How to feed clematis in summer. How to feed clematis in spring for abundant flowering Clematis feeding with ready-made fertilizers in spring

Clematis, clematis, lozinka – there are many other names for this delightful flower. You can probably meet him in every corner of the globe. At the moment, scientists have bred more than 300 species of this plant - ranging from decorative, balcony exhibits to climbing subspecies, which are used to decorate walls, gazebos and other things. The flower loves light and moisture and is unpretentious. If you want to see clematis blooming profusely, you need to give it a little attention, generously, and most importantly, feed it with various fertilizers on time. The plant has difficulty withstanding winter, but proper care will delight you until the cold weather sets in. We will share how and what to feed clematis in this article.

How to feed clematis, types of fertilizers

IN different times Clematis require care and feeding every year. One of the most essential minerals is nitrogen. Without it, clematis leaves will fade, turn yellow, the sprouts will stop stretching upward, and the flowers will lose their charm and will be dull and small. For abundant flowering The plant also needs potassium in large quantities. Almost always, clematis needs a variety of nutrients Oh. Fertilize the flower with diluted manure or bird droppings.

You need to alternate organic matter with mineral supplements, ammonium nitrate or nitroammophos. Another vital mineral is phosphorus. Its deficiency can cause darkening of the leaves. It is recommended to apply phosphorus in the form of bone meal when preparing the soil in the fall or fertilize it with superphosphate. Clematis also needs microfertilizers. You can buy them at the store or make them yourself. When foliar treatment, try to cover and inner part leaf. But do not forget that during flowering you should not fertilize the flower, otherwise you risk reducing the flowering activity.

Did you know? In spring, clematis can grow up to 12 centimeters in a day!

When to start fertilizing clematis

If you have fertilized the soil well before planting clematis, then the first fertilizing can be done after a year, or even two. But if the soil is poor, then in the first autumn or spring you will need to add humus or compost with ash. Water the plants thoroughly before fertilizing. And remember important point: clematis does not tolerate concentrated fertilizers in the soil, so it is advisable to carry out all fertilizing in a diluted form. We have described below how to feed clematis in spring, summer and autumn.

Did you know? With proper care, feeding and watering, clematis can grow in one place for up to 30 years!

All about spring feeding of clematis

How to care for clematis in spring? During this period, the plant begins to grow abundantly and develop shoots. It is at this moment that the flowers really need a lot of nitrogen. Diluted is perfect for this. cow dung or bird droppings diluted in proportions of one to ten. If it is not possible to use organic fertilizers, you can use urea. Pre-mix all baits with water.

After the shoots begin to grow, it is advisable to carry out surface treatment with a weak urea emulsion. Before the onset of summer, all plants must be watered with so-called milk of lime. To prepare it, you just need to stir 150-200 g of chalk in ten liters of water. You need to feed and care for clematis once a week in the spring.

Important! When watering in summer, do not allow a stream of water to enter the middle of the bush.

How to fertilize clematis in summer

In summer, during the swelling of buds, nitrogen fertilizers are also necessary, but the more important elements during this period are potassium and phosphorus. For feeding, you can use complex mineral fertilizers. Ammofoska or nitrophoska are perfect for clematis. But they need to be supplemented with liquid, fermented manure or weed tincture. Next, the flowering process begins. During this period, it is better to stop feeding the plant if you want to prolong flowering. After the clematis has bloomed, you need to give the plant more potassium and phosphorus. The preparation "Autumn" or superphosphate is good. In August it is worth limiting nitrogen fertilizers. Nitrogen will promote active leaf growth, which can negatively affect the plant in the fall.

Important! Avoid fertilizers containing chlorine. It is contraindicated for clematis.

Features of feeding clematis in autumn

In the fall, you can stop feeding clematis. In mid-September you will only need to strew the base of the bushes with wood ash. The ash should be well sifted and compacted tightly under the base. It is recommended to use about half a kilogram of ash per bush.

