How to effectively create a personal development plan for the year? Self-development: personality development program.

It is read that a person’s personality is formed by the age of three. This statement is only partially true: on the one hand, spiritual values, lifestyle, and the foundations of a worldview are laid precisely in childhood(even if not by the age of three, but certainly by the age of five or six), and on the other hand, self-education and the formation of conscious principles have not yet been canceled. Yes, a child’s consciousness perceives the norms laid down by parents much more easily, but this is only the starting point from which the path of self-development in adulthood begins.

What is a personal self-development plan?

The process of self-development involves constant work on yourself, the desire to change your life for the better, maintain health, while constantly moving forward. Any development of personality can move in two directions: the constant desire for self-improvement implies the growth of moral, spiritual and healthy principles, and passive contemplation without any goal sooner or later leads to regression. Nature is complex and unpredictable, but this principle has no exceptions - all living things, including humans, either develop or gradually degrade.

The path of self-improvement is difficult and thorny. Not only external factors sometimes prevent a person from becoming better, but also his inner “I”. Awareness of the problem does not guarantee its successful resolution: self-development, like a puzzle, is made up of many disparate and equally important pieces. The essential components of success are:

  • the right direction;
  • firm confidence in the desired result;
  • motivation for personal growth;
  • willpower;
  • willingness to sacrifice established habits in favor of a new, healthier lifestyle;
  • progressive but continuous movement towards the set goals.

The main assistant in achieving this goal will be a personal self-development plan. It will help to clearly outline desired results, break the difficult path to a ghostly distant goal into short-term steps with individual achievements, outline the boundaries of what is permitted at each stage of the path, think through methods that will help you get closer to your dream. It is not necessary to immediately develop a plan “for the next five years” - it is enough to think through just the first few steps, and the rest will follow in the process, when the body gets the taste and appreciates all the delights of a healthy lifestyle. In addition, if the plan is successful and a healthy lifestyle becomes an obligatory part of the daily routine, this plan will be adjusted and supplemented constantly, because self-development is a dynamic, never-ending process. It’s enough to take the first hesitant steps, and the rest of the progress will seem easy and self-evident, because it won’t work out any other way!

How to make a self-development plan?

The key to self-improvement is correctly formulated goals. They should not look unrealistic or exorbitant. Each person takes this path for a good result:

  • achieving harmony with one’s own “I”;
  • preserving and increasing health - the only valuable, but, unfortunately, exhaustible resource;
  • victory over one's own fears, complexes, and weaknesses.

Of course, this formulation can be left unchanged, but in this case the plan will look vague, and the results, although important, will be difficult to achieve. It is much easier to put highly spiritual values ​​into a more tangible form in order to experience joy and inspiration from small but regular victories over oneself.

Each of your goals will look transparent and achievable if you break it down into its components. To do this, it is worth answering the question: what does a person lack for balance and integrity? The answer will become the basis for planning consistent self-development. For example, the harmonious development of personality is impossible without control over one’s emotions, the ability to keep thoughts and feelings in order, and the predominance of the spiritual over the material. Staying healthy means avoiding bad habits, rational balanced diet, active lifestyle and thoughtful daily routine. Victory over one's own weaknesses can have hundreds of guises: for some it is just a fight against laziness and a passive position in life, for others it is necessary to eradicate gossipers and idle talkers, and still others do not want to get rid of commercialism... The list of nuances can be endless, because each person has a unique inner world and a set of qualities. However, you must agree that in this vein of self-development, planning looks much simpler and more accessible.

This breakdown is not final, because to switch to new level it may take more than one month. It is difficult, and sometimes dangerous, to completely rebuild the body in a day or even a week, give up junk food and start actively playing sports. In any process, including self-development, rationality and consistency are needed, so it is better to break down each component of the final goal into micro-components and, based on them, build a self-development plan for a month or week. This will help you track the results achieved, adjust the program as it progresses, and analyze why certain aspects cannot be translated into reality.

Personal self-development plan. Stage No. 1: bad habits and how to deal with them

The most common addictions are alcohol, nicotine and drug addiction. Of course, these are the most insidious and dangerous enemies of a healthy lifestyle, so you should get rid of them immediately. However, the list of bad habits is not limited to this: no matter how controversial it may sound, basic nail biting, nose picking, finger cracking is not so much a sign of bad upbringing as a banal sticky habit. And of course, the scourge of our time - Internet addiction - confidently occupies an honorable place in the ranking of human addictions.

Many people don’t even notice how they become slaves to bad habits - sticky manipulations are firmly ingrained in the subcortex, so they happen automatically. Therefore, getting rid of them at first seems almost unrealistic. However, nothing is impossible: a well-designed personal self-development plan will help you overcome harmful cravings step by step.

Why is it necessary to overcome bad habits?

We can talk endlessly about the dangers of alcoholism, smoking and drug addiction. Many medical articles have been written on this topic, scientific works and treatises, but it was not possible to fully put this information into the heads of patients - the number of people addicted to “doping” across the country is decreasing very slightly. At the same time, every glass raised destroys dozens of nerve cells, destroys blood vessels and undermines the functioning of the heart, every cigarette smoked settles as black smoke on the lungs, bringing cancer and strokes closer. There is nothing to say about drug addiction: a person who is hooked on a drug destroys himself from the inside in a matter of months. This is only physiological degradation - from a moral point of view, the consequences of addictions look no less depressing. Ethyl alcohol destroys consciousness, removes moral restrictions, and therefore turns a person into an unreasonable creature without principles and morals. How much aggression does a smoker exude in search of a cigarette?

Even the most harmless habits at first glance are fraught with many pitfalls. It would seem, what’s wrong with constantly chewed nails or a ballpoint pen cap? At the same time, such a habit can ruin your teeth or become a source of an unpleasant intestinal infection - even if you wash your hands thoroughly, there will still be a bunch of pathogenic microbes under your nails, which will immediately end up in your mouth. And the annoying crunching of fingers around people is the first cause of joint deformation.

You can continue endlessly, because every bad habit is named so not in vain - it brings completely justified and obvious destruction. And even though the damage from one incident will be minimal, turning into a “life partner,” the consequences of addictions accumulate like a snowball, increasing the strength of the habit. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of them as early as possible - tomorrow it will be a little more difficult, and the consequences will be a little more destructive.

Getting rid of bad habits: personal self-development plan

Eradicating addictions is not an easy task. To defeat them, it is necessary to first determine in what circumstances the urge to perform this or that action arises, which became the primary source of the harmful cause. Having understood at what moments the hand itself reaches for a cigarette, and the glass involuntarily fills with alcohol, it is easier to overcome painful attachment - a self-development approximate plan allows you not only to organize, but also to simplify. The classic scheme to help get rid of bad tendencies is as follows:

  1. Formation of goals (short-term, long-term).
  2. Determination of motives for behavior correction.
  3. Identifying the source of the problem and the circumstances that lead to harmful behavior.
  4. Exclusion of these circumstances from the surrounding reality.
  5. Self-control and discipline within established limits.
  6. The joy of small victories that gradually bring you closer to your cherished goal.

