A powerful rite of protection "a trap for trouble." Spells for good luck

Conspiracies Pechora healer Maria Fedorovskaya for good luck and wealth Smorodova Irina



Take large bill and go to church. Buy ten candles and donate the remaining money to the construction or repair of the temple. Light three candles for the health of your family, three for the health of your friends, and three for the repose of everyone you knew and who died. Place the last candle in your bosom and take it home.

Wait until there is no one at home, take a white or green cup that you will enchant, turn it over and place this candle on the bottom. Light it and say three times:

Like a sprout growing and reaching towards the sun,

Like a child reaches out to its mother,

How the stream stretches to the river,

Like a bee flies to the honey dew,

Like a fish swimming in deep water,

Denyuzhki tacos large and small

You would reach for this cup and pour into it,

Yes, they dissolved at the bottom,

And they ended up in the pockets of God’s servant (name).

To whom from this cup of drink,

The age of need cannot be known to him.

My word is strong, but there is no other!


First, give a mug of uzvar to the oldest member of the family to drink, then, without washing the mug, pass it to the second eldest - and so on until the youngest. After this, you need to wash the mug thoroughly and pour clean water into it. running water and leave overnight in an inconspicuous place. In the morning, pour this water into a kettle and boil it with other water. And let everyone drink tea on that water.

No one else at home will experience need or money problems.

From the book Urgent help for those in trouble. Conspiracies against misfortune and illness author Stefania Sister

SPELL FOR SLEEP These words help preserve peace and tranquility in the family and strengthen marital love for life. When one of the spouses falls asleep, let the second one enter the room with a church candle, cross the person sleeping three times and read the spell three times: Drink - don’t drink. Eat - don't

From the book The Moon and Big Money author Semenova Anastasia Nikolaevna

Spell on poppy On the new moon, go to the market and buy a poppy from a woman. Give money without change, if there is not enough change, leave the change. You can't haggle. At home, spread a black handkerchief on the table and draw a circle on it with a soap remnant that has only been used by one person. IN

From the book Conspiracies Siberian healer. Issue 02 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A conspiracy against polyps in the intestines (a very strong conspiracy) The following ancient conspiracy helps to cope with this illness: Just as Christ’s wound overgrown and left no trace, so you, disease, disappear without a trace from the servant of God (name). Go down to a dead field, onto gray moss, onto a dry stump. WITH

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 28 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Love plot(a conspiracy that is valid until death) On one day, in three churches, submit notes for the peace and health of the one you want to bewitch. After that, go to the cemetery, find three graves there in which men are buried who bore the same name as

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 17 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Conspiracy from the eye of evil Savior angels, guardian angels, fly to me, slave (such and such), gather around me. I call on you, guardians, I call on you, deliverers. Stand up, guardian angels, behind me like a strong and indestructible wall, and how impossible it is to crush this wall and

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 06 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Conspiracy for the unjustly convicted (conspiracy when re-examining a case) Before filing an appeal, read the special conspiracy. Read it a second time when the petition is finalized. The plot is like this: Shela Holy Mother of God on the ground, walked, approached, from

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 09 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Spell for psoriasis (spell for egg whites) At midnight, take an egg and separate the yolk from the white. Read a special spell over the protein three times in a row, smear it on the affected areas of the skin and leave it overnight. Perform the ritual twelve nights in a row. During treatment

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Conspiracy from excess weight(a very effective spell) On the waning moon, read a special spell over the water, which you then use to wash your face before going to bed. CONSPIRACY

From the book 300 protective spells for success and good luck author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Spell for intestinal polyps (very good spell) Just as Christ’s wound overgrown and left no trace, so your illness will disappear without a trace, from the servant of God (name). Go down to a dead field, onto gray moss, onto a dry stump. From this day, from this hour, from this minute, from my order. Amen. Amen.