Clematis will not leave anyone indifferent. Gorgeous flowers of various shapes and colors bloom on their graceful legs from the beginning of June until the coldest weather. Depending on the variety, they can grow as a compact bush or spread out as a vine up to 10 meters long.

These climbing plants come from sultry Spain, so some gardeners worry that caring for them will be very difficult. Growing has its own characteristics, the most important of which are good choice places, timely feeding clematis, proper pruning.

Fertilizer application during planting

Clematis can grow in one place for more than 30 years, so the soil must be prepared very carefully before planting. The planting hole must be filled with humus (2 buckets), add 1 bucket of sand and peat, 0.5 liters of wood ash, 100 g of superphosphate and complex mineral fertilizer. Clematis love alkaline and neutral soil, so when planting it is advisable to add a handful of dolomite flour. Usage fresh manure and acidic peat can destroy clematis.

Feeding in the first year after spring planting is not carried out. Subsequently, the amount of nutrients in the soil decreases, and the plant needs fertilizers.

Alternating fertilizing for abundant flowering

The first feeding of clematis is carried out in May after the shoots have grown. The second is during the budding period. Feeding clematis in the spring stimulates their growth and development. At this time, the plant is in dire need of nitrogen. Any complex fertilizer with a high nitrogen content (marked with the letter N on the package) is suitable for this. Next, the soil under the plant is spilled with lime milk and mulched. To obtain strong, abundantly flowering clematis, fertilizing should be carried out throughout the entire growing season of the plant, approximately 2 times a month.

During the summer mineral supplements alternate with organic ones. For mineral fertilizing, use a matchbox in a bucket of water. For organic - infusion of herbs (1-2 l), bird droppings (1:15), or fermented slurry (1:10).

Since August, nitrate fertilizers have not been used, and phosphorus takes their place. Its deficiency can cause browning of leaves, inhibition of root and shoot growth. If potassium nitrate was used for fertilizing in the spring or then in the second half of summer it is necessary to replace it with potassium sulfate. The shoots must fully ripen so that by winter the gardener receives a strong clematis ready for wintering. Feeding with phosphorus in September is carried out during the main dressing in the form of simple or However, excess phosphorus in the soil can cause plants and provoke the incidence of chlorosis. To neutralize the effect of phosphates, ferrous sulfate is added to the soil every 2 weeks.

The key to success is good soil

On well-aerated cultivated lands, the root spreads up to 1 m wide from the base of the bush and up to 80 cm deep, which allows the plant to select from the soil the minerals and trace elements that are missing for life.

Properly planted clematis, which is fertilized correctly and in full, always blooms profusely and tolerates winter well.

May 15, 2016

Clematis flowering plant Ranunculaceae family. Also known as “lozinka” or “clematis”. Often used for vertical gardening summer cottages, verandas, balconies, gazebos and arches. Most common as climbing plant, but there are also shrubby forms of the willow. Clematis bloom profusely and, depending on the species, can bloom for up to four months in a row, for which many summer residents love them.

Found in nature in North America, Asia and subtropical countries of Europe. Can reach a height of up to 10 meters. On summer cottages species with a height of 40–150 cm are common. Clematis flowers have a wide variety of colors from pale to rich shades.

Simple rules of care

Lozinka is a fairly unpretentious plant to care for. It responds well to fertilizing, timely watering and tying up. Healthy plant It is resistant to pests and most diseases.

During active growth of the vine, weekly watering plays an important role. 15 liters of water are used for a young bush, and from 20 to 40 liters for an adult plant. During drought and summer heat, clematis is watered more often. Usually the soil is moistened in the evening, weeds are removed in the morning and the soil is loosened.

The amount of fertilizing in the summer depends on the type and fertility of the soil.

Combined fertilizers are applied from the beginning of the growing season until the beginning of flowering.