Of course, this plan will help control the emotional side of addiction to a greater extent - the physiological aspects will remain unchanged. However, there is no craving that iron willpower and the right attitudes cannot overcome!

When it comes to using harmful substances(alcohol, nicotine, narcotic drugs), you need to give them up immediately. Compromise options such as reducing the dosage or frequency will not work: one way or another, “doping” will enter the body, which means there can be no talk of defeating oneself. There is no talk about chronic alcohol and drug addiction - they should be treated exclusively in an inpatient setting. But widespread alcohol abuse that does not develop into painful forms, as well as nicotine addiction, can be corrected independently. Trivial but very effective tips will help you cope with emotional and physical withdrawal:

  1. Think of breaking a habit not as a process, but as an accomplished fact. For example, when you are invited to smoke, say “I quit” instead of “I quit” - such a substitution of concepts will help the subconscious mind come to terms.
  2. Try to avoid circumstances that provoke you to relapse. If the craving for alcohol is still strong, you should not attend a banquet where everyone will drink - by going there, you are deliberately tempting your body, which is not yet accustomed to the new way of life.
  3. Find a reasonable replacement. Was a smoke break at work perceived as a short break? Try relaxing in a different way: go out into the fresh air for a few minutes, chat with colleagues, listen to your favorite song, or just sit for a while with your eyes closed, immersed in your thoughts.
  4. Learn to enjoy yourself without doping. Look at the world with a fresh, unclouded look, and you will see a lot of beauty! Can a cloud compare to this? tobacco smoke or drunken courage in a basement club? Spend time with friends or family, take a walk in the park, go into nature, or sit on a bench by the pond reading an educational spiritual book - this will give you much more goodness than the illusion of happiness from satisfying your own addiction.
  5. Keep a calendar and mark every small victory: how many days have you not smoked or drunk alcohol, how quickly were you able to overcome withdrawal symptoms, etc. In moments of weakness, this will help you not to deviate from the true path.
  6. Do not equate a single failure with the collapse of an entire self-development plan. No matter how ideal willpower is, the possibility of a breakdown cannot be completely ruled out, especially at first. If this has already happened, worrying, being tormented by feelings of guilt and ultimately abandoning the idea of ​​self-development is stupid and unproductive.

As for more harmless bad habits, it is better to get rid of them gradually, rather than en masse: take a week or two to completely wean yourself from one ritual, and then move on to the second. This will make it much easier for you to control yourself.

Rational nutrition is the leading chapter of the personal self-development plan

A harmoniously composed balanced diet is the basis of a healthy lifestyle. It helps to avoid diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system, keep the body in good shape, maintain efficiency and energy during the day, increase the duration and quality of life. By eating right, a person will never face problems excess weight and combined side conditions of the body.

Go to healthy eating is not as complicated as it seems at first glance: the human body is naturally designed to consume only healthy plant foods without flavoring additives, and the frying process appeared in cooking relatively recently, when jaded gourmets began to look for new forms, without thinking about the usefulness of the technology. Therefore, everything that is needed for a healthy diet is already built into the body - all that remains is to remind it of this.

Principles of constructing a rational menu

Comprehensive personal development plan example rational nutrition will enrich and fill it with meaning - the main thing is to understand how to build it correctly. To do this, it is necessary to take into account what principles are the basis of a harmonious diet.

  1. Refusal harmful products. Even if you are a soulless person who has no compassion for living beings, at least take care of yourself: animal products only bring destruction. By eliminating them from your diet, you will feel healthier and more energetic.
  2. Cooking technology. Stewing, boiling and steaming are healthier and safer heat treatment products. Fried foods contain large amounts of cholesterol and other harmful components that are difficult to digest in the gastrointestinal tract and subsequently affect the functioning of the body. Well, what can be eaten raw is best consumed that way, because then all the beneficial microelements will be preserved in their original form.
  3. Flavoring additives. Chemical seasonings with monosodium glutamate are a real poison for the body. Much better to use as seasonings herbs and roots - this way the dishes will turn out not only aromatic, but also healthy. It is also better to minimize the consumption of table salt or eliminate it altogether.
  4. Varied menu. There is no need to focus on one type of food - nature has given us a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts and berries. They can fully satisfy the body's needs.
  5. Calorie content of each serving. The rule that you need to leave the table with a slight feeling of hunger has a scientific basis. The feeling of fullness comes 20-30 minutes after eating, so it is much more logical to calculate the required calorie content of a serving instead of being guided by your own feelings.
  6. Small and frequent meals. Even the most healthy dishes will be harmful if you eat a lot 1-2 times a day. An adult should eat 3 times a day at approximately the same time and have snacks twice more. This is the only way to provide the body with everything it needs without overworking the stomach.
  7. Time to eat. As cliché as it may sound, eating is a ritual and should be treated with due respect. You should not eat on the go, try to swallow large pieces and finish the meal quickly - you need to chew each piece carefully, and eat consciously and without haste.
  8. No dry food. Soup should be eaten not only by children, but also by adults - the nutritious broth promotes the secretion of enzymes and gastric juice, improves digestion and helps food assimilate. In addition, you need to drink at least two liters of fluid during the day to maintain the moisture balance in the body.
  9. Freshly prepared food. Cooking in advance and then freezing the food is not the best idea. During long-term storage and freezing, a portion of microelements and vitamins is destroyed, so such food is not considered healthy.

These 9 rules will help you create a rich and varied menu that will guarantee excellent health and a fulfilling life.

Sample menu for the week: personal development plan in action

If before today Gluttony was a part of your life, there is no need to suddenly cancel all harmful and potentially dangerous dishes. The transition to a healthy diet should be carried out gradually, otherwise the body will regard the restriction as temporary and go into an “energy-saving mode”. Ideally, you can develop a self-development plan for at least a few months, gradually changing your diet to a healthier and more nutritious one. Progressive progress on the path to health and longevity guarantees success, and the possibility of failure is minimized.

Step #1. Refusal of animal food

The first thing you need to do is completely eliminate meat and fish from your diet. Any living creature deserves to live the life allotted to it by nature, and killing for food is abhorrent to human nature. People have forgotten this, turning the meat industry into a real cult for the sake of profit, but supporting this production means becoming like murderers and sadists. By giving up steak or barbecue, you will not only save the life of at least one innocent creature, but also help your body avoid serious diseases, because chemical composition meat has an extremely negative impact on human health. If the moral side is not yet so strong, and temptation sometimes overshadows common sense and humanity, open any video taken at a slaughterhouse - you will no longer have the desire to eat innocently killed people.

Step #2. Avoid frying in favor of boiling

At first glance, fried foods seem more attractive, but this visual design is extremely deceptive: golden crust Many serious illnesses are hidden. At first, while the body gets used to eating with its eyes, use small tricks: add a handful of multi-colored berries to the porridge, choose brightly colored vegetables for stewing (for example, season cauliflower with red and yellow bell peppers, corn or green peas) - this will help satisfy not only hunger, but also aesthetic perception.