From the book The Magic of Wax, Candles and Spells author Kryuchkova Olga Evgenievna

Conspiracy I will get up, blessing myself, I will go into the yard, crossing myself. There is an aspen barrel in the yard. And in that aspen tub, Agobol sits, looking with stupid eyesores, not seeing anything around him. Everyone would sit in court like that, looking, but not hearing anything, did not mature, did not think bad thoughts, were angry

From the book Parallel Worlds of Perception [DEIR School using the methods of D. S. Verishchagin] author Verishchagin Dmitry Sergeevich

Spell 1 “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. I speak to the servant of God (name) of all the pricks and pains with this strong and reliable conspiracy of mine; I command you, pain and pain, to wander around the world, around the world, from the eastern side to the western side,

From the author's book

Spell 2 “I conjure the servant of God (name) against twelve sorrowful ailments: from shaking, from thorns, from itching, from shooting, from fire, from stabbing, from twitching, from blinking, from blindness, from deafness, from black sickness. You , you evil shaker, calm down, otherwise I’ll curse you

From the author's book

Spell 3 “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. Lord our God, save, preserve and bless! How the Lord our God created the azure sky, the damp earth, the frequent stars, the clear month, the red sun, created, established, firmly strengthened; like on that land

From the author's book

Conspiracy 4 “Just as the Lord God created the sky and the earth, the waters and the stars, and firmly established and strengthened the mother-raw earth, so on that mother-raw earth there is no disease, no bloody wound, no pinching, no aching, no swelling . This is how the Lord would have created me, the servant of God (name). Firmly

From the author's book

Conspiracy 5 “I, servant of God (name), will go along the little path. On my way I will meet a river. That river stands like a pillar, does not sway; in that river the swift snake lives. Quick snake, quickly, quickly intercept the disease from the servant of God (name) with copper teeth, iron teeth and during the day

Coffee love spells have been used for many years; Perhaps this technique came from Brazil and spread throughout the world. This is a simple magical practice for those who want to win the love of a man or woman; this love spell is easy to do yourself.

Coffee can be found in any store, and its preparation will not arouse suspicion. The taste of a tart drink can overwhelm the taste of the ingredients necessary for fortune telling. Coffee has a bit of the power of the Earth and is great for rituals with the Sun.

Preparation choosing time and place

General preparations will not take much time: a lunch break at work is suitable for performing the ritual, especially if you want to bewitch a colleague. An invitation for a cup of coffee at home is perfect.

How will the ritual differ for a girl and a man?

A man performing a ritual to bewitch his beloved girl must have brown eyes; it won’t work with a different eye color. A girl who wants to bewitch a man can have any eye color. Also, a man needs to read a spell on a girl for a new can of coffee, while a girl should read a spell on a man while the drink is brewing.

Before performing a love spell, you need to place the jar so that the light of the moon falls on it. There is a universal spell for men, he must read:

“The moon has been looking at this coffee all night, so you, (name of your beloved), will look at me, you will forget all the good fellows. You don't want blue eyes, you don't want green eyes, you don't want gray eyes. Only your coffee eyes will you remember and love. Moon-sister, help your brother to fill the heart of the servant of God (beloved name). Amen."

There are many methods and spells for girls.

Fortune telling options

For an unmarried man

This ritual is suitable for casting a love spell on a man who does not have a family; this love spell will only harm a married man: it can cause infertility or ruin him. The following words are used to describe freshly brewed natural coffee:

“Burn, burn, don’t cool down. Come into your heart and accept me. Move and break, love, love, love, don’t cool down. Amen!".

For morning coffee

The drink prepared for this ritual should be served to your loved one before noon. The love spell should take place on a clear day. There may be clouds in the sky, but they should not block the sun. Prepare a drink and take it to the window, you can go outside; but be careful not to be seen.

Raise your drink to the sky and read:

“The sky is clear, the sun is red. I, (your name), to you, (his name), are good and beautiful. Give, dear sunshine, the heart of (his name) love for the girl (your name). Just as people are always happy and grateful to you, so the girl (his name) would always be happy. Just as you, sunshine, burn and blaze, so (his name) would burn and blaze and never know peace. Amen!".

After that, give the man a drink. This must be done as quickly as possible so that the energy of the luminary does not have time to disappear - the Sun willingly gives up part of its power.

