Other worlds. Magic doors and portals

Since ancient times, people have been interested in the topic of whether parallel worlds exist. Throughout the history of mankind one can find many various myths and stories about worlds that ordinary people cannot see. Even in science there are many theories that do not deny the existence of other dimensions.

People interested in mysticism sooner or later begin to figure out how to open a portal to a parallel world. While in, a person can travel anywhere in the world, contact different entities and develop his magical abilities. There are different techniques, which allow you to achieve a goal, for example, through relaxation. When a person trains for a long time, achieving a goal. We suggest choosing another method, which is magical.

How to get to a parallel world through a mirror?

This mystical method is not for the faint of heart, as fear can lead to danger. One more thing worth mentioning important nuance- faith in what is happening. The room where you plan to travel should be completely dark and quiet, and there should be large mirror. The ideal place is the bathroom.

How to get to a parallel world:

  1. You need to start the ritual on an empty stomach in the morning or evening. Entering the room, you need to sit in front of the mirror, cover your ears with earplugs and relax as much as possible, focusing on your breathing. Usually it takes 15 minutes to enter a trance;
  2. To enter a parallel world, you need to look into a dark mirror, penetrating deeper and deeper with each step. It is important to dismiss the feeling of fear and all strangers. Consciousness must penetrate into the mirror darkness.
  3. If everything is done correctly, then after a short period of time some stains and even specific images will appear. Remember that fear in this undertaking is unnecessary and even dangerous. If you cannot forcibly suppress unpleasant sensations within yourself, then you should stop traveling.
  4. Continue moving, going deeper into the looking glass, until you physically feel that you are in another parallel world. It is important not to abruptly interrupt the flight and return to reality in the same way.

 27.11.2011 05:50

Mathematicians and quantum physicists argue that parallel worlds, or, in scientific terms, other levels of life, may well exist on our planet. However, ordinary people they refuse to believe this, and the scientists themselves do not yet have reliable evidence of their scientific assumptions. However, cases of people coming into contact with parallel worlds have still been recorded.

The book “The Secret of Parallel Worlds” by the famous Russian researcher of anomalous phenomena Vadim Chernobrov tells about an episode that occurred in England. The girl is very for a long time she could not get out of the forest onto the hillside, which was clearly visible to her, due to the fact that she had found herself inside a certain space surrounded by an invisible but insurmountable wall. She tried for several hours to escape from this trap: she screamed, walked and ran her hands along the invisible wall, vainly searching for a way out. They were already looking for her, but the rescuers passing very close to her not only did not see the girl, but did not even hear her cry for help, although she clearly saw and heard them. When the search group left, the transparent wall suddenly disappeared by itself, and the girl returned home unhindered.
If you follow logic, then any living beings located on the other side of such an invisible to us in normal conditions walls, in the same way, can watch us, hear our every word, while we are not even aware of this kind of “surveillance”.

