Growing Chinese lemongrass in the Urals. Schisandra chinensis: cultivation and care, breeding and benefits

The plant belongs to the Schisandaceae family of the genus Schisandra, and today is grown throughout Russia. The fruits of the woody vine have medicinal properties valuable to humans. Even a novice gardener can grow and care for Schisandra chinensis if you know the plant’s agricultural techniques well.

Features of growing Chinese lemongrass in Siberia, the Urals and the Moscow region

The plant is strong and can adapt to different climatic conditions. The culture is cold-resistant and does not die even in frost -40 C.

In the Moscow region, only seedlings in the first year need shelter. Further, the vine does not need to be covered or removed from the support. For Schisandra chinensis, the climate of the Middle Zone can be called ideal.

In the Urals and Siberia, even adult vines will need shelter. They should be carefully removed from the trellis, placed on a layer of spruce branches and covered with a thick layer of sawdust or leaves.

Otherwise, crop cultivation does not differ by region.

Planting a plant

Its further growth rate, as well as productivity, directly depends on the correct planting of Schisandra chinensis. The plant is not only useful, but also decorative, which is why it can be placed in the front part of the garden.

Site selection and soil requirements

When choosing a place to plant, first of all pay attention to its illumination. The culture requires sun, but it feels good in the openwork shade of the garden, entwining the trunks of neighboring trees. It is important that the area where lemongrass grows is well protected from the wind. The ideal location is the south side near existing gazebos, fences, trellises and pergolas. Planting Schisandra chinensis under the wall of a house is not best solution, since the vine, growing, will gradually destroy the roof, and flows of water during rain will damage it itself. If you still have to plant a plant near the house, then you need to retreat at least 1.5 m from the wall to protect it from runoff from above.

The soil for vines needs to be nutritious and loose. To prevent the plant from getting wet, drainage must be provided at the bottom of the planting hole. For this purpose, broken brick or slate is used.

The optimal soil is considered to be a mixture of the following components, taken in equal quantities:

  • turf land;
  • humus;
  • compost;
  • wood ash.

All ingredients must be mixed well. When planting, 200 g of superphosphate is added to each plant.

How and when to plant?

Depending on climatic conditions, lemongrass is planted from late April to mid-May. The colder it is, the later the crop is planted. In the southern regions, planting can be carried out in October. Here it is preferable to the spring one, since, taking root in a new place, the vine will not suffer from the summer heat, and due to the absence of severe frosts it will be able to fully take root.

It is better that the number of plants planted is 3 or more, as this gives the maximum decorative effect. The distance between them must be at least 1 meter.

A hole 40 cm deep and 60 cm wide is prepared for a lemongrass seedling. drainage layer 10 cm thick. After this, the soil is filled.

For planting, it is better to choose seedlings that are 2-3 years old. They are not tall, but at the same time they have formed a powerful root system and take root well. The viability of such planting material is maximum.

Growing Chinese Schisandra from seeds

Growing a crop by planting seeds is possible, although more labor-intensive. Sowing of lemongrass is carried out in April-May. Previously planting material needs to be stratified. In the fall, the seeds are mixed with sand, which is slightly moistened, and stored at a temperature of +5 degrees in the refrigerator or basement. Once every 2 weeks they are taken out for ventilation and mixed again. If necessary, the sand is additionally moistened with cold, settled water.

2 months before planting, the seeds are moved to a warm place: they are kept at room temperature for 30 days, then for another 30 days the seeds are placed in a place with a temperature of +8 degrees. It is important to ensure that the sand does not dry out during the entire stratification period.

To sow seeds, peat and sand are mixed in equal parts. Seeds are sown in furrows to a depth of 2 cm, covered with peat and sand and watered. You need to install brackets over the bed and stretch the film. You can also sow lemongrass in a greenhouse.

Crops should be watered only in hot weather and only in the morning. When the sprouts appear, they will need to be shaken off from water after each watering. This is necessary to prevent rotting. Excessive moisture is extremely dangerous for young plants.

When planted in a permanent greenhouse, lemongrass does not require shelter for the winter. If the crop was grown with seeds in a greenhouse, then the young plants must be covered with spruce branches or covered with sawdust to protect them from the cold. On permanent place Schisandra chinensis is replanted in the spring after the first wintering.

Vegetative planting method

At home, the plant can be grown through the vegetative planting method. In this case, shoots are dug out from the root of the plant. Vegetative planting also includes planting a purchased plant. Planting is carried out as described above in prepared holes with humus.

Caring for lemongrass at home

In addition to proper planting, for the well-being of the vine, it also needs proper care, which includes:

  • watering;
  • feeding;
  • pruning;
  • preparing the crop for winter.

If there are errors in care, Schisandra chinensis begins to grow worse and gradually withers.

Watering and fertilizing

Proper watering and fertilizing ensure high-quality plant growth and abundant fruiting.

In nature, lemongrass grows on moist soils, so in garden conditions it also needs high-quality moisture. In hot weather, adult plants should be sprayed with warm water and watered, pouring 50 liters of water under each plant in one watering.