For coffee with blood

They use a love spell on a married man. To do this, you need to brew a drink and add a drop of blood from your finger to it, saying the following words into the drink:

“My beloved, the servant of God (his name), needs my blood. Let him drink this coffee and quickly fall in love with me. Amen!".

As soon as the lover drinks the drink, the love spell will begin to work.

With blood on a napkin

This is a black love spell on blood, so you need to be careful (it’s best to visit church later). A napkin with menstrual blood should be prepared in advance. In the first days of menstruation, use a clean white napkin without a pattern; the fabric should be thoroughly saturated.

Invite your loved one for a cup of coffee (if you work together, you can carry out the ceremony at your workplace, it is only important to make sure that there are no witnesses to your actions). Tell your loved one that you will make the coffee yourself. Once the drink is ready and poured, take the cup intended for the man and place it on a napkin with blood.

Read the spell:

“Blood is life, blood is death, blood is mad love. Just as you love coffee, you will love my blood. A person cannot be without blood, a servant of God (his name) cannot be without a servant of God (your name). Amen. Amen. Amen.".

For periods in coffee

Most often, if they specifically make a love spell on period blood, then this blood is added to coffee, since in this case it is not visible in the drink and its smell is not felt. Another option is to dab sugar cubes with blood, let them dry, and then put them in the drink. You should also read the slander:

“My blood will flow into your body, my blood will become your blood, we will be together, water will not be spilled. Amen!".

With frozen menstrual blood

It is best to prepare for the ceremony menstrual blood in advance, collecting it in a small container and freezing it. You don't need to collect too much, a few drops will do. Once the blood has been added, start the coffee as follows:

“My blood will flow into your body. My blood will become your blood. What I feel, you will feel too. What (your name) dreams about, you will also dream about. Whatever I wish, you will also wish. Amen!".

If there are any leftovers in the cup, they must be thrown away. This method The good thing is that menstrual blood can be stored frozen for quite a long time.

When to expect results and how long will it last?

Within approximately 3 lunar weeks after the ritual, changes occur in the person targeted by the magical influence. Love spells, like all magic, are not an exact science, so it may take longer, or it may only take two weeks. You always need to focus on external changes, it is important to support them and develop full-fledged personal relationships.

The magical effect of a love spell lasts from 8 months to 1 year. The work of a love spell is similar to the work of a medicine - it stimulates, but you yourself must take confident steps. Don't forget, you definitely need to make efforts to develop relationships.

Consequences and how to avoid them

A love spell is not a harmless toy at all. You may have to pay for short-lived happiness high price. Channel or use another person's energy to universal laws– an extremely minor offense, but it is. The price may be different for everyone. Someone may become seriously ill, someone may go bankrupt. Submitting to someone else's will violates many cosmic laws, and even if you do not adhere to any religious teachings, one should take into account the rules that are the same for representatives of all religions and atheists: space can consider everyone a criminal.

If you have used a love spell and received the desired effect, you need to remember that you should not expect instant payback. A person who lives in anticipation of punishment will see it in every failure.

Sincere repentance in church during confession will remove some of your guilt. If you do not find the strength to tell the priest about what you have done, you can ask for forgiveness from God or before the icon of your saint or the saint or saint whose name your loved one bears; say your favorite prayers. Explain the motives for the unrighteous act: you fell in love with a person who did not reciprocate your feelings.

Invite your loved ones for a cup of coffee not only to charm them. A warm conversation over a hot drink can endear one person to another without any magical effect or strengthen nascent feelings.

How to determine such a love spell

Signs of a love spell in women can be easily identified.

  1. The family is collapsing.
  2. Violation menstrual cycle. The reproductive organs of women suffer the most: diseases, tumors, and cycle disruptions occur.
  3. Change in taste. The reaction to a love spell is similar to toxicosis and a change in taste sensations.
  4. Self-isolation, apathy, attraction to thoughts of suicide. It is important not to take an irreversible step.

The consequences of a love spell are always detrimental, since they can be passed down through the family for many generations of women, the first of whom was born from such a union.

