women sometimes give birth to children...

Did nuns give birth to demons?

In 1484, Pope Innocent VIII signed a document advising women on how to protect themselves from lustful predators. evil forces. Most often, incubi harassed nuns. Hundreds of women in convents, where men could not get, gave birth to children from demons. Laywomen did not stand aside either. Although, let's be honest, in most cases, women referred to sex with demons in cases where they could not justify an unwanted pregnancy...

In the Middle Ages, incubi were described as vile and hunchbacked creatures. It was believed that the children born from them were just as ugly. And the Inquisition, in turn, immediately called all babies with the slightest deviations who were not born from their legitimate husbands children of the Devil.

Later, starting from the 17th century, incubi, on the contrary, were described as handsome men. Cases have been recorded of demons appearing in the form of dead husbands.

See also:

Our time

Medieval legends about conceptions from ghosts can be called fiction. In those distant times, they invented a lot of things!

In 1988, in Leningrad, 22-year-old patient Anna was diagnosed with hypoplasia, popularly called “children’s uterus.” With this diagnosis, conception is impossible. Her husband immediately left the girl. The parents said that the girl was severely depressed for more than a month.

One night, she dreamed of her husband. He asked for forgiveness and entered into intimacy with her, which, according to Anna, was fabulously stormy. As he left, he said: “We will have a son,” and disappeared into thin air.

A month later, the girl came to the gynecologist, who determined that she was four weeks pregnant. The doctors were confused, and the girl was diagnosed in several clinics. Having opened the archives, doctors found that women with this diagnosis sometimes give birth. Before this, such a case was recorded in 1910. It’s true that everything went well for that woman naturally, the child was born from a living and legal husband...

Doctors offered to give the girl an abortion, claiming that with her diagnosis the child would not be born healthy. Anna categorically refused. The birth was difficult and ended in the death of the girl. And the child himself was born dead.

Later, Anna’s parents said that on the supposed nights of conception, poltergeist phenomena were observed in their apartment: footsteps and creaking doors were heard.

The city of the Bundestag and the Nests of the MBH - Bandera flag of the IOC
Rays of Love and Vigilant Michigan - Getting Pregnant by a Ghost
And also: Moscow time 12 hours 30 minutes in the program

Radio components

Russian athletes are preparing to compete under the Banedra flag of the so-called IOC in the role of obedient Ivanov-not-remembering-kinship.
They will throw out a white flag with five rings symbolizing the humiliation of Russia,
insult to Russia,
distortion of Russia,
betrayal of Russia
and shame on Russia.
But there are also real patriots. Such as the Yamalo-Nenets deputy Kukushkina.
Deputy Kukushkina posed the question of who sent the schoolboy Desyatnichenko from Nizhny Tagil to make an anti-Russian speech in the city of the Bundestag, exposing the fascists as innocent lambs.
In Germany, mourning was celebrated for the Wehrmacht soldiers, and in the city of the Bundestag, a schoolboy consigned to oblivion the memory of his ancestors who hoisted the Victory Banner over the city of the Reichstag.
And in such an alarming atmosphere, the annual Central press conference of Vladimir Putin took place.
Vladimir Vladimirovich, as always, arrived on time eight minutes later.
He was probably stuck in traffic jams, letting cars with flashing lights pass.
But this did not stop him from answering a question from the host of the Russia-1 channel, Sergei Brilev, about military spending and its increase in the light of global turbulence.
Vladimir Vladimirovich, as usual, resorted to the help of folk wisdom

I sometimes make all sorts of jokes about this. I can tell you another one, but she also has a beard, but still the most modern. You know... a former officer’s son comes... to him... and he asks his son: “Son, here I had a dagger - have you seen the dagger?” - He: “Dad, don’t swear, I exchanged it from the boy from the neighboring yard for a watch.” - He says: “Well, show me.” I looked: “The watch is good, well done. You know, tomorrow bandits and robbers will come to us - they will kill me, they will kill my mother, they will rape your older sister. And you will come out and say: good evening, Moscow time is 12 hours 30 minutes” (laughter, applause). You and I do not want such a development of events. So we will pay the necessary attention to the development of the army and navy.