Wet soil is immediately mulched. This is necessary because the roots of lemongrass are located very close to the surface of the soil and can easily dry out in the heat.

The plant requires feeding from the age of 3 years. The main feeding is organic fertilizers in liquid form. In summer, chicken manure diluted in water in a ratio of 1:20 is applied under the vine once every 3 weeks. In the spring, lemongrass is fertilized with 1.5 tablespoons of nitrate per adult plant, and in the fall, at the beginning of September, with 30-40 g/m2 of superphosphate and potassium salt. If they are unavailable, you can use ordinary wood ash. Compositions with chlorine are harmful to lemongrass.


Pruning Schisandra chinensis is carried out according to certain rules. In the first years it is not required, since during this period the vine is actively gaining root mass, and the above-ground part grows slowly.

After winter, only the excess root shoots are cut off from the vine. Sanitary pruning, in which damaged and dry branches are removed, is carried out exclusively in the fall after the end of sap flow. Then the thickening shoots are cut off. Only the 3 strongest shoots should be left on the vine. This will greatly simplify care and increase its productivity.

Once every 8 years, it is necessary to replace the shoots, since as they age, they begin to bear fruit worse. To do this, leave 2 strong root shoots on one old shoot. When they have developed sufficiently, the best one is chosen; and the old shoot and the weaker young shoot are cut out.


The lemongrass plant is a climbing plant and needs support for vertical growth. Without it, it will not fully develop and bear fruit. Only on the trellis does Schisandra chinensis receive enough light and proper ventilation. All-round access to air is vital for him.

Pillars 3 meters high are suitable for support. They are dug 50 cm into the ground. A strong twine is stretched between them, and a vine is tied to it. As it grows upward, the garter is carried higher. As a result, between the pillars the plant has horizontal support in several tiers. When the vine reaches maximum length, it begins to hang over the top twine, forming a roller. This usually happens 1-2 years before the shoot is replaced.

Preparing the plant for wintering

In the Middle Zone there is no need to prepare lemongrass for winter. Shelter is required for young seedlings only in the first winter, if they are not grown in a greenhouse. Mature plants take shelter only in cold climates. If the vine cannot be laid on the ground to be covered with spruce branches or sawdust, then it should be wrapped in covering material and tied with spruce branches on top.

Plant diseases and pests

Schisandra chinensis is highly resistant to diseases and proper care in garden conditions it practically does not suffer from them. The crop is also not of much interest to pests due to its specific resinous odor.

In rare cases, lemongrass is affected by:

  • powdery mildew;
  • spotting;
  • Fusarium wilt - the plant cannot be saved; it should be completely removed and burned.

To eliminate the first two diseases, the affected leaves must be cut from the vine and burned. It itself should be sprayed with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.

Collection and storage of lemongrass fruits

Schisandra chinensis begins to bear fruit at the age of 6 years. In the first years the harvest is insignificant, but after 2-4 years it reaches its maximum. The berries are harvested when they turn transparent red. Also, the fruits should be soft. It’s easier to pick berries so as not to choke them with brushes. In addition, the stalks are also used for medicinal purposes.

Berries should be processed within 24 hours, as they begin to deteriorate with longer storage. You can puree them with sugar or freeze them. The berries are also infused with vodka to obtain an effective tonic.

Schisandra chinensis is rightly called unique plant, which combines decorativeness and medicinal properties. Therefore, growing lemongrass has been popular among gardeners for many years.

To grow lemongrass, which is used to create, it is necessary, first of all, to select a good and healthy seedling. It is best to choose a two- or three-year-old seedling. Despite the fact that the plant's vines may be short in length, the root system will already be developed and powerful. It is desirable that it have at least two main branches with a length of at least 25 cm.

Saplings Chinese lemongrass

When choosing, keep an eye on the roots - they should be undamaged and slightly moist, otherwise the survival rate and further growth of Chinese magnolia vine can be very slow. It is good if the plants were recently dug up and sold with a clod of earth. Pay attention to the bark - it should be smooth and elastic, since wrinkled bark indicates that the tree was dug up quite a long time ago. If you purchase a seedling in the fall, it is advisable to remove all the leaves so as not to damage the buds on the axils - this can also stop the growth of the plant.

Be careful when transporting. Wrap the roots with a damp cloth and a plastic bag. If you nevertheless purchased a seedling with dry roots, immerse the plant in water for several days. What to do if it is not possible to plant Chinese lemongrass immediately after purchase? In this case, you need to bury it in a dark place on the site. Dig an elongated hole with a slight slope, carefully place the seedling in the hole and fill it on top so that not only the roots, but also half of the shoots themselves are under the soil. Don't forget to water the seedling.

Before planting a seedling, you should prepare the place - this will guarantee a successful result of your work. When choosing a site, remember that the plant prefers sunny and warm places, completely unable to tolerate cold winds and drafts. Ideally, Chinese lemongrass is best planted on the south or west side.

Make sure that water from the roof does not water the plant when it rains. That is why, when planting, step back from the walls of the building at least 1.5 meters. Pay attention to the soil - planting a seedling on loose soil and good drainage can give excellent result. It is also advisable to moisten the soil a little before planting. Choose the right landing time. For the southern regions, it is better to stop at the end of September or October; in other regions, work can be carried out in early spring.