If you feel that you have been bewitched, then the most exact method diagnosing a love spell at home is wax. For this method you will need spring water and a container for it, a ladle, salt, and any wax candles.

Add a pinch of salt to the water. Cut the wax from the candles with a knife, melt it, mentally asking the question that interests you.

If you want to find out about the presence of a love spell in a third person, his photograph should participate in the ritual (for diagnosis you need a photo of the person in full height, made recently). You should place the photograph next to you while the wax is melting - this will allow you to get the most full information about the condition of the person depicted on it.

The diagnostic wax is used once and then discarded. Once the wax has melted, move it around the photo or over the person's head three times clockwise. After this, place the scoop with wax over the center of the container with water. Pour the wax into the water in one motion and wait until it hardens.

While the wax hardens, you can read the first information from the casting process. If the water surrounding the wax remains clean and the surface of the wax is even, a love spell and magical effects per person are not available. If not, you should take a closer look at the back side of the hardened wax.

How to remove a love spell on coffee

If you feel that you have been bewitched, you can perform a lapel ritual. The lapel ritual is the complete opposite of the love spell ritual; it is aimed at destroying any connections and has the goal of causing a quarrel with a loved one.

Take a white candle or a blessed church candle. Light it, scoop a tablespoon of kitchen salt and heat it on a candle flame. Repeat this spell three times to remove a love spell:

“Lord God, help and save. Salt, white and pure, take away the dirt from the servant of God (your name). Absorb the evil, miserable melancholy, corrupted, vicious thoughts, poisoned feelings. Take off everything that was brought on, drunk with drink, eaten with food, taken with lining, sent with bad speech. Take it back to where it came from and return it. My word is strong, so be it. Amen!".

Pour the salt onto a plate (the plate can no longer be used for food in the house after this), lay a thin linen rag on top, and place your photo on top of it.

If you have bewitched your partner, remember that any rituals to remove or destroy something must be carried out during the period of the waning moon, which, in turn, symbolizes completion. Moreover, it is important to remember that the result magical action may become the most various changes in the person at whom the ritual is directed.

Most lapel rituals act gradually, over time destroying the connection between two people, and therefore you should not expect lightning-fast results. Be patient and believe in the power of the ritual you performed; without your faith, you shouldn’t even hope for a positive result.

Turning on food is the easiest way to cause discord in the relationship between your loved one and his rival. Drink your favorite coffee with salt and pepper several times and recite the words of the spell:

“As salt and hot pepper corrode and burn your mouth, servant of God (his name), so let hatred for the servant of God (name of rival) increase in your heart. You, my dear, will hate and despise the servant of God (name of your rival), you will run away from her to (your name). May what has been said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

When performing any ritual, remember that you will have to pay for magic. Weigh and think about everything several times. Think carefully about your before and after actions. A love spell, like any magical act, is an intervention in the forces of Nature; an absolute guarantee of the absence of consequences cannot be given. If you are determined to make a love spell, take risks, but keep in mind that magic does not forgive mistakes, but it can also reward the daredevil.

If you have the opportunity to somehow “steal” the cup of your beloved girl who does not reciprocate your feelings, then you can win her over using strong love spell per cup. This is not traditional gypsy magic, but my own gypsy love spell. I tell you all the intricacies of this ritual. If you have any questions, please send them to me at [email protected].

So, it is important that she uses the cup long time and she was the only one who drank from it. As a last resort, she should use this particular cup in last time, and no one has touched her yet. The effect will be weaker, but still there is at least some chance.

Before casting a love spell, be sure to make sure that your chosen one is not in a relationship. This important point, since casting a strong love spell on a cup on a busy girl is, as a rule, absolutely useless. To eliminate an opponent, there are very good and strong rituals like spoiling relationships - read the options on my website. Use them first, and then bewitch them.

Ritual work on love spell

It’s easy to cast a strong love spell on a cup, the main thing is your mood for good luck, confidence in the result and at least minimal witchcraft power. If you doubt, are afraid, or worry, then your path is to a sorcerer or witch. They will do everything for you, and you only expect results within the agreed time frame. If you wish, I can solve a similar problem.