During the reporting week, several subversive sites, resources and portals that sowed disorder, uncertainty about the future and confusion on the World Wide Web were neutralized.
But not only the nests of the so-called MBH were suppressed during these winter days.
The Spanish website is included in the Roskomnadzor register of prohibited information, since photos and prices for jamon “threaten constitutional order Russia."
But this week was Constitution Day!
The aggregator was included in the Roskomnadzor register of prohibited information based on a decision of the Ulyanovsk District Court back in 2016.
This accidentally emerged from a New Year’s letter from a Spanish jamon supplier to one of the Russian consumers. Everything turned out to be true.
By the decision of the Ulyanovsk District Court “... in order to protect the foundations of the constitutional system,
rights and legitimate interests other persons
ensuring the country's defense and state security"
viewing jamon is an illegal act.


Vivid evidence of the harm brought by Busurman delicacies came to us from the far, far away Country of Marsupial Kangaroos
Sydney resident Cole Olsen, while intoxicated, caused a disturbance at McDonald's, was put on trial and found guilty.
In the morning, after the party, Olsen arrived at the restaurant and ordered 200 nuggets.
However, catering staff refused to serve fast food chicken, since there is no trace of nuggets in the special breakfast menu.
In response to this, the man flew into a wild rage and began to scream loudly and scream.
Then the australopithecus got into the car and began to cut circles around the lawn of the restaurant, honking loudly and honking the horn.
In the end, he decided to order 200 hashbrowns, thereby extending a hand of friendship and giving a compromise to the employees of the colonial establishment.
Olsen paid 10,173 rubles for his order with our money, but continued to yell at the restaurant workers who locked themselves inside from him.
Frightened sex workers called the police, who arrested the fast food rowdy.
The level of alcohol in his blood was unimaginable ppm. Olsen has previously committed offenses while intoxicated.
He was sentenced to a fine of 44,229 rubles using our money and was deprived of his driver’s license for nine months.
At trial, Olsen denied the charges and stated that he was a vegan, so he could not order the nuggets. What about hashbrowns?

Putin- Good evening, Moscow time is 12 hours 30 minutes

To be safe, it might be better to give up all food altogether. Especially after the story in Foggy Albion.
Resident English city Stockport 24-year-old Amy Millington spoke about the panic she felt at the sight of food.
The British woman openly shared with the tabloids that she practically did not eat at school and never went out with friends.
She could only eat a certain brand of oatmeal cookies,
garlic bread,
unseasoned pasta or noodles,
chocolate or cheeseburgers from McDonald's.
McDonald's again! - exclaim Radio Components.
Amy Millington even hid in her room during Christmas dinner because she couldn't bear to look at the festive table.
It was only after the birth of her child that Millington made an appointment with a hypnosis specialist, who used suggestion to force her to eat a banana. The therapy cost her £300 an hour.
The woman notes that she can now enjoy foods that she was previously afraid of. On Christmas Eve she intends to try to eat turkey.

Putin- Good evening, Moscow time is 12 hours 30 minutes

Continuing the topic of nutrition - news about wastewater disposal.
A toilet seat helped American police find the culprit.
A man from Traverse City, Michigan, who lives alone in his home, contacted the police.
On Saturday he noticed that something seemed to have changed in the atmosphere of the house. The toilet confirmed his suspicions.
The toilet seat was lowered against the rules - while Michigan usually keeps it up.
The county sheriff said a 26-year-old man was found in the garage of a vigilant Michigan man.
He was unconscious from an overdose of prescription drugs that he got from his home medicine cabinet.