Planting a seedling on loose soil

The landing process is as follows:

  • About two weeks before planting the seedlings, a hole about 40 cm deep and up to 60 cm wide is dug in the area.
  • At the bottom of the hole we lay drainage from small pebbles or broken bricks.
  • Place a mixture of humus, turf soil or compost on top.

After this, feel free to plant the seedling. At the same time, try not to deepen the root collar of the plant too much - it is best if it is at ground level. If you are going to plant several Chinese lemongrass, maintain a distance of 1.5 m between them, and about 2.5 meters between the rows.

Some gardeners prefer to grow this vine from seeds. The seeds themselves can be purchased at the store or prepared independently from ripened lemongrass fruits. Before planting, the seeds are soaked in water room temperature within a week. This procedure will help you identify low-quality and diseased seed - 2-3 days after soaking, low-quality seeds will float to the surface.

Seeds of ripened lemongrass fruits

The next step is stratification. You will need sand, which should be disinfected by watering it with a solution of potassium permanganate. Mix the seeds into the sand in a ratio of 1:3. Pour the mixture into a wooden container and leave it in a room where the temperature will be maintained at 20 degrees. Once every two days, the mixture of sand and seeds needs to be moistened. This stage lasts about a month.

The next stage is stratification with snow (hardening). Cover the sand with a layer of snow and leave it there for a month. If this is not possible, place the container with future seedlings in a cool basement for at least 2 months. Planting can be done in spring. To do this, form grooves about 2 cm deep in a designated area, fill the seedlings there, sprinkle with soil and water lightly. Don't forget to mulch the plantings using peat. After 1.5–2 years, the grown Chinese magnolia vine seedling can be transplanted to a permanent location.

Caring for this plant is quite simple, all you need is to feed the Chinese lemongrass, water it properly and create a support. When the plant is three years old, you need to start feeding it. Work begins in April - about 20 g of saltpeter is poured into the tree trunk circle, then the plantings are mulched with compost or humus. In the summer, fertilize with liquid organic matter (chicken droppings or mullein) every three weeks.

In the autumn, after the leaves have fallen, add:

  • 100 g wood ash;
  • 20 g superphosphate.

About 5 years after planting, the vines will begin to bear fruit. At this time, the plants should be fed with nitrophoska (about 40 g), and after flowering, bird droppings are added under the Chinese lemongrass. In autumn, each plant needs 50 g of superphosphate and 30 g of potassium sulfate. Once every 3 years, about 5 kg of compost should be embedded in the soil to a depth of 8 cm (all calculations for each square meter).

To provide plants with proper care, you should not forget about watering. In its homeland, lemongrass grows at high levels of air humidity, so in the hot season the vines must be sprayed with warm water. An adult lemongrass is watered in dry weather - about 60 liters are needed for each bush. warm water. Also, plants are watered after each feeding, mulching the soil with dry soil to retain moisture.

Caring for an adult Chinese lemongrass

When caring for lemongrass, do not forget about the need to create supports. Vines grown on trellises will receive more light, resulting in larger berries. But if you do not provide support, the plant will take the form of a small bush and most likely will not bear fruit. It is better to install in the year the plant is planted. If this does not work, tie the seedlings to pegs, and the next year install a permanent support.

To build the structure, you will need posts at least 3 m in height. Dig them to a depth of 50 cm at a distance of up to 3 meters from each other.

You need to stretch the wire on the poles in three rows: we place the lowest one at a height of 0.5 meters, the rest are beaten at 0.7 m. In the first year after planting, we tie the shoots to the bottom wire, in subsequent years - to those located above. Tie plants to supports throughout the warm season, trying to fan out new shoots. At the same time, the shoots are not removed for the winter - they must remain on the trellis.

Also, do not forget about pruning, which is an important component of proper care. They begin to carry out work from the third year after planting the vine. By this moment, the root system stops growing so quickly, but the above-ground part begins to develop “by leaps and bounds.” Of the young shoots that appear, no more than 5 should be left, the rest should be cut off at soil level. In adult plants, it is necessary to remove unproductive shoots, replacing them with younger and stronger shoots.

In this case, it is advisable to carry out the work after the foliage has fallen, but if the lemongrass is very overgrown, pruning is carried out in the summer. But in spring and winter, pruning cannot be done, since after this event there is active sap flow and drying out of the vines. The only thing you need and can remove every year is root shoots. Once a year, sanitary pruning is usually carried out, when dried and small branches are removed, which greatly thicken the crown of Chinese lemongrass.

Garden plots are becoming more and more like luxurious greenhouses. What kind of plants do amateur gardeners not grow? Chinese lemongrass also did not go unnoticed. We will look at its cultivation and care features in today’s article. By the way, lemongrass is not only a beautiful vine and fragrant flowers, but also incredibly healthy fruits.

We gain encyclopedic knowledge

If you want to turn your garden into a real jungle, pay attention to a plant such as Schisandra chinensis. Planting this plant is a standard procedure, but flowers of extraordinary beauty will first bloom in your garden, and then very healthy and tasty fruits will ripen.