So, as soon as the cup is in your possession, start casting the love spell as soon as possible. It doesn't matter whether the cup is clean or dirty. Hold the cup firmly with both hands, bend over it so that your breath touches it, close your eyes and whisper these words, thinking about your chosen one:

“I’ll put a spell on my dear one, I’ll tie her tightly.
I will take her heart for myself, I will link my destiny with her forever.”

The spell must be repeated 13 times, investing all the strength of your feelings. After this, on the same or the next day, you need to return the cup back to the girl, so that she continues to use it without suspecting anything.

I want to say that, despite the words of the conspiracy, a strong love spell on a cup is designed to last only two years, no more. But this is also enough time to build strong serious relationship and without any magic. And if necessary, you can use magic again at any time.

The love spell will work within a week, but the development of a relationship is always a gradual process. That is, this does not mean that a girl will swear her love in a week, but the fact that she will begin to look at you differently is a fact. Therefore, take your time, invite people on dates, look after you, give gifts. nice little things and then soon she will be completely yours.

If a month has passed, and there is not the slightest result, then a strong love spell on a cup clearly did not work and will not work. Look for other opportunities to solve the problem, again by turning to strong practices or independently performing another love spell ritual.

Love spell for long-term love

Early in the morning during the waxing moon, while everyone is sleeping and does not see your actions, take a cup and fill it full of running water. Hide the cup of water until the evening. In the evening, when it gets dark, you need to go into an empty room, take a cup of water with both hands, and cast the following love spell over the water:

Just as a bird cannot live without the sky and flight, a wild animal cannot live without forests and meadows, a wild flower cannot live without earth, so may not the servant of God (the name of your beloved) be able to live without me, the servant of God (your name). So that he would be bored and grieve, would never see the world, could not live even for an hour without me, the servant of God (your name). Amen.

You need to repeat at least three times. Once you are done, sprinkle the marital bed with water and pour the rest out the window.

A conspiracy to rekindle your man's love

You will need holy water, pour it into a mug (on the waxing Moon). In the morning stand by the window with water and say:

In the middle of the sea there is an island, on that island there is a mountain, and the mountain is an oak tree, under the oak tree there is a hole.
The beast Frost lives in that hole; he cooled the love of God’s servant (the name of the beloved), froze it, and threw it into the icy sea.
That hot bird flew over the sea, caught love from the cold sea, warmed it with its heat and returned it to me, the servant of God (your name).
And let my beloved from this day, from this hour, love me as before and never stop loving me.

Then pour the water over the threshold, but first spray all your loved one’s clothes.

Conspiracy for intimate attraction to a man

On the full moon, take blessed water and pour it into a mug. And at night stand by the window, take a mug in left hand and say a conspiracy:

Just as a flower blooms under the sun, so the love of my wife, the servant of God (name of your beloved), ignites at the sight of me, the servant of God (your name).
The heat flares up, goes down through my body, spreads through my loins, my wife clings to me and smiles.
During the day without me he cries, is killed, all night long everyone caresses me.
That's how it is. My word is strong.

Sprinkle your wife's things and your bed with this water, but first add 12 drops to her drink.

Conspiracy to inflame feelings

If problems arise in intimate relationships, then use such a white love spell. Take a liter of spring water in advance (take it at dawn), and at midnight lock yourself in the room (put on a new nightgown). This should not be done on Sunday or on church holidays. Yes, and you will also need a basin. Place a jar of water on the table and say:

I was born a woman, I was baptized as a woman, I will be a woman. I, the servant of God (your name), will never forget a man’s blessing. Mouth to mouth, hands to hands, feet to feet. Amen.

Say the spell 12 times, and then stand with your feet in the basin and douse yourself with water prepared in advance. Then take off the shirt, do not wash it, but dry it, and the next night you and your husband go to bed with it.