And again about suspicion and vigilance in this difficult hour.
The plane made an emergency landing due to a dubious name Wi-Fi networks. This was reported by the omniscient Reuters.
A flight from Nairobi to Istanbul was interrupted due to the discovery of a Wi-Fi device called “Bomb on Board”. When passengers noticed the Wi-Fi, they began to panic.
The plane made an emergency landing in Sudan at Khartoum International Airport. No bomb was found.

From heaven to earth. IN central region In Stockholm Södermalm, an ambulance with Russian license plates responded to a call for a patient.
This was reported by Aftonbladet with reference to an eyewitness who posted a photo of an ambulance online.
According to the information, there were doctors in the car wearing uniforms with inscriptions in Russian.
According to the tabloid, local police became interested in the incident, but so far they have not been able to find out the details of the incident.
But it is already quite obvious that, judging by the license plates, the car is registered in St. Petersburg.

And at the end of the program - about sex.
Intersecting with the three-day stench from Nekrasovka.
Residents of the Irish village of Ringaskiddy in the country of Guinness spoke about the unusual effect of being next to a factory for the production of drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.
According to the aborigines, the male half of the village population in Guinness Country experiences a continuous erection.
The Irish are confident that they are responsible for this " love couples", which the plant releases into the atmosphere.
“As soon as the wind blows, it happens. We have been receiving rays of love for free for many years,” said one of the leprechauns.
His mother called the factory "God's blessing" and added that she felt "something in the air."
Representatives of the company that produces the miracle potions called the stories of the village residents a “funny myth” and assured that the production of the drugs is high-tech and the option of releasing components into the atmosphere is impossible.
At the same time, one employee of the psychiatric department admitted that she had not been in the village for five years and was shocked that dogs with erections were walking along the streets.

Meanwhile, a resident of Bristol, calling herself Violet Kingdom, spoke on British television about her sexual experience with spirits.
According to the 27-year-old girl, she first slept with a ghost about 12 years ago after she and her boyfriend moved into a new house.
She felt the presence of a strange entity, but was not afraid of it, but, on the contrary, made contact.
“I felt pressure on my thighs and breath on my neck. I always felt safe. I had sex with a ghost. You can feel it, but it’s hard to explain,” the girl said.
The affair with the ghost lasted three years. One day, her real boyfriend returned from work early and saw the outlines of some entity in the window.
The girl broke up with her boyfriend and continued contacts with ghosts.
She claims that over the past 12 years she has had sexual contact with at least 20 ghosts.
According to the heroine, the sexual experience with perfume is so strong that she forever abandoned male lovers.
Now her goal is to become pregnant by a ghost.
Anton Oreh
Nikolay Alexandrov and the program

Radio components

We say goodbye to you with the words of the winner of the Youth Prize of the Daniil Zatochnik Foundation, Tikhon-i-Marlon

The hand of the Almighty Fatherland grazed
Happy Illusion, however.
At that hour where the Zodiac Signs fade,
Aries reminds me of Donkey

Today the word “incubus” is not familiar to many people, but in the Middle Ages the problem of incubi was very relevant. Incubi - that’s what they called ghosts in the Middle Ages who came to sleeping women and entered into relations with them. sexual intercourse, after which they had children.

Lustful Incubi

Cases of the birth of babies by pious nuns of convents were very frequent. The mob scoffed, and Pope Innocent VIII (1432-1492) issued a special bull on how the “brides of Christ” should protect themselves from lustful demons.
It would seem, what is there to talk about? The nuns who sinned could not think of anything better than to blame otherworldly forces for their fall. But it's not that simple. Sometimes ardent Catholics and even recluse nuns became fallen, which is quite surprising. The hermits walled themselves up in their cells, leaving only a small window through which they were served food. It was simply physically impossible to sin in such conditions. During confessions, the unfortunate people said that incubi came to them in the form of long-dead men or husbands. Children born became the subject of church and sometimes secular court.