Schisandra chinensis is a green vine. In spring, delicate flowers appear on this plant, which, according to the laws of nature, then turn into fiery fruits. With this plant you can decorate the wall of a house, a gazebo, arches, or grow an entire alley by installing special supports.

Let's talk in detail about the features of planting and caring for Chinese lemongrass.

We select seedlings and plant them

You can purchase seedlings of this plant in any specialized store. For planting in temperate latitudes, you need to choose seedlings two to three years old. Their height varies from 25 to 30 cm.

Pay attention to the bark. It should be perfectly smooth. It is better if the root system is covered with a clod of earth. When transporting the seedling, the roots need to be wrapped in a damp cloth.

Before planting, place the seedlings in water and keep them in it for about 10-12 hours. Now you need to choose suitable place for growing Chinese lemongrass. He does not like constant shade, but open sun rays are not acceptable for him. Plant the seedlings at a distance of 1.5-2 m from the wall of the house or outbuilding.

In temperate latitudes, it is better to plant lemongrass in late autumn: October or November. But planting in early spring is also allowed. How to plant Schisandra chinensis in cold regions? Growing and care in Siberia has its own characteristics. It is at this latitude that it is planted in the ground in the spring. Severe frosts can kill the root system, and your efforts will be in vain.

When planting Schisandra chinensis in the ground, consider the following features:

  • the depth of the hole should reach 40-50 cm, and the width - 50-60 cm;
  • drainage, broken slate or bricks are laid out at the bottom of the hole;
  • the hole must be filled with humus or turf soil;
  • A seedling should be buried in the center of the hole, the visible part is 4-5 cm;
  • Immediately after planting, Chinese lemongrass needs abundant watering - 2-3 buckets per bush.

Advice: if you are planting a row of such vines, then make holes at a distance of 1.5-2 m, the same applies to the distance between the rows.

Rules of care

Young Chinese lemongrass constantly needs proper care and feeding. This is the only way you can ensure rapid growth plants, as well as maximum fruiting. Let's start from the very beginning. As soon as you have planted Chinese lemongrass seedlings, they need to be constantly fertilized according to the following scheme:

  • 4 tsp. saltpeter;
  • humus.

From spring to August, every ten days you need to apply organic fertilizer in liquid form. Humus should be diluted in a ratio of 1:30. Fertilizer is applied to the tree trunk.

Remember that you cannot loosen the soil near the trunk of the vine, otherwise you can disrupt the root system. Frequent fertilization is carried out until Chinese lemongrass begins to bear fruit. In the future, you can feed the root system once a year, preferably in the autumn.

As for watering, it needs to be done extremely often. Chinese lemongrass - moisture-loving plant. Do not allow the surface layer of soil to dry out.

The liana grows luxuriously, its spreading leaves clog the fruits. If you grow the described plant for the purpose of harvesting, then the leaves and shoots need to be periodically trimmed. This way you can ensure unhindered access of pollen to the female inflorescences, which are located in the upper part of the plant.

Pruning is carried out as necessary; this action must be performed in the spring. Remove all wilted and dead shoots without fear. The shoots of the second row are cut to 20-25 cm. Take care to install a support so that the vine can weave. You can build a special frame or attach a mesh to the wall of a structure or gazebo.

Chinese lemongrass is not protected from fungal phytodiseases. To avoid them, you need to promptly remove the lower wilted leaves. This also applies to fallen leaves. In the spring, preferably in April, the entire vine is sprayed with Bordeaux mixture.


In spring the vine begins to bloom. Small inflorescences fascinate with their beauty. Later the berries appear. For the first five years after planting a seedling, you can’t count on a harvest. With proper care, you can collect the first berries of lemongrass in the sixth year of its cultivation. But the amount of harvest will increase another 3 years after the first fruiting.

First, the berries begin to gradually turn red. As soon as the color becomes rich and fiery, and the surface of the berries acquires a glassy, ​​almost transparent tint, you can harvest. There is nothing complicated about this, since according to the principle of fruiting, Chinese lemongrass resembles grapes. You can cut the berries together with the stalks. The latter, by the way, are used as a flavored additive in tea.

You can simplify the collection process: pull the branch and hit it with the edge of your palm. Ripe berries will fall. The main thing is to lay something soft on the ground, otherwise the fruits will break. Harvest fresh can be stored for no more than a day. Then the berries begin to mold and ferment.

A few words about reproduction

To decorate personal plot, one vine will not be enough. Experienced gardeners It is recommended to plant at least three seedlings. At the beginning of July, the top young shoots are cut off. Next you need to follow this procedure:

  1. For a day, the seedling is placed in a container with a heteroauxin solution.
  2. Then a container with river sand is prepared.
  3. You need to dig the shoot into this mixture and cover it with polyethylene.