It was in a similar situation that four participants in one of the expeditions to the Medveditskaya anomalous zone, in the north of the Volgograd region, found themselves in 1998. They perfectly saw and heard two people who appeared next to them, but those two did not notice them for a long time and did not hear their screams.
The belief in the existence of some other levels of life, worlds and dimensions arose on Earth with the advent of humanity. In all pagan religions There was a strong belief that priests, prophets and prophetesses, as well as shamans and sorcerers, were able to temporarily pass into some other world in order to comprehend the secrets of the past and future. It is quite possible that there are some windows in space and time through which the named representatives of the human race can look into the past or future, as well as into the present behind the wall, invisible to ordinary people.
In many places on earth there are “cursed places” where various strange phenomena happen to people or where people disappear without a trace. Nowadays, some scientists call such zones chasms between neighboring realities, others - curvatures in the space-time continuum, and still others - portals leading to other dimensions. If an ordinary person falls into one of these anomalous zones, then this entry ends for him, as a rule, with disappearance without a trace and only in rare cases does he manage to escape, but with significant losses in physical and moral health.
Back in the 19th century, when there were no limousines, in the American state of Connecticut, two people caught in a thunderstorm with heavy rain - Colonel McArdle and Judge Wei - decided to take refuge in an abandoned wooden building. They did not know that local residents called this building a “house of horrors” and avoided it. A few years earlier, a whole family disappeared here - the head of the family, his wife and their five children. So, McArdle and Wei entered this house, closed the door behind them and immediately found themselves in complete darkness and deaf silence. They did not see a flash of lightning or hear the roar of thunder. This stunned them, and, feeling in the darkness with their hands for the heavy forged door, they opened it. Another room appeared before their eyes, in which darkness reigned. In this room, a faint greenish glow was coming from nowhere. Thanks to him, the travelers were able to see the shrunken corpses of adults and children lying on the floor. The judge entered this room and instantly disappeared. The colonel, standing at the half-open door, immediately slammed it. Then he was found lying in a semi-conscious state on the road quite far from the terrible house. Subsequently, he came to his senses, but until the end of his days he remained a mentally ill person. We must assume that McArdle and Wei ended up in another dimension. The unfortunate judge, apparently, went too deep into another world, and therefore disappeared.
According to the latest data from researchers, the transition zone between neighboring worlds tends to change its size and move. One must think that it was precisely as a result of this that in 1936, in a village not far from Krasnoyarsk, the entire population suddenly died out.
In Peru, in the town of Marcahuasi, there is a stone forest in which, according to researchers, there is a portal - an exit to other spatial dimensions. A few months ago, a dramatic story happened there with one of the young patients of the famous doctor Raul Rios Sentano in the Peruvian capital: she was partially paralyzed. It happened like this. The woman was relaxing at a campsite near Marcahuasi. Late in the evening, she and her friends went for a walk in the stone forest. Suddenly, the strollers noticed a small hut illuminated by torches, in which people were dancing. Rios' patient tried to be the first near the unusual sight, and her friend closely followed her. As soon as the women approached the hut, they immediately smelled cold. But the first of them, without attaching much importance to this, looked into the slightly open door and was surprised to see that the dancers were dressed in the fashion of the 17th century. She even rushed to go inside the room, but her friend, who was more aware of the anomalous zone of the stone forest, decisively pulled her hand back.
Subsequent examinations of Rios's patient showed that her body was paralyzed just as much as she managed to enter the space of the stone hut. It can be assumed that if a woman entered the room itself, she would either be completely paralyzed, or she would forever find herself in another dimension.
And yet, it is apparently impossible to make such a categorical conclusion, since there is still a lot of uncertainty in the phenomenon of parallel worlds. After all, the above-mentioned girl from England and the participants of the Medveditsky expedition returned safe and sound.
All the facts listed here, according to researchers, indicate that there are not two or three parallel worlds, but many, and, moreover, very different ones, noticeably different from each other.
It is quite possible that it is from them that UFOs and aliens appear, Bigfoot and various Loch Ness-type monsters.

Have you ever thought about magical world but have never tried to express your thoughts on paper? This article can help you take the next step. Follow our tips and you'll be creating a wonderful fantasy world in no time!


Decide on civilization

    Think about who the residents will be like. Start by thinking through the main characteristics of the imagined world and the lives of its inhabitants. This will help you decide on the main idea of ​​your world.

    • Will your world be a peaceful environment without war, anger or violence? Or is it a world falling apart at the seams, overwhelmed by a wave of crime, chaos and battles?
    • Knowing this, you can begin to describe your inhabitants. When creating them, describe their history, culture, lifestyle, weapons, food, education, government, transportation, etc. Are there numerous types of creatures living there, such as lizards or octopuses wandering around? What conflicts occur between different races?
    • Determine the scale of civilization. You can have one dominant culture, like the Klingon Empire, or a whole series different cultures with dissimilar customs, just like on Earth.
  1. Come up with a name for your world. You can change it later if you want, but you have to start somewhere. One way to do this is to use your name as a basis.