Step #3. Replacing salt and artificial seasonings

Salt, chemical flavorings and aromas transform the most... healthy products into real poison. In addition to the fact that they hide the true taste of the ingredients, these additives are also extremely dangerous for the kidneys, liver and stomach. Try replacing store-bought spices with natural herbs (dill, parsley, basil, etc.) - the aroma will be unimaginable. And the lack of salt is compensated by lemon or apple juice, which can be sprinkled on the dish before serving. Homemade pastries or bread can be made with mineral water enriched with natural salts. If you really can’t bear it, at the initial stage you can use a small amount of unrefined sea salt, rich in trace elements and minerals.

Analyze each key step and your readiness to change your diet, allocate deadlines for the implementation of each of them, and then begin developing a weekly menu. Such an organization will help you not to deviate from the chosen course until the body itself gets used to its new state of lightness and comfort.

Physical fitness: a yearly plan for self-development

An active life position and keeping the body in good shape are impossible without regular exercise. This does not mean that you need to start running marathons and lifting 100 kg with one hand - harmony and consistency are important in everything. Physical self-development will not bring the desired result if it runs counter to moral satisfaction. This is why beginners and avid athletes choose yoga: the set of exercises is suitable both for the first acquaintance with physical education and for the full development of natural skills, and the philosophy of this discipline is akin to spiritual rebirth.

At first, you may need a mentor, but further self-development is possible on an individual basis. The main thing is to understand why each position is necessary, what lies behind true essence complexes, and then you will not encounter difficulties on the path of physical and spiritual formation. This part of the self-improvement plan has no definite conclusion, because yoga is multifaceted and deep, and decades are not enough to learn all its subtleties. Therefore, stages can be planned not only for the near future, but also for years to come.

Activity of body and soul

Yoga represents a whole complex of philosophical beliefs. By learning them, a person achieves harmony of the physical and spiritual principles, strengthens health and physical fitness, strengthens the spirit, learns to relax and at the same time control his impulses. The benefits of yoga are reflected not only in the physical component of self-development, but also in the moral aspects. The effect of exercise will bring only positive aspects to the body:

  • blood pressure is normalized;
  • the risk of heart disease will decrease;
  • the physical data inherent in nature will improve;
  • sleep will become deeper and more complete;
  • Stress and nervous tension will subside;
  • Depressive disorders will be a thing of the past.

The measured and calm environment in which all yoga classes take place is an opportunity not only to engage in physical exercise, but also to listen to your body, focus on breathing and a new pose. A variety of exercises aimed at developing flexibility, endurance and strengthening the muscular skeleton will help tone the body and make movements easier and smoother. For those who want to get rid of extra pounds, yoga will also benefit: body fat will go away smoothly and painlessly, the forms will become more defined and graceful.

Doctors recommend yoga for chronic pain and after injuries: it has been proven that well-chosen exercises help relieve painful symptoms, promote the rapid restoration of lost functions and help prevent recurrent injuries after damage to tendons and joints. The beneficial effect is achieved through balanced training, improving overall blood flow and supplying tissues with oxygen and beneficial microelements. In addition, improved coordination will help subsequently avoid circumstances that led to injury, which means the risk of repeated injuries is minimized.

Personal development plan: yoga for beginners

When including yoga in a self-improvement program, it is necessary to familiarize yourself in detail with the philosophy of this direction, accept the origins of the teaching and know their true value. It’s great if a spiritual mentor can help you with this, but it’s not always possible to find such a person. The source of knowledge can be specialized literature from leading gurus and yoga masters, philosophers and adepts.

Yoga classes should become a mandatory part of the day, regardless of how busy it is - only a systematic approach will help improve health, ensure efficiency and harmony. It is better to devote a couple of hours to yoga immediately after waking up, but evening time is also suitable for productive activities. There is no need to overeat before exercise: you should exercise on an empty stomach or 3-4 hours after eating. Before you begin, take care to create a conducive environment. Lay out a rubberized mat that will not slip on the floor, ensure maximum silence and privacy.

Do not overexert yourself: the main condition is calmness, safety and pleasure from the activity. If any pose is difficult or painful, it is better to postpone it to a later stage, when the body is sufficiently prepared. All movements must be smooth and consistent, and then the benefits will not be long in coming.

It is best to start with simple and understandable asanas for beginners:

  • Tree pose. This asana is performed as the opening of each lesson. Standing on straight legs, slowly raise your arms up (while inhaling). Then move your arms behind your head, straightening your chest. More experienced practitioners can make the pose more challenging by raising the bent leg and touching the foot to the opposite knee.
  • Chair pose. This exercise is familiar to everyone from the school physical education course. The pose helps improve coordination, strengthen the muscles of the buttocks, back and abdominals. To perform it, you need to take a vertical position, focusing on your feet shoulder-width apart. Then raise your arms up, placing your palms facing each other. Slowly sit down on an imaginary chair, gradually bending your legs to a 90-degree angle, keeping your back always straight. Maintain this position for 2-3 breaths, then slowly straighten up.
  • Bent pose. Deep bends activate blood circulation, improve stretching and prevent the occurrence of osteochondrosis. This pose is especially useful for the spine - maximum stretching helps to relax muscle spasms and align the position of each vertebra. As you exhale, bend your straightened torso towards the floor, standing on straight legs. Once the tilt is completed, relax your body and hold in this position for another 2-3 breaths.
  • Bow pose. This exercise has a positive effect on posture, muscle tone of the shoulders and cervical spine. Lying on your stomach, clasp your ankles behind your back with your hands, and as you inhale, tighten your muscles, lifting your body and hips a few centimeters from the floor. As you exhale, return to your starting position and relax.
  • Candle Pose (“Birch Tree”). Even kids in kindergarten This exercise is taught to develop dexterity and coordination, but they call it “Birch”. Lying on the floor, you need to raise your legs up, and then lift your pelvis off the ground, supporting it with your arms bent at the elbows. The higher you can go, the better. Keep your legs straight, imitating a slender young birch tree (or a candle, whichever you prefer).

These exercises are only a small part of the variety that yoga has prepared. Starting with the simplest, you won’t even notice how your body will become toned, and new poses will become easier and more confident.

Taming the negative: a plan for personal self-development, or how to become a little kinder

Character, emotional background and moral qualities are inherent in a person almost at the genetic level. True, this should not be used to justify boorish behavior, excessive aggression, nervousness, irritability and other negative forms of behavior. Even if a person is brought up the most in the best possible way, constant stress unsettles him, and a busy schedule exhausts him. In such conditions, even an angelically self-possessed person can break down and behave in a bad way: shout, answer with excessive harshness or sarcasm. Nervous tension will accumulate like a snowball if you do not give it a way out. However, there is no need to take it out on others - such behavior will only aggravate the situation. It is necessary to develop your own method of relieving stress in order to direct negative energy there.