In April you can plant a shoot; there will be no roots on it yet. A small hole is made in the ground, which is filled with peat and humus. The layering needs to be buried, and the apical part of about 5 cm should be fixed on the trellis. After about 4-5 months, roots will appear and new shoots will emerge from the cuttings. It is better to separate shoots for seedlings from annual, well-rooted and strong vines of Chinese magnolia vine.
Siberian frosts are not a hindrance

Chinese lemongrass - amazing plant, it grows in almost all latitudes. Even in the Far North you can find these original vines. Far Eastern Schisandra is grown mainly in Siberia and other northern regions.

In cold latitudes, special attention must be paid to insulating the root system and shoots. When planting lemongrass, it is necessary to make trenches approximately 60 cm deep, and the distance between seedlings is 1.5-2 m.

In addition to drainage, you need to pour a dense layer of humus into the hole. Only then can the seedlings be planted. As already mentioned, young vines are planted in early spring. Autumn frosts can destroy the plant.

After the growing season, before the onset of the first cold weather, the lemongrass is insulated. The shoots are removed from the support and covered with a thick infusion of straw or hay. Remember that temperatures below -35° have a detrimental effect on the root system. If the roots are not insulated in time, the vine will die.

Reaping double benefits

Chinese lemongrass is not only beautiful and exotic vines. There are legends about the benefits of its fruits. But first you need to prepare them correctly. After picking, the berries are dried for 3-4 days. Optimal temperature regime for drying it is 60°. Dried berries darken and acquire a dark red color. In this form, the crop can be stored for about two years, but no more.

Once it was a wild vine, but gardeners quickly appreciated it and began to grow it as a fruit plant.

Schisandra chinensis is a representative of the ancient subtropical flora, preserved in the wild in the Far East, Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. In nature, the length of the vine ranges from 2 to 14 m. Its shoots wrap their tops around the support clockwise.

Schisandra has three types of shoots:

  • vegetative, up to 1.5 m long;
  • vegetative-generative, up to 0.5 m long (with flowers and then with fruits at their base);
  • generative, 1–5 cm long – for fruiting.

Flower primordia are formed in the axils of the covering scales of mixed buds. Schisandra bears fruit on the current year's growth.

Monoecious or dioecious

Schisandra can be monoecious (staminate and pistillate flowers on the same plant). And it can also be dioecious, bearing only staminate or only pistillate flowers. Research has shown that male plants are the most common (35–40%), producing only staminate flowers each year. But still, plants with an unstable ratio of staminate and pistillate flowers predominate. In some years they produce only staminate flowers, while in others they produce both staminate and pistillate flowers.

In vines with an unstable type of fruiting, the appearance of certain flowers and, consequently, the yield depend on external conditions, primarily on temperature, nutrition and soil moisture. In the garden, it is better to plant monoecious vines that produce an annual harvest and do not require planting a pollinator plant.

Flowers and fruits

Schisandra flowers are 1.3–1.8 cm in diameter, creamy white, with a thin pleasant aroma. Male flowers slightly smaller than female ones, with white stamens fused along the entire length, so that only the yellowish anthers remain free. After flowering, the male flowers fall off along with the peduncle. The female flowers have a greenish pistil, consisting of numerous carpels. Schisandra is pollinated by small beetles and hymenoptera (bumblebees, etc.).

Schisandra is not resistant to late spring frosts. The vines bloom around May 25–31. Male flowers bloom 1–2 days earlier than female ones. Plants bloom for one to two weeks.

The fruit is a juicy leaflet, resembles a cylindrical raceme 2–16 cm long and contains (in the conditions of the Non-Black Earth Zone) from 2–4 to 15–25 red berries. The mass of the brush reaches 7–15 g. Each berry contains 1–2 seeds. In 1 g – up to 40–60 seeds. They germinate unevenly.

The fruits ripen in mid-September. The brushes can hang on the vines until the leaves fall (until the first half of October). During the period of full fruiting, up to 2.5 kg of fruits are obtained from one 15–20-year-old plant. In conditions Leningrad region and to the north Schisandra gives bountiful harvests once every 2–3 years. This frequency of fruiting is explained primarily by the influence of weather on the formation of flowers (in July-August).

Planting, growing on a trellis, care

Best landing time for middle zone RF – end of April – beginning of May.

For planting, choose a well-lit place (within 6–8 hours) and protected from the cold. Warmth and sun contribute to the establishment of a significant number of fruit-bearing shoots. After planting, the plants are shaded for 2–3 weeks.

It is best to grow lemongrass on a trellis about 2 m high. When plants are planted at a distance of 1 m from each other, they close together in the 3rd–4th year, forming a solid wall.

Schisandra rhizome of stem origin. There are many dormant buds on it. When they awaken, they form shoots. The depth of the roots is from 5 to 15 cm, i.e. they are located in the surface loose and fertile layer of soil. Schisandra prefers well-drained, light soils with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. It does not tolerate overdrying, so the root space of the vines is mulched every year.

On heavy soils in planting pits It is recommended to add 10–12 kg of sand to the hole (60 x 60 cm and up to 50 cm deep). A drainage layer of gravel, crushed stone and coarse sand. When planting, 15–20 kg of rotted compost, composed of leaf humus with horse manure. Organic matter is added 2-3 times per season and watered. At the end of April, complex mineral fertilizer is applied annually. At the beginning of September, phosphorus-potassium fertilizer is given with simultaneous shallow loosening of the soil. At the same time, lemongrass is a frost-resistant plant; in severe frosts, only the tops of the annual growths freeze.