    • For example, Lilitopia sounds good, especially if it beautiful world filled with flowers. Zaktopia probably won't work very well. But if you take out the "...topia" part and remake it as "Zakchan" or even just "Zak", you'll get an okay name to start with.
    • You can use some random words that sound good. (Caillou, Mikvar, etc.) You can even play with words. (Guess what the world called Catacloyapa is like).
    • The names of cities in foreign countries also work well. For example, Ranovik or Turan in Albania.
    • The name of your world should reflect its inhabitants. For example, if it is a warlike world, then naming your planet “Bliss” will sound strange. On the other hand, if your world is populated by unicorns and elves, something like "Kzrah" won't work at all.
  2. Think about the landscape of your world. What will its relief be like? Where are the deserts? Where are the mountains? Forests?

    • Plan environment. For example, it could be a desert planet, a glacial asteroid belt, or a lunar forest. Or it could be a more traditional environment, like our Earth, but with different creatures and plants.
  3. Create wildlife for your world. You can take as a basis fauna Earth, but if you're looking for adventure, come up with your own! Are they vertebrates (have a backbone)? Invertebrates (do not have a backbone)? Teeth, fangs, claws, scales, fur, wings, eyes, limbs, mucus - these are all elements that you can use to create animals.

    • Read books about unusual beetles and inhabitants depths of the sea. After all, these are the most unusual creatures in the world, like aliens in our own backyard!
    • What animals do your residents ride? Determine what the animals eat, and then find out who eats them!
    • Building an ecosystem (who eats whom, who is the dominant predator, how everyone coexists) is good way learn more about the world you are creating. Where do all these creatures live in your world? They can live in the sky or under the covers of lava. Maybe you have ice worms that dig holes in solid methane, or energy creatures that can be both solid and luminous.
  4. Come up with a history of the world. Once you have an idea of ​​who your residents are and what they do, it's time to create a past for them.

    • Describe how they evolved from another life form, or maybe they were part of a galactic experiment.
    • Who or what gave birth to life on Planet X? What major events changed the course of the world?
    • Are there gods and/or goddesses, are there evolutionary life forms, or is it a combination of both? Describe how the civilizations on your planet have changed throughout their history. Were there any wars (civil, international)? Struggle? Anarchy? Uprisings? Or did everything proceed quite peacefully?
  5. Choose your world's religion. This is quite a sensitive topic for those who are devoted to their real religion. Just remember that you still believe in God and will not change your belief in any way. Just as writing a story about a murder does not turn you into a criminal, writing about other gods will not turn you into a pagan.

    • The dominant religion of your world may be polytheism (many gods), monotheism (one god), pantheism (everything is God), or atheism (no gods). You need to come up with the appearance of the gods: it could be someone similar to the inhabitants, only larger size and purple in color, or small chipmunks with fangs. The choice is wide.
    • Are your gods animals? Does each of them have a special gift? Do they have one or more spouses? Were they there from the beginning or were they created later? Did anything precede the existence of these gods?
  6. Decide what language people speak, or create your own. Do they speak English? In French? In Spanish? Or in a completely new language? Remember, if you plan to write a book about your world, which you probably will, don't create new language or at least don't force your characters to use it all the time. Most people will throw the book away in disgust because they won't be able to understand it without endless footnotes.

    • To see how it was done by a professional, read The Lord of the Rings. Tolkien created complete languages, so the characters have a “story,” but he rarely uses them, only to communicate important things. This gives his world an air of authenticity that wouldn't otherwise be there.
  7. Come up with folklore. What are the myths in each country? Create bedtime stories to frighten children, make up fairy tales and made-up legends with “a grain of truth in them” or prophecies (such as the Mayan Calendar prophecies!).

    Think through a model of daily life for all countries. What games do children play? Which countries are poor? Which ones are rich? Do the residents work hard, or do they have a lot of time to play?

    Create a map of your world

    1. Make a map. First, plot the land areas, such as continents, and the large bodies of water or other geographic features (if any) that your world has.

      • Add borders. For example, Europe and Asia are separate continents, the boundaries of which are determined by nature.
      • Decide on political boundaries: countries, states and cities. Take a look at Google Maps to see where these places are located and use it as a guide.
    2. Start coming up with names for places. Once your country's borders are resolved, start assigning names. Go from large to small, so you will have several large objects and many small ones.