The healing effects of meditation

In order not to succumb to stress, it is necessary to minimize the situations that provoke it. That's just in modern world, full of bustle and chaos, this is not so easy to do. Therefore, the only thing that can help is switching attention from irritating factors to internal harmony. Meditation will be an ideal assistant for this.

The beneficial effect of meditation has a logical basis, confirmed by scientific research. Those who regularly use this technique note dramatic changes in self-perception:

  • actions become more conscious;
  • anxiety and irritability recede;
  • thoughts can be systematized;
  • depression goes away;
  • health becomes stronger, and the mind becomes clearer.

During meditation, blood pressure returns to normal, blood circulation improves, which means the brain receives more oxygen and is gradually restored. The beneficial effect also affects the nervous system, which rests from external stimuli and returns to normal. After such a session, the world involuntarily seems beautiful and bright, energy is overflowing, and positive thinking prevails over nervousness.

Since most diseases appear in the body precisely against the background of nervous disorders, meditation also has a healing effect on health. According to statistics, people who practice this method are less likely to catch colds and recover faster. Meditation is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases, oncology, and pulmonary abnormalities. In addition, time devoted to communicating with your inner self helps you conduct introspection and better understand your inner world.

Meditation as an important point in the personal self-development plan

Self-education cannot do without control over one’s own emotions, because they are the ones that give rise to weaknesses and vices. That is why it is important to master at least basic meditation techniques at first, so that in the future it will be easier to reach a new level of self-knowledge and relaxation.

Breathing techniques are great for beginners. To do this, you need to take the most comfortable position, relax your muscles and abstract yourself from what is happening around you. Try to focus on your breathing: think about how your lungs slowly expand, filling with air, how life-giving oxygen enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body, and with the exhalation all the negativity is released. If conditions allow, you can combine breathing meditation with calming aromatherapy essential oils or incense.

Visual meditation is also extremely effective. Just focus your gaze on any object around you - a candle flame, wall clock, foliage outside the window or any interior detail. Study it in detail, imagine what it feels like to the touch, feel it with your fingertips in your imagination. By distracting yourself from external influences, you learn to contemplate the beauty around you, see beauty in every little thing and look at the world more positively.

For complete relaxation, you can use acoustic meditation. This doesn't mean you should surround yourself with modern pop music or try to distract yourself with heavy beats. Turn on the background sounds of nature or a classical instrumental composition, try to feel it not only with your ears, but also with your soul, imagining what is happening to this melody, how the foliage is spinning, how a mountain stream is rustling, or an experienced violinist raises his bow over the instrument. Immersion in yourself, your thoughts and associations will calm you down and set you in a new mood.

You should choose a technique based on your own feelings and capabilities: some may find incense too intrusive, others may be upset by the sounds of rain or thunder on audio, and still others will fall into a slight depression from the classics. Therefore, there is no single mechanism for meditation - you need to be guided by the positive effect that the sessions bring, and then stress and nervous strain will be left far behind.

Personal self-development plan: how to avoid common mistakes?

Sometimes even the most ideally thought out and drawn up plan does not bear tangible fruit. The reason for this is common mistakes that not only beginners, but also experienced adherents of a healthy lifestyle encounter. Here are the main ones:

  1. Knowledge does not translate into action. You can talk as much as you like about the dangers of addictions, realize their harm, read a lot of literature about the spiritual and moral education of the individual, but all this will be useless if you do not apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Only the active introduction of new attitudes into lifestyle will help change it for the better.
  2. Rejection of authorities. Some truths are best learned through personal experience, but on the path of self-improvement, each person will need a mentor - a kind of guide from whose examples one can draw inspiration. Be sure to include a role model in your self-development plan! This does not have to be an acquaintance from your inner circle - you can choose a scientist, preacher or writer as an authority - the main thing is that his ideas resonate in your soul.
  3. Lack of motivation. Self-development for the sake of the process itself is a utopian and useless idea. It is important to realize why you are doing this. There can be a lot of options: maintain your health, set a positive example for your loved ones (most often children), overcome your weaknesses and vices, feel like a happy and harmonious person.
  4. Limitations of self-improvement. Balance is impossible without an integrated approach: by focusing on one of the areas, you can miss the important things that are necessary for balance. A healthy lifestyle is a multifaceted concept, and one aspect cannot be promoted at the expense of others.
  5. Rising above others. Unfortunately, many perceive a healthy lifestyle superficially, changing their position in life not for personal growth, but to suit modern fashion trends. Having achieved certain successes, a person begins to flaunt them, which is fundamentally wrong: those who have realized the beauty of a rational and healthy life should only gently instruct others by their example, and not put themselves a step higher. Pride is not the best helper!

Only by avoiding these mistakes can you achieve significant results, unlock the potential of your body and live in harmony with yourself.

Instead of an epilogue

You can talk about self-development, make plans and dream that everything will change tomorrow for an infinitely long time. It is much more difficult to start taking action, not on Monday, the first of the year or the New Year, but today. Time flies inexorably, and if you don’t start changing today, another day will be missed. Skip the fries for dinner, take a walk through a picturesque park, take a breath full breasts a wonderful aroma of freshness - and you will understand how good life is. So why waste in vain what Mother Nature generously gave us: health, love of life, optimism, energy and kindness? After all, in fact, a personal plan for self-development has already been formed deep in the subconscious; all that remains is to put it into words and put it into practice.

Nov 14

Sooner or later, before any person following the route of spiritual self-development, questions arise - what techniques are best to use for one’s own development, what aspects to use to evaluate the achieved value, and other, no less fundamental questions.

In order not to slow down in your own spiritual development It would be nice to have your own diary - self-development plan.
What does a personal self-development plan provide, how to use it?

I would like to immediately note that it is quite easy to compose it! You could even say it’s elementary! Before we go further, let's dwell a little on the theory. What is self-development and how can I find out whether I have developed myself or not yet? 🙂 Everything is simple! On the path of your own improvement, you do not need to compare yourself with anyone. The only reference point is you. "Old" and "new" you. If today you can do something that you couldn’t do yesterday, it means that you are on the right path, self-development is underway. If you only read books and nothing new happens in your life, then again compare your current self with your past self. After that, draw your own conclusions.

Personal self-development plan and practice

As a base, let’s take the image in which we want to see ourselves after a set point in time, for example, 6-8 years from now, and possibly later. Imagine yourself owning those properties that will give exactly that internal state and the position in the community you wish to achieve. There is no need to set material goals for yourself. Everything around us is not ours, we have no power over it. However, we have the opportunity to bring any material benefits closer only if we have an internal mood that is suitable for us as if we already possess it.
Imagine yourself on the outside and the qualities that you would like to see in yourself. Have a dream and write it down right away. Look. Like? Great!
Next, everything is elementary. I'll tell you with my own example. I imagined myself as a 90-year-old young man 🙂 who has a young, beautiful, springy body, excellent health, strong muscles and a long grayish beard :-). What should I do in my 40s so that in 50 years I look no worse than I do now?
Naturally, the first points in my self-development plan were those affecting healthy image life. Get up no later than 6 am, healthy food, physiological exercise and virtually no harmful substances. As for my beard, my wife is already forcing me to grow it, but I’m not ready for this yet and keep it at 7 mm.
In particular, I would like to note, for “spiritual” people, that the self-development plan is firmly based on physiological well-being.