Prune lemongrass in summer or autumn. Spring pruning causes “crying” of shoots and their drying out.

To prevent lemongrass from becoming infected with fungal diseases, it is necessary to carefully remove fallen leaves from under the plants, and at the end of April, spray the vines with Bordeaux mixture.


The easiest way to propagate lemongrass is vegetatively - green cuttings, layering, shoots. The tops of young shoots are cut off for cuttings in early July. The bases of the cuttings are immersed in a heteroauxin solution for 12–24 hours. Then they are planted in a nursery with coarse river sand under a film.

Schisandra cuttings are obtained from strong annual vines formed from rhizome shoots.

In April, before the buds open, they are laid on loose soil, pinned down and sprinkled with soil mixed with humus or peat (a layer 10–15 cm thick). The top of the laid shoot is tied to the trellis. The roots of the cuttings appear in the 4th–5th month. Within 2–3 years, an independent, well-developed root system is formed. The cuttings are separated from the mother plant and planted in a permanent place. Rhizome suckers of lemongrass are separated from the mother plants in April - early May. To do this, dig out 2–4 branches of shoots growing nearby, but far enough from the adult plant. The offspring are immediately planted in a permanent place. Their roots cannot tolerate even short-term drying. During the month, the planted offspring are regularly watered and shaded from direct sunlight.

“Chinese lemongrass” is a type of perennial vine with beautiful red berries that serves not only as a decoration for your garden, but also as a supplier of raw materials for the preparation of medical and cosmetic products.

A perennial vine with bright foliage and red clusters of berries, Schisandra chinensis is gaining increasing popularity among domestic gardeners. Unpretentious plant widely used in medicine and cosmetics.

Planting and care operations do not require much experience or effort from flower growers. By planting a plant, you get the opportunity to enjoy its beauty for at least 15 years.

Brief description of berry crop

A climbing tree-like vine with round red fruits with a bitter and sour lemon taste is a simple description of a plant that came to us from China and Far East. The Chinese call it “the berry of five flavors” for its rich taste sensations. A subtropical, relict liana belongs to the “flower” class and the “Schizondraceae” family.

The structure of the inflorescence of the liana is similar to magnolias. The plant's homeland is China, Japan, the Amur region, Primorsky Krai, the islands of the Sakhalin archipelago and the Korean Peninsula. 23 species of tree vines have been studied, but on the territory of the country in wildlife One species grows - “Chinese lemongrass”.

Root system

Schisandra root system - rhizome, covered with many dormant buds, from which individual trunks develop as they grow. The depth of the roots is up to 200 mm, so during maintenance, constant loosening of the soil directly near the plant trunks is avoided.


The thickness of the tree trunk of Schisandra is up to 30 mm, and his maximum height reaches 16-17 m. The liana is fixed on the branches of bushes or trees and creeps up. When grown on garden plots requires the installation of trellises and poles.

The trunk is covered with longitudinal lentils. The color of the vine changes with the growth and development of the plant. In young ones it is glossy with a yellowish tint of flaky bark. Adult vines are dark colored brown.


The plant is covered with “alternate” elliptical leaves. The tops of the foliage are slightly pointed, and the base is wedge-shaped. The leaves grow several from each petiole, colored brown with a pink tint.

The length of the foliage, depending on the age of the plant, can vary from 50 mm to 100 mm. Width – 30-40 mm.


Dioecious lemongrass flowers are located on one vine trunk. The petals range in color from pinkish-white to white. They grow from a thin and long stalk.

Blooming liana fills the garden with a pleasant aroma. When growing Schisandra chinensis in Siberia or the Urals, the plant blooms for a short period of time - in late spring or early summer. After flowering ends, beautiful bright red fruits grow on the vine.

Schisandra fruits

The fruits are spherical in shape and colored red. The tassel, like that of red currants or grapes, is collected in a bunch on one peduncle. Fruiting period in different regions starts at different times, but basically this is the end of the summer period and the beginning of September.

Each plant, under normal conditions climatic conditions And good care, produces up to 3 kg of juicy berries.

Reproduction methods

There are several ways to obtain new lemongrass planting material:

  • seeds
  • vegetative propagation method

All these methods will require growing a 3-year-old seedling with subsequent transplantation to its permanent location. We will dwell on this issue in more detail in a separate chapter.


Let us examine in more detail the methods of propagating Schisandra chinensis at home.


Before starting work, be sure to pay attention to the expiration date of the seed material and its condition. Overdried seeds do not guarantee even 70% germination. The same applies to old seeds. No mechanical damage or cracks on the seed. Healthy plant will not be able to grow from such seed material.

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The seed method will require planting in the autumn so that the seeds go through the process of natural stratification (cold treatment of seeds). In the spring, at the first thaw, the seeds will sprout; they will easily grow through moist and loose soil.