The case of Marie de Mondelon

In 1698, 32-year-old Marie de Mondelon appealed to the court of the city of Grenoble. A noble lady demanded confirmation of the inheritance rights of her recently born boy. The catch was that the lady’s husband, Count Jerome Auguste de Mondelon, died 4 years before the birth of his son in distant America. The court rejected the request as absurd. The Countess filed a complaint with the city parliament. She swore that she conceived a child from the husband who appeared to her in a dream.

The process was loud. The lawyers brought a bunch of documents telling how nuns in monasteries became pregnant by men who appeared to them in their dreams. Midwives and midwives took the plaintiff’s side, considering conception from an incubus to be quite possible. The city was having fun.
All this would remain a legal incident, but as the boy grew older, he became more and more like the late count. He not only became an exact copy of his “father,” but also adopted his gestures and habits. Servants and friends of the long-dead Jerome claimed that the boy even had the voice of a “parent.”

What about today?

Today, a woman giving birth to a child out of wedlock no longer shocks or surprises anyone. The child is not deprived of his rights, the mother is not ostracized. It would seem that there is no need to involve spirits and ghosts in the appearance of a baby. However, there are reports in the press of how some women insist on the fact of conceiving their child from a long-dead person, although they are well aware of the reaction of strangers to such statements.

In 1972, doctors gave Teresa F. from California a terrible diagnosis: infertility. Her husband, having learned about this, left her. The woman was depressed for two years. One December night, Michael, her first love, appeared in her dream. A young man crashed on a motorcycle many years ago. Michael visited Teresa four times. Soon the woman realized that she was pregnant. Doctors regarded her stories about conception from a ghost as the delirium of a woman who was crazy about the happiness of future motherhood. The birth was difficult. Teresa died and the child was stillborn.

25 years later, Dr. Lenihan, who worked in the clinic where Teresa gave birth, discovered parts of her uterus and fetus that had been stored for many years. Driven by curiosity, he turned to Michael's relatives with a request to take material for comparative analysis. It turned out that Michael’s parents kept the shirt in which he died. It was an incredible success: the purity of the experiment was 100%! Genetic testing showed that the probability of Michael's paternity is 98%.

Specialists who were approached for clarification by sensationalistic journalists refused to comment on this fact.

A pale or faint line when tested at home is one of the most common topics on women's forums. Young girls have heard about this more than once, but cannot really explain in what cases a ghost line is observed on a pregnancy test. Can a “phantom trace” be considered a confirmation or “this will pass”, as some people think.

What does a ghost trail look like on a test?

In nature, everything is arranged in such a way that they either exist or not, especially when it comes to pregnancy. It is impossible to be “a little”, “a little pregnant” or “slightly”. If there was fertilization, then ovum It is developing quite quickly. The number of cells inexorably grows in geometric progression, the fetus is formed according to the program of the universe, known only to God. But what does a ghost line appear on a pregnancy test mean?

Physiologically, any female organism reproduces its own kind during reproduction. Only inexplicable phenomena, everything that cannot be explained common sense called mysticism, phantom or ghostly manifestations. How to combine one with the other in case of testing, how to explain?

Some young women claim that “there was such a pale stripe, then they checked it - it disappeared, then it appeared again.” How can we trust such results? So is there a pregnancy or not? Is it common to see ghost lines on tests indicating pregnancy, or are these exceptionally rare cases?

Attention: Ghost stripe also called the “evaporation line,” when a faintly colored trace was immediately present, but after a while it became invisible or completely disappeared. A phantom trace is different from a slightly colored line or a full-fledged “second” stripe, which can be considered a positive response during self-examination. Here are examples in the photo:

What is the difference between a false positive and a phantom trace?

Those who have ever had a weakly colored stripe know that it differs from the control only in the intensity of the color, as in the photo.
What does a ghost look like on a pregnancy test? Here are the differences between the phantom trail:
  • normal format (the same width and length of the tested line as in the control sample, the edges are not blurred).
  • the ghost will notice, but it is difficult to say what color it is painted in (more likely, it is slightly pinkish, bluish or lilac shade);
  • somewhat reminiscent of a smoky trail or haze where an intensely colored test strip should be.
The description confirms that the “ghost” in a pregnancy test before the delay should not be considered a full line.