A conspiracy to prevent your husband from cheating

You will need blessed water from the church (liter). Do everything at a time when the full moon has just passed and the moon is waning. You need to wake up early in the morning, while it is still dark; in the kitchen, take a jar of water in your hands, bend over the water and, looking at the bottom, say:

Just as a brownie will not leave the house, will not come to a stranger, so with no one - neither with a beauty, nor with a pockmarked one - my beloved will not cheat on me, God's servant (your name). It will be so, and my dear will not forget me. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Say the words ten times, then walk around the apartment or house clockwise, and sprinkle the corners with this water, and add the rest ten drops to your loved one’s morning drink.

Lapel for a mistress

You need to wait for the waning moon. Do everything at night when no one can see you. Stand by the window, place a glass of running water in front of you, and say the lapel spell:

There is a house under the mountain, near the house there is a garden, and in the garden there is a plump, ruddy apple on a branch.
A magpie bird flew past, white only on the side.
She grabbed the apple and took it with her.
She dragged her into her nest.
But there will be evil in that nest as long as someone else’s apple lies there.
So it will be both evil and evil for the servant of God (the name of the rival) with the servant of God (the name of the beloved) forever and ever, and all holy people cannot be helped and reconciled and not married: not today, and not tomorrow, and not the day after tomorrow , and never.
My deed, my word, and everything is ready. Amen.

After three sips, take a sip of water, add the same amount to your husband, and spray his clothes. Pour the rest of the water over the threshold or out the window.

Dishes, just like any other thing that a person has used, carries his energy until it is washed. But don't be alarmed. You won't have to deal with dirty dishes. Only use the cup that the person drank tea from. It can be used for a love spell.

It should be noted right away that this love spell is soft. He does not suppress the will and does not force anyone to do anything. Therefore negative consequences has none. Simply, if you want to improve your relationship faster, perform this simple ritual, and you will definitely succeed.

Preparation for magical work

The ritual, although simple, is like any other magical ritual requires some preparation. First of all, you need to prepare the room so that strangers energy flows did not interfere with the fulfillment of your desire.

Preparation comes down to spring cleaning and lighting candles around the perimeter of the room. You must take a shower and put on clean clothes. Take off all your jewelry and let your hair down.

Stock up on candles. You will need quite a lot of them. Candles can be secured to tea or coffee saucers by dripping pre-melted stearin onto them.

Light candles around the entire perimeter of the room, spaced approximately 1 meter apart. If a closet is pushed against the wall, then place candles in front of it. Then place a five-pointed star with candles - a very effective pentacle that will enhance the effect many times over magical ritual. Place a chair in the center of the pentacle, or better yet, lay down a rug and sit on the floor. Place two mugs of tea in front of you. One of the mugs should be the same, unwashed one, from which the object of your love spell drank or drank. Brew the best tea you can find.

Performing a love spell

Try to clearly imagine that the person you want to bewitch is sitting next to you. The person with whom you dream of establishing a close relationship. Take a sip of tea from your cup and loudly, clearly repeat the words of the spell 3 times:

I (my name) am sitting next to (name of the object of the love spell).
We are drinking tea.
We feel good together.
With every sip we get closer and closer.
By the end of this tea party, no one and nothing will be able to separate us.

Then place your cup on the floor, pick up the unwashed cup and take a sip from it. Repeat the spell 3 times:

I (my name), sipping tea from a cup of (name of the object of the love spell), drink his/her freedom.
With every sip (name) becomes more and more attached to me.
He/she can no longer imagine his life without me.
So be it, and there is no doubt about it.

Sip the tea alternately from each cup, repeating the words of the spell 3 times until the cups are empty. Be prepared that this will take some time.

Then go to bed, leaving the candles to burn out. Don't forget to take care of fire safety– move away from the candles any thing that could catch fire.

When you go to bed, try to keep in your head the image of the person you bewitched. If the image disappears, return it again and again.

Try to fall asleep with the image in your head. If everything is done correctly, you might dream prophetic dream, in which you will receive further instructions for action.
If there was no dream or you didn’t remember it, don’t worry.

Just act according to the situation. A person will subconsciously look for a meeting with you, so make sure that he does not have to wait long, and that this meeting is memorable.

Remember that the effect of the ritual continues for a long time, and, in the end, after several meetings, the person will begin to understand that he needs you, and he cannot live without you.