If planting time is postponed to spring, you will need to stratify the seeds in the refrigerator, after soaking them in water with manganese for 7-8 days.

The water in the container will need to be changed daily:

After preparatory stage the seeds are dried and mature, undamaged seeds are selected from the total mass. Another way to determine the quality of seed material is to remove all floating seeds after soaking.

River sand is being processed high temperature, for its disinfection, and is placed in containers for seedlings. Seeds are planted, placed in a warm place and constantly moistened. The processing time is 30 days.

After the onset of the first cold weather and snowfall, the containers are completely covered with snow or placed in a cold room for the entire winter.

Overwintered seeds, upon the onset of a warm period, are planted in a school. To do this, furrows up to 20 mm deep are drawn on the loose soil of the selected area with a hoe. The sprouted seeds are placed and covered with turf soil on top. After watering, the bed is covered with a layer of mulch. For this layer you can use peat, old sawdust or sunflower husks.

Now it is necessary to constantly moisten the soil and add a layer of mulch under the growing plant for 2-3 years. Only after this should the seedlings be transplanted into place.

For the first year

Development in school, plants grow in height up to 50 mm. It is important for them to create optimal conditions for growth. Periodic fertilizing, watering and constant loosening of the soil between the rows, removal of weeds. When the hot period is established, you will need to shade the school with seedlings using thin Agrospan or old curtains.

Second year

The main task is the development of the root system and ground parts. To do this, you will need to ensure the application of mineral and organic fertilizers and perform sanitary pruning of damaged or weakened stems of the vine bush. The task of the 3rd year is to provide the plant with conditions for its growth to a height of up to 500 mm. During this period, it is already possible to plant a ready-made strong seedling in a permanent place.

This technique requires a lot of time and increased attention and does not provide 100% confidence that the seedlings will grow strong and healthy. Therefore, the technique is used when growing lemongrass in nurseries.

Vegetative method of obtaining seedlings

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This method allows you to obtain a ready-made seedling already in the second year of its growth.. The vegetative technique allows propagation to be carried out using root layering or cuttings.

The best option is to plant part of the root of the mother bush. But if this is not possible, you can ask your neighbors for shoots after sanitary pruning and thinning of the old bush, and prepare a sufficient number of cuttings.

The cuttings are cut so that each has at least 4-5 buds. Two of them are left above the ground, and the rest of the surface of the seedling must be scratched with a fork or other tool and planted in moist soil.

The cutting will take root and begin to develop. It is important to provide it with moisture and oxygen. In just a year, it will be possible to plant the finished seedling in a prepared place.

Root layering will allow you to plant a ready-made seedling directly when dividing the bush. To do this, it is enough to dig up the vine bush on one side, carefully clean the rhizome and separate from it an area with at least 3 dormant buds. The seedling is placed in the prepared planting hole and further work cultivation and care are carried out according to the basic scheme.

Criteria for selecting variety and planting material

Breeders have released 2 main forms of Schisandra chinensis onto the market. There is no clear varietal material.

Here are some popular forms of this plant:

"Garden" is a low-growing plant. The tree-like vine grows up to 2 m in height. The berries ripen in different terms. Chinese lemongrass in the Moscow region ripens at the end of summer. And Chinese lemongrass is harvested in Siberia in early autumn. Regardless of the region, an adult bush allows you to collect good harvest berries, of which up to 25 pieces grow on 1 stalk.

“Firstborn” is a plant with an increased level of frost resistance. This type of Chinese lemongrass is successfully grown in the middle zone and in the south of the country. The bushes are low-growing, the vines grow up to 2 m. Each stalk develops up to 28 juicy berries.

When purchasing seeds you need to pay attention:

  • for expiration date
  • zoning and regions suitable for planting this type of lemongrass
  • packaging condition and seed quality
  • certificate of conformity and environmental safety

If you buy ready-made planting material, you first need to pay attention to several factors:

  • The seedling should not have mechanical damage to the stem and root system
  • the plant must have a healthy appearance. dried bark, withered leaves and roots are signs of a weakened, poorly developed plant

The best purchase option is seedlings sold in individual cups with a moistened ball of soil on the root system and succulent foliage and stem. Plants with a developed root system take root better, even with insufficient stem height.

Step-by-step instructions for planting a shrub

Schisandra grows well in a quiet place where there are no drafts or strong winds

This process is divided into several main stages. Let's look at each in more detail.

Preparatory work

Choosing a landing site

Planting sites for Schisandra chinensis are selected in a nook, without constant drafts and wind. If the site has wet and heavy soil, you will need to additionally drain the soil with a layer of expanded clay or old broken brick.

The most suitable option is flat surface close to home, in a warm place. It is not recommended to plant the vine directly under trees or shrubs. Schisandra develops well in partial shade, but the root system of trees will take away nutrition and moisture, so the development and growth of the bush will slow down.

The minimum distance to buildings is 1.5 meters - this indentation will protect the plant from excess moisture flowing down the walls of the building. For the middle zone, it is recommended to plant vines on the western side of the building, and in southern region- from the east. This way the plants receive a sufficient level of heat and light and are protected from sunburn in the summer.