Everything that changes in our lives begins with self-knowledge of ourselves and our role in life. Answer yourself the following questions: Do I have problems now and what kind are they? What is going on in my life at this moment in time? What do I want to achieve? The most important thing is to realize that you are who you are at the moment and there is nothing wrong with that. It is necessary to discern the whole truth about yourself, realize and understand it.

In most cases, people do not achieve their goals due to a stereotyped set of qualities. Here are the main ones:

  • different variations of fears
  • children's complexes
  • self-doubt
  • shyness
  • fear of failure
  • etc.

It will be necessary to find out those fears that prevent you from living. Those negative feelings that appear just at the moment when the thought appears of what is not enough to make your dreams come true. Describe all your fears on separate sheets of paper.

Probably everyone knows about the famous 3-day effect. If nothing is done during this time, the likelihood that you will achieve your goal instantly drops.

New plans immediately arise as soon as the process of working on oneself begins. Because the boundaries of your awareness will increase. The way we think will also change. As a result, after some time, your mistakes will be better visible. You can easily reduce all of them.

You must immediately get rid of the limitation that tells you that you cannot make mistakes. You must allow yourself the right to make mistakes. The most important thing here is draw the right conclusions and continue moving forward.

The main human mistake is setting too high goals. You need to learn to divide them into subgoals, small steps. In this view, you will better see ways to achieve them.

It's usually easier to move forward when you have a list at hand. You can always look into it if you feel that you have veered off course.

We all want to be happy. To get closer to this goal, it is necessary to add to your program those qualities and skills that may be needed to achieve the goals that are paramount for us. Initially, before creating something new, a person selects necessary tools. And only after that he masters the necessary skills. Studying in this direction consists of several stages that develop skills over time.

What is the main difference everyday life from the one in which we work at work? Most likely, we work for money, but develop for ourselves and our loved ones. Most of the population turns into workaholics due to lack of money. Labor deprives us of energy and takes away our strength. Fatigue constantly haunts us. In most cases, thoughts only come down to getting enough sleep at least on the weekend, and for some it’s just one day off. No one has a single thought to devote time to personal growth, self-development and self-improvement.

Our happiness is the most valuable thing in our life. After all, happiness is felt when everything in life has turned out well in the main directions and it is not measured in dollars or euros. To become successful person constantly moves towards his goals, and when he achieves them he becomes happy. But in most cases this happiness quickly passes and new goals arise. Therefore, it is very important at the very beginning of the journey to decide on your true desires, so as not to waste your energy. This issue will not be considered in this article, since this point deserves separate consideration and is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. We will definitely look at it a little later.

Undoubtedly the base is good health, freshness and strength, the absence of which makes the development of spirituality impossible and unattractive to those around. I learned this from my own life experience. You begin to do much more positive and useful things not when you try to teach someone with a smart look, but when you put a smile on your face and with positive thinking you bring joy to family and strangers.
I think that those walking along the path of self-knowledge have answered the question of what the plan consists of and what you get by implementing it. If suddenly there are those who do not understand, I will be happy to discuss all the questions that arise in the comments. I advise everyone to draw up their own course of action as soon as possible. And I’ll go, I’ll probably make someone happy :)

After reading this article, you will have a clear understanding of where and how to move in self-improvement (I hope so). Here you will find a detailed plan for self-development in all areas of life, but this is not the most important thing. It is much more important to understand the need for self-development itself and develop an adequate attitude towards it. We will do all this within the framework of this article.

Self-development is popular today and this term has even become somewhat hackneyed. This may reduce the value of the process itself, and this is the danger. Self-development is not entertainment or a means to “kill” time. It has very specific tasks, which were once discussed in an article about.

Therefore, at the very beginning of your self-improvement, track your attitude towards it. Think about what it represents to you at the moment. Perhaps this is just a fashion trend or for you it is like a life preserver for a drowning man. It is better to approach the process of working on yourself consciously, understanding that without this it is basically impossible to become successful and happy.

But there are other options. Fate forced me to engage in self-development, literally destroying all my illusions at one fine moment. True, this is not the most pleasant scenario. It’s better to start yourself, realizing the importance of the process, and not wait until life drives you into a corner.

Making a plan as a smart start to self-development

Whatever we start doing, we must have an understanding of what we want to achieve in the end. If we do not have a clear understanding of the end goal, then achieving it will be much more difficult. Next, once we have decided on a goal, we need to make a plan to achieve it.

When there is a plan to achieve a certain goal, then we can clearly see what, when and how much we need to do to achieve what we want. It’s even better when our goals and plans are associated with specific numbers: time, money, quantity, etc.

Here is a specific goal and a plan to achieve it:

I want to learn to speak fluently English in 1 year. You must master at least 1500 English words. To do this, you need to visit a tutor 2 times a week, for which you need X amount of money per week. After 8 months of studying with a tutor, you need to go to England for 3 months to immerse yourself in the language environment. A teacher is also needed there. Etc.

I have given an approximate plan for achieving the goal, in reality it may differ. I think that you understand the essence.

Likewise, in self-development, we all must have goals and plans to achieve them. In some places the plan will be simpler, in others more complicated, but it must be there.

But even more important than the goals is understanding why this is all needed. You literally have to ask yourself questions:

Why do I want to engage in self-development? What do I want to get as a result?

Then you need to answer them. This will be additional motivation for you, and on difficult days it will force you to act.

Unfortunately, not everyone will be able to strictly follow self-development plans; it is not so easy. But if you want health, happiness and success, then you need to strive for this.

Self-development plan at four levels of life

We will consider self-development based on all important areas (levels) of life. In other words, this is called the wheel of life or the wheel of life balance. But one way or another, we will include all important areas in the plan: health, relationships, work, personal and spiritual growth, relaxation and more.

So, there are four levels of life at which you need to develop to achieve harmony and happiness:

  1. Physical;
  2. Social;
  3. Intellectual;
  4. Spiritual.

On the physical level important: cleansing, nutrition, lifestyle, exercise, breathing exercises, daily routine, food restrictions, harmonious sex life, staying in nature, regular rest, getting rid of bad habits.

On a social level the following areas should be worked out: purpose in activity, relationships with parents, husband or wife, children, grandchildren, development of one’s masculine or feminine nature (qualities), earning money, improving the fate of the Family, building harmonious relationships with others, the ability to live with the benefit of others and the world in general.