      • First give names to the main elements: continents, oceans, deserts, forests, etc.
      • Give each country its own capital. Locate and name major cities, then countries, provinces, continents, oceans, deserts, forests, etc.
      • It may seem incredible, but just relax and don't think about anything, just let the ideas come to your mind. There's no need to rush. You can put it all in an imaginary box in your mind or write notes on paper.
      • Google “random fantasy name generator” if you can’t come up with as many as you need.
    3. Draw a sketch of your map. Don't start with small islands. Make sure that land boundaries are jagged (like coastlines) and not just straight or curved (unless you have a good reason for doing so and not because you're being lazy).

      • Using a computer will help because it is easier to edit than on paper.
      • Add small islands. Remember, these islands can be very important both economically and strategically.
    4. Use graphic symbols. Use simple symbols: triangles for mountains and dots for cities (unless you're an artist and want to draw beautiful mountains, tiny houses and city castles).

      • Then write the names. Don't forget to write the names of the continents in a larger font than the names of the countries, and the names of the countries larger than the names of the cities, etc.
      • Decide on the size of your city symbols and make different symbols for capital cities, countries, and provinces.
    5. Color your map. This can be done in any way you like, tweak things a little and voila! You have a map.

      Make separate maps of countries. At the same time, paint nearby countries gray or brown. Then use a different bright color for each province. Of course, there is no need to perform this step if there are no neighboring countries (maybe you have a very young civilization, or your world is ravaged by war, or it is one friendly country invented by John Lennon).

    Make it a reality

    • Be creative! Don't think about what others might like, just do what brings you pleasure or joy!
    • Don't worry about minor mistakes. If, during the process of making a map, you discover that one of your cities has turned into a lake, for example, do not erase it. If the city is not that important, you can say that there used to be a city here that later sank underwater.
    • History is an amazing storehouse of ideas. Find a topic that interests you, such as warfare or ancient wonders of the world, and do a search at your local library or the Internet to find out something about it.
    • Try your best to avoid clichés such as: fairies and goblins, teams of two boys and one girl, main character with only one parent/without parents. The more unique your story is, the more interesting it will be.
    • Fantasy books or websites may be helpful, but to avoid prosecution, make sure you don't copy the author's ideas.
    • Imagine your brain is a lake. Let thoughts flow from your mind like a river. Even if you have good memory, in any case, write everything down, otherwise the flow will seem to be blocked by dams.
    • When you type your draft, use the automatic spell checker, then print out a blank copy, read it carefully, and make any edits you want. If you are happy with your changes, save them.
    • If you print a copy, double space it to ensure easy note-taking.
    • Feel free to follow along completely or skip any step of this tutorial. This is just a guide for your creation.
    • You can also turn your fantasy world into a club or group. Make friends and make them citizens.
    • Skip lines when writing in a notepad.
    • Many people create worlds with multiple races. It is very easy to fall into the trap of assigning each race one culture, i.e. elves belong to the Eastern culture, and gnomes act in Russian. If people associate these separate civilizations with one species, then elves, gnomes, etc. should also have separate cultural and racial differences.
    • Don't start with the details, go with the basics and let the ideas flow from there.


    • Don't share your card with people you don't trust. They can steal your ideas.
    • Don’t tell people with limited horizons about your country. They might think you're crazy.

    What you will need

    • A notebook with a spring or a hard cover (a school notebook with a line is not a very neat option)
    • Pencil or pen
    • Computers can also be used in place of pencil and paper, but be careful not to lose/delete your work! Make backup or paper copies.

Our world is not the only one. There are many worlds both similar and completely different from ours. Mages can travel through these worlds. The inhabitants of these worlds also sometimes end up in our world. If we imagine our space-time continuum (world) as an atom, then the relationships between worlds will be similar to the relationships between atoms in crystal lattice. Atoms (worlds) coexist with each other, can exchange electrons (inhabitants) and all together form one whole.

Previously, people often met with inhabitants of other worlds (angels, devils, centaurs, dragons, elves, etc.). This was possible due to the lack of boundaries between some worlds. When the boundaries of the worlds were restored, people were left alone. Now, you will no longer find traces left by the “Elders”, just as you cannot find today in yesterday. Because the dust of one world does not necessarily fall on the path of another.