Timing depending on propagation method

Depending on the region, planting dates vary significantly. If for the southern regions the optimal time is October, then in the Moscow region, Chinese magnolia vine is planted in April or even in May when the weather is warm.

Soil preparation

For the plant, it is necessary to create familiar conditions, such as in nature. Therefore, preference is given to a flat area with a layer of fertile soil. It is better to increase the drainage layer to 150-200 mm - such care will allow the plant to grow and develop quickly.

To land on acidic soils You will need to additionally lim the soil by adding quicklime to the ground. Adding organic matter and mineral fertilizers performed directly into the planting hole. To do this, the turf soil is mixed in a certain proportion.


Before planting, it is important to decide on a location. Schisandra does not like transplants; such a vine will hurt and lag behind in development. Therefore, the location is chosen for a long term and taking into account possible redevelopment of the site. It is recommended to plant plants in beds where all types of vegetables and row crops grew.

The work is carried out in several stages:

At selected locations, at a distance of at least 1 m, planting holes are dug, 500/500 mm in size and 500-600 mm in depth. The depth of the hole depends on the moisture level of the area and the increased drainage layer.

The excavated soil is mixed in equal proportions with humus, manure and river sand. Nitrogen is added to the soil - 40 g, any phosphorus fertilizer up to 150 g per 1 m2. The soil mixes well. The soil should not be lumpy or dry, as such pieces can damage the root system. Therefore, the earth is pre-moistened with water and loosened.

If a short row of vines is planted as a living decorative hedge, holes are drilled in the outer holes and 2 pipes are clogged. Length, depending on the variety of lemongrass, is up to 3 m above ground level. For a long row of plants, you will need to hammer in intermediate posts to make a frame for attaching tall creeping plants.

Several rows of strong wire are stretched and secured on the poles. It is better to do this work right away so as not to damage the young plants later. They will braid the fence themselves; you will only need to slightly adjust the direction of growth of individual vines.

A layer of drainage made of expanded clay, sand or broken brick is poured into the bottom of the pit. The minimum thickness of such a layer is 100-150 mm.

A mound of prepared soil is poured in the middle of the hole. The strongest ones are selected from all the seedlings. Each plant is pruned with sharp pruning shears, leaving only three buds. The cut edge is covered with garden varnish or clay solution. The root system is dipped in a liquid solution of clay mixed with cow dung.

The finished seedling is placed on a mound in the hole, each root is carefully straightened and covered with small handfuls of earth, so as not to damage the roots.

The soil is not filled in height by 50-60 mm and is compacted around the seedling. Up to 30-40 liters of warm water is poured into each hole. The remaining distance in the hole is filled with a layer of peat, sawdust or crushed bark of deciduous trees.

It is not recommended to plant single vines on the site. The best option is to have at least 3-4 adult plants nearby. This landing provides good conditions for growth, increases the yield of bushes and creates an attractive appearance of the site.

The plant is capable of pollinating itself, since it is monoecious with the presence of male and female flowers. But group planting provides a more efficient pollination process.

Schisandra leaves love watering, especially during drought.

The plant loves to pour water over the leaves, especially during dry periods. It is better to carry out processing in the early morning or late evening to avoid sunburn on the leaves. It is recommended to cover the weed-free area with a layer of crushed oak bark. This treatment will retain moisture and not loosen the soil and will make the bed attractive with an additional color tint.

Fertilizer application

This work begins to be carried out already in the 2nd year of growth of Schisandra chinensis. Early spring 30-40 g of ammonium nitrate is added along with a layer of humus mulch, which is mixed with compost.

In the summer months, during flowering and the beginning of fruiting, organic matter is added with a frequency of treatments at least once every 20 days. Manure is soaked in a separate container for 3-5 days. Then ready-made fertilizer– 0.5 l is added to a bucket of water. A bucket of the resulting mixture is poured under each bush. To pass nutrients to the roots, after soaking up the moisture, the plant is well filled with warm water.

Year 5 - the beginning of fruiting, will require phosphate fertilizers in the spring. To prepare the solution, superphosphate 20 g is used. In the fall, additionally feed with organic fertilizers.

Old and damaged trunks are removed several times during the season.

After the 2nd year of plant development, they begin to be pruned. A maximum of 4-5 shoots are left on each lemongrass. The remaining trunks are carefully cut off with sharp pruning shears directly near ground level. This operation is carried out in the pre-winter period, after the leaves have fallen.

It was not possible to prune the bush in the fall; this work will need to be done in early summer. Damaged, frozen shoots are removed first. 5 strong sprouts are selected, the rest are cut out.

Several sanitation operations will need to be performed throughout the season to remove old or damaged trunks. At the same time, the side shoots behind the 12th bud are shortened - this reduces the load on the bush and allows it to prepare for winter.

A 15-year-old plant will have to be rejuvenated. To do this, all the old vines of the bush are removed and 5 young trunks are left.

Regardless of where Chinese magnolia vine is grown, in the Urals or in the southern regions, the plant is not affected by diseases and pests. The infection can only be brought from Primorye or China when purchasing seedlings in these regions.