Intellectual level includes setting and achieving goals, working with emotions, calming the mind and controlling feelings, getting out of the influence of the false ego, changing fate, understanding the main goal human life, awareness of one’s true nature (spiritual), harmonious life with the rejection of everything unfavorable, obtaining education and training in general, learning languages, obtaining scientific degrees etc., study of the Holy Scriptures, regular visits to Holy places.

On a spiritual level we study the nature and qualities of the soul, increase unconditional love in the heart, develop selflessness, humility, cheerfulness, inner peace, detachment and other sublime qualities, learn to live in the present moment, see God everywhere and in everything, accept fate, strive for absence pride, selfishness, desire for fame, resentment, condemnation, claims and criticism.

All areas of self-development are described in detail. Based on these directions, we will build a self-development plan that will be enough for you for the next few years, at least.

Self-development program for 3-5 years

Of course, I don’t know what level of development you are at now. Therefore, this plan will take into account the needs of beginners in self-development and those who have been working on themselves for some time.

Actions will not be described here by month or week - it is better to do this individually, based on personal qualities and lifestyle. Below you will find a list of specific self-development goals, the achievement of which will bring you a big breakthrough in life.

Self-development plan (all important goals of working on yourself):

Physical layer:

  • Learn to get up before 6 am, ideally at 4-5 o’clock (section to help);
  • Go to bed at 21-22 hours, maximum 22-30;
  • Start taking a shower every morning and every evening ();
  • Cleanse the intestines 1-2 times a year, then depending on the circumstances (read about);
  • Go to the bathhouse for health purposes at least 1-2 times a month (article about);
  • Do not eat after 18-19 hours, do not overeat;
  • If possible, avoid meat, flour products, white sugar, preservatives ();
  • Start fasting on water or freshly squeezed juices 2 times a month (on Ekadashi);
  • Completely give up alcohol, tobacco, coffee and other drugs (section will help);
  • Be in nature at least once a week (2-3 hours): in the forest, on the river, the sea, in the mountains;
  • Take a break from everyday activities at least once a week and devote time to self-development and spiritual practices;
  • Be sure to rest at least 4 weeks a year, more is better;
  • Start doing regular physical exercise: running (), swimming, brisk walking, cycling, skiing, etc.;
  • Learn to do breathing exercises (pranayama, qigong, etc.);
  • Avoid casual sexual relationships;
  • Avoid pornography, erotica, computer () and gambling, financial fraud.

Social level:

  • Find a purpose in your activity and begin to gradually develop in it (article:);
  • Improve your relationship with your parents, make bows and prescriptions to them (read:);
  • Study the laws of happy relationships and learn to apply them in life (section and section);
  • Start the harmonious upbringing of children and grandchildren, if you have them (section to help:);
  • Thoroughly calculate how much money is needed to meet the needs in life;
  • Thinking about how you can reach the required level of income is more important for men (read:);
  • Learn to handle money correctly, especially for women (read:);
  • For men to develop: intelligence, generosity, asceticism, determination, responsibility, courage ();
  • Women to develop: love, humility, flexibility, wisdom, purity, fidelity ();
  • Think about how you can use your life to benefit others and the world as a whole.

Self-development plan at the intellectual level:

  • Learn to set and achieve goals ();
  • Write goals at 4 levels of life;
  • Learn to track your emotions so as not to be influenced by them;
  • Be sure to work on calming your mind (read about this);
  • Learn to control feelings and not try to satisfy them with material means;
  • Study what fate is and how to change it (category:);
  • Realize the main goal of human life ();
  • Write down the main goal of life;
  • Realize your true nature, different from the body and mind (an article about may help);
  • A man should think about how he can become a more in-demand specialist (obtaining additional education, advanced training, training with a guru);
  • A woman should first of all think about creating an atmosphere of love and comfort in the home, about relationships with her husband and raising children;
  • Start meditating every day, starting with 5-10 minutes and gradually increasing the duration of practice;
  • Study spiritual treatises and scriptures- VERY IMPORTANT;
  • If possible, visit Holy places, clean and energetically powerful corners of the Earth.

Spiritual level:

  • Study the qualities and nature of the soul, that is, your own nature;
  • Understand that Unconditional Love- the highest value and strive to increase it in the heart;
  • Develop selflessness, humility, cheerfulness, detachment, inner peace;
  • Learn to live in a state of “here and now”, that is, do everything consciously, focusing on activities in the present moment;
  • Learn to accept fate (study:);
  • Strive to see God and His Will everywhere and in everything;
  • Eradicate pride, selfishness, greed, envy, lust, anger, resentment and other vices;
  • Live without condemnation, harsh assessments, criticism, claims;
  • Start praying or reading mantras every morning.

In questions spiritual growth(where to start, etc.) Articles from the section will help you figure it out.

What plan of self-education and work on yourself do you personally need?

Here is a general plan for self-development. It is usually different for each person. It is necessary to take into account a person’s gender, his level of life and development, his aspirations and desires, his capabilities and more. Based on all this, you can build individual development plan for an individual person.

If you need a plan for self-education and work on yourself that is right for you, then you can work with me, during which we will draw up your individual self-development program.

By the way, there are several unusual ways work on yourself, which are described in the article:

http://site/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/plan-samoobrazovaniya-cheloveka.jpg 320 640 Sergey Yuriev http://site/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/logotip-bloga-sergeya-yurev-2.jpgSergey Yuriev 2018-09-27 05:00:12 2018-09-27 16:37:18 A detailed plan for human self-development at four levels of life

Many of us think about self-development at a certain stage of our lives, but at the same time we don’t know at all where is the best way to start our own change. To avoid such confusion, at the very beginning of the path of personal growth, you must first of all create a self-development plan that will help you calculate your own capabilities, as well as think through the necessary strategy for achieving results.

Where to start? Your first steps

Before you create a plan for self-development, you first need to carefully analyze your life now: all its aspects, from work to personal life. This analysis helps to identify all the “gaps” in your life, and, among other things, shows what needs to be changed in the near future. After such a “medical examination”, start drawing up your plan.

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There is only one piece of advice here - a self-development plan is a purely individual thing, which the individual must draw up himself without anyone’s help. This does not mean that you cannot use individual fragments, but you should not copy it completely. Don’t forget, you adapt it to yourself, taking into account all the features of your character, as well as other traits of your personality.

When creating a self-development program for yourself, first of all, do not be afraid to experiment - decide on something new. It is not necessary to radically change everything at once, but it is necessary to build a gradual change. When creating a personal development plan for the year, do not forget to also pay great attention to your creative development- this will make the abstinence period much easier for you, which will begin to appear some time after changing your behavior pattern.

Don’t get hung up on one thing – develop comprehensively – let your knowledge deepen various areas activities with the same progress - thus, you will have a significant advantage over other people.

Ten must-haves

Any individual self-development plan should include the following tasks that will help a person in his quest to become a better person. At first glance, these rules are simple, and their implementation does not carry any meaning, but nevertheless, these ten whales will help deliver your “planet” to the desired destination, making a sphere out of its pie shape.