At that time, people did not need Space. Why fly somewhere for a long time in a tin when you can get to another planet (world) simply by walking along the road or using the Portal? Movement between the destination world and the origin world can be instantaneous or gradual.

1. Instantly: through Portals installed in certain place, or created by a magician at will. In this case, the boundaries of the worlds are broken in a certain place and between these gaps a channel is formed through which the magician passes from one world to another.

2. Gradually:
a) If the worlds come into contact with each other, then you only need to overcome the boundary between the worlds. The border is usually well guarded both by Border Guards and various spells. The journey across the border may take several days or a few seconds, but you will always feel when you find yourself in another world.

b) If the worlds do not touch each other, then you cannot immediately get to the destination world. Then the magician’s path lies past many worlds. It's like walking through mirages that constantly replace each other. The magician walks along the path that lies between the worlds. At first there is only one world around you, then it seems to blur, and you are already walking through another world. The interval between transitions may vary. Sometimes the moment of transition is noticeable. If the worlds are similar to each other, then you may not notice the moment of transition. The path of gradual movement is relatively safe, because if you do not go off the path, then the magician does not cross into the world through which he is walking and, accordingly, is not exposed to all the dangers inherent in this world. However, there are also dangers here: dangerous creatures can live in the interworld; There is always a risk that your path will be interrupted or you will not be able to find the way to your world. Therefore, people embark on such a journey with those who can cope with the dangers of the path and know the road (or have signs along the way).

The choice of method of movement depends on many factors: the capabilities of the magician, the proximity of the Portal, the environment, etc. To traverse worlds with beginners or the uninitiated, magicians usually use the second method.

Using a non-mobile Portal is dangerous because... The “door” opens into several worlds at once and there is always a chance that someone or something will come out to meet you from behind the “door”.

The penetration of creatures from another world can be very dangerous, because... in this world there may not be a means of destroying them and all the inhabitants of the world may die. Although there are also opposite precedents. Border Guardians are battle mages who live on the border between worlds and do not allow creatures from another world to enter their world, and vice versa. Sometimes they act as guides across the border. Each world lives by its own laws. In some worlds they coincide, in others they differ sharply. In one the sun rises in the east, in another in the west, a day in one world may be tens or hundreds of years in another. Magic in different worlds can also be different. No, magical energy is everywhere, but the spells themselves and how they work may vary. Therefore, when you find yourself in another world, you should not rely on your magic without checking its effect.

You shouldn’t get upset ahead of time and assume that all Portals for transition have been lost. The most famous “doors to another world” today are mirrors and pyramids.

Often, researchers of the Egyptian pyramids said that they found themselves in the world of the well-known gods Set and Ra, while the inhabitants of another reality did not notice them. In this case, a cat or kitten acted as a guide. Some consider these stories to be related to the cult of cat worship in Egypt. Others claim that since ancient times it has been known that cats see otherworldly “guests” and have access to other worlds.

If the pyramids opened up the opportunity to get to other worlds, then the mirror is a door to our world for those arriving from another reality. Please note that many magical rituals are performed with mirrors. It is believed that these objects can not only “let” deceased and demonic entities into our reality, but also imprison the human soul. Therefore, in Christianity, during the “cleansing of the house,” a special emphasis is placed on sprinkling the mirror with holy water. While among the Scandinavian peoples it is customary to draw protective runes behind the mirrors to protect all the inhabitants of the house.

How to get to another world.

We will assume that you are not a very experienced magician and this is your first time traveling between worlds in your physical rather than mental body. Then you can use the following recommendations:

Find a place where you feel energized. The transition process can be initiated by external or internal magical energy. The places where external energies accumulate are well known. These are the so-called “anomalous zones”. The difference between using external or internal energy only that external energy supply will allow you to more quickly trigger and carry out the transition process, while your internal energy may not be enough to start the process. If you decide to use your own energy, then the choice of location is not so critical. You probably have your own place where you take a break from the surrounding reality, and where you will not be disturbed during this magic. Your house or apartment is not suitable for this, because... You need a certain amount of free space, but the street is just right.