Most tests work on the principle of litmus paper with an applied reagent that determines the level of “pregnancy hormone” in the urine. As with any similar material, the test line could have been exposed to drops of paper, biological material, or simply contaminants.

Any test has an expiration date, and after its expiration, the material could lose its ability to color or change its original color. Any of these reasons may produce a ghost line on a pregnancy test when there is no conception.

When purchasing pregnancy tests at a pharmacy, look at the instructions and expiration date. Not worth it:

  1. take goods from a display window on the sunny side;
  2. buy tests on the market (storage in winter in inappropriate conditions);
  3. examine urine (other biological material) in the first days after sexual intercourse; the level of the hormone is still insufficient to obtain a positive or false-positive result.
Also, you should not have fun and undergo self-examination with a friend if there are no obvious reasons for conceiving. The test can show hormonal imbalance or the presence of a tumor process, to which test systems respond with a positive signal. This can lead to a series of unpleasant examinations.

A phantom streak is not a result, but rather a false hope, especially when you really want a child.

An incubus in the Middle Ages was a demon, or fallen angel, who was attracted to sleeping women. The word itself comes from the Latin “incubare” - “to lie on top”. Incubi appear to women in dreams and have sex with them, after which they sometimes give birth to children...

Demons that gave birth to nuns

In the Middle Ages, the problem of incubi was so pressing that in 1484, Pope Innocent VIII even issued a special bull, which contained instructions on how to protect yourself from the lustful demon. Incubi especially harassed nuns. Hundreds of hermits in convents gave birth to them.

Incubi and laywomen were not ignored. Although, it seems, women referred to a connection with this otherworldly entity only out of extreme despair, when nothing else could justify an unwanted pregnancy...

In the early Middle Ages, incubi were described as vile, hunchbacked dwarfs. It was believed that the children born from them were just as ugly and hunchbacked. Often, all babies with physical disabilities were declared to be born not from their legitimate husbands, but from incubi.

According to surviving documents, starting from the 17th century, incubi appeared to women as handsome men. Cases have also been recorded where these were male acquaintances who had died by that time. Incubi often appeared in the form of deceased husbands.

Reports of conceptions from incubi can be called fiction. But it's not that simple. Among the cases love intimacy in dreams that end in pregnancy, there are truly mysterious ones.

The case is mystical and legal

In 1698, Professor Johann Klein from the University of Rostock in Germany described the case of 32-year-old Marie de Mondelon. This noble lady filed a lawsuit in the city of Grenoble demanding that her young son be confirmed in hereditary rights.

The piquancy of the situation was that there was no way a son could be born from her husband, Count Jerome Auguste de Mondelon. The count died in America four years before the child was born. This means that the boy could not claim his lands and property. Nevertheless, Mary swore that she conceived precisely from the husband who appeared to her in a dream. The court rejected her request.

Then the countess appealed the refusal to the Grenoble parliament. Midwives and midwives took Mary’s side, confirming that conceptions in a dream are possible and have happened more than once. Lawyers presented ancient documents certifying the birth of children to nuns in convents, which occurred as a result of the appearance of men in his dreams. In the end, parliament heeded the requests of the respected lady who found herself in a difficult situation.

This whole story about “conception in a dream” seems to look like a curiosity. But after some time, those around him began to notice that the boy, as he grew up, looked more and more like the late Count Jerome. In addition to the external similarity, young man there were his gestures and habits that could not be learned. The count's friends said that he even had the voice of a deceased person.

Professor Klein wrote that, having learned about all this, Jerome's old nurse and butler came to Grenoble. They were amazed to see the young man and testified that he was the spitting image of Jerome de Mondelon. The secret of the origin of the countess's son remained unsolved.