1. Desperate situation

Remember that the most terrible, deadly enemy for any representative of humanity is himself. Your secrets, past, previously made mistakes - all this will lie on your shoulders, creating a colossal burden on yourself. Let go of everything! Throw away everything that happened before, leaving for yourself only bright memories that will bring you nothing but joy, and then plunge headlong into the abyss of any work that interests you: it doesn’t matter whether it’s a simple hobby or another hobby, the main thing is to occupy yourself with it and soon you will you will see that all the problems that previously caused you trouble are simply forgotten;

2. Always say yes!

Of course, within reason. Remember the funny film where Jim Carrey’s character chose a similar behavior strategy for himself - he only said “yes” to all requests. By pursuing such a life policy, each of us can experience a lot of new and exciting things, because any self-development plan is aimed at this. Go to another city for a picnic - yes! Walking in the rain in rubber boots with funny ducks - yes! You'll see, your life will sparkle with new things, bright colors, which will help you from your complexes along with shyness. The only thing is, always stick to what is reasonable, not allowing yourself to be drawn into dangerous games or fraud;

3. There was a minus, but now it’s a plus

The personal self-development plan includes the ability to turn any shortcomings into the most expressive ones. positive traits. Don't be afraid to admit to yourself that you are not perfect or perfect. Ideal people do not exist - it’s a myth, but why doesn’t each of us strive for it?

If you understand that too angry– welcome to the gym, where your anger will serve as an excellent source of additional energy during exercise. Love to gossip- write a book in which you can pour out your soul without fear for your reputation. The main thing is to try to direct yourself in the right direction, becoming a self-sufficient person;

4. Pavlov's method

Absolutely any self-development plan is based on developing habits that in the future will help you not even think about this or that action. Develop habits that will help you achieve any goals, while the automaticity of their actions will help you open your mind to everything new, because you no longer have to dwell on the old;

5. Renunciation

Forget about negativity forever. If certain situations or actions cause you negative emotions, then eradicate them, and if you can’t do it yet, then try to avoid them.

A self-development plan is the necessary therapy that will teach you to see only positive qualities. It is important not to confuse this with a worldview with rose-colored glasses - these are completely different things. A person will see the situation as it is, but at the same time, he will strive to look for positive moments or lessons in it that will be useful in his life;

6. Looking in the mirror

Imagine yourself as the person you would like to be. Let it be illusoryly ideal - it all depends on the flight of human imagination. After seeing the picture, try to start behaving like this, at least for several hours a day, gradually increasing the time. You will see how people’s attitude towards you, and your attitude towards yourself, will change. Gradually, the person himself will begin to believe in certain traits of the fictional character, bringing him closer and closer to that ideal of aspiration;

7. Imagination is your greatest weapon.

A self-development plan requires, first of all, the ability to abstract yourself from life, giving free rein to your imagination. Dream of changing yourself, strive for it - dream about how you will change, and then the result will not be long in coming, because all thoughts will materialize. Do not be shy about your flight of fancy - after all, at heart, each of us remains a child who dreams of recognition, success, and also praise;

8. Failures

Only a certain stage - any example of a self-development plan requires accepting your own failures as a necessary step to success. Let failures be a life lesson that will help you avoid mistakes in the future. If you are mocked, then let these barbs only strengthen you - use them as your own armor, thus you will become invulnerable to insults, as well as defeats;

9. Catch a wave

Try to tune into their thought waves while talking with other people. During a conversation, put yourself in the place of your interlocutor, make his thoughts your own, his beliefs - thus, a person trying on the “suit” of another, you can take a lot of useful things for yourself from the personal qualities of your interlocutor;

10. Calculate your strength

Don't take on too much, don't try to take on the whole load at once. Dose the loads on yourself - increasing them gradually, giving yourself time to rest - leave a few hours for yourself when you are not striving for self-development, but simply relax. If you do not devote enough time to rest, then severe fatigue will appear, which will bring all your efforts to a complete zero.

All these rules, or rather advice, will help any person who wants to change their life to carefully consider a self-development strategy in such a way as to avoid failures or at least minimize their damage. Thus, it will be an excellent tool to achieve your desired goal.

“Make your shortcomings your name, and then no one will ever be able to offend you.”

Tyrion Lannister

What to avoid when drawing up a development plan

When drawing up a plan for personal self-development, first of all, avoid imaginary goals, those that in fact are not specifically your goal, but just a desire to please simply others. Remember, this is just your life, you can’t pause it and then just click continue or rewind. Do not listen to the advice of others regarding where to strive - each of us knows much better what he needs, unlike others.

Listen to those who respect your choices and truly believe in you and your strengths. Surround yourself only with such people, and not with lying masks instead of faces. Give up activities that do not allow you to move forward, but on the contrary, pull you back. It could be a job you don’t like, your social circle - all this will nullify any self-development plan, any of your aspirations for the better. Avoid backbiting criticism from those who sit still all the time, not moving forward. They are extra ballast, which, apart from sadness and anger, will not bring you anything new. The main goal of such individuals is to prevent someone from becoming better than them, because then they will be behind everyone else.

Self-development plan for a year - four seasons to become better

No need to write it down detailed plans development for every month and day - you must do this yourself, but now you will be offered a layout of a personal growth plan, which is based on the four seasons of the year. Winter, spring, summer and autumn - these are the main blocks into which the individual self-development plan will be divided.

Why this particular choice of timing? Everything is very simple - the rhythm of life of each person is purely individual, which means it may differ from others - simply, he may not have time to do everything in one month, but at the same time he can easily make up for lost time in another. At the same time, you need to realize that everything indicated in this article is just a template. Everyone is free to change it for themselves as it will be convenient for them. There is no need to completely copy the work, you just need to take its idea. Take your idea, attach it to this template, add more detailed steps - the perfect development plan is ready, all you need to do is just follow it, without giving up under any circumstances.

So, your plan for the coming year, thanks to which change will begin to occur, looks like this:
  • Winter– preparing yourself, searching for like-minded people to find your destiny, summing up;
  • Spring– changing and organizing personal space, both at work and at home;
  • Summer– the goal is to change yourself, to become better;
  • Autumn– it’s time to start studying, as well as self-education.

Let's now look at each block separately.


The first - winter - includes at the same time an analysis of oneself, one’s life (successes or failures), but at the same time also summing up the results in December. Don’t be confused by the fact that this quarter has been divided for a while - your main goal now is to understand yourself: your desires, ideas and fears, so that you can then find like-minded people with whom you will begin to move up the curve. Society is also necessary so that there is no feeling of loneliness, loss, which, when felt, begins to give up and the fire in the eyes goes out.


Second quarter - spring - changes in the surrounding space. A self-development plan will bring results much faster if your usual environment is changed. Make it small cosmetic repairs or just buy new sofa cushions. It doesn’t matter what or how, but you must change not only your inner, but also the real world around you. Throw away old things (just throw them away, don’t take them to the dacha) - with this method, a person on a subconscious level lets go of all his negativity, anger - remember, everything is in your power, the main thing is just to want it.