Wait until nightfall. The choice of this particular time of day is not accidental, and not for some mystical reason. The point is this: Firstly, at night most people sleep and do not disturb the magical field with their actions and desires. You have no idea how many people use magic in their lives without even knowing it. Each person by himself can only do so much magic, but a large number of people can have a strong influence on the state of magical energies in your area. Secondly, you will have to change your perception of the world. Otherwise you will not be able to leave this world. Your world will cling to you, and instead of transitioning, you will see only a vision that flashes past you, remaining just an obsession. Darkness will help you change your perception of the world. Our eyes deceive us. “Everything we see is only one appearance. Far from the surface of the world to the bottom.” Darkness will help you concentrate on your goal without being distracted by details. Close your eyes during the day dark room in this case it will not be enough (see above). You are unlikely to be able to immediately abstract yourself from this world. So you might want to practice first. Try to look at your world from the outside. Familiar faces will become strangers to you, and the surrounding environment will become unfamiliar. It will seem to you that you are a spectator watching a play called life. You get up and leave, and the performance will continue.

Walk in the dark. To make the transition you will need: desire, dedication, determination and the ability to change the world. Bring it all together in one place at one time. Abstract yourself from this world and step towards that light that will flicker somewhere ahead. If you succeed, then the reality around you will be distorted, as if bifurcating, and will be covered with a ghostly haze. The outlines of objects will become unclear and blurry. Go forward without stopping and without turning anywhere. When you cross into another world, you will know it.

P.S.: In this method there are no spells usual for magic, since true magic comes into play, which is based on the use of the laws of the universe, and not on the transformation of magical energies. That's the beauty of it true magic: it acts where ordinary magic is powerless, and the fact of its use cannot be detected by ordinary means from the arsenal of magicians.

We will assume that you are not a very experienced magician and this is your first time traveling between worlds in your physical rather than mental body. Then you can use the following recommendations:
Find a place where you feel energized. The transition process can be initiated by external or internal magical energy. The places where external energies accumulate are well known. These are the so-called "anomalous zones". The only difference between using external or internal energy is that external energy supply will allow you to more quickly trigger and carry out the transition process, while your internal energy may not be enough to start the process. If you decide to use your own energy, then the choice of location is not so critical. You probably have your own place where you take a break from the surrounding reality, and where you will not be disturbed during this magic. Your house or apartment is not suitable for this, because... You need a certain amount of free space, but the street is just right.
Wait until nightfall. The choice of this particular time of day is not accidental, and not for some mystical reason. The point is this: Firstly, at night most people sleep and do not disturb the magical field with their actions and desires. You have no idea how many people use magic in their lives without even knowing it. Each person by himself can only do so much magic, but a large number of people can have a strong influence on the state of magical energies in your area. Secondly, you will have to change your perception of the world. Otherwise you will not be able to leave this world. Your world will cling to you, and instead of transitioning, you will see only a vision that flashes past you, remaining just an obsession. Darkness will help you change your perception of the world. Our eyes deceive us. “Everything we see is only one appearance. Far from the surface of the world to the bottom.” Darkness will help you concentrate on your goal without being distracted by details. In this case, closing your eyes during the day in a dark room will not be enough (see above). You are unlikely to be able to immediately abstract yourself from this world. So you might want to practice first. Try to look at your world from the outside. Familiar faces will become strangers to you, and the environment will become unfamiliar. It will seem to you that you are a spectator watching a play called life. You get up and leave, and the performance will continue.
Walk in the dark. To make the transition you will need: desire, dedication, determination and the ability to change the world. Bring it all together in one place at one time. Abstract yourself from this world and step towards that light that will flicker somewhere ahead. If you succeed, then the reality around you will be distorted, as if bifurcating, and will be covered with a ghostly haze. The outlines of objects will become unclear and blurry. Go forward without stopping and without turning anywhere. When you go to another world, you will know it.
P.S.: In this method there are no spells usual for magic, since true magic comes into play, which is based on the use of the laws of the universe, and not on the transformation of magical energies. This is the beauty of true magic: it acts where ordinary magic is powerless, and the fact of its use cannot be detected by ordinary means from the arsenal of magicians.