Otherworldly entities are capable of anything

An incident that occurred in the late 1980s in Moscow looks no less mysterious. Doctors diagnosed 20-year-old Olga L. with hypoplasia, or, as people say, “a child’s uterus.” With such a diagnosis, you have to say goodbye to dreams of childbearing. Olga’s husband immediately left her. As Olga’s relatives said, after he left, she cried all night. The depression lasted for a whole month. Olga cried day and night.

Finally, one night, when she fell asleep, exhausted, she dreamed of her husband. He repented of his action, asked for forgiveness, but most importantly, he entered into intimacy with her, which, according to the woman, was incredibly stormy. Saying goodbye to her, he whispered: “We will have a son” - and disappeared.

Two months later, the woman went to the gynecologist, who determined that she was eight weeks pregnant. How this happened - no one could say. But Olga’s diagnosis was made not by one doctor, but by several, and in different clinics, which she visited in the hope that maybe the doctors were wrong...

Later it turned out that women with this diagnosis still give birth, but these are extremely rare cases. In Russia, before Olga, only one such case was recorded. It happened in 1910, also in Moscow. True, there is a significant difference between both episodes: that woman had ordinary intimacy. And Olga, it turns out, gave birth to a ghost...

Her reaction ex-husband This event and the further fate of Olga herself are unknown to us.

Conception from an incubus has been scientifically proven

There is no point in dwelling on cases of “sleep conception” in healthy women, reports of which will appear in the world media. There is still a great possibility of deception here. Therefore, let us consider another incredible episode from a medical point of view, somewhat similar to the case of Olga L.

This happened in 1972 in California, USA, with Teresa Rosalia F. At the age of 24, she was diagnosed with something no less serious than Olga: obstruction fallopian tubes. The diagnosis meant the inability to give birth. Before this, Teresa had been married for five years to a man who was 16 years older than her. Teresa had a miscarriage, after which she suffered from an inflammatory disease, which resulted in tubal obstruction. After that, of course, she did not become pregnant.

When the doctors announced the diagnosis, her husband left her. Depression haunted the woman for two years. Then, one November night, an incident occurred that not many people still believe. Teresa dreamed of a certain Michael, “with whom she once upon a time, back in school, had an affair. They did not reach real intimacy, but the young people met until the guy died in a road accident. He crashed on his motorcycle.

Michael appeared to Teresa in a dream four times, and each time their meetings ended in intimacy. On his fourth and last visit, he mysteriously promised that they would soon unite forever...

Those nights, weak poltergeist manifestations were observed in Teresa’s house: footsteps were heard in the empty corridor, doors creaked, and the sounds of furniture being moved were heard. After the fourth night everything stopped. Soon Teresa felt that she was pregnant. The doctors were very surprised and suggested she have an abortion, arguing that the fetus would still not be able to develop under such conditions. Teresa categorically refused. The birth was very difficult and ended in the death of the woman. The child was stillborn.

More than 25 years later, Dr. S. Lenihan tried to find an explanation for this mysterious case. He took advantage of the fact that in the hospital where Teresa lay and her autopsy was performed, particles of her uterus and fetus were preserved.

All that remained was to find Michael's genetic material. At first Lenichen planned to take this material from his close relatives, but it turns out that the young man’s family kept his bloody shirt. Genetic testing showed that the father of Teresa’s child with a 98% probability was this same Michael...

We live in a more than strange world if such events can occur in it,” Dr. Lenihan shrugs.

However, some experts believe that the examination was carried out incorrectly...

Ancient texts indicate that no one sees a sleeping woman during her intimacy with an incubus. Everyone around is sleeping dead asleep. This suggests that an otherworldly entity can pass from an incorporeal form to a tangible one and back, because conceptions occur for real. It seems that in this respect the nature of incubi is akin to the nature of aliens, who, according to ufologists, have the same ability.

Igor Volozev