Balanced preparations for clematis have proven themselves well. Prepare good fertilizer you can do it yourself from available funds. Weeds are crushed and filled with water. After a day, a nutritional supplement with a high nitrogen content is ready.

Types of fertilizers

Abundant and prolonged flowering of clematis leads to active absorption of nutrients from the soil. The plant needs mineral and organic fertilizers, which alternate.

If the soil was well fertilized when planting a young vine, this year it is better not to overload the bush with additional fertilizing. To ensure uniform consumption of nutrients, the plant is fed up to 4 times per season. Necessary fertilizers for clematis:

  • Bone meal. The source of phosphorus is added at the beginning of autumn at the rate of 200 grams. per 1 sq. meter.
  • Humus. Used when planting a bush, 20-23 kg of humus per plant.
  • Nitrogen. Feeding the vine with nitrogen compounds is important for the uniform development of shoots and rich color of flowers. For 10 liters of water, 1 liter of slurry and 15 grams are used. nitroammophoska or ammonium nitrate.
  • Potash fertilizers. Apply at the beginning of spring (potassium nitrate) and at the end of summer (potassium sulfate) 25 g. fertilizers per 10 liters of water.

To protect clematis from pests and fungal diseases, especially during the period of active shoot development, the soil is treated with fungicidal agents. You can feed the plant through the leaves with “Floral Solution” or “Aquarin”.

  • To achieve a lush and long flowering, fertilizing is stopped with the appearance of the first flowers.
  • To prevent acidification of the soil in the spring, lime milk is used for irrigation (1 liter of water and 200 grams of lime per 1 square meter of soil).
  • To prevent diseases, the soil is treated with a solution of copper sulfate.
  • At foliar feeding the leaves are sprayed on both sides.
  • Before fertilizing, clematis must be watered.
  • Spraying nutrient solution It is better to do it in the evening so that the moisture stays on the leaves longer.
  • It is recommended to cover the plant for the winter, especially in cold climates.
  • Near the roots of clematis you can plant low-growing ground cover flowers or a lawn. This will create additional decorativeness and protect the roots of the bush from overheating.
  • To prevent root rotting during frequent rains, after each rainfall the lower part of the clematis is covered with wood ash.

Clematis are successfully grown in gardens and cottages in temperate climate northern hemisphere. Modern hybrid varieties of clematis have increased frost resistance and can survive cold winters. With proper care, you can independently create a decorative hedge or decorative ladder along the wall of the house.

Clematis, or clematis, belongs to the Ranunculaceae family and grows well in fertile and loose soil, the abundance of humus in which promotes normal growth and lush flowering.

IN landing hole for clematis, add 15 kg of humus, 7-8 kg of peat and coarse sand, 1 cup each of chalk and wood ash, 0.5 cups of superphosphate granules. In addition, the soil for clematis is fertilized with an aqueous solution of manure (1: 5) before planting.

In the first 3 years, the surface of the soil under clematis, after watering and loosening, must be constantly mulched with organic materials.

A year after planting, each bush should be shed once with lime milk: 200 g of slaked lime or dolomite flour per 10 liters of water. It is better to dilute the limestone material with warm water and immediately water the plants to eliminate the risk of various diseases, including wilt, a well-known scourge of clematis. The solution consumption is 1 bucket per large bush.

Also in the spring, once a season, to prevent diseases and pests, each clematis bush should be sprayed with a urea solution (1 teaspoon of the substance per 10 liters of water).

During the warm season, you can feed clematis every 2 weeks, alternating mineral and organic fertilizers.

The first feeding is carried out in spring or early summer nitrogen fertilizers(30-85 ammonium nitrate per 10 liters of water), spending 1 bucket of solution on a large bush, and half as much on a small one. Second feeding complete complex fertilizer given in summer during the bud formation phase.

After flowering ends, the plant needs to be fed with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers. At the end of the season, wood ash is scattered around the bushes (0.5 liters per plant).