The third period - summer - transformation of oneself. During these three months, do what you have wanted for so long - change your hair color, haircut or clothing style. Don't be afraid of drastic changes - remember that everything can always be returned to initial stage. Express yourself through your clothes - wear what you want and in the style you like. Become more confident in yourself and your abilities. The only point is that in the desire to surprise everyone, do not turn into a buffoon whose goal is simply to stand out through expressiveness. Just be yourself: do not change your aspirations and desires.


The fourth period is autumn - all training begins during this period. The self-development program involves attending various seminars and trainings - where trainers share experiences that can help others overcome difficulties. By attending such training events, each of you can discover something new: different ways and tools for achieving results.

This distribution is very convenient, because as mentioned earlier, it does not contain specific instructions - just the direction in which direction is best to move now. In this case, you choose the sequence of actions yourself, the main condition is not to go beyond the time frame this stage. Everyone independently chooses how to achieve the result and in what way, without wasting extra time on allocating the main time throughout the year.


In conclusion of the article, it is necessary to emphasize the fact that specific and effective methods building a personal development plan - there are only tips for drawing it up. You should also not be afraid that you will have failures - this is normal. It will also be normal that at first you will not cope on time. Realize also that such a self-development program is not a one-time stage, but a cyclical training that must be repeated regularly if you do not want to stop developing.

Don’t expect instant results - learn to enjoy even minor successes, because if not you, then who will believe in you? Free yourself from the oppression of minor problems, various mediocrities - they are not worth your attention, as well as your nerves. No technique will bring the desired success if a person constantly loses his fortitude from failures and criticism. Think about yourself, about why you started all this. . Strive for something new, study yourself, and ultimately accept yourself for who you are - all this is the key to a successful, self-confident person who has overcome internal fears and complexes.

At some point, everyone wants to improve or change something in their life. A personal development plan can help you achieve the goals you dream of. Whether you want to take on new challenges, increase your productivity, or break bad habits, a personal development plan is the way to go. great way achieve success.


Become more purposeful

    Decide what you want to change. Take a blank sheet of paper or start a new journal. Make notes about areas of your life that need improvement. Some experts suggest that to stay focused, it's best to focus on one goal at a time, but if you feel empowered, you can set multiple goals at once. Identify specific areas in your life that have been weighing on you for months or years. For example, if you smoke, now may be the time to set a goal to quit smoking! What you need to pay attention to:

    • Health and Fitness
    • Relationship
    • Career
    • Finance
    • Habits and lifestyle
    • Education
  1. Write down your goals. Take a piece of paper and write down what you would like to achieve. Research shows that people who write down their goals on paper are more likely to commit to achieving them. Make four headings at the top of the page. The first heading is "Goals" and the next four headings are "One Month", "Six Months", "One Year" and "Five Years". If you want, you can add "Ten years" and so on. Under your goals, make a list of what you want to change. For example, "Career" or "Finance". Then, under the time headings, list what you would like to change in your life during that period.

    • Be sure to state your goals affirmatively. For example, “I will...” rather than “I might” or “I hope that...”. The more confident your statements are, the more they will motivate you.
    • Be specific when writing down your goals. For example, instead of writing “I will lose weight,” write “I will lose 2 kg by doing more physical activity and reducing my intake of high-calorie foods.”
    • At the bottom of the page, create a section called “Ways to Implement” and write down all the steps you are going to take to get closer to your goal. For example, "I will walk 1.5 km a day" or "I will eat a fresh vegetable salad every day."
  2. Make sure your goals can be achieved. Do you have enough skills, knowledge, resources and opportunities for this? For example, you might consider taking an evening class, purchasing exercise equipment, or hiring a business coach. You'll be more inspired and closer to your goals if you prepare well in advance.

    Find a mentor. Most successful business people have had a great mentor. Find a successful businessman, athlete, or public figure you admire. If you know someone personally, ask if that person can become your mentor. If you don't know anyone, then read about how they achieved their goals. Research what they did and what motivated them so you can be inspired by it. Chances are they have a blog or an article written about them sharing their success story. For example, "How I made my first million..."

    Tell a friend about your goals. If you tell your family and friends about your goal, you will have a support group that will inspire you and increase your motivation to see it through. Your friends or family may randomly ask you how things are going, which will help you stay focused on what you set out to do. By not telling anyone about your goal, it will be easier for you to give up on it and not feel any guilt about this failure.

    Keep a positive attitude. All great people who have achieved something in life have had dreams that at first seemed completely impossible, but instead of letting difficulties break their resolve, they moved on. Stay positive because the biggest obstacle to success is your own thoughts. Whether in the car or at home, turn on a motivational CD to inspire and encourage you to stay on track. Try not to attach too much importance to small things.

    • Don't make mountains out of molehills.
    • Don't let vague fears stop you from doing what you want.
    • Find something positive in any negative situation.
    • Try to create a positive environment around you and work hard to improve it.
    • Help someone find meaning and live a more positive life.

Organize yourself

  1. Make a list of ways. There are many opportunities to educate yourself and learn more about the area in which you are improving. By collecting information about what you're trying to improve in, you can stay up to date with the latest developments in that area and stay inspired.

    • Check your local newspaper to see if there are training courses available.
    • Go to your local library and borrow books.
    • Learn from other people's experiences and knowledge and take an online course or workshop that inspires you.
    • Ask friends who have already achieved something in the field that interests you to tell them what methods they used.
  2. Take notes. Note-taking is an active process that makes you an active learner. While listening to a seminar or motivational CD, take notes on what you are learning. How does this relate to your goals? Taking notes will help you refresh your memory of the information you've studied and will also help you track your progress.

  3. Review your goals weekly. If you don't think about your goals, you will stop making efforts to achieve them. If you don't do anything to achieve your goals, they become just dreams. IN certain time, for example on Monday morning, evaluate your progress over the past week and create an action plan for the coming week that will help you get closer to your goal. Reviewing your goals weekly will help you remember their importance and allow you to see clearly what you really want to achieve in life.

    • Check if you are on time on time. You may need to choose several intermediate goals for yourself in order to get noticeably closer to and achieve your main goal.
    • Make sure you set yourself a difficult task. If the goal is too easy to achieve, you may need to make it more difficult by adding a new component. For example, “I will run 3 km a day,” instead of “I will run 800 m a day.”
    • See if your goals still inspire you. If not, make adjustments until you feel more enthusiastic.
  • Start with a goal that you can achieve in a short period of time so that you don't get frustrated by having to wait a long time.
  • Don't rush. Remember the proverb: “If you hurry, you make people laugh,” and everything will work out for you.
  • When you reach your goal, celebrate your success.
  • Collecting useful information, select relevant books, CDs and courses. For example, if you want to get out of debt, look for books on financial freedom.
  • Try to have an accountable friend so you don't give up.


  • Remember that these changes will take some time. As a result of methodically approaching your goal, you will achieve great success